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1 September 29, 2013 Grand Hilton Seoul Hotel, Seoul, Korea


3 * [software] [Microscopic camera] [Anchor] Photo Anchor can reduce the variables in patient positioning Folliscreen Microscopic dissection system with screen 20 Working distance : 25cm Viewing area: 1 Cutting plate with cooling system (4 ) Magnification: 20 Light : LED Output : Dual(Tv,Computer monitor) Software for caliber measure, Video recording, photos



6 2014 International Meeting of Asia Forum for Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine [AFAS] The 2nd Congress of Asia Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine, Korea Academy of Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine[KAAS] Sponsored by [ 联合主办 ] Korea Academy of Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine (KAAS) 韩国美容外科医学会 Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery (JSAS) 日本美容外科学会 Chinese Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgeons(CSAPS) 中国美容与整形医师会 The Thai Association and Academy of Cosmetic Surgery and Medicine (TACS) 泰国美容外科医学会 Ho Chi Minh City Society of Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery 胡志明整形美容外科学会 Taiwan Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 台灣顏面整形重建外科醫學會 Philippine Academy of Aesthetic Surgery 菲律宾美容外科学会 World Academy of Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine (WAARM) 国际抗衰老再生医疗学会 The International Society of Blood Biomaterials (ISBB) 国际血液生物材料学会 The Asian Pacific Craniofacial Association 亚太颅面协会 Date Venue COEX Grand Ballroom(1F), Seoul, Korea 韩国首尔 Invitation 邀请函 Dear Colleagues! It is our honor and pleasure to inform you that 2014 International Meeting of Asia forum for Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine[AFAS], The 2nd Congress of Asia Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine, and Korea Academy of Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine[KAAS] will be held in Seoul, Korea on March 29-30, This conference is an academic festival to give all of participants an opportunity to share new technologies, knowledge and information in the field of aesthetic surgery and medicine as well as to enhance friendship. We would like to welcome you all to attend our big event where you can feel to the fullest the spring of Seoul in harmony of antique ancient palaces and parks. Thank you. 大家好! 韩国美容外科医学会继成功举办 2013 亚洲论坛后, 正在细心准备 2014 年亚洲论坛 上届论坛由日本美容外科学会 中国美容整形医学会和意大利美容医学会等全世界 16 个学会联合举办, 并有 850 多名国内外医生参加 我们一定会竭尽全力做准备, 使 2014 年亚洲论坛成为具代表性的国际学术会议 亚洲论坛有世界各国医生参加, 一同交流美容外科及美容医学领域的新技术 知识和信息 希望大家积极参与并予以更大的支持 谢谢 Congress Presidents 大会会长团 LIM Jong-hak, MD Attapan PORNMONTARUT, MD JUNG Kwang-seup, MD JUNG Dong-hak, MD President of KAAS 韩国美容外科医学会会长林钟学 Co-President of 2014 AFAS and President of TACS 2014 亚洲国际美容医学学术大会共 Co-President of 2014 AFAS 亚洲国际美容医学学术大会共同会长郑光燮 Honorary Chairman, Scientific Committee of AFAS 大会名誉学术委员长郑东学 Congress Honorary Presidents 大会名誉会长团 Congress Scientific Committee 学术委员会 Fumihiko UMEZAWA, MD LI Shirong, MD CHOI Woong Chul, MD AHN Tae-hwan, MD Chairman of JSAS 日本美容外科学会會頭梅泽文彦 Past President of CSAPS 中国美容与整形医师会前任会长李世荣 Chairman, Scientific Committee, KAAS 韩国美容外科医学会学术委员长崔雄哲 Vice Chairman, Scientific Committee,KAAS 韩国美容外科医学会学术副委员长安邰晥 4

7 General Information 亚洲国际美容医学学术大会第 2 届亚洲抗衰老 再生医学学术会议韩国美容外科医学会春季学术会议 1. Date: March 29(Sat)-30(Sun), Venue: COEX Grand Ballroom(1F), Seoul, Korea Address: 159 Samseong dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Korea Tel: Website: 3. Program Agenda Main Room A(No.103) RoomB(No ) Room C (No ) March 29 09:00-17:00 Lectures 18:30-21:00 Welcome Party 09:00-18:00 Lectures & Live Demonstration 08:00-18:00 Exhibition March 30 09:00-17:00 Lectures 09:00-17:00 Lectures 08:00-17:00 Exhibition 1) Live demonstration 试演 Lid Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Face lifting, Facial rejuvenation, Fat graft,treatment using laser machines 眼整形手术 / 鼻整形 / 面部提升 / 改善皮肤 / 激光 2) Themes 讲课主题 Lid Surgery, Rhinoplasty, Breast surgery, Maxillofacial surgery, Face lifting facial rejuvenation, Filler & toxin, Hair restoration, Miscellaneous Dermatology, Obesity & Body contouring (liposuction), Anti-aging & 眼整形手术, 隆鼻术, 丰胸手, 颚颜面手术, 面部提升术, 改善皮肤, 肥胖 & 体型轮廓术 ( 吸脂术 ), 抗衰老, 填充剂 & 毒素, 毛发修整及毛发移植术, 杂项 4. Call for abstracts 1) The presentation topics should be related to above themes.. 2) Send an abstract to the KAAS secretariat through the] 3) The abstract includes title of presentation, author, institution, address, address, telephone & fax number, mobile phone number, abstract text(limited to 500 words), attaching the presenter s photo. *In the case of co-authors, underline the name of the actual presenter. 4) The abstract submission deadline is on December 27, ) Official languages are Korean and English. *There will be simultaneous interpretation in English and Korean. 6) The time allotted to a free scientific paper is 15 minutes including 5 minutes of questions and answers. 5. Registration 1) the registration form including your name, institution, address, phone & fax number, address, name of your accompanying persons if you have ones. 2) Registration fee Early bird, before February 28, 2014 On/After February 28, 2014 and on site in cash Doctor KRW150,000 KRW200,000 Accompanying person KRW100,000 KRW120,000 3) Registration fee includes participation in the scientific sessions, exhibition, lunch, coffee break and welcome party. 4) If you completed registration by or fax before February 28, 2014 you may pay early-bird registration fee on site. 6. Application for Exhibition Please contact the KAAS secretariat for detailed information. Secretariat Tel_ Fax_ _ Website: Address_ (Postal code ) No. 206 (Daechi-dong, ShinAn MetroKhan) 10 Teheranro 88-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea 5

8 About KAAS 韩国美容外科医学会介绍 (Korea Academy of Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine, KAAS),,,,,, 30 1,500..,. Korea Academy of Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine (KAAS) represents Korea and has about 1,500 Members with 30 scientific committees, who are the specialist in the field of such as lid surgery, rhinoplasty, face lift, body contouring, bone surgery, hair transplantation, rejuvenation, anti-aging, laser treatment, and so on. KAAS has academic exchanges with leading societies of cosmetic surgery and medicine in Asia and Western countries. Especially KAAS has been holding two international conferences every spring and autumn. Many cosmetic surgeons from the world attend our big meeting. 韩国美容外科医学会 (Korea Academy of Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine, KAAS) 是眼睛, 鼻子, 面部拉皮, 吸脂, 童颜皮肤, 抗衰老, 激光治疗等 各领域的专家 30 多位和学术委员 1,500 多位会员, 是代表韩国的美容整形学会 特别是通过各国学会见间密切协助 每年, 春, 秋举办两次国际学术大会, 全世界的美容外科医师们都有参加 2013 KAAS Newsletter 아시아국제미용의학포럼 Asia Forum for Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine, AFAS 亚洲国际美容医学学术大会 ( ) COEX ,,, face lift. 1, (1F)... 2

