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Digital Kitchen Scale 가정용 디지털 주방저울 K6 제품의 색상은 실제와 다를 수 있습니다.

구매해주셔서감사합니다. 제품의올바른사용과유지를위해서반드시제품을사용하기앞서본사용설명서를잘읽어주시기바랍니다. 차례 주의사항 - 사용전주의사항... 4 - 권장사항... 4 개요 - 각부분의명칭및기능... 5 - 기능표시... 5 - 제품구성... 5 - LCD 디스플레이... 6 초기시작 - 배터리삽입... 7 일일측정 - 일일측정... 8 - Tare 기능을이용한측정... 9 문제해결... 1 1 규격... 12 유지보수... 13 보증... 13 3

주의사항 사용전주의사항 본제품을안전하고올바로사용하고인명피해를피하기위해서는경고표시및심벌이필수적입니다. 다음과같이라벨과사용자매뉴얼에나와있는경고표시및심벌의의미를숙지해주십시오. 작동설명서필히숙지요망 심벌 EU 요건준수 심벌 직류 심벌 제조사 심벌 환경보호 - 폐전자제품을가정폐기물로처리하지말것. 가급적재활용분류요망. 재활용관련문제는현지당국이나소매점에문의요망 심벌 권장사항 저울을카펫위에놓지마십시오. 보다정확한중량측정을위해물건을저울플랫폼가운데에올려주십시오. 전원이켜졌을때물건을위에올려두지마십시오. 장기간저울을사용하지않을경우배터리를분리해주십시오. 약간젖은천으로저울을청소하되, 저울을물에담그거나화학 / 마모성세제를사용하면안됩니다. 습한환경에서저울을두지마십시오. 4

개요 각부분의명칭및기능 배터리도어 ON/OFF 버튼 LCD 디스플레이 TARE 버튼 기능표시 ON/OFF 버튼을터치하여전원을켜고중량측정모드를입력합니다. ON/OFF 버튼을약 2 초간누르고있으면전원이꺼집니다 TARE 버튼을터치하여무게측정모드의중량을지웁니다. 제품구성 1. K6 가정용디지털주방저울 2. 1x CR2032 리튬배터리 (3V) 3. 사용설명서 5

LCD 디스플레이 Tare 기능그램마이너스무게배터리부족 6

초기시작 배터리삽입 저울뒷면의배터리도어를엽니다. 배터리커버안쪽에표시된극성표시에따라리튬배터리 (1 x CR2032) 를삽입합니다. 배터리커버를닫습니다. LED 에다음이표시됩니다 : CAUTION Lo 가표시되면기기가곧꺼집니다. 새배터리로교체하면됩니다. 건전지는유해폐기물입니다. 가정쓰레기와함께처리하면안됩니다. 건전지폐기와관련한사안은현지조례및재활용지침을참조해주십시오 7

일일측정 일일측정 1. 저울을단단한면위에올려두고수평을맞춰줍니다. 2. 저울위에아무것도올리지마십시오. 3. Touch the ON/OFF 버튼을가볍게터치하여중량측정모드를입력합니다. 4. LED 에 0 이표시되면측정을시작할수있습니다. 5. 저울가운데에무게가가해지면중량데이터가표시됩니다 CAUTION 무게가작용하지않을경우저울은약 3 분후자동으로꺼집니다. 또는 ON/OFF 버튼을약 2 초간누르고있으면꺼집니다. 8

Tare 기능을이용한측정 1. 저울을단단하고평평한면위에두십시오. 2. ON/OFF 버튼을터치하여저울을켭니다. LCD 에풀스크린이먼저뜬후 0 으로복원됩니다 3. 용기를저울위에얹으면중량데이터가표시됩니다. 4. ZERO 버튼을터치하면 LED 에 0 이표시되고 TARE 아이콘이뜹니다. 9

5. 물건을용기에담습니다. 저울이물건의무게를측정하고 LED 는측정결과를표시합니다. 6. 저울에서용기와물건을모두치우면 LED 에마이너스중량이표시됩니다. 7. 마이너스중량이표시된후 ZERO 버튼을다시터치하면 0 으로복원됩니다. 8. 무게가작용하지않을경우저울은약 3 분후자동으로꺼집니다. 또는 ON/OFF 버튼을약 2 초간누르고있으면꺼집니다. 10

