1 주의사항 Precautions 반드시본사용설명서를모두읽은후제품을사용하십시오. Please read this instruction carefully before usage. 제품의분해, 개조등을하지마십시오. Do not attempt to disassemble or

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1 Ultimate High Performance Audio tx-usbexp Operating Instructions Rev : 1.5

2 1 주의사항 Precautions 반드시본사용설명서를모두읽은후제품을사용하십시오. Please read this instruction carefully before usage. 제품의분해, 개조등을하지마십시오. Do not attempt to disassemble or modify the product. 제품에진동, 충격을가하지마십시오. Keep the product away from external shock or vibration. 제품설치시반드시 PC의전원을 off하신후제품을설치하십시오. When installed the product, make sure turn off PC power. 손상되거나피복이벗겨진 cable은사용하지마십시오. Do not use damaged or peeled cables. 제품설치후반드시나사를조여제품을 PC케이스에단단히고정하십시오. After installing the product, make sure tighten the screws firmly to the PC case. USB포트의출력전류를초과하지않도록주의하십시오. Be careful not to exceed the output current of a USB port. - 제품의외관, 내용물, 사양은예고없이변경될수있습니다. Product specifications and features are subject to change without notice.

3 A/S 정보 Warranty information 2 1. 무상 A/S Free warranty service - 정상적인사용중설계, 제조상의결함으로발생된불량에대하여구입일로부터 1 년간 A/S 를보증합니다. In case of the defect is found caused by design or flaw from production while using the device properly, manufacturer is responsible for that faulty product and guarantee free warranty service for one year from the date of purchasing. - 무상 A/S 기간중이라도천재지변등불가항력적인요인으로인한제품의고장및파손은무상 A/S 대상에서제외됩니다. Even in warranty service period, malfunction or damage of products caused by inevitable incident such as natural disaster is not subject of free warranty service. 2. 유상 A/S Warranty service at a cost - 무상 A/S 기간이지난제품 Product that free warranty service period is expired. - 소비자과실로인한제품의고장 Malfunction of the product caused by user s fault. - 사고로인한제품고장 Malfunction of the product caused by incident. - 지진, 수해, 낙뢰등천재지변으로인한제품의고장 Malfunction of the product caused by natural disaster such as earthquake, flood, lightning & etc. - 유상 A/S 의경우운송비는소비자부담입니다. In case of warranty service at a cost, customer should cover the transportation costs. 3. 소비자과실유형 Samples of user s fault - 제품의분해, 개조등을한제품 In case of attempts to disassemble or modify the device - 사용설명서에명시된사용법미준수로인한불량 In case of not following instructions on this manual 4. A/S 를의뢰하기전본사용설명서와홈페이지의 Q&A 항목을충분히검토하시기바랍니다. Please read this operating instructions & Q&A on our website carefully before asking for warranty service.

4 3 기본구성품 Supplied accessories 1. tx-usbexp (with slim size bracket) 3. 사용설명서 Operating instructions. Ultimate High Performance Audio 2. 표준사이즈브라킷 Standard size bracket 4. 디바이스드라이버 CD Device driver CD

5 제품설명 Product Information 4 tx-usbexp 는최고의 USB audio 성능을구현하기위해설계된 PCI express USB 3.0 host interface card 입니다. tx-usbexp is PCI express USB 3.0 host card that designed to enable the best USB audio performance. PC 내부의 PCI express slot 에장착되는기기가고성능오디오기능을구현하기위해서는 PC 내부의각종노이즈를줄여주어야합니다. In order to implement high-performance audio features on PC equipped with PCI express slot, it needs to reduce the various noises inside of PC. 이를위해 tx-usbexp 에는 PC 내부의노이즈가 USB audio 기기에영향을주는것을감쇄하여주는노이즈필터회로를적용하였으며, 초저노이즈정전압회로, 초저지터발진회로등을적용하여제품자체에서발생되는노이즈를억제하고있습니다. For this purpose, tx-usbexp has noise filter circuit which could reduce the noises inside of PC affect to USB audio devices, and also use Ultralow noise voltage circuits and ultra-low-jitter oscillator circuit to reduce the noises causing the product itself. 또한외장전원입력단자를갖추고있어배터리팩과같은고성능외장전원을연결하여사용할수있어더욱향상된최고의오디오성능을얻을수있습니다. It is also equipped with an external power input terminal, so you can get the best audio performance once it is be connected the high-performance external power supply as the battery pack.

