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1 User s Manual (Professor Version)
2 UCheck Plus for Professors App & Web User s Manual [ 교수용 ] Version 1.00 초판 ( ) 주소 서울시구로구디지털로 285( 에이스트트윈타워 1 차 ) 609 호대표전화 팩스 본저작물의저작권은소유합니다. 저작권법에의해보호받는저작물로써, 이책의일부혹은전체내용을동의없이무단으로복사, 복제, 전재, DTP, 인터넷상에게재하는것은저작권법에저촉됩니다. Copyright 2014 by Inc. All rights reserved.
3 목 차 1. UCheck Plus for Professors 소개 Introduction 지원하는단말기 Assisted Devices App 설치방법 How to Download the App 최초실행및사용자대학등록화면 Initial Run & User University Registration 로그인화면 Login Screen 화면및인터페이스소개 Screen & Interface 설정화면 Settings 다국어지원기능 Multilingual Support Function 웹기반출결관리시스템 Web-Based Attendance Check System 로그인 Login 화면소개 Screen Information 강의목록 List of Courses 학생관리 Students 수강학생관리 Enrolled Students 교원조회 Professor Search 휴보강관리 Class Cancellation/ Makeup iii
4 2.8. 공지사항및강의공지사항 General/ Class Notices 이의신청관리 Student Objections 장기결석자조회 Students With Long-Term Absences 클리커관리 Clickers 팝퀴즈답변조회 Pop Quiz Answers 트러블슈팅 Trouble Shooting 앱로그인시자신의대학을잘못선택하였을경우 Selection of Wrong University During Login 로그인이되지않을경우 Login Failure 출석체크가되지않는경우 Attendance Check Failure 접속이불안정하다는메시지가나올경우 Connection Error... 30
5 1. UCheck Plus for Professors 1.1. 소개 Introduction 강의실에설치된 Bluetooth Beacon 과연동되어전자출결및다양한부가서비스를제공 하는위치기반 Hybrid 애플리케이션으로서 Android 버전과 ios 버전을서비스하고있습니다. UCheck Plus is a location-based hybrid application that is connected to the Bluetooth Beacon in classrooms. It provides electronic attendance check services and other additional features, and is available on both Android and ios 지원하는단말기 Assisted Devices Android : Android SDK 버전 4.3 이상, Bluetooth 4.0 BLE, GPS, 3G/LTE, WIFI 를 Native 로정식지원하는 Android 스마트폰및전화기능이있는일부 Android Tablet 컴퓨터. Android: Android smartphones with an Android SDK (version 4.3 or higher), Bluetooth 4.0 BLE, GPS, 3G/LTE, Wi-Fi; some Android tablets with phone call functions ios : iphone4s 및이후출시된 iphone. ios: iphone 4S or higher [ 참고 1] 기타 BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, 심비안, 바다, 타이젠등의타 OS 에서는지원하고있지않습니다. * The app is not available on other OS devices such as the Blackberry, Windows Mobile, Bada and Tizen. [ 참고 2] 기기가 Rooting 혹은 Jailbreaking 된경우, 혹은변조된 OS 등의경우지원되지않을수있습니다. ** The app will not function if rooting or jailbreaking has occurred on the device, or if the OS has been tampered with App 설치방법 How to Download the App 1
6 Android : Google PlayStore 에서 UCheck Plus 로검색및다운로드후설치 Android: Go to the Google PlayStore, search UCheck Plus and download the app ios : AppStore 에서 UCheck Plus 로검색및다운로드후설치 ios: Go to the AppStore, search UCheck Plus and download the app [ 참고 1] 지원되지않는단말의경우검색되지않을수있습니다. * The app may not appear on non-assisted devices. [ 참고 2] 다운로드시데이터요금이발생할수있습니다. ** Data charges may apply during download. 22
7 1.4. 최초실행및사용자대학등록화면 Initial Run & User University Registration [ 그림 1 Image 1] [ 그림 2 Image 2] [ 그림 3 Image 3] 최초실행시사용자등록을위한화면입니다. 한번등록된대학은사용자가명시적으로초기화할때까지다시묻지않으며디바이스내부에저장되어계속사용됩니다. This is the user registration screen that appears when the app is run for the first time. Once the user has registered a university, the app will remember the information and details will be stored on the device until the user decides to initialize the app. 1 [ 그림 1] 로고화면으로단말기검증및초기화를수행합니다. 