Microsoft PowerPoint - Blade_Server

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1 ex-one Blade Server 최고의기술력으로설계된 Blade Server ex-one 모델은차세대시스템으로주목받는블레이드서버입니다. 3U 사이즈에완벽한풀리던던트시스템으로구성된 ex-one은다양한관리솔루션과함께최대 20개의 Dual CPU Server Blade를탑재할수있어더할나위없는성능및공간활용을제공합니다. Features - 3U 공간 (13 cm 높이 ) 에최대 20 개의시스템장착 - 블레이드당 Single/Dual LV/ULV PentiumIII Processor 지원 ( 512KB L2 Cache ) - 블레이드당최대 2GB Memory 와 RAID 구성이가능한 2 개의 HDD 구성가능 - 시스템관리를위한 Redundant Hot-Plug Management Blade - 다양한네트웍구성을위한 4 개의 Redundant Hot-Plug Gigabit Switch Blade (VLAN support) - 개별블레이드관리를위한 KVM 스위치기능 - 안정적인전원공급을위한 Redundant Hot-Plug Power Supply Module - 시스템의원격관리기능제공 - 42U RACK 에 560 개의프로세서 / 최적화된시스템설계 - 최고의하드웨어엔지니어들이모여완성된 ex-one 시스템은 3U 의작은공간에 40 개의프로세서장착을비롯해서버에필요한모든컴포넌트들이완벽하게구성되어있으며, 시스템발열문제또한특유의시스템디자인으로설계되어안정성을보장합니다. 이를바탕으로만들어진 ex-one 은 19 인치표준랙에최대 560 개의프로세서를탑재할수있는활용성을제공하게되었습니다. - 풀리던던트시스템 / Gigabit Ethernet Switch - ex-one은모든구성요소들이 Hop-Plug 타입으로제작되어, 시스템운영에있어최고의안정성을제공하게됩니다. ( CPU Blade, Management Blade, Switch Blade, Power Supply Module, Front Cooling Fan, Rear Cooling Fan ) 또한, 내장된 Gigabit Ethernet Switch는초고속네트워크백본망에직접연결되어, 고가의스위칭장비가필요없이자체적으로초고속으네트워크구성을가능하게해줍니다. - 편리한원격시스템관리및 KVM 스위치기능 - ex-one은많은서버를손쉽게관리할수있도록 Management Blade를통해서원격지에서모든시스템을관리하는기능을제공합니다. 이는원거리에서서버상태체크및 O/S 설치, 업데이트를여러대의블레이드에동시에설치할수있으며, 각 CPU 블레이드는기본적 KVM 스위치기능으로독립적인관리가가능합니다. Applications - Web Server ( MS IIS/ Linux Apache ) / Web Cache -Streaming media - Front-End ( MS Exchange/Outlook Web Access/Linux Mail ) - DNS Server / VPN Gateway / SSL/LB - Intrustion Protection / Firewalls - IP Load Balancing / Cluster - Terminal Server

2 Specifications ex-one CPU blades Max. Blade Number Processor Clock Rate / Host Bus Max. CPU / L2 Cache Chipset Memory LED s Post / Interface Controller Graphics Network HDD Up to 20 Hot-Swap Blades per 3U Intel LV PentiumIII Processors LV 933MHz / 133 MHz FSB 2 CPU / 512 KB Serverworks 3.0 LCT/LE Max. 2GB Registered ECC SDRAM Memory scrubbing and PDA (Prefailure Detection and Analyzing) Status / Localization 2 Gigabit Channel via SerDes midplane 1x VGA, 2x USB on the front via special cable Interface for keyboard, VGA, mouse switch via midplane Onboard 2-channel IDE Promise RAID 0 or 1 ATI Rage XL Gigabit LAN ( 2-channels per CPU blade) failover and load balancing and PXE remote boot support 2.5 inch IDE HDDs x2 Switch blades Max. Blade Number LAN channels Up to 4 Redundant, Hot-Pluggable Switch baldes per 3U ( layer2) 10 times gigabit downlink bia SerDes midplane 3 times gigabit external uplink ( RJ-45 connection ) Management blades Max. Blader Number LAN COM RS232C and I2C Power Supply Up to 2 Redundant, Hot-Pluggable management blades per 3U Server independent remote control Independent LAN connection 1 serial COM port Connection to any blade server via the midplane At all times via standby power System Features 3U Chassis Mid-plane Hot-Plug Slots Front Panel Power Supply Demensions Blade server chassis for 19-inch Racks Connection of the server blades with the infrastructure components via SerDes midplane Front : 20 Slots for CPU Blades Rear : 4 Slots for Switch Blades, 2 Slots for Management Blades 2 Slots for Power Supply Modules Hot-Plug front panel with 5 fans (Redundant) 2 Redundant hot-plug modules, 1000 W/AC 230V, 850 W/AC 110V 13 x 43.5 x 74 (H x W x D) (cm)

