목차 1. 웹서비스의예 테스트환경설치 설치전고려사항 설치할공간확보 테스트환경구축 설치파일준비 설치 Windows에서의설치 Linux 에서

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웹서비스의구성 웹을사용하는예와간단하게웹환경을구성해서, 기본테스트화면까지확인하는것을목적으로합니다. 1. 웹서비스의예. 버스정보서비스를사용하는예 ) 등교를위해버스 시간을알아보고있 는학생 A 버스정보 서비스 모임에가려고버스 환승정보를확인하 는회사원 B 서울역에서분당으로가는버스환승정보를알아보고있는상경한할머니 C 3

2. 테스트환경설치 이장에서는앞에서설명한내용들을좀더이해해보기위해, WAS 환경구성을통해웹서버환경을구성하고, 간단한 페이지까지서비스하는단계에대해서진행하고자합니다. 이장에서구성된환경은앞으로설명하는단원에계속적으 로사용될것입니다. 그리고단순하게나마심플한정보검색페이지를만들수있을것이니쉽게따라오시길바랍니다. 2.1 설치전고려사항 JDK 의설치가먼저선행되어야합니다. JDK Version 에해당되는다양한 WAS 버전 http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%ec%a0%9c%ec%9a%b0%ec%8a%a4_(%ec%9b%b9_%ec%95%a0%ed%94%8c%eb%a6 %AC%EC%BC%80%EC%9D%B4%EC%85%98_%EC%84%9C%EB%B2%84) 2.1 설치할공간확보 제품에설치바이너리내용에따라설치파일들은 100MB ~ 1GByte 정도면다운받을수있고, 다운받은파일을받 아설치 ( 압축해제 ) 를하게되면대략 2GByte 정도의 disk 공간이필요합니다. 또한 application 설치용량, 각제품이 기록하는로그용량을생각해서설치에필요한여유공간을확보해두어야합니다. 4

3. 테스트환경구축 JDK 1.6, JEUS 6 fix 9 설치를진행할예정입니다. 만약다른환경으로구성하고싶다면, 기본적인설치후다른버 전의제품들을설치해서비교해보길바랍니다. 3.1 설치파일준비 (1) JDK 설치파일다운 http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html. 기본은 JDK 1.8을다운받을수있고, Previous Releases - Java Archive 에서전버전을받을수있습니다. http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/archive-139210.html 다운로드시 Oracle 회원가입이필요합니다. (2) JEUS 설치파일준비 Technet.tmaxsoft.com page 회원가입 http://technet.tmaxsoft.com/ko/front/main/main.do ( 회원가입 ) 5

JEUS 설치파일다운 http://technet.tmaxsoft.com/ko/front/download/finddownloadlist.do JEUS 6.0 FIX 9 다운 home> 다운로드 > JEUS> JEUS 6.0 Fix#9> 다운로드 > 6

설치파일다운로드시 Application 에서 64bit library 를사용하는경우 JEUS도동일하게 64bit 바이너리로설치다운받습니다. Windows 인경우 32, 64bit 바이너리가구분되어있지만, linux 나 unix OS 인경우통합되어있고, 설치과정에 32/64bit 여부를물어보게됩니다. 그리고 Linux 나,Unix OS 인경우 JDK는각 OS벤더것을사용해야하므로 JDK (VM) 포함버전이아닌것으로다운받아설치해봅시다. 7

3.2 설치 3.1.1 Windows 에서의설치 - 설치환경 Windows OS 8, JDK 1.6 32bit windows. jdk-6u43-windows-i586.exe (jdk-6u43-windows-x64.exe 는 64bit) 뒤에 u43은 fix 와같은의미. JDK 설치위치 : D:\WAS_PROJECT\jdk1.6.0_43. JEUS 설치위치 : D:\WAS_PROJECT\JEUS6.0 -JDK 설치 과정 1 (Next 클릭 ) 과정 2 ( 설치위치정하고 Next 클릭 ) 8

