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1 MICE CALENDAR 2011 to 2020 Contents International Meetings & Conventions 2011 to International Exhibitions International Events Appendix Professional Convention Organizers Professional Exhibition & Event Organizers The information in this book is valid as of March 2011 and is subject to change without notice. Please confirm details with host organizations before making your arrangements. Information on meetings & conventions, exhibitions and events held in Korea is also available at
2 Major International Meetings & Conventions in Korea 2011 Name Date Venue / Region Homepage 2011 Herbalife Spectacular January BEXCO / Busan The 6th Congress of World Institute of Pain April 29-May COEX / Seoul The 22nd World Congress of Dermatology(WCD 2011) May COEX / Seoul International Dragon Award Annual Meeting August COEX / Seoul The 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific August BEXCO / Busan Bao Jian Incentive Meeting September ICC JEJU / Jeju The 17th IFOAM(International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements) Organic World Congress September 26- October Namyangju Sports & Culture Center / Namyangju The 10th World Korean Business Convention November BEXCO / Busan OECD HLF(High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness)-4 November 29- December 1 BEXCO / Busan Name Date Venue / Region Homepage 2012 Asia Pacific Academy of Ophthalmology Congress April BEXCO / Busan The 35th World Association of Chefs Societies World Congress May Daejeon Convention Center / Daejeon The 22nd International Pig Veterinary Society Congress June ICC Jeju / Jeju
3 The 95th Lions Clubs International Convention June BEXCO / Busan The 12th International Congress on Mathematics Education July COEX / Seoul International Conference on Magnetism(ICM 2012) July BEXCO / Busan ICE(International Congress of Entomology) 2012 August 2012 EXCO / Daegu International Water Association Congress September BEXCO / Busan 2012 World Conservation Congress September ICC JEJU / Jeju The 43rd International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property General Assembly in Korea October COEX / Seoul RI(Rehabilitation International) 22nd World Congress, RI(Rehabilitation International) Assembly and Executive Committee Meeting October 29- November Songdo ConvensiA / Incheon The 29th International Papillomavirus Conference May Seoul Education Culture Center / Seoul The 20th International Federation of Oto-Rhino- Laryngological Societies World Congress June COEX / Seoul The 20th IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics June COEX / Seoul The 101st FDI Annual World Dental Congress September COEX / Seoul The 29th International Epilepsy Congress September COEX / Seoul The 15th World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies World Congress of Neurosurgery September Grand Intercontinental Hotel / Seoul The 27th International Union Scientific Study of Population September BEXCO / Busan The 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches October BEXCO / Busan World Energy Congress October EXCO / Daegu
4 Name Date Venue / Region Homepage IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference October 27- November COEX / Seoul The 11th World Congress of the International Hepato- Pancreato-Biliary Association May COEX / Seoul Congress of the International Federation of Business and Professional Women May ICC JEJU / Jeju The 15th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology August COEX / Seoul International Congress Mathematicians 2014 August COEX / Seoul The 20th World Congress of Soil Science October COEX / Seoul The World Congress of Internal Medicine October COEX / Seoul The International Air Cargo Association Forum November COEX, Songdo ConvensiA / Seoul, Incheon International Telecommunication Union Plenipotentiary Conference 2014 To be decided / To be decided The 31st International Congress on Occupational Health May COEX / Seoul ICN(International Council of Nurses) Council of National Representatives Meeting & International Conference June COEX / Seoul World Allergy Congress October COEX / Seoul X X Vth PIARC World Road Congress November COEX / Seoul The 20th International Vacuum Congress August 2016 BEXCO / Busan The 26th ISH(International Society of Hypertension) Biennial Scientific Meeting September COEX / Seoul Rotary International Annual Convention 2016 COEX / Seoul International Fiscal Association Congress September To be decided / Seoul
5 International Meetings & Conventions to JANUARY 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
6 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events JANUARY 2011 FEBRUARY 2011
7 FEBRUARY 2011 MARCH 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
8 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events MARCH 2011 APRIL 2011
9 APRIL 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
10 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events APRIL 2011
11 APRIL 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
12 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events APRIL 2011 MAY 2011
13 MAY 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
14 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events MAY 2011
15 MAY 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
16 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events JUNE 2011
17 JUNE 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
18 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events JUNE 2011 JULY 2011
19 JULY 2011 AUGUST 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
20 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events AUGUST 2011
21 AUGUST 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
22 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events AUGUST 2011 SEPTEMBER 2011
23 SEPTEMBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
24 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events SEPTEMBER 2011
25 OCTOBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
26 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events OCTOBER 2011
27 OCTOBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
28 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events OCTOBER 2011
29 OCTOBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions NOVEMBER Int l Events
