주의사항 Precautions 반드시본사용설명서를모두읽은후제품을사용하십시오. Please read this instruction carefully before use. 제품의분해, 개조등을하지마십시오. Do not attempt to disassemble or modi
- 서진 함
- 6 years ago
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1 sdp-1000 Operating Instructions Rev. : 1.0
2 주의사항 Precautions 반드시본사용설명서를모두읽은후제품을사용하십시오. Please read this instruction carefully before use. 제품의분해, 개조등을하지마십시오. Do not attempt to disassemble or modify the product. 제품에진동, 충격을가하지마십시오. Keep the product away from the external shocks or vibrations. 반드시제품후면의전원스위치를 off 한후제품을설치하십시오. When installing the product, turn off the power switch placed on the rear panel of the product. 손상되거나피복이벗겨진 cable 은사용하지마십시오. Do not use the damaged or peeled cables. 반드시제품후면의전원스위치를 off 한상태에서필요한케이블을연결하십시오. When connecting the cables, the power switch should be off. - 제품의외관, 내용물, 사양은예고없이변경될수있습니다. Product specifications and features are subject to change without notice. 1
3 A/S 정보 Warranty information 1. 무상 A/S Free warranty service 정상적인사용중설계, 제조상의결함으로발생된불량에대하여구입일로부터 1년간 A/S를보증합니다. In case of the defect is found caused by the design or the production flaw while using the device properly, a manufacturer is responsible for the faulty product and the free warranty service for 1 year from the date of purchasing. 배터리와같은소모품의 A/S 기간은 6개월입니다. The consumable units such as batteries are covered in warranty service for 6 months only. 무상 A/S기간중이라도천재지변등불가항력적인요인으로인한제품의고장및파손은무상 A/S대상에서제외됩니다. Even in the warranty service period, malfunction or damage of products caused by the inevitable incident such as a natural disaster is not subject of the free warranty service. 2. 유상 A/S Warranty service at a cost 무상 A/S기간이지난제품. The product that free warranty service period is expired. 소비자과실로인한제품의고장. Malfunction of the product caused by a user s fault. 사고로인한제품고장. Malfunction of the product caused by incidents. 지진, 수해, 낙뢰등천재지변으로인한제품의고장 Malfunction of the product caused by a natural disaster such as earthquake, flood, lightning & etc. 유상 A/S의경우운송비는소비자부담입니다. In case of the warranty service at a cost, a customer should cover the transportation costs. 3. 소비자과실유형 Samples of a user s fault 제품의분해, 개조등을한제품 In case of attempts to disassemble or modify the device 사용설명서에명시된사용법미준수로인한불량 In case of not following the instructions on this manual 4. A/S 를의뢰하기전본사용설명서와홈페이지의 Q&A 항목을충분히검토하시기바랍니다. Please read this operating instructions & Q&A board on our website carefully before asking for the warranty service. 2
4 기본구성품 Supplied accessories 1. sdp 리모컨 Remote controller 3. 배터리충전용전원장치 Power supply for charging the battery Ultimate High Performance Audio 4. 사용설명서 Operating instructions 5. 디바이스드라이버 CD Device driver CD 6. USB 케이블 USB cable 3
5 기능 Features User interface 3.12 Graphic OLED display Soft feel front panel switch High quality remote controller Audio inputs USB input - USB audio class bit/192KHz PCM & DSD playback - Asynchronous audio interface - Ultra high performance audio clock Optical, Coaxial x 2, BNC, AES/EBU input - 24bit/192KHz PCM - Shielded transformer coupled input circuit Analog balanced x 1 Analog unbalanced x 2 Digital processing 32bit up-sampler Selectable up-sampling rate : off, x1, x2, x4 Pre-amplifier Digitally controlled analog volume circuit : +10dB ~ -75dB, 0.5dB step Balance control Full balanced circuit Balanced x 1 and Unbalanced x 2 analog audio inputs Cross talk & off isolation improve design Power supply Fully battery operation Two battery pack and automatic charger Ultra low noise regulator circuit 4