9 2013 KAAS Newsletter 2013 AFAS successfully held in April 6-7, Seoul Asia Forum for Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine [AFAS] was organized by KAAS which is the leading international conference in Asia in association with other societies representing each Asian country in Seoul, Korea every spring AFAS was successfully held in COEX Grand ballroom, Seoul, Korea, on April 6-7, Around 850 aesthetic surgeons form Asian countries including Korea, Japan, China, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines, Indonesia and etc., and the U.S.A, Russia, Italy among others also participated. About 120 specialists from each field had presentations and live demonstrations. Next AFAS is scheduled to hold in COEX, Seoul, Korea, on March 29-30, KAAS will do our best to hold the AFAS to be a masterpiece of Asian seminar 亚洲国际美容医学学术大会 由韩国美容外科医学会主管的亚洲国际美容医学学术大会是韩国, 日本, 中国, 泰国, 越南, 菲律宾, 马来西亚, 印度尼西亚, 蒙古, 台湾等亚洲及西方国家代表的美容整形学会共同举办的亚洲代表性国际学术大会 每年春天在首尔举行 2013 年亚洲国际美容医学大会 4 月 6~7 日在韩国首尔 COEX 由 20 多个国家的美容整形学会共同举办 各领域的 120 多位医学专家发表了主题, 另外对双眼皮, 鼻部整形, 面部提升进行了演示 全世界 1000 多名医疗团队参加并取得圆满成功 2014 亚洲国际美容医学大会将在 3 月 29~30 日, 在首尔 COEX(1F) 举办 跟之前一样与世界各国美容外科及美容医学学术团体合作, 我们会为分享最新技术情报而认真准备 会把亚洲大会发展成为全亚洲最致命的学术大会 3

10 2013 KAAS Newsletter 한중일미용외과학술대회 The international congress of Korea-Japan-China Aesthetic Surgery & Medicne 韩中日美容外科学术大会,,.,.,. 2013,,,, ,, face lift,, 70,.,, 500. This conference is to find out the current status of cosmetic surgery and medicine in Korea, Japan and China, and to provide an opportunity to share the information and techniques of cosmetic surgery and medicine for the future medical development. This conference was held in Grand Hilton Seoul Hotel, Korea on September 29, 2013 sponsored by KAAS, JSAS(Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery), Chinese of Reconstructive Surgery, WAARM(World Academy of Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine) and KASLS(Korean Aesthetic Surgery & Laser Society). Around 500 aesthetic surgeons form Korea, Japan, and China participated. About 70 specialists from each field had presentations and live demonstrations. 为了了解韩国, 日本, 中国 3 国之间的美容整形现状和筹划往后相互交流与合作, 韩国美容外科医学会每年秋天都为举办韩中日美容外科学术大会 3 个国家的地理位置近, 在多种领域上进行着交流 特别是美容整形领域里分享技术和知识 2013 韩中日美容外科学术大会以韩国美容外科医学会, 日本美容外科医学会, 中国在建外科学会, 国际抗衰老再生医疗学会, 大韩美容整形激光医学会为中心, 在 9 月 29 日位于首尔 Grand Hilton 酒店会议大堂 3 楼举办 发表了包括眼睛手术, 鼻部手术, 面部提升, 吸脂, 激光治疗等多种领域的 70 多个深度主题 还在手术室演示了与其有关的手术过程, 并用网络进行现场直播 这次学术大会由韩国, 中国, 日本的 500 多名参加并取得圆满成功 4

11 2013 KAAS Newsletter 미용수술초보자와실력연마를원하는의사들을위한사체해부실습워크숍 Cadaver Dissection Workshop for Aesthetic Surgery 为美容手术初学者和磨练实力者提供的尸体解剖实习研讨会.,,..,. 5,. Cadaver dissection workshop for aesthetic surgery is the educational course for the beginning and transitioning surgeons. This course combines didactic and hands-on cadaver education that will serve not only as a refresher for experienced surgeons, but allows a simulation of new and more advanced techniques. At the end of this workshop, participants will be informed of both established and newer approaches to aesthetic surgery with the opportunity to practice these procedures on human tissue. KAAS holds this workshop every May, mainly in China. 尸体解剖实习研讨会是为美容整形手术初学者和想磨练技术实力者的教育项目 想做好眼部手术, 鼻部手术, 面部提拉术等美容整形手术的话必须首先掌握解剖学的基础知识 我学会的解剖实习研讨会掌握磨练解剖学的基础知识和各领域美容整形手术的基本原理, 其构成是理论和实习 由经验丰富的医师教授来指导理论和尸体解剖实习 每年 5 月份实行研讨会, 一般在中国实行 Training Educational Course 研修教育项目. /. KAAS provides the training educational course to the beginning and transitioning doctors to learn the variety of aesthetic surgery. 我学会提供给想学美容整形的医师们进行手术参观学习的研修教育 我学会的委员 学术委员们都是教授队伍, 运营长短期研修项目 5

12 2013 KAAS Newsletter 제 101 회일본미용외과학회참가 The 101 Congress of Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery 参加第 101 回日本美容外科学会 ~16 Big Sight., 500. Brian Kinney, Mark Berman, Kevin Metz Keller Giovanni Botti,. Umezawa Masaki.,.. The 101th Congress of Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery was held in Tokyo Big Sight, Japan, on June 15-16, JSAS chairman, Dr. Fumihiko Umezawa, invited Dr. Lim Jong-hak, Dr. Jung Kwang-seup, Dr. Jung Dong-hak and other Korean doctors to attend and present in this meeting. Dr. Brian Kinney, Dr. Mark Berman, Dr. Kevin Metz Keller and Dr. Giovanni Botti also invited to present and discuss this conference. It provided very wonderful programs to all participants. KAAS will keep the good relationship with JSAS. 第 101 回日本美容外科学会在过去的 6 月 15~16 日在东京 Big Sight 举办 世界各国专家被邀请并发意大利的 Giovanni Botti 和我学会的林钟学会长郑光燮, 郑东学院长都有参加 日本美容外科学会 Umezawa 理事长和 Masaki 会长为大会准备非常周到 在大会场发表讨论, 宴会上吃着美食喝着啤酒度过了美好时光 往后我学会会持续和日本美容外科学会进行学术交流 중국에서개최된 2013 청두국제미용성형학술대회 참가 2013 Chendu International Conference of Aesthetic medicine 参加中国举办的 2013 成都国际美容整形学术大会 (Cheng du, ) Wang Zhijun,, ,300. Sam T.Hamra, Rod J Rohrich, Kotaro Yshimura, Yoshinori Nagumo Chengdu International Conference of Aesthetic medicine (2013 ICAM) was held in Chengdu, China, on August 8-10, President Wang Zhijun invited famous doctors from over the world including Dr. Lim Jong-hak and Dr. Jung Dong-hak from KAAS to attend the meeting as special speakers 成都国际美容整形学术大会在中国成都 8 月 8 日 ~10 日举办 3 天 以大连大学附属医院美容整形外科教授 WANG ZHIJUN 为中心, 由韩国, 美国, 日本等著名整形外科医师们都被邀请,110 多位发表演讲,1300 余人参加, 其会圆满成功 美国的 Sam T.Hamra, Rod J Rohrich, 日本 Kotaro Yoshimura, Yoshinori Nagumo, 韩国林钟学会长和, 郑东学名誉学术委员长被邀请并发表了研究主题 6

13 2013 International Congress of Korea - Japan - China Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine The Autumn Congress of Korea Academy of Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine[KAAS]

14 Welcome Message Dear Colleagues, Following the success of the 2013 AFAS(Asia Forum for Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine) held on April6-7, today meeting is to find out the current status of cosmetic surgery and medicine in Korea, Japan and China, and to provide an opportunity to share the information and techniques of cosmetic surgery and medicine for the future medical development. We sincerely welcome you to attend this meeting and present your topics. We want you to enjoy the beautiful autumn in Korea. Thank you.? ,,,..... 大家好! 韩国美容外科医学会 4 月成功举办 2013 亚洲国际美容医学论坛 继成功举办亚洲论坛后, 本次国际学术会议将于 9 月 29 日在韩国首尔格兰德希尔顿酒店举办, 在大会上将探讨有关韩中日三国的美容外科及美容医学之现状, 并为以后三国的优势互补, 共同发展打造契机请大家多予以支持, 并积极参与 谢谢 LIM Jong-hak, MD President, Korea Academy of Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine[KAAS] Fumihiko UMEZAWA,MD Chairman, Japan Society of Aesthetic Surgery[JSAS] WANG Wei, MD Honorary president, Chinese Society of Reconstructive Surgery MATSUYAMA Jun, MD Chairman, World Academy of Anti- Aging & Regenerative Medicine[WAARM] JUNG Kwang-seup, MD Chairman, Executive Committee of the congress JUNG Dong-hak, MD Honorary Chairman, Scientific Committee of congress CHOI Woong-chul, MD Chairman of Scientific Committee of KAAS CHOI Sung-duck, MD President, Korean Aesthetic Surgery & Laser Society 8