과정 3 (jre 설치진행위치 default 로진행 Next 클릭 ) 과정 4 ( 설치완료 Finished 클릭 ) 9

. 설치확인 Widows 시작 key > cmd.exe 입력후실행 > Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600] (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Windows\system32> C:\Windows\system32>cd /d D:\WAS_PROJECT\jdk1.6.0_43 D:\WAS_PROJECT\jdk1.6.0_43>cd bin D:\WAS_PROJECT\jdk1.6.0_43\bin>java -version java version "1.6.0_43" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_43-b01) Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.14-b01, mixed mode, sharing) # 64bit 설치시 D:\WAS_PROJECT\jdk1.6.0_43_64\bin>java -version java version "1.6.0_43" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_43-b01) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.14-b01, mixed mode) - 진행내용 10

- JEUS 6.0 FIX9 설치. jeus60-winx86-ko.exe (jeus60_win64_ko.exe 는 64bit) 더블클릭 과정 1 과정 2 (Next 클릭 ) 11

과정 3 license 동의내용 (accept 클릭후 Next 클릭 ) 과정 4 Install 위치확인 ( 설치위치수정후 Next 클릭 ) 12

과정 5 Full Install 해도용량에큰차이없으므로 Full Install 클릭후 (Next 클릭 ) 과정 6 Windows 서비스에등록해서사용여부문의 ( 필요시나중에다시등록하자 No 클릭 ) 13

과정 7 JDK PATH 를지정후 (Next 클릭 ) 과정 8 JEUS 의 administrator 암호입력 (JEUS 관리자암호지정후 Next 클릭 ) 14

과정 9 설치내용요약 (Install 클릭 ) 과정 10 설치과정진행내용이보여지는경우도있지만, 나오지않는경우도있습니다설치 PATH 를실제들여다보면 JEUS 관련파일들이생성되고있으므로기다리면됩니다. 혹시나설치가잘안된다고하면, 다른 PC에설치를해서, 설치된파일들을통째로서버에맞게수정해서사용합시다. 15

과정 11 Quick Start 를제공하나, 대부분직접만들어사용하거나, window 서비스에등록해서사용하므로 no 클릭 과정 12 JEUS 의설치완료 16

. 설치확인 Widows 시작 key > cmd.exe 입력후실행 > Microsoft Windows [Version 6.3.9600] (c) 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. C:\Windows\system32> C:\Windows\system32>cd /d C:\TmaxSoft\JEUS6.0 C:\TmaxSoft\JEUS6.0>cd bin C:\TmaxSoft\JEUS6.0\bin>jeusadmin -version JEUS 6.0 (Fix#9) JEUS 버전정보 Major version : 제품이 release 된 Major 버전 (5.0, 6.0, 7.0 등 ) fix: 제품 release 수정및패치에따라추가되는버전을의미 (fix 1, fix 2 등 ) 17

- 진행내용 18

-WebApplication 추가 Sample 로제공되는 Application(exploded) 안에사람들에게나에대한정보를보여주는서비스를추가해봅시다. - 과정 1 D:\WAS_PROJECT\JEUS6.0\webhome\app_home\exploded 으로이동 [ 제우스설치위치 ] [sample application 위치 ] - 과정 2 like_image.jsp 를생성합니다. 19

like_image.jsp 추가 Note pade 내용 <html> <head> <title>like Image</title> </head> <table width="80%" > <tr> <td background="images/cool.gif" height="50"></td> </tr> </table> </BODY> </HTML> 20

