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1 본양식은영어로만작성하실수있습니다. STATE OF TENNESSEE 테네시주 COURT (Must be completed) 법원 ( 반드시기재요 ) COUNTY(Must be completed) 카운티 ( 반드시기재요 ) PERMANENT PARENTING PLAN ORDER 영구양육계획명령 PROPOSED AGREED ORDERED BY THE COURT 법원이제안 동의 명령 FILE N0. 파일번호 (Must be completed) ( 반드시기재요 ) DIVISION 재판부 PLAINTIFF (Name: First, Middle, Last) 신청인 ( 원고 ) ( 성명 : 이름, 중간이름, 성 ) Mother Father 어머니아버지 DEFENDANT (Name: First, Middle, Last) 피신청인 ( 피고 ) ( 성명 : 이름, 중간이름, 성 ) Mother Father 어머니아버지 The mother and father will behave with each other and each child so as to provide a loving, stable, consistent and nurturing relationship with the child even though they are divorced. They will not speak badly of each other or the members of the family of the other parent. They will encourage each child to continue to love the other parent and be comfortable in both families. 부부가이혼한경우에도부부상호간및모든자녀는서로사랑하고, 안정되고지속적이며훈육하는가족관계를유지하도록처신한다. 이혼한부부는서로또는상대방배우자가족구성원에대하여험담하지않는다. 그리고모든자녀가상대방부모를계속사랑하고양쪽가족과편한관계를유지하도록격려한다. This plan is a new plan. 이계획은새로운계획이다. modifies an existing Parenting Plan dated. 다음일자의기존양육계획을수정한다 : modifies an existing Order dated. 다음일자의기존명령을수정한다 : Child s Name 자녀의이름 Date of Birth 생년월일 1

2 I. RESIDENTIAL PARENTING SCHEDULE 동거양육시간표 A. RESIDENTIAL TIME WITH EACH PARENT 각부모와의동거시간 The Primary Residential Parent is 주된동거부모는 이다. Under the schedule set forth below, each parent will spend the following number of days with the children: 아래에제시된스케줄에따라서각부모는아래날들을자녀들과보내야한다 : Mother days Father days 어머니일아버지일 B. DAY-TO-DAY SCHEDULE 일일스케줄 The mother father shall have responsibility for the care of the child or children except at the following times when the other parent shall have responsibility: 어머니아버지는다른쪽부모가자녀 ( 들 ) 를돌볼책임이있는다음기간을제외하고자녀 ( 들 ) 를돌볼책임이있다. From to 시작 Day and Time ( 일시 ) 종료 Day and Time ( 일시 ) every week every other week other:. 매주 격주 기타 : The other parent shall also have responsibility for the care of the child or children at the additional parenting times specified below: 아래에명시된추가양육기간에도다른쪽부모는자녀 ( 들 ) 를돌볼책임이있다. From to 시작 Day and Time ( 일시 ) 종료 Day and Time ( 일시 ) every week every other week other:. 매주 격주 기타 : This parenting schedule begins or date of the Court s Order. Day and Time 이양육시간표는 ( 일시 ) 또는법원의명령발부일에시작된다. C. HOLIDAY SCHEDULE AND OTHER SCHOOL FREE DAYS 휴일및기타미등교일양육스케줄 Indicate if child or children will be with parent in ODD or EVEN numbered years or EVERY year: 자녀 ( 들 ) 가매홀 짝수해또는매년어느쪽부모와함께살게되는지를표시하시오. 2