이과정에서기기의 Bluetooth 기능이비활성화되어있다면활성화합니다. Android 의경우자동으로활성화되며 ios 의경우비활성화되어있다면사용자가활성화해주어야합니다. [Image 1] Logo screen: The app verifies the device and initializes the app. If Bluetooth is deactivated at this stage, the app will activate it. Bluetooth will be activated automatically for Android. For ios, the user must manually activate Bluetooth. 2 [ 그림 2] 사용자대학이등록되어있지않다면대학교등록화면으로이동합니다. 하단의대학목록중에서자신의대학을선택하거나상단검색창에서직접입력하여검색후하단의 [ 등록 ] 버튼으로등록합니다. 상단검색창에서입력시마다입력한내용이포함된대학목록이하단에노출됩니다. [Image 2] If the user s university has not been registered, the university registration screen will appear. Users can select their university from the list of universities 3
8 provided or search for their university by typing the name of their university into the search bar. Users must then click on Register to register their university. Each time the name of a university is entered into the search bar, the list of universities will be updated. [ 참고 ] 교수용앱은학생용앱과는달리한교수님이여러대학정보를등록하여각대학정보간전환해사용하는것이가능합니다. * Unlike the student-version app, the professor version allows one professor to register multiple universities and switch between universities within the app. [ 참고 ] Android 6.0 마시멜로이상에서는 Google 의강화된보안정책으로인해일부기능을사용시사용자에게권한허용여부를실행시에강제로재확인하도록되어있습니다. UCheck Plus for Professor 에서는출결단말 Scanning 을위해위치권한이필요하며이에실행시사용자에게위치권한을요청하고있습니다. ** On the Android 6.0 Marshmallow or above, users will be asked to verify that they have allowed access to their device for some functions when they are actually used. This is in accordance with Google s strengthened security policy. For the UCheck Plus for Professors app, access to location will be requested for attendance device scanning. [ 그림 4 Image 4] [ 그림 5 Image 5] 44
9 해당알림은 Android 6.0 이상이며권한을허용하지않은단말에서실행시한번만표시되며이미허용하였다면표시되지않습니다. 사용자가거부할경우안내와함께앱을종료합니다. 만약거부하셨을경우앱을다시시작하게되면다시물어보게됩니다. This notification will appear on the Android 6.0 or higher, and will be displayed once on devices that have denied the app access to their location. The notification will not appear if access to location has already been allowed. If access to location is denied by the user, the app will close automatically. In this case, if the user re-opens the app, the app will again ask to access the device s location. 여러번거부시나타나는다시묻지않음항목에체크한뒤거부하신경우앱을실행할수없게되어삭제후다시설치하시거나설정메뉴에서해당앱을찾아권한을수동으로허용해주는번거로움이있으므로주의바랍니다. If the user ticks the Do not ask again button after denying access several times, it will not be possible to run the app. The user must delete and re-install the app, or manually allow access through the device s Settings menu. UCheck Plus for Professor 는사용자의어떠한위치데이터도무단으로수집하거나추적하지않습니다. UCheck Plus for Professors does not collect or track any location data without the user s permission 로그인화면 Login Screen 5
10 [ 그림 1 Image 1] [ 그림 2 Image 2] [ 그림 3 Image 3] 1 로그인정보가등록되어있지않거나로그인시간이만료되었다면본로그인화면으로이동합니다. [ 그림 1] 의붉은색박스로표시한부분을눌러접속하실대학교를하나선택하고아이디와비밀번호를입력후하단좌측의 [ 로그인 ] 버튼으로로그인합니다. If the user s login information is not registered or the login session has expired, the initial login screen will appear. Click on the red box shown in [Image 1] and select a university. Enter your ID and password, and click on the Login button on the bottom left to log in. [ 참고 ] 대학목록은 [ 그림 3] 처럼사용자가추가한대학목록이모두출력됩니다. * The list of universities that the user has added will appear when selecting a university, as shown in [Image 3]. 2 출강등으로대학추가가필요한경우 [ 대학추가 ] 버튼을눌러새로운대학을추가하실수있습니다. If more universities need to be added, click the Add Another University button. 3 착오로선택된대학이나불필요한대학이있다면해당대학을선택하고하단의 [ 대학삭제 ] 버튼을통해삭제하실수있습니다. If the name of a university that has been selected by mistake or is not needed appears on the dropdown menu, select the university and click on the Delete University button to remove it from the list. [ 참고 ] 한번로그인된로그인정보는기기에저장되어다음실행시자동으로 66