6 전면구조 Front panel 대기모드스위치 On/Standby switch 제품을동작상태로전환하거나대기모드로전환합니다. Used to set the product to On or Standby. 2. OLED 정보표시창 OLED display windows 제품동작상태를표시합니다. Used to indicate the operational status. 3. 입력선택및메뉴스위치 Input selection/menu switch 오디오입력을순차적으로선택합니다. Used to select audio input in order. 2 초이상누르고있으면설정모드로진입하여제품의기능을조절할수있습니다. Press this button for 2 seconds to enter the setting mode and you can adjust the product functions. 4. 볼륨증가버튼 Volume increase button 볼륨을한단계올립니다. 설정모드에서는설정값을변경할수있습니다. Used to increase the volume level and change the setting value at the setting mode 5. 볼륨감소버튼 Volume decrease button 볼륨을한단계내립니다. 설정모드에서는설정값을한단계내리는데사용됩니다. Used to decrease the volume level and change the setting value at the setting mode. 6. 음소거버튼 Mute button 음소거기능을 on/off 합니다. 설정모드에서는설정값을저장하고이전단계로돌아갑니다. Used the mute on/off and save the setting value at the setting mode. 5
7 후면구조 Rear panel 충전용전원잭 Charger power jack 배터리충전용전원입력잭입니다. Power input jack for charging the battery. 2. 전원 on/off 스위치 Power on/off switch 제품의동작전원을 on/off 합니다. Power on/ off to operate the product. 3. 접지단자 Earth terminal 제품의케이스접지용단자입니다. Connect to earth(ground). 4. 언밸런스출력단자 Unbalanced output connector 파워앰프의언밸런스입력단자와연결합니다. Connect to the unbalanced input of the power amplifier. 5. 밸런스출력단자 Balanced output connector 파워앰프의밸런스입력단자와연결합니다. Connect to the balanced input of the power amplifier. 6. 밸런스입력단자 Balanced input connector CD player 나 DAC 와같은소스기기의밸런스출력단자와연결합니다. Connect to the balanced output of the audio source device such as CD player or DAC. 7. 언밸런스입력단자 1 Unbalanced input connector 1 CD player 나 DAC 와같은소스기기의언밸런스출력단자와연결합니다. Connect to the unbalanced output of the audio source device such as CD player or DAC. 8. 언밸런스입력단자 2 Unbalanced input connector 2 CD player 나 DAC 와같은소스기기의언밸런스출력단자와연결합니다. Connect to the unbalanced output of the audio source device such as CD player or DAC. 10. 디지털광입력단자 Optical input connector CD player 나 DDC 의디지털광출력단자와연결합니다. Connect to the optical output connector of the audio source device such as CD player or DDC. 11. 디지털동축입력단자 1 Digital Coaxial input connector 1 CD player 나 DDC 의디지털동축출력단자와연결합니다. Connect to the digital coaxial output connector of the CD player or DDC. 12. 디지털동축입력단자 2 Digital Coaxial input connector 2 CD player 나 DDC 의디지털동축출력단자와연결합니다. Connect to the digital coaxial output connector of the CD player or DDC. 13. 디지털 BNC 입력단자 Digital BNC input connector CD player 나 DDC 의디지털 BNC 출력단자와연결합니다. Connect to the digital BNC output connector of the CD player or DDC. 14. AES/EBU 입력단자 AES/EBU input connector CD player 나 DDC 의 AES/EBU 출력단자와연결합니다. Connect to the AES/EBU output connector of the CD player or DDC. 15. USB 기능선택스위치 USB mode selector switch USB입력단자의기능을선택합니다. Select USB input connector functions. Audio 위치 : USB audio 기능을이용합니다. Audio position : When used USB audio. DFU 위치 : USB 포트를이용하여제품의제어프로그램을업그레이드할때선택합니다. DFU position : When used to upgrade the control F/W of product through the USB port. 제어프로그램업그레이드방법은홈페이지를참조하십시오. Please refer the website to find out how to upgrade the control F/W. 9. USB 입력단자 USB input connector PC 의 USB audio 용포트와연결합니다. Connect to the USB port of PC. 6
