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KSKSKSKS KS X xxxx SKSKSKS KSKSKS SKSKS KSKS SKS KS 한국전자책 표준문서형 정의 (DTD) KS X xxxx: 2001 산업표준심의회심의 2001 년 xx 월 xx 일제정한국표준협회발행

목차 서문... 1 1. 적용범위... 1 2. 인용규격및자료... 1 3. 정의... 2 3.1. 전자책... 2 4. 설계개념... 2 5. DTD Naming 및 Coding 규제... 3 6. 문서계층구조와메타데이터구성... 3 6.1. 전체구조... 3 6.2. 메타데이터... 4 6.2.1. dc-metadata... 5 <dc:title>... 5 <dc:description>... 5 <dc:subject>... 6 <dc:type>... 6 <dc:contributor>... 6 <dc:creator>... 7 <dc:publisher>... 7 <dc:identifier>... 7 <dc:relation>... 7 <dc:source>... 8 <dc:language>... 8 <dc:date>... 8 <dc:format>... 8 i <dc:coverage>... 8 <dc:rights>... 8 6.2.2. <x-metadata>... 8 x-metadata 확장... 8 6.3. 문서계층구조... 10 6.4. Table... 14 6.4.1. Sample Document... 16 CALS Table Model... 16 HTML Table Model... 17 7. 공통어트리뷰트 (Common Attributes)... 18 7.1. 모든엘리먼트에적용되는어트리뷰트... 18 7.1.1. id Attribute... 18 7.1.2. role Attribute... 18 7.1.3. lang Attribute... 18 7.1.4. comment Attribute... 18 7.1.5. rivision Attribute... 18 7.1.6. hdir Attribute... 19 7.1.7. vdir Attribute... 19 7.2. 일부엘리먼트에적용되는어트리뷰트... 19 7.2.1. ebook 엘리먼트... 19 7.2.2. book 엘리먼트... 20 7.2.3. artwork, fig, xcharacter 엘리먼트... 20 7.2.4. indexflag 엘리먼트... 21 7.2.5. biblist, deflist, list, no 엘리먼트... 21 7.2.6. uri 엘리먼트... 21 7.2.7. xref 엘리먼트... 22 ii

7.2.8. xcharacter 엘리먼트... 22 8. Element 개요... 22 8.1. abstract... 22 8.2. ack... 23 8.3. addressline... 24 8.4. afterwrd... 25 8.5. appendix... 26 8.6. appendixmat... 27 8.7. appref... 28 8.8. artref... 29 8.9. artwork... 29 8.10. authgrp... 30 8.11. author... 31 8.12. back... 32 8.13. biblio... 33 8.14. biblioref... 34 8.15. biblist... 34 8.16. body... 35 8.17. book... 36 8.18. books... 37 8.19. bq... 38 8.20. chapter... 38 8.21. chaptref... 39 8.22. citation... 40 8.23. citeref... 41 8.24. cline... 42 8.25. colspec... 43 iii

8.26. confgrp... 44 8.27. confname... 45 8.28. contract... 45 8.29. corpauth... 46 8.30. cover... 47 8.31. cpyrt... 48 8.32. cpyrtclr... 48 8.33. cpyrtnme... 49 8.34. date... 50 8.35. dc-metadata... 51 8.36. dc:contributor... 51 8.37. dc:coverage... 52 8.38. dc:creator... 52 8.39. dc:date... 53 8.40. dc:description... 54 8.41. dc:format... 54 8.42. dc:identifier... 55 8.43. dc:language... 56 8.44. dc:publisher... 56 8.45. dc:relation... 57 8.46. dc:rights... 57 8.47. dc:source... 58 8.48. dc:subject... 59 8.49. dc:title... 59 8.50. dc:type... 60 8.51. dedication... 61 8.52. defdesc... 62 iv

8.53. defdeschd... 62 8.54. deflist... 63 8.55. disformula... 64 8.56. disformulagrp... 65 8.57. ebook... 66 8.58. edition... 67 8.59. email... 67 8.60. emph... 68 8.61. entry... 69 8.62. entrytbl... 70 8.63. fax... 71 8.64. fig... 72 8.65. figgrp... 73 8.66. figref... 74 8.67. fnoteref... 74 8.68. footnote... 75 8.69. foreword... 76 8.70. formula... 77 8.71. formularef... 78 8.72. front... 79 8.73. glossary... 80 8.74. head... 81 8.75. indaddr... 82 8.76. index... 83 8.77. indxflag... 84 8.78. indxname... 84 8.79. indxsubj... 85 v

8.80. inq... 86 8.81. intro... 87 8.82. isbn... 88 8.83. item... 89 8.84. keyphras... 90 8.85. keyword... 91 8.86. list... 92 8.87. metainfo... 93 8.88. name... 93 8.89. no... 94 8.90. note... 95 8.91. noteref... 96 8.92. notes... 96 8.93. orgaddr... 97 8.94. orgdiv... 98 8.95. orgname... 99 8.96. otherinfo... 100 8.97. othersect... 101 8.98. p... 102 8.99. part... 103 8.100. phone... 104 8.101. poem... 105 8.102. poemline... 106 8.103. postcode... 107 8.104. preface... 107 8.105. prestr... 108 8.106. pubfront... 109 vi

8.107. pubid... 110 8.108. pubname... 111 8.109. reprint... 112 8.110. role... 113 8.111. row... 114 8.112. section... 115 8.113. sectref... 116 8.114. spanspec... 117 8.115. sponsor... 117 8.116. stanza... 118 8.117. subject... 119 8.118. subsect1... 120 8.119. subsect2... 120 8.120. subsect3... 121 8.121. subsect4... 122 8.122. subsect5... 123 8.123. subsect6... 124 8.124. subtitle... 125 8.125. table... 126 8.126. tableref... 127 8.127. tbody... 128 8.128. term... 129 8.129. tfoot... 129 8.130. tgroup... 130 8.131. thead... 131 8.132. title... 132 8.133. titlegrp... 132 vii

8.134. toc... 133 8.135. uri... 134 8.136. vita... 135 8.137. volid... 136 8.138. x-meta... 136 8.139. x-metadata... 137 8.140. xcharacter... 138 8.141. xref... 139 9. 한국전자책표준문서형정의 (DTD)... 140 9.1. Document Structure DTD... 140 9.2. Meta information DTD... 153 10. 문자 Entities... 155 10.1. Entity Name 순... 156 10.2. UNICODE 순... 189 부속서 A ( 참고 ) 전자책컨텐츠마크업예제... 224 부속서 B ( 참고 ) 전자책메타데이터마크업예제... 260 viii

