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@RestController public class MyController { @GetMapping("/hello/{name}") String hello(@pathvariable String name) { return "Hello " + name; } }

@RestController public class MyController { @GetMapping("/hello/{name}") String hello(@pathvariable String name) { return "Hello " + name; } }

@RestController public class MyController { @GetMapping("/hello/{name}") String hello(@pathvariable String name) { return "Hello " + name; } }

@RestController public class MyController { @GetMapping("/hello/{name}") String hello(@pathvariable String name) { return "Hello " + name; } }

@RestController public class MyController { @GetMapping("/hello/{name}") String hello(@pathvariable String name) { return "Hello " + name; } }

@RestController public class MyController { @GetMapping("/hello/{name}") String hello(@pathvariable String name) { return "Hello " + name; } }

@FunctionalInterface public interface RouterFunction<T extends ServerResponse> { Mono<HandlerFunction<T>> route(serverrequest request);

@FunctionalInterface public interface RouterFunction<T extends ServerResponse> { Mono<HandlerFunction<T>> route(serverrequest request);

@FunctionalInterface public interface RouterFunction<T extends ServerResponse> { Mono<HandlerFunction<T>> route(serverrequest request);

@FunctionalInterface public interface RouterFunction<T extends ServerResponse> { Mono<HandlerFunction<T>> route(serverrequest request);

@FunctionalInterface public interface RouterFunction<T extends ServerResponse> { Mono<HandlerFunction<T>> route(serverrequest request);

@FunctionalInterface public interface RouterFunction<T extends ServerResponse> { Mono<HandlerFunction<T>> route(serverrequest request);

@FunctionalInterface public interface RouterFunction<T extends ServerResponse> { Mono<HandlerFunction<T>> route(serverrequest request);

@FunctionalInterface public interface HandlerFunction<T extends ServerResponse> { Mono<T> handle(serverrequest request); }

@FunctionalInterface public interface HandlerFunction<T extends ServerResponse> { Mono<T> handle(serverrequestrequest); }

@FunctionalInterface public interface HandlerFunction<T extends ServerResponse> { Mono<T> handle(serverrequestrequest); }

@FunctionalInterface public interface HandlerFunction<T extends ServerResponse> { Mono<T> handle(serverrequest request); }

@RestController public class MyController { @GetMapping("/hello/{name}") String hello(@pathvariable String name) { return "Hello " + name; } }

HandlerFunction hellohandler = req -> { String name = req.pathvariable("name"); Mono<String> result = Mono.just("Hello " + name); Mono<ServerResponse> res = ServerResponse.ok().body(result, String.class); return res; };

HandlerFunction hellohandler = req -> { String name = req.pathvariable("name"); Mono<String> result = Mono.just("Hello " + name); Mono<ServerResponse> res = ServerResponse.ok().body(result, String.class); return res; }; Mono<T> handle(serverrequestrequest);

HandlerFunction hellohandler = req -> { String name = req.pathvariable("name"); Mono<String> result = Mono.just("Hello " + name); Mono<ServerResponse> res = ServerResponse.ok().body(result, String.class); return res; };

HandlerFunction hellohandler = req -> { String name = req.pathvariable("name"); Mono<String> result = Mono.just("Hello " + name); Mono<ServerResponse> res = ServerResponse.ok().body(result, String.class); return res; };

HandlerFunction hellohandler = req -> { String name = req.pathvariable("name"); Mono<String> result = Mono.just("Hello " + name); Mono<ServerResponse> res = ServerResponse.ok().body(result, String.class); return res; };

HandlerFunction hellohandler = req -> { String name = req.pathvariable("name"); Mono<String> result = Mono.just("Hello " + name); Mono<ServerResponse> res = ServerResponse.ok().body(result, String.class); return res; };

HandlerFunction hellohandler = req -> ok().body(fromobject("hello " + req.pathvariable("name")));

HandlerFunction hellohandler = req -> ok().body(fromobject("hello " + req.pathvariable("name")));

HandlerFunction hellohandler = req -> ok().body(fromobject("hello " + req.pathvariable("name")));

HandlerFunction hellohandler = req -> ok().body(fromobject("hello " + req.pathvariable("name")));

HandlerFunction hellohandler = req -> ok().body(fromobject("hello " + req.pathvariable("name")));