3 MOTHER FATHER 어머니 아버지 New Year s Day 설날 Martin Luther King Day 마틴루터킹기념일 Presidents Day 대통령의날 Easter Day (unless otherwise coinciding with Spring Vacation) 부활절 ( 봄방학과겹치지않는경우 ) Passover Day (unless otherwise coinciding with Spring Vacation) 유월절 ( 봄방학과겹치지않는경우 ) Mother s Day 어머니날 Memorial Day (if no school) 현충일 ( 학교가쉬는경우 ) Father s Day 아버지날 July 4 th 독립기념일 Labor Day 노동절 Halloween 핼로윈 Thanksgiving Day & Friday 추수감사절및블랙프라이데이 Children s Birthdays 자녀생일 Other School-Free Days 기타미등교일 Mother s Birthday 어머니의생일 Father s Birthday 아버지의생일 Other: 기타 : A holiday shall begin at 6:00 p.m. on the night preceding the holiday and end at 6:00 p.m. the night of the holiday, unless otherwise noted here. 여기에달리기재하지않으면휴일은전날오후 6 시에시작하여휴일오후 6 시에종료된다 : D. FALL VACATION (If applicable) 가을방학 ( 해당시 ) The day to day schedule shall apply except as follows: 다음기간 ( 날짜 ) 을제외하고일일스케줄이적용된다 : beginning. 시작일 3

4 E. WINTER (CHRISTMAS) VACATION 겨울방학 ( 크리스마스 ) The mother father shall have the child or children for the first period from the day and time school is dismissed until December at a.m./p.m. in odd-numbered years in even-numbered years every year. The other parent will have the child or children for the second period from the day and time indicated above until 6:00 p.m. on the evening before school resumes. The parties shall alternate the first and second periods each year. 어머니아버지가매홀수해매짝수해매년방학이시작된날부터 12 월 일오전 / 오후 시까지첫째기간에자녀를맡는다. 다른쪽부모는위에기재된일시로부터개학전날오후 6 시까지둘째기간에자녀를맡는다. 당사자들은매년상기의첫째및둘째기간을바꾸어자녀를맡는다. Other agreement of the parents: 부모들의다른합의내용 : F. SPRING VACATION (If applicable) 봄방학 ( 해당시 ) The day-to-day schedule shall apply except as follows: 다음기간 ( 날짜 ) 을제외하고일일스케줄이적용된다 : beginning. 시작일 G. SUMMER VACATION 여름방학 The day-to-day schedule shall apply except as follows: 다음기간 ( 날짜 ) 을제외하고일일스케줄이적용된다 : beginning. 4 시작일 Is written notice required? Yes No. If so, number of days. 서면통지필요여부? 예아니오필요한경우 : 일수 H. TRANSPORTATION ARRANGEMENTS 교통편준비 The place of meeting for the exchange of the child or children shall be: 자녀 ( 들 ) 를다음장소에서인수인계한다 :. Payment of long distance transportation costs (if applicable): mother father both equally. 장거리여비의지불 ( 해당시 ): 어머니 아버지 균등부담. Other arrangements:. 기타합의내용 :

5 If a parent does not possess a valid driver s license, he or she must make reasonable transportation arrangements to protect the child or children while in the care of that parent. 부모중한쪽이운전면허가없으면해당부모는자녀 ( 들 ) 를돌보는동안안전하게보호하기위하여적절한교통편을준비해야한다. I. SUPERVISION OF PARENTING TIME (If applicable) 양육시간감독 ( 해당시 ) Check if applicable 해당되는경우체크하시오. Supervised parenting time shall apply during the day-to-day schedule as follows: 제 3 자가감독하는양육시간은다음과같이일일스케줄시간에적용된다 : Place:. 장소 : Person or organization supervising:. 감독하는개인또는단체 : Responsibility for cost, if any: mother father both equally. 관련비용부담 : 어머니아버지균등부담. J. OTHER 기타 The following special provisions apply : 다음의특별규정이적용된다 :. II. A. DAY-TO-DAY DECISIONS 일상적인결정 DECISION-MAKING 의사결정 Each parent shall make decisions regarding the day-to-day care of a child while the child is residing with that parent, including any emergency decisions affecting the health or safety of a child. 자녀의건강과안전에영향을미치는긴급사태에대한결정을포함하여함께사는동안해당부모는자녀의일상적보호에대한결정을내린다. 5

