<link type="text/css" href="reset.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <style type="text/css" title=""> #selectbox {

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</p> <a href="#tab_menus" class="go_tab_menu"> <img src="btn_top.gif" alt="go tab menu" /></a> </div> <div id="menu_03" class="content"> <h3><a id="quickmenu_03" href="#quickmenu_03">menu 03 </a></h3> <p> Menu 03...<br /> Menu 03...<br />... Menu 03...<br /> Menu 03...<br /> </p> <a href="#tab_menus" class="go_tab_menu"> <img src="btn_top.gif" alt="go tab menu" /></a> </div> </body> - 157 -

<link type="text/css" href="reset.css" rel="stylesheet"/> <style type="text/css" title=""> #selectbox { - 158 -

padding: 5px 10px; border: 1px solid #aaa; width: 130px; } #selectbox a { font-size: 12px; color: #333; text-decoration: none; } #sites { display: none; } #sites { list-style: none; } #sites a { color: black; text-decoration: none; display: block; width: 110px; height: 10px; padding: 10px; border-bottom: 1px dashed #aaa; font-size: 12px; font-family: "dotum"; } #sites.last a { border-bottom: 0; padding-bottom: 5px; } </style> </head> - 159 -

<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var isover = false; var bindselectbox = function() { var button = document.getelementbyid("button"); button.onmouseover = button.onfocus = function() { isover = true; document.getelementbyid("sites").style.display = "block"; } button.onmouseout = function() { isover = false; document.getelementbyid("sites").style.display = "none"; } var menus = document.getelementbyid("sites").getelementsbytagname("a"); for (var i=0; i<menus.length; i++) { var menu = menus[i]; menu.onmouseover = menu.onfocus = function() { isover = true; document.getelementbyid("sites").style.display = "block"; } menu.onmouseout = menu.onblur = function() { isover = false; settimeout(function() { if (!isover) { document.getelementbyid("sites").style.display = "none"; } }, 100); } } } window.onload = function() { bindselectbox(); } //--> - 160 -

</script> <noscript> #sites { display: block; } </noscript> <body> <div id="selectbox"> </div> <strong><a href="#sites" id="button"> 검색사이트들보기 <ul id="sites"> </ul> <strong></strong> </a></strong> <li><a href="http://google.com">http://google.com</a> </li> <li><a href="http://yahoo.com">http://yahoo.com</a></li> <li class="last"> <a href="http://naver.com">http://naver.com</a></li> </body> - 161 -

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Generate accessible SWF file - 166 -

<accessible> true <mxml-compiler>... <accessible>true</accessible>... </mxml-compiler> - 167 -

c:/dev/myapps/appl.mxml <mxmlc compiler.accessible c:/dev/myapps/appl.mxml> <mxmlc -accessible c:/dev/myapps/appl.mxml> -accessible -compiler.accesiible tproperties.actionscrip <compiler additionalcompilerarguments="-locale en_us" generateaccessible="true"> - 168 -

accessible=true query http://www.mycompany.com/index.mxml?accessible=true - 169 -

tooltip tooltip tooltip tooltip - 170 -

tooltip tooltip <mx:image width="60" height="56" source="assets/icecreampint.jpg" /> tooltip=" 아이스크림" description description - 171 -

description <mx:image width="60" height="56" source="assets/icecreampint.jpg" tooltip=" 아이스크림 creationcomplete="event.target.accessibilityproperties = new AccessibilityProperties(); event.target.accessibilityproperties.description = 저희아이스크림은홈메이드를위하여최고의서비스를제공합니다. " /> description description accessibilityproperties.name name description name name description description name - 172 -

description, name tooltip, - 173 -

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listener listener listener KeyListener = new Object(); KeyListener.onKeyDown = function() { } if (Key.getAscii() == 63) { // 키보드입력이 '?' 키이면... } // call same code that button's click handler calls Key.addListener(KeyListener); - 179 -

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tabindex tabindex tabindex tabindex tabindex tabindex tabindex tabindex - 183 -