- 진행내용 - JEUS 기동 D:\WAS_PROJECT\JEUS6.0\bin>jeus -Uadministrator -Pjeusadmin ************************************************************** - JEUS Home : D:\WAS_PROJECT\JEUS6.0 - JEUS Base Port : 9736 - Added Java Option : - Java Vendor : Sun ************************************************************** D:\WAS_PROJECT\JEUS6.0\bin>"D:\WAS_PROJECT\jdk1.6.0_43\bin\java" -server -Xmx512 m -Xbootclasspath/p:"D:\WAS_PROJECT\JEUS6.0\lib\system\extension.jar" -classpath "D:\WAS_PROJECT\JEUS6.0\lib\system\bootstrap.jar" -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterv al=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Djeus.jvm.version=hotspot -D jeus.home="d:\was_project\jeus6.0" -Djeus.log.home="D:\WAS_PROJECT\JEUS6.0\logs" -Djava.naming.factory.initial=jeus.jndi.JNSContextFactory -Djava.naming.factory.url.pkgs=jeus.jndi.jns.url -Djava.library.path="D:\WAS_PROJECT\JEUS6.0\lib\syst em" -Djeus.baseport=9736 -Djava.endorsed.dirs="D:\WAS_PROJECT\JEUS6.0\lib\endors ed" -Djava.util.logging.manager=jeus.util.logging.JeusLogManager -Djava.util.log 21

ging.config.file="d:\was_project\jeus6.0\bin\logging.properties" -Djeus.properti es.replicate=jeus,java.util.logging,sun.rmi.dgc -Djeus.tool.webadmin.locale.lang uage=ko -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true jeus.server.jeusbootstrapper -Uadminist rator -Pjeusadmin ================ JEUS LICENSE INFORMATION ================ === EDITION: Enterprise (Trial License) === NOTICE: This license restricts the number of allowed clients. === Max. Number of Clients: 5 ========================================================== [2014.10.26 18:27:05][0][b396] [myungkuk_tmaxpc-1] [MGR-0000] JEUS Server is sta rting - JEUS 6.0 (Fix#9) ( [2014.10.26 18:27:05][0][b396] [myungkuk_tmaxpc-1] [MGR-0001] java.specification.version=[1.6], java.runtime.version=[1.6.0_43-b01], vendor=[sun Microsystems In c.] [2014.10.26 18:27:05][2][b396] [myungkuk_tmaxpc-1] [MGR-0002] JEUS Manager=[myun gkuk_tmaxpc], baseport=[9736], pid=[10892] [2014.10.26 18:27:51][2][b396] [container1-1] [WEB-2053] <listener(webtob1)> pip e connection init successful. [2014.10.26 18:27:51][2][b396] [container1-1] [WEB-2052] <listener(http1)> conne ction init successful. port = 8088 [2014.10.26 18:27:51][2][b396] [container1-1] [WEB-3413] (MyGroup) ready to rece ive request [2014.10.26 18:27:51][2][b396] [container1-1] [MGR-0103] engine container[myungk uk_tmaxpc_container1] is READY [2014.10.26 18:27:51][2][b396] [container1-1] [MGR-0101] currently running engin es of engine container[myungkuk_tmaxpc_container1] : [myungkuk_tmaxpc_ws_engine1, myungkuk_tmaxpc_jms_engine1, myungkuk_tmaxpc_ejb_engine1, myungkuk_tmaxpc_serv let_engine1] [2014.10.26 18:27:51][0][b396] [myungkuk_tmaxpc-54] [MGR-0303] engine container[ myungkuk_tmaxpc_container1] initialization successfully done [pid : 5916] [2014.10.26 18:27:51][2][b396] [container1-85] [WEB-3384] WebtoB connection[loca 22

lhost:9900] established [2014.10.26 18:27:51][2][b396] [container1-87] [WEB-3384] WebtoB connection[loca lhost:9900] established [2014.10.26 18:27:51][2][b396] [container1-86] [WEB-3384] WebtoB connection[loca lhost:9900] established [2014.10.26 18:27:51][2][b396] [container1-84] [WEB-3384] WebtoB connection[loca lhost:9900] established [2014.10.26 18:27:51][2][b396] [container1-83] [WEB-3384] WebtoB connection[loca lhost:9900] established [2014.10.26 18:27:51][0][b396] [myungkuk_tmaxpc-1] [MGR-0242] JeusServer one-ste p booting successful : [myungkuk_tmaxpc_container1] - 서비스호출 브라우져주소창에 http://127.x.x.x:8088/exploded/like_image.jsp 23