@RestController public class MyController { @GetMapping("/hello/{name}") String hello(@pathvariable String name) { return "Hello " + name; } }

RouterFunction router = req -> RequestPredicates.path("/hello/{name}").test(req)? Mono.just(helloHandler) : Mono.empty();

RouterFunction router = req -> RequestPredicates.path("/hello/{name}").test(req)? Mono.just(helloHandler) : Mono.empty();

RouterFunction router = req -> RequestPredicates.path("/hello/{name}").test(req)? Mono.just(helloHandler) : Mono.empty();

RouterFunction router = req -> RequestPredicates.path("/hello/{name}").test(req)? Mono.just(helloHandler) : Mono.empty();

RouterFunction router = req -> RequestPredicates.path("/hello/{name}").test(req)? Mono.just(helloHandler) : Mono.empty(); Mono<HandlerFunction<T>> route(serverrequest request);

RouterFunction router = RouterFunctions.route(RequestPredicates.path("/hello/{name}"), req -> ServerResponse.ok().body(fromObject("Hello " + req.pathvariable("name"))));

RouterFunction router = RouterFunctions.route(RequestPredicates.path("/hello/{name}"), req -> ServerResponse.ok().body(fromObject("Hello " + req.pathvariable("name")))); RouterFunction router = req -> RequestPredicates.path("/hello/{name}").test(req)? Mono.just(helloHandler) : Mono.empty();

RouterFunction router = RouterFunctions.route(RequestPredicates.path("/hello/{name}"), req -> ServerResponse.ok().body(fromObject("Hello " + req.pathvariable("name")))); HandlerFunction hellohandler = req -> ok().body(fromobject("hello " + req.pathvariable("name")));

@Bean RouterFunction hellopathvarrouter() { return route(requestpredicates.path("/hello/{name}"), req -> ok().body(fromobject("hello " + req.pathvariable("name")))); }

HandlerFunction handler = req -> { String res = myservice.hello(req.pathvariable("name")); return ok().body(fromobject(res)); }; return route(path("/hello/{name}"), handler);

HandlerFunction handler = req -> { String res = myservice.hello(req.pathvariable("name")); return ok().body(fromobject(res)); }; return route(path("/hello/{name}"), handler);

@Component public class HelloHandler { @AutowiredMyService myservice; } Mono<ServerResponse> hello(serverrequest req) { String res = myservice.hello(req.pathvariable("name")); return ok().body(fromobject(res)); }

@Component public class HelloHandler { @AutowiredMyService myservice; Mono<ServerResponse> hello(serverrequest req) { String res = myservice.hello(req.pathvariable("name")); return ok().body(fromobject(res)); } }

@Bean RouterFunction hellorouter(@autowired HelloHandler hellohandler) { return route(path("/hello/{name}"), hellohandler::hello); }

@Bean RouterFunction hellorouter(@autowired HelloHandler hellohandler) { return route(path("/hello/{name}"), hellohandler::hello); }

@Bean RouterFunction hellorouter(@autowired HelloHandler hellohandler) { return route(path("/hello/{name}"), hellohandler::hello); }

public RouterFunction<?> routingfunction() { return nest(pathprefix("/person"), nest(accept(application_json), route(get("/{id}"), handler::getperson).androute(method(httpmethod.get), handler::listpeople) ).androute(post("/").and(contenttype(application_json)), handler::createperson)); }

public RouterFunction<?> routingfunction() { return nest(pathprefix("/person"), nest(accept(application_json), route(get("/{id}"), handler::getperson).androute(method(httpmethod.get), handler::listpeople) ).androute(post("/").and(contenttype(application_json)), handler::createperson)); }

public RouterFunction<?> routingfunction() { return nest(pathprefix("/person"), nest(accept(application_json), route(get("/{id}"), handler::getperson).androute(method(httpmethod.get), handler::listpeople) ).androute(post("/").and(contenttype(application_json)), handler::createperson)); }

public RouterFunction<?> routingfunction() { return nest(pathprefix("/person"), nest(accept(application_json), route(get("/{id}"), handler::getperson).androute(method(httpmethod.get), handler::listpeople) ).androute(post("/").and(contenttype(application_json)), handler::createperson)); }

public RouterFunction<?> routingfunction() { return nest(pathprefix("/person"), nest(accept(application_json), route(get("/{id}"), handler::getperson).androute(method(httpmethod.get), handler::listpeople) ).androute(post("/").and(contenttype(application_json)), handler::createperson)); }

public RouterFunction<?> routingfunction() { return nest(pathprefix("/person"), nest(accept(application_json), route(get("/{id}"), handler::getperson).androute(method(httpmethod.get), handler::listpeople) ).androute(post("/").and(contenttype(application_json)), handler::createperson)); }