<mx:application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"> <mx:style> Application { } </mx:style> backgroundcolor: #FFFFFF; ToolTip{ } fontfamily: "verdana", " 돋움체"; fontsize: 12; fontsize: 12; fontfamily: "verdana", " 돋음"; <mx:vbox width="100%" height="100%" paddingtop="10" paddingleft="10" horizontalalign="left" verticalalign="top" horizontalscrollpolicy="off"> <mx:panel title=" 쇼핑몰정보소개" tabindex="1"> <mx:hbox> <mx:vbox width="120" horizontalalign="center"> </mx:vbox> <mx:image source="i1.jpg" tooltip=" 캔버스화" tabindex="2" width="80" height="70"/> <mx:label text="30000 원" tabindex="3"/> <mx:vbox width="120" horizontalalign="center"> </mx:vbox> <mx:image source="i2.jpg" tooltip=" 부츠" tabindex="4" width="80" height="70"/> <mx:label text="40000 원" tabindex="5"/> <mx:vbox width="120" horizontalalign="center"> <mx:image source="i3.jpg" tooltip=" 남성화" tabindex="6" width="80" height="70"/> <mx:label text="60000 원" tabindex="7"/> - 184 -

</mx:vbox> </mx:hbox>... </mx:panel> </mx:vbox> </mx:application> description description description - 185 -

accessibleinit() function accessibleinit() { } var desc = createobject("textinput","desc",0); desc.x = 0; desc.y = 0; desc.width = 0; desc.height = 0; desc.accessibilityproperties = new AccessibilityProperties(); desc.accessibilityproperties.description= ' 사용법: Flex 블로그의사용자가이콘텐츠를사용하려면 애플리케이션을실행시킨후에폼모드를활성화시키시오.'; <mx:application> accessibleinit() <mx:application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" /> mx:application xmlns:mx="" creationcomplete="accessibleinit(); pagetitle="flex 블로그리더" - 186 -

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tooltip - 206 -

Title Title - 207 -

tooltip - 208 -

tooltip Title tabindex - 209 -

tabindex tabindex enter= submitform() TextInput - 210 -

<mx:panel title=" 로그인" height="75%" width="75%" paddingtop="10" paddingleft="10" paddingright="10" paddingbottom="10"> <mx:form width="100%" height="100%"> </mx:panel> <mx:hbox width="300" height="300"> <mx:vbox width="200" height="101"> <mx:formitem label=" 아이디"> // Form을통해텍스트입력창의 title을 // </mx:form> 바로읽어들일수있도록구성함 // 키보드이동순서는 tabindex 를이용함. <mx:textinput id="iddata" width="135" tabindex="1"/> </mx:formitem> <mx:formitem label=" 비밀번호"> // enter 키입력시바로실행되도록 enter 속성을이용함 <mx:textinput id="passwddata" width="135" </mx:formitem> </mx:vbox> tabindex="2" displayaspassword="true" enter="submitform()"/> <mx:vbox verticalalign="middle"> <mx:button label=" 확인" height="56" tabindex="3" </mx:vbox> </mx:hbox> click="submitform()"/> - 211 -

FormHeading FormHeading FormHeading - 212 -

<mx:panel title=" 회원가입" height="75%" width="75%" paddingtop="10" paddingleft="10"paddingright="10" paddingbottom="10"> <mx:text width="100%" color="blue" text=" 회원가입에필요한정보를입력 하여주십시오 "/> <mx:accordion width="100%" height="100%" id='accrd' keyup="dgkey(event)" > // 첫번째판넬 <mx:vbox label=" 기본정보"> // Form 컴포넌트를이용한항목구현 <mx:form width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:formitem label=" 성명"> </mx:formitem> <mx:textinput id="fname" width="200"/> <mx:formitem label=" 아이디"> <mx:textinput id="iddata" width="200" keyup="ddd(event)"/> </mx:formitem> <mx:formitem label=" 비밀번호"> <mx:textinput id="passwddata" displayaspassword="true" width="80"/> - 213 -