11 로그인을시도합니다. * Login information will be stored on the device after the initial login, and login will occur automatically when the user next runs the app 화면및인터페이스소개 Screen & Interface [ 그림 1 Image 1] [ 그림 2 Image 2] [ 그림 3 Image 3] 상기화면은진입시최초로나타나는화면으로웹화면입니다. UCheck Plus for Professor 는 Hybrid 앱이며웹기반출결관리시스템과동일한화면을사용하고있습니다. 따라서웹기반출결관리시스템에서제공하는대부분의기능을이용할수있으며후술하는웹기반출결관리시스템항목에서같이설명합니다. [ 참고 ] 디바이스방향에따라가로모드도지원하고있습니다. The above image shows the first screen that appears after the user logs in. UCheck Plus for Professors is a hybrid app that uses the same screen as the web-based attendance check system. Therefore, users can use most of the features that are provided by the web-based attendance check system, explanations for which are provided below. 7
12 * Users may switch to landscape mode according to the positioning of their device. 1 슬라이드메뉴오픈버튼 : [ 그림 2] 의슬라이드메뉴를토글합니다. Slide menu open button: Opens the slide menu, as shown in [Image 2]. 2 대학명 : 현재접속한대학명이노출됩니다. University name: Shows the name of the university for which the app is currently being run. 3 홈화면 : 첫페이지로이동합니다. Home screen: Redirects the user back to the first page. 4 계정정보 : 현재접속한사용자의정보를확인하거나로그아웃할수있습니다. Account information: Users can check their information or log out. 5 화면설정 : 사용자언어및컬러테마를지정할수있는메뉴를토글합니다. Screen settings: Opens the menu to change language, color and theme settings. 6 컨텐츠영역 : 현재선택한메뉴의컨텐츠를표시합니다. Content area: Displays content that pertains to the currently-selected menu. 7 백버튼 : 이전화면으로이동합니다. Android 의 Back 버튼와기능이동일합니다. Back button: Directs the user to the previous page (the button has the same function as the back button on Android phones). [ 참고 ] PC 용웹브라우저에서는나타나지않습니다. * This button will not appear on a PC web browser. 8 설정화면버튼 : 설정화면으로이동합니다. Settings button: Directs the user to the Settings page. [ 참고 ] PC 용웹브라우저에서는나타나지않습니다. * This button will not appear on a PC web browser. 9 슬라이드메뉴 : 다른화면으로이동할수있는슬라이드메뉴입니다. Slide menu: Allows the user to navigate to another screen. 10 화면설정메뉴 : 사용자언어및컬러테마를지정합니다. 언어는한국어와영어두가지를지원하며컬러테마는 12 가지를지원하고있습니다. Screen settings menu: Determines language, color and theme settings. Korean and English language options are provided, and 12 color themes are available to choose from 설정화면 Settings 설정화면을누르거나웹화면을종료하면서설정화면으로이동을선택하면진입할수있습니다. The Settings screen can be accessed by clicking on Settings or by choosing to be directed to the Settings screen when leaving the web screen. 88
13 설정화면에서는사용자아이디관련설정이나교수출강체크등을수행하실수있는메뉴를제공합니다. The Settings screen provides a menu that allows users to change their ID settings or to check into and out of their classes. 1. 사용자전환 Logging In With A Different ID 저장된로그인정보확인, 추가또는삭제하거나다른아이디로전환하여로그인을수행합니다. Verifies, adds, or deletes saved login information or logs in with a different ID. 1 메뉴전환탭 : 아이디전환과출강체크간메뉴를전환합니다. 탭을클릭하시거나화면을좌우로스와이프하여전환할수있습니다. Menu switch tab: Switches between the Switch ID menu and the Class Check-In/Out menu. These menus can be switched by clicking on the tab or by swiping to the left or right. 2 로그인정보아이템 : 로그인정보를표시합니다. 한번이상로그인에성공한로그인정보는기억되어다음로그인전환시쉽게전환할수있습니다. Login information: Displays login information. Login information will be remembered after one successful login, and IDs can be switched easily upon the user s next login attempt. 3 현재로그인정보아이템의정보로로그인상태를전환합니다. 9