6 B. MAJOR DECISIONS 중요한결정 Major decisions regarding each child shall be made as follows: 각자녀와관련된중요한결정은다음과같이내린다 : Educational decisions mother father joint 교육에대한결정 어머니 아버지 공동으로 Non-emergency health care mother father joint 비응급치료 어머니 아버지 공동으로 Religious upbringing mother father joint 종교적양육 어머니 아버지 공동으로 Extracurricular activities mother father joint 교과외활동 어머니 아버지 공동으로 mother father joint 어머니 아버지 공동으로 III. FINANCIAL SUPPORT 금전적 ( 생계비 ) 지원 A. CHILD SUPPORT 아동의생계비 Father s gross monthly income is $ 아버지의월총수입 : Mother s gross monthly income is $ 어머니의월총수입 : 1. The final child support order is as follows: 확정된자녀양육비는다음과같다 : a. The mother father shall pay to the other parent as regular child support the sum of $ weekly monthly twice per month every two weeks. The Child Support Worksheet shall be attached to this Order as an Exhibit.* 어머니아버지가정기적인자녀양육비로매주매월월 2 회 2 주마다 $ 를다른쪽부모에게지불한다. 자녀양육비계산표 (Child Support Worksheet) 를이명령의부록으로첨부한다.* If this is a deviation from the Child Support Guidelines, explain why: 만약자녀양육비지침과다른경우에는그이유를설명한다 : 2. Retroactive Support: A judgment is hereby awarded in the amount of $ to mother father against the child support payor representing retroactive support required under Section of the D.H.S. Income Shares Child Support Guidelines dating from which shall be paid (including pre/post judgment interest) at the rate of $ per week month twice per month every two weeks until the judgment is paid in full. 소급양육비 : D.H.S. 소득배분자녀양육비지침의 항에의하여 부터소급하여지급해야할양육비로자녀양육비를지급하는쪽의 6

7 부모가어머니아버지에게총 $ 를완불때까지매주매월월 2 회 2 주마다 $ 의비용으로 ( 판결전 / 후이자포함 ) 지급할것을판시한다. 3. Payments shall begin on the day of, 20. 양육비는 20 년 월 일부터지급한다. This support shall be paid: 양육비는다음과같이지급한다 : directly to the other parent. 다른쪽부모에게직접 to the Central Child Support Receipting Unit, P. O. Box , Nashville, Tennessee 37229, and sent from there to the other parent at:. 우선내시빌중앙자녀양육비수령사무소 (Central Child Support Receipting Unit, P. O. Box , Nashville, Tennessee 37229) 로보낸후이주소의다른쪽부모에게전달한다 : A Wage Assignment Order is attached to this Parenting Plan. 이양육계획에는급여양도명령이첨부되어있다. by direct deposit to the other parent at Bank for deposit in account no.. 다른쪽부모의 은행계좌번호 ( 으 ) 로직접입금 income assignment not required; Explanation:. 소득양도가필요하지않음. 설명 : other:. 기타 : The parents acknowledge that court approval must be obtained before child support can be reduced or modified. 부모는자녀양육비를감액또는변경하기위하여사전에법원의허가를받아야함을확인한다. *Child Support Worksheet can be found on DHS website at or at your local child support offices. 아동양육비계산표 (Child Support Worksheet) DHS 웹사이트 또는가까운아동양육사무소에있습니다. 7

