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1 4- 리터대장내시경사전준비설명서 PEG/Electrolyte-Generic, NuLYTELY, GoLYTELY 그리고 CoLyte 4-Liter Colonoscopy Bowel Preparation Instructions PEG/Electrolyte-Generic, NuLYTELY, GoLYTELY, and CoLyte (Korean) 대장내시경검사전일주일내내이설명서의지침을따라주십시오. Refer to this instruction sheet for the entire week before your colonoscopy. 대장내시경검사를성공적으로마치기위해서는, 대장내시경검사사전준비설명서를 따르는것이매우중요합니다. 만약설명서의지침대로정확히따르지않을경우에는, 장이제대로비워지지않아시술준비가안되어있을수있기때문에, 재시술을해야 합니다. Colonoscopy prep instructions are extremely important for a successful colonoscopy. If you do not follow the instructions precisely, your bowels may not be ready for the procedure and you will need to repeat the procedure. 대장내시경검사전계획세우기 Planning for Your Colonoscopy 이설명서는받는즉시읽어보시기바랍니다. 그리고각항목을읽고이해했다면, 옆에있는칸에체크표시를하십시오. Please read as soon as you receive this information and check off each box to indicate that you understand each item. 대장사전준비를반드시해야합니다. 대장내시경사전준비약처방전을받지못했을경우, 내시경콜센터로전화주십시오. (734) 혹은무료전화 (877) You must do a bowel prep. If you have not received a bowel prep, call the Endoscopy Call Center at (734) or toll-free at (877) 사전준비약의이름이무엇입니까? What is the name of your prep? o 적어도검사일주일전까지는사전준비약을구입하도록권장합니다. We recommend that you fill your prescription at least a week before your procedure. 검사를받으러올때는운전해줄사람과반드시동행해야합니다. You must have a driver with you at the procedure

2 o 대장내시경검사당일에는, 면허증이있는운전자가반드시동행해야 합니다. 접수시운전자가없는경우에는, 검사예약을다시해야합니다. A licensed driver must be with you at your colonoscopy appointment. If you do not have a driver with you at check in, we will reschedule your appointment. o 검사의총소요시간은 3-4 시간이될수있습니다. 대장내시경검사를하는동안내내, 운전자는반드시내시경검사를하는장소에머물러있어야한다는것을운전자에게알리십시오. Your entire procedure may take 3 to 4 hours to complete. Please tell your driver that they must remain at the colonoscopy appointment during your entire visit. 당뇨가있을경우에는반드시담당의사에게연락해야합니다. If you have diabetes you must call your doctor o 당뇨환자의경우는특별한식이요법과약물복용지침이있습니다. 대장내시경을처방해준의사에게특별식이요법과약물복용에관한문의전화를하십시오. People with diabetes have special diet and medicine instructions. Call the doctor who ordered your colonoscopy for your special diet and medicine instructions. 재예약을해야할경우는 If you need to reschedule o (734) 혹은무료전화 (877) 으로전화주십시오. Call (734) or toll-free (877) 대장내시경검사의사전준비일정 Timeline of the Colonoscopy Preparation 대장내시경검사의사전준비일정을어떻게정합니까? How will I determine my colonoscopy prep schedule? 아래의일정표는어느요일에사전준비를시작할지를결정하는데도움이될것입니다. 사전준비를언제부터시작할지를정하기위해, 해당줄에형광펜을사용하거나동그라미를쳐서표시하십시오. 사전준비는첫날이른아침부터시작합니다. The timeline table below will help you determine which day of the week to start your preparation. Use a highlighter or circle the correct row to determine which day you will start the prep. The prep process will begin at the start of the day