@RestController public static class MyController { @RequestMapping("/hello/{name}") Mono<ServerResponse> hello(serverrequest req) { return ok().body(fromobject(req.pathvariable("name"))); }

@RestController public static class MyController { @RequestMapping("/hello/{name}") Mono<ServerResponse> hello(serverrequest req) { return ok().body(fromobject(req.pathvariable("name"))); }

@RestController public static class MyController { @RequestMapping("/hello/{name}") Mono<ServerResponse> hello(serverrequest req) { return ok().body(fromobject(req.pathvariable("name"))); }

@GetMapping("/hello/{name}") Mono<String> hello(@pathvariable String name) { return Mono.just("Hello " + name); }

@GetMapping("/hello/{name}") Mono<String> hello(@pathvariable String name) { return Mono.just("Hello " + name); }

@GetMapping("/hello/{name}") Mono<String> hello(@pathvariable String name) { return Mono.just("Hello " + name); }

@GetMapping("/hello/{name}") Mono<String> hello(@pathvariable String name) { return Mono.just("Hello " + name); }

@RequestMapping("/hello") Mono<String> hello(user user) { return Mono.just("Hello " + user.getname()); }

@RequestMapping("/hello") Mono<String> hello(user user) { return Mono.just("Hello " + user.getname()); }

@RequestMapping("/hello") Mono<String> hello(@requestbody User user) { return Mono.just("Hello " + user.getname()); }

@RequestMapping("/hello") Mono<String> hello(@requestbody User user) { return Mono.just("Hello " + user.getname()); }

@RequestMapping("/hello") Mono<String> hello(@requestbody Mono<User> user) { return -> "Hello " + u.getname()); }

@RequestMapping("/hello") Mono<String> hello(@requestbody Mono<User> user) { return -> "Hello " + u.getname()); }

@RequestMapping("/hello") Mono<String> hello(@requestbody Mono<User> user) { return -> "Hello " + u.getname()); }

@PostMapping(value = "/hello") Flux<String> hello(@requestbody Flux<User> users) { return -> "Hello " + u.getname()); }

@PostMapping(value = "/hello") Flux<String> hello(@requestbody Flux<User> users) { return -> "Hello " + u.getname()); }

@PostMapping(value = "/hello") Flux<String> hello(@requestbody Flux<User> users) { return -> "Hello " + u.getname()); }

@Async CompletableFuture<User> findonebyfirstname(string firstname);

@Async CompletableFuture<User> findonebyfirstname(string firstname);

@GetMapping Mono<User> finduser(string name) { return Mono.fromCompletionStage(myRepository.findOneByFirstName(name)); }

@GetMapping Mono<User> finduser(string name) { return Mono.fromCompletionStage(myRepository.findOneByFirstName(name)); }

@GetMapping Mono<User> finduser(string name) { return Mono.fromCompletionStage(myRepository.findOneByFirstName(name)); }

public interface ReactivePersonRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<Person, String> { Flux<Person> findbylastname(mono<string> lastname); @Query("{ 'firstname':?0, 'lastname':?1}") Mono<Person> findbyfirstnameandlastname(string firstname, String lastname); }

public interface ReactivePersonRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<Person, String> { Flux<Person> findbylastname(mono<string> lastname); @Query("{ 'firstname':?0, 'lastname':?1}") Mono<Person> findbyfirstnameandlastname(string firstname, String lastname); }

public interface ReactivePersonRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<Person, String> { Flux<Person> findbylastname(mono<string> lastname); @Query("{ 'firstname':?0, 'lastname':?1}") Mono<Person> findbyfirstnameandlastname(string firstname, String lastname); }

public interface ReactivePersonRepository extends ReactiveCrudRepository<Person, String> { Flux<Person> findbylastname(mono<string> lastname); @Query("{ 'firstname':?0, 'lastname':?1}") Mono<Person> findbyfirstnameandlastname(string firstname, String lastname); }

