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스마일 contents 당신을 만나 기분이 좋습니다! 병원에 있는 사람들은 모두 힘듭니다. 환자는 환자대로, 보호자는 보호자대로, 의료진은 의료진대로. 아픈 환자가 제일 힘들 것 같다가도, 그들을 뒷바라지하는 보호자가 더 어려울 것 같습니다. 하지만 환자와 보호자를 상


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생각 한 줄 D O O S A N ENGINE D O O S A N E N G I N E 신바람 일터 만들기 캠페인 이 세상은 우리가 마음먹기에 따라 지옥이 될 수도 있고 천국이 될 수도 있다. 사람들은 똑같은 사건을 저마다 다른 방식으로 인식하고 경험한다. 사건의 어

ever.. - cover-1


Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2017, Vol. 27, No. 2, pp DOI: : Researc





한류스토리 2월호(0201) 내지.indd

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2016년 사보

I&IRC5 TG_08권


NT OF KOREA MAGAZINE MIR 2016 02 Vol. 313 Johan Persson

CONTENTS FEBRUARY 2016 VOL.313 10 PREVIEW 28 32 14 34 REVIEW 38 SPECIAL 08 10 14 28 18 22 32

CULTURE & MIX 42 48 48 52 56 58 NTOK & TALK 64 66 70 73 75 76 2016 2 Vol. 313 National Theater of Korea Magazine Mir / February 2016 75 ahnhs@korea.kr js9929@korea.kr parkyongwan@korea.kr proud40@ntok.go.kr kooselee@korea.kr danse@korea.kr infp7@korea.kr 04621 59 313 11-1370122-000004-06 / ISSN 2287-6383 2016 2 26 02-2280-5826 02-2280-4086 magazine@ntok.go.kr 02-514-5164 76

8p 24p 52p

08 10 14

SPECIAL 08 Vol.313

2016.02 09

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2016.02 25

28 32 34 38 2016.02 05

PREVIEW PREVIEW 28 Vol.313 Asa Nisi Masa

José Montalvo Théâtre National de Chaillot Orphée 2016.02 29 Y Olé!

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Don Quichotte du Trocadéro poetry of juxtapositions Don Quichotte du Trocadéro 2016.02 31


2016.02 05


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42 48 52 56 61

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2016.02 43

44 Vol.313

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46 Vol.313

2016.02 47

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50 Vol.313

2016.02 51

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2016.02 53

54 Vol.313

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CULTURE & MIX 56 Vol.313

2016.02 57

58 Vol.313 CULTURE & MIX

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NTOK & TALK 168 173 203 147 64 Vol.313

57 906 257 12 2016.02 65

NTOK & TALK Guide NT LIVE 66 Vol.313

2016.02 67

Guide NTOK's February performance guide Haeoreum Grand Theater Daloreum Theater National Theater s Madangnori ChunHyang Date&Time 2016 Feb 10(Wed), Tue, Wed, Sat, Sun 3:00pm; Thu and Fri 8:00pm (No performance on Feb 8) Tickets 70,000won(VIP), 50,000won(R), 40,000won(S), 30,000won(A) Information National Theater 02-2280-4114 The second series of 'Madangnori for a theater has returned. Meet the love story of Sung Chunhyang and Lee Mongryong, portrayed with much humor and satire. Together with families, lovers and friends the joy will be greater during New Years holidays. Mokwha Repertory Company The Tempest Date&Time 2016 Jan 30(Sat)~Feb 14(Sun), Weekdays 8:00pm; Sat 4:00pm and 8:00pm; Sun 4:00pm Tickets 40,000won(R), 30,000won(S), 20,000won(A) Information Mokwha Repertory Company 02-745-3966~7 Shakespeare s masterpiece The Tempest is newly born in the hands of the most Koreanstyled director Oh Taeseok. The novel now takes place in an ancient country of Korea, referred in the historical records of the Three States, Garakguk. It s a festive stage combined with traditional merrymaking of Baekjung Nori, comedy and gut ritual. 3rd Edaily Culture Awards Date&Time 2016 Feb 19(Fri) 7:00pm Tickets 20,000won Information Edaily Culture Awards 02-3772-0321 Edaily hosts the third edition of Edaily Culture Awards. The first part will consist of an award ceremony commemorating best performance works of Korea in 2015. A gala show presented by famous performers will highlight the second part. GongMyoung Concert Walkabout Date&Time 2016 Feb 19(Fri)~Feb 21(Sun), Weekdays 8:00pm; Weekends 3:00pm and 7:00pm Tickets 30,000won Information GongMyoung 02-383-7580 World Music Group GongMyoung, a group known for creating new sounds based on traditional music, offers a moment to experience meditation and healing through music. The performance will be in harmony with the sound of island and sea. NT Live Hamlet Coriolanus Date&Time 2016 Feb 24(Wed)~Mar 3(Thu), Wed, Thu, Fri 7:30pm; Tue, Sat, Sun 3:00pm(No performance on Feb 29) Tickets 15,000won Information National Theater 02-2280-4114 Marking the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare s death, National Theater of Korea presents Hamlet and Coriolanus through NT Live. Experience the impressive direction and the powerful performance of Benedict Cumberbatch and Tom Hiddleston based on the solid text of Shakespeare. Park Cheonji Traditional Percussion Recital Date&Time 2016 Feb 26(Fri) 8:00pm Tickets 10,000won Information us2us company 02-2235-9355 It is an opportunity to fully experience the charm of traditional percussion instruments, usually positioned in the back of the stage. In collaboration with other genres such as theater, dance, jazz, the head percussionist of National Orchestra of Korea, Park Cheonji presents his own compositions for percussion instruments. National Orchestra of Korea Amateur Orchestra Concert Date&Time 2016 Feb 28(Sun) 4:00pm Tickets Free admission Information National Theater 02-2280-4114 Mokwha Repertory Company The Tempest More than just appreciating the performance, the amateur orchestra hosts a concert presenting their challenges to play Korean traditional instruments such as gayageum, geomungo, and ajaeng. Encounter the fruits and harmony of a two-months practice with the National Orchestra of Korea. 68 Vol.313