3 예약을다시했을경우는사전준비일정표를반드시새로운날짜에맞춰서다시짜야 합니다. If you reschedule your appointment, you must redo the timeline table to match your new date. 나의예약날짜 : My Appointment Is: ( 날짜, 요일, 시간 ) (Date, Day, Time) 일정표 Timeline Table 예약된날부터 7 일예약된날부터 3 일예약된날하루예약된날은 : 전은 : 전은 : 전은 : My Appointment is on a: 7 days before my 3 days before my 1 day before my appointment is a: appointment is a: appointment is a: 월요일 Monday 월요일 Monday 금요일 Friday 일요일 Sunday 화요일 Tuesday 화요일 Tuesday 토요일 Saturday 월요일 Monday 수요일 Wednesday 수요일 Wednesday 일요일 Sunday 화요일 Tuesday 목요일 Thursday 목요일 Thursday 월요일 Monday 수요일 Wednesday 금요일 Friday 금요일 Friday 화요일 Tuesday 목요일 Thursday 대장내시경검사 7 일전요일 : 7 days before your colonoscopy Day: 일정표에따라정해진요일을기입하십시오. Fill in the day according to the timeline table 아스피린복용을중단하지마십시오. Do not stop your aspirin. 혈액희석제를복용하고있다면, 대장내시경을처방한의사에게알리십시오. 혈액희석제복용여부가확실치않다면, 의사에게문의하십시오. If you take a blood thinner, tell the doctor who ordered your colonoscopy. If you are unsure that you are taking blood thinners, please contact your doctor. Ferrous sulfate 혹은 Polysaccharide 철분복합체같은철분보충제복용을중단하십시오. Stop taking any iron supplements, such as ferrous sulfate or polysaccharide iron complex

4 대장내시경검사 3 일전 3 days before your colonoscopy 요일 : Day: 일정표에따라정해진요일을기입하십시오. Fill in the day according to the timeline table 팝콘, 옥수수, 콩류, 견과류, 작은씨가있는과일류, 토마토와셀러리섭취를 중단하십시오. Stop eating popcorn, corn, beans, nuts, fruits with small seeds, tomatoes and celery. 대장내시경전날요일 : The day before your colonoscopy Day: 일정표에따라정해진요일을기입하십시오. Fill in the day according to the timeline table 지금부터검사가끝날때까지고형식을중단하십시오. 투명한유동식을시작하십시오 ( 다음장참조 ). 탈수를막기위해하루에적어도 8 잔의물이나투명한유동식을섭취하십시오. No solid food from now until your procedure is done. Begin a clear liquid diet (on next page). Drink at least 8 glasses of water or clear liquids during the day to avoid dehydration. 사전준비용액을미지근한물에섞으십시오. 마시기쉽도록적어도 5 시간동안냉장고에차갑게보관해도되고, 실온상태로드셔도됩니다. Mix your prep solution with lukewarm water. You may chill it for at least 5 hours to make it easier to drink, or, you can drink it at room temperature. 오후 5 시와 6 시사이에, 준비한사전용액의절반을복용합니다. 다음날마지막절반을마십니다. 절반 (64 온스 ) 만남을때까지, 15 분마다 8 온스씩드십시오. 나머지절반은검사당일에마시도록남겨두십시오. 설명서대로정확하게따라했다면, 저녁 8 시쯤에는첫 64 온스의사전준비용액복용을마치게됩니다. Between 5pm and 6pm, you will begin drinking half of your prep solution. Tomorrow you will drink the last half. Drink one 8 ounce glass every 15 minutes until half of the solution (64 ounces) is gone. Save the remaining half solution for the day of your procedure. If you follow the instructions exactly, you should be done with the first 64 ounces of prep by 8 p.m. 설사를하게될것이므로화장실근처에계십시오. Stay near a toilet, as you will have diarrhea

5 마셔도되는투명한유동식 : You may drink these clear liquids: Gatorade, Crystal Light Lemonade, Pedialyte 혹은 Powerade Gatorade, Crystal Light Lemonade, Pedialyte or Powerade 커피혹은홍차 ( 블랙으로 ) Coffee or tea (black only) 탄산혹은무탄산청량음료 Carbonated or non-carbonated soda 과일맛음료 Fruit-flavored drinks 사과주스, 하얀크랜베리주스혹은하얀포도주스 Apple juice, white cranberry juice or white grape juice 젤로푸딩혹은빙과류 Jell-O or popsicles 마시면안되는유동식 : Do not drink these liquids: 닭고기, 소고기혹은야채를우린굴물 Chicken, beef or vegetable broth 술종류 Alcohol 우유혹은비유제품크리머 Milk or non-dairy creamer 알갱이가있는주스 Juice with pulp 투명하지않은모든액체 Any liquid you cannot see through 딱딱한사탕 Hard candy 주의 : 붉은색이나보라색을띄는것은모두금지 Note: Nothing Red or Purple 대장내시경검사당일 The day of your colonoscopy 대장내시경을하러병원으로출발하기 5 시간전 5 hours before leaving home for your colonoscopy 아침일찍일어나야할수도있습니다. 요일 / 시간 : Day/Time: 일정표에따라정해진요일을기입하십시오. Fill in the day according to the timeline table You may have to wake up early. 이전에 64 온스를마셨던것과같은방식으로, 남은 64 온스를마시기시작합니다. 즉, 두번째 64 온스가다없어질때까지매 15 분마다 8 온스씩마십니다. 일정표에 따라마신다면, 집에서병원으로출발하기 3 시간전에복용을마치게됩니다. Begin drinking the final 64 ounces, the same way you drank the previous 64 ounces, i.e.: drink an 8 ounce glass every 15 minutes until the second 64 ounces are gone. If you drink according to schedule, you will finish drinking 3 hours before leaving home