문제해결 문제근본원인해결책 LCD 디스플레이가흐려지거나표시 시작버튼을눌러도전원이들어오지않음 전원부족 배터리소진 배터리가올바로삽입되지않음 CR2032 배터리 1 개새것으로교체 CR2032 배터리 1 개새것으로교체 극성표시에따라올바르게배터리를삽입할것 LCD 에표시과부하 로드셀을보호하기위해저울에서무게를없앨것. 무게범위가더높은새저울구입권장. LCD 에 표시 저울을켜기전에저울위에무게 1,000g 이넘는물체가있음. 저울위물체를치우고 0 이될때까지기다린후무게측정시작. 측정이부정확 / LCD에표시 저울을켰을때무게가안정되지않음 저울을켤때저울을안정하게유지 11

규격 제품명 차수 순중량 가정용디지털주방저울 (K6) 전체크기 : 200x183x16mm 약 0.486kg 디스플레이 디지털 LCD V.A. : 58 * 26.5mm ( 대략 ) 측정단위 g 측정범위 1000 g 최소중량 2 g 구분 1 g 정확도 F.S±4g 작업환경 온도 : 5 to 40 습도 : 90% RH 보관환경 온도 : -20 to 60 습도 : 90% RH 전원 3V (1x CR2032 리튬배터리 ) Auto-Off 초기화후약 3분, 중량측정 3분이후자동 Off 액세서리 1. CR2032 리튬배터리 1개 2. 사용설명서 12

유지보수 일상적유지보수를실시할경우, 반드시아래사항을지켜주십시오 : 마른천을사용하여먼지를닦아낼것. 물에담근후탈수시킨부드러운젖은천을사용하여오물을닦아낼것. 그다음으로부드러운마른천으로기기를말려줄것. 물로씻거나물에담그지말것. 변색또는오작동을피하기위해압축가스, 마모제, 또는기타화학제를사용하여오물을닦아내지말것. 기기를분해하지말것. 문제가있을시고객지원센터에문의할것. ( 연락처정보는보증서를참조할것 ) 보증서 CAS 는구입일자로부터 1 년간정상적인사용조건에서제품의소재및만듦새에결함이없음을보증합니다. 다음을포함한남용이나잘못된사용에따른피해는보증에서제외됩니다 : - 무단수리또는개조에의한고장 ; - 충격또는운반중낙하로인한파손 ; - 본사용설명서에수록된지침과부합하지않는부적절한작동으로인한고장 ; - 권장유지보수를이행하지않은데따른오작동이나파손 ; - 부적절한전원사용에따른파손. 13

Thank you for your purchase. For the proper using & maintaining the scale please read this instruction completely before operating. TABLE OF CONTENT Symbol Meaning - Symbol Meaning... 15 - Care... 15 Overview - Device Components... 16 - Function Indication... 16 - List... 16 - LCD Display... 17 Initial Start-Up - Insert the Batteries... 18 Daily Measurement - Daily Measurement... 19 - Measuring with Tare Function... 20 Troubleshooting... 22 Specifications... 23 Maintenance... 24 Warranty... 24 14

Symbol Meaning Symbol Meaning The warning signs and symbols are essential to ensure your correct and safe use of this product and protect you and others from injury. Please kindly find the meanings of the warning signs and symbols, which you may encounter in the label and user manual, as follows: Symbol for THE OPERATION GUIDE MUST BE READ Symbol for DIRECT CURRENT Symbol for MANUFACTURER Symbol for COMPLIES WITH EU REQUIREMENTS Symbol for ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION Waste electrical products should not be disposed of with household waste. Please recycle where facilities exist. Check with your local authority or retailer for recycling advice Care Please do not put the scale on carpet. Please put the weight object in the center of the scale platform to obtain a more accurate weight. Please do not put items on platform when switch on. If the scale is not to being used for a long period, please remove the batteries. Clean the scale with a slightly damp cloth, DO NOT immerse the scale in water or use chemical/abrasive cleaning agents Do not leave the scale in a damp environment 15

ON/OFF 버튼 LCD 디스플레이 TARE 버튼 Overview Device Components Battery Door ON/OFF Button LCD Display TARE Button Function Indication Touch ON/OFF button to switch on to enter weighing mode. Touch and hold ON/OFF button for about 2s to switch off. Touch TARE button to clear the weight in weighing mode. List 1. Glass Kitchen Scale K6 2. 1x CR2032 Lithium Battery (3V) 3. User Manual 16