ICS 한국산업규격 KS 한국전자책표준 X xxxx : 2001 문서형정의 (DTD) Standard Document Type Definition (DTD) for Korea e-book Industry (EBKS DTD) 서문이규격은전자책을서비스하기위해컨텐츠 (Content) 를 XML(eXtensible Markup Language) 로작성하기위한문서형정의 (Document Type Definition; DTD) 를기술하는규격이다. 1. 적용범위이규격은 extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0, - World Wide Web Consortium, 1998 을준수하는적합한전자책컨텐츠를생성하기위한한국전자책표준문서형정의 (DTD) 를적용하기위한규격이다. 모든전자책컨텐츠를본규격에맞추어작성할필요는없으나컨텐츠소유자와서비스업체혹은서비스업체간에컨텐츠를교환할경우에는해당컨텐츠의구조와의미를명확히하기위해본규격을적용함을원칙으로한다. 2. 인용규격및자료이규격의인용규격및자료는다음과같다. Developing SGML DTDs From Text to Model to Markup - Maler, Eve and El Andaloussi, Jeanne., Prentice Hall PTR, 1996 Docbook : The Definitive Guide - Norman Walsh, Leonard Muellner, Norm Walsh, Len Muellner, Leonard Muellner, O'Reilly & Associates, 1999. extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0, - World Wide Web Consortium, 1998 Open ebook Publication Structure 1.0, Open ebook Forum (OEBF), Sep. 16, 1999, Japanese Electronic Publishing Association (JEPA), Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), ISO 12083 DTD, Information and Documentation - Electronic Manuscript Preparation and Markup, Geneva, Switzerland, 1993 Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL). World Wide Web Consortium, 2000, Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1: Reference Description,, XLink, XPointer, DOM, MathML, XSL, Schema specifications 1

XML/SGML comparison note 3. 정의이규격에사용된용어는정의의중복성을피하기위해별도로기술하지않으며다음표준문서에정의된사항을참조하라. 3.1. 전자책종이책의컨텐츠를디지털형태의정보로가공및저장한출판물로정의한다. 전자책은 ebook, e- 텍스트, 온라인북, 파일북등다양한이름으로불리운다. 전자책은기존의종이책과같은휴대성을제공해주는전자책전용단말기를통해볼수있는하드웨어형태의전자책과, 휴대용컴퓨터나 PC 등의환경에서인터넷등을통해다운로드받은컨텐츠를전용뷰어를통해볼수있는소프트웨어형태의전자책으로구별할수있다. KS X 6011 문서기술언어 SGML ISO 8879:1986 Information processing Text and office systems Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0, 2 nd Edition, - World Wide Web Consortium, 1998 4. 설계개념 a) 국제문서화표준과의호환 TEI (Text Encoding), ISO12083 (Article, Book, Document, Series), DocBook (Computer H/W and S/W) 등과같은현재가장많이사용되고있는국제문서화표준들과의상호호환성을유지한다. b) 저작용표준배제 비록본규격의개발목적이저작을위한것이아닌전자책서비스용컨텐츠를상호교환시서로간의의미를완벽히전달함에그목적이있으나, 본규격에부합하는컨텐츠를저작자들이직접생성할수있도록커스토마이제이션이가능한구조로설계한다. 또한본규격은단순히전자책컨텐츠를특정장치나장비에서뿐만아니라여러다른멀티미디어에서의출판을완벽히지원할수있도록한다. c) 전자책서비스를위한컨텐츠교환을위한규격 본규격은저작이나표현 (Presentation) 을위한포맷을고려하지않는다. 다만출판사나컨텐츠보유자간의전자책서비스를위한컨텐츠교환시서로간의의사소통수단으로서의포맷지원을그기본목적으로삼는다. d) 중립적설계 본규격은현존하는거의모든책을대상으로삼고있기때문에그컨텐츠의모든부분에대해의미있는엘리먼트 (Semantics Element) 를부여하기란매우어려운일이다. 따라서가능하면모든저작물들의공통적인엘리먼트를표준화하고, 특정출판물이나산업, 컨텐츠영역에치우치지않도록한다. e) 스타일요소의배제 267

본규격은가능하면표현중심 (Presentational or Formatting) 의마크업 (Markup) 을배제한다. 이개념은종종저작자나출판사의특정목적과충돌을일으키나, 일반적스타일요소를배제하는형태는다양한형태의발간물을얻을수있는장점이있다. 또한최종서비스포맷은전자책서비스업체의기술혹은시장경쟁력을좌우하는요소이므로이는본규격이포함하는사항은아니다. 5. DTD Naming 및 Coding 규제 엘리먼트와어트리뷰트이름은국제표준들의이름을가급적사용하고영문으로기술함을원칙으로한다. 하이픈 (Hyphen) 은 dc- 그리고 x- 를제외하고가급적사용하지않는다 공백문자 (Whitespace) 는 DTD 와도큐먼트바디 (Document Body or Document Instance) 의가독성을향상시키기위해사용된다. 메타데이터 (Metadata) 를구성하는엘리먼트중더블린코어엘리먼트셋 (Dubline core Element set) 은 dc: 네임스페이스 (Namespace ; Namespaces in XML : WWW,1999) 를사용한다. 6. 문서계층구조와메타데이터구성 6.1. 전체구조 3

그림 1 전체구조 본규격의 TOP level element, 즉 ROOT 엘리먼트는 ebook 이다. ebook 엘리먼트는문서의논리적인정보와부가적인정보를구성하는 metainfo 엘리먼트와하나이상의실질적인문서 ( 책 ) 의컨텐츠를계층적인구조로표현하는 books 엘리먼트로이루어진다. 6.2. 메타데이터 metainfo 는더블린코어에서정의한 15 가지의엘리먼트 (dc:***) 와사용자가정의할수있는엘리먼트 (x-metadata) 로나누어진다. 267

그림 2. 메타데이터구조 6.2.1. dc-metadata 메타데이터는기본적으로더블린코어메타데이터표준을사용해전자책정보를표현한다. 그러나본규격의메타데이터는더블린코어의한정어를사용하지않고가능한간결하고작성이용이한형태로메타데이터를기술한다. 메타데이터를기술하는방법과그정의는 Dublin Core Metadata Initiative, 의 Dublin Core Metadata Element Set, Version 1.1; 문서를따른다. <dc:title> creator 나 publisher 가자원에부여한표제. <dc:description> <dc:title>harry Potter and the philospher's stones</dc:title> 5