8 리모컨 Remote controller 1 1. 대기모드 on/off 스위치 Standby on/off switch ON : 제품을동작모드로전환합니다. Change to normal operating mode. OFF : 제품을대기모드로전환합니다. Change to standby mode 입력선택스위치 Input select switch 각버튼을누르는것에따라입력소스가선택됩니다. Select the input source by pressing each button. 3. 볼륨조절스위치 Volume control switch Mute : 음소거를선택합니다. Mute on/off Up : 볼륨을한단계증가합니다. Increase the volume. Down : 볼륨을한단계감소합니다. Decrease the volume. 4. 설정메뉴스위치 Setting mode switch Menu : 설정모드로진입하거나설정모드를변경합니다. Enter or change the setting mode. Set : 설정값을저장하고이전단계로돌아갑니다. Save the setting value and go back to the previous stage. Set + Mute : Up-sampler기능을 on/off 선택합니다. Turn the Up-sampler on/off. Set + Up : Up-sampler의 sampling rate를선택합니다. Select the up-sampler sampling rate. - 리모컨배터리교환방법 - How to change the batteries of the remote controller. 1. 제품하단의나사를모두풀고커버를분리합니다. Loosen screws at the bottom of the remote controller and open the cover. 2. 회로기판의커넥터와연결된배터리케이블을가볍게잡아당겨회로기판과분리합니다. Disconnect the batteries from the PCB connector by pulling the battery cable slightly. 새로운배터리를분리한커넥터에다시연결합니다. Connect the new batteries to PCB connector. 3. 제품커버를닫고나사를다시조입니다. Close the cover and fasten the screws. Ultimate High Performance Audio 반드시몰렉스 (Molex) 사의 커넥터가연결되어있는 CR2032 코인배터리를사용하십시오. Make sure to use the CR2032 coin cell which is connected Molex connector. 7
9 OLED 표시창 OLED display window 입력선택정보 Input source information 선택한입력소스를표시합니다. Display the selected input source. 2. 입력신호상태정보 Input signal status information LOCK : 디지털오디오신호가입력되고있습니다. The Digital audio signal is detected. UNLOCK : 디지털오디오신호가입력되고있지않습니다. The Digital audio signal is not detected. Non-PCM : 입력되는신호가 PCM 신호가아닙니다. The Input signal is not the PCM audio signal. 3. 업샘플러동작상태와입력샘플레이트정보 Display the Up-Sampler status and the input sampling rate information 좌측에는업샘플러의동작상태가표시되며우측에는입력되는신호의샘플레이트정보가표시됩니다. The Up-Sampler operating status displays on the left and the input sampling rate information displays on the right. 업샘플러의동작상태는표시되는아이콘에따라아래표와같이동작됩니다. The following chart is shown the operation status by the sampling rate. The following chart is shown the battery operation status. 배터리팩 1 Battery pack 1 배터리팩 2 Battery pack 2 사용중 Used 6 충전중 Charging 충전완료 Charging complete 5. 볼륨정보 Volume level 설정된볼륨값을 db 단위로표시합니다. Display the volume level in db unit. 음소거시에는아래와같은 Mute 아이콘표시됩니다. Mute icon is displayed when it is muted. 6. 볼륨표시바 Volume level bar graph 설정된볼륨값이막대그래프로표시됩니다. Display the volume level in a bar graph. 저전압 Low battery Input fs 32.0KHz 32Bit/48.0KHz 32Bit/96.0KHz 32Bit/192.0KHz 44.1KHz 32Bit/44.1KHz 32Bit/88.2KHz 32Bit/176.4KHz 48.0KHz 32Bit/48.0KHz 32Bit/96.0KHz 32Bit/192.0KHz 88.2KHz 32Bit/44.1KHz 32Bit/88.2KHz 32Bit/176.4KHz 96.0KHz 32Bit/48.0KHz 32Bit/96.0KHz 32Bit/192.0KHz 176.4Khz 32Bit/44.1KHz 32Bit/88.2KHz 32Bit/176.4KHz 192.0KHz 32Bit/48.0KHz 32Bit/96.0KHz 32Bit/192.0KHz DSD DSD DSD DSD 4. 배터리동작상태 Battery operation status 좌측에는배터리팩 1 의동작상태가표시되며우측에는배터리팩 2 의동작상태가표시됩니다. Indicate the battery pack 1 status on the left and the battery pack 2 status on the right. 배터리의동작상태는표시되는아이콘에따라아래표와같이동작됩니다. 8