30 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events NOVEMBER 2011
31 NOVEMBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
32 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events NOVEMBER 2011 DECEMBER 2011
33 DECEMBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions MARCH Int l Events
34 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events APRIL 2012 MAY 2012
35 MAY 2012 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
36 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events JUNE 2012 JULY 2012
37 JULY 2012 AUGUST 2012 SEPTEMBER 2012 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
38 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events SEPTEMBER 2012
39 SEPTEMBER 2012 OCTOBER 2012 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
40 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events OCTOBER 2012 NOVEMBER 2012
41 2012 APRIL 2013 MAY 2013 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
42 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events MAY 2013 JUNE 2013
43 AUGUST 2013 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to 2020 SEPTEMBER Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
44 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events SEPTEMBER 2013 OCTOBER 2013
45 OCTOBER 2013 NOVEMBER 2013 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
46 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events 2013 MARCH 2014 APRIL 2014
47 MAY 2014 JUNE 2014 AUGUST 2014 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
48 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events AUGUST 2014 OCTOBER 2014 NOVEMBER 2014
49 2014 APRIL 2015 MAY 2015 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions JUNE Int l Events
50 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events SEPTEMBER 2015 OCTOBER 2015 NOVEMBER
51 2015 JULY 2016 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions AUGUST Int l Events
52 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events SEPTEMBER 2016 NOVEMBER
53 SEPTEMBER SEPTEMBER Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
54 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
55 International Exhibitions JANUARY 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
56 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events JANUARY 2011 FEBRUARY 2011
57 FEBRUARY 2011 MARCH 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
58 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events MARCH 2011
59 MARCH 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
60 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events MARCH 2011 APRIL 2011
61 APRIL 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
62 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events APRIL 2011
63 APRIL 2011 MAY 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
64 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events MAY 2011
65 MAY 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
66 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events MAY 2011 JUNE 2011
67 JUNE 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
68 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events JUNE 2011
69 JUNE 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
70 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events JUNE 2011 JULY 2011
71 JULY 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
72 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events AUGUST 2011
73 AUGUST 2011 SEPTEMBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
74 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events SEPTEMBER 2011
75 SEPTEMBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
76 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events SEPTEMBER 2011 OCTOBER 2011
77 OCTOBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
78 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events OCTOBER 2011
79 OCTOBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to 2020 NOVEMBER Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
80 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events NOVEMBER 2011
81 NOVEMBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
82 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events NOVEMBER 2011
83 DECEMBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
84 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events DECEMBER 2011
85 International Events FEBRUARY 2011 MARCH 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions APRIL Int l Events
86 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events APRIL 2011
87 APRIL 2011 MAY 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
88 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events MAY 2011
89 MAY 2011 JUNE 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
90 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events JULY 2011
91 JULY 2011 AUGUST 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
92 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events AUGUST 2011 SEPTEMBER 2011
93 SEPTEMBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
94 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events SEPTEMBER 2011
95 OCTOBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
96 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events OCTOBER 2011
97 OCTOBER 2011 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events
98 Int l Meetings & Conventions 2011 to Int l Exhibitions 2011 Int l Events OCTOBER 2011 NOVEMBER 2011
99 Appendix Professional Convention Organizers Professional Exhibition & Event Organizers
101 Professional Convention Organizers Seoul
107 Busan
108 Gwangju Daegu Daejeon
109 Gyeonggi -do Jeollanam -do Jeju-do Gangwon -do Gyeongsangnam -do
110 Professional Exhibition & Event Organizers Seoul
121 Busan
122 Daegu
123 Incheon
124 Gwangju Daejeon
125 Gyeonggi -do
126 Gangwon -do Gyeongsangbuk -do Chungcheongbuk -do Gyeongsangnam -do Chungcheongnam -do
127 Jeollanam -do Jeollabuk -do Jeju-do
MICE CALENDAR 2012 to 2021 Contents 08-58 International Meetings & Conventions 2012 to 2021 59-88 2012 International Exhibitions 89-103 2012 International Events Appendix 107-117 Professional Convention
International MICE in KOREA 2010 to 2019 MICE in KOREA 2010 to 2019 Contents 05-62 Int'l Meetings & Conventions 2010 to 2019 63-90 2010 Int'l Exhibitions 91-114 2010 Int'l Events Appendix 117 Major Convention
07.... 01V28.