자원의내용에관한정보로원문의내용을파악할수있도록간략하게하거나원문을읽을필요가있는지의여부를판단할수있도록그내용을간략하게요약하여문장형식으로약술한요약인초록을포함하거나초록에대한연결정보를포함한다. <dc:subject> <dc:description>toeic 수험서 </dc:description> 자원의주제나그내용을기술하는키워드혹은구절을의미하며 DDC, MeSH 등의표준체계에기반한분류데이터를기술한다. <dc:type> <dc:subject>ddc: 428.0076 </dc:subject> 더블린코어가제안한자원유형 ( 을이용해자원의범주나장르를표현한다. <dc:type> Poem </dc:type> <dc:type> Journal </dc:type> <dc:type> Proceedings </dc:type> <dc:type> InBook </dc:type> <dc:type> Misc </dc:type> <dc:contributor> 저자이외에자원의지적측면에기여한인물이나기관으로 editor, illustrator, binder, translator, sponsor, compiler, funder, composer, reviewer, proofreader 등이해당한다. <dc:contributor>translator: 홍길동 </dc:contributor> <dc:contributor>editor: 홍길동 </dc:contributor> <dc:contributor>sponsor:ebks </dc:contributor> <dc:contributor>sponsorurl: </dc:contributor> <dc:contributor>funder: 홍길동 </dc:contributor> <dc:contributor>composer: 홍길동 </dc:contributor> <dc:contributor>reviewer: 홍길동 </dc:contributor> 267 <dc:creator> 자원의내용에책임을진개인이나단체명, 저자소속기관이나연락처를기술한다. <dc:publisher> <dc:creator> EBKS </dc:creator> 현재형태로제작된자원의제작기관으로서, 발행처나대학의학과, 단체등이포함된다. <dc:identifier> <dc:publisher> EBKS </dc:publisher> URL(Uniform Resource Locator), URN(Uniform Resource Name), DOI(Digital Object Identifier), ISBN(International Standard Book Number), ISSN(International Standard Series Number), EAN(European Article Number), UPC(Universal Product Code) 등자원의고유하게식별할수있는문자열이나숫자를표현한다. <dc:relation> <dc:identifier> ISBN:898392068X </dc:identifier> <dc:identifier> URL: </dc:identifier> <dc:identifier> DOI:</dc:identifier> 보조적자료와그관계를기입한다. 관계형태는텍스트기술또는 DC 제안형태를따르며 DC 제안형태는부분 / 전체관계, 버전관계, 포맷변환관계, 참조관계, 제작관계, 의존관계의 6 개형태이다. <dc:relation> IsPartOf: TOEIC 수험서 </dc:relation> <dc:relation> HasPartOf: [ 별책 ] 해설집 </dc:relation> <dc:relation> IsVersionOf: TOEIC 수험서 </dc:relation> <dc:relation> HasVersion: TOEIC 수험서 </dc:relation> <dc:relation> IsFormatOf: 해리포터이야기 </dc:relation> <dc:relation> HasFormat: [ 별책 ] 해설집 </dc:relation> <dc:relation> References: [ 별책 ] 해설집 </dc:relation> <dc:relation> IsReferencedBy: [ 별책 ] 해설집 </dc:relation> 7

<dc:relation> IsBacedOn: HTTP:// </dc:relation> <dc:relation> IsBasisFor: 해리포터이야기 </dc:relation> <dc:relation> Requires: [ 별책 ] 해설집 </dc:relation> <dc:relation> IsRequiredBy: TOEIC 수험서 </dc:relation> <dc:source> 해당전자책자원의출처가된정보자원을전자책원저의 ISBN 이나 URL 등으로기술할수있다. <dc:source>isbn: 891727056X </dc:source> <dc:language> 자원의내용을기술한언어를나타내며표기는 RFC 1766 표준에따른다. <dc:date> <dc:language>en-us</dc: language > ISO 8601 을이용해현재형태의자원이제작된연도를기술한다. <dc:format> <dc:date> 2001-03-21 </dc:date> MIME( 유형을사용해데이터의표현방식기술한다. <dc:coverage> <dc:format>text/xml</dc:format> <dc:format>image/jpeg</dc:format> <dc:format>application/x-shockwave-flash</dc:format> 자원의지리적, 공간적, 시간적특성을나타내는요소로일반텍스트로기술하거나 ISO 8601(yyyy-mm-dd) 로기술한다. 267

<dc:coverage> 조선시대 </dc: coverage> <dc:coverage>2000-03-30</dc: coverage> <dc:rights> 저작권사용권한에대한내용기입. 판권표시나기타저작권관련문구를직접기입한다. <dc:rights>copyright 2001 EBKS </dc:rights> 6.2.2. <x-metadata> x-metadata 는 dc-metadata 엘리먼트로표현되지않는부가적인정보표현위해사용하며각기관에따라태그확장가능하다. x-metadata 는선택적이며반복사용이가능하다. <x-metadata> <meta name= price content= KRW 7000 /> </x-metadata> x-metadata 확장 x-metadata 의확장방안은표준에포함되지않으며다음 [ 표 1 x-meta 확장권고안 ] 의사항과같은사용이권고된다. 표 1 x-meta 확장권고안 x-meta 확장및추가요소 Title 확장 - Subtitle ( 부서명 ) - Parallel title ( 대등서명 ) - Parallel subtitle ( 대등부서명 ) - Translated title ( 번역서명 ) - Series title ( 총서명 ) Creator 확장 - Pen Name ( 필명 ) - Nickname ( 다른이름 ) Publisher 확장 - Service Provider (ebook 서비스제공자 ) Date 확장 - OnSaleDate (ebook 판매일 ) Price - Price - Recommended Retail Price Edition - EditionNumber - EditionStatement size - size (file size) 9

대상이용자 서평 목차 x-meta - Audience - Review - toc 확장및추가요소 6.3. 문서계층구조 그림 3 문서계층구조 본규격에의한전자책서비스단위는한권이상의책 (book) 으로구성될수있다. 따라서모음집 (books) 형태의서비스도가능하다. 모음집 (books) 은 cover, front, 하나이상의 book, back 컨텐츠모델 (Content model) 형태로그기본적인계층구조를이루고, 하나의책 (book) 은 cover, front, body, back 의형태로계층적인구조를이룬다. 267

그림 4 cover cover 는종이책의앞과뒤표지를구성하는부분으로전자책서비스시에는그형태가다양하게변경되어구성될수있다. 11

그림 5 front front 는책의본문이시작되기이전의머리말, 감사글, 서문등이구성되는부분이다. 일반적으로종이책을구성하는목차 (toc) 도여기에나타나지만 toc 엘리먼트는전자책서비스를위한컨텐츠교환시에는공백 (EMPTY) 으로특별히기술할필요는없다. 실질적으로목차는전자책서비스시에매우다양한형태로나타날수있기때문에, 그리고특히페이지번호는디스플레이매체의크기와종류에따라다양하게변화될수있으므로이부분은스타일시트에의해혹은소프트웨어에의해최종전자책뷰어 (Viwer) 어플리케이션 (Application) 에의해처리되는것이바람직하다. 267