14 Logs in with the selected login information. 4 현재로그인정보아이템을삭제합니다. Deletes login information. 5 현재로그인한로그인정보가어느것인지표시합니다. Displays the login information with which the user is currently logged in. 6 새로운로그인정보를추가합니다. Adds new login information. 2. 출강체크 Class Check-In/Out 현재로그인되어있는교수님의로그인정보에해당하는강의에대해출강체크를할수있습니다. Professors can check into and out of their classes for the courses that appear under their current login information. [ 그림 1 Image 1] [ 그림 2 Image 2] [ 그림 3 Image 3] 입실체크와퇴실체크두가지방법으로출강체크를하실수있으며전자출결을사용하지않거나강의에따라출강체크만실시할경우도있습니다. Professors can check into and out of their classes by checking in upon entering the classroom or by checking out upon leaving the classroom. For some courses, professors may choose to not use the electronic attendance system, or to only carry out class checkins/outs. [ 참고 ] 출결단말이확인되었으나통신환경불량으로서버로출강정보를전송하지못하였을경우다음실행시실패정보를복구하여출강체크를하실수있습니다. 1010
15 * If the attendance check device operated as normal but the class check-in/out information was not transmitted due to communication failure, this information can be restored when professors next use the app 다국어지원기능 Multilingual Support Function UCheck Plus for Professor 는다국어기능을제공합니다. UCheck Plus for Professors provides users with a multilingual support function. 사용자의기기언어설정에따라해당하는언어로앱에서사용하는언어가자동으로변경됩니다. The language displayed on the app will automatically correspond to the language that has been set as the default language on the user s mobile device. 11
16 [ 그림 1 Image 1] [ 그림 2 Image 2] [ 그림 3 Image 3] [ 그림 4 Image 4] 현재한국어와영어를지원하고있으며필요에따라추가될수있습니다. The languages that are currently available on the app are Korean and English. More languages may be added in the future. 1212
17 2. 웹기반출결관리시스템 Web-Based Attendance Check System 2.1. 로그인 Login 출결관리시스템또는모바일출석부시스템을이용하기위하여로그인을합니다. Logs in to use the attendance check system or the mobile register system. 상단의붉은색표시된콤보박스를선택후 교수 로맞춘후자신의아이디및비밀번호를입력하고 [ 로그인 ] 버튼을눌러로그인합니다. Select the box shown above and set your status as Professor. Enter your ID and password, and then click the Login button to log in. 13
18 2.2. 화면소개 Screen Information 웹기반출결관리시스템의전반적인화면과메뉴를설명합니다. Explains the screens and menus for the web-based attendance check system 매뉴바토글 : 교수자가사용할매뉴를활성화및비활성화할수있습니다. Menu bar: Activates or deactivates the menus that professors can use. 2 페이지 : 화면에볼수있는개수를정할수있으며페이지번호를입력하면입력한페이지로이동가능합니다. Page number: Users can choose how many items they want to see on the screen, and will be redirected to the relevant page when they enter a page number. 3 새로고침 : 새로고침버튼을누르게되면화면에대한정보를갱신할수있습니다. Refresh: Updates the information that is currently displayed on the screen. 4 매뉴바 : 교수용웹에서사용할수있는기능목록입니다. Menu bar: Shows the list of functions that can be used by professors. 5 페이지바 : 다음페이지로이동할때사용할수있습니다. Page bar: Used to move to the next page. 1414