15 International Faculty Special lecture / 专题讲座 Lid Surger / 眼部整形术 MATSUYAMA Jun (Japan) Jane CHUNG (USA) CHOI Woong-chul CHOI Sung-duck KANG Chun-shik Kim Young-gon JANG Jin-ho LIU Fu Rong (China) LEE Ji-hyeong Frank Lee (China) Lid Surger / 眼部整形术 Rhinoplasty / 鼻整形 SHIN Young-sik YANG Suk-woo YANG Yan Wen (China) Yoshio Ikeda (Japan) XIONG Meng (China) ZHANG Jie (China) JUNG Dong-hak Ahn Tae-hwan CHANG Geun-uck HUANG Jinlong (China) Rhinoplasty / 鼻整形 Face lift / 面部提升术 Nonsurgical Face lift / 非微创面部提升术 KIM Hyung-gu LIM Jong-hak PARK Hyo-Jin PARK Sam-gohn JUNG Kwang-seup KIM Ki-Hong KWON Han-jin YOON Jung hyun DU Dingyun (China) HUANG Jinlong (China) Nonsurgical Face lift / 非微创面部提升术 Nonsurgical face lift & rejuvenation / 非手术面部提升和返老还童 JO Dong-hyeon JOE Shigemoto (Japan) LEE Hansen MIN Kyung-ho AN Sung-hwan KIM Hong-doo KIM Hyoung-moon KIM Ki-wook KIM Sang-seop LEE Min-ho Nonsurgical face lift & rejuvenation / 非手术面部提升和返老还童 Breast / 乳房手术 Body contouring / 体形塑造 LEE Chul-woo PARK Hyoun-jun PARK Ji-yoon CHO Youngshin PARK Kyung-won SUNG Kisu CHO Jaeho KIM Tae-kyeom LEE Woo-seok LIM Kyehwa Anti-aging / Filler / 填充剂 Acne and Pore / 青春痘与毛孔 Kwon Oh-sook KIM Ki-wook KIM Ki-wook KIM Young-kwon LEE Hwang-heui PARK Hyun-koun Yoon Seong-eun CHANG Hyun-seok CHO Chang-hwan HWANG Yong-ho Acne and Pore Hair transplantation, Gynecoplastic Surgery & Ear surgery / 毛发移植术, 女性会阴部整形, 耳手术 OH Jin-sook Cho Jung-hun Choi Jung-keun Han Seong-yik LEE Chang- hwan Michael BECK Hyunwook XIONG Meng (China) 9

16 General Information 1. Date_ September 29, Venue_ Grand Hilton Seoul Hotel, Seoul, Korea 353 Yeonhui-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, , South Korea TEL: FAX: Schedule Room A (Emerald Hall) Room A(Emerald Hall) Diamond Hall & Lobby 08:30-18:35 Lectures 08:30-18:35 Lectures & Live video lectures Booth Exhibition 4. Official languages_ Korean, English and English *Simultaneous translation : Korean Chinese, Chinese Korean 5. Floor plan 10

17 Program at Glance / 计划一览 Time Room A Cosmetic Surgery / 美容外科 Time Room B Minimal Invasive Cosmetic and Laser / 微创美容与激光 07:30-08:20 Registration 现场注册 07:30-08:30 Registration 现场注册 08:20-08:30 Opening Ceremony 开幕 08:30-09:30 Session Nonsurgical face lift and rejuvenation : HIFU 非微创面部提升术及返老还童 08:30-09:30 Session Double eyelid operation and adjunctive techniques 眼部整形术 1 09:30-10:45 Session Nonsurgical Face Lift and Rejuvenation : RF 非微创面部提升术及返老还童 09:30-10:40 Session Advanced double eyelid operation 眼部整形术 2 10:45-11:05 Coffee break & Exhibition view 茶歇和展览 10:40-11:00 Coffee break & Exhibition view 茶歇和展览 11:05-12:20 Session Nonsurgical Face lift 非微创面部提升术 11:00-11:40 Session Special lecture 专题讲座 12:20-12:35 Luncheon Seminar 午餐研讨会 11:40-12:45 Session Face lift 面部提升术 12:35-13:05 Luncheon live demonstration 午餐演示 12:45-13:10 Luncheon live demonstration 午餐演示 13:05-13:30 Coffee break & Exhibition view 茶歇和展览 13:10-13:30 Coffee break & Exhibition view 茶歇和展览 13:30-14:30 Session Acne and Pore 青春痘与毛孔 13:30-15:00 Session Rhinoplasty 鼻整形 1 14:30-16:05 Session Filler 填充剂 15:00-15:20 Coffee break & Exhibition view 茶歇和展览 16:05-16:25 Coffee break & Exhibition view 茶歇和展览 15:20-16:20 Session Rhinoplasty 鼻整形 2 16:25-17:10 Session Body contouring 体形塑造 16:20-17:15 Session Breast 乳房手术 17:10-18:25 Session Live demonstration video lecture 演示视频讲演 17:15-18:35 Session Miscellaneous 其它 18:25:18:35 Discussion & Closing 讨论和结束 11

18 Room A Cosmetic Surgery 美容外科 SessionⅠ_ Double eyelid operation and adjunctive techniques 眼部整形术 1 08:30-08:40 08:40-08:50 08:50-09:00 09:00-09:10 09:10-09:20 The advantages of preoperative injection of Botulinum toxin before upper blepharoplasty 上眼睑手术前注射肉毒毒素的长处 The relationship between medial epicanthoplasty and blepharoplasty 开内眦与重睑术的关系与方法 Comparing the clinical effects of different surgical methods for the epicanthus corrective surgery 不同手术方法矫正内眦赘皮的临床效果分析及其评价体系的建立 Blepharoplasty combined with double eyelid and epicanthoplasty 重睑联合内眦切开一期成型术 Subbrow lifting & buried double line technique 眉毛下提升术及埋线双眼皮 09:20-09:30 Discussion / 讨论 Session Ⅱ Advanced double eyelid operation 眼部整形术 2 09:30-09:40 09:40-09:50 09:50-10:00 10:00-10:10 10:10-10:20 10:20-10:30 Epicanthal plasty with triangular flap transposition 三角瓣移位的内眦赘皮矫正术 Clinical research on correction of severe ptosis 重度上睑下垂矫正的临床研究摘要 Double eyelid surgery(buried suture method) ( ) 双眼皮埋线法 Incisional double eyelid surgery 切开式双眼皮手术 Ptosis Correction by levator aponeusosis excision and advancement 通过上眼睑肌肉的切除与前进的眼睑下垂矫正 Cosmetic orbital decompression 美容眼眶减压术 10:30-10:40 Discussion / 讨论 10:40-11:00 Coffee break & Exhibition view / 茶歇和展览 Session Ⅲ Special lecture 专题讲座 11:00-11:20 11:20-11:40 Session Ⅳ Face lift 面部提升术 Overview of Anti-Aging Medicine and current state of Japanese Anti-Aging Medicine 有关抗衰老医学的概况和日本抗衰老医学的现状 Brighter periorbital consideration: Total recontouring of tear trough, mid face, and temples :,, 眼部返老还童 : 整体改善黑眼圈 面部中央 太阳穴 Chairs: CHOI Woong-chul, LIM Kye-hwa KANG Chun-shik ZHANG Jie (China) XIONG Meng(China) YANG Yan Wen(China) CHOI Sung-duck Chairs: LIM Jong-hak, KIM Young-gon LIU Fu Rong (China) LIU Fu Rong (China) Yoshio Ikeda (Japan) JANG Jin-ho SHIN Young-sik YANG Suk-woo Chairs :Fumihiko UMEZAWA(Japan), KWON Oh-sook MATSUYAMA Jun(Japan) Jane CHUNG (USA) Chairs: JUNG Kwang-seup, KANG Chun-shik 11:40-12:00 Face lifting / / 面部提升术 JUNG Kwang seup 12:00-12:15 12:15-12:30 12:30-12:45 12:45-13:10 Basic theory of nonbarbed absorbable suture network tightening and lifting 利用可吸收线的弹性和面部提升术的基本理论 Temporal lifting using mesh chip, thread and omega lifting, 利用线和网状和 omega 线的侧头部提升术 RF Cannula for Eye bag, Nasolobial fold & Facial wrinkles- Ultra V Double Twist & Cog combination technique for Lifting,, RF - V twist cog RF cannula 技巧 ( 额头 眉间 眼周皱纹 法令纹和眼袋治疗 -Ultra V 双纽线和 Cog 线结合的面部提升技术 Luncheon live demonstration Ultra V Double Twist & Cog combination technique for Lifting Ultra V 双纽线和 Cog 线结合的面部提升技术 12:45-13:10 Coffee break & Exhibition view / 茶歇和展览 YOON Jung hyun KIM Ki-hong KWON Han-jin KWON Han-jin 12