그림 6 body body 는전자책서비스를하는책의실질적인컨텐츠를기술하는부분으로서비스하는책의종류에따라 part, chapter, section 엘리먼트중하나를선택하여가장적합한컨텐츠의 Top level 엘리먼트 (Root Element) 를선택하여구성할수있다. 예를들면논문의 body 부분은 section 엘리먼트로시작될수있고, 동화책등은 chapter 를 Top level 엘리먼트로구성될수있다. 만일 Top level 엘리먼트가 part 로시작될경우는반드시하나이상의 chapter 엘리먼트가나타나야한다. 하지만 chapter 엘리먼트를 Top level 엘리먼트로사용했을경우는 section 엘리먼트가반드시존재할필요는없다. 13

그림 7 section 구조 section 은하부레벨이 subsect6 까지확장되어구성되어질수있다. 각각의레벨은 titlegrp 과기본적인엘리먼트들로구성된다. 그림 8 back back 은 cover, front, body 를제외한부가적인컨텐츠로부록편 (appendixmat), 용어집 (glossary), 색인 (index) 등이이부분에구성될수있다. 6.4. Table 본규격에서표 (table) 를표현함에있어 CALS Table 모델을채택한다. 그림 9 은 CALS Table 구조를나타낸다. 267

그림 9 CALS Table 구조 CALS Table 을사용함으로써얻을수있는장점은다음과같다. a) 교환표준 (Exchange Standard) 대부분의산업의문서화를위한교환의경우그표준으로 CALS Table 모델을표준으로채택하고있다. b) 의미 (Semantics) 부여 CALS Table 모델은 Column Specification 과 Span Specification 을이용하여각 Entry 에특정의미를부여할수있다. c) 재사용 (Reusable) 상기 b) 항의의미부여를이용하여표를문자열로변환하거나다른문서에재사용을할경우에도쉽게그의미를알수있다. d) 검색 (Searchable) CALS Table 모델은 Column Specification 과 Span Specification 을이용하여각 Entry 에특정의미를부여할수있기때문에검색시에원하는정보를명확히찾을수있는장점을가진다. e) 특정표현 (Specific Style) 15

CALS Table 모델은 Column Specification 과 Span Specification 을이용하여각 Entry 에특정의미를부여하기때문에표현을위한스타일시트를적용시에보다유연하게특정포맷팅형태를적용할수있다. 6.4.1. Sample Document 그림 10 테이블위의그림 10 를 CALS Table 모델과 HTML 형태로작성해보면다음과같다. CALS Table Model <table> <tgroup cols="5"> <colspec colname=" 지역 " colwidth="0.77*"/><colspec colname=" 국번 " colwidth="0.69*"/> <colspec colname=" 전화번호 " colwidth="1.01*"/><colspec colname=" 담당자 " colwidth="0.87*"/> <colspec colname="email" colwidth="1.69*"/> <thead> <row> <entry colname=" 지역 " align="center"> 지역 </entry> <entry colname=" 국번 " align="center" valign="top"> 국번 </entry> <entry colname=" 전화번호 " align="center" valign="top"> 전화번호 </entry> <entry colname=" 담당자 " align="center" valign="top"> 담당자 </entry> <entry colname="email" align="center" valign="top">email</entry> </row> </thead> <tbody> <row> <entry colname=" 지역 "> 서울 </entry> <entry colname=" 국번 " colsep="1" rowsep="1">02</entry> <entry colname=" 전화번호 ">111 1111</entry> <entry colname=" 담당자 "> 김서울 </entry> <entry colname="email">seoul@www.www</entry> </row> <row> <entry colname=" 지역 "> 부산 </entry> <entry colname=" 국번 ">051</entry> <entry colname=" 전화번호 ">222 2222</entry> <entry colname=" 담당자 "> 김부산 </entry> <entry colname="email">pusan@www.www</entry> </row> <row> <entry colname=" 지역 "> 울산 </entry> 267

<entry colname=" 국번 ">052</entry> <entry colname=" 전화번호 ">333 333</entry> <entry colname=" 담당자 "> 김울산 </entry> <entry colname="email">ulsan@www.www</entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </table> HTML Table Model <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>table.htm</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY > <TABLE border=1 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0 width="89%"> <TBODY> <TR> <TH valign=top width="15%"> 지역 </TH> <TH valign=top width="13%"> 국번 </TH> <TH valign=top width="20%"> 전화번호 </TH> <TH valign=top width="17%"> 담당자 </TH> <TH valign=top width="33%">email</th></tr> <TR> <TD valign=top width="15%"> 서울 </TD> <TD valign=top width="13%">02</td> <TD valign=top width="20%">111 1111</TD> <TD valign=top width="17%"> 김서울 </TD> <TD valign=top width="33%">seoul@www.www</td></tr> <TR> <TD valign=top width="15%"> 부산 </TD> <TD valign=top width="13%">051</td> <TD valign=top width="20%">222 2222</TD> <TD valign=top width="17%"> 김부산 </TD> <TD valign=top width="33%">pusan@www.www</td></tr> <TR> <TD valign=top width="15%"> 울산 </TD> <TD valign=top width="13%">052</td> <TD valign=top width="20%">333 333</TD> <TD valign=top width="17%"> 김울산 </TD> <TD valign=top width="33%">ulsan@www.www</td></tr> 17