19 6 현재시간 : 현재년월일시분초까지확인할수있습니다. Current time: Users can check the current time and date. 7 접속정보 : 현재어떤것으로접속을했는지확인할수있습니다. Access information: Shows users the method they used to access the screen. 8 설정바 : 학기, 언어, 스킨을변경할수있습니다. Settings bar: Allows users to change the semester, language and theme. 9 바로가기 : 강의에대하여출석체크, 출결기준, 퇴실규정, 출석부, 이의신청등을 편집이가능합니다. Shortcut: Allows professors to edit attendance checks, attendance/ absence regulations, classroom check-out regulations, the class register, complaints and so on for their courses 강의목록 List of Courses 주차별출결기준및규정을변경할수있으며학생출결에대한편집할수있습니다. Professors can change attendance regulations for each week and edit student attendances/ absences. 15
20 6 2 1 출석체크 : 현재강의가있을경우에 출석체크 나타나며클릭시학생들의출결상태를확인할수있으며편집및일괄처리가능합니다. Attendance check: The Attendance Check button appears when a class is currently taking place. Clicking on this button professors users to check or edit attendances/ absences, or to process them all at once. 1616
21 2 출결기준 : 강의전체주차에대한출결기준을편집할수있습니다. Attendance regulations: Attendance regulations can be modified for each week. I. 출석시간 : 강의시작시간을기준으로출석으로인정할시간을지정할수있습니다. Present: Professors can specify the number of minutes after the start of class for which a student will be marked as Present. II. 지각시간 : 출석시간이지난후지각으로인정할시간을지정할수있습니다. Late: Professors can specify the number of minutes after attendance check for which a student will be marked as Late. III. 연강설정 : 사용 으로할시첫시간에출결내용이수업종료때까지등록됩니다. 미상용 으로할시매시간마다출석체크를할수있습니다. Consecutive class settings: If professors click Apply, the attendance check information that was entered at the beginning of the class will be retained until the end of the final class. If professors choose Do Not Apply, they can check attendance at the beginning of each consecutive class. 3 퇴실규정 : 강의전체주차에대한퇴실규정을편집할수있습니다. Classroom check-out regulations: Professors can edit classroom check-out regulations for each week. I. 출석유형 : 출석 일경우출석만체크가능합니다. Attendance check type: Only attendance check will be possible if the Attendance 17
22 box is ticked. 출 / 퇴 일경우출석포함하여퇴실까지체크가능하며퇴실허용시간은퇴실인정할시간을지정할수있습니다. If the Attendance/ Check-out box is ticked, both attendance check and classroom check-out will be possible. The Permitted Time for Classroom Check-out category allows professors to specify the time for which classroom check-out will be approved. 4 출석부 : 출결편집, 일괄처리가능하며또한엑셀출력가능합니다. Class register: Allows professors to edit attendances/ absences or to process them all at once. Professors can also print the class register as an Excel file. I. 일자 및 교시 를클릭시열에대한출결을일괄처리가가능하며학생한명씩출결편집또한가능합니다. Attendances/ absences for a specific column can be processed all at once by clicking on the date and class period. Attendances/ absences can also be edited for each individual student. II. 출력 클릭하게되면출석부에대한내용을엑셀로확인할수있습니다. Professors can check the information on their class register through Excel by clicking on the Print button. 1818
23 5 이의신청 : 강의별이의신청접수확인및처리할수있습니다. Student objections: Professors can check and process student objections for each course. I. 처리상태의내용을클릭하게되면학생이이의신청한사유를확인할수있으며학칙기준으로출석상태를선택하신후답변을기재하실수있습니다. Professors can check the details of each student objection by clicking on the student objection status information. Professors may select the student s attendance status in accordance with regulations provided by the University Constitution, and write a reply to the student. 6 학기강의 : 주차별퇴실규정및강의실및시간을변경할수있습니다. 이미지난강의는회색으로표시가되며편집이불가합니다. Courses for the semester: Professors may change classroom check-out regulations or class time/ classroom details for each week. Lectures that have already taken place will be shown in grey, and cannot be edited. 19
