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1 제안서

2 Nexsan At-a-Glance 숫자로보는넥산 33, 년부터 60 개이상국가에설치 96% 고객만족 ( Survey of 580 Nexsan users) 오늘의넥산 세계수준의투자세계적수준의임원진모든제품은내부에서개발마이크로소프트글로벌 ISV 파트너 CRN 잡지에의해게리왓슨 (CTO) 2,010 스토리지슈퍼스타 20% 연간성장률 ( 수익성및성장 ) 10K Over 11,000 Customers 100% 채널집중 업계최초넥산의기술 ATA 드라이브와디스크대디스크백업을개척 (4U 42 디스크 ) 를고밀도스토리지를개척 그린스토리지 (AutoMAID ) 를개척 2011는 - 고밀도관리를위해 Active Drawer TechnologyTM을개척 2012 First to ship 240TB in 4U INDUSTRY RECOGNITION GREEN EXCELLENCE IN PRODUCT INNOVATION 2011 Need to Know: Storage Vendors 2/25

3 Nexsan on Press Report Magic Quadrant for Midrange and High-End Modular Disk Arrays. Strengths Nexsan's support organization is delivering a solid customer satisfaction, and it seems to have solid relationships with its major channel partners. Nexsan's midrange storage storage systems systems deliver deliver a balanced a balanced combination of high-availability, high areal density and combination of high-availability, high areal density and aggressive price/performance relative to larger, more aggressive established price/performance storage vendors. These relative characteristics to larger, make more established Nexsan's Boy, storage Beast, and vendors. E series attractive solutions for applications storing large amounts of data such as hosting large unstructured data repositories, long-term bulk activearchive storage and as a target for D2D data backup/recovery solutions. The E series is Nexsan's flagship midrange disk array and its system of choice when competing in midsize organizations for deployment into mission-critical online transaction processing environments because of its newness and ability to automatically and non-disruptively recover from disk failures using spare disks. 출처 : Gartner 3/25

4 Product Line-up SAN NAS Archive E-Series LUNs 고가용성 Hardware RAID 고밀도 SATA/SAS/SSD FC/iSCSI Active Drawer Technology AutoMAID NST5000 Family CIFS/NFS/ISCSI FASTier TM Snapshots Replication Quotas/Thin Prov. 온라인용량확장 Assureon 변조방지 자가치유 중복제거 암호화및키관리 파일지문 WORM 데이터보존정책 API 지원 4/25

5 SAN Storage System NEW 4TB Drives NEXSAN E18 NEXSAN E18X NEXSAN E48 NEXSAN E48X NEXSAN E60 NEXSAN E60X High Density High Density Ultimate Density Expandable Expandable Expandable 2X High Performance 2X High Performance 2X High Performance 2U, 18 Drives 4U, 48 Drives 4U, 60 Drives 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 TB SATA Drives 450 / 600 GB 15K SAS 100 / 200 / 400 GB SSD In-Chassis 72 TB 192 TB 240 TB with 1 Expansion 144 TB 384 TB 480 TB with 2 Expansions 216 TB 576 TB 720 TB I/O (8) 1Gb iscsi or (4) 8Gb FC or (4) 10Gb iscsi or (4) 24Gb SASx4 (8) 1Gb iscsi or (8) 8Gb FC or (4) 10Gb iscsi or (4) 24Gb SASx4 5/25 5

6 고객을위한혁신적인기술 HIGH Density Active Drawer Technology TM Cool Drive Technology TM AUTOMAID TM HIGH Reliability Anti Vibration TM Drive Stress Tests Dual Controller HIGH Performance FASTier MSIO (multipathing) Hybrid Storage 6/25

7 Nexsan Dense Storage Technologies Active Drawer Technology Service drives without getting hurt Drives remain active when drawer is open Service system with no downtime Increased reliability with less external wires to manage Anti-vibration Design Mount drives counter-rotating Thick plates in chassis eliminate vibrations Cool Drive Technology Fans in front pull in air Fans in back push out air Air channels go straight through chassis Even if a fan fails, air flows over drives Variable speed fans with temperature sensors 7/25

8 E-series 주요특징 60 Disks in 4U for 240TB! SATA, SAS and/or SSD 18 drives in 2U with E18 60 drives in 4U with E60 최고의신뢰성 단일장애로인한시스템중단이없으며, 운영중핫스왑이가능하다. 드라이브회전소음에대한방음설계 Cool Drive Technology Active Drawer Technology TM Active/Active 컨트롤러 (4) 8Gb Fibre Channel, (4) 1Gb iscsi, optional (2) 10Gb iscsi 최고의성능을위한컨트롤러당듀얼 RAID엔진 최고 85% 까지전력감소를위한 AutoMAID 쉬운설치와운영 E-시리즈스토리지운영은웹브라우저를통해모든사이트에서가능하다 윈도우에서제공하는 VSS 호환관리도구를사용할수있다. TB 당가격이저렴 BACKUP & RECOVERY DISASTER RECOVERY LONG-TERM, BULK STORAGE DVS/CCTV 8/25

9 U of Rack Space Required NEXSAN Nexsan E-Series: Industry-leading Storage Density Rack Space Required for Drives Nexsan E-Series up to ½ of the rack space 40U 43U 48U U U Nexsan E60s Dell EqualLogic PS6510Es Dell Compellent Series 40s NetApp FAS3240 EMC VNX5500 9/25

10 AutoMAID Industry-leading Power Efficiency Ideal for backup to disk or long-term bulk storage applications 100% 80% 60% Can use less than 1/5 of the power of competitive products 40% 75% 60% Easy to Configure 20% 40% 15% 13% 0% Recovery time <1 second 15 seconds seconds seconds seconds Unload heads Slow to 4000 RPM Stop rotating Drive electronics off Exp. Chassis electronics off Power Savings Levels 10/25

11 NAS Storage System NEXSAN NST5100 NEXSAN NST5300 NEXSAN NST5500 NEW 4TB Drives Controller CPU cores Memory 24GB 48 or 96GB 96 or 192GB SLC SSD Drives 100GB 200GB 300GB 450 / 600 GB 15K SAS 100 / 200 / 400 GB SSD Maximum SATA capacity 124 TB 960 TB 1440 TB Maximum SAS capacity 18.6TB 144TB 216 TB Maximum number of drives I/O 1Gb x 12 ethernet port 10Gb x 4 ethernet port Link aggreation (802.3ad) 11/25 11

12 Nexsan E5000 시리즈주요특징 주요특징 NAS via CIFS, NFS, or both simultaneously 8GB ~1080GB 확장가능 FASTier Cache Triples random I/O Performance Leverages E-Series Block Storage Systems Snapshots (do not consume additional storage) 동기식및비동기식복제 온라인용량추가 데이터의무결성보장 공유할당및 Thin Provisioning Active Directory / LDAP Integration Microsoft VSS integration 이전버전파일들의엑세스가능 응용프로그램의일관된 snapshots NEXSAN E-CENTER MANAGER 를통한쉬운설정 최대 15 분안에실행 I/O Ports 컨트롤러당 1Gb 이더넷포트 2/6 지원 옵션선택시듀얼 10Gb 이더넷컨트롤러지원 STORAGE FOR VIRTUALIZED SERVERS 12/25

13 FASTier for High Random I/O Performance Hardware Up to 96GB of DRAM per Controller Up to 2.8TB of SSDs NVRAM on the SAS bus Software Write Journal Log writes to DRAM (extremely fast) Shadow copy of write journal is on NVRAM Both reads & writes can be cached Read Cache On demand & opportunistic read-ahead Assign FASTier per storage pool Multiple FASTiers per system Controller 1 Controller 2 DRAM Write Journal 1 NVRAM DRAM Write Journal 2 Write Journal 1 Write Journal 2 Flash SSDs Rotating Hard Drives (SAS / SATA) 13/25

14 Snapshot 최대 4096 snapshot 생성 Snapshot 생성및보관주기관리 Point in Time Rollback Linux, AIX, Solaris snapshot utility 제공 14/25

15 NEXSAN Storage Tools Storage Manager Shell Extensions Host Identification MSIO 15/25

16 Vmware Integration Vmware SAN 통합 N_Port ID Virtualization (NPIV) 지원 단일 FC HBA 포트가몇개의 WWPN 을사용하여 Fabric 에등록 16/25

17 Async Replication Asynchronous Replication IP NETWORK (LAN OR WAN) E-Series E-Series IP 기반데이터전송 1:1 또는 1:N 최대동시 128 replication Only changed blocks 전송. 일시적인전송실패시이어서 replication 실행 GUI를통한쉬운설정및관리 Schedule 관리를통한 Replication 설정 17/25

18 NST E-Centre Unified Management Role-based Admin 멀티 Site 관리 Configuration Wizards Storage Pool 생성관리 Share 폴더생성관리 Snapshots Volume Management Async replication High-availability clustering User Mgmt & security Thin Provisioning & Quotas Active Directory / LDAP Integration AutoMAID SNMP & alerts 18/25

19 NEXSAN E-Series 구성도 FC Switch A FC Switch B 이중화구성 Controller 이중화 FC Switch 이중화 HBA Card 이중화 MSIO multipath 구성 CTRL 0 CTRL 1 19/25

20 NEXSAN NST5000 구성도 CTRL 0 CTRL 1 Network 이중화구성 Network 이중화 multipath 구성 Gateway 이중화구성 NFS/CIFS/ISCSI AD integration 20/25

21 NEXSAN E60 I/O Performance Nexsan E60 I/O Performance (sec/mb) Model /Disks E60(SATA) E60(SAS) E60+E60X (SATA) E60+E60X (SAS) seqtl R 1,233 1,237 2,400 2,386 W random R ,609 W Nexsan E60 IOPS Performance (sec/mb) Model/Disks E60(SATA) E60(SAS) E60+E60X (SATA) E60+E60X (SAS) seqtl R 33,000 33, , ,000 W 17,000 17,000 62,000 62,000 random R 4,000 6,900 8,600 17,000 W 1,900 2,900 3,000 6,200 21/25

22 NEXSAN Warranty & Support Product Warranty Period by product NEXSAN Storage Products E-Series 36 개월 NEXSAN NST5000 Family NST 개월 Service Support Phone and Support On Site Support 24X7 24X7 (4hr) 22/25

23 국내주요고객사 23/25

24 World-wide Customer 제조 과학연구 의료 DVS/CCTV Film/TV 공공부문 금융 그외 24/25

25 감사합니다 Thank You 본사 주 소 : 서울시강남구개포동 정남빌딩 3층 대 표 : 팩 스 : 홈페이지 : 문의 영업대표 : 신형식이사 /25

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