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1 2009년 12월 고2 영남권연합학력평가 문제지 외국어(영어) 영역 제 3 교시 성명 수험번호 1 문제지의 해당란에 성명과 수험 번호를 정확히 쓰시오. 답안지의 해당란에 성명과 수험 번호를 쓰고, 또 수험 번호와 답을 정 확히 표기하시오. 문항에 따라 배점이 다르니, 각 물음의 끝에 표시된 배점을 참고하시오. 3점 문항과 1점 문항에만 점수가 표시되어 있습니다. 점수 표시가 없는 문항은 모두 2점입니다. 6. 다음을 듣고, 여자가 하는 말의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1 캠핑 일정을 공지하려고 2 기억력 저하의 원인을 설명하려고 3 기억력 향상 프로그램을 광고하려고 4 두뇌 프로그램 운영자를 모집하려고 5 두뇌 과학자들과의 만남을 안내하려고 1 17번까지는 듣고 답하는 문제입니다. 방송을 잘 듣 고 답을 하기 바랍니다. 듣는 내용은 한 번만 방송됩니다. 1. 듣고, 여자가 구입할 휴대폰을 고르시오. 7. 듣고, 여자가 남자에게 부탁한 일을 고르시오. 1 보고서 작성 도와주기 2 수학 과제 제출하기 3 공부 방법 알려주기 4 동생 말하기대회 조언하기 5 말하기 원고 작성하기. 대화를 듣고, 두 사람의 관계를 가장 잘 나타낸 것을 고르시오. 1 작가 - 독자 2 사서 - 주민 3 점원 - 고객 4 친구 - 친구 5 교사 - 학생 대화를 듣고, 두 사람이 대화하고 있는 장소로 가장 적절한 곳을 고 르시오. 1 pharmacy 2 dental clinic 3 badminton court 4 concert hall 5 classroom 10. 대화를 듣고, 여자가 남자를 위해 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 2. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 심정으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1 grateful 2 angry 3 indifferent 4 relieved 5 delighted 1 책에 사인해 주기 3 자신의 책 선물하기 5 연말 팬 사인회 초대하기 2 다음 작품 결말 알려 주기 4 함께 기념 사진 찍기 11. 다음 설문지를 보면서 대화를 듣고, 내용과 일치하지 않는 것을 3. 다음을 듣고, 무엇에 관한 설명인지 고르시오. 고르시오. 1 snakes 2 dolphins 3 crabs 4 turtles 5 frogs Shopping Habit Survey 4. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 여자를 위해 할 일로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 1 Age : 20 s 30 s 40 s 50 s 1 to give her a ride 3 to buy her a purse 5 to take her out for dinner 2 to make a call 4 to see her friend 2 Current Job : ( Travel agent ) 3 Frequency (per month) : 2~3 4~5 more than 7 4 Payment : Cash Credit Card 5. 대화를 듣고, 남자가 받은 거스름돈의 액수로 알맞은 것을 고르시 오. [3점] 5 Shopping Preference : On line shopping Shopping in person 1 $2 2 $15 3 $1 4 $32 5 $50 1

2 2 외 국 어 (영 어 ) 영 역 12. Julie Jane에 관한 다음 내용을 듣고, 일치하지 않는 것을 고르시오. 1 Do you think so? I m not so sure. 2 Good. What are you going to teach? 1 16 같은 고등학교에 다닌다. 3 I ll be studying with you next year. 2 외모가 다른 이란성 쌍둥이다. 3 서로 자주 다투기도 한다. 4 Great! I hope things go well for you. 5 I think I ll be a good lawyer. 4 좋아하는 과목과 장래 희망이 같다. 5 같은 옷과 신발을 사고 싶어 한다. 17. 다음 상황 설명을 듣고, Mike가 Chris에게 할 말로 가장 적절한 13. 다음 그림의 상황에 가장 적절한 대화를 고르시오.[1점] 것을 고르시오. Mike: Chris, 1 I m so glad to hear that. 2 Which team do you support? 3 Will you always miss my presence? 4 Have you been to the soccer match? 5 I wish you had been there with me. 듣기 말하기 문제는 다 끝났습니다. 1번부터는 문제 지의 지시에 따라 답을 하시기 바랍니다 밑줄 친 I가 가리키는 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?[1점] 14. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적 절한 것을 고르시오. Man: 1 Thanks. Why don t you wait here? 2 No problem. Go and take care of your father. 3 Don t worry. You ll get better soon. 4 Good for you. You must be very happy. 5 I d better go to the airport right now. 15. 대화를 듣고, 남자의 마지막 말에 대한 여자의 응답으로 가장 적 Who am I? I am made when an object blocks light. Depending on where the light is, I can follow or lead the object. I am only one color, but not one size. If an object is moved closer to the light source, I get bigger. If an object is moved farther away from the light source, I get smaller. I am longest at the beginning and end of the day, when the sun is lowest in the sky. I am shortest at midday, when the sun is highest in the sky. I can be very entertaining. By folding some of your fingers in front of a light source, you can make various funny shapes of me, such as a barking dog. 1 무지개 2 은하수 3 가로등 4 자외선 5 그림자 절한 것을 고르시오. Woman: 1 Great! Prevention is better than treatment. 2 Of course! I ll keep my promise. 3 What? That s nonsense! 4 Exactly! Home remedies always work best. 5 I m sorry, but it s too difficult to follow the steps. 16. 대화를 듣고, 여자의 마지막 말에 대한 남자의 응답으로 가장 적 절한 것을 고르시오. Man: 밑줄 친 They[they]가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 넷과 다른 것은? Archaeologists figure out how people lived long ago by collecting and studying artifacts. 1 They are left behind objects like pieces of buildings, tools, even toys or games. Buried or hidden away for centuries, 2 they are often our only link to life in the past. So, archaeologists gather data or information by digging and brushing away layers of soil. 3 They must keep careful records of artifacts they find, including exactly where they are found, how deep 4 they were buried and what shape they were in. From this information, archaeologists can guess the age of the artifacts. Tiniest as 5 they are, artifacts may give a clue about how people lived. * archaeologist: 고고학자

