예제 2) Test.java class A intvar= 10; void method() class B extends A intvar= 20; 1"); void method() 2"); void method1() public class Test 3"); args) A

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예제 2) Test.java class A intvar= 10; void method() class B extends A intvar= 20; 1"); void method() 2"); void method1() public class Test 3"); args) A a=newb(); System.out.println(a.var); a.method(); class Parent1 protected void dosomething() Parent.doSomething()"); class Child1 extends Parent1 public void dosomething() public class UseBoth2 Child.doSomething()"); public void dootherthing() Parent1 p1=new Parent1(); Child1 c1=newchild1(); Copyrightc 2017HyeJa Bang's Laboratory. -2-

SEOULTECH CSE 2017JavaProgramming Parent1 p2=new Child1(); p1.dosomething(); c1.dosomething(); p2.dosomething(); UseBoth.doOtherthing()" args) UseBoth2 ub=new UseBoth2(); ub.dootherthing(); 예제 4) Employee.java public class Employee private String name; private intage; private intsalary; public Employee() public Employee(String name, intage,intsalary) this.name =name; this.a ge= age; this.salary =salary; public void getdetails( ) System.out.print(name +"\t" + age+ "\t" + salary); class Engineer extends Employee private String specialty; public void getdetails() super.getdetails(); \t" + specialty); Copyright c 2017HyeJa Bang's Laboratory. -3-

Manager.ja va public class Manager extends Employee private String department; public Manager() public Manager(String name, intage,intsalary, String department) super(name, age,salary); this.department = department; public void getdetails() super.getdetails(); \t" + department); public String getdepartment() return department; TestCasting.java public class TestCasting args) Employee emp= newemployee(" 홍명보 ",30,1000); Manager man= newmanager(" 히딩크 ",40,5000, " 감독 "); Employee empman = newmanager(" 김남일 ",28,3000, " 선수 "); //1 emp= man;//castupok // emp.getdetails(); //2 emp= empman;//ok // emp.getdetails(); //3 empman = emp;//ok // empman.getdetails(); //4 man= emp; //compile error -Downward cast 필요, 컴파일러가체크 //5 man=(manager)emp; //compile OKbutrun-time error(classcast Exception) //Downward cast 로컴파일은통과했으나... 런타임시 object type 체크에 서에러 // man.getdetails(); // System.out.println(man.getDepartment()); // 만약허용된다면문제가될수있는부분 Copyright c 2017HyeJa Bang's Laboratory. -4-

//6 man= empman;//compile error //7 man= (Manager)empMan; //compile OK // 런타임시 object type 체크해보니 Manager 객체이더라.. // 존재하는기능이므로문제가안됨 System.out.println(man.getDepartment()); 예제 5) Animals.java class Pet public void speak() class Catextends Pet pet"); public void speak() class Dog1extends Pet 야옹야옹야옹 "); public void speak() class Duckextends Pet 멍멍멍 "); public void speak() public class Animals 꽥꽥꽥 "); public static void main(string args[]) PetmyPets[] = newpet[4]; mypets[0] = newpet(); mypets[1] = newcat(); mypets[2] = newduck(); mypets[3] = newdog1(); for(int i=0; i<mypets.length; i++) mypets[i].speak(); Copyrightc 2017HyeJa Bang's Laboratory. -5-

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SEOULTECH CSE 2017JavaProgramming AbstractTest.java abstract class Animal abstract void crying(); class Dogextends Animal void crying() 멍멍 ); class Catextends Animal void crying() 야옹야옹 ); public class AbstractTest args) Dogdog=new Dog(); Catcat= new Cat(); dog.cryin g(); cat.crying(); Copyri ghtc 2017HyeJaBang'sLaborat ory. -7-