National Theater's performance Information 02-2280-4114 ntok.go.kr/english Booking National Theater 02-2280-4114 ntok.go.kr Interpark 1544-1555 ticket.interpark.com Auction 1566-1369 ticket.auction.co.kr Yes24 1544-6399 ticket.yes24.com No performances on Monday Byeloreum Studio KB Haneul Round Theater Theater Company Gatan Family Ties Date&Time ~ 2016 Feb 6(Sat), Weekdays 8:00pm; Sat 4:00pm and 7:00pm Tickets 25,000won Information Theater Company Gatan 010-4480-2180 Just like our own lives full of fights, reconciliations, conflicts and harmony, the honest story of the family of Kukho is portrayed. Through Family Ties, listen to the story that warms our heart in winter as a spring day would do. Culture Space Raon Family Date&Time 2016 Jan 30(Sat) 7:30pm Tickets 20,000won Information Culture Space Raon 070-8885-8867 Fusion Korean traditional music concert on the theme of family. A colorful stage is presented through the performance of Korean Traditional Music Chamber Orchestra together with artists from diverse fields, such as tenor Kim Hocheul, traditional singer Park Jahui, and musical actress Lee Jiyoung. Korean Sound on Stage Date&Time 2016 Feb 10(Wed)~Feb 11(Thu) 7:30pm Tickets Free admission Information Korean Sound on Stage 010-9172-2438 Korean Sound on Stage is an opportunity to meet composer Woo Hyunjoo s composition of Korean traditional music, presenting five pieces that combine traditional instrument performances of gayageum and ajaeng, traditional singing of folk songs and jeongga, together with modern sound and video. Park Gyeongrang Yeongnam Province Dance Preservation Society Shimjungsohoe Date&Time 2016 Feb 18(Thu) 7:30pm Tickets 50,000won Information Park Gyeongrang Yeongnam Province Dance Preservation Society 010-3585-6122 Mastering the gyobang gutgeori dance of Jinju area and ogwangdae of Goseong area as well as inheriting the dance of the Yeongnam province, dancer Park Gyeongrang presents Shimjungsohoe. It is a modern reinterpretation of Korean dance and music in collaboration with a young Korean traditional music group Baraji. Ggureogi Art Company Lets Play with the Instrument Date&Time 2016 Feb 12(Fri)~Feb 14(Sun), Fri, Sat 11:00am and 2:00pm; Sun 2:00pm Tickets Adults 20,000won, Children 30,000won Information Ggureogi Art Company 02-547-9851 A unique performance for children over 24 months to teenagers, who always wish to touch and experience things. It will be a special moment for children to hold instruments from classical music to Korean traditional music, to learn how to play them, and to enjoy the music. Korea Performing Arts Production Marital Adventure Date&Time 2016 Feb 20(Sat)~Feb 28(Sun), Weekdays 7:30pm; Sat 4:00pm and 7:30pm, Sun 4:00pm Tickets 20,000won Information Korea Performing Arts Production 010-2222-6331 Russian author Nikolai Gogol s masterpiece Marriage is reborn in a small provincial town of Korea in the 1970s. Through the main character s episodes in search of the right husband, encounter the overarching stories surrounding marriage from Korea and Russia. 3rd Edaily Culture Awards 2016.02 69

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NTOK & TALK 2016.02 73

2016.02 75 NTOK & TALK

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