3 외 국 어 (영 어 ) 영 역 글의 목적으로 가장 적절한 것은? Did you know that foods rich in vitamins can help prevent the aging? Did you know that coffee and green tea can actually lower blood sugar in people with diabetes? This book is excellent if you are trying to find natural ways to fix problems related to your body. Here you ll find detailed food prescriptions for various common health problems. This book will also give you much information about practical suggestions for getting more of the foods that can help prevent disease, and simple recipes for immune boosting soups, healing teas, and more. 1 향토 음식을 소개하려고 2 민간요법의 위험성을 경고하려고 3 식이요법에 관한 책의 저술을 의뢰하려고 4 몸에 좋은 음식과 해로운 음식을 알려주려고 5 음식을 통한 건강관리에 관한 책을 소개하려고 21. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 어법에 맞는 표현으로 가장 적절 한 것은? Little Miss America, a well known beauty contest in the U.S., started in The girls in the contest are mainly judged on the basis of beauty, charm and poise. The participants are not obliged to (A) pay / paying an entrance fee. However, their parents are generally charged about $500 to have their children s pictures (B) include / included in the catalog. They must also pay a lot for the singing, dancing, and musical instrument lessons for their child to participate in the talent section of the contest. For these reasons, some critics, fearful (C) that / what girls are judged primarily on their physical appearance, strongly insist that such beauty contests be abolished. (A) (B) (C) 1 pay... include... what 2 pay... included... that 3 pay... include... that 4 paying... included... that 5 paying... include... what 22. 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중, 어법상 틀린 것은? According to Dr. Norem at Wellesley College, some 30 to 35 percent of Americans 1 has a way of thinking called defensive pessimism. Defensive pessimism is a strategy 2 used in specific situations to manage anxiety, fear, and worry, 3 says Norem, who has done a research on the subject. She says, Defensive pessimists prepare for a situation by 4 setting low expectations for themselves. Once they ve imagined bad results, they start finding out how they ll handle 5 them. And that gives them a sense of control 다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은? Oxygen makes up about 21% of the air in Earth s atmosphere. But, there was little oxygen in the air when Earth was first formed. Over billions of years, the amount of plant life on Earth increased. 1 Plants produced oxygen, so its levels in the air increased, too. 2 Today, the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is fixed, which means it is steady and doesn t change. 3 Oxygen is considered to be effective for medical treatment. 4 This fixed amount of oxygen is constantly being used and produced by all living things on Earth. 5 It s part of an ongoing cycle called the oxygen cycle. [24~27] 글의 빈 칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 24. There lived a hare in the jungle. There were a lot of animals who claimed to be her true friends. One day, however, she was chased by the wolves. She went to the horse to get help. But he declined, saying that he had important work to do for his master. She then went to the bull. He replied, I am very sorry, but I am not feeling well these days. The hare then visited the bear as a last hope. But he said, I am too old to fight against the wolves. By this time the wolves were quite near, and the hare took to her heels and luckily escaped. She sighed and said to herself, Why didn't they help me?. I have no true fellow. 1 Time and tide waits for no man 2 Too many cooks spoil the broth 3 Birds of a feather flock together 4 A friend in need is a friend indeed 5 An apple a day keeps a doctor away 25. These days with the recession of the economy in a lot of countries, with more and more people losing jobs, it is important that we all do our part to help out. As parents, the best thing that we can do is to bring up our children in a way that they are aware of other people s poverty and give help to the poor. Here are some tips on how you can raise kids who know how to help others. First,. It doesn t mean you have to spoil them with toys or lots of pocket money. As you provide for their needs and some of their special requests, their eyes will be opened to the concept of giving. Second, take your kids to a charity. While it s good to tell stories about people in need to raise your kids awareness, letting them see the actual setting will be more effective.[3점] 1 try to be generous parents 2 teach your children with toys 3 encourage your kids to save money 4 allow your kids to meet people in need 5 let your kids know how to help poor people