National Election Commission 9 September S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23/30 24 25 26 27 28 29 11 November S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
CONTENTS Conferences Exhibitions and Fairs Events 5 48 49 72 73 94 Major Convention & Exhibition Centers in Korea COEX Convention & Exhibition Center World Trade Center, 159-1, Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu,
MICE in Calender-....
KOREA MICE CALENDAR 2013 to 2022 www.koreaconvention.org Contents International Meetings & 08 Conventions 2013 to 2022 2013 International Exhibitions 74 Appendix Professional Convention Organizers 97 KTO
Challenge to the Greatness, Beautiful Leader 2008 2009 06 07 JANUARY 01 JUNE 06 FEBRUARY MARCH 02 03 JULY AUGUST 07 08 APRIL MAY 04 05 SEPTEMBER OCTOBER 09 10 2008 schooling schedule 08 09 2008 schooling
Review 2 2013 JAN.FEB. vol. 23 Display Focus 3 Review 4 2013 JAN.FEB. vol. 23 Display Focus 5 Review 6 2013 JAN.FEB. vol. 23 Display Focus 7 Review 8 2013 JAN.FEB. vol. 23 Display Focus 9 Preview 2013.1
2009-040 경주국제회의도시조성방안 차례 - i - - ii - - iii - 표차례 - iv - - v - 그림차례 - vi - 요약 2008 293 2007 3 12. 2000 2008 104 293 181.73%,.,, 60 6, 53 8. MICE,,,,. MICE, MICE. 1,,,,, MICE 5. 5,, i , 5,,.,.,,.,,. 2009,,,
C o n t e n t s 03 06 07 10 30 38 43 55 56 60 62 70 71 Korea Foundation for Women Annual Report 2010 SLOGAN VISION 2 3 MISSION 1 MISSION 3 MISSION 2 4 5 Korea Foundation for Women Annual Report 2010 Korea
06 07 04 13 14 18 22 26 28 32 36 40 44 72 86 87 88 48 80 82 90 GongGam Human Rights Law Foundation 02+03 인사글 하늘은 욕망 없는 생명을 만들지 아니하고 대지는 이름 없는 풀을 키우지 아니한다. (天不 세월과 권력과 부침에 흔들리지 않고 한국 사회에 뿌리 깊이 내린 한 그루 나무가
CONTENTS Conferences Exhibitions and Fairs Events 3 40 41 63 64 92 Major Convention & Exhibition Centers in Korea COEX Convention & Exhibition Center World Trade Center, 159-1, Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu,
Website : www.wooyang.org Email : wy-welcome@hanmail.net 우양홈페이지www.wooyang.org를 방문하셔서 더 다양한 내용에 관심 가져 주세요. 혹은 QR코드를 스캔해주세요. 2010 우양재단 사업보고서 닮고 싶은 청년 우양의 즐거운 섬김 발행일 2011년 5월 발행처 우양재단 발행인 정의승 주소 서울시 마포구
BT News 134 2014 Vol.21 No.2 BT News 2014 135 BT News 136 2014 Vol.21 No.2 BT News 2014 137 BT News 138 2014 Vol.21 No.2 BT News 2014 139 BT News 140 2014 Vol.21 No.2 BT News BT News 2014 141 BT News 142
CONTENTS 2019 Good Design Award 2 2 2 2 01 02 04 05 06 08 GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2019 Schedule Entry First screening period April 3 Open for Entries May 23 Entry Deadline / Due Date of submission for Application
슬라이드 1