6 검사받기 4 시간전에는평소아침에복용하는약을소량의물과함께복용하십시오 ( 복용에관한다른지시사항받은것이없다면 ). 당뇨약을복용하고있다면, 담당 의사의지시를따르십시오. Take your morning medications with a small amount of water 4 hours before your appointment time (unless you have been told otherwise). If you take Diabetes medications follow your doctor s instructions. 대장내시경검사 2 시간전 2 hours before your colonoscopy 요일 / 시간 : Day/Time: 일정표에따라정해진요일을기입하십시오. Fill in the day according to timeline table 모든종류의액체, 흡연, 껌씹기등입으로들어가는모든것을중단하십시오. Stop everything by mouth, including all liquids, smoking and chewing gum. 중요! Important! 모든지침을잘따랐다면, 대변이투명하거나노란액체일것이므로, 대장내시경검사를할준비가된것입니다. 대변이형태가있거나준비가생각만큼잘되지않는경우에는 (734) 혹은무료전화 (877) 으로전화하십시오. 병원진료시간후나, 주말혹은휴일에는 (734) 로전화해서호출기교환원에게소화기과당직의사와말하고싶다고하십시오. If you followed all of the instructions, your stool will be a clear or yellow liquid and you are ready for your colonoscopy. If your stool is formed or your preparation is not going as expected call (734) or toll-free (877) After business hours, on weekends or holidays call the paging operator at (734) and ask to speak with the GI doctor on call. 대장비우기에관한유용한정보 : Colon cleansing tips: 1. 화장실근처에계십시오! 설사를하게되는데, 아주갑작스럽게올수도있습니다. 이는지극히정상입니다

7 Stay near a toilet! You will have diarrhea, which can be quite sudden. This is normal. 2. 용액을빨대로마셔보십시오. 좀더쉽게참고드실수있을것입니다. Try drinking the solution with a straw. It may be easier to tolerate. 3. 드물게는, 사전준비용액을마시다가매스껍거나구토를하는사람들도있습니다. 이런경우에는, 용액복용을 30 분간중단하십시오. 그리고입을헹구거나양치질을 한후에다시드십시오. Rarely, people may have nausea or vomiting with the prep. If this occurs, give yourself a 30 -minute break, rinse your mouth or brush your teeth, then continue drinking the prep solution. 4. 대장내의대변이모두배출되기전까지복통이있을수있습니다 (2 시간에서 4 시간가량이될수도있고, 때로는훨씬더오랫동안지속될수도있습니다 ). You may have bowel cramps until the stool has flushed from your colon (this may take 2 to 4 hours and sometimes much longer). 5. 항문주위의피부가자극을받거나치질성염증이생길수도있습니다. 그럴경우, 약국에서처방전없이도구입할수있는 hydrocortisone ( 하이드로코티존 ) 크림, 유아용종이물수건, Vaseline ( 바셀린 ) 혹은 TUCKS ( 턱스 ) 패드로 치료하십시오. 알콜성분이있는제품은피하십시오. 치질용크림의처방을 받았다면그약을사용하셔도됩니다. 관장용좌약은사용하지마십시오. Anal skin irritation or a flare of hemorrhoid inflammation may occur. If this happens, treat it with over-the-counter-remedies, such as hydrocortisone cream, baby wipes, Vaseline, or TUCKS pads. Avoid products containing alcohol. If you have a prescription for hemorrhoid cream, you may use it. Do not use suppositories. 대장내시경의이점, 위험그리고대안에대해알고싶으시다면페이지를넘기십시오. Turn the page to learn about the benefits, risks and alternatives for a colonoscopy - 7 -