</TBODY> </TABLE> </BODY> </HTML> 7. 공통어트리뷰트 (Common Attributes) 이규격에적용된엘리먼트에적용되는공통의어트리뷰트를설명한다. 7.1. 모든엘리먼트에적용되는어트리뷰트 7.1.1. id Attribute id 어트리뷰트는유일한구분자로엘리먼트를인식할수있게하여문서내의모든곳으로부터링크를구성하는데사용할수있다. id 어트리뷰트는 ID type 으로선언되어있다. 일반적으로그값은생략이가능하나몇몇엘리먼트는생략이불가능하다. ID 는일반적으로문서를관리함에있어아주유용하게사용된다. id ID #IMPLIED role Attribute role 어트리뷰트는필요에따라스타일시트에서처리되게하는부가적인키워드를부여하는엘리먼트의확장이다 role 어트리뷰트는 CDATA 로선언되어진다. role CDATA #IMPLIED lang Attribute lang 어트리뷰트는마크업된컨텐츠의언어를기술한다. lang 어트리뷰트를이용해필요에따라스타일시트에서폰트를다르게처리할수있다. lang 어트리뷰트는 NMTOKEN 으로선언되어진다. 여기서 NMTOKEN 값은 RFC 1766 Language 값을사용하며그정의는 XML1.0 Recommenadtion 의 2.12 Language Identification 을준수한다. lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment Attribute comment 어트리뷰트는저작자의의도를기술하는데사용될수있다. 예를들면 2 단편집레이아웃이나컨텐츠의폰트색상등. comment 어트리뷰트는 CDATA 로선언되어진다. comment CDATA #IMPLIED rivision Attribute rivision 어트리뷰트는전자책발간이후혹은컨텐츠저작기간동안의컨텐츠의변경이력을기술하는데사용될수있다. revision ( changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED a) change : 변경 b) added : 추가 c) deleted : 삭제 d) none : 초기상태 267

7.1.6. hdir Attribute hdir 어트리뷰트는컨텐츠의프리젠테이션시가로쓰기방향을정의하는어트리뷰트로특별히저작자의의도를반영하는데사용한다. 실질적인컨텐츠의프리젠테이션은스타일시트가처리한다. hdir ( ltr rtl ) #IMPLIED a) ltr : Left to right ; 왼쪽에서오른쪽으로쓰기 b) rtl : Right to left ; 오른쪽에서왼쪽으로쓰기 7.1.7. vdir Attribute vdir 어트리뷰트는컨텐츠의프리젠테이션시세로쓰기방향을정의하는어트리뷰트로특별히저작자의의도를반영하는데사용한다. 실질적인컨텐츠의프리젠테이션은스타일시트가처리한다. vdir ( ttb btt ) #IMPLIED a) ttb : Top to Bottom ; 위에서아래로쓰기 b) btt : Bottom to Top ; 아래에서위로쓰기 7.2. 일부엘리먼트에적용되는어트리뷰트 7.2.1. ebook 엘리먼트 ebksversion NMTOKEN #IMPLIED 사용된본규격의버전을기술한다. origin CDATA #IMPLIED 사용된본규격에변경사항이있었는지를 Yes/No 를이용해표기한다. changeobjects NMTOKENS #IMPLIED 만약상기의 origin 어트리뷰트의값이 No 라면사용자가변경한엘리먼트이름들을스페이스를구분자로하여열거한다. 19

7.2.2. book 엘리먼트 category CDATA #IMPLIED 컨텐츠의카테고리를정의한다. 예를들면시, 수필, 소설등으로서비스업체의분류방법을사용한다. 7.2.3. artwork, fig, xcharacter 엘리먼트 sizex NMTOKEN #IMPLIED 수평방향의크기 sizey NMTOKEN #IMPLIED 수직방향의크기 unit CDATA #IMPLIED 이미지의크기를정하는단위 cm, mm entityref ENTITY #IMPLIED 사용하고자하는컨텐츠가엔터티로정의가되어있다면해당엔터티를기술한다. (entityref= cover ) uri CDATA #IMPLIED 이미지의물리적인위치를정의한다. (../image/sample.tif) format (bmp cgm-char cgm-binary cgm-clear eps fax gif gif87a gif89a jpg jpeg iges pcx pic png ps sgml tex tiff wmf %local.notation.class;) #IMPLIED 이미지를렌더링하는데필요한노테이션정보를기술한다. 267

scale NMTOKEN "100" 프리젠테이션시의축소 / 확대비율을정의한다. 7.2.4. indexflag 엘리먼트 ref1 CDATA #IMPLIED 인덱스처리시의첫번째분류항목 ref2 CDATA #IMPLIED 인덱스처리시의두번째분류항목 ref3 CDATA #IMPLIED 인덱스처리시의세번째분류항목 ref4 CDATA #IMPLIED 인덱스처리시의네번째분류항목 7.2.5. biblist, deflist, list, no 엘리먼트 type ( disc circle square decimal decimal-leading-zero lower-roman upperroman lower-greek lower-alpha lower-latin upper-alpha upper-latin hebrew armenian georgian cjk-ideographic hiragana katakana hiragana-iroha katakanairoha none;) 'none 리스트형태의컨텐츠를프리젠테이션할때스타일시트에의해자동으로처리될번호나불릿을메길때사용될형태를정의하는데사용된다. 기본적인형태는 CSS (Cascading Stylesheet) level 2 의 Property 를따른다. 7.2.6. uri 엘리먼트 ulink CDATA #REQURED 21

실질적인외부링크자원의위치를기술한다. ( 예, 7.2.7. xref 엘리먼트 xrefrole CDATA #IMPLIED xref 의역할, 용도를기술한다. xreflabel CDATA #IMPLIED xref 를대체하는문자열을기술한다. 이어트리뷰트의컨텐츠는스타일시트에의해사용자에게보여지도록처리된다. 7.2.8. xcharacter 엘리먼트 altcode CDATA #IMPLIED 사용자정의문자를표현할수없을경우에대체해서표현해줄문자를 UNICODE 로기술한다. refcode CDATA #IMPLIED 사용자정의문자를만드는데사용된기준문자코드를 UNICODE 로정의한다. 8. Element 개요 8.1. abstract 267

FULL Name ; Abstract / 초록 Description ; 원문의내용을파악할수있도록간략하게하거나원문을읽을필요가있는지의여부를판단할수있도록그내용을간략하게요약하여문장형식으로약술한것또는요약이나약술된문장 (titlegrp?, (p deflist orgaddr indaddr bq prestr date biblist biblio authgrp author keyword keyphras indxflag citation poem name head %local.p.el; table list formula disformula disformulagrp inq emph noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef; artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float;)*, subsect1*) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED front 8.2. ack 23

FULL Name ; Acknowledgment / 사사 ( 謝辭 ) Description ; 도서를간행할때참고자료제공및내용에관하여유용한의견을제시한사람, 편집, 교정, 색인작성등에도움을준사람들중특히기술하고싶은사람에대하여감사하는글 (titlegrp?, (p deflist orgaddr indaddr bq prestr date biblist biblio authgrp author keyword keyphras indxflag citation poem name head %local.p.el; table list formula disformula disformulagrp inq emph noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef; artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float;)*, subsect1*) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED front 8.3. addressline 267

FULL Name ; Address Line ( 주소라인 ) Description ; 주소와관련된컨텐츠를기술하는데사용 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef;)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED author confgrp corpauth cpyrtclr cpyrtnme indaddr orgaddr pubfront pubname reprint sponsor 8.4. afterwrd FULL Name ; Afterword ( 발문, 맺음말 ) Description ; 발문, 맺음말에해당하는컨텐츠를기술할때사용한다. (titlegrp?, (p deflist orgaddr indaddr bq prestr date biblist biblio authgrp author keyword keyphras indxflag citation poem name head %local.p.el; table list formula disformula disformulagrp inq emph noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref 25

appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef; artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float;)*, subsect1*) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED back 8.5. appendix FULL Name ; Appendix / 부록 Description ; 권말에첨부하여본문의이해에도움이되는자료들하며각주로하기에너무긴설명이나통계표및본문에삽입할여지가없는사항들을포함한다. (titlegrp?, (p deflist orgaddr indaddr bq prestr date biblist biblio authgrp author keyword keyphras indxflag citation poem name head %local.p.el; table list formula disformula disformulagrp inq emph noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef; artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float;)*, subsect1*) 267

id ID #REQUIRED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED appendixmat 8.6. appendixmat FULL Name ; Appendix material / 부록편 Description ; 부록의모음 (appendix+) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED 27

back 8.7. appref FULL Name ; Appendix reference ( 부록참조 ) Description ; 본문에서부록과관련된사항을참조하거나, 크로스레퍼런스를구축할경우에사용 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef;)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #REQUIRED abstract ack addressline afterwrd appendix appref artref biblioref chapter chaptref citation citeref confname contract cover date dedication defdesc defdeschd disformula edition email fax figref fnoteref footnote foreword formula formularef glossary head index indxname indxsubj inq intro isbn keyphras keyword name no note noteref notes orgdiv orgname otherinfo othersect p part phone postcode preface prestr pubid role section sectref subject subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 subtitle tableref term title uri vita volid 267

8.8. artref FULL Name ; Artwork reference( 삽화참조 ) Description ; 본문의내용과삽화를연관지을경우사용할수있다. (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef;)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #REQUIRED abstract ack addressline afterwrd appendix appref artref biblioref chapter chaptref citation citeref confname contract cover date dedication defdesc defdeschd disformula edition email fax figref fnoteref footnote foreword formula formularef glossary head index indxname indxsubj inq intro isbn keyphras keyword name no note noteref notes orgdiv orgname otherinfo othersect p part phone postcode preface prestr pubid role section sectref subject subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 subtitle tableref term title uri vita volid 8.9. artwork 29

FULL Name ; Artwork / 삽화 Description ; 본문중장이나절의시작부분과끝부분에있는작은그림이나장식 EMPTY id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED sizex NMTOKEN #IMPLIED sizey NMTOKEN #IMPLIED unit CDATA #IMPLIED entityref ENTITY #IMPLIED uri CDATA #IMPLIED format (bmp cgm-char cgm-binary cgm-clear eps fax gif gif87a gif89a jpg jpeg iges pcx pic png ps sgml tex tiff wmf %local.notation.class;) #IMPLIED scale NMTOKEN "100" abstract ack addressline afterwrd appendix appref artref biblioref bq chapter chaptref citation citeref confname contract cover date dedication defdesc defdeschd disformula edition email fax figref fnoteref footnote foreword formula formularef glossary head index indxname indxsubj inq intro isbn item keyphras keyword name no note noteref notes orgdiv orgname otherinfo othersect p part phone postcode preface prestr pubid role section sectref subject subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 subtitle tableref term title uri vita volid 8.10. authgrp 267

FULL Name ; Author Group / 저자그룹사항 Description ; 저자그룹과관련된컨텐츠 (author corpauth)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #IMPLIED abstract ack afterwrd appendix biblio bq chapter cover dedication foreword front glossary index intro item note notes othersect p part preface section subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 vita 8.11. author FULL Name ; Author / 저자 Description ; 내용을직접저술한개인또는단체 (name, role*, (addressline postcode phone fax email uri otherinfo;)*) 31

id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #IMPLIED abstract ack afterwrd appendix authgrp bq chapter dedication foreword glossary index intro item note notes othersect p part preface section subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 vita 8.12. back FULL Name ; Back matter / 부속물 Description ; 책의뒷부분에첨부되는것으로보유, 부록, 서지, 용어, 색인, 참고문헌등이해당된다. (appendixmat?, (afterwrd notes vita glossary index %local.backmsect; othersect biblist otherinfo)*) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED 267

book books 8.13. biblio FULL Name ; Biliography / 서지정보 Description ; 본문내에서혹은 Bibliography list 내에서서지정보가나타날경우에사용 (head?, (authgrp date subject titlegrp otherinfo citation %local.bib;)*)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #IMPLIED uri CDATA #IMPLIED abstract ack addressline afterwrd appendix appref artref biblist bq chapter chaptref citation citeref confname contract cover date dedication defdesc defdeschd disformula edition email fax figref fnoteref footnote foreword formula formularef glossary head index indxname indxsubj inq intro isbn item keyphras keyword name no note noteref notes orgdiv orgname otherinfo othersect p part phone postcode preface prestr pubid role section sectref subject subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 subtitle tableref term title uri vita volid 33

8.14. biblioref FULL Name ; Biliography reference / 서지정보참조 Description ; 본문에서서지정보를참조할경우에사용 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef;)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idref IDREF #REQUIRED uri CDATA #IMPLIED abstract ack addressline afterwrd appendix appref artref chapter chaptref citation citeref confname contract cover date dedication defdesc defdeschd disformula edition email fax figref fnoteref footnote foreword formula formularef glossary head index indxname indxsubj inq intro isbn keyphras keyword name no note noteref notes orgdiv orgname otherinfo othersect p part phone postcode preface prestr pubid role section sectref subject subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 subtitle tableref term title uri vita volid 8.15. biblist 267

FULL Name ; Biliography list / 서지리스트 Description ; 서지정보의집합 (titlegrp?, biblio+)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #IMPLIED type (disc circle square decimal decimal-leading-zero lower-roman upper-roman lower-greek lower-alpha lower-latin upper-alpha upper-latin hebrew armenian georgian cjk-ideographic hiragana katakana hiragana-iroha katakana-iroha none;) 'none' abstract ack afterwrd appendix back bq chapter dedication foreword glossary index intro item note notes othersect p part preface section subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 vita 8.16. body 35