2012 월간계획표 2012.01 January memo 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 D-300 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 설날 1.1 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January 12.26~01.01 12.29 12.26 12.30 12.27 12.31 12.28 01.01 January 01.02~01.08
Fashion Fashion Blue ocean Passion Chance Contents Blue ocean Fashion Passion Contents Chance Fashion Blue ocean Blue ocean 003 Blue ocean 004 Fashion Blue ocean 005 Blue ocean http://blog.naver.com/klcblog?redirect=log&logno=90041062323
2013. JAN. FEB. VOL.23 2013. JAN. FEB. VOL.23 Review Preview Company Technical Point Focus Issue Market Trend Industrial Trend Policy Report KDIA News Tour Statistics KDIA 02 10 11 12 15 16 22 28 36 38
www.yuhan.ac.kr www.yuhan.ac.kr 대 학 요 람 2008 422-749 경기도 부천시 소사구 경인로 636(괴안동 185-34) Tel : 02)2610-0600 / 032)347-0600 유 한 대 학 대학요람 2008 2008 대학요람 설립자 유일한 박사의 숭고한 정신과 철학을 실천하는 대학 눈으로 남을 볼 줄 아는 사람은 훌륭한
uuhm Daewoo Daily * 0.0% 23.6% 38.2% 50.0% 61.8% 100.0% 980 970 960 950 940 930 920 910 900 890 880 870 860 850 840 830 820 810 800 790 780 770 760 750 740 730 720 710 700 690 680 670 660 650 640 630
DAEJEON DEVELOPMENT FORUM DAEJEON DEVELOPMENT FORUM http://www.djdi.re.kr Daejeon Development Institute DAEJEON DEVELOPMENT FORUM CONTENTS 4 27 41 54 77 90 131 148 173 186 191 213 221 04 Daejeon Development
¹é¼Ł sm0229-1
2006 SK Community Relations White Book 2006 SK Community Relations White Book 2006 SK Community Relations White Book CONTENTS 004 CEO 인사말 006 발간사 008 1부 SK 행복 다이어리 010 SK 행복 다이어리 034 더 큰 행복 을 만들어가는 SK
WhitebookVol.2 KUSSO 2010 KU Social Service Organization 2 CONTENTS 1 2008.12.23~2009.11.30 2,768 22,509 2 2009.12.01~2010.11.30 3,011 67,002 Total 5,779 89,511 2, (2010 11 30) () 2010.01.10-01.17 21 64
http://ipsi.chungbuk.ac.kr 2014 New START for CHANGE 2014 2 3 2014 2 4 5 6 Contents 3 4 5 7 65 68 71 76 80 83 09 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 38 42 45 48 51 55 56 59 62 87 88 91 94 97 98 101 104 108
2003. 3 4 1 Co n t e n t s 02 05 08 12 14 16 18 22 26 2 8 3 1 33 36 4 0 4 2 44 2003. 3 4 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 b o d y? 16 17 b o d y? 18 19 20 21 22 P h i l i p p i n e s 23 24 25 26 27 28
www.koreaconvention.org CONVENTIONS AND EXHIBITIONS inkorea 2009 to 2018 CONVENTIONS AND EXHIBITIONS IN KOREA Contents 05-66 Conventions 2009 to 2018 67-97 2009 Exhibitions 98-122 2009 Events Appendix
02 AMC News AMC 칼럼 나쁜 소식이 좋은 소식? 해외 불우환자 진료비지원 첫 수혜자 3명 캄보디아에서 방문 최재원 소장 건강증진센터 식의 부족 등으로 인해 증상이 나타난 다음에야 병원을 건강 검진이요? 괜히 병원 갔다가 나쁜 소식 듣게 될까 찾았고, 그러다
Asan Medical Center http://amc.seoul.kr 1995년 5월 23일 등록 등록번호 서울 다 06386 발행인 이정신 편집인 유창식 주소 서울시 송파구 아산병원길 86 Tel 1688-7575 홍보팀 Tel 02-3010-6956 Fax 02-3010-3059 No. 375 2009.10.15 격주간 존경받는 병원 배우러 왔습니다 대기업
사랑을 나누면 희망이 자라고, 희망이 자라면 사회 모두가 행복해집니다.