</mx:formitem> <mx:formitem label=" 비밀번호확인"> <mx:textinput id="passwddata2" displayaspassword="true" </mx:formitem> </mx:form> width="80"/> <mx:hbox width="100%" horizontalalign="right"> <!-- Accordion 을사용하는경우에키보드를이용하여다음화면으로 이동하도록다음판넬의첫번째입력창에초점을준다. --> <mx:button label=" 다음" click="{accrd.selectedindex=1; </mx:hbox> </mx:vbox> // 두번째판넬 <mx:vbox label=" 연령 / 생년월일"> <mx:form width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:formitem label=" 생년월일 (mm/dd/yyyy)"> <mx:textinput id="dob" width="200"/> </mx:formitem> <mx:formitem label=" 연령"> </mx:form> <mx:textinput id="age" width="200"/> </mx:formitem> <mx:hbox width="100%" horizontalalign="right"> dob.setfocus();}"/> <mx:buttonlabel=" 이전" click="{accrd.selectedindex=0; fname.setfocus();}"/> <mx:button label=" 다음" click="{accrd.selectedindex=2; </mx:hbox> </mx:vbox> // 세번째판넬 <mx:vbox label=" 연락처"> <mx:form width="100%" height="100%"> email.setfocus();}"/> - 214 -

<mx:formitem label="e-mail"> <mx:textinput id="email" width="200"/> </mx:formitem> <mx:formitem label=" 전화번호"> </mx:form> <mx:textinput id="phone" width="200"/> </mx:formitem> <mx:hbox width="100%" horizontalalign="right"> <mx:buttonlabel=" 이전" click="{accrd.selectedindex=1; dob.setfocus();}"/> </mx:hbox> </mx:vbox> </mx:accordion> </mx:panel> //Validator 컴포넌트를이용한텍스트는경고창고함께보여줌. <mx:stringvalidator source="{fname}" property="text" minlength="4" maxlength="12" toolongerror=" 정상적인이름이아닙니다."/> <mx:phonenumbervalidator source="{phone}" property="text" invalidcharerror=" 잘못된연락처정보입니다.."/> <mx:datevalidator source="{dob}" property="text" wrongdayerror=" 올바른 날짜형식이아닙니다."/> <mx:emailvalidator source="{email}" property="text" missingatsignerror= " 올바른 e-mail 형식이아닙니다."/> <mx:numbervalidator source="{age}" property="text" minvalue="18" maxvalue="100" domain="int" invalidcharerror=" 숫자만사용할수있습니 다."/> - 215 -

RichTextEditor RichTextEditor RichTextEditor tooltip showtooltip - 216 -

RichTextEditor tooltip <mx:script> <![CDATA[ ]]> private function setrichtexteditor(id:richtexteditor):void { } </mx:script> id.fontfamilyarray = [' 굴림', ' 돋음', ' 바탕', 'Arial']; id.textarea.imemode = "KOREAN"; <mx:vbox width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:panel title=" 게시판 " height="75%" width="800" paddingtop="10" - 217 -

paddingleft="10" paddingright="10" paddingbottom="10"> <mx:vbox id="center" width="100%" height="100%" <!-- 게시판제목 --> verticalgap="0"> <mx:vbox id="centerstory" width="100%" height="100%" verticalalign="middle" horizontalgap="0" fontweight="bold" verticalgap="0" paddingtop="5"> <mx:hbox width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:image source="{imgtitlename}" tooltip=" 제목"/> <mx:textinput id="storycontentsta" </mx:hbox> height="100%" <mx:spacer height="6"/> </mx:vbox> <!-- 글쓰기 --> width="100%" paddingleft="10" tooltip=" 제목입력창입니다."/> <mx:vbox id="centerwrite" width="100%" height="100%" verticalalign="middle" horizontalgap="0" verticalgap="0" paddingbottom="0" paddingtop="0" > <mx:spacer height="1"/> <mx:richtexteditor id="writeediter" fontfamily=" 굴림" width="100%" height="100%" headerheight="0" paddingbottom="0" paddingleft="0" paddingright="0" paddingtop="0"showtooltips="true" borderalpha="1" bordercolor="#b0c0d8" headercolors="[#ffffff, #ffffff]" footercolors="[#edf6fa, #E5EEF0]" dropshadowenabled="false" borderthicknessleft="2" borderthicknessright="2" borderthicknesstop="1" borderthicknessbottom="2" initialize="setrichtexteditor(writeediter)"/> <mx:spacer height="7"/> <mx:hbox width="100%" horizontalalign="right" paddingbottom="5" paddingleft="5" paddingright="5" paddingtop="5" horizontalgap="5"> - 218 -

