pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation (p) Systems Group POWER4/POWER4+ pseries! +! + + The Only Complete UNIX on Demand

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1 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation pseries, Systems Group KwanYong Lee / lky@kr Product Line Manager, pseries June 12, Corporation

2 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation (p) Systems Group POWER4/POWER4+ pseries! +! + + The Only Complete UNIX on Demand

3 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation (p) Systems Group

4 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation,!

5 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation pseries Overall Leading on Magic Quadrant

6 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation UNIX Market Share - Korea HP 1 Compaq, 10% Compaq SUN % (CPQ ) 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% % HPQ Sun HP Sun CPQ * Compaq shares are cited from Q final - IDC (April, 2002)

7 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation #1 : = maximum power + POWER4+!

8 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation POWER4 - POWER CPU. Micro SMP 1.1GHz 1.3GHz, /SOI Encased in metal 64 KB, 32 KB 1.44 MB L2 (On Chip) 32MB L3 4 MCM 128 MB L3. SUN ULTRASPARC III SPARC III Core CPU 750MHz, 900MHz Mounted on resin board 64 KB, 32 KB 8MB L2 Cache

9 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation POWER4/POWER4+ MCM: Multi Chip Module 24" Rack systems Shared L2 Shared L2 p690 p670 p655 Shared L2 Shared L2 SCM: Single Chip Module 19" rack systems p650 Shared L2 L3 Mem Ctlr Memory DIMMs Memory DIMMs p630

10 0 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation POWER4+, POWER5 & POWER5+ Power4 Power4+ Power5 Power5+ Copper + SOI 0.13 λm 0.13 λm 0.09 λm 0.18 λm GHz GHz 2-3GHz 2-3GHz GHz Core Shared L2 Distributed Switch Shared L2 LPAR (16) eliza GHz Core Distributed Switch 1-1.7GHz 1-1.7GHz 1.6GHz Shared L2 Distributed Switch Reduce size/power Larger L2 More LPARs (32) Federation eliza Shared L2 Distributed Switch 64-way Enhanced Distributed Switch Enhanced Core Parallelism Improved FP Performance Faster memory environment InfiniBand Autonomous Computing Sub-Processor Partitioning Virtualization Shared L2 Distributed Switch

11 1 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation #2 :, + pseries

12 2 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation pseries Open Autonomic Integrated / Virtualized POWER4 AIX 5L WLM LPAR CUoD POWER4+ AIX 5.2 LPAR CPUoD Hot Processor Sparing WLM: Workload Manager OOCoD: On/Off Capacity on Demand CUoD PoD Granularity OOCoD CUoD Trial Capacity Backup Usage Based POWER5+ AIX 5.3 ewlm, I/O Provisioning

13 3 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation pseries Offering New! New! New! New! CUoD Processor Capacity Upgrade on Demand CUoD Processor Capacity Upgrade on Demand OOCoD On/Off Capacity on Demand Trial Capacity on Demand p ! : p690 CUoD,... 8-way 8 8-way 8-way 8-way 4/2/2 4/2/2 16-way 16-way 16-way 4/2/2 4/2/2 4/2/2 4/2/2 32-way CUoD.

14 4 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation CUoD CUoD MCM : MCM 50% 60% 2way : 22.5% 20% : 5% 0% * 5 On/Off ( ): 2way MCM 30% 30 CUoD : 50% 60% 4way : 20% : 0% CUoD SCM : SCM 0% 35%

15 5 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation pseries CUoD

16 6 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation CUoD

17 7 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation #3 Make No Compromise!! +

18 8 pseries, Systems Group pseries pseries 2003 Corporation 2003 May 06 (GA: May 30) p690+ p670+ p655+ Nov 12, 2002 p650 Feb 18, 2003 / Apr 8, 2003 p630+ May 27 (GA: May 30) p615 POWER GHz, 1.2GHz POWER4+ 1.5GHz, 1.7GHz server 2003 Q1 Q2 Q3 June 24 (GA: July 25) IntelliStation 275