FULL Name ; Body matter / 본문 Description ; 전방내용과부속물을제외한저작물의내용부분 (part+ chapter+ section+ %local.body;) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED book 8.17. book FULL Name ; Book / 책 Description ; 개별서비스단위의책 (cover?, front?, (body;), back?) 267

id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED category CDATA #IMPLIED books 8.18. books FULL Name ; Books / 책의집합 Description ; 여러권의책을모아서단일전자책서비스를할경우사용 (cover?, front?, book+, back?) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED 37

ebook 8.19. bq FULL Name ; Quotation, Block Style / 블록형태의스타일 Description ; 본문에서특별히블록을지정해주고싶을경우에사용 (p, (p artwork figgrp deflist orgaddr indaddr bq prestr date biblist biblio authgrp author keyword keyphras indxflag citation poem name head %local.p.el; table list formula disformula disformulagrp)*) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED abstract ack afterwrd appendix bq chapter dedication foreword glossary index intro item note notes othersect p part preface section subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 vita 8.20. chapter 267

FULL Name ; Chapter / 장 ( 章 ) Description ; 어떤한주제가일단락이되지만전후와의연관성을갖고있는책의한부분 ((titlegrp?, (p deflist orgaddr indaddr bq prestr date biblist biblio authgrp author keyword keyphras indxflag citation poem name head %local.p.el; table list formula disformula disformulagrp inq emph noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef; artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float;)*, section*) %local.chapter;) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED body part 8.21. chaptref 39

FULL Name ; Chapter reference / 장참조 Description ; 내용중장을참조할경우 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef;)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #REQUIRED abstract ack addressline afterwrd appendix appref artref biblioref chapter chaptref citation citeref confname contract cover date dedication defdesc defdeschd disformula edition email fax figref fnoteref footnote foreword formula formularef glossary head index indxname indxsubj inq intro isbn keyphras keyword name no note noteref notes orgdiv orgname otherinfo othersect p part phone postcode preface prestr pubid role section sectref subject subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 subtitle tableref term title uri vita volid 8.22. citation 267

FULL Name ; Citation / 인용 Description ; 논술이나주장의출전으로서다른저자의논문이나논구, 자료또는구술을차용하는것. (#PCDATA xcharacter p inq emph noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef; artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp)* id ID #REQUIRED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED abstract ack afterwrd appendix biblio bq chapter cover dedication foreword front glossary index intro item note notes othersect p part preface section subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 vita 8.23. citeref 41

FULL Name ; Citation reference / 인용참조 Description ; 내용중인용을참조하는경우 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef;)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #REQUIRED abstract ack addressline afterwrd appendix appref artref biblioref chapter chaptref citation citeref confname contract cover date dedication defdesc defdeschd disformula edition email fax figref fnoteref footnote foreword formula formularef glossary head index indxname indxsubj inq intro isbn keyphras keyword name no note noteref notes orgdiv orgname otherinfo othersect p part phone postcode preface prestr pubid role section sectref subject subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 subtitle tableref term title uri vita volid 8.24. cline 267

FULL Name ; Poem continued line / 연속행 Description ; 시에서행의연속을나타낼때사용 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED poemline 8.25. colspec FULL Name ; Columne specification / 열정의 Description ; 표의열을정의하는데사용한다. EMPTY 43

colnum CDATA #IMPLIED colname CDATA #IMPLIED colwidth CDATA #IMPLIED colsep NMTOKEN #IMPLIED rowsep NMTOKEN #IMPLIED align (left right center justify char) #IMPLIED char CDATA #IMPLIED charoff CDATA #IMPLIED entrytbl tfoot tgroup thead 8.26. confgrp FULL Name ; Conference Group / 컨퍼런스주체 Description ; 컨퍼런스자료집표지에나타나는컨퍼런스주체를기술 (no?, (confname+, ((p orgname orgdiv addressline postcode phone fax email uri otherinfo;)* (name, role*, (addressline postcode phone fax email uri otherinfo;)*)),date*,sponsor*)*) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #IMPLIED 267

pubfront 8.27. confname FULL Name ; Conference Name / 컨퍼런스명 Description ; 컨퍼런스명을기술하는데사용 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef;)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED confgrp 8.28. contract 45

FULL Name ; Contract number / 계약번호 Description ; 저작물의계약혹은권한번호를기술 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef;)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #IMPLIED pubfront 8.29. corpauth FULL Name ; Corporate author / 단체저자 Description ; 저작물이기관이나단체에서발행되었을때이들을저자로간주 (p orgname orgdiv addressline postcode phone fax email uri otherinfo;)* 267

id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idref IDREF #IMPLIED authgrp 8.30. cover FULL Name ; Cover / 표지 Description ; 책의양면을덮고있는부분 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef; p titlegrp authgrp date pubfront)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED 47

book books 8.31. cpyrt FULL Name ; Copyright / 저작권 Description ; 저자의창조적인노력의산물로서실질적혹은잠재적인가치 (cpyrtnme cpyrtclr) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED pubfront 8.32. cpyrtclr 267

FULL Name ; Copyright clearance center / 저작권거래센터 Description ; 저작권거래와관련된사항을기술하거나, 사용에있어지불해야하는적합한비용을기술하는문장 (p orgname orgdiv addressline postcode phone fax email uri otherinfo;)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED cpyrt 8.33. cpyrtnme FULL Name ; Copyright notice-name / 저작권소유자 Description ; 저작권을보유한개인이나단체명 ((p orgname orgdiv addressline postcode phone fax email uri otherinfo;)* (name, role*, (addressline postcode phone fax email uri otherinfo;)*)) 49

id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED cpyrt 8.34. date FULL Name ; Date / 날짜 Description ; 저작물내에날짜정보를기술할경우사용 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef;)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED 267

abstract ack afterwrd appendix biblio bq chapter confgrp cover dedication foreword front glossary index intro item note notes othersect p part preface pubfront section subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 vita 8.35. dc-metadata FULL Name ; Dublin core Meta data / 더블린코어메타데이터 Description ; 더블린코어메타데이터엘리먼트셋 (dc:title dc:creator dc:subject dc:description dc:publisher dc:contributor dc:date dc:type dc:format dc:identifier dc:source dc:language dc:relation dc:coverage dc:rights)* metainfo 8.36. dc:contributor FULL Name ; Dublin core contributor Description ; 저자이외자원의지적인측면에기여한인물이나기관 (Editor, illustrator, binder, translator, sponsor, compiler, funder, composer, reviewer, proofreader 등 ) (#PCDATA) 51

xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.37. dc:coverage FULL Name ; Dublin core coverage Description ; 자원의지리적, 시간적특성을나타냄 일반텍스트또는 ISO 8601(yyyy-mm-dd) 로기술 (#PCDATA) xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.38. dc:creator 267