<mx:button label=" 저장" click="" stylename="subbutton"/> <mx:button label=" 취소" click="" stylename="subbutton"/> </mx:vbox> </mx:panel> </mx:vbox> </mx:hbox> </mx:vbox> - 219 -

<mx:style> } Application { backgroundcolor: #FFFFFF; ToolTip{ } </mx:style> <mx:script> fontfamily: "verdana", " 돋움체"; fontsize: 12; <![CDATA[ fontsize: 12; fontfamily: "verdana", " 돋음"; import mx.effects.zoom; import mx.core.container; import mx.collections.arraycollection; import mx.controls.alert; - 220 -

private var opiac :ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([ [Bindable] {OPI_NAME: ' 창의력', SUM_NUM: '7'}, {OPI_NAME: ' 어휘력', SUM_NUM: '8'}, {OPI_NAME: ' 의지력', SUM_NUM: '10'}]); private var accessstr : String = ""; /* chart 정보를텍스트로변환하는부분*/ private function changstr(arrac:arraycollection):void{ } </mx:script> var accstr :String = ""; for( var i:int = 0; i<arrac.length; ++i){ } accstr+= arrac[i].opi_name + ' ' + arrac[i].sum_num + ' 점. '; accstr+= ' 입니다'; accessstr = accstr; <mx:vbox width="100%" height="100%" creationcomplete="changstr(opiac);"> <mx:panel title=" 차트" height="75%" width="600" paddingtop="10" paddingleft="10" paddingright="10" paddingbottom="10"> <mx:barchart id="bbb" color="0x567dbb" stylename="pagebar" width="98%" height="100%" showdatatips="true" fontsize="11" gutterleft="70" fontfamily=" 굴림" dataprovider="{opiac}" > <mx:verticalaxis> <mx:categoryaxis categoryfield="opi_name"/> </mx:verticalaxis> <mx:horizontalaxis> <mx:linearaxis maximum="24"/> </mx:horizontalaxis> <mx:series> <mx:barseries id="xxx" yfield="opi_name" xfield="sum_num" displayname=" 항목" /> - 221 -

</mx:series> <mx:backgroundelements> <mx:array> <mx:gridlines direction="both"> <mx:verticalstroke> <mx:stroke weight="1" color="#cccccc"/> </mx:verticalstroke> </mx:gridlines> </mx:array> </mx:backgroundelements> </mx:barchart> <!-- 차트가화면낭독프로그램을지원하지않으므로, height 값을 0으로설정한상태에서차트내용을텍스트로변환하여제공함--> <mx:label text="{accessstr}" height="0" tooltip="{accessstr}"/> </mx:panel> </mx:vbox> - 222 -

<mx:vbox width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:panel title="scroll" height="75%" width="600" paddingtop="10" paddingleft="10" paddingright="10" paddingbottom="10"> <mx:vbox paddingleft="5" verticalgap="0" width="400" height="80" borderstyle="solid" horizontalscrollpolicy="off" > <mx:label text='txt1'/> <mx:label text='txt2'/> <mx:label text='txt3'/> <mx:label text='txt4'/> <mx:label text='txt5'/> <! 실제로화면에보이진않으나, 초점을가질수있기때문에하단의정보도조회할수있다.--> <mx:button id="btn" width="0" height="0" tabenabled="true" buttonmode="false"/> </mx:vbox> </mx:panel> </mx:vbox> tooltip, name description - 223 -

- 224 -

<mx:style> Application { } ToolTip{ } backgroundcolor: #FFFFFF;.preBtn { }.nextbtn { } </mx:style> fontfamily: "verdana", " 돋움체"; fontsize: 12; fontsize: 12; fontfamily: "verdana", " 돋음"; upskin: Embed('/images/pre_over.png'); downskin: Embed('/images/pre_down.png'); overskin: Embed('/images/pre_over.png'); upskin: Embed('/images/next_over.png'); downskin: Embed('/images/next_down.png'); overskin: Embed('/images/next_over.png'); <mx:script> <![CDATA[ /* image 롤링배너를위한메서드.*/ [Bindable] private var currentnum :Number = 0; [Bindable] private var labelstr:string = '' [Bindable] private var labeldesc:string = '' - 225 -