8 B. FEDERAL INCOME TAX EXEMPTION * 연방소득세면제 The mother father is the parent receiving child support. 어머니아버지가자녀양육비를수령하는부모이다. The Mother shall claim the following children: 어머니는다음자녀에대하여세금면제를신청한다 : The Father shall claim the following children: 아버지는다음자녀에대하여세금면제를신청한다 : The mother father may claim the exemptions for the child or children so long as child support payments are current by the claiming parent on January 15 of the year when the return is due. The exemptions may be claimed in: alternate years starting each year other:. 자녀양육비에대한세금면제를신청하는부모가세금신고를해야하는해의 1 월 15 일현재 계속양육비를납부하는경우해당자녀 ( 들 ) 에대한세금면제를 어머니 아버지가신청할 수있다. 세금면제는 부터매 2 년 매년 기타 방법으로신청할수 있다. The mother father will furnish IRS Form 8332 to the parent entitled to the exemption by February 15 of the year the tax return is due. 세금신고를해야하는해의 2 월 15 일까지 어머니 아버지는세금면제를받을수있는 부모에게 IRS 양식 8332(IRS Form 8332) 를작성하여제공해야한다. C. PROOF OF INCOME AND WORK-RELATED CHILD CARE EXPENSES 소득및취업관련자녀양육비용증빙 Each parent shall send proof of income to the other parent for the prior calendar year as follows: 각부모는다른쪽부모에게전년도의소득증빙을다음과같이보내야한다 : IRS Forms W-2 and 1099 shall be sent to the other parent on or before February 15. IRS 양식 W-2 및 1099 를 2 월 15 일까지다른쪽부모에게보낸다. A copy of his or her federal income tax return shall be sent to the other parent on or before April 15 or any later date when it is due because of an extension of time for filing. 다른쪽부모에게연방소득세신고서사본을 4 월 15 일또는신고기간이연장된경우에는연장된마감일까지보낸다. * NOTE: The child support schedule assumptions in the guidelines ( (6)(b) ) assume that the parent receiving the child support will get the tax exemptions for the child. 주 : 관련지침 ( (6)(b)) 의자녀양육비계산표에서자녀양육비를받는쪽부모가자녀에대한세금면제를받는것으로간주하고있다. 8

9 The completed form required by the Department of Human Services shall be sent to the Department on or before the date the federal income tax return is due by the parent paying child support. This requirement applies only if a parent is receiving benefits from the Department for a child. 자녀양육비를지불하는부모가복지부 (Department of Human Services) 에서요구하는양식을작성하여연방소득세신고일이전에복지부에제출한다. 이요건은복지부로부터자녀지원혜택을받고있는부모의경우에만적용된다. The parent paying work-related child care expenses shall send proof of expenses to the other parent for the prior calendar year and an estimate for the next calendar year, on or before February 15. 취업관련자녀양육비용을지불하는부모는전년도의경비증빙과내년도경비추산을다른쪽부모에게 2 월 15 일까지보내야한다. D. HEALTH AND DENTAL INSURANCE 건강보험및치과보험 Reasonable health insurance on the child or children will be: 자녀 ( 들 ) 에대한적절한건강보험은다음당사자가부담한다 : maintained by the mother 어머니 maintained by the father 아버지 maintained by both 양 ( 兩 ) 부모모두 Proof of continuing coverage shall be furnished to the other parent annually or as coverage changes. The parent maintaining coverage shall authorize the other parent to consult with the insurance carrier regarding the coverage in effect. 보험을계속유지하고있다는증빙을매년또는부보내용이변경될때에다른쪽부모에게제공한다. 보험을유지하는부모는다른쪽부모가현재의부보내용에대하여해당보험회사와상의하는것을허가한다. Uncovered reasonable and necessary medical expenses, which may include but is not limited to, deductibles or co-payments, eyeglasses, contact lens, routine annual physicals, and counseling will be paid by mother father pro rata in accordance with their incomes. After insurance has paid its portion, the parent receiving the bill will send it to the other parent within ten days. The other parent will pay his or her share within 30 days of receipt of the bill. 기초공제또는공동지급, 안경, 컨택트렌즈, 정기연례건강진단및상담을위한의료비를포함하여보장되지않지만필요한적정의료비용은어머니아버지소득에비례하여지불한다. 보험회사에서보험료를지불한후청구서를수령한부모는 10 일이내에다른쪽부모에게이를송부한다. 다른쪽부모는청구서수령후 30 일이내에본인의몫을지불한다. If available through work, the mother father shall maintain dental, orthodontic, and optical insurance on the minor child or children. 직장의료보험에의하여가능한경우, 어머니 아버지는미성년자녀 ( 들 ) 의치과, 치과교정및안과의료보험을유지해야한다. 9

