Korea Certification - Change for Electrical Appliance from 2009 year - 1. Change of the Mark. (EK mark KC mark) KC means Korea Certification Transit period: Until June, 2011 year - It is available to use EK mark on the product by June, 2011 year. - You don t need to update your acquired EK certificates. - There is not change for the safety standards. - It is just change of the Mark. 2. Addition of the New Safety Scheme Self-Regulatory Safety Confirmation Korea will manage 2 type of Scheme for Electrical Appliance. Type 1: Safety Certification (Current EK system) It is more dangerous products for consumers. Type 2: Self-Regulatory Safety Confirmation (New addition) It is less dangerous products for consumers.
< Chart for Explanation about 2 types> Type 1 Type 2 Title Feature Factory Inspection Routine Inspection Safety Certification Same of the Current EK system in 2008 year Yes Yes (every year) Self-Regulatory Safety confirmation Similar to the SDoC type 1 No (only sample test) No Validity No Yes ( 5 years ) Duty Compulsory Compulsory Subject Product Similar to the current EK subjected products (Some changed) A/V, IT, Light and etc. (Safer products compare to The Safety Certification) Apply for KTL KTL 3. Where does your product belong to? New additional product under Self-Regulatory Safety Confirmation It will enter into effect from 1 st January, 2010. Products under Safety Certification Nothing is changed. It is the same system of the current EK system. In case you have your EK certification, you don t need to update yours. However after June, 2011 you have to use KC mark on the product. (Refer to the No.1 Change of the Mark, page 1)
Products type changed (Safety Certification -> Self Regulatory) - In case you have EK Certification of the products already. Your EK Certification will be changed automatically in our system from Safety Certification to Self-Regulatory Safety Confirmation. - Certification validity: 2009.01.01 ~ 2013.12.31 - EK Mark on the product is only available until June, 2011. - After June, 2011 you have to use KC mark on the product. (Refer to the No.1 Change of the Mark, page 1) - In case you don t have EK certification of the products. You have to apply for the Self-Regulatory Safety Confirmation
4. Safety Product list Products subject to the Safety Certification Category Korean Product name English Product name 1. Cord and Cable 가. 전선, 케이블및코드류 a. Cords, cables and cord set 2. Switches for Electrical Appliances 3. Capacitors or filters as components for power supply 가. 스위치나. 전자개폐기비고 ) 기계 / 기구에부착되는특수구조인것및방폭형인것을제외한다. 가. 커패시터및전원필터 a. Switch b. Low voltage Switchgear Remarks) Ones attached to machineries and Anti-explosive types are excluded. a. X/Y capacitor and Complete filter units for radio interference suppression (RF filter) unit 비고 ) 100Hz 이하인것에한한다. Remark) Lower than 100Hz 4. Installation Accessories and 가. 전기설비용부속품및연결부품 a. Installation Accessories and Connection Devices Connection Devices 비고 ) 방폭형인것을제외한다. Remarks) Anti-explosive types are excluded. 5. Installation protective Equipment 6. Safety transformer and 가. 퓨즈및퓨즈홀더 나. 기기보호용차단기 가. 변압기및전압조정기 a. Fuse and fuse holder b. Circuit breaker for equipment protection a. Transformer and Voltage regulator similar equipment 비고 ) 정격용량 5kVA 이하의것으로기계기구에 부착되는특수구조인것을제외한다. Remark) Rated power not exceeding 5kVA; Ones attached to machineries are excluded. 7. Household and similar electrical appliances 가. 전기청소기나. 전기다리미및전기프레스기다. 식기세척기및식기건조기라. 주방용전열기구 a. Vacuum cleaner b. Electric iron c. Dishwasher and dish-dryer d. Heating appliances for kitchen
