STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) STDs are also called venereal diseases. They are caused by germs that live on the skin or in body fluids such as semen, vaginal fluid or blood. The germs are passed from an infected person often through sexual contact with skin, blood or body fluids. These germs can enter the body through the vagina, mouth, anus and open sores or cuts. STDs are not spread by casual contact, by being in swimming pools or by sitting on toilet seats. Signs of STDs Signs may occur days, weeks or months after exposure. Some men and women have no signs but have a STD and can pass it onto others. Common signs include: Burning with urination Genital ulcers such as open sores or blisters Warts Skin rash Discharge from the penis or vagina Abdominal pain, most often in women Types of STDs The most common types of STDs are: Gonorrhea Syphilis Herpes Chlamydia 1
STD ( 성감염질환 ) STD 는간단히성병이라고도부릅니다. 이러한질환들은피부나정액, 질액또는혈액등에서식하는균들때문에생깁니다. 이균들은피부접촉이나혈액또는체액이교환되는성접촉을통하여보균자로부터주로전염됩니다. 이균들은질이나입, 항문또는아물지않은상처나궤양을통하여몸안에침투합니다. STD 는수영장이나변기사용등과같은단순한접촉을통해서는전염되지않습니다. STD 의증세 증세는균에감염된후수며칠, 몇주또는수개월후에나타날수있습니다. 어떤남성들이나여성들은 STD 에걸렸어도증세가없이다른사람들에게전염시킵니다. 흔한증세 : 소변볼때성기가따끔거림 성기외면에염증이나물집같은궤양현상 사마귀 피부발진 음경이나질에서액이흘러나옴 복통 ( 주로여성의경우 ) STD의종류가장흔한 STD: 임질 매독 헤르페스 클라미디아 STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). Korean. 1
Hepatitis (HBV) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Human Papilloma Virus (HPV or genital warts) Chancroid Trichomoniasis Preventing STDs Abstinence, or no sexual relations, is the best way to prevent the spread of STDs. If you choose to have sexual relations, have one partner and always use latex condoms that have nonoxynol-9 and use with spermicidal jelly. Testing You should be tested for STDs if you: Have had oral, anal, or vaginal sex and did not use latex condoms. Share needles to inject drugs or have sex with someone who does share needles. Feel you may have been exposed to or have signs of a STD. You can be tested for a STD by your doctor or at your local health department. Most testing for STDs is anonymous. If you live in Columbus, Ohio, you can go to the Sexual Health walk-in Clinic at the Columbus Health Department at 240 Parsons Avenue. Their phone number is (614) 645-7772. Testing for HIV is free and tests for other STDs have a small fee. 2
간염 (HBV) 인간면역결핍바이러스 (HIV) 인체유두종바이러스 (HPV 또는음부사마귀 ) 연성하감 트리코모나스증 STD 예방하기 STD 전염을예방하는가장좋은방법은금욕이나성관계자제입니다. 성관계를가질때는한파트너하고만하고노녹시놀 -9 레이텍스콤돔을항상착용하고살정제젤리를발라야합니다. 검사 아래와같은경우반드시 STD 검사를받아야합니다 : 구강, 항문, 질섹스를했으나레이텍스콘돔을사용하지않았다. 바늘을남과함께사용하여마약투입을했거나, 바늘로함께사용하여마약투입을하는사람과섹스를했다. STD 에걸린느낌이들거나증세가있다. 의사나보건소를찾아가면 STD 감염여부를검사할수있습니다. STD 검사는대부분익명으로할수있습니다. 오하이오주컬럼버스거주자는컬럼버스보건국의성병클리닉을방문하십시오. 주소 240 Parsons Avenue, Columbus, OH. 전화 (614) 645-7772. HIV 검사는무료이고다른 STD 검사는약간의검사비를냅니다. STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). Korean. 2
Your Care Most STDs are treatable. Some can be cured but others cannot. Medicine can be used to help signs and keep the disease from getting worse. As a part of your care: Avoid sexual relations until you and your partner have been treated. Take antibiotics as directed until your treatment is done. Be sure to take all of the medicine your doctor orders. Call to make an appointment to repeat tests 3 weeks after finishing your antibiotics. Return to the Emergency Department or call your doctor if your signs get worse or you have a fever of more than 100.5 degrees F or 38 degrees C. There are risks of other problems and more serious disease if you do not get treatment or get incomplete treatment. Talk to your doctor or nurse if you have any questions or concerns. 2007 11/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. 3
관리방법 대부분의 STD 는치료가가능합니다. 어떤종류는치유가되지만어떤종류는치유가불가능한것도있습니다. 약을먹으면증세가완화되고질병이악화되는것을막아줍니다. 자가관리 : 자신과상대방이치료될때까지성관계를피한다. 치료를마칠때까지항생제를꾸준히복용한다. 증세가낫더라도의사가지시한약을모두복용한다. 항생제복용을마친후 3 주후에검사를다시받기위하여예약한다. 증세가악화되거나체온이화씨 38 도 ( 화씨 100.5 도 ) 이상되면응급실로가거나의사에게연락한다. 제때에치료를받지않거나치료를중단하면다른문제들이발생하거나더욱심각한질환에걸릴위험이있습니다. 질문이나문제가있으면의사나간호사와상담하십시오. 2007 11/2011 Health Information Translations Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain medical treatment. STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases). Korean. 3