10 제품설치및사용방법 Installation and Use 제품을설치하기전반드시본제품설명서를모두읽어보십시오. Please read this manual thoroughly before the installation. 제품설치시제품의후면은타제품또는벽과의거리를반드시 15cm이상거리가유지되도록설치하십시오. When installing the unit, the rear plate should be more than 15cm away from the wall or other products. 제품설치시제품의상판과좌우면은타제품또는벽과의거리를반드시 5cm이상거리가유지되도록설치하십시오. When installing the unit, the top and side plates should be more than 5cm away from the wall or other products. 4. 제품에타제품과케이블을연결하기전제품의전원이켜져있을경우전면의대기모드스위치를이용해제품을대기상태로전환하십시오. The unit should be in standby status before making connections with the cables and other products. 5. 필요한케이블을모두연결합니다. Connect all cables needed. (PC와연결을위한 USB 케이블중일부 USB케이블은고속전송을하지못하는케이블이있습니다. 반드시 USB 2.0 인증을획득한케이블을사용하십시오.) (Some USB cables are not available for USB 2.0 high-speed transmission, so make sure to use the USB cable should be certified by USB 2.0.) 배터리충전용전원장치를제품후면의충전용전원잭에연결하십시오. Connect the power jack for charging batteries to the rear panel of the unit. 제품전면의대기전원스위치를누르면잠시후전면표시창에로고가표시된후제품이동작상태로전환합니다. Press the standby button to operate the unit and then SOtM logo will be shown. 8. 윈도우즈 OS를사용하는 PC는본제품과 USB로연결하여음악을재생하기위해서는반드시드라이버설치를하여야합니다. 필요시다음페이지의윈도우즈 OS용 USB audio class 2.0 driver 설치방법을참고하시어드라이버를설치하십시오. The driver should be installed to playback the music by USB connections based on Windows OS, please refer how to install the driver at the next page. 9. 전면의스위치또는리모컨을이용하여원하는입력을선택하고볼륨을조절하여음악을감상하십시오. Select the input source by the remote controller or the buttons on the front panel, and adjust the volume, you can enjoy the music. 10. 제품을사용하지않을겨우는제품전면의대기전원스위치를이용해제품을대기상태로전환하십시오. Set to standby status when you don t use this unit. - 주의사항 - 본제품은배터리충전용전원장치를항상제품과연결하여사용하도록설계되어있습니다. 장기간사용하지않을경우를제외하고는반드시충전용전원장치를제품과연결하십시오. This unit is designed to connect the power jack for charging batteries all the time, please make sure to connect them always expect when you don t use this unit for a long time. 제품을장기간사용하지않을경우는제품후면의전원스위치를이용하여전원을끄십시오. Please turn off the power switch placed on rear panel when you don t use the unit for a long time. 9
11 제품사양 Specification USB input USB specification 2.0 or higher USB audio class bit/192KHz PCM & DSD playback Native ASIO support Optical, Coaxial, AES/EBU input Max bit-depth : 24bit Sampling rate : 32KHz, 44.1KHz, 48KHz, 88.2KHz, 96KHz, 176.4KHz, 192KHz Impedance Coaxial, BNC : 75Ω AES/EBU : 110Ω Balanced input Max input voltage : 4 Vrms Input impedance : > 10kΩ Frequency range : ±0.1dB Unbalanced input Max input voltage : 4 Vrms Input impedance : > 10kΩ Frequency range : ±0.1dB Balanced output Output voltage at 0dB : 3.8 Vrms ±5% Output impedance : 47Ω ±5% Frequency range : ±0.1dB THD : < 1KHz, 0dB Unbalanced output Output voltage at 0dB : 3.8 Vrms ±5% Output impedance : 47Ω ±5% Frequency range : ±0.1dB THD : < 1KHz, 0dB Volume control Setting range : -75 ~ +10dB, 0.5dB step Charging power input Input voltage : 9Vdc ±1% Max input current : 3A Operating environment Operating temperature : 10 C ~ 35 C Storage temperature : -10 C ~ 50 C Operating & storage humidity : 10% ~ 90% Dimensions Width : 360 mm Height : 68 mm Depth : 245 mm Weight 4 Kg > 10