3.1.2 Linux 에서설치 - 설치환경 Linux OS 64bit, JDK 1.6 64bit Linux. jdk-6u43-linux-i586.bin (jdk-6u43-linux-x64.bin 64bit) 뒤에 u43은 fix 와같은의미. JDK 설치위치 : /user/mkko/was_project/jdk1.6.0_43. JEUS 설치위치 : /user/mkko/was_project/jeus6.0 과정 1 설치파일 $cmd> chmod +x jdk-6u43-linux-x64.bin 과정 2 설치파일실행 $cmd>./jdk-6u43-linux-x64.bin... 인스톨과정... Creating jdk1.6.0_43/jre/lib/rt.jar Creating jdk1.6.0_43/jre/lib/jsse.jar... 인스톨과정... Java(TM) SE Development Kit 6 successfully installed. Product Registration is FREE and includes many benefits: * Notification of new versions, patches, and updates * Special offers on Oracle products, services and training * Access to early releases and documentation Product and system data will be collected. If your configuration supports a browser, the JDK Product Registration form will be presented. If you do not register, none of this information will be saved. You may also register your JDK later by opening the register.html file (located in the JDK installation directory) in a browser. For more information on what data Registration collects and how it is managed and used, see: http://java.sun.com/javase/registration/jdkregistrationprivacy.html Press Enter to continue... Done.. 설치확인 $cmd> cd /user/mkko/was_project/jdk1.6.0_43 /user/mkko/was_project/jdk1.6.0_43 >cd bin /user/mkko/was_project/jdk1.6.0_43 /bin>./java -version java version "1.6.0_43" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_43-b01) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.14-b01, mixed mode) # SUN, HP 는 64bit JVM 인경우 d64 를통해 64bit 로실행한다. java version "1.6.0_37" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_37-b06) 24

Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 20.12-b01, mixed mode) sun >java -d64 -version java version "1.6.0_37" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_37-b06) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.12-b01, mixed mode - 진행내용 - JEUS 6.0 FIX9 설치 25

. jeus60_unix_generic_ko.bin 과정 1 설치파일 $cmd> chmod +x jeus60_unix_generic_ko.bin 과정 2 설치파일실행 ( 엔터 3 번후 yes) $cmd>./jeus60_unix_generic_ko.bin Preparing to install... Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive... Configuring the installer for this system's environment... Launching installer... Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation... =============================================================================== JEUS6.0 (created with InstallAnywhere by Macrovision) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =============================================================================== Introduction ------------ InstallAnywhere will guide you through the installation of JEUS6.0. It is strongly recommended that you quit all programs before continuing with this installation. Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation. If you want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'. You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: =============================================================================== License Agreement ----------------- Installation and Use of JEUS6.0 Requires Acceptance of the Following License Agreement: JEUS (Java Enterprise User Solution) Release JEUS6 TmaxSoft Co., Ltd. (hereafter, TmaxSoft) End-User License Agreement Product : JEUS This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an company) and TmaxSoft, Incorporated. By opening the sealed software package and/or by using the software, you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement. TmaxSoft License 1. Grant of License: This TmaxSoft License Agreement ("License") permits you to use one copy of the TmaxSoft product JEUS, on any single computer, provided the software is in use on only one computer at any one time. If this package 26