24 I. 퇴실규정처리는한주차만설정할수있습니다. Changing classroom check-out regulations can only be done per week. II. 강의실이나강의시간을변경할수있으며검색조건에서 빈강의실만조회 체크하면빈강의실만조회가능하며변경된내용을공지로안내할수있습니다. Professors may change their classroom or class time. If the Search Only Empty Classrooms filter is applied, only empty classrooms will be shown on the results list. Any changes that have been made with regard to classrooms or class times can be posted as a notice. 2020
25 III. 주차별출결내용을편집, 일괄처리가능하며사진으로학생을확인할수있습니다. Attendances/ absences for each week can be edited or processed all at once. Professors can verify their students through their photo 학생관리 Students 교수자가수업하는강의를듣는학생전부확인할수있으며검색을통하여원하는학생을검색가능합니다. Professors can verify all students who are taking their class(es), and can also search for a specific student. 1 학번을클릭하면학생에대한상세내용을확인할수있습니다. Information about specific students can be viewed by clicking on their student ID. 2 강의목록은학생이강의듣는강의목록을확인할수있습니다. The Course List button allows the professor to view the list of courses the student is taking. 3 인증초기화는학생이휴대폰을변경하였을때 인증초기화 를누르면학생은다시휴대폰인증을다시받을수있습니다. If the professor clicks on the Initialize Verification button for students who have changed their mobile phone, mobile phone verification will occur again for these students. 4 학번오른쪽에는학생의사진이있으며사진에마우스를올리게되면사진을확대해서볼수있습니다. Students photos are displayed to the right of their student ID. Professors may view an 21
26 enlarged version of the photo by placing their cursor above the photo 수강학생관리 Enrolled Students 강의별로학생관리를할수있습니다. Professors can manage students for each class. 1 학번을클릭하면학생에대한상세내용을확인할수있습니다. Information about specific students can be viewed by clicking on their student ID. 2 강의목록은학생이강의듣는강의목록을확인할수있습니다. The Course List button allows the professor to view the list of courses that a student is taking. 3 인증초기화는학생이휴대폰을변경하였을때 인증초기화 를누르면학생은다시휴대폰인증을다시받을수있습니다. If the professor clicks on the Initialize Verification button for students who have changed their mobile phone, mobile phone verification will occur again for these students 교원조회 Professor Search 교직원및교수자들의학과명과전화번호등확인가능합니다. Professors can view the department information and phone numbers for university staff and faculty. 1 교수명을클릭할경우상세내용을확인하실수있습니다. Information about a specific professor can be viewed by clicking on the name of the professor. 2222
27 2.7. 휴보강관리 Class Cancellation/ Makeup 강의실및시간을휴보강관리를통하여강의일정을변경할수있습니다. Professors may change their class schedule, classroom or class time through the Class Cancellation/ Makeup menu. 1 휴강처리에서휴강타입은개인휴강 / 공식휴강으로타입을선택할수있으며휴강사유를입력해야만등록이가능합니다. In the Class Cancellation menu, professors can choose between Personal Cancellation or Official Cancellation. The registration of a class cancellation will only be completed when professors enter their reasons for cancelling the class. 2 보강등록에서검색조건에 빈강의실만조회 체크를하신후보강할시간과강의실을입력하시면등록이가능합니다. Professors can search for empty classrooms by applying the Search Empty Classrooms Only filter before performing their search in the Makeup Class menu. Professors can register their makeup class by entering the new time and classroom. 23