12 윈도우 OS 용 USB audio class 2.0 driver 설치방법 Windows OS USB audio class 2.0 driver installation 제품설치및사용시주의사항 1. 본제품은 Windows OS용 USB audio class 2.0 드라이버 CD가별도로제공되며사용자가직접설치해야합니다. The user should install the USB audio class 2.0 drivers for Windows OS. 2. Linux와 Apple OS-X의최신버전에는 USB audio class 2.0 driver가내장되어있어별도의드라이버설치작업이필요하지않습니다. The user doesn t need to install the USB audio class 2.0 drivers for the latest version of Linux and Apple OS-X. USB audio class 2.0 driver 설치방법 1. PC에드라이버 CD를넣으면드라이버설치프로그램이자동으로실행됩니다. ( 설치프로그램이자동으로실행되지않을경우설치 CD의 \SOtM USB Audio 2.0 Driver 폴더를열어 setup.exe 파일을실행합니다.) Please put the driver CD into PC, and the setup program will run automatically. (If not, please execute setup.exe in \SOtM USB Audio 2.0 Driver ) 3. USB audio기능은사용하는 OS와 PC의상태에따라성능의차이가나타날수있습니다. The function for USB audio will be different depends on the performance of OS and PC. 4. USB 확장 cable등은사용하지마십시오.(pc내부의 USB 배선포함 ) Don t use the USB extension cable.(including USB cables inside of PC) 5. 최상의성능을위해 windows 7이상의 OS 사용을권장하며 ASIO또는 WASAPI출력사용을권장합니다. OS above Windows7 is recommended for the best performance and ASIO and WASAPI output are also recommended. 2. 다음과같은설치초기화면이나타나면 Next 버튼을눌러설치다음단계를진행합니다. Please click Next button to proceed the next steps. 3. 드라이버가설치될폴더를선택하고 Install 버튼을눌러설치를시작합니다. Please select the folder and click the install button to start the installation. 11
13 윈도우 OS 용 USB audio class 2.0 driver 설치방법 Windows OS USB audio class 2.0 driver installation 4. 필요한프로그램이복사되며설치가진행됩니다. The installation is started. 6. 제품인식과설정이완료되면 Next 버튼을눌러종료단계로넘어갑니다. Press the Next button to go to the final stage once the setup is completed. 주의사항 : USB audio class 2.0 driver의버전에따라 USB기기를 PC와 USB 케이블로연결하고제품을동작시킨상태에서설치작업을진행해야합니다. Caution : Depends on USB audio class 2.0 driver version, the unit should be connected to PC by USB cable, and install the driver while the unit is in operation. 5. 약간의시간이지나고아래와같이제품을연결하고전원을켜달라는메시지가나오면제품을 USB cable로 PC와연결하고제품을동작상태로설정한후 확인 버튼을눌러설치를계속진행합니다. After a while, the following message will be shown. Please connect the unit to PC by USB cable and make sure the unit is in operation status, and then click the OK button and proceed the installation. 주의사항 : USB audio class 2.0 driver의버전에따라아래메시지가 4번항목이전에나타나거나생략될수있습니다. Caution : Depends on USB audio class 2.0 driver version, the following message will be skipped or appeared before the 4th stage. 7. Finish 버튼을눌러설치프로그램을종료합니다. To complete the installation the driver, please click the Finish button. 12
14 USB audio class driver 제어판설정 USB audio class driver control panel settings 1. 드라이버설치가완료되면아래와같이작업표시줄의알림영역에 USB Audio Class Driver Control Panel의 icon이표시됩니다. The USB Audio Class Driver Control Panel s icon will appear on the task bar once the installation has finished. 4. Firmware Upgrade를선택하면제품의 USB auido기능의프로그램을업그레이드할수있습니다. Browse 버튼을누르면업그레이드펌웨어파일을선택할수있는열기창이표시됩니다. If you select Firmware Upgrade, you can upgrade the USB audio Firmware. Go to brows button to choose the available upgrade Firmware File. 주의사항 : 프로그램업그레이드는꼭필요시에만실행하십시오. Please proceed the Firmware Upgrade when needed. 2. Control panel icon을더블클릭하면다음과같은 Driver Info 화면이표시되며드라이버의버전정보등을확인할수있습니다. Please double click the Control Panel icon and then the driver information will appear, you can check the driver version information and etc. 5. 열기창에서업그레이드할프로그램파일을선택한후 열기 버튼을눌러펌웨어선택을마무리합니다. Please select and open the firmware file. 3. Buffer Settings를선택하면 Streaming Buffer Size와 ASIO Buffer Size를조절할수있습니다. If you select Buffer Settings, you can adjust the streaming Buffer Size and ASIO Buffer Size. 6. Start Firmware Upgrade 버튼을누르면펌웨어업그레이드가시작됩니다. Please click the Start Firmware Upgrade button, and the firmware upgrade will be started. 13
15 USB audio class driver 제어판설정 USB audio class driver control panel settings 7. 펌웨어업그레이드가완료되면다음과같은펌웨어업그레이드결과창이표시됩니다. 결과를확인한후 Finish 버튼을눌러업그레이드를종료합니다. The following message will appear once finished. Please confirm the message and click the finish button. 8. Device 0를선택하면설치된드라이버와연결된 USB 기기의정보와샘플레이트정보가표시됩니다. Volume Control 영역의 Input Channels 또는 Output Channels 버튼을눌러디지털볼륨을조절할수있습니다. If you select the Device 0, you could see the connected USB device information and the current sample rate. At the Volume Control, you can control the digital volume by Input Channels or Output Channels. 10. Clock Source 를선택하면제품에사용중인클럭소스의정보를볼수있으며필요시클럭소스를선택할수있습니다. If you select the Clock Source, you could see the information of the clock source and choose the clock source when needed. 11. Stream Formats 를선택하면사용중인입출력포맷정보를확인할수있으며필요시입출력포맷을설정할수있습니다. If you select Stream Formats, you could see the input and output formats information, and setup the input and output formats when needed 9. Volume Control창은아래와같이표시되며최대 (0dB) 및최소 (Mute) 값으로버튼을이용하여제어를할수있으며슬라이드바를이용해미세조절이가능합니다. The Volume Control will be shown as the below image, and you can control the maximum(0db) and minimum(mute) values by the buttons or the slide bars. 14
메모 Page 2
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1 주의사항 Precautions 반드시본사용설명서를모두읽은후제품을사용하십시오. Please read this instruction carefully before you use the product. 제품의분해, 개조등을하지마십시오. Do not attempt to d
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1 주의사항 Precautions 반드시본사용설명서를모두읽은후제품을사용하십시오. Please read this instruction carefully before usage. 제품의분해, 개조등을하지마십시오. Do not attempt to disassemble or
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제품설명서 BC6DX * 제품의성능개선을위하여예고없이사양이변경될수있습니다. * 무단복제금지 제품의특징 - 운영프로그램 - 이중입력전원회로 - 방전중개별셀전압평균화 - 최대한의안전장치들 - 사이클충전 / 방전 (Cyclic charging/discharging) - USB 를이용한 PC 통신 - 2 - 외부장치들 -, 버튼 - DEC, INC 버튼 - START/
ez-md+ HDMI/SDI Cross Converter with Audio Mux/Demux Operation manual REVISION NUMBER: 1.0.0 DISTRIBUTION DATE: NOVEMBER. 2018 저작권 알림 Copyright 2006~2018 LUMANTEK Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved 루먼텍 사에서
Digital Amplifier MA-110 CONTENTS Specifications... 1 Electrical parts list... 2 top and bottom view of p.c. board... 10 Application... 12 block Diagram... 13 Schematic Diagram... 14 Exploded view of cabinet
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00 SPH-V6900_....