마. 전기세탁기및탈수기바. 모발관리기사. 전기보온기및전기온장고아. 주방용전동기기자. 전기액체가열기기차. 전기담요및매트, 전기침대카. 전기찜질기, 발보온기타. 전기온수기파. 전기냉장 냉동기기하. 전자레인지거. 가정용전동재봉기너. 전기충전기더. 전기건조기러. 전열기구머. 전기맛사지기버. 냉방기및제습기서. 유체펌프어. 전기가열기기저. 사우나기기처. 관상및애완용전기기기커. 기포발생기기터. 전격살충기퍼. 전기욕조허. 공기청정기고. 자동판매기 e. Washing machine and Spin extractor f. Appliance for hair-care g. Warming plate and Electric hot cupboard h. Kitchen motor-operated machine i. Appliance for heating liquid j. Blanket, pad, and bed k. Fomenting appliance, foot warmer l. Storage water heate m. Refrigerating appliance, freezer n. Microwave oven o. Sewing machine for household p. Battery charger q. Electric dryer r. Heating appliance s. Massager t. Air-conditioner and dehumidifier u. Pump v. Heating tool w. Sauna appliance x. Electric appliance for pet and viewing y. Electric air bubble generator z. Insect killer aa. Electric bathtub ab. Air-cleaning appliance ac. Dispensing appliance and vending machine
노. 팬, 레인지후드도. 화장실용전기기기로. 가습기모. 전기분무기보. 전기소독기소. 음식물처리기오. 물수건마는기기및포장기기조. 그밖의가목내지오목과유사한기기비고 ) 정격입력이 10kW 이하인것만해당하며, 다음의어느하나에해당하는경우를제외한다. 1) 방폭형인것 2) 전기매트, 전기뜸질기, 안면사우나기, 적외선 자외선방사피부관리기, 전기맛사지기, 전기스팀사우나기기, 반 ad. Fan ae. Appliance for toilet af. Humidifier ag. Spray extraction appliances ah. Electric disinfectants(for sterilization) ai. Food waste disposer aj. Maker or packer for water tower ak. Other appliances similar to the above Remark) Rated power input not exceeding 10kW and Ones subject to below items are excluded. 1) Anti-explosive types 2) Medical device 8. Motor Tools 10. IT and Office Appliances 신욕조및발욕조중 의료기기법 제2조제1항에따른의료기기인것가. 전동공구비고 ) 정격입력이 1.5kW 이하인것에한한다. 가. 복사기나. 직류전원장치다. 무정전전원장치라. 코팅기 ( 라미네이터 ) 마. 그밖의가목내지라목과유사한기기비고 ) 1. 기계기구류에부착되는특수구조인것을제외한다. 2. 전파법 제57조및 정보통신기기인증규칙 제3조제4 Motor Tools Remark) Rated power input not exceeding 1.5kW a. Copier b. AC/DC adapter c. Uninterruptible Power Supply(UPS) d. Raminator e. Other appliances similar to the above Remark) 1. Customized machinery accessories are exempt.
항및별표 4 의규정에의한정보기기류로서다음각목 의어느하나에해당하는시험기관에서해당시험을실시 한경우에는시험을면제한다. 2. For IT products subjected to the Article 57 of the Rules on Enforcement of Radio Wave Actand the clause 4 of the article 3 from the Rules on Certification of Information and Communication Equipment, testing is exempt if the following laboratories tested the products with the same standards. 가. 국가표준기본법 제 23 조의규정에의하여인정받은 시험ㆍ검사기관으로서 전파법 에의하여지정받은시험 기관 a. Laboratories designated by Rules on Enforcement of Radio Wave Act and recognized by the article 23 of the Framework Act on National Standards b. Laboratories designated by the government of a country 나. 전파법 에의하여국가간상호인정협정을체결한상 대 국가로부터지정받은시험기관 ( 국제규격인 ISO/IEC 17025 signed MRA with the Korea Government under the Rules on Enforcement of Radio Wave Act (laboratories must also be complied with ISO/IEC 17025). 에적합한경우에한한다 ) 11. Lightings 가. 램프홀더 ( 소켓 ) 나. 일반조명기구다. 안정기 ( 램프제어장치 ) 라. 안정기내장형램프 a. Lamp holder b. Luminaire (for only fixed general purpose) c. Ballast (for control of lamp) d. Self-ballasted lamp
Products subject to the Self-Regulatory Safety Confirmation Category Korean Product name English Product name 2. Switches for Electrical Appliances 6. Safety transformer and similar equipment 7. Household and similar electrical appliances 가. 전기기기용제어소자비고 ) 기계 / 기구에부착되는특수구조인것및방폭형인것을제외한다. 가. 고주파웰더나. 전기용접기비고 ) 정격용량 5kVA 이하의것으로기계기구에부착되는특수구조인것을제외한다. 가. 이미용기기나. 과일껍질깍기다. 감자탈피기라. 전기정미기마. 전기빵자르개바. 전기용해기사. 전기시계아. 적외선 / 자외선방사피부관리기자. 전기분수기차. 구강청결기카. 투영기타. 해충퇴치기파. 전기에어커튼하. 팬코일유닛 a. Control device for electric appliances (CBE) Remarks) Ones attached to machineries and Anti-explosive types are excluded. a. High frequency welder b. Electric welder Remark) Rated power not exceeding 5kVA; Ones attached to machineries are excluded. a. Appliance for skin or hair care b. Fruit peeler c. Potato peeler d. Rice cleaner e. Electric bread cutter f. Electric melting machine g. Electric clock h. Appliance for skin exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation i. Water diverting machine j. Oral hygiene appliance k. Projector l. Insect eradicator m. Electric air-curtain n. Fan-coil unit