is a license pack, you may make and use additional copies of the software up to the number of licensed copies authorized. If you have multiple licenses for the software, then at any time you may have as many copies of the software in use as you have licenses. The software is "in use" on a computer when it is loaded into the temporary memory (i.e., RAM) or installed into the permanent memory (e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other storage devices) of that computer, except that a copy installed on a network server for the sole purpose of distribution to other computers is not "in use". If the anticipated number of users of the software will exceed the number of applicable licenses, then you must have a reasonable PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: mechanism or process in place to ensure that the number of persons using the software concurrently does not exceed the number of licenses. 2. Copyright: The software (including any images, "applets," photographs, animations, video, audio, music and text incorporated into the software) is owned by TmaxSoft or its suppliers and international treaty provisions. Therefore, you must treat the software like any other copyrighted materials (e.g., a book or musical recording) except that you may either (a) make one copy of the software solely for backup or archival purposes, or (b) transfer the software to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for backup or archival purposes. You may not copy the printed materials accompanying the software, nor print copies of any user documentation provided in "online" or electronic form. 3. Other restrictions: This license is your proof of license to exercise the rights granted herein and must be retained by you. You may not rent, lease, or transfer your rights under this license on a permanent basis provided you transfer this license, the software, and all accompanying printed materials, retain no copies, and the recipient agrees to the terms of this license. You may not reverse engine, decompile, or disassemble the software, except to the extent that the foregoing restriction is expressly prohibited by applicable law. PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: DO YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT? (Y/N): y 과정 3 설치 OS 선택 ( 맞는 Platform 선택후엔터 ) =============================================================================== Choose Platform --------------- Choose current system ( platform-architecture ) 1)HP-UX PA-RISC 2)HP-UX ITANIUM 3)Solaris Ultra-Sparc 4)Solaris x86 5)Solaris x64 6)AIX 5.x, 6.x, 7.x PowerPC 7)Linux ITANIUM 8)Linux x86 9)Linux x64 Quit) Quit Installer Choose Current System (DEFAULT: 9): =============================================================================== 27

과정 4 설치 Path 선택후엔터 =============================================================================== Choose Install Folder --------------------- Where would you like to install? Default Install Folder: $HOME/jeus6 ENTER AN ABSOLUTE PATH, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT : /WAS_PROJECT/jeus6 INSTALL FOLDER IS: /WAS_PROJECT/jeus6 IS THIS CORRECT? (Y/N): y 과정 5 Full Install 선택후엔터 (Full Install 해도용량차이크지않다 ) =============================================================================== Choose Install Set ------------------ Please choose the Install Set to be installed by this installer. ->1- Full Install 2- Typical ENTER THE NUMBER FOR THE INSTALL SET, OR PRESS <ENTER> TO ACCEPT THE DEFAULT : 과정 6 JDK Path 확인후엔터 =============================================================================== Choose JDK Folder ----------------- Please Choose a Folder: Input User JDK Folder (DEFAULT: /usr/java/jdk1.6.0_38_x64): /user/mkko/was_project/jdk1.6.0_43 과정 7 JEUS 관리자 (administrator) 암호입력 =============================================================================== Password Input -------------- Enter the Password for the administrator account. This password will be registered in JEUS as the first user. Input Password:: Corfirm Password:: =============================================================================== 28

과정 8 다음단계엔터입력 =============================================================================== Pre-Installation Summary ------------------------ Please Review the Following Before Continuing: Product Name: JEUS6.0 Install Folder: /user/mkko/was_project/jeus6 Install Set Full Install Disk Space Information (for Installation Target): Required: 308,147,759 bytes Available: 923,478,167,552 bytes PRESS <ENTER> TO CONTINUE: 과정 9 설치완료 =============================================================================== Installing... ------------- [================== ================== ================== ==================] [------------------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------] =============================================================================== Installation Complete --------------------- Congratulations! JEUS6.0 has been successfully installed to: /user/mkko/was_project/jeus6 Press Done to quit the installer. PRESS <ENTER> TO EXIT THE INSTALLER:. 설치확인 $cmd> cd /user/mkko/was_project/jeus6 /user/mkko/was_project/jeus6>cd bin /user/mkko/was_project/jeus6/bin>./jeusadmin version JEUS 6.0 (Fix#9) [infrasvr:/user/mkko/was_project/jeus6/bin]$ JEUS 버전정보 Major version : 제품이 release 된 Major 버전 (5.0, 6.0, 7.0 등 ) fix: 제품 release 수정및패치에따라추가되는버전을의미 (fix 1, fix 2 등 ) - 진행내용 29