FULL Name ; dublin core creator Description ; 자원의내용에책임을진개인이나단체명, 저자소속기관이나연락처기술 (#PCDATA) xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.39. dc:date FULL Name ; Dublin core date Description ; ISO 8601(yyyy-mm-dd) 이용해현재형태의자원이제작된연도기술 (#PCDATA) 53

xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.40. dc:description FULL Name ; Dublin core description Description ; 자원의내용에관한정보로초록또는연결정보포함 (#PCDATA) xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.41. dc:format 267

FULL Name ; Dublin core format Description ; MIME 유형을사용하여데이터의표현방식기술 (#PCDATA) xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.42. dc:identifier FULL Name ; Dublin core identifier Description ; URN, DOI, ISBN, ISSN, EAN13, UPC 등자원을고유하게식별할수있는문자열이나숫자 (#PCDATA) xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED 55

dc-metadata 8.43. dc:language FULL Name ; Dublin core language Description ; 자원의내용을기술한언어로 RFC 1766 로표기 (#PCDATA) xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.44. dc:publisher FULL Name ; Dublin core publisher Description ; 현재형태로자원을제작한제작기관 (#PCDATA) 267

xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.45. dc:relation FULL Name ; Dublin core relatioin Description ; 보조적자료와그관계기입. 텍스트기술이나 DC 제안형태로표기한다. DC 제안형태는부분 / 전체관계, 버전관계, 포맷변환관계, 참조관계, 제작관계, 의존관계의 6 개형태가있다. (#PCDATA) xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.46. dc:rights 57

FULL Name ; Dublin core rights Description ; 저작권사용권한에대한내용기입. 판권표시나기타저작권관련문구를직접기입. (#PCDATA) xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.47. dc:source FULL Name ; Dubline core source Description ; 해당자원의출처가된정보자원또는전자책원저의 ISBN 이나 URL 기술 (#PCDATA) 267

xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.48. dc:subject FULL Name ; Dublin core subject Description ; 자원의주제나그내용을기술하는키워드혹은구절로 DDC, MeSH 등의표준체계에기반한분류데이터기술 (#PCDATA) xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.49. dc:title 59

FULL Name ; Dublin core title Description ; Creator 나 publisher 가자원에부여한표제로 AACR2 목록규칙을따른다. (#PCDATA) xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.50. dc:type FULL Name ; Dublin core type Description ; 자원의범주나장르로 Dublin core 가제안한 35 개자원유형을따른다. (#PCDATA) 267

xmlns:dc CDATA #FIXED '' id ID #IMPLIED xml:lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED dc-metadata 8.51. dedication FULL Name ; Dedication / 헌사 Description ; 저자가은혜를입은사람, 후원자, 선배등에게자기의저서를통하여경의를표시하는글 (titlegrp?, (p deflist orgaddr indaddr bq prestr date biblist biblio authgrp author keyword keyphras indxflag citation poem name head %local.p.el; table list formula disformula disformulagrp inq emph noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef; artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float;)*, subsect1*) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED 61

front 8.52. defdesc FULL Name ; Definition Description / 정의설명 Description ; 정의목록 (Definition list) 에나타나는 Term 을설명하는데사용 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef; p)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #IMPLIED deflist 8.53. defdeschd 267

FULL Name ; Definition description head / 정의설명제목 Description ; 정의목록내의제목을기술하는데사용 (#PCDATA xcharacter p inq emph noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef; artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #IMPLIED deflist 8.54. deflist FULL Name ; Definition List / 정의목록 Description ; 용어와설명으로이루어진정의목록 ( (head defdeschd)?, term, defdesc)* 63

id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED type ( disc circle square decimal decimal-leading-zero lower-roman upper-roman lower-greek lower-alpha lower-latin upper-alpha upper-latin hebrew armenian georgian cjk-ideographic hiragana katakana hiragana-iroha katakana-iroha none;) 'none abstract ack afterwrd appendix bq chapter dedication foreword glossary index intro item note notes othersect p part preface section subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 vita 8.55. disformula FULL Name ; Display Formula / 블록형태의수식 Description ; 블록형태의수식을기술하기위한엘리먼트 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef;)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED 267

lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #IMPLIED notation (bmp cgm-char cgm-binary cgm-clear eps fax gif gif87a gif89a jpg jpeg iges pcx pic png ps sgml tex tiff wmf %local.notation.class;) #IMPLIED num CDATA #IMPLIED align (left center right) #IMPLIED abstract ack addressline afterwrd appendix appref artref biblioref bq chapter chaptref citation citeref confname contract cover date dedication defdesc defdeschd disformula disformulalgrp edition email fax figref fnoteref footnote foreword formula formularef glossary head index indxname indxsubj inq intro isbn item keyphras keyword name no note noteref notes orgdiv orgname otherinfo othersect p part phone postcode preface prestr pubid role section sectref subject subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 subtitle tableref term title uri vita volid 8.56. disformulagrp FULL Name ; Display formula group / 블록형태수식그룹 Description ; 하나이상의블록형태의수식그룹을기술하기위한엘리먼트 (disformula)+ id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED 65

revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED idrefs IDREFS #IMPLIED num CDATA #IMPLIED align (left center right) #IMPLIED abstract ack addressline afterwrd appendix appref artref biblioref bq chapter chaptref citation citeref confname contract cover date dedication defdesc defdeschd disformula edition email fax figref fnoteref footnote foreword formula formularef glossary head index indxname indxsubj inq intro isbn item keyphras keyword name no note noteref notes orgdiv orgname otherinfo othersect p part phone postcode preface prestr pubid role section sectref subject subsect1 subsect2 subsect3 subsect4 subsect5 subsect6 subtitle tableref term title uri vita volid 8.57. ebook FULL Name ; Document type Definition / 문서형정의 Description ; 루트 (Root) 엘리먼트 (metainfo, books) id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED ebksversion NMTOKEN #IMPLIED origin NMTOKEN #IMPLIED changeobjects NMTOKENS #IMPLIED 267

Root element 8.58. edition FULL Name ; Edition Statement / 에디션정보 Description ; 저작물의에디션정보를기술 (#PCDATA xcharacter emph artwork figgrp footnote note xref uri otherinfo %local.float; formula disformula disformulagrp noteref fnoteref figref tableref artref appref citeref biblioref sectref chaptref formularef;)* id ID #IMPLIED role CDATA #IMPLIED lang NMTOKEN #IMPLIED comment CDATA #IMPLIED revision (changed added deleted none) #IMPLIED hdir (ltr rtl) #IMPLIED vdir (ttb btt) #IMPLIED pubfront 8.59. email 67