28 3 휴강 / 보강취소는입력이나수정할수있는부분은없으며 저장 버튼을누르면바로취소가되어집니다. Professors need not enter or change information to cancel their makeup class. A makeup class or a cancelled class will be cancelled automatically if professors click the Save button in the Cancel Makeup Class or Cancel Class Cancellation menu. 2424
29 2.8. 공지사항및강의공지사항 General/ Class Notices 공지사항또는관리합니다. 좌측메뉴에서공지사항또는강의공지사항메뉴로진입하며특정인원에대해공지를작성하여등록하고푸시메시지를전송할수있습니다. Manages notices. Professors can access the General Notices or Class Notices menu through the menu on the left. Professors can upload a notice for specific groups of people and send them push notifications. 공지사항은시스템공지사항이며강의공지사항은각강의별등록할수있는공지사항입니다. 전반적인 UI 와기능이유사하며함께기술합니다. General Notices refer to general notices to be uploaded onto the entire system. Class Notices refer to notices that can be uploaded for each class. The Notices functions for the app are similar to the general web-based user interface. Both are explained below 화면명칭 : 현재보고계신화면의명칭입니다. Screen name: Shows the name of the screen that is currently being displayed. 2 새로고침버튼 : 현재화면을새로불러옵니다. Refresh button: Updates the information that is currently displayed on the screen. 3 공지제목검색 : 공지제목으로검색합니다. Notice Title: Searches for notices using notice titles. 4 공지발송시작일검색 : 공지시작일기준으로검색합니다. Notice Start Date: Searches for notices using the starting date for notice viewing. 5 공지발송종료일검색 : 공지종료일기준으로검색합니다. Notice End Date: Searches for notices using the end date for notice viewing. 6 신규공지추가버튼 : 새로운공지사항을생성합니다. Add New Notice button: Creates a new notice. 7 Excel 반출버튼 : 공지사항목록을 Microsoft Excel 형식으로반출합니다. Export as Excel File button: Exports the list of notices as an Excel file. 8 공지사항목록화면 : 공지사항목록이표시되는영역입니다. 해당공지를누르면팝업이열리고공지상세내용을확인하실수있습니다. 25
30 List of notices: Displays the list of notices. Detailed information about a notice can be viewed through a pop-up screen by clicking on the relevant notice. 9 페이지네비게이터 : 다른페이지로이동합니다. Page navigator: Directs the user to another page. 10 푸시전송이력확인 : 푸시메시지발송이력페이지로이동합니다. Check push notification transmission record: Directs the user to a page where they can view a record of the push notifications they have sent. 11 한페이지에보여줄강좌개수를지정합니다. Shows the number of courses that will be displayed on one page 이의신청관리 Student Objections 좌측메뉴에서이의신청관리를선택해진입합니다. 이의신청이있을경우좌측메뉴에이의신청건수가함께표시됩니다. Professors can access Student Objections through the menu on the left. When student objections have been received, the number of student objections is displayed on the menu on the left. 이화면에서는수강학생들의이의신청목록을확인, 검토하고출결결과를조정해줄수있습니다. This screen allows professors to check the list of student objections that have been received, view the details and adjust attendance/ absence records. 2626
31 화면명칭 : 현재보고계신화면의명칭입니다. Screen name: Shows the name of the screen that is currently being displayed. 2 새로고침버튼 : 현재화면을새로불러옵니다. Refresh button: Updates the information that is currently displayed on the screen. 3 이의신청별검색필터 : 이의신청상태별로검색할수있습니다. Search filters for student objections: Professors can search for student objections according to each student objection status. 4 이의신청시작일자지정필터 : 지정일이후의이의신청에대해서검색합니다. Student objection starting date filter: Searches for student objections that were received after a specