(JBE Vol. 23, No. 2, March 2018) (Regular Paper) 23 2, 2018 3 (JBE Vol. 23, No. 2, March 2018) https://doi.org/10.5909/jbe.2018.23.2.302 ISSN 2287-9137 (Online) ISSN 1226-7953 (Print) - a), a) Enhanced Fast Luma Adjustment for High Dynamic Range Television Broadcasting Kyung Seok Oh a) and Yong-Goo Kim a) Taylor, 600~3,900 cd/m2. -,.., -,, Taylor, t-psnr 4.65dB. Abstract Highly non-linear electro-optical transfer function of the Perceptual Quantizer was approximated by a truncated Taylor series, resulting in a closed form solution for luma adjustment. This previous solution is fast and quite suitable for the hardware implementation of luma adjustment, but the approximation error becomes relatively large in the range of 600~3,900 cd/m2 linear light. In order to reduce such approximation error, we propose a new linear model, for which a correction is performed on the position and the slope of line based on the scope of approximation. In order to verify the approximation capability of the proposed linear model, a comparative study on the luma adjustment schemes was conducted using various high dynamic range test video sequences. Via the comparative study, we identified a significant performance enhancement over the previous fast luma adjustment scheme, where a 4.65dB of adjusted luma t-psnr gain was obtained for a test sequence having a large portion of saturated color pixels. Keyword : HDR TV, Perceptual Quantizer, HDR 10, Luma Adjustment, Chroma Subsampling a) (Dept. of Newmedia, Seoul Media Institute of Technology) Corresponding Author : (Yong-Goo, KIM) E-mail: ygkim@smit.ac.kr Tel: +82-2-6393-3222 ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8905-1984 Manuscript received February 23, 2018; Revised March 14, 2018; Accepted March 14, 2018. Copyright 2016 Korean Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers. All rights reserved. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons BY-NC-ND (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited and not altered.
1: - (Kyung Seok Oh et al.: Enhanced Fast Luma Adjustment for High Dynamic Range Television Broadcasting). -. [1], -,. -, ITU- R(International Telecommunication Union Radio communication sector) SG6(Study Group 6) 2016 7 HDR(High Dynamic Range) TV [2], 2014 SMPTE(Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers) - [3]. DVB(Digital Video Broadcasting) CM-AVC(Commercial Module Advanced Video Coding) HDR, HDR, 2017 100 HDR 80 HDR, 2018 SDR(Standard Dynamic Range) TV HDR HDR TV. HDR, DECE(Digital Entertainment Content Ecosystems) 2015, HDR10, [4]. (PQ Perceptual Quantizer) [3] 4:2:0 (Non-Constant) YCbCr BT. 2020 [5] 10-bit. BT.709 [6] YCbCr 8-bit 4:2:0 HDR, PQ - YCbCr - -. MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group) [7-8], -. HDR10, J. Strom [9]. YCbCr - -(Sub-sampling) - (Y) 4:2:0 YCbCr 4:4:4., A. Norkin [10]. Taylor - 1,. [9] [10] HDR10 H.264 AVC(Advanced Video Coding) [11] / H.265 HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) [12] / / MPEG [13]. Taylor 1.,.. HDR,.,,.,
(JBE Vol. 23, No. 2, March 2018).. HDR [13] HDR -,. 1. - 1 [13] -. 1 - / 4:4:4 RGB ( ), - [2],, / DECE [4] (ST 2084, Y CbCr 4:2:0, 10-bit) -. ( ), ST 2084 [3] - OETF(Opto-Electrical Transfer Function) - R G B, OETF HVS(Human Visual System). BT.709 [6] BT.2020 [5] OETF -(Power Function),. m=78.84375, n=0.1593017578125, c 1 =0.8359375, c 2 =18.8515625, c 3 =18.6875, X 0~1 R, G, B. - R G B - Y CbCr,. 1. - [13] Fig. 1. Conventional Signal Conversion Process for HDR Video [13]
1: - (Kyung Seok Oh et al.: Enhanced Fast Luma Adjustment for High Dynamic Range Television Broadcasting), wx - -(color gamut). Y CbCr - Y Q,Cb Q,Cr Q, 10. E scale of f set, C(a, b, c) c a a, c b b, c, R(a) a (Rounding), (scale, offset) E Y ( D Y Q ) E Cb Cr (, D Cb Q Cr Q ) (876, 64) (896, 512). - 4:2:0 Y Q,Cb QS,Cr QS. HVS, - -(subsample). [13] - (4), [2] [5] Y (co-sited) -., x[n] Cb Q Cr Q, n -.,, 2 2., f 1 (0.5rad/sample 6dB ), f 0. f 1, f 0 MPEG - [14] -. -, - Y Q,Cb QS,Cr QS 4:2:0 / - 2. - - [13] Fig. 2. Characteristics of the Low-Pass Filters for Chroma Subsampling [13]
(JBE Vol. 23, No. 2, March 2018), - - -. 2. -, 1 - ( ). - / 10 bit 4:2:0-4:4:4. - -, -, (4) [b -1, b 0, b 1, b 2 ] = [-1, 9, 9, -1]/16 ( 0 1 ). - 4:4:4, - - (, 10 ), (5) -, (2) - -. ST 2084 EOTF (Electro-Optical Transfer Function). - /, - - -, -. 3. 3 RGB /, 1,000x1,000, 1,. x, y CIE(International Commission on Illumination) xy-, z. 3,,,, -(Color Gamut), - [9-10]. 3. - RGB Fig. 3. Luminance Error in Linear RGB by Chroma Subsampling, 1 (/ ), -. - -., Y, Cb, Cr - -, Cb Cr - -. (5) 3,
1: - (Kyung Seok Oh et al.: Enhanced Fast Luma Adjustment for High Dynamic Range Television Broadcasting)., -, (7) - (8) -., a RCr, a GCb, a GCr, a BCb RGB -., R, G, B.. [9] J. Strom Y Q (11), 2~3. (5) ~ (11). [10], Taylor. (8) (10) EOTF Taylor. - (10) EOTF, ( (10) (1) ),, V ( ) V( ), X = R,G,B. (12) EOTF (11) (13)., R, G, B (9), (13) Y new 0, (15).. max,
(JBE Vol. 23, No. 2, March 2018), (11) (12) (15)., (12) Taylor ST 2084 EOTF,. 1. Taylor,, (),., ST 2084 EOTF, 4 3 (0.1~0.3, 0.7~0.9, 0.95~1.0) (12)., 0.1~0.3 0.95~1.0 EOTF 0., 0.7~0.9 EOTF (16) Taylor, X. 0.7~0.9 0.06~0.39, ST 2084 0~10,000cd/m2, 600~3,900cd/m2. - 2,000~4,000cd/m2, 0.7~0.9 HDR,. 2. 4. Taylor Fig. 4. Approximation Error of the PQ-EOTF using Truncated Taylor Series Expansion
1: - (Kyung Seok Oh et al.: Enhanced Fast Luma Adjustment for High Dynamic Range Television Broadcasting), ST 2084 EOTF (Convex- ity). ( ), Taylor. (12).,,,. Taylor, 5. 5, 4 0.7~0.9, (12) Taylor (17)., Taylor. (, (0.7, V(0.7)), (0.9, V(0.9))),.,, Taylor., (17) X,.. 5. = [0.7, 0.9] Fig. 5. Illustration of the Proposed Linear Approximation when = [0.7, 0.9]
(JBE Vol. 23, No. 2, March 2018) (X = R, G, B ) (9) Y new, Y (20), Y new (9) R, G, B (11), (18) 0~1 r., (17) (11), (11) Y new (21)., F (22).., ( [9], [10]]., MPEG -/ -, BT.709 [6] - 6. MPEG 6. Fig. 6. Test Sequences used for the Comparative Study
1: - (Kyung Seok Oh et al.: Enhanced Fast Luma Adjustment for High Dynamic Range Television Broadcasting) 1. Table 1. Detailed Information on the Test Sequences Sequence Name Frames Gamut Characteristics FireEater2Clip4000r1_1920x1080p_25_hf_709_444_xxxxx.exr Market3Clip4000r2_1920x1080p_50_hf_709_444_xxxxx.exr Tibul2Clip4000r1_1920x1080p_30_hf_709_444_xxxxx.exr Ground_1440x1080_60_hf_709_xxx.exr PanoHD_1920x1080_60_hf_709_xxx.exr * xxxxx means the frame number of each exr file 0-201 0-401 0-240 0-500 0-599 Saturated B and C, M(small) Saturated R(small), B, C, M, Y Saturated Black and White No Saturation Saturated B and C (small) 2. (: db) Table 2. Comparison Results for Each Luma Adjustment Schemes (unit: db) Test Sequence No Adj. (tpsnr-y) Interative Adj. [9] Fast Adj. [10] Proposed FireEater2 Market3 Tibul2 Ground PanoHD 57.16 49.64 53.00 69.12 57.41 +13.59 +20.06 +16.53 +0.63 +12.36 +12.53 +14.26 +14.35 +0.61 +6.62 +13.06 (0.4) +16.20 (0.3) +16.07 (0.7) +0.62 (0.9) +11.27 (0.6) Average 57.26 +12.63 +9.67 +11.45 BT.709, 1 /-, 3, BT.2020 1). BT.709 - BT.709 4,000cd/m2 16- [15] OpenEXR [16]. 1, -, () -. 2. tpsnr(annex F [14] ) (, tpsnr-y), (No Adj.) (, tpsnr-y ). 2, 1.78dB, 1.18dB ( 2.96 db)., (18) r., 7 Tibul2 Market3 0~1., 0~1 ( )., 7 ( ), 1) BT.2020 (, BT.709 ), 8 (a) Ground -, 2 Ground.
(JBE Vol. 23, No. 2, March 2018). 2, 4.65dB(PanoHD ),., 2 Ground,, /. / Market3, 14.26dB( [10] ) 16.53dB( [9] ), Ground / ( 2 No Adj., 49.64dB, ),. /, 8 Ground Market3 -. CIE-xy +,. 7. Fig. 7. Test Sequences used for the Comparative Study 8. Ground Market3 - Fig. 8. Plots of Pixel Positions in Color Gamut for the Test Sequences Ground and Market3
1: - (Kyung Seok Oh et al.: Enhanced Fast Luma Adjustment for High Dynamic Range Television Broadcasting), 1 -, Ground - (- )., Market3 Blue, Cyan, Magenta Yellow. / [7-10],., ( 9 ). (, ) - ( 10 ), -., 8 - Ground Market3 Cb(Chrominance blue) - 9 10. 9, Ground Market3, - 9. Ground Market3 Cb Fig. 9. Cb Images for the Test Sequence Ground and Market3 10. Ground Market3 Cb Fig. 10. Cb Images for the Test Sequence Ground and Market3
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