거. 폐열회수환기장치너. 전기훈증기더. 보풀제거기러. 전기온수매트머. 전동형롤스크린버. 산소 / 이온발생기서. 전기정수기어. 컴프레셔저. 게임기구처. 서비스기기커. 초음파세척기터. 새싹및콩나물재배기퍼. 착유기허. 전기의자및전동침대고. 전기주류숙성기노. 전기작동도어록도. 전기헬스기구로. 전기집진기모. 수도동결방지기보. 애완동물목욕기소. 전동기오. 그밖에가목내지소목과유사한기기비고 ) 정격입력이 10kW 이하인것만해당하며, 다음의어느하나에해당하는경우를제외한다. 1) 방폭형인것 o. Waist heat ventilator p. Electric fumigator q. Nap cutter r. Mat using hot water s. Motor-operated roll screen t. Oxygen and ion generator u. Water purifier. v. Compressor w. Game machine (not including monitor) x. Service appliance y. Supersonic cleaner z. Maker for shoots and bean sprouts aa. Oil press ab. Electric chair and bed ac. Liquor maker ad. Electric door-lock ae. Electric health machine af. Dust collector ag. Anti-freezer for water supply facilities ah. Pet bathtub ai. Motor aj. Other appliances similar to the above Remark) Rated power input not exceeding 10kW and Ones subject to below items are excluded. 1) Anti-explosive types
2) 전기매트, 전기뜸질기, 안면사우나기, 적외선 자외 2) Medical device 9. Audio/Video and Similar Electronic Appliances 선방사피부관리기, 전기맛사지기, 전기스팀사우나기기, 반신욕조및발욕조중 의료기기법 제2조제1항에따른의료기기인것가. 텔레비전수상기나. 영상모니터다. 비디오테이프플레이어라. 비디오카메라마. 튜너바. 편집기사. 디스크플레이어아. 라디오수신기자. 앰프차. 리시버카. 음성기록계타. 플레이어파. 오디오시스템하. 전자악기거. 위성방송수신기너. 비디오게임기구더. 비디오폰 ( 전기통신기본법 제33조의규정에의한형식승인대상기기를제외한다 ) a. Television receiver b. Monitor c. Video tape player d. Video camera e. Tuner f. Editing machine g. Disk player h. Radio receiver i. Amplifier j. Receiver k. Sound recorder l. Player m. Audio system, n. Electronic music instrument o. Satellite broadcasting receiver p. Video game machines q. Video phones (products subjected to the article 33 of the Framework Act on Telecommunication are exempt.) 러. TV 영상프로젝터 머. 음질조절기 r. Projection TV s. Equalizer
버. 오디오프로세서서. 신호변환장치어. 음성분배기저. 콤프레셔게이트처. 전자시계커. CCTV카메라터. 영상전송기퍼. 영상수신기및변환기허. 영상기록계고. A/V신호수신기노. 영상프로세서도. CATV방송수신기로. 오디오및비디오학습기모. 턴테이블보. 모듈레이터소. 그밖의가목내지보목과유사한기기 t. Audio processor u. Signal converter v. Audio distributor w. Compressor gate x. Other appliances similar to the above. y. CCTV camera z. Image transmission appliance aa. Image receiver and converter ab. Image recorder ac. Receiver for A/V signal ad. Image processor ae. Receiver for CATV af. Studying machine using audio and/or video ag. Turn table ah. Modulator ai. Other appliances similar to the above 비고 ) 1. 기계기구류에부착되는특수구조인것을제외한다. Remark) 1. Customized machinery accessories are exempt. 2. 전파법 제 57 조 및 정보통신기기 인증규칙 제 3 조제 4 항 및 별표 4 의규정에 의한 2. For IT products subjected to the Article 57 of the Rules 정보기기류로서다음각목의어느하나에해당하는시험기관에서해당시험을실시한경우에는시험을면제한다. on Enforcement of Radio Wave Actand the clause 4 of the article 3 from the Rules on Certification of Informationand Communication Equipment, testing is exempt if the following laboratories tested the products with the same standards. 10. IT and Office Appliances 가. 모니터 a. Monitor
나. 프린터다. 프로젝터라. 스캐너마. 지폐계수기바. 전자저울사. 금전등록기아. PC용전원공급장치자. 어학실습기차. 문서세단기카. 천공기타. 재단기파. 제본기하. 전자칠판및보드거. 동전계수기너. 전동타자기더. 전기소자기러. 실물화상기머. 입체영상기버. 그밖의가목내지머목과유사한기기비고 ) 1. 기계기구류에부착되는특수구조인것을제외한다. 2. 전파법제 57 조및정보통신기기인증규칙제 3 조제 4 항및별표 4 의규정에의한정보기기류로서다음각목의어느하나에해당하는시험기관에서해당시험을실시한경우에는시험을면제한다. b. Printer c. Projector (for video) d. Scanner e. Bank note counter f. Electronic scale g. Cash register h. Power supply for personnel computer i. Language studying machine j. Document destroyer k. Punch l. Paper cutter m. Book binder n. Electric board o. Coin counter p. Electric typewriter q. Demagnetizer r. Real picture maker s. Three dimensional vision t. Other appliances similar to the above Remark) 1. Customized machinery accessories are exempt. 2. For IT products subjected to the Article 57 of the Rules on Enforcement of Radio Wave Actand the clause 4 of the article 3 from the Rules on Certification of Informationand Communication Equipment, testing is exempt if the following laboratories tested the products with the same
standards. 11. Lighting 가. 형광등용스타터나. 백열등기구다. 방전램프라. 기타조명기구마. 기타램프 a. Starter for fluorescent lamp b. Incandescent lamp c. Discharge lamp d. Other luminaires e. Other lamps Thank you for your attention!!