-WebApplication 추가 Sample 로제공되는 Application(exploded) 안에사람들에게나에대한정보를보여주는서비스를추가해봅시다. - 과정 1 /user/mkko/was_project/jeus6/webhome/app_home/exploded 으로이동 [ 제우스설치위치 ] [sample application 위치 ] [infrasvr:/user/mkko/was_project/jeus6/webhome/app_home/exploded]$ ls META-INF footer.html hello.jsp index.html infolink.css jstl upper.jsp WEB-INF hello.html images index.jsp jsf sources - 과정 2 like_image.jsp 를생성합니다. /user/mkko/was_project/jeus6/webhome/app_home/exploded/like_image_linux.jsp 추가 Note pade 내용 <html> 30

<head> <title>like Image Linux</title> </head> <table width="80%" > <tr> <td background="images/cool.gif" height="50"></td> </tr> </table> </BODY> </HTML> - 진행내용 - JEUS 기동 [infrasvr:/user/mkko/was_project/jeus6]$ jeus -Uadministrator -Pjeusadmin *************************************************************** - JEUS Home : /user/mkko/was_project/jeus6 - JEUS Base Port : 9736 - Java Vendor : Sun - Added Java Option : *************************************************************** + /user/mkko/was_project/jdk1.6.0_43/bin/java -server -Xmx512m - 31

Xbootclasspath/p:/user/mkko/WAS_PROJECT/jeus6/lib/system/extension.jar -classpath /user/mkko/was_project/jeus6/lib/system/bootstrap.jar - Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 - Djava.library.path=/user/mkko/WAS_PROJECT/jeus6/lib/system - Djava.endorsed.dirs=/user/mkko/WAS_PROJECT/jeus6/lib/endorsed - Djava.naming.factory.initial=jeus.jndi.JNSContextFactory - Djava.naming.factory.url.pkgs=jeus.jndi.jns.url -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true - Djava.util.logging.config.file=/user/mkko/WAS_PROJECT/jeus6/bin/logging.properties - Djava.util.logging.manager=jeus.util.logging.JeusLogManager - Djeus.home=/user/mkko/WAS_PROJECT/jeus6 - Djeus.log.home=/user/mkko/WAS_PROJECT/jeus6/logs -Djeus.baseport=9736 - Djeus.jvm.version=hotspot -Djeus.tm.checkReg=true - Djeus.tool.webadmin.locale.language=ko -Djeus.net.reuseAddress=true - Djeus.properties.replicate=jeus,sun.rmi,java.util,java.net jeus.server.jeusbootstrapper -Uadministrator -Pjeusadmin ================ JEUS LICENSE INFORMATION ================ === EDITION: Enterprise (Trial License) === NOTICE: This license restricts the number of allowed clients. === Max. Number of Clients: 5 ========================================================== [2014.10.27 08:59:00][0][b396] [infrasvr-1] [MGR-0000] JEUS Server is starting - JEUS 6.0 (Fix#9) ( [2014.10.27 08:59:00][0][b396] [infrasvr-1] [MGR-0001] java.specification.version=[1.6], java.runtime.version=[1.6.0_43-b01], vendor=[sun Microsystems Inc.] [2014.10.27 08:59:00][2][b396] [infrasvr-1] [MGR-0002] JEUS Manager=[infrasvr], baseport=[9736], pid=[25653] [2014.10.27 08:59:00][2][b396] [infrasvr-1] [MGR-0004] current system time zone : sun.util.calendar.zoneinfo[id="asia/seoul",offset=32400000,dstsavings=0,usedaylight=f alse,transitions=14,lastrule=null] [2014.10.27 08:59:00][2][b396] [infrasvr-1] [MGR-0005] virtual host table {infrasvr/192.xxx.xx.xx:9736=infrasvr, infrasvr/192.xxx.xx.xx:21000=example}, enabled=true [2014.10.27 08:59:00][0][b396] [infrasvr-1] [MGR-0006] virtual host name=[infrasvr] [2014.10.27 08:59:00][0][b396] [infrasvr-1] [MGR-0248] JEUS Manager is BOOTING... 생략... [2014.10.27 08:59:18][2][b396] [container1-1] [MGR-0103] engine container[infrasvr_container1] is READY [2014.10.27 08:59:18][2][b396] [container1-1] [MGR-0101] currently running engines of engine container[infrasvr_container1] : [infrasvr_ws_engine1, infrasvr_jms_engine1, infrasvr_ejb_engine1, infrasvr_servlet_engine1] [2014.10.27 08:59:18][2][b396] [container1-82] [WEB-3384] WebtoB connection[unix(hth- 0:9900:139)] established [2014.10.27 08:59:18][2][b396] [container1-84] [WEB-3384] WebtoB connection[unix(hth- 0:9900:142)] established [2014.10.27 08:59:18][2][b396] [container1-83] [WEB-3384] WebtoB connection[unix(hth- 0:9900:141)] established [2014.10.27 08:59:18][2][b396] [container1-85] [WEB-3384] WebtoB connection[unix(hth- 0:9900:143)] established [2014.10.27 08:59:18][2][b396] [container1-86] [WEB-3384] WebtoB connection[unix(hth- 0:9900:144)] established [2014.10.27 08:59:19][0][b396] [infrasvr-54] [MGR-0303] engine container[infrasvr_container1] initialization successfully done [pid : 25712] [2014.10.27 08:59:19][0][b396] [infrasvr-1] [MGR-0242] JeusServer one-step booting successful : [infrasvr_container1] - 서비스호출 브라우져주소창에 http://linux 서버 ip:8088/exploded/like_image_linux.jsp 32