3 Image View Up to 20 CPU Blades LED Indicators & KVM Function Switch Interface for Keyboard, Mouse, VGA CPU Blade Hot-Plug Redundant Management Blade PS2 ports for Master Keboard & Mouse LAN Port for Management Serial Port Hot-Plug Rear Cooling Fans Master VGA Port 4 Hot-Plug Redundant Gigabit Switch Blade Hot-Plug Redundant Power Supply Module

4 Control Panel 1. Hot-Plug Front Panel with 5 Redundant Fans ex-one 모델은전면부에는 Hot-Plug 기능이지원되는커버가있으며, 이커버에는시스템쿨링을위해독립적으로작동하는 5개의 Cooling Fan이장착되어있습니다. 2. Front Control & Connection Panel HDD LED NIC LED CPU Blade Power Button Power/Select LED KVM/MP LED KVM Button 2 USB/VGA Connector ( Keyboard, Mouse, CD- ROM ) 1 Master VGA and PS2 Ports for KVM Function 각각의 CPU 블레이드전면에는 LED를통해서블레이드의동작상태를모니터링할수있습니다. 1) KVM 스위치기능 CPU 블레이드전면에는 KVM 버튼이있어, 원하는 CPU 블레이드를선택하여모니터링및컨트롤을할수있습니다. 외장장치연결을위한케이블 2) USB/VGA Cable Interface 기본적으로제공되는 KVM 스위치기능이외에 CPU 블레이드를따로개별적으로컨트롤할때는별도로제공되는케이블을사용하여, 모니터연결및 USB CD-ROM/FDD/Keyboard/Mouse 등주변장치를장착할수있습니다.

5 CPU Blade 3. Hot-Swap CPU Blade ( Server Blade ) DIMMs (Registered ECC SDRAM) Intel LV PentiumIII Processors 1.9 cm Connector 2.5-inch IDE HDDs Serverworks 3.0 LE North Bridge Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet Controller PROMISE PDC20270 RAID Super I/O NS PC87414 ATI Rage XL Serverworks CSB5 2.0 South Bridge 1) 1.9Cm 높이의초슬림 CPU 블레이드각각의블레이드는 1.9Cm의높이로제작되어 20개의블레이드를장착가능케합니다. 2) 완전독립적인서버기능 CPU 블레이드는작은공간에서버에요구되는모든구성요소들을집적해두었습니다. - Single / Dual Processor support - Serverworks 3.0 LE Chipset - Max.2GB Registered ECC SDRAM - ATA IDE HDD (for Server) x2 - RAID 0,1 support - ATI Rage XL Graphic Controller - Braodcom 5701 Gigabit Ethernet Controller x2 - Front LED Indicators & VGA/USB Connector 3) 초절전형하드웨어디자인 - LV(Low-Voltage)/ULV(Ultra-Low-Voltage) Pentium III Processor - Low Voltage HDDs - Power Consumption UP Server Blade = 27 W DP Server Blade = 37 W