8 대장내시경의이점및위험성그리고대안은무엇인가요? What are the Benefits, Risks and Alternatives for a Colonoscopy? (Korean) 검사가시작되기전에, 의료팀의한명이, 환자가검사과정을이해했고, 대장내시경의 이점및위험성그리고대안에대해이해했음을명시하는동의서에서명을요청할 것입니다. Before starting the procedure, a member of our team will ask you to sign an informed consent indicating that you understand the procedure, its benefits and risks, and the alternatives for a colonoscopy. 대장내시경의목적은무엇인가요? What is the purpose of a colonoscopy? 대장내시경은의사가항문에얇은튜브를삽입하여환자의직장과대장내부를보는 검사입니다. 대장내시경은손상되었거나부은세포조직, 궤양, 용종, 그리고암을 관찰할수있습니다. Colonoscopy is a procedure in which a doctor inserts a thin tube into the anus to look inside your rectum and colon. Colonoscopy can show irritated and swollen tissue, ulcers, polyps, and cancer. 대장내시경의이점은무엇인가요? What are the benefits of a colonoscopy? 대장내시경검사로초기단계의암을발견할수있고, 용종을발견하여암으로 발전되기전에제거할수있습니다. 그렇게함으로써, 대장암의완치확률을높이고, 대장암으로인한사망률을줄입니다. Colonoscopy exams can find cancers at earlier stages, and polyps can be found and removed before they become cancerous. This greatly improves the chances for treating colorectal cancer successfully and reduces the chance that a person will die from colorectal cancer

9 대장내시경의위험성은무엇인가요? What are the risks of a colonoscopy? 대장내시경검사에대한연구결과, 10,000 명중 4 명에서 8 명사이의사람만이대장 내시경검사후심각한합병증을겪었다는것을발견했습니다. 심각한합병증은다음과 같습니다 : 출혈. 대부분의출혈의경우는용종을제거한환자에게발생합니다. 2cm 이상의 큰용종일경우위험률이더높습니다. 대장내혹은직장벽의찢김이나구멍 ( 천공 ). 감염. 폐감염으로이어질수있는흡인 ( 폐렴 ). 호흡이나심장문제와같은진정제에대한반응. 스테로이드제나항응고제를복용하는사람혹은심각한원질환을앓고있는사람의 경우위험률이더높습니다. 또한암이나용종을놓칠위험도있습니다. A study of screening colonoscopies found that between 4 to 8 people in 10,000 have a serious complication after a colonoscopy. Serious complications include: Bleeding. Most cases of bleeding occur in patients who have polyps removed. The risk is higher for polyps that are larger than 2 cm. A tear or a hole in the colon or rectum wall (perforation). Infection. Aspiration that may lead to a lung infection (pneumonia). A reaction to the sedating medication, including breathing or heart problems. Risks are higher in people taking steroids or anti-coagulation medicines, or in people that have significant underlying diseases. There is also a risk that cancer or polyps will not be detected. 어떤대안이있나요? What are the alternatives? 직장과대장의이상을감지할수있는다른선별검사가있기는하지만, 의사가 검사중에용종을제거하거나샘플세포조직을채취할수있는검사는오직대장 검사뿐입니다. 대장검사를하면추가검사나수술을해야할필요성이줄어듭니다. There are other screening tests that may detect abnormalities in the colon and rectum but colonoscopy is the only method that enables the doctor to take a sample tissue and/or remove polyps during the procedure. This reduces the need for additional tests and surgeries

10 책임의한계와법적고지 : 본문서는미시간메디신 (Michigan Medicine) 에서만든안내및 / 혹은지침자료로, 여러분과동일한상태의일반적인환자를위해제작되었습니다. 여기에는미시간메디신 (Michigan Medicine) 에서만든내용이아닌온라인내용에관한링크가포함될수있는데, 이에대한책임은미시간메디신 (Michigan Medicine) 에서지지않습니다. 여러분의의학적경험이일반적인환자의경험과다를수있으므로, 본문서가담당의료진의의학적자문을대체할수없습니다. 본문서나, 건강상태혹은치료계획에관한질문이있다면, 반드시담당의료진과상담하시기바랍니다. 미시간메디신 (Michigan Medicine) 의환자교육은 Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License 를통해인가받았습니다. 최종수정 2018 년 08 월 Disclaimer: This document contains information and/or instructional materials developed by Michigan Medicine for the typical patient with your condition. It may include links to online content that was not created by Michigan Medicine and for which Michigan Medicine does not assume responsibility. It does not replace medical advice from your health care provider because your experience may differ from that of the typical patient. Talk to your health care provider if you have any questions about this document, your condition or your treatment plan. Patient Education by Michigan Medicine is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Last Revised 08/

Title should be centered HERE in point Verdana

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