19 07;00-08:20 Registration 现场注册 08:20-08:30 Opening Ceremony 开幕 Session Ⅴ Rhinoplasty 鼻整形 1 13:30-13:45 13:45-14:00 14:00-14:15 14:15-14:30 14:30-14:50 Graft materials in rhinoplasty 用于鼻整形的移植材料 Appropriate rhinoplasty for Asian 亚洲适当的隆鼻术 Rhinoplasty with autologous fat and PRP +PRP 通过 PRP 和脂肪移植的隆鼻术 Augmentation Rhinoplasty using e-ptfe implant (Surgiform ) e-ptfe implant (Surgiform ) 用 e-ptfe implant (Surgiform ) 的隆鼻术 Rib Cartilage Augmentation Rhinoplasty 利用肋软骨移植的隆鼻术 Chairs: JUNG Dong-hak, PARK Sam-gohn KIM Hyung-gu AHN Tae-hwan LIM Jong-hak CHANG Geun-uck JUNG Dong-hak 14:50-15:00 Discussion / 讨论 15:00-15:20 Coffee break & Exhibition view / 茶歇和展览 Session Ⅵ Rhinoplasty 鼻整形 2 Experience of repairing many failures of the rhinoplasty 15:20-15:40 多次隆鼻术失败后矫正术的经验 Sense dormal projection for rhinoplasty with bridge augmentation 15:40-15:55 鼻尖隆起术 Revision rhinoplasty : personal philosophy 15:55-16:10 鼻修复手术的见解 Chairs: AHN Tae-hwan, CHANG Geun-uck Huang Jinlong (China) PARK Sam-gohn PARK Hyo-Jin ) 16:10-16:20 Discussion / 讨论 Session Ⅶ Breast 乳房手术 Chairs: SUNG Kisu, CHO Youngshin 16:20-16:35 Mastopexy with Mesh Mesh PARK Kyung won 使用 Mesh 的乳房下垂矫正术 16:35-16:50 My experience of Breast Augmentation with autologous fat graft and ADSC, Adipose tissue- Derived Stem cell and Harvest technique CHO Youngshin 利用脂肪由来干细胞和 Harvest 方式的自体脂肪隆胸术 16:50-17:05 Contemporary issues about fat grafting for breasts 自体脂肪乳房移植手术和其副作用 SUNG Kisu 17:05-17:15 Discussion / 讨论 Session Ⅷ Miscellaneous Chairs: HAN Seong-yik, CHOI Jung-keun 17:15-17:35 Full expansion for microtia reconstruction 全扩张法分期耳廓再造术 XIONG Meng (China) 17:35-17: graft transplantation using scalp hair and beard in Asian severe male pattern baldness patient Michael BECK Hyunwook 8800 针对严重的男性型脱发患者 用头发和下巴胡子进行 8800 毛囊单位移植案例 17:50-18:05 The recently trends of cosmeto-gynecology for improving sexual satisfaction & perineal figure LEE Chang- hwan 为性满意度和会阴部形状改善的会阴整形最新之见 18:05-18:20 Treatment of sunken upper eyelids by autologus fat transplantation 自体脂肪填充矫正上睑凹陷 Frank Lee (China) 18:20-18:35 The Methods of Donor area Harvesting in Hair restoration surgery 头发恢复手术的方法, 供区收获 Cho Jung-hun 18:35- discussion & Closing / 结束 13

20 Room B Minimal Invasive Cosmetic and Laser SessionⅠNonsurgical face lift and rejuvenation : HIFU 非手术面部提升和返老还童 Chair: AN Sung-hwan 08:30-08:45 08:45-09:00 09:00-09:15 09:15-09:30 HIFU : Basic theory & the effectiveness HIFU 简单易懂 HIFU 基础理论 NO downtime rejuvenation: Face lifing using Ultraformer face lifing 用超成型器的面部提升方法 Change of Ulthera procedure and it s consequences HIFU - ulthera 手术方法的变化和其结果的变化 Skin rejuvenation by using Doublo (HIFU) Doublo 使用 Doublo 皮肤返老还童 KIM Hong-doo ) LEE Chul-woo KIM Hyoung-moon KIM Sang-seop Session Ⅱ Nonsurgical Face Lift and Rejuvenation : RF 非微创面部提升术及返老还童 Chair : Chang Hyun-seok 09:30-09:45 09:45-10:00 10:00-10:15 10:15-10:30 10:30-10:45 The basic theory of RF and indications RF: -RF RF 的基础理论与适应症 What s RadioFrequency? 高频的认识和复杂治疗 3D tightening & lifting from epidermal to SMAS layers using Triac 3layer rejuvenation Triac 3 layer rejuvenation The Principle of Thermal RF System RF RF 系统的原理 Skin Tightening & Lifting with Grid Fractional RF, IntraGen, 用 Grid Fractional RF, IntraGen 的皮肤紧致提升 PARK Hyoun-jun LEE Min-ho KIM Ki-wook AN Sung-hwan PARK Ji-yoon 10:45-11:05 Coffee break & Exhibition view / 茶歇和展览 Session Ⅲ Nonsurgical Face lift 非微创面部提升术 Chairs: JO Dong-hyeon,Huang Jinlong(China) 11:05-11:20 11:20-11:35 11:35-11:50 11:50-12:05 12:05-12:20 12:20-12:35 12:35-13:05 Autologous fat transplantation research and application progress in facial plastic surgery 自体脂肪移植的研究及在面部整形美容中的应用进展 Variety of new technologies of minimally invasive aesthetic plastic surgery in the applications of facial contour remodeling 脂肪及脂肪干细胞辅助的脂肪移植在整形美容中的应用研究 The rejuvenation of face using PLA bio-stimulator PLA 用 PLA 生物刺激仪的面部再生 Face lift using gold thread 使用金丝的面部提升术 MILL(Minimal Invasive Laser Lifting) 利用激光的微创面部提升术 Luncheon Seminar / / 午餐研讨会 Introduction of body contouring using monopolar radiofrequency - assisted liposuction 使用高频吸脂的介绍 Luncheon live demonstration Rhinoplasty with Haifeel H.A and Megaderm+PRP Haifeel H.A Megaderm+PRP 通过 Haifeel H.A Megaderm+PRP 的鼻整形 DU Dingyun (China) HUANG Jinlong (China) JO Dong-hyeon JOE Shigemoto (Japan) MIN Kyung-ho CHO Jaeho LIM Jong-hak 13:05-13:30 Coffee break & Exhibition view / 茶歇和展览 14

