class Sale void makelineitem(productspecification* spec, int qty) SalesLineItem* sl = new SalesLineItem(spec, qty); ; 2. 아래의액티비티다이어그램을보고 Java 또는 C ++,

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class Sale void makelineitem(productspecification* spec, int qty) SalesLineItem* sl = new SalesLineItem(spec, qty); ; 2. 아래의액티비티다이어그램을보고 Java 또는 C ++, C # 언어로구현하시오. trianglearea:=triangle.calculatearea( ) circlearea:= circle.calculatearea( ) [trianglearea< circlearea] [trianglearea>= circlearea] System.out.printIn( Circle is Bigger! ) System.out.printIn( Triangle is Bigger! ) return circlearea return trianglearea 정답 : (java) 해당클래스의특정메소드부분을구현한것이다. Circle 클래스와 Triangle 클래스의구현은달라질수있으며 Foo 클래스의 calculatemaxarea의 if문에대한구현을정확하게표현해야한다. // 아래의소스에서 Bold체에만해당됨 public class Foo public double calculatemaxarea(triangle triangle, Circle circle) double trianglearea = triangle.calculatearea(); double circlearea = circle.calculatearea(); if(trianglearea>= circlearea) System.out.printIn( Triangle is Bigger! ); return trianglearea; else if(trianglearea< circlearea) System.out.printIn( Circle is Bigger! ); 2

return circlearea KCSM Level 1 Sample 문제 public class Circle public double radius = 5.0; public double calculatearea() return radius* radius*3.14; public class Triangle public int height = 10; public int width = 10; public double calculatearea() return height * width *0.5; (C++) // 아래의소스에서 Bold 체에만해당됨 class CCircle double radius = 5.0; double calculatearea(); class CTriangle int height = 10; int width = 10; double calculatearea(); class CFoo double calculatemaxarea(ctriangle triangle, CCircle circle); double CCircle::calculateArea() return radius * radius * 3.14; 3

double CTriangle::calculateArea() return height * width * 0.5; double CFoo::calculateMaxArea(CTriangle triangle, CCircle circle) double trianglearea = triangle.calculatearea(); double circlearea = circle.calculatearea(); if(trianglearea >= circlearea) printf("triangle is Bigger!\n"); return trianglearea; else if(trianglearea < circlearea) printf("circle is Bigger!\n"); return circlearea; (C#) // 아래의소스에서 Bold 체에만해당됨 namespace anamespace public class CCircle public double radius = 5.0; public double calculatearea() return radius * radius * 3.14; public class CTriangle public int height = 10; public int width = 10; public double calculatearea() return height * width * 0.5; public class CFoo double calculatemaxarea(ctriangle triangle, CCircle circle) double trianglearea = triangle.calculatearea(); double circlearea = circle.calculatearea(); if(trianglearea >= circlearea) Console.WriteLine("Triangle is Bigger!"); return trianglearea; else if(trianglearea < circlearea) Console.WriteLine("Circle is Bigger!"); return circlearea; 4

KCSM Level 1 Sample 문제 3. 다음코드를보고액티비티 (Activity) 다이어그램을작성하시오. [ 자바버전 ] import javax.swing.joptionpane; class TestCalculator public static void main(string[] args) String number1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( First Num: ); String number2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog( Second Num: ); double num1 = Double.parseDouble(number1); double num2 = Double.parseDouble(number2); int answer = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, Add the numbers?, Calculator, JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); Calculator calcus = new Calculator(num1, num2); double calculatedanswer; char operator; if (answer == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) calculatedanswer = calcus.calculatesum(); operator = + ; else calculatedanswer = calcus.calculatedouble(); operator = - ; String result = Our Calculation: + calcus.getnumber1() + + operator + calcus.getnumber2(); result += \nthe answer is + calculatedanswer; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, result); Sytem.exit(0); [C++ 버전 ] #include <iostream> using namespace std; void main(void) const char YES_OPTION = 'Y'; char oper; int result; 5

char number1[10]; char number2[10]; char answer; int num1; int num2; KCSM Level 1 Sample 문제 cin >> number1; cin >> number2; num1 = atoi(number1); num2 = atoi(number2); Caculator calcus = new Calculator(number1, number1); cout << "Add the numbers(y/n)?"; cin >> answer; if(answer!= YES_OPTION) result = calcus.claculatedifference(); oper = '-'; else result = clacus.calculatesum(); oper = '+'; printf("our Calculation: %d %c %d = %d", num1, oper, num2, result); [C# 버전 ] using System; class Calculator [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) const string YES_OPTION = "Y"; string oper = ""; string result; string answer; string number1 = Console.ReadLine(); 6

Level 1은객관식사지선다형으로출제예정 string number2 = Console.ReadLine(); int num1 = int.parse(number1); int num2 = int.parse(number2); Caculator calcus = new Calculator(num1, num2); Console.WriteLine("Add the numbers(y/n)?"); answer = Console.ReadLine(); if(answer!= YES_OPTION) result = calcus.claculatedifference(); oper = "-"; else result = calcus.calculatesum(); oper = "+"; Console.WriteLine("Our Calculation: 0 1 2 = 3", num1, oper, num2, result); 정답 : 7