10 E. LIFE INSURANCE 생명보험 If agreed upon by the parties, the mother father both shall insure his/her own life in the minimum amount of $ by whole life or term insurance. Until the child support obligation has been completed, each policy shall name the child/children as sole irrevocable primary beneficiary, with the other parent other, as trustee for the benefit of the child(ren), to serve without bond or accounting. 당사자들이합의하면어머니아버지양 ( 兩 ) 부모는자신을위하여최소 $ 의종신또는정기생명보험에가입한다. 자녀양육의무가종료될때까지모든보험증권은해당자녀 ( 들 ) 를유일의취소불능 1 차수령자로, 다른쪽부모기타 를 ( 을 ) 보증및계산의무가없는자녀 ( 들 ) 의보험금관리수탁자로명시한다. IV. PRIMARY RESIDENTIAL PARENT (CUSTODIAN) FOR OTHER LEGAL PURPOSES 기타법적목적을위한주된동거부모 ( 보호자 ) The child or children are scheduled to reside the majority of the time with the mother father. This parent is designated as the primary residential parent also known as the custodian, SOLELY for purposes of any other applicable state and federal laws. If the parents are listed in Section II as joint decision-makers, then, for purposes of obtaining health or other insurance, they shall be considered to be joint custodians. THIS DESIGNATION DOES NOT AFFECT EITHER PARENT S RIGHTS OR RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER THIS PARENTING PLAN. 자녀 ( 들 ) 는대부분의시간을어머니아버지와같이지낼예정이다. 이부모는기타모든해당주및연방법규의목적만을위한보호자라고도하는주된동거부모로지정된다. 양 ( 兩 ) 부모가공동의사결정자로 II 항에나열된경우양부모는건강보험또는기타보험가입을위한공동보호자로간주된다. 이 ( 주된동거부모 ) 지정은각부모의양육계획에의한권리의무에영향을미치지않는다. V. DISAGREEMENTS OR MODIFICATION OF PLAN 양육계획에대한의견차이또는수정 Should the parents disagree about this Parenting Plan or wish to modify it, they must make a good faith effort to resolve the issue by the process selected below before returning to Court. Except for financial support issues including child support, health and dental insurance, uncovered medical and dental expenses, and life insurance, disputes must be submitted to: 부모가이양육계획에대해의견차이가있거나변경을원하면법원에다시오기전에아래에선택한절차에따라서문제를해결하기위하여성실하게노력해야한다. 자녀양육비, 건강보험및치과보험, 미보장의료및치과치료비, 생명보험을포함하는금전적지원문제를제외하고분쟁은아래절차에따른다 : Mediation by a neutral party chosen by the parents or the Court. 부모또는법원이선정하는중립적인사의조정 Arbitration by a neutral party selected by parents or the Court. 부모또는법원이선정하는중립적인사의중재 The Court DUE TO ORDER OF PROTECTION OR RESTRICTIONS. 10