@AutowiredUserRepository userrepository; @GetMapping Flux<User> users() { return userrepository.findall(); }

@AutowiredUserRepository userrepository; @GetMapping Flux<User> users() { return userrepository.findall(); } Flux<T> findall();

@GetMapping Flux<String> users() { return userrepository.findall().map(u -> "Hello " + u.getname()); }

public Mono<ServerResponse> getperson(serverrequest request) { int personid = Integer.valueOf(request.pathVariable("id")); Mono<ServerResponse> notfound = ServerResponse.notFound().build(); Mono<Person> personmono = this.repository.getperson(personid); return personmono.flatmap(person -> ServerResponse.ok().contentType(APPLICATION_JSON).body(fromObject( person))).switchifempty(notfound); }

public Mono<ServerResponse> getperson(serverrequest request) { int personid = Integer.valueOf(request.pathVariable("id")); Mono<ServerResponse> notfound = ServerResponse.notFound().build(); Mono<Person> personmono = this.repository.getperson(personid); return personmono.flatmap(person -> ServerResponse.ok().contentType(APPLICATION_JSON).body(fromObject( person))).switchifempty(notfound); }

public Mono<ServerResponse> getperson(serverrequest request) { int personid = Integer.valueOf(request.pathVariable("id")); Mono<ServerResponse> notfound = ServerResponse.notFound().build(); Mono<Person> personmono = this.repository.getperson(personid); return personmono.flatmap(person -> ServerResponse.ok().contentType(APPLICATION_JSON).body(fromObject( person))).switchifempty(notfound); }

public Mono<ServerResponse> getperson(serverrequest request) { int personid = Integer.valueOf(request.pathVariable("id")); Mono<ServerResponse> notfound = ServerResponse.notFound().build(); Mono<Person> personmono = this.repository.getperson(personid); return personmono.flatmap(person -> ServerResponse.ok().contentType(APPLICATION_JSON).body(fromObject( person))).switchifempty(notfound); }

public Mono<ServerResponse> getperson(serverrequest request) { int personid = Integer.valueOf(request.pathVariable("id")); Mono<ServerResponse> notfound = ServerResponse.notFound().build(); Mono<Person> personmono = this.repository.getperson(personid); return personmono.flatmap(person -> ServerResponse.ok().contentType(APPLICATION_JSON).body(fromObject( person))).switchifempty(notfound); }

public Mono<ServerResponse> getperson(serverrequest request) { int personid = Integer.valueOf(request.pathVariable("id")); Mono<ServerResponse> notfound = ServerResponse.notFound().build(); Mono<Person> personmono = this.repository.getperson(personid); return personmono.flatmap(person -> ServerResponse.ok().contentType(APPLICATION_JSON).body(fromObject( person))).switchifempty(notfound); }

@GetMapping("/webclient") Mono<String> webclien() { return WebClient.create("http://localhost:8080").get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring").accept(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).exchange().flatMap(r -> r.bodytomono(string.class)).map(d -> d.touppercase()).flatmap(d ->; }

@GetMapping("/webclient") Mono<String> webclient() { WebClient wc = WebClient.create("http://localhost:8080"); UriSpec<RequestHeadersSpec<?>> urispec = wc.get(); RequestHeadersSpec<?> headerspec = urispec.uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring"); RequestHeadersSpec<?> headerspec2 = headerspec.accept(mediatype.text_plain); Mono<ClientResponse> res =; Mono<String> data = res.flatmap(r -> r.bodytomono(string.class)); Mono<String> upperdata = -> d.touppercase()); return upperdata.flatmap(d ->; }

WebClient wc = WebClient.create("http://localhost:8080");

UriSpec<RequestHeadersSpec<?>> urispec = wc.get();

RequestHeadersSpec<?> headerspec = urispec.uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring");

RequestHeadersSpec<?> headerspec2 = headerspec.accept(mediatype.text_plain);

Mono<ClientResponse> res =;

Mono<String> data = res.flatmap(r -> r.bodytomono(string.class));

Mono<String> upperdata = -> d.touppercase());

return upperdata.flatmap(d ->;

@GetMapping("/webclient") Mono<String> webclien() { return WebClient.create("http://localhost:8080").get().uri("/hello/{name}", "Spring").accept(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).exchange().flatMap(r -> r.bodytomono(string.class)).map(d -> d.touppercase()).flatmap(d ->; }