SPH-V6900 사용설명서 사용전에 안전을 위한 경고 및 주의사항을 반드시 읽고 바르게 사용해 주세요. 사용설명서의 화면과 그림은 실물과 다를 수 있습니다. 사용설명서의 내용은 휴대전화의 소프트웨어 버전 또는 KTF 사업자의 사정에 따라 다를 수 있으며, 사용자에게 통보없이 일부 변경될 수 있습니다. 휴대전화의 소프트웨어는 사용자가 최신 버전으로 업그레이드
목차 제 1 장 inexio Touch Driver소개... 3 1.1 소개 및 주요 기능... 3 1.2 제품사양... 4 제 2 장 설치 및 실행... 5 2.1 설치 시 주의사항... 5 2.2 설치 권고 사양... 5 2.3 프로그램 설치... 6 2.4 하드웨
최종 수정일: 2010.01.15 inexio 적외선 터치스크린 사용 설명서 [Notes] 본 매뉴얼의 정보는 예고 없이 변경될 수 있으며 사용된 이미지가 실제와 다를 수 있습니다. 1 목차 제 1 장 inexio Touch Driver소개... 3 1.1 소개 및 주요 기능... 3 1.2 제품사양... 4 제 2 장 설치 및 실행... 5 2.1 설치 시
Microsoft Word - USB복사기.doc
Version: SD/USB 80130 Content Index 1. Introduction 1.1 제품개요------------------------------------------------------------P.02 1.2 모델별 제품사양-------------------------------------------------------P.04 2. Function
1... 2 System... 3... 3.1... 3.2... 3.3... 4... 4.1... 5... 5.1... 5.2... 5.2.1... 5.3... 5.3.1 Modbus-TCP... 5.3.2 Modbus-RTU... 5.3.3 LS485... 5.4... 5.5... 5.5.1... 5.5.2... 5.6... 5.6.1... 5.6.2...
. "" "",.... :...,,....,.. :..,,,..,,...,.... 2
RD-5405 /.. . "" "",.... :...,,....,.. :..,,,..,,...,.... 2 ..,,..,.. (,,,, )......,...,., ( ),,,,.,. (, )..,...... BD/DVD CD TV, VCR,........ (+, -).,,..... 3 ... 2... 3....3... 5... 9... 10...11...11...
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 60.27(2.37) 490.50(19.31) 256.00 (10.07) 165.00 111.38 (4.38) 9.00 (0.35) 688.00(27.08) 753.00(29.64) 51.94 (2.04) CONSOLE 24CH 32CH 40CH 48CH OVERALL WIDTH mm (inches) 1271.45(50.1)
APOGEE Insight_KR_Base_3P11
Technical Specification Sheet Document No. 149-332P25 September, 2010 Insight 3.11 Base Workstation 그림 1. Insight Base 메인메뉴 Insight Base Insight Insight Base, Insight Base Insight Base Insight Windows
KOREAN / KOREAN VZ9-4 #1 #2 #3 IR #4 #5 #6 #7 ( ) #8 #9 #10 #11 IR ( ) #12 #13 IR ( ) #14 ( ) #15 #16 #17 (#6) #18 HDMI #19 RGB #20 HDMI-1 #21 HDMI-2 #22 #23 #24 USB (WLAN ) #25 USB ( ) #26 USB ( ) #27
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(Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection)
SERVICE MANUAL (Table of Contents) 2 (Specifications) 3 ~ 10 (Introduction) 11 (Storage Bins) 11 (Legs) 11 (Important Operating Requirements) 11 (Location Selection) 12 (Storage Bins) 12 (Ice Machine)
BC6DX-II Korean.ai
제품설명서 * 제품의성능개선을위하여예고없이사양이변경될수있습니다. * 무단복제금지 제품의특징 - 운영프로그램 - 이중입력전원회로 ( 주의!, 두개의입력전원을동시에사용하지마십시요.) - 방전중개별셀전압평균화 - 최대한의안전장치들 - 사이클충전 / 방전 (Cyclic charging/discharging) - USB 를이용한 PC 통신 - 2 - 기기외부장치들 -,
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사용설명서 1. 지원 OS : Windows XP(32bit),Windows Vista(32bit), Windows 7(32bit) 참고 : ( 이하WUHA) 은 Mac OS를지원하지않습니다. 주의사항 1) Fast USB / 외장하드절전모드설정을한후제품을제거하기위해서는 WUHA 트레이아이콘항목의 [ 외장하드안전제거 ] 를실행하여제거해야정상적으로적용됩니다.