4 4 외 국 어 (영 어 ) 영 역 26. There is one American behavior pattern that may seem inconsistent to a foreigner. Although Americans like to talk about their accomplishments, it is their custom. When someone praises an American upon achievement or personal appearance, the American turns it aside. If someone says, Congratulations upon being elected president of the club, an American is expected to reply, Well, I hope I can do a good job, or something of the sort. Or if someone says, That s a pretty blue necktie you are wearing, an American is likely to say, I m glad you like it, or Thanks. My wife gave it to me for my birthday. The response to a compliment seldom conveys the idea, I, too, think I m pretty good. 1 to hide their own weaknesses 2 to laugh at their own mistakes 3 to ignore other people s comments 4 to be willing to accept compliments 5 to show modesty in reply to compliments 27. Russians understand that they should make a huge change in their educational system in order to remain competitive in the 21st century. One study shows that Russians especially realize to upgrade schools, connect communities, and improve educational contents. In this study, the majority of respondents said technology will play a key role in improving the way teachers teach and students learn. The head of this research team said, Information technology is a vital tool that can help educate our students by providing access to videos and other dynamic contents. 29. (A), (B), (C)의 각 네모 안에서 문맥에 맞는 낱말로 가장 적절한 것은? Flowers play an important role in weddings. Roses, the flowers of love, are the most (A) popular / populous for weddings in many countries. Ivy is also used in wedding bouquets as a sign of everlasting love. After the wedding ceremony, it is (B) customary / complementary in many countries for the bride to throw her bouquet into a crowd of her single female friends. It is said that the person who catches the bouquet will be the next one to marry. In Turkey, a bride s female friends write their names on the inside of the shoes the bride will wear on her wedding day. After the ceremony, if someone s name has been (C) robbed / rubbed off and cannot be read, it is said that this person will be the next to marry. (A) (B) (C) 1 popular... customary... rubbed 2 popular... complementary... rubbed 3 popular... customary... robbed 4 populous... complementary... robbed 5 populous... customary... rubbed 30. 다음 그림에 대한 글의 내용 중, 밑줄 친 낱말의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은? 1 the significance of community bond 2 the key role of parents in education 3 the usefulness of computer programs 4 the importance of information technology Figure 1 Half note Quarter note Eighth note Sixteenth note 5 the urgency of building up school network Figure 2. 글에 드러난 필자의 심정으로 가장 적절한 것은?[1점] When I was ten years old, my father took me to get my own dog. Together we drove to a dog farm far into the Michigan countryside. Now, take your time, son. Dad said. I immediately raced to the puppy cage. You want to pick one that s not timid, my father coached. Try shaking the cage and see which ones aren t afraid. When I shook the cage, most of the puppies moved back with fear. Just one remained. He was yellow with a white spot on his chest. He jumped up and excitedly licked my fingers through the fencing. It was love at first sight! 1 sad and depressed 2 happy and excited 3 guilty and gloomy 4 tired and bored 5 frustrated and disappointed 4 2 beam double beam Figure 3 Figure 1 shows some common musical notes and parts of a note. Often, as shown in Figure 2, eighth and sixteenth notes are grouped by 1 omitting the flags and connecting the stems with a beam. Eighth notes are 2 connected with a single beam, sixteenth notes with a 3 double beam. If a composer wants the musicians to hold a note a little longer, he can put a dot to the 4 right of the note head like in Figure 3. The dot increases the note s length by half. So a dotted quarter note lasts 50 percent 5 shorter than an undotted quarter note.