21 微创美容与激光 Session Ⅳ Acne and Pore 青春痘与毛孔 Chair:KIM Hyung-ki 13:30-13:45 Disorders of the sebaceous glands and Acne Pathophysiology 需要知道治疗痤疮皮脂腺知识 HWANG Yong-ho 13:45-14: & 578nm dual wavelengths (Bison copper bromide laser) combination treatment of melasma, acne erythema and skin rejuvenation Rejuvenation 511 & 578nm (Bison Copper Bromide Laser) 511 & 578nm 双重波长的青春痘红斑及皮肤返老还童的组合治疗 CHANG Hyun-seok 14:00-14:15 14:15-14:30 Acne treatment with New LDM technology New LDM 利用新 LDM 技术的青春痘治疗 Pores shrinking and lifting with Needle RF: Deage, Scarlet, Floracel Needle RF:,, - Needle RF: DeAge Scarlet Floracel 的毛孔收缩及提升术 OH Jin-sook CHO Changhwan Session Ⅴ Filler 填充剂 Chair: CHOI Sung-duck 14:30-14:50 14:50-15:05 15:05-15:20 15:20-15:35 15:35-15:50 15:50-16:20 Reviews on a variety of fillers and features-- HA filler, Calcium hydroxylapatite filler, PCL filler, PLLA filler, Polyacrylimide filler, PLLA filler, Polyacrylimide filler 多种填充剂和其特征 Facial anatomies for filler injections - 为填充剂的面部解剖学 Histological changes in the surrounding tissue of the Filler injected site - The Filler effect remains even disappears 注射填充剂时出现的周边组织的组织学变化 Variety of injection methods for fillers 填充剂的多种注射方法 How to treat patients with unsatisfactory results after filler treatment 解决填充剂注射后对后果不满患者的方法 Volume augmentation and rejuvenation technique with PCL Filler (Ellansé ) PCL (Ellansé ) 用 PCL filler(ellansé ) 的扩充与返老还童术 KIM Ki-wook KIM Ki-wook KIM Young-kwon PARK Hyun-koun Yoon Seong-eun LEE Hwang-heui 16:20-16:40 Coffee break & Exhibition view / 茶歇和展览 Session Ⅵ Body contouring 体形塑造 Chairs: CHO Jae-ho 16:40-16:55 16:55-17:10 Combination therapy of extreme obesity (non-surgical treatment, exercise treatment) ( ) 高度肥胖治疗的非手术治疗和运动疗法的合并 ( 实例 ) Tips of liposculpture 利用吸脂的体型整形方法 LEE Woo-seok KIM Tae-kyeom Session Ⅶ Live demonstration video lecture 동영상강의演示视频讲演 Chairs: JUNG Kwang-seup, LIM Kye-hwa 17:10-17:30 Continuous buried suture double-eyelid surgery 双眼皮手术时连续缝合法的优点 LEE Ji-hyeong 17:30-17:50 Rhinoplasty / / 鼻整形 AHN Tae-hwan 17:50-18:10 18:10-18:25 Hai lift combined with filler and PRP injection PRP Hai lift 填充和 PRP 注射液结合的 Hai lift Non surgical face lifting 非手术面部提升术 LIM Jong-hak Hansen LEE 18:25-18:35 Discussion & Closing 讨论和结束 15

22 16

23 2013 International Congress of Korea - Japan - China Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine The Autumn Congress of Korea Academy of Aesthetic Surgery & Medicine[KAAS] Room A 17

24 Room A Session _ Double eyelid operation and adjunctive techniques The advantages of preoperative injection of Botulinum toxin before upper blepharoplasty 上眼睑手术前注射肉毒毒素的长处 KANG Chun-shik, MD Yale Clinic, Ansan, Korea When I performed upper blepharoplasty (U/B) for the people those who has either many fine or deep wrinkles on their foreheads I could see that their fold widths became so narrow in the short period of time. (before their POD 6M) I am going to explain these phenomena and my method would be the possible solution of the problem. 1. The differences between double folded and non-folded 2. The causes of the forehead wrinkles 3. Some visible changes of the forehead after routine U/B 4. The working muscles when the eyes open 5. Some changes of the upper lids after toxin injection 6. Possible procedure to solve these problems (1) preop. injection of Botulinum toxin before upper blepharoplasty (2) forehead lifting (3) supra(or infra)brow lifting (4) reop. 7. The advantages of preoperative injection of Botulinum toxin before U/B 18

25 Session _ Double eyelid operation and adjunctive techniques The relationship between medial epicanthoplasty and blepharoplasty 开内眦与重睑术的关系与方法 Room A Zhang Jie, MD The International Asia Pacific Association of Cosmetic Surgery, China The International Asia Pacific Association of Cosmetic Surgery, China Since Asians belong Mongolia germline its facial features are mostly representatives and accompanied by eye folds epicanthus, folds in appearance gives eyed, not bright feeling, which has a white and black people distinct appearance of the structure of the eye. Asians, especially East Asians have long formed the eyelid, eyelashes thick black eye benevolence bright aesthetic for the United States, nearly 50% of East Asians single fold, usually accompanied Epicanthus. Eyelid plasty is the most common cosmetic plastic surgery, eyelid and inner canthus open molding major surgery often treated simultaneously. I d like to tell about the relationship between medial epicanthoplasty and blepharoplasty. 19

26 Room A Session _ Double eyelid operation and adjunctive techniques Comparing the clinical effects of different surgical methods for the epicanthus corrective surgery 不同手术方法矫正内眦赘皮的临床效果分析及其评价体系的建立 Xiong Meng, MD Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University, Nanjing, China Objective: To compare the clinical effects of different surgical methods for the epicanthus corrective surgery Method: Canthoplasty with asymmetric Z flap is applied in 46 case Y-V advancement procedure for epicanthoplasty is applied in 42 case The epicanthus aesthetic measurement were measured and calculated by software before and after surgery,the diameter of the iris (D) was measured as a reference value,and the postoperative scar was assessed by VSS scale.besides,59 cases epicanthus aesthetic measurement were measured and calculated before and after augmentataion rhinoplasty, to evaluation whether the augmentation rhinoplasty can correct the epicanthus. At the same time, by measuring the lateral canthal distance, the accuracy of the measurement method can be verified. Results: All patients were satisfied with the long-term results and there were no recurrences of the epicanthal fold. The shortening ratio of the ICD is 8.36% in the group with the Z plasty, and 5.88% in Y-V plasty, and 3.48% in the group with augmentation rhinoplasty. the lateral canthal distance have no diffrence before and after surgery. Conclusion: Canthoplasty with asymmetric Z plasty may have more affect on the epicanthus correction than Y-V plasy, and the correction of epicanthus by augmentation rhinoplasty is only 38% of Y-Vplasty. The epicanthus aesthetic measurement through diameter of the iris as a reference value combined with VSS has a high repeatability. Key words: epicanthoplasty; augmentataion rhinoplasty; eye aesthetic measurement; scar evaluation 20