/* 다음배너를조회하기위한 function*/ private function nexthandler():void{ if(currentnum+1==imgac.length){ currentnum=-1; } currentnum++; if(img1.x==0){ img2.source=imgac[currentnum].source; img2.tooltip = imgac[currentnum].data; labelstr =imgac[currentnum].data; labeldesc =imgac[currentnum].desc; }else{ img1.source=imgac[currentnum].source; img1.tooltip = imgac[currentnum].data; labelstr =imgac[currentnum].data; labeldesc =imgac[currentnum].desc; } moveright(); } /* 이전배너를조회하기위한 function*/ private function prehandler():void{ if(currentnum-1==-1){ currentnum=imgac.length; } currentnum--; if(img1.x==0){ img2.source=imgac[currentnum].source; img2.tooltip = imgac[currentnum].data; labelstr =imgac[currentnum].data; labeldesc =imgac[currentnum].desc; - 226 -

}else{ img1.source=imgac[currentnum].source; img1.tooltip = imgac[currentnum].data; labelstr =imgac[currentnum].data; labeldesc =imgac[currentnum].desc; } moveleft(); } /* 다음배너를이동시키는 function*/ private function moveright():void { if(img1.x == 0){ move1.end(); move2.end(); img2.x = 285; move1.xto = -285; move2.xto = 0; move1.play(); move2.play(); } }else{ img1.x=285; move2.xto = -285; move1.xto = 0; move2.play(); move1.play(); } /* 이전배너를이동시키는 function*/ private function moveleft():void { - 227 -

]]> if(img1.x == 0){ move1.end(); move2.end(); img2.x = -285; move1.xto = 285; move2.xto = 0; move1.play(); move2.play(); }else{ img1.x=-285; move2.xto = 285; move1.xto = 0; move2.play(); move1.play(); } } </mx:script> <mx:vbox width="100%" height='100%' creationcomplete="nexthandler()"> <mx:panel title="image 배너" height="75%" width="650" creationcomplete="nexthandler()" paddingtop="10" paddingleft="10" paddingright="10" paddingbottom="10" > <mx:hbox width="100%"> <mx:canvas width="400" height="300"> <mx:button x="10" y="30" stylename="prebtn" click='prehandler();' width="17" height="90"/> tooltip=" 다음문항으로이동합니다." <mx:canvas x="40" y="5" width="284" height="234" borderstyle="none" horizontalscrollpolicy="off" verticalscrollpolicy="off"> <mx:image x='0' y='0' id='img1' source="images/001.jpg" tooltip=" 동대산전경입니다." width="284" height="235"/> - 228 -

<mx:image x='285' y='0' id='img2' source="images/002.jpg" tooltip=" 두로봉전경입니다." width="284" height="235"/> </mx:canvas> <mx:button x="350" y="30" stylename="nextbtn" click='nexthandler();' width="17" height="90"/> </mx:canvas> tooltip=" 다음문항으로이동합니다." <mx:vbox borderstyle="solid" height="240" width="180" horizontalalign="center"> <mx:label id='lvl1' text="{labelstr}" fontweight="bold"/> <mx:text htmltext="{labeldesc}" width="150" /> </mx:vbox> </mx:hbox> </mx:panel> </mx:vbox> <mx:arraycollection id='imgac'> <mx:object SOURCE="images/001.jpg" DATA=" 동대산전경입니다." DESC=' 높이 1,434m 의동대산은북쪽의두로봉, 동쪽의노인봉등 과함께백두대간의줄기를이룬다.... '/> <mx:object SOURCE="images/002.jpg" DATA=" 두로봉전경입니다." DESC=' 두로봉은강원도평창군진부면과홍천군내면및강릉시연 곡면사이에있는산으로높이 1,422m 이다....' /> <mx:object SOURCE="images/003.jpg" DATA=" 비로봉전경입니다." DESC=' 적멸보궁은부처님의정골사리를봉안한곳이다....'/> <mx:object SOURCE="images/004.jpg" DATA=" 상왕봉전경입니다." DESC=' 백두대간은힘찬기세로금강산, 설악산을지나대관령, 태백산, 소백산으로이어지는데... '/> </mx:arraycollection> </mx:application> - 229 -