LCD Display Tare Function Gram Negative Weight Battery low 17

Initial Start-Up Insert the Batteries Open the battery door in the back of the scale. Insert the lithium battery (1 x CR2032) into the battery compartment according to the polarity indications marked inside the compartment. Close the battery compartment. The LCD displays as below: CAUTION When the symbol Lo appears, the device will power off soon. Then you shall replace with a new one battery. Worn batteries are hazardous waste. Do NOT dispose of them together with the household garbage. Please refer to the local ordinances and recycling instructions regarding disposal of the worn batteries. 18

Daily Measurement Daily Measurement 1. Place the scale on a solid surface and ensure that it is level. 2. Donot put any things on the scale. 3. Touch the ON/OFF button lightly to enter the weighing mode. 4. You can start to weigh when 0 is shown on the LCD. 5. Put the weight in the middle of the scale, the weight data will be shown. CAUTION If there is no operation, the scale will turn off automatically in about 3 minute. Or you can touch and hold the ON/OFF button for about 2s to turn off it. 19

Measuring with Tare Function 1. Place the scale flatly on a solid surface. 2. Touch the ON/OFF button to turn on the scale. The LCD will display the full screen first and then restores to zero. 3. Put the container on the scale, the weight data will be shown. 4. Touch the ZERO button, the LCD will display 0 and the icon TARE will appear 20

5. Put the items in the container. The scale will weigh the items, and the LCD will display the reading. 6. Take off all the things from the scale, the LCD will display the negative weight. 7. When it displays the negative weight, touch the ZERO button again, it will clear to zero. 8. If there is no operation, the scale will turn off automatically in about 3 minute. Or you can touch and hold the ON/OFF button for 2 seconds to turn off the scale. 21

Troubleshooting Problem Root Cause Solution The LCD display is dim or displays The device isn t on when you touch the start button. The LCD displays The LCD displays The measurement is not accurate/lcd display The power is not enough. The battery is exhaust. The battery is not inserted correctly. Overload. Before you turn on the scale,there is some things on the scale which are over 1000g. The weight is unstable when you turn on the scale. Please replace with 1 x CR2032 new battery. Please replace with 1 x CR2032 new battery. Please insert the battery according to the indication correctly. Please remove the weight on the scale to protect the loadcells. Suggest buy a new scale with higher weight range. Remove the things from the scale, wait until it displays zero,then you can start weighing. Keep the weight stable when you turn on the scale. 22

Specifications Product Name Digital Kitchen Scale Dimension Whole size:200x183x16mm Net Weight Approximately 0.486kg Display Digital LCD V.A.:58*26.5mm(Approximately) Measurement Unit g Measurement Range 1000 g Minimal Weight 2 g Division 1g Accuracy F.S±4g Working Environment Temperature: 5 to 40 Humidity: 90% RH Storage Environment Temperature: -20 to 60 Humidity: 90% RH Power Source Auto-Off Accessories 3V (1x CR2032 Lithium Battery) About 3 minute after clearing, or about 3 minute after the weight is stable. 1. 1x CR2032 Lithium Battery 2. User Manual 23

Maintenance When carrying out usual maintenance, please ensure practice of the following Do s and Don ts: DO use a dry soft cloth to wipe the dust. DO use a wet soft cloth, dipped into water and wrung out, to wipe the dirt. Then use a dry soft cloth to dry up the device. DON T wash the device with water or immerse it in water. DON T use propellant, abrasive or other chemicals to wipe the dirt in avoidance of discolor or malfunction. DON T disassemble this device. If you have any problems, please contact CAS. (Please refer to Warranty for contact information) Warranty CAS warrants its products free of defects in materials and workmanship in normal use for a period of ONE years from the date of retail purchase. This warranty does NOT cover damages caused by misuse or abuse, including but not limited to: - Failure caused by unauthorized repairs or modifications; - Damage caused by shock or drop during transportation; - Failure caused by improper operation inconsistent with the instructions stated in this user manual; - Malfunction or damage from failure to provide the recommended maintenance; - Damage caused by improper use of power supply. Should this device require maintenance (or replacement at our option) under warranty, please deliver the original package to GUANGDONG TRANSTEK MEDICAL ELECTRONICS CO., LTD prepaid. Please return the store receipt (with the retail purchase date) and a note with reasons to return on it as well. 24



Digital Kitchen Scale 가정용디지털주방저울 K6 w w w. c a s. c o. k r TEL_ 02 2225 3500 FAX_02 475 4668/9 l 032 434 0281 l 053 356 7111 l 051 313 3626 l 062 363 0262 052 267 3626 l 042 672 1016 l 063 211 4661 l 055 255 4371 031 8015 4295 l 041 621 1015 l 054 476 6353 l 061 725 0262 2015.03