6 Switch Blade Redundant 2 Redundant 1 4. Gigabit Switch Blade ex-one 에는네트워크연결을위한 High-Performance Gigabit Ethernet Switch Blade 가포함되어있으며, 시스템안에장착된서버모듈 (CPU Blade) 과의커넥트를위한 Internal Full-Duplex Gigabit 포트를내장하고있습니다. 또한, 이 Switch Blade 는네트워크백본망연결용 uplink 및다른서버팜을연결하기위한 3 개의외장 Full-Duplex Gigabit 포트를가지고있습니다. 이스위치는하이스피드스위칭구조를사용하고있어, 모든포트상에다중패킷의동시전송및, 데이터안정성을위한 store-and-forward switching 을가능하게합니다. 또한, 서버상의 RS-232 serial port 를통해접근되는 Management Agent 를포함하고있으며, 웹브라우저, SNMP/RMON 소프트웨서및 Telnet 을통한관리가지원됩니다. Switch Architecture Ports Network Interface (uplink) Buffer Architecture Aggregate Bandwidth Switching Database LEDs Backplane BASE-X Uplink BASE-T RJ-45 Connector, 100-ohm, Category 5, 5e twisted-pait cable 1 Mbytes 26 Gbps 32K MAC address entries System : Fault Port : Speed, Link/Activity

7 Switch Blade Network Example Remote Access(WAN) / Network Backbone VLAN unware switch Untagged Port VLAN5 VLAN6 Tagged Port Tagged Port VLAN aware switch VLAN aware switch VLAN1 VLAN2 VLAN3 VLAN4 R&D Finance Marketing Sales Factory Testing Switch Blade Features Switch Core Set Embedded Management System Memory Peripheral Ingerfaces Switch Features MiddlePlade Connection Broadcom 5633 x1, 5404 x1 HDMP-T1636A x10 Motorola MPC850 and PLX PLX9054 PCI bridge 4MB Flash and 16MB SDRAM Three RJ45 1Gb uplink 10 1Gb RS232 and I2C interface goes through Middleplane to Server Blade Support up to 32K MAC Address Entires. Layer 2 Swidth Provide IEEE802.3x folw control machanism for full duplex operation Provides Store-and-Forward forwarding scheme. Provides Link Aggregation ( or Port Trunking ) 802.3AD 2/4 ports per trunk Provides port T-Mirroring function Supports VLAN IEEE 802.1Q Tag-Based VLAN. Up to 32 VLANs GVRP protocol for VLAN management Supports IGMP snooping Supports IEEE 802.1D spanning tree protocol Supports Jumbo frames up to 9KB Supports full range of SNMP management functions Supports RMON (Group 1,2,3 and 9) Supports MIB II, Enternet MIB, Bridge MIB and Private MIB. Supports Web-based management Supports TELNET console Interface Supports BOOTUP for IP address assigment. Support firmware upgrade by TFTP file transfer prococol through Gigabit Ethernet network Use FCI2H series 110 pin connector to plug in to the system

8 Management Blade 원격관리시스템 - ex-one 은서버를손쉽게관리할수있도록, 별도의 Management Blade 가탑재되어잇습니다. 이는원거리에서기본적인서버상태모니터링및유지보수등, 관리의편의성을극대화시켜줍니다. - 네트워크상에서서버상태모니터링 - 바이오스 Flash 나 Assigning Disks to RAID Arrays 같은유지업무수행 - 바이오스나 O/S 설치및패치를다수의서버에자동적으로전송 - 접속권리나파일허용같은보안기능 - 원격설치과정 - CD Reference Server ( Deployment Server ) Traget Systems CPU Blade Image Copy OS Image Remote Access Reference Installation Image Creation Cloning