Label - 230 -

<mx:script> <![CDATA[ /* 콘텐츠의확대또는축소기능*/ private var originwidth:number=1; private var originheight:number=1; public function contentzoom(flag:string):void{ var zoom:zoom = new Zoom(); zoom.originy=0; if (flag == 'zoomin'){ originheight += 0.1; originwidth += 0.1; } else if (flag == 'zoomout') { originheight -= 0.1; originwidth -= 0.1; - 231 -

} if (originheight < 1){ originheight=1; } if (originwidth < 1) { originwidth=1; } } zoom.zoomheightto = originheight; zoom.zoomwidthto = originwidth; zoom.target = Application.application.kado; zoom.play(); // accessibility 속성을제거한다. // ( 화면낭독프로그램에서읽혀지지않게처리) private function removeaccessibility(event:flexevent):void{ (event.target.accessibilityproperties } = new AccessibilityProperties()).silent=true ]]> </mx:script> <mx:vbox width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:panel title="kado 위치안내소개"> <mx:label text=" 콘텐츠축소 / 확대" fontweight="bold" fontsize="14" color="#343434"/> <mx:hbox width="650" height="480" id="targetbox" verticalscrollpolicy="off" horizontalscrollpolicy="off" paddingtop="10" paddingleft="10"> <mx:box width="638" height="463" paddingleft="0" paddingright="0" paddingbottom="0" paddingtop="0" id="kado" borderstyle="solid" horizontalscrollpolicy="off" verticalscrollpolicy="off"> <mx:image width="330" tooltip=" 한국정보문화진흥원약도 - 대표 전화 02-3660-2500, 홈페이지담당전화 02-3660-2745 지하철 5호 선발산역에서강서보건소사이백석초등학교옆( 등촌중학교건너 - 232 -

편) 한국정보문화진흥원" source="map.gif"/> </mx:box> </mx:hbox> <mx:hbox width="650" verticalalign="bottom" horizontalalign="right"> <mx:button label=" 콘텐츠확대" click="contentzoom('zoomin')" tabenabled="false" creationcomplete="removeaccessibility(event)"/> <mx:button label=" 콘텐츠축소" click="contentzoom('zoomout')" tabenabled="false" creationcomplete="removeaccessibility(event)"/> </mx:hbox> </mx:panel> </mx:vbox> - 233 -

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- 238 -

액세스가능성 액세스가능성 액세스가능성 24) Flash CS4 영문버전에서는 Accessibility Panel, 즉접근성패널이라고한다. - 239 -

액세스가능성 액세스가능성객체를액세스가능하게만들기 25), 자식객체 액세스가능 26), 자동레이블 이름 설명 액세스가능성 객체를액세스가능하게만들기 자식객체액세스가능 25) Flash CS4 영문버전에서는 Make Object Accessible', 즉 객체를접근성있게만들기 의의미이다. 26) Flash CS4 영문버전에서는 Make child objects accessible', 즉 자식객체를접근성있게만들기 의의미이다. - 240 -

자동레이블 자동레이블 자동레이블 object object embed embed window opaque param param wmode transparent 27) http://help.adobe.com/ko_kr/flash/10.0_usingflash/wsd60f23110762d6b883b18f10cb1fe1a f6-7c2ba.html - 241 -

wmode window window object param embed param embed wmode param param param window transpare nt opaque 28) 의블로그 Stephanie Sullivan : http://www.communitymx.com/content/article.cfm?cid=e5141-242 -

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액세스가능성 액세스가능성 객체를액세스가능하게만들기 이름 - 245 -

액세스가능성 이름 설명 이름 설명 이름 설명 이름 설명 이름 설명 액세스가능성 이름 세스가능 액세스가능성 자식객체액 - 246 -

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- 248 -

FLVPlaybackCaptioning FLVPlayback FLVPlaybackCaptioning FLVPlayback FLVPlaybackCaptioning FLVPlayback FLVPlaybackCaptioning FLVPlayback showcaptions - 249 -