2015 Annual Report KBS강태원복지재단 연간 보고서 사랑을 나누면 희망이 자라고, 희망이 자라면 사회 모두가 행복해집니다. KBS강태원복지재단은 우리 주변에서 소외되고 고통 받는 이웃들에게 방송을 통해 따뜻한 사랑을 나누고 더불어 살아가는 희망을 키우는 사회복지재단입니다. 이웃에 대한 사랑과 나눔을 통해 우리 사회에 기부 문화가 널리 확산되는
Daewoo Daily (YoY,%) 40 30 20 10 0-10 -20 IT IT -30-40 99 00 01 02 03 04 05 WTI WTI Compliance Notice GLOBAL BATTERY (3,350, 3,450, 3,275, 3,440, +150) ne July August September October November December
KOREA BUSINESS WOMEN S FEDERATION 2 Middle & High School Job Training Program Korea Business Women s Federation 3 2 3 778 778 779 10 711 11 714 715 718 727 735 744 751 754 757 760 767 4 Middle & High School
예술의 현장 서울 프린지 페스티벌 2005 예술에 심장을 다는 축제 이광준 시민문화네트워크 티팟 기획실장 에너지를 충전하는 축제, 에너지를 느끼게 하는 공연 예술 축제인 서울 프린지 페스티벌 2005 이 지난 8월 홍익대 주변 의 여름밤을 뜨겁게 달궜다. 예술에 심장을 단 프린지 페스티벌이 기획자와 예술가들의 대화의 장으로 거듭나면서 독립 문화예술, 대안 문화의
160 150 140 130 x100 ober November December 2006
Daewoo Daily 160 150 140 130 x100 ober November December 2006 0.03 0.02 80 60 40 001 2002 2003 2004 2005 20 650 600 550 500 450 x1000 400 1500 1400 1300 1200 1100 1000 900 360 340 320 300 280 260 240 220
NEWSLETTER VOL.28 2012 March http://sees.snu.ac.kr CONTENTS SEES HEADLINE 지구환경과학부의 새 학부장, 이인성 교수님을 만나다 - 10학번 김민아 SEES PEOPLE 교수칼럼 블랙카본을 줄이면 지구의 온도는 낮출 수 있다? - 김상우 신임교수 동문칼럼 기상선진국 진입의 새로운 도전, 한국형수치예보모델
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 조 희 영 선 생 님 고 맙 습 니 다 16 17 18 19 가정간호 장선미 간호사님 감사합니다 20 21 22 23 24 25 U l 26 27 p SEOUL MEDICAL CENTER NEWS 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 홍보실장이란 신동규 원고를 기다립니다
Analysis of teacher s perception and organization on physical education elective courses Chang-Wan Yu* Korea Institute of curriculum and evaluation [Purpose] [Methods] [Results] [Conclusions] Key words:
#111-131 ¸®´õ½ÊÆ÷Ä¿½º_07-2
2011 04 늘푸른세상4월-136호 2011.3.29 10:54 페이지2 고객과 함께하는 농산업 선도기업-경농 고객상담 080-900-0671 미리매 액상수화제의 특징 원액 그대로 처리하여 간편합니다. 약효지속력과 안전성이 뛰어납니다. 피를 비롯한 일년생잡초에 우수합니다. 올방개 등 다년생잡초의 초기발아를 억제합니다. 설포닐우레아계 제초제에 저항성을 보이는
2014 LEADERSHIP SEMINAR AMWAY CRUISE OKINAWA SHANGHAI 암웨이라는 항해, 암웨이라는 도전, 암웨이라는 인생! 그래서 더 가치 있는 크루즈 리더십 세미나 HIGH SOCIETY FOR PROFESSIONAL 17세기 유럽의 귀족들
Amway Success Business Partner FEBRUARY 2014 VOL. 8 2014 LEADERSHIP SEMINAR AMWAY CRUISE OKINAWA SHANGHAI 암웨이라는 항해, 암웨이라는 도전, 암웨이라는 인생! 그래서 더 가치 있는 크루즈 리더십 세미나 HIGH SOCIETY FOR PROFESSIONAL 17세기 유럽의 귀족들은
부산교육 311호
Contents Busan Education 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 37 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 (School Based Management) 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 60 61 62 63 64 65 66
