End of Support for SQL Server 2008 & SQL Server 2008 R2

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1 SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 지원종료에대비한마이그레이션제안

2 목차 1. 제안배경 2. 지원종료의의미 3. SQL Server 마이그레이션의필요성 4. SQL Server 2017의장점 5. 데이터베이스마이그레이션제안 6. 마이그레이션유형 7. 마이그레이션단계별지원 8. 제공혜택

3 제안배경 S Q L S E R V E R / R 2 의지원종료임박 버전현재지원수준지원중단연장지원종료 SQL Server 2014 모든버전에대한지원제공중 2019 년 7 월 9 일 2024 년 7 월 9 일 SQL Server 2012 SQL Server 2012 SP2+ 에대한연장지원제공중 ( 보안업데이트, 유료지원및비보안관련유료핫픽스지원 ) 2017 년 7 월 11 일 2022 년 7 월 12 일 SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 SQL Server 2008 및 2008 R2 에대한연장지원제공중 ( 보안업데이트, 유료지원및비보안관련유료핫픽스지원 ) 2014 년 7 월 8 일 2019 년 7 월 9 일 SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2005 모든지원종료 2011 년 4 월 12 일 2016 년 4 월 12 일 SQL Server 지원수명주기 :

4 SQL SERVER 2008 & 2008 R2 지원종료의의미 보안업데이트없음 규정미준수 높아지는유지비용 크리티컬한보안업데이트에대한권한상실및잠재적인비즈니스중단위험에노출 업계가요구하는각종표준규정및규제에대응불가능 레거시서버, 방화벽, 침입탐지시스템등에대한유지보수비용증가

5 보안측면 보안업데이트가적용되지않은서버는비즈니스에심각한저해초래 해킹, root 계정으로들어오는멀웨어, 중간자공격, 정부기관의강제소환등으로부터데이터보호 외부의취약성으로부터고객데이터를안전하게보관 SQL 서버전체적으로 E2E 데이터보호를사용

6 규정준수측면 지원종료후에도표준규제준수는필수의무신용카드트랜잭션을위한 PCI-DSS 준수 의료환자의프라이버시준수를위한 HIPAA 준수 금융기관을위한금융서비스현대화법 (GLBA) 준수 유럽대상비즈니스를하는기업을위한 GDPR* 준수

7 비용효과측면 SQL Server 보안업데이트추가연장으로인한혜택 Offers flexibility as you move to the cloud At the end of support for SQL Server 2008 and 2008 R2, your maintenance costs may increase as your IT staff maintains your aging hardware, keeps intrusion and firewalls up to date, and handles network segmentation. Add three more years of product support beyond the end of Extended Support with SQL Server Extended Security Updates Minimizes disruptions to your environment Helps you meet regulator y compliance Helps makes your environment more secure Enables you to proactively plan for end of product support Windows Server 및 SQL Server 의 2008/2008R2 버전에대한연장지원 연장지원종료일 추가보안업데이트연장기간 W in dows Ser ver 2008/ R2 January 2020 January 2020 January 2026 SQL Ser ver 2008/ R2 July 2019 July 2019 July 2025

8 SQL SERVER 의진화 SQL Server 2000 SQL Server 2005 SQL Server 2008 SQL Server 2008 R2 SQL Server 2012 SQL Server 2014 SQL Server 2016 & 2017

9 Vulnerabilities ( ) 유저당셀프서비스 BI 비용 S Q L S E R V E R 의장점 플랫폼및언어선택의다양성 업계최고의성능 지난 7 년간보안최고등급 AI 빌트인된유일한상업용 DB 어느디바이스에서나 End-to-end 모바일 BI $2, R 1/ T-SQL Java C/C++ C#/VB.NET PHP Node.js Python Ruby #1 OLTP 성능 #1 DW 성능 #1 가격 / 성능 R 및 Python + 대규모 in-memory Native T-SQL scoring $480 $120 Microsoft Tableau Oracle 비용경쟁력 모든워크로드에 In-memory 프라이빗클라우드 가장일관된데이터플랫폼 퍼블릭클라우드

10 데이터베이스마이그레이션제안 Azure SQL 의장점 빌트인인텔리전스 획기적인생산성과성능 Seamless 와호환성 TCO 우수 온프레미스및호스팅솔루션에비해 ROI 406% 우수

11 마이그레이션유형 A ZURE 로전환 Rehost Refactor Rearchitect Rebuild SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 워크로드를 Azure VM 또는 Azure SQL Database MI 로재호스팅 Azure SQL 로리패키징 Azure SQL Container 및매니지드인스턴스로클라우드환경에맞게재설계 Azure SQL Container 및매니지드인스턴스로재빌드 무상보안업데이트서비스 3 년연장 라이선스재사용 (Azure 하이브리드혜택 ) 으로비용절감

12 마이그레이션단계별지원 1 식별업그레이드할데이터베이스를식별 2 진단평가데이터의성숙도평가 3 타게팅클라우드및 AI 로애플리케이션고도화 4 마이그레이션 Make the move MAP Tool 로인벤토리구성 Data Maturity Assessment 평가 Azure Data Service 방문하기 데이터베이스마이그레이션가이드 Azure 마이그레이션센터 Data Migration Assistant(DMA) Azure Database Migration Service