FLVPlaybackCaptioning source FLVPlayback FLVPlaybackCaptioning - 250 -

FLVPlaybackCaptioning FLVPlaybackCaptioning - 251 -

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listener listener on (click) { } geturl(http://www.kado.or.kr/index.html); MouseEvent function gotokadosite(event:mouseevent):void { var adobeurl:urlrequest=new URLRequest( "http://www.kado.or.kr/"); navigatetourl(adoveurl); - 257 -

} home_mc.addeventlistener(mouseevent.click, gotokadosite); - 258 -

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자식객체액세스가능 액세스가능성 - 260 -

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- 265 -

.tabindex - 266 -

.tabindex.tabindex.silent.tabindex.tabindex - 267 -

.tabindex.tabindex.tabindex - 268 -

Accessibility.isActive() Accessibility.Active().silent.silent - 269 -

- 270 -

- 271 -

if (Accessibility.isActive()) { geturl(screenreaderpage.htm); } else { geturl(normalpage.htm); } screenreaderpage.htm normalpage.htm - 272 -

embed opaque wmode <object...> <param name="wmode" value="opaque"> <embed wmode="opaque"...>... </embed> </object> wmode windows wmode - 273 -

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- 275 -

enableaccessibility() import fl.accessibility.checkboxaccimpl; CheckBoxAccImpl.enableAccessibility( ) - 276 -

- 277 -

- 278 -

- 279 -

설명 액세스가능성 이름 - 280 -

이름 설명 이름 설명 - 281 -

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액세스가능성 description - 291 -

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액세스가능성 액세스가능성 기자식객체액세스가능자동레이블 무비를액세스가능하게만들 - 295 -

액세스가능성 름 액세스가능성이름설명 설명 설명 이 액세스가능성 객체를액세스가능하게만들기 - 296 -

이름설명이름설명 이름 설명 탭인덱스 - 297 -

- 298 -

액세스가능성 액세스가능성 액세스가능성 탭인덱스 - 299 -

덱스 탭인 탭인덱스 탭인덱스 탭인덱스 타임라인 - 300 -

- 301 -

자식객체액세스가능 인덱스 액세스가능성 탭인덱스 탭 설명 액세스가능성 이름 액세스가능성 - 302 -

이미지번호 1 2 3 4 하이퍼텍스트링크 http://... http://... http://... http://... 무비를액세스가능하게만들기 자식객체액세스가능 액세스가능성패널설정 이름 설명 질의분야를선택하신체크언체크질의응답후... 공간입니다. 체크언체크나의질의조회 체크언체크고객센터 FAQ 체크언체크고객상담안내 질의하신질문과... 공간입니다. 질의를신청하기전... 확인하실 수 있습니 다. 고객의효과적인상담을... 안내페이지입니다. Tab 인덱스 1 2 3 4 5 http://... 체크언체크국민제안 행정정책과... 제안하실수있습니다. 5 6 http://... 체크언체크여론광장 생각을 자유롭게... 확인하실 수 있습니 다. 6-303 -

인덱스 탭인덱스 액세스가능성 탭 액세스가능성이름설명 - 304 -

액세스가능성 액세스가능성 버튼번호 배너이미지파일이름 하이퍼텍스트링크 객체를액세스가능하게만들기 액세스가능성패널설정 이름 설명 질의분야를선택하 1 질의응답.jpg http://... 체크 질의응답신후... 공간입니 다. 2 나의질의조회 http://... 체크나의질의질의하신질문과.jpg 조회... 공간입니다. 고객센터FAQ 3 http://... 체크고객센터질의를신청하기전... 확인하실수.jpg FAQ 있습니다. 4 고객상담안내 http://... 체크고객상담고객의효과적인상담을... 안내페이.jpg 안내지입니다. Tab 인덱스 1 2 3 4-305 -

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서울특별시강서구공항로 188 발행일 : 2008. 12. 발행처 : 한국정보문화진흥원전화 : (02) 3660-2576 FAX : (02) 3660-2579 URL : http://www.kado.or.kr