6 5 기능 Features USB port USB 3.0 port : Support SS(5Gbps), HS(480 Mbps), FS (12 Mbps), and LS (1.5 Mbps) USB port power on/off/open function Over current protection ESD protection USB 3.0 Compliant xhci host controller PCIe x1 Gen2 interface Power regulation circuit ULNR(Ultra low noise regulator) Automatically selected external power input 2 nd stage noise filter for ULNR power source Clock circuit Ultra low phase noise clock Specially designed active noise reduction regulator PLL power supply noise filter Others Audio grade electrolytic capacitor Polymer capacitor Ultra low phase noise oscillator 4 layer PCB structure for noise reduce

7 입출력커넥터 Input/output connectors External power input jack 외부전원입력용잭입니다. 2. USB port power switch (Part number : S201) USB port 의 +5.0V 전원을 on/off 제어합니다. This switch can control USB port power(on/off) 3. USB port connector USB 기기연결용커넥터입니다. 주의사항 : USB 포트의권장출력전류는 0.5A 이하입니다. 이보다더많은전류를사용하는기기는가급적사용을하지마십시오. Caution: The recommended output current of USB port is less than 0.5A. Be careful not to use the device exceeding current of 0.5A as possible.

8 7 보드점퍼및커넥터 Board Jumpers and connectors JP401, JP402 : External power input jack enable jumper 외부전원사용여부를설정합니다. It is set up whether using external power input or not. JP201 on open USB port power off status setting Connect to ground via 100 ohm Open J401 J402 Setting on on Enable external power off off Disable external power 2. J403 : Internal auxiliary power connector 외부전원입력잭과연결되어있는보조전원커넥터입니다. It is auxiliary power connector connected to external power input jack. 3. JP201 : USB port power off status setting USB 포트전원 off 상태를설정합니다. It is set up the status of USB port power off. 4. Internal power input connector 내부전원입력커넥터입니다. PC power supply 의 4pin IDE 전원케이블과연결합니다. It is the internal power input connector. Connect to IDE 4pin power cable of PC power supply. * 주의사항 : 설명되어있지않는커넥터와점퍼핀은사용하거나설정상태를변경하지마십시오. Caution : Do not use or change the settings of undescribed connectors and jumper pins.

9 제품설치 Installation 8 제품설치시주의사항 Precautions when install the product. 1. 반드시제품설치방법을모두읽은후제품을설치하십시오. Please read this instructions carefully before start installing the product. 2. 일부 USB케이블은고속전송을하지못하는케이블이있습니다. 반드시 USB 2.0 인증을획득한케이블을사용하여야하며 USB 3.0을지원하는기기를사용할경우에는반드시 USB 3.0케이블을사용하여야합니다. Some of USB cables don t function a high-speed transmission, so please use the certified USB2.0 cable, and USB3.0 cable if you are using USB 3.0 device. 3. 외부전원을이용하여제품을사용할경우 PC의전원이켜져있을동안에는외부전원이차단되지않도록하여야합니다. 외부전원이갑자기차단될경우 tx-usbexp 또는 PC내부의부품이파손될수있습니다. While PC is powered on using the product with external power, make sure do not be blocked the external power. If the external power is suddenly blocked, internal parts of tx-usbexp or PC will be damaged. 4. 외부전원을이용하여 tx-usbexp를사용할경우에도 PC내부의 IDE 전원케이블을제품의 IDE전원입력커넥터에연결하여사용하면갑작스런외부전원의차단시에도제품과 PC부품의파손가능성을줄일수있습니다. If IDE power cable inside of PC is connected to IDE power input connector of tx-usbexp while using tx-usbexp with external power, it could reduce the internal parts damage of tx-usbexp or PC, when the external power is suddenly blocked 5. 본제품의오디오성능은사용하는 OS와 PC의상태에따라차이가날수있습니다. The OS and PC which is you are using have effects on the audio performance of the product. 6. USB port 최대출력전류는 1.0A이지만제품의발열이심해음질이떨어질수있으므로 0.5A이상의전류를사용하는제품은가급적사용을하지않는것이좋습니다. It is highly recommended that do not use the products using current of 0.5A or more even though 1.0A is the maximum output current for USB port, because of the device heat suffers the sound quality. 설치방법 How to install 1. PC의전원을반드시 off 합니다. Be sure to PC power off. 2. PC의 AC전원코드를분리한후 PC 케이스를엽니다. Disconnect the AC power cord from PC and open the PC case. 3. 비어있는 PCI express slot을찾아제품을삽입하고완전히삽입되어있는지확인합니다. Locate an empty PCI express slot and make sure fully insert the device. 4. tx-usbexp의브라킷과 PC케이스를나사로단단히고정합니다. Fasten the bracket of tx-usbexp and PC case with screws. 5. PC 전원장치의 4핀 IDE 전원케이블을 tx-usbexp의내부전원입력커넥터와연결합니다. Connect 4-pin IDE power cable of PC power supply to internal power input connector of tx-usbexp. 6. 외부전원을사용할경우에는외부전원입력잭에전원을연결합니다. Connect the external power cable to external power input jack of tx-usbexp in case using an external power supply. 7. PC의케이스를닫고 AC 전원코드를연결한후 PC의전원을켭니다. Close the PC case and connect the AC power cord, then turn on the power of the PC. 8. Windows OS를사용하는 PC는 windows OS device driver설치방법에따라 device driver를설치하십시오. Linux OS의경우별도의 device driver설치가필요치않습니다. A PC using Windows OS, install the device driver according to the install instruction of windows OS device driver. A PC using Linux OS, it s not required a separate device driver installation. 9. USB port에 USB 오디오기기와케이블을연결하여제품을사용하십시오. Connect USB port to the USB audio device and cable, and then use the product.