Copyright 2014 TmaxSoft Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Trademarks Tmax, WebtoB, WebT, JEUS, ProFrame, SysMaster and OpenFrame are registered trademarks of TmaxSoft Co., Ltd. Other products, titles or services may be registered trademarks of their respective companies. Contact Information TmaxSoft can be contacted at the following addresses to arrange for a consulting team to visit your company and discuss your options. Korea TmaxSoft Co., Ltd 5, Hwangsaeul-ro 329beon-gil, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do. South Korea Tel: +82-31-8018-1000 Fax: +82-31-8018-1115 Email: info@tmax.co.kr Web (Korean): http://www.tmaxsoft.com Technical Support: http://technet.tmaxsoft.com USA TmaxSoft, Inc. 560 Sylvan Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632. U.S.A Tel: +1-201-567-8266 Fax: +1-201-567-7339 Email: info@tmaxsoft.com Web (English): http://www.tmaxsoft.com Russia Tmax Russia L.L.C. Grand Setun Plaza, No A204 Gorbunova st.2, Moscow, 121596 Tel: +7(495)970-01-35 Email: info.rus@tmaxsoft.com Web (Russian): http://ru.tmaxsoft.com Singapore Tmax Singapore Pte. Ltd. 430 Lorong 6, Toa Payoh #10-02, OrangeTee Building. Singapore 319402 Tel: +65-6259-7223 Email: info.sg@tmaxsoft.com United Kingdom TmaxSoft UK Ltd. Surrey House, Suite 221, 34 Eden Street, Kingston-Upon- Thames, KT1 1ER United Kingdom Tel: + 44-(0)20-8481-3776 Email: info.uk@tmaxsoft.com Web (English): http:/www.tmaxsoft.com Japan TmaxSoft Japan Co., Ltd. 5F Sanko Bldg, 3-12-16 Mita, Minato-Ku, Tokyo, 108-0073 Japan Tel: +81-3-5765-2550 Fax: +81-3-5765-2567 Email: info.jp@tmaxsoft.com Web (Japanese): http://www.tmaxsoft.co.jp China TmaxSoft China Co., Ltd. Beijing Silver Tower, RM 1508, 2 North Rd Dong San Huan, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China, 100027. China Tel: +86-10-6410-6145~8 Fax: +86-10-6410-6144 Email: info.cn@tmaxsoft.com Web (Chinese): http://www.tmaxsoft.com.cn Brazil TmaxSoft Brazil Avenida Copacabana, 177-3 andar 18 do Forte Empresarial, Alphaville - Barueri, Sao Paulo, SP-Brasil CEP 06472-001 Email: contato.brasil@tmaxsoft.com TD-JSIT-D1210001 34