13 제공혜택 업데이트 3 년추가연장! + Azure SQL 매니지드인스턴스에서버전프리옵션제공 무료 여기에추가로, 링크 링크 컨설팅만받으셔도드리는선물! 컨설팅신청하기

14 S Q L P A A S VS. AWS R D S 비용비교 Azure SQL DB Managed Instance 는일반적인경우 AWS RDS SE (Single-AZ) 소비자가대비 33% 저렴 $10.0/hr 46% 저렴 vs. AWS Azure SQL DB Managed Instance 비즈니스크리티컬의경우 AWS RDS EE (Multi-AZ) 소비자가대비 46% 저렴 $3.02/hr 33% 저렴 vs. AWS $5.44/hr $2.02/hr AWS RDS SE Single-AZ (List) Azure SQL DB General Purpose AWS RDS EE Multi-AZ (List) Azure SQL DB Business Critical Note: On-Demand Prices for a Managed Instance price. Pricing accessed on October 2, US East 2. Comparable AWS RDS is db.r3.2xlarge. AWS Prices based on US East (Virginia).

15 S Q L I A A S VS. A W S 비용 비교 Windows Ser ver 와 SQL Ser ver 의 Software Assurance 를보유하고있는고객의경우, SQL on IaaS 는언제나 Azure 가저렴 $2.379/hr 19% 저렴 vs. AWS SQL 및 Windows Ser ver 의 hybrid use benefit 활용시비용최적화가능 $1.393/hr 32% 저렴 vs. AWS $1.932/hr $0.946/hr Standard Edition on AWS EC2 (SQL License Mobility) Standard Edition on Azure (Hybrid Use Benefit Pricing) Enterprise Edition on AWS EC2 (SQL License Mobility) Enterprise Edition on Azure (Hybrid Use Benefit Pricing) Note: On-Demand Prices for a D13 v2 VM. Pricing accessed on October 2, US East 2. Comparable AWS VM is r3.2xlarge. AWS Prices based on US East (Virginia). Savings analysis assumes that customer is paying software assurance on SQL Server. Does not include SA for Windows Server as those costs are fairly negligible - $164 per 2-core license for WS DC, and $23 for Standard (OLP, NL).

16 S Q L S E R V E R & R 2 이후추가된기능 In-Memory OLTP 와 Clustered Columnstore 를통한트랜잭션및실시간분석프로세싱을동시지원 Clustered Columnstore 인덱스로 In-Memory Data Warehouse 24TB 메모리의 Windows Server 2016 과 Windows Server 2016 max cores 로탁월한확장성 Enhanced Always On Availability Groups with easy GUI-based Wizard Automatic failover between three synchronous replicas. Up to eight secondary replicas Buffer Pool Extension to SSDs Adaptive Query Processing Resource Governor with CPU, Memory and IO Governance Delayed Durability of Memory- Optimized Tables Query optimization enhancements Query Store Local DB runtime (Express) Data-tier application component project FileTable build on FILESTREAM Remote Blob Storage with SharePoint 2016 Statistical Semantic Search Contained Database Authentication 자동 Plan 수정 JSON 지원 Spatial features, Full Globe and arcs Temporal Tables 지원 Graph data 지원 Enhanced Integration Services Data Quality Services Master Data Services Always Encrypted 다이나믹데이터마스킹 Row 레벨보안 Auditing SQL Server 2016 에대한 EAL2 레벨의 CC 인증 Backup encryption 지원 Enhanced separation of duties Default schema for groups Operational analytics Enhanced In-Memory DW with Clustered Columnstore Big Data integration with Hadoop and Azure Blob Storage Big Data Queries with T-SQL Enhanced database caching Direct Query Enhanced connectors, new transformations, object-level security, ragged hierarchies** Mobile BI Enterprise-grade Analysis Services In-Memory analytics with Analysis Services Tabular Model Enhanced multidimensional models Modernized Reports and Dashboard with support for Mobile BI Create mobile reports using the SQL Server Mobile Report Publisher Consume with Power BI mobile apps HA for StreamInsight, complex event processing Import PowerPivot models into Analysis Services Advanced tabular mode Enhanced productivity and performance Power View Configurable reporting alerts Reporting as SharePoint Shared Service Master Data Services Add-in for Excel Extensible object model Machine Learning Services with built-in support for Python and R Operationalize Machine Learning algorithms with In-Database Machine Learning support RRE APIs with full parallelism and no memory limits for scale/performance Built-in In-memory Advanced Analytics Advanced data mining Disaster Recovery environment in Azure VMs using Always On Availability groups Stretch database Hybrid scenarios with SSIS Enhanced backup to Azure Easy migration to the cloud Secure backups to Azure with managed backups Linux 지원 (RHEL, Suse, Ubuntu) 도커컨테이너및 Kubernetes 지원 Extensible object model



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