5 31. 글의 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Bamboo benefits humans in many ways. It releases 35 percent more oxygen than a tree the same size. It also cleanses the atmosphere by absorbing a great deal of carbon dioxide. (A), it is a very hardy and fast growing plant, so it can quickly cover a deforested area, preventing damaging erosion and providing protection from the sun. The plant s amazing growth rate and strength make bamboo an excellent building material. And bamboo has also provided humans with a wide range of other products from foods and medicines to paper and fuel. (B), for various reasons, bamboo is one of the world s most prized plants. (A) (B) 1 Besides... Similarly 2 However... As a result 3 Likewise... In contrast 4 In addition... Therefore 5 For example... In short 32. 다음 글에서 필자가 주장하는 바로 가장 적절한 것은? We cannot fully understand our partner. This can be a problem in marriage. We are usually only partly right about what our partner is experiencing. That is why it is so important to draw out your partner s point of view. For example, if a wife were to say, I am so tired, her husband may believe that her tiredness is from staying up too late at night. So he might say, Why don t you lie down and take a short rest? His counsel may be well intended but not welcome. What might the husband do differently? When the wife expresses pain, the husband should offer support rather than advice. Any effort on his part for her to tell more will probably be helpful. 1 부부 사이에는 비밀이 없어야 한다. 2 부부 사이에도 충고가 필요할 때가 있다. 3 배우자와의 성격 차이는 극복하기 어렵다. 4 배우자의 심정을 이해하고 지지해 주어야 한다. 5 배우자의 사소한 잘못은 서로 용서할 필요가 있다. 외 국 어 (영 어 ) 영 역 1 Saving the local library by raising funds 2 Importance of promise for making a difference 3 Great power of common people for a real change 4 Cleaning community with the help of political leaders 5 Differences between political leaders and ordinary people People today are consuming goods at an alarming rate, Rabbi Shmuley says. He is worried about the effect of materialism on children and talks about teaching teens to be smarter with the money they spend. Teens and kids especially are increasingly materialistic and always want the newest things that their friends have. If there is something teens really want, teach them that finding deals can be fun. Be sure they use their allowances to save up for it, and teach them to look for sales, even online. Show kids that when they do want to make a purchase, they should take time to research the best product and compare prices. This will help them become smarter and more sensible consumers later on. 1 How to cope with economic crisis 2 Teaching teens good money habits 3 Teaching teens how to buy goods online 4 The influence of materialism on home economy 5 The influence of peer pressure on teens spending 35. 다음 도표의 내용과 일치하지 않는 문장은? American High School Students Activities, Driving Household activities Shopping Working Volunteering Ages Ages (%) [33~34] 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 33. Sometimes people feel that only great leaders can make a difference. This, however, is not always true. Ordinary people can make a huge difference. When Janet Chung, for example, found her local library had to close because of lack of funding, she decided to do something about it. First, Janet called a neighborhood meeting and explained the problem. And she made flyers about the library and sent them to all her friends and neighbors. Next, she wrote a letter to her elected representative. He quickly realized this was an important issue, and he promised to fight for the library. He kept his promise, and the library was saved. This shows that an ordinary person can make a big difference. * flyer: 5 The chart above shows the results of a survey conducted throughout 2003 to 2007 regarding American high school students activities on an average day by age group. 1 Older high school students were more likely to drive, shop, work, and do volunteer activities than were younger high school students. 2 High school students aged 15 to 16 were more likely to do household activities than were students aged 17 to About half of high school students aged 15 to 16 drove on an average day, while a fourth of students aged 17 to 19 did. 4 Regardless of age, the lowest percentage of students did volunteer activities. 5 The gap between older high school students and younger ones in everyday activities was the greatest in driving and the smallest in volunteering.