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3-1. Disassembly and Reassembly R510 [Caution] Attention to red sentence. 2 2 1. Before disassembling, the AC adaptor and Battery must be separated. 2. AS mark No.1/2 put KNOB-Battery to end of each side,
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OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 사용자설명서 TourBus 0 & TourBus 5 사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서
목차 1. 개요... 3 2. USB 드라이버 설치 (FTDI DRIVER)... 4 2-1. FTDI DRIVER 실행파일... 4 2-2. USB 드라이버 확인방법... 5 3. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER 설치... 7 3-1. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER
< Tool s Guide > 목차 1. 개요... 3 2. USB 드라이버 설치 (FTDI DRIVER)... 4 2-1. FTDI DRIVER 실행파일... 4 2-2. USB 드라이버 확인방법... 5 3. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER 설치... 7 3-1. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER 실행파일... 7 4. DEVICE-PROGRAMMER 사용하기...
R&S Power Viewer Plus For NRP Sensor 1.... 3 2....5 3....6 4. R&S NRP...7 -.7 - PC..7 - R&S NRP-Z4...8 - R&S NRP-Z3... 8 5. Rohde & Schwarz 10 6. R&S Power Viewer Plus.. 11 6.1...12 6.2....13 - File Menu...
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목차 안전 안내---------------------------------------------------2 Quick 스타트-----------------------------------------------3 안내---------------------------------------------------------4 연결 다이어그램--------------------------------------------7
Smart Power Scope Release Informations.pages
v2.3.7 (2017.09.07) 1. Galaxy S8 2. SS100, SS200 v2.7.6 (2017.09.07) 1. SS100, SS200 v1.0.7 (2017.09.07) [SHM-SS200 Firmware] 1. UART Command v1.3.9 (2017.09.07) [SHM-SS100 Firmware] 1. UART Command SH모바일
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Slide 1
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[ CALLAS Network Player ] Owner s Manual ( 주 ) 금 잔 디 음 향 예.술.을.담.는.스.피.커.과.학 Contents I. 칼라스 네트워크 플레이어란 1. Pc-Fi를 넘어서 발전한 차세대 음악 플레이어 ---------------- 4 2. 칼라스 네트워크 플레이어의 장점 3. 시스템 기본 구성 ------------------------
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Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs, including any oper
Windows Netra Blade X3-2B( Sun Netra X6270 M3 Blade) : E37790 01 2012 9 Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs,
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목 차 1. 드라이버 설치...3 1.1 설치환경...3 1.2 드라이버 설치 시 주의사항...3 1.3 USB 드라이버 파일...3 1.4 Windows XP에서 설치...4 1.5 Windows Vista / Windows 7에서 설치...7 1.6 Windows
삼성SDS 하이패스 USB 드라이버 설치 매뉴얼 삼성SDS(주) 목 차 1. 드라이버 설치...3 1.1 설치환경...3 1.2 드라이버 설치 시 주의사항...3 1.3 USB 드라이버 파일...3 1.4 Windows XP에서 설치...4 1.5 Windows Vista / Windows 7에서 설치...7 1.6 Windows 8에서 설치...9 2. 드라이버