제 출 문 지식경제부 장관 귀하 본 보고서를 전시산업 경쟁력 강화방안에 관한 연구 용역의 최종보고서로 제출합니다. 2008년 12월 5일 한림국제대학원대학교 산학협력단장 황 희 곤
전시산업 경쟁력 강화 방안 2008. 12. 한림국제대학원대학교 서비스산업정책연구소 제 출 문 지식경제부 장관 귀하 본 보고서를 전시산업 경쟁력 강화방안에 관한 연구 용역의 최종보고서로 제출합니다. 2008년 12월 5일 한림국제대학원대학교 산학협력단장 황 희 곤 연 구 진 연 구 책 임 황 희 곤 (한림국제대학원대학교 컨벤션이벤트경영학과 교수) 연 구 위
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International Workshop on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in North-East Asia with emphasis on the Role of Gangwon Province 2014. 6. 18-20 International Workshop on Biodiveristy Conservation
2002 Seoul Arts Center ANNUAL REPORT 2002 Seoul Arts Center ANNUAL REPORT 건립이념 및 운영목표 건립이념 예술의전당은 예술 활동의 다원적, 종합적 지원 공간을 조성하고 문화예술의 창조 및 교류를 통해 문화복지의 기반을 다짐으로써 문화예술의 확산과 발전에 기여함을 그 이념으로 한다. 운영목표 고급예술의
CONTENTS 7 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 54 56 57 58 60 61 62 64 65 68 71 72 75 76 77 79 78 82 26 27 28 29 30 31 34 35 36 38 39 40 41 42 48 84 86 88 89 90 92 93 94 95 96 98 100 101 102 7 8 9 10 1 1 1 16 1 7 18
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* FA. FA FA. (2013) FA. (separating equilibrium),. (pooling equilibrium)..,. (Free agency, FA). (Reserve clause) : 2015 9 16, : 2015 11 13, : 2015 12 7 *. ** Department of Economics, University of Texas
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Annual 2013 vol.15 th HOW ENGINEERING ANNIVERSARY Annual 하우인 2013 vol.15 하우엔지니어링과 자매사 우인엔지니어링은 경남, 부산지역 종합엔지니어링 업계의 선두주자로서 건설기술의 미래지평을 열어가고 있습니다. 행복한 삶의 공간 창출, 안전하고 튼튼한 도시기반시설의 건설을 위해 우수한 인력과 기술력을 바탕으로
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C o n t e n t s 04 회사 개요 05 계열사 소개 06 Client 08 회사 연혁 10 수상 내역 12 기업체 출장 14 해외 MICE 16 국내 MICE 18 S.M. TOWN TRAVEL 20 22 your premier travel partner
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Seoul Bar Association 2016. 04. 2015 March_2 2016 February_2 03_ 04_ 05_ 06_ 08_ 14_ 18_ 19_ 20_ 22_ 24_ 26_ 28_ 29_ 30_ 33_ 35_ 38_ 39_ 44_ 46_ 2 _ The Letter from the executives 2016 April_3 Theme Column
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264 축되어 있으나, 과거의 경우 결측치가 있거나 폐기물 발생 량 집계방법이 용적기준에서 중량기준으로 변경되어 자료 를 활용하는데 제한이 있었다. 또한 1995년부터 쓰레기 종 량제가 도입되어 생활폐기물 발생량이 이를 기점으로 크 게 줄어들었다. 그러므로 1996년부
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04 Contents 1. Background 2. Outline 3. Schedule 4. Opening Ceremony (Sep.27(Tue)) 5. Sisterhood ceremony & Cultural performance (Sep.27(Tue)) 6. Movie- Jun-Ai / Banquet (Sep.27(Tue)) 7. Korea cultural
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