9 Management Blade Server Blade Modules Management Feature Description Console Redirection Auto Configuration ASR&R CPU Operating Mode Keyboard/Mouse Hardware Monitor System information 1. Console redirection path - Serial port with terminal client - NIC port with Telnet client 2. Console redirection supported mode -POST - BIOS setup -DOS text mode 1. CMOS backup/restore 1. Boot Watchdog 2. OS Watchdog (Software watchdog) 3. Boot retry counter 4. Automatic reboot or reaction in case of failure 5. ASR&R Boot Delay Switching between CPU performance and battery mode can be performed by administrative webpage settings. Battery mode can save power for the low loading configuration of server blades. 1. Emulates keyboard and mouse when de-selected for active KBM. 2. Native keyboard mouse controller when selected for active KBM. 3. Monitor hotkey and front end button to support KVMS switching request. 4. Emulate as keyboard and mouse input when the keyboard/mouse requests console redirection remotely through LAN interface. 1. H8 is the server management controller to handle voltage and temperature monitoring 2. NIC port link LED status. 3. Management Blade periodically polls the hardware monitoring; if there are any changes from the last monitoring, it will send the information to the management blade for the new value update. Reports system information when Management Blade inquires. The system information can be viewed by the web browser from LAN, this information includes: 1. Host system status - System is running with OS / System is down / - System boot failure / System is in BIOS setup 2. CPU information - CPU number, type, speed / External Clock speed 3. Memory information - Total memory size / Memory slot number / - Memory type, speed, size for each slot 4. Board Information - Serial number / Produced date / Model Id 5. BIOS version 6. OS platform type and version - OS platform driver support it 7. IDE RAID configuration - RAID 0 or RAID 1 configuration 8. Boot up type

10 Fans & Power Supply Module The Rear Fan Module 시스템방열을위해, 뒷부분스위치블레이드쪽에 2 개의팬을내장한 Hot-Plug Fan 모듈이장착되어있습니다. Redundant Hot-Plug Power Supply Module 안정적인시스템의전원공급을위하여 2 개의파워서플라이모듈이 Redundant Hot-Plug 로구성되어있습니다 W / AC 230 V W / AC 110 V 적은전력소모량 ex-one 은많은서버와구성요소들을갖추고있으면서도, 최대한절전형시스템으로설계되어, 최대전력소모량을획기적으로줄였습니다. 보통일반적인서버의경우시스템하나의파워서플라이용량이 500W 급인데비해, ex-one 을 20 대의시스템과모든컴포넌트들의소모전력이, 일반서버 2 개분량의용량으로운영이가능하도록디자인되었습니다. - System Power Consumption - UP server blade = 27W x 20/0.88 = 620W DP server blade = 37W x 20/0.88 = 840W Switch blade = 23W x 4/0.85 = 108W Management blade = 3W x 2/0.9 = 7W FAN = 4.1W x W x 2 = 40 W Others = 2W Max = 997 W

11 Benefits 블레이드서버의장점 1. 블레이드서버는랙서버에비해 5 배정도의전력손실비용을절감할수있다. 2. 블레이드서버는랙이차지하는공간을상당히줄일수있다. 고밀도 / 고집약설계로높이 3U 의본체샤시내에최대 20 장, 40U 랙에는최대 260 장의블레이드서버를탑재할수있다. 3. 집약된관리특징은운영비용을절감할수있다. 중앙 KVM( 키보드, 비디오, 마우스 ) 솔루션과원거리관리는데이터센터를위한최상의조건이다. 4. 자동화된원거리컨트롤소프트웨어는불필요한인스톨을위해직접가야되는수고를덜면서인스톨비용과운영비용을절감할수있다. 5. 핫플러그방식과리던던트는서비스비용을줄일수있다. 관리툴에의한진보된하드웨어, 어플리케이션그리고다양한컨텐츠는에러가발생하더라도시스템이자동적으로자료를재어사인할수있도록한다 대서버에필요한케이블수를비교했을때블레이드서버는단지 28 개의케이블이필요한반면랙서버는 128 개의케이블이필요하다. 7. 두개의통합된기가바이트인터페이스는 bandwidth 를증가시키고따라서서버성능을향상시킨다. 랙서버와의가격대비 랙서버와블레이드서버를단순히가격면에서대비하다면랙서버가경쟁력이있다. 그러나랙공간의축소, 냉각비용및전력비용을고려한다면단연블레이드서버가랙서버에비해더많은비용절감을할수있다.

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