27 Session _ Double eyelid operation and adjunctive techniques 目的 : 对比不等 Z 成形术 Y-V 成形术及隆鼻术矫正内眦赘皮的临床效果, 建立对内眦赘皮矫正术的客观评价体系 Room A 方法 : 本研究通过对 88 名内眦赘皮患者, 分别行 Y-V 成形术和不等 Z 成形术矫正内眦赘皮, 采集患者手术前后正面照片, 运用东软 NEUSOFT 软件, 以虹膜为比例尺测量患者手术前后内眦部各美学参数的测量, 以比较两手术方法的差异及优缺点 同时通过对 59 例行隆鼻术的内眦赘皮患者手术前后内眦部美学参数改变的统计, 判断隆鼻术对内眦赘皮是否有矫正效果, 将其矫正效果与 Y-V 成形术比较, 比较具体矫正程度及其长期效果 另外, 建立术后评价体系, 引入 VSS 瘢痕量表对其术后瘢痕进行评估, 根据测量参数计算出外眦间距, 比较手术前后外眦间距的变化, 验证以虹膜为比例尺的照片测量法的精确性及可重复性 结果 : 1. 通过手术前后的比较, 行 Y-V 成形术, 术后患者内眦间距缩短 5.88%, 眼裂宽度增加 4.71%, 同时眼裂角缩小 13.06, 眼裂倾斜度减小 1.06 术后 1 周 VSS 评分 2.35,1 月至 3 月 VSS 评分 3.45, 半年后 VSS 评分 行不等 Z 成形术矫正内眦赘皮, 术后患者内眦间距缩短 8.36%, 眼裂宽度增加 6.39%, 同时眼裂角缩小 13.35, 眼裂倾斜度减小 1.29 术后 1 周 VSS 评分 2.40,1 月至 3 月 VSS 评分 3.30, 半年后 VSS 评分 行隆鼻术矫正内眦赘皮, 术后患者内眦间距缩短 3.48%, 眼裂宽度增加 2.25%, 眼裂角缩小 2.17, 眼裂倾斜度无明显改变, 术后无明显瘢痕 4. 隆鼻术矫正内眦赘皮与 Y-V 成形术矫正内眦赘皮比较, 隆鼻术内眦间距缩短距离约为 Y-V 成形术矫正内眦赘皮矫正术 38.2% 根据术后三月内照片及术后三月后长期效果比较,Y-V 成形术及隆鼻术矫正内眦赘皮矫长期效果良好, 无明显回缩现象 5. Y-V 成形术与不等 Z 成形术比较, 长期效果 Y-V 成形术矫正内眦赘皮无明显回缩, 不等 Z 成形术远期内眦间距及眼裂宽度有部分回缩, 术后半年眼裂宽度回缩约 1.1%, 内眦间距回缩约 1.70% 在术后瘢痕方面, 两手术方式瘢痕无明显差异 6. 手术前后各手术方法测量外眦间距无明显改变 (P>0.05), 无统计学意义 结论 : 1. 采用不等 Z 成形术及 Y-V 成形术矫正内眦赘皮, 均能获得良好的矫正效果, 在眼裂角 眼裂倾斜度的改变及术后瘢痕方面, 两者无明显差异 不等 Z 成形术对内眦间距缩短 眼裂增宽的矫正幅度更大, 但其术后存在一定的回缩现象 而 Y-V 成形术无明显回缩 2. 隆鼻术能缩短内眦间距, 增加眼裂宽度, 远期效果稳定, 无明显回缩现象, 但其矫正幅度约为 Y-V 成形术 38.2%, 对于轻度内眦赘皮矫正具有明显矫正效果, 但对于中重度内眦赘皮, 其矫正程度远远不够 3. 在内眦赘皮手术效果的评价中, 采用以虹膜为比例尺的照片测量法结合温哥华瘢痕量表, 是一个良好的客观评价体系, 测量方便 快捷, 评价客观 精确, 可重复性高, 值得进一步应用 关键词 : 内眦赘皮矫正术 ; 隆鼻术 ; 瘢痕评估 ; 眼部测量 21

28 Room A Session _ Double eyelid operation and adjunctive techniques Blepharoplasty combined with double eyelid and epicanthoplasty 重睑联合内眦切开一期成型术 YANG Yan Wen, MD Mingqiao Aesthetic Surgery Clinic, Shanghai, China This article explores beautify eye surgery methods, through the double eyelid forming an inner canthus surgical incision increased eye fissure width and length of postoperative eyes bright, beautiful natural beauty, better beautify eye effects. Method: Part of the inner canthus skin transverse incision medial canthal ligament shortening, according to the fluency of double eyelid line cut off part of the upper eyelid medial flap, and the remaining wound suture with eyelid same way. Results: 468 cases of postoperative eye fissure increases, lacrimal caruncle revealed appropriate natural double eyelid line, results were satisfactory. Conclusion: eyelid plus a molded inner canthus incision surgery, the incision smooth, form a natural double eyelid line. Simple operation, postoperative scar is not obvious. Keywords eyelid molding; inner canthus crosscut; medial canthal ligament; eye beautification. 1,..,. 468,,,. : 1,.,.,,, 22

29 Session _ Double eyelid operation and adjunctive techniques 摘要 本文探讨美化眼部的手术方法, 通过重睑内眦切开一期成型手术增大眼裂的宽度和长度, 使术后眼睛明亮 外形自然美观, 有较好的美化眼部的效果 横行切开部分内眦皮肤缩短内眦韧带, 根据重睑线的流畅度剪除部分上睑内侧皮瓣, 其余创口缝合与重睑方法相同 Room A 结果 : 本组 468 例, 术后眼裂增大, 泪阜显露适当, 重睑线自然, 效果满意 结论 : 重睑加内眦切开一期成型手术, 切口流畅, 重睑线形成自然 手术简单 术后瘢痕不明显 关键词 重睑成型 ; 内眦横切 ; 内眦韧带 ; 眼部美化 23

30 Room A Session _ Double eyelid operation and adjunctive techniques Subbrow lifting & buried double line technique 眉毛下提升术及埋线双眼皮 CHOI Sung-duck, MD Doctor 75 Clinic, Seoul, Korea Subbrow lifting and buried double lid surgery is particularly one of good methods for the middle aged people. Advantages: 1. For the middle aged people who want to regain the pretty youthful eyelid hidden by a loose skin. 2. For who don`t want prolonged swellings and edema when upper eyelid incision will be performed. 3. Who want natural cosmetic surgery. 4. Faster recovery. 5. Lightly to minimize tissue damage when needed reoperation ( )

31 Session _ Advanced double eyelid operation Epicanthal plasty with triangular flap transposition 三角瓣移位的内眦赘皮矫正术 Room A Liu Fu Rong, MD, Zhang Lei, MD Xi Chan Cosmetic Eye Surgery Center Hospital, Sichuan, China Operation design thinking: 1. Leave no visible scars, and easy to control the shape and size of nasal angle. 2. The upper eyelid: shift the part of cat ear to the lower eyelid to compensate insufficient skin in the vertical direction. 3. If carve nasal angle horizontally, the upper and lower eyelid skin will shrink back upwards and downwards respectively, it will bring two consequences: A If excise the cat ear and suture the wound, scars will be obvious. B If extend the incision along the palpebral margin, either the nasal angle is exposed too much, or the incison is too long. Surgical method: 1. Routine sterilization and draping, adjust operation microscope. 2. Anesthesia: The inner canthus subcutaneous infiltration anesthesia and conjunctival surface anesthesia. 3. Separate inner canthal angle, expose local skin, make a moderate incision from canthus to the double eyelid line with a sharp knife, then cut along the reverse extension line of the double eyelid line to new inner canthus point, come into being a triangular flap with tip up. 4. Fully release subcutaneous tissue, resect fibrous tissue and orbicular muscle on the surface of the inner canthal ligament, suture the medial canthal skin and new inner canthus skin with 5-0 nylon line via inner canthal ligament. 5. Push the triangular flap skin to the lower eyelid, suture with 8-0 nylon line after trimming it. 6. suture the upper eyelid incision with 8-0 nylon, and keep it in a curve with the double eyelid line. Intraoperative care: 1. The double eyelid line and the inner canthus upper eyelid line not connected. 2. The operation should be carried out above the inner canthal ligament, to avoid hurting the lacrimal duct. 3. It is the key to suture Inner canthus point, to stitch leather and the medial canthal ligament. 4. Whether the inner canthus ligament is shortened depends on the inner canthus distance. 25

32 Room A Session _ Advanced double eyelid operation Advantages of epicanthal plasty with triangular flap transposition: 1. Hidden incision, no obvious scar. 2. The full release and utilization of inner canthus skin, with short cut. 3. Under the microscope, operating more precise. 4. Not easy to relapse. 手术设计思维 : 1. 既不留可见疤痕, 又容易控制内眦角的形态和大小 2. 上睑 : 猫耳 部分移于下睑, 以补偿垂直方向皮肤的不足 3. 若内眦角水平切开, 上下睑皮肤向上下分别退缩, 会带来两种后果 :A 若切除猫耳缝合, 疤痕明显 B 若沿睑缘延推, 要么内眦角暴露太多, 形成 大眼角, 要么顺延切口太长 手术方法 : 1. 常规消毒铺巾, 调试手术显微镜 2. 麻醉 : 内眦部皮下侵润麻醉, 结膜表面麻醉 3. 分开内眦角, 显露内眦角皮肤, 以尖刀作眦角向重睑线方向适度切开, 再沿重睑线反向延长线切开至新内眦点, 形成尖端向上的三角瓣 4. 充分松解皮下组织切除内眦韧带表面的纤维组织及轮匝肌, 用 5-0 尼龙线带内眦韧带将内眦角皮肤与新内眦点皮肤缝合 5. 将三角瓣皮肤推移至下睑缘, 修整后用 8-0 尼龙线对位缝合 6. 上睑切开处 8-0 尼龙线缝合, 并与重睑线保持在一条弧线上 术中注意 : 1. 重睑线与内眦角上睑线不能相连 2. 手术操作应在内眦韧带平以上进行, 避免伤及深面的泪道 3. 内眦点缝合是关键, 真皮与内眦韧带的缝合, 犹如 定海神针 4. 内眦韧带是否缩短, 视其内眦间距大小而定 三角瓣移位矫正术优点 : 1. 切口隐蔽, 无明显疤痕 2. 充分松解并利用内眦皮肤, 切口短小 3. 显微镜下操作更精细准确 4. 不易复发 26

33 Session _ Advanced double eyelid operation Clinical research on correction of severe ptosis 重度上睑下垂矫正的临床研究摘要 Room A Liu Fu Rong, MD, Zhang Lei, MD Xi Chan Cosmetic Eye Surgery Center Hospital, Sichuan, China Objective: Most scholars adopt frontalis muscle suspension surgery to treat severe ptosis, which has poor long-term effect and a high rate of recurrence. I recommend two better surgical methods below. The first method is suitable for children aging from 1 to 5 years.the surgical method is to turn upward part of orbicularis muscle of upper eyelid and to anastomose it with frontalis muscle. Clinical observation of effect is good. Discussion: I consider that children are still growing, we should try not to damage the levator muscle and frontalis muscle. Use orbicularis muscle(tissue which can be excised), transpose and join it with frontalis muscle, playing its part of opening eyes. Compared with other materials, it will not be rejected or absorbed, has rich blood supply. Part of orbicularis muscle(antagonistic muscle) is changed into congenerous muscle of opening eyes and plays a role. The recurrence rate is low. Another method is levater muscle shortening and reverse suspension, which applies to most severe ptosis cases. The surgical method is not to excise the shortened part of levater muscle, but to reverse it and anastomose it with frontalis muscle on the lower edge of eyebrow through orbital fat tunnel. A large number of clinical observations of effects are better than the other methods. Discussion: 1. Simple use of frontalis muscle(indirectly and directly)suspension: early overcorrection and late recurrence, the movement of upper eyelid is up and down movement. 2. Simple use of levator muscle, excessive levator muscle shortening and insufficient force are easy to happen in the operation. 3. This method is to reverse fold and double thickening of levator muscle which is originally thin and to join it with frontalis muscle, using the strength of both levator muscle and frontalis muscle, so-called double insurance, levator muscle slides in fat tunnel, not easy to adhere, late recurrence rate is low. Movement of upper eyelid remains from front-bottom to above behind. 目的 : 对于重度上睑下垂, 多数术者采用额肌瓣悬吊手术矫正, 远期疗效差, 复发率偏高 为寻求和研究更好的手术方式, 本人推荐两种方法 一种方法是适合 1-5 岁的小儿患者 其手术方法是 : 将上睑部分睑轮匝肌内外头转向上方与额肌吻合 经临床观察效果良好 讨论 : 本人认为幼儿尚处在生长发育期, 应尽量不损伤提上睑肌和额肌 利用睑轮匝肌 ( 本可以切除的组织 ), 转位与额肌联合, 发挥其睁眼作用, 与其他材料相比, 不排斥 不吸收 血供丰富 将部分睑轮匝肌 ( 对抗肌 ) 转变为睁眼协同肌而发挥作用 复发率低 另一种方法是提上睑肌缩短 + 反向悬吊 : 适用于绝大多数重度上睑下垂患者 手术是提上睑肌被缩短部分不切除, 而将其反向经眶脂隧道于眉下缘与额肌进行吻合 经大量临床观察效果优于其他方法 讨论 : 1. 单纯利用额肌 ( 间接 直接 ) 悬吊 : 早期易过矫, 晚期易复发, 上睑运动方式呈上下运动 ; 2. 单纯利用提上睑肌, 手术中提上睑肌缩短易过大, 力量不够 3. 本方法是将原本菲薄的提上睑肌反向折叠增厚一倍与额肌结合, 即运用了上睑提肌肌力, 又利用了额肌肌力, 所谓 双保险, 提上睑肌在脂鞘内滑动, 不易粘连, 晚期复发率低 上睑运动方式仍维持从前下向后上 27

34 Room A Session _ Advanced double eyelid operation Double eyelid surgery (Buried suture method) ( ) 双眼皮埋线法 Yoshio Ikeda, MD Tokyo Skin & Plastic Surgery Clinic, Tokyo, Japan In the past, the main form of double eyelid surgery was required incision. Because of that, patients had a rather long down time and deal with various degrees of complications. In 1953, the buried suture technique was developed by Jujin Hospital in Tokyo, Japan, but was mostly kept secret and limited to a few hospitals. In 1972 Dr. Muto of Jujin Hospital finally publically announced the buried suture technique to the world. In the year 2000, it was published in a textbook for plastic surgery techniques in Japan and became very popular. Now I will explain my newly refined technique, which uses new specially designed instruments to reduce both swelling and pain as well as to provide longer lasting results. 28

35 Session _ Advanced double eyelid operation Incisional double eyelid surgery 切开式双眼皮手术 Room A JANG Jin-ho, MD Gangnam_mi Clinic, Seoul, Korea Incisional double eyelid surgery is the basic technique to all aesthetic surgeon. But It s not easy to obtain the optimal results. There are some important points to make the strong and natural-looking crease. I will explain the basic concepts in design and crease-formation (internal fixation) sutures that is essential for making the dynamic crease. And I will introduce the the levator surgery and the tips to obtain the symmetry of the eyeopening. 29

36 Room A Session _ Advanced double eyelid operation Ptosis Correction by levator aponeusosis excision and advancement 通过上眼睑肌肉的切除与前进的眼睑下垂矫正 SHIN Young-sik, MD Shinseung Plastic Surgery Clinic, Seoul, Korea Purpose: The correction of ptosis is very important to the patient who has ptosis. If functional factor of eye is not complete, we can t expect any aesthetic value on it. I d like to express my view about ptosis correction by levator aponeurosis excition and advancement. Methods: For 5 years, we have operated over 200 cases. We apply a levator aponeurosis excition and advancement according to the shape of the eyes and condition of a case. Results; There are many method of correction of Ptosis,but Levator aponeurosis advanjcemnet is very basic method and have rare recurrence with satisfation of patient

37 Session _ Advanced double eyelid operation Cosmetic orbital decompression 美容眼眶减压术 Room A YANG Suk-woo, MD Department of Ophthalmology, Seoul St.Mary s Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic university of Korea, Seoul, Korea Orbital decompression is indicated to expand the bony walls when increased orbital soft tissue volume is present. The procedure is used most frequently for Graves orbitopathy associated with optic nerve compression or severe proptosis and lagophthalmos. However, this operation is also commonly performed for aesthetic reduction of disfiguring proptosis. The operation involves intentional out-fracturing of selected orbital walls, usually into adjacent paranasal sinuses. The author introdues proper surgical procedures and following results. 31

38 Room A Session _ Special lecture Overview of Anti-Aging Medicine and current state of Japanese Anti-Aging Medicine 有关抗衰老医学的概况和日本抗衰老医学的现状 Jun Matsuyama, MD, PhD. Chairman, World Academy of Anti-Aging Medicie WAARM Chairman & CMO Matsuyama Hospital The aim of anti-aging medicine is not only to slow down the aging process, but also to keep the body functioning at its optimum level. This lecture will discuss more practical approaches of anti-aging medicine, and top anti-aging therapeutics. Furthermore, we can expect an experimental expansion of medical knowledge on aging thanks in large part to the fast pace of advancements in biomedical technologies. Medical knowledge every 3.5 years or less. As a result, gains in human longevity are directly proportional to the cumulative sum of advancements in the biotech fields of, stem cells, cloning, nanotechnology, artificial organs, and nerve-impulse continuity. We show the Total Anti-Aging Therapy tacnique including THRT,Live cell therapy,umbilical cord stem cell therapy and Advanced imunotherapy etc. 32

39 Session _ Special lecture Brighter periorbital consideration: Total recontouring of tear trough, mid face, and temples :,, 眼部返老还童 : 整体改善黑眼圈 面部中央 太阳穴 Room A Jane CHUNG, MD Jenesis Lipoplasty & Laser, California, USA Rejuvenation of the periorbital complex has evolved dramatically over the past few decades. It is now tailored toward specific anatomic abnormalities and often employs multiple modalities including surgery, botulinum toxin, and volume replacement. More recently, more physicians with the better understanding of volume loss as one of the main factors in facial aging are embracing the concept of removing less and filling more. Traditional periorbial rejuvenations include mainly surgical excision of skin, muscle, even and fat. Although successful in many patients, in others, a flat or hollow appearance to the lower eyelid develops, especially as aging progresses. Moreover, patients are interested in less invasive techniques for rejuvenation. In patients with mild-to-moderate deformities, volume replacement alone -can be effective in rejuvenation of the periorbital complex. These volume replacement techniques can be useful in a wide variety of patients, including those with mild aging, prominent eyes, poor orbital rim projection, and residual postsurgical imperfections by adding to tear trough, mid face, and temples. Volume replacement can be done with solid implants, autologous fat, or a variety of injectable fillers. The various volume replacement methods in the periorbital complex are achieved with challenges and complications. Treatment of this area requires a detailed understanding of the underlying anatomy and careful application of safe techniques. Overall, this combination filler procedure was found to produce both statistically significant and clinically apparent improvement and was associated with an extremely high degree of patient satisfaction. 33

40 Room A Session _ Face lift Face lifting 面部提升术 JUNG Kwang-seup, MD Bonita Plastic Surgery Clinic, Seoul, Korea Currently many minimal invasive techniques or non invasive techniques are available. Such as thread lift and many variations of different material and technique. Every year there is new laser in the market with better performance. But classical face lifting surgery has its role and is widely performed by cosmetic surgeon. Surgeon must understand facial anatomy and the anatomic changes with age to rejuvenate the face. Let s discuss about the accurate anatomy and the technique of classical face lifting surgery. 34

41 Session _ Face lift Basic theory of nonbarbed absorbable suture network tightening and lifting 利用可吸收线的为皮肤组织再生术依据动物实验的最终结果报告 Room A YOON Jung-hyun, MD Yonseifams Clinic, Seoul, Korea Background From an aesthetic point of view, the progression of aging skin diminishes the elasticity of skin and the subcutaneous fat tissues begin to relocate themselves. In order to overcome aging skin, various tightening and lifting treatments are being introduced. Of those treatments, the treatment that takes the shortest amount of time with the shortest recovery process, as well as producing the most effective results, is cog thread lifting. But it uses suture made of polypropylene, which the human body cannot absorb so when it is left, the risk of underestimating adverse reactions to the treatment is high. In the beginning of 2011, the country introduced and began to use Polydioxanone, an elasticity lifting treatment that utilizes a self-dissolving absorbable suture, and it has thus far been met with satisfying results. However, after the absorbable thread treatment is completed, it is not definitively unclear as to why the complexion brightens and skin elasticity is maintained but the facial outline gets smaller. Conclusion When Polydioxanone absorbable suture is inserted, the construction of the body form granulation tissue in that same area and make an abundance of new collagen. Furthermore, we were able to discover and confirm the opinion that the area of the suture saw disappearance of adipocytes. Also, myofibroblasts, closely related to the constriction of a healing cut, were observed in large numbers and the growth factor, compared to the control group, showed that it had a minimum of 150 times or more of a multiplied amount. In conclusion, if the suture is inserted, that same area of insertion will see a formation of granulation tissue, and the growth factor will increase as new collagen fiber and myofibroblast generates and subcutaneous fat cells diminishes. With these results, skin tone becomes brighter, elasticity is maintained meaning tightening has been commenced, and a change in the facial contour occurs. 35

42 Room A Session _ Face lift Temporal lifting using mesh chip, thread and omega lifting, 利用线和网状和 omega 线的侧头部提升术 KIM Ki-hong, MD Zenith Plastic Clinic Combined method Using mesh chip & thread (1st lifting) and omega thread (2nd lifting) may be a novel & highly effective method in lifting temporal & midface. Mesh chip contribute to resisting against cheeze-wring that diminish lifting effectiveness according to age. Lifting structure is superficial temporal fascia and anchoring point of mesh chip & thread (1st lifting) is deep temporal fascia. Owing to accomplishing 2nd lifting procedure using Omega thread, we can secure SMAS of jowl and lower face to upper structure more tightly. 36

43 Session _ Face lift RF Cannula for Eye bag, Nasolobial fold & Facial wrinkles- Ultra V Double Twist & Cog combination technique for Lifting Room A,, RF - V twist cog RF cannula 技巧 ( 额头 眉间 眼周皱纹 法令纹和眼袋治疗 -Ultra V 双纽线和 Cog 线结合的面部提升技术 KWON Han Jin, MD Dermaster Clinic, Seoul, Korea RF Cannula Dissection is a new concept of treatment for Deep Forehead wrinkle, glabella wrinkle, eye bag, nasolabial fold and marionette s line by using insulated RF Cannula and using subcisional dissection technique for treatment. RF Cannula Dissection will stimulate fibrosis and its own collagen which will improve the wrinkle and tightening of the skin. The advantage of RF Cannula Dissection is using blunt insulated cannula so it is safe, easy and less downtime after procedure. Also can repeat the procedure as many times without any complication. RF Cannula can treat also filler lysis after unwanted shape of the filler and filler injection after slight coagulation which can make the filler last longer. 37

44 Room A Session _ Face lift Luncheon live demonstration 午餐演示 Ultra V Double Twist & Cog combination technique for Lifting Ultra V 双纽线和 Cog 线结合的面部提升技术 KWON Han Jin, MD Dermaster Clinic, Seoul, Korea MEMO 38

45 Session _ Rhinoplasty Appropriate rhinoplasty for Asian 亚洲适当的隆鼻术 Room A KIM Hyung-gu, PhD L&C Bio, Sungnam, Korea Objective: In case of Asians, there are many people who have weak & short nasal septum and small ala cartilage of nasal tip. If such Asian people want to have a sharper shape of nose, they can never expect a satisfactory result from the self nasal septum cartilage only. Thus, I am going to report about a great outcome which has been obtained by attempting to apply the s-c complex to Asians whose cartilage is comparatively weaker than western people. Methodology: For the purpose of nasal tip plastic operation, it is necessary to take some nasal septum that is partially used for the extended sepal graft. Then, a little remaining part of nasal septum needs to be kept in normal saline. It needs to take some cavum conchae out of right conchal cartilage inside. At this moment, since cavum conchae only is not strong enough for strut graft, it is vital to make up the s-c complex by means of putting a small piece of the nasal septum, previously kept in normal saline, in the middle of the cavum conchae and stitching up the cavum conchae with 5-0 nylon. Suturing the nasal septum used as an extended sepal graft together with the s-c complex applied to strut graft can help strengthen the weak cartilage of Asians nasal tip. Result: From September 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, as a result from the nasal tip operations of 00 patients at fresh rhinoplasty clinic, there has been no inflammations, infections or downward twist found. Conclusion: When a plastic operation for nasal tip is considered, it is usually recommended to use rib cartilage of oneself. But, the s-c complex can also be effectively used particularly for Asians who have relatively weak nasal tip when they want a dramatic change of nose shape. 39

Chairs: CHOI Woong-chul, LIM Kye-hwa 08:30-08:40 The advantages of preoperative injection of Botulinum toxin before upper blepharoplasty 상안검수술전보튤리늄톡신주

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