10 9 윈도우즈 OS 디바이스드라이버설치 Windows OS device driver installation 1. 제품에동봉된 CD를 PC의 ODD에삽입하면아래와같이자동으로설치프로그램이실행됩니다. ( 자동으로설치프로그램이실행되지않을경우 \ Texas Instruments xhci Driver v \setup. exe 를실행하여주십시오.) Insert the enclosed CD into PC s ODD, and then the setup program will run automatically as following. (If the installation program doesn t run automatically, please execute \Texas Instruments xhci Driver v \setup.exe ) 2. 사용할언어를선택한후 확인 버튼을누릅니다. Select language and press OK button. 5. 디바이스드라이버가설치되는동안기다려주십시오. Please wait during installing device driver as following. 3. 잠시후아래와같이설치준비가완료되면 다음 버튼을눌러설치를진행합니다. After a while, preparing to installation is complete as following, press Next button to continue. 4. 사용권계약정보내용을모두읽고문제가없을경 6. 디바이스드라이버설치가완료되면 완료 버튼을눌러설치를종료합니다. After device driver installation complete, press Finish button to finish device driver installation. 우 사용권계약의조항에동의합니다. 를선택한후 다음 버튼을눌러설치를시작합니다. Please read License Agreement carefully and if you can accept the terms, select I accept the terms of the License agreement and press Next button to start installation.

11 제품사양 Specification 10 PCI express USB interface chip set USB 3.0 Compliant xhci host controller Support SS(5Gbps), HS(480 Mbps), FS (12 Mbps), and LS (1.5 Mbps) PCIe x1 Gen2 interface Internal power input Input voltage : +12.0Vdc(+0.5V, -0.5V) Input current : 2A max 4pin IDE power connector External power input Input voltage : +6.5V ~ +9Vdc Input current : 2A max 5.5mm OD, 2.1mm ID DC adaptor jack USB port output power Output voltage : +5.0V(+0.5V, -0.25V) Over current protection : 1.5A at 20 C Recommend output current : 0.5A > Operating environment Operating temperature : 0 C ~ 30 C Storage temperature : -10 C ~ 50 C Operating & storage humidity : 10% ~ 90% OS support Windows 7 or higher version Linux

12 Ultimate High Performance Audio

1 주의사항 Precautions 반드시본사용설명서를모두읽은후제품을사용하십시오. Please read this instruction carefully before you use the product. 제품의분해, 개조등을하지마십시오. Do not attempt to d

1 주의사항 Precautions 반드시본사용설명서를모두읽은후제품을사용하십시오. Please read this instruction carefully before you use the product. 제품의분해, 개조등을하지마십시오. Do not attempt to d tx-usbexp Operating Instructions Rev : 1.7 1 주의사항 Precautions 반드시본사용설명서를모두읽은후제품을사용하십시오. Please read this instruction carefully before you use the product. 제품의분해, 개조등을하지마십시오. Do not attempt to disassemble

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