6 6 외 국 어 (영 어 ) 영 역 36. James Allen 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은? 1 Chinatown에서도 영어를 사용해야 한다. 2 중국인 이민 2세들은 반드시 중국어를 배워야만 한다. James Allen has been called the literary mystery man of the twentieth century. Although his best selling classic, As a man thinketh, has inspired millions around the world, little is known 3 Chinatown을 방문하는 관광객은 중국어를 사용해야 한다. 4 영어를 모르는 중국인 이민 2세를 위한 교육정책이 필요하다. 5 중국인 이민 2세가 중국어를 모른다고 차별 받아서는 안 된다. about the author himself. What is known about Allen is that he was born in 164 in Leicester, England. His father was a well to do businessman who, because of poor economic conditions, went bankrupt in 17 and was tragically murdered one year later. This required James to leave school at the age of fifteen to help support his family. Allen eventually married and became a personal secretary for an executive of a large English corporation. 39. A man came to Socrates and said, Do you know what I just heard about your friend? Hold on a minute, Socrates replied. Before telling me anything, I d like you to pass three tests. Three tests? That s right, Socrates continued. The first test is Truth. Are you sure that what you are about to tell me is true? No, the man said, actually I just heard about it and... 1 그의 작품 As a man thinketh는 널리 알려지지 않았다. All right, said Socrates. Now let s try the second test called 2 그에 관해서는 많은 사실이 알려져 있다. Goodness. Is what you are about to tell me about my friend 3 파산 후 비극적인 죽음을 맞이했다. 4 가족부양을 위해 15세에 학교를 그만두었다. 5 결혼 후 개인 비서를 거느린 경영인이 되었다. something good? No, on the contrary... So, Socrates continued, here is the last test. It s a test of Usefulness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend going to be useful to 37. Nighttime grinding에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은? me? No, not really. Well, concluded Socrates, if what you want to tell me is neither true nor good nor even useful, why Most people suffer from nighttime grinding at least one time in tell it to me at all? their lives. Nighttime grinding can become a very serious problem when it damages teeth or disturbs sleep. There are several reasons for the grinding. Some of them are psycho social factors, problems in the brain, and teeth that do not meet properly. Some studies also find that stress, the heavy use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs, and caffeine are related with higher risk of nighttime grinding. Many 1 친구에 관해 말할 때는 신중해야한다. 2 착하고 진실한 친구를 사귀어야 한다. 3 진실을 말하는 데는 용기가 필요하다. 4 말보다 행동이 더 큰 의미를 가진다. 5 폭넓은 교우관계를 형성해야 한다. kinds of treatment for the nighttime grinding have been tried. They include drugs, nutritional supplements, and dental appliances that keep the teeth apart. Exercises before sleep are also suggested by 40. 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은? some experts. * nighttime grinding: 중에 이를 가는 것 Food is not simply a reflection of our eating preferences, 1 대부분의 사람들이 한 번쯤은 경험한다. but a statement of our culture. So, when we think of other 2 매우 심각한 문제로 진전될 수 있다. countries and lifestyles, we often think of them in terms of 3 노화와 흡연이 주된 원인이다. their culinary traditions. * culinary: 요리의 4 다양한 종류의 치료방법들이 시도되어 왔다. 5 일부 전문가들은 치료를 위해 취침 전 운동을 권유한다. (A) Similar sauces can be found throughout history in Asia. For [3~39] 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. example, in Korea and China, soy sauce made with fermented soybeans has been a firm and steady favorite for hundreds of years. 3. As an American born Chinese, wherever I go in Chinatown, I always have the same experience. Whether it is a shopping mall or a restaurant, I am initially greeted with a smile and a friendly word in Chinese. Then, when they discover that I don t understand, their smile and kindness disappear. It is really embarrassing. Even tourists from other countries get better treatment than American born Chinese like me. Although I don t understand Chinese, I still love Chinatown. I don t think I deserve the unfair treatment I receive (B) Throughout the geographical and cultural diversity, however, one taste is universal. It unites countries and peoples from all corners of the world, and demonstrates that culinary excellence is both timeless and borderless. (C) This taste comes from fermented foods and it can be traced back as far as 2,500 years ago. In ancient Greece and Rome, fermented sauces were prized for the unique flavor that they lent to dishes. there. But, to them, I m just another Americanized young person, a 1 (A) - (B) - (C) 2 (A) - (C) - (B) traitor. Sure I understand, but most of the time I m very angry. It s 3 (B) - (A) - (C) 4 (B) - (C) - (A) not that I want to be accepted. I just want to be respected. 5 (C) - (B) - (A) 6

7 외 국 어 (영 어 ) 영 역 [41~42] 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오. 44. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳 Globalization of the economy refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, especially through international trade and foreign direct investment. Despite some positive aspects, globalization has increased inequality, poverty, injustice and environmental destruction usually at the expense of underdeveloped countries. Actually multinational companies often destroy the reciprocal concept of globalization. They unfairly use local work forces with low wages so that they can produce cheaper and more profitable goods in poor countries. It is said that the winners in globalization are the multinational companies from the developed countries. 1 Globalization: Man made Blessing 2 Globalization: Shortcut to Prosperity 3 Globalization: Cooperative Partnership 4 Globalization: Solution to Unemployment 5 Globalization: Unfair Game to Poor Countries 은?[3점] In addition, some cultures stress concentration, which results in longer attention spans. A person s culture influences listening and learning abilities. ( 1 ) Some cultures, such as many in Asia, stress good listening and the importance of receiving messages. ( 2 ) Japanese people, for example, are likely to spend less time talking on the job than do Europeans, stressing instead the listening aspect of communication. ( 3 ) People in Taiwan, for instance, put a great emphasis on a notion called being mindful. This means giving your complete and full attention to whatever you are doing. ( 4 ) Training to have long attention spans starts in childhood. ( 5 ) To those raised in a typical European environment, these listening enhancing concepts are not part of their background. 42. During the past year, basic foods have become significantly more expensive in many parts of the world. Experts say several factors are to blame: global population growth, droughts, and floods. In addition, grains like corn, once grown exclusively to feed humans and livestock, are now being used to generate ethanol as an alternative to oil and gasoline. With oil prices rising steeply in recent years, the economic incentive to produce grain based fuels has risen. Taken together, these factors have led to rising food prices that could cause disaster for the world s poor people. 1 The Effects of Climate Change 2 Potential Risks of Fuel Shortage 3 Worldwide Food Prices on the Rise 4 Ways of Producing Grain based Fuels 5 Reasons for Global Population Growth 43. 글의 상황에 나타난 분위기로 가장 적절한 것은? It was soon the early hours of the morning. There was a cry of alarm on the ship s deck. A moment later, there was a great crash. The ship had hit a rock. Water rushed into the ship. The ship began to sink. People on the ship were filled with fear. No one knew what to do. They launched a small boat. The prince and his bravest friends jumped into it. They pushed off from the ship as it began to sink beneath the waves. Would they be saved? They rowed only ten yards from the ship and heard a cry from the people who had been left behind. Row back! cried the prince. There re people on the ship. We must save them! 1 calm and boring 2 tense and urgent 3 pleasant and hopeful 4 funny and humorous 5 romantic and mysterious 다음 글의 내용을 한 문장으로 요약하고자 한다. 빈칸 (A)와 (B) 에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? Studies show that children react badly when parents pressure them to eat foods, even if the pressure offers a reward. In one study at Pennsylvania State University, researchers asked children to eat vegetables and drink milk, offering them stickers and television time if they did. Later in the study, the children expressed dislike for the foods they had been rewarded for eating. In the short run, you might be able to force a child to eat, but in the long run, he will be less likely to eat those foods. The better approach is to put the food on the table and encourage a child to try it. But don t complain if he refuses, and don t offer praise if he tastes it. Just ask him if he wants some more. That s enough. Since pushing children to eat foods can have (A) effects, parents should stay (B) without complaining or giving rewards. (A) (B) 1 negative... neutral 2 positive... consistent 3 undesirable... uncomfortable 4 potential... indifferent 5 unexpected... impatient

8 외 국 어 (영 어 ) 영 역 [46 4]다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. [49~50]다음 글을 읽고, 물음에 답하시오. (A) For Sparky, school was almost impossible. He failed every subject in the eighth grade. Throughout his youth, Sparky was a a socially awkward boy. He was not actually disliked by the other students; no one cared about him that much. Sparky was a loser. (B) After completing high school, he wrote a letter to Walt Disney Studios. He was told to send some samples of his artwork and the subject for a cartoon was suggested. He drew the proposed cartoon. He spent a great deal of time on it and on all the other drawings he submitted. Finally, the reply came from Disney Studios. He had been rejected once again. Another loss for b the loser. (C) So Sparky decided to write his own autobiography in cartoons. He described his childhood self a little boy loser and c chronic underachiever. The cartoon character, whose kite would never fly and who never succeeded in kicking a football, became famous worldwide. His name is d Charlie Brown. (D) However, one thing was important to Sparky: drawing. He was proud of his artwork. Of course, no one else appreciated it. In his senior year of high school, he submitted some cartoons to e the chief editor of the yearbook. The cartoons were turned down. Despite this particular rejection, Sparky was so convinced of his ability that he decided to become a professional artist. 46. 글 (A)에 이어질 내용을 순서에 맞게 배열한 것으로 가장 적절 한 것은? 1 (B) - (C) - (D) 2 (C) - (B) - (D) 3 (C) - (D) - (B) 4 (D) - (B) - (C) 5 (D) - (C) - (B) One of the most basic concepts of economics is want vs. need. A need is something you have to have, something you can t do without. A good example is food. If you don t eat, you won t survive for long. On the other hand, a want is something you would like to have. It is not absolutely necessary, but it would be a good thing to have. A good example is (A) music. You don t need music to survive. These are general categories, of course. Some categories have both needs and wants. For instance, food could be a need or a want, depending on the type of food. You need to eat protein, vitamins, and minerals. How you get them is up to you. You can eat a meat, nuts, or soy products to get protein. You can eat b fruits and vegetables to get vitamins and minerals. You can eat yogurt or cheese to get other vitamins and minerals. You can eat c bread to get still more vitamins and minerals. These basic kinds of foods are needs. However, d ice cream is a want. You don t really need to eat ice cream to survive. You can eat it to get some vitamins and minerals, but other foods like cheese and e yogurt give you more of those same vitamins and minerals without giving you the fat that ice cream does. Still, ice cream tastes good to many people. They like to eat it. (B). They like it, but they don t have to have it to survive. 49. 위 글의 밑줄 친 (A)와 같은 범주에 속하는 것은? 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 50. 위 글에서 빈칸 (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은? 1 They must not eat it 2 It is harmful to health 3 They must eat it to survive 4 They want it, but they don t need it 5 It is not expensive, but it isn t daily food 47. 밑줄 친 a~e중에서 함축하는 의미가 다른 것은? 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 5 e 4. 위 글의 Sparky와 관련된 내용으로 일치하지 않는 것은? 1 학업 성적이 매우 좋지 않았다. 2 학창시절 그림 실력을 인정받았다. 3 비사교적이었고 다른 사람의 관심을 받지 못했다. 4 Walt Disney Studios에 원고를 보냈지만 거절당했다. 5 만화를 이용하여 자신을 표현하고자 하였다. 확인 사항 문제지와 답안지의 해당란을 정확히 기입(표기)했는지 확인하시오.

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower.

2 min 응용 말하기 01 I set my alarm for 7. 02 It goes off. 03 It doesn t go off. 04 I sleep in. 05 I make my bed. 06 I brush my teeth. 07 I take a shower. 스피킹 매트릭스 특별 체험판 정답 및 스크립트 30초 영어 말하기 INPUT DAY 01 p.10~12 3 min 집중 훈련 01 I * wake up * at 7. 02 I * eat * an apple. 03 I * go * to school. 04 I * put on * my shoes. 05 I * wash * my hands. 06 I * leave

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