11 보호명령또는제한명령발부법원 The costs of this process may be determined by the alternative dispute process or may be assessed by the Court based upon the incomes of the parents. It must be commenced by notifying the other parent and the Court by written request certified mail other:. 이절차의비용은해당대체분쟁절차에의하여결정하거나부모의소득을기초로당법원이책정할수있다. 서면요구서배달증명우편기타 : 의방법으로다른쪽부모에게개시전에통지해야한다. In the dispute resolution process: 이분쟁해결절차에서 A. Preference shall be given to carrying out this Parenting Plan. 본양육계획을이행하는것을우선고려해야한다. B. The parents shall use the process to resolve disputes relating to implementation of the Plan. 부모들은본계획의이행에대한분쟁을해결하기위하여이절차를이용해야한다. C. A written record shall be prepared of any agreement reached, and it shall be provided to each parent. 합의된사항은서면으로기록하고각부모에게제공한다. D. If the Court finds that a parent willfully failed to appear without good reason, the Court, upon motion, may award attorney fees and financial sanctions to the prevailing parent. 한쪽부모가정당한사유없이분쟁해결절차에고의적으로출석하지않은것으로법원이결정하면변호사비용및기타비용을승리한부모에게지급하도록판결할수있다. VI. RIGHTS OF PARENTS 부모의권리 Under T.C.A of Tennessee law, both parents are entitled to the following rights: 테네시주법 T.C.A 에따라, 양쪽부모모두는다음의권리가있습니다. (1) The right to unimpeded telephone conversations with the child at least twice a week at reasonable times and for reasonable durations. The parent exercising parenting time shall furnish the other parent with a telephone number where the child may be reached at the days and time specified in a parenting plan or other court order or, where days and times are not specified, at reasonable times; 일주일에두번이상, 적절한시기와적절한시간동안자녀와방해받지않고전화통화를할권리. 양육시간을이행하는부모는다른부모에게양육계획또는기타법원명령에명시된날짜와시간 ( 날짜와시간이명시되지않은경우, 적절한시간 ) 에자녀에게연락할수있는전화번호를알려주어야합니다. 11

12 (2) The right to send mail to the child which the other parent shall not destroy, deface, open or censor. The parent exercising parenting time shall deliver all letters, packages and other material sent to the child by the other parent as soon as received and shall not interfere with their delivery in any way, unless otherwise provided by law or court order; 자녀에게편지를보낼권리. 다른부모는이러한편지를폐기, 훼손, 개봉또는검열할수없습니다. 양육시간을이행하는부모는, 법또는기타법원명령에따라달리명시되지않는한, 다른부모가자녀에게보낸모든편지, 포장물및기타자료를즉시전달해야하며어떠한방식으로든이러한우편물의전달을방해해서는안됩니다. (3) The right to receive notice and relevant information as soon as practicable but within twenty-four (24) hours of any hospitalization, major illness or injury, or death of the child. The parent exercising parenting time when such event occurs shall notify the other parent of the event and shall provide all relevant healthcare providers with the contact information for the other parent; 자녀의입원, 중병이나큰부상또는사망후 24 시간이내에가능한한빨리통지및관련정보를받을권리. 이러한상황이발생하는경우, 양육시간을이행하는부모는다른부모에게이에대해알리고모든관련의료진에게다른부모의연락처정보를제공해야합니다. (4) The right to receive directly from the child's school any educational records customarily made available to parents. Upon request from one parent, the parent enrolling the child in school shall provide to the other parent as soon as available each academic year the name, address, telephone number and other contact information for the school. In the case of children who are being homeschooled, the parent providing the homeschooling shall advise the other parent of this fact along with the contact information of any sponsoring entity or other entity involved in the child's education, including access to any individual student records or grades available online. The school or homeschooling entity shall be responsible, upon request, to provide to each parent records customarily made available to parents. The school may require a written request which includes a current mailing address and may further require payment of the reasonable costs of duplicating such records. These records include copies of the child's report cards, attendance records, names of teachers, class schedules, and standardized test scores; 자녀의학교가학부모에게제공하는모든교육기록을직접받을권리. 부모중한명이요청하는경우, 자녀를학교에등록시킨부모는학교의이름, 주소, 전화번호및기타연락처정보를다른부모에게매학년마다제공해야합니다. 자녀가홈스쿨링을하는경우, 홈스쿨링을제공하는부모는다른부모에게이사실을알리고후원기관또는자녀의교육과관련된기타기관에대한연락처정보를제공해야하며이는온라인에서이용가능한모든개별학생기록이나성적표에대한접근권을포함합니다. 학교또는홈스쿨링제공기관은요청시각부모에게통상적으로학부모에게제공되는기록을제공할책임이있습니다. 해당학교는현재우편주소를포함한서면요청서를요구하고해당기록을이중으로제공하는것에대한적절한비용지불을추가적으로요구할수있습니다. 이러한기록은자녀의성적표, 출석기록, 교사이름, 수업시간표및표준화된시험점수의복사본을포함합니다. 12

13 (5) Unless otherwise provided by law, the right to receive copies of the child's medical, health or other treatment records directly from the treating physician or healthcare provider. Upon request from one parent, the parent who has arranged for such treatment or health care shall provide to the other parent the name, address, telephone number and other contact information of the physician or healthcare provider. The keeper of the records may require a written request including a current mailing address and may further require payment of the reasonable costs of duplicating such records. No person who receives the mailing address of a requesting parent as a result of this requirement shall provide such address to the other parent or a third person; 법에따라달리명시되지않는한, 자녀의의료, 건강또는기타치료관련기록사본을담당의사나의료전문가로부터직접받을권리. 부모중한명이요청하는경우, 이러한치료를진행한부모는담당의사나의료전문가의이름, 주소, 전화번호및기타연락처정보를다른부모에게제공해야합니다. 기록담당자는현재우편주소를포함한서면요청서를요구하고해당기록을이중으로제공하는것에대한적절한비용지불을추가적으로요구할수있습니다. 이러한요건에따라기록을요청한부모의우편주소를제공받았을경우이주소를다른부모나제삼자에게제공해서는안됩니다. (6) The right to be free of unwarranted derogatory remarks made about such parent or such parent's family by the other parent to or in the presence of the child; 상대방이본인이나본인의가족과관련해자녀에게, 또는자녀의앞에서하는근거없는비방을받지않을권리. (7) The right to be given at least forty-eight (48) hours notice, whenever possible, of all extracurricular school, athletic, church activities and other activities as to which parental participation or observation would be appropriate, and the opportunity to participate in or observe them. The parent who has enrolled the child in each such activity shall advise the other parent of the activity and provide contact information for the person responsible for its scheduling so that the other parent may make arrangements to participate or observe whenever possible, unless otherwise provided by law or court order; 부모의참여나참석이필요할수있는모든과외활동, 체육, 종교및기타활동과이에대한참여또는참석기회에대해, 가능한 48 시간이내에통보받을권리. 이러한각각의활동에자녀를등록시킨부모는, 법또는기타법원명령에따라달리명시되지않는한, 다른부모가이러한활동에참여하거나관찰하기위한준비를할수있도록다른부모에게해당활동에대해알리고일정담당자의연락처정보를제공해야합니다. (8) The right to receive from the other parent, in the event the other parent leaves the state with the minor child or children for more than forty-eight (48) hours, an itinerary which shall include the planned dates of departure and return, the intended destinations and mode of travel and telephone numbers. The parent traveling with the child or children shall provide this information to the other parent so as to give that parent reasonable notice; and 한측부모가미성년자인자녀 ( 들 ) 와함께 48 시간이이상국내를떠나있을경우예정된출국및귀국일, 목적지, 이동방법및전화번호를포함한일정을제공받을권리. 자녀 ( 들 ) 와여행하는부모는이정보를다른부모에게제공하여적절하게통보해야합니다. 13

14 (9) The right to access and participation in the child's education on the same bases that are provided to all parents including the right of access to the child during lunch and other school activities; provided, that the participation or access is legal and reasonable; however, access must not interfere with the school's dayto-day operations or with the child's educational schedule. 점심시간및기타학교활동에참석할권리를포함해모든부모에게부여된권리에따라자녀의교육에합법적이고적절한방식으로참여할권리. 하지만이러한참여가학교의일상적인운영이나자녀의교육일정에방해가되어서는안됩니다. VII. NOTICE REGARDING PARENTAL RELOCATION 부모의이사에대한통지 The Tennessee statute (T.C.A ) which governs the notice to be given in connection with the relocation of a parent reads in pertinent part as follows: 부모의이사와관련된통지를규제하는테네시주실정법 (T.C.A ) 의관련규정은다음과같다 : After custody or co-parenting has been established by the entry of a permanent parenting plan or final order, if a parent who is spending intervals of time with a child desires to relocate outside the state or more than fifty (50) miles from the other parent within the state, the relocating parent shall send a notice to the other parent at the other parent s last known address by registered or certified mail. Unless excused by the court for exigent circumstances, the notice shall be mailed not later than sixty (60) days prior to the move. The notice shall contain the following: 양육또는공동양육이영구양육계획또는최종명령으로정해진후자녀와일정시간을함께보내는부모가주밖으로이주하고자하거나주내에서다른부모와 50 마일이상떨어진곳으로이주하고자하는경우, 이주하는부모는등기우편또는배달증명우편을통해서상대부모의최근거주지주소로통지서를발송해야합니다. 긴박한사정으로법원의허가를받은경우이외에는이통지서는이사하기최소 60 일전에우송해야한다. 통지서에는다음내용이포함되어야한다 : (1) Statement of intent to move; 이사하려는의도언급 (2) Location of proposed new residence; 새로이사하려는집의위치 (3) Reasons for proposed relocation; and 이사하는이유 (4) Statement that the other parent may file a petition in opposition to the move within thirty (30) days of receipt of the notice. 이통지서를받은후 30 일이내에다른쪽부모는이사에반대하는진정서를제출할수 있다는진술 14

15 VIII. PARENT EDUCATION CLASS 부모교육반 This requirement has been fulfilled by both parents mother father neither. Failure to attend the parent education class within 60 days of this order is punishable by contempt. 이요건을양 ( 兩 ) 부모어머니아버지가이수하였거나어느쪽도이수하지않았다. 이명령을받은후 60 일이내에부모교육반에출석하지않으면법정모독으로처벌받을수있다. Under penalty of perjury, we declare that this plan has been proposed in good faith and is in the best interest of each minor child and that the statements herein and on the attached child support worksheets are true and correct. (A notary public is required if this is a proposed plan by one parent. A notary public is required if this is an agreed plan by both parents.) 본인들은이계획을성실하게제안하며미성년자녀에게최선의이익이되는방법으로작성하였으며, 이문서및첨부된자녀양육비계산서에포함된진술은진실이고옳은내용임을선서하며만약위증일경우처벌을받겠습니다. ( 한쪽부모의계획안일경우공증인이필요합니다. 양측부모의동의안일경우공증인이필요합니다.) Mother Date and Place Signed 어머니 서명일자및장소 Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of, 년 월 일본인앞에서선서하였음. My commission expires: 면허만료일 : Father 아버지 Notary Public / 공증인 Date and Place Signed 서명일자및장소 Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of, 년 월 일본인앞에서선서하였음. My commission expires: 면허만료일 : Notary Public / 공증인 15

16 APPROVED FOR ENTRY: 명령등록승인 : Attorney for Mother / 어머니측변호인 Address / 주소 Address / 주소 Phone and BPR Number / 전화및 BPR 번호 Attorney for Father / 아버지측변호인 Address / 주소 Address / 주소 Phone and BPR Number / 전화및 BPR 번호 Note: The judge or chancellor may sign below or, instead, sign a Final Decree or a separate Order incorporating this plan. 주의 : 담당판사또는챈슬러는아래에서명하거나이계획을반영한최종명령또는별도의명령에서명할수있다. COURT COSTS (If applicable) 법원비용 ( 해당시 ) Court costs, if any, are taxed as follows: 법원비용은아래와같이징수한다 :. It is so ORDERED this the day of,. 년 월 일에이와같이명령한다. Judge or Chancellor 판사또는챈슬러 16


IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF 본 양식은 영어로만 작성하실 수 있습니다. STATE OF TENNESSEE 테네시 주 COURT (Must be completed) 법원 (반드시 기재요) COUNTY(Must be completed) 카운티 (반드시 기재요) PERMANENT PARENTING PLAN ORDER 영구 양육 계획 명령 PROPOSED AGREED ORDERED BY THE

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