19 9 pseries, Systems Group server H C R U6 server pserie s IB M pseries H C R U6 pseries 2003 Corporation ~ pseries IB M IB M pseries 690 pseries server pseries 670 pseries 615 Model 6E3 pseries 630 Model 6E4 pseries 650 pseries p690 server pseries 630 Model 6C4 p655 p670 pseries 615 Model 6C3 p650 p630 p615

20 0 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation 1. p630 vs. V480 : 3.5 (SPECweb99_SSL: 1,988 vs. 568) 2. p650 vs. V880 : 2 (SAP SD 2-tier: 1,220 vs. 600) 3. p650 vs. rp7410 : 2 (SPEC OMPMpeak2001 : 9,694 vs. 4,541) 4. p690 vs. Superdome : (TPC-C) V R (13K) p615 (33K) V480 (26K) rp5430 V880 (51K) SF3800 (51K) rp5470 p630 (71K) SF4800 (77K) rp7410 (102K) p650 (152K) SF6800 (154K) SF12K (186K) rp8400 (180K) p670 (382K) SF15K (450K) SD (502K) p690 (681K) SD It-2 (700K) tpmc ( ). HP. (: rsperfs pdf, HP: PQRC.pdf) SUN SUN 450KtpmC. (Sunfire_line.doc - SF15K 100 tpmc 450K

21 1 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation 64 vs. 32: POWER4+ : POWER p ghz HP Superdome 1.5ghz Itanium p ghz HP Superdome PA mhz SUN F15K 900mhz SUN E10K 400mhz

22 2 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation p650 vs. V880 p650 V880 2, 21% p630 vs. V480 p630 V , 4% :, : SAP SD 2-tier: 1,220 vs. 600 :, : SPECweb99_SSL: 1,988 vs. 568

23 3 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation, eserver p ,220 SAP + = eserver p SUN FIRE V SAP = (SUN FIRE 3800 ) SUN FIRE :, : SPECweb99_SSL: 1,988 vs. 568

24 4 pseries, Systems Group pseries pseries H C R U6 server H C R serveru6 pserie s 2003 Corporation IB M All POWER Boulevard! pseries 690 IB M pseries 670 pseries 650 IB M pseries 630 pseries 615 server , 16, 24, 32 4, 8, 16 2, 4, 6, 8 1, 2, 4 1, 2 1.5, 1.7 GHz 8GB-512GB 36.4GB-2.3TB PCI I/O 8 LPAR * HACMP** 1.5 GHz 4GB-256GB 36.4GB-2.3TB , 1.45GHz 4GB-64GB GB , 1.45 GHz 1GB-32GB GB (6C4 ) 1.2GHz 1GB-16GB 36.4GB-1.1TB 6 0 * 8

25 5 pseries, Systems Group server server H C R U6 pseries IB M server H C R U6 server pseries pseries IB M server H C R U6 server pseries IB M H C R U6, H C R U Corporation POWER4/4+ Technology Available from Entry to Highend IB M pseries 690. RAS, LPAR. pseries 670 pseries 650s pseries 630 pseries 615 pseries 615,

26 6 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation #4 Make No Compromise!! + +

27 7 pseries, Systems Group pseries pseries H C R U6 server H C R serveru Corporation pserie s IB M pseries 690 pseries 670 pseries 650 pseries 630 pseries 615 server First Failure Data Capture DDR ECC Chipkill memory Bit-steering/redundant memory Memory soft scrubbing Redundant power, fans Dynamic Processor Deallocation Deallocate PCI bus, L2/L3 cache Persistent memory deallocation Hot-plug PCI slots, fans, power Internal LED diagnostics Hot-swappable disk drives

28 8 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation pseries RAS Building Block 24x7 Reliability, Availability & Serviceablilty (RAS) Keep the system operational! Online parts replacement Utilization of system redundancies Deallocate system resources if necessary Resolve intermittent faults with no intervention Diagnose failures as they happen Fault avoidance - designed to avoid downtime

29 9 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation The Only Complete UNIX on Demand responding to the needs of the on demand enterprise Responsive The most powerful Unix servers in the world 680K tpmc Resilient The most reliable Unix servers Autonomic Computing Focused A total solution including servers, operating systems, software, and services Variable Clearest vision of the future, the most extensive on demand options

30 0 pseries, Systems Group pseries 2003 Corporation power Power performance Performance Get the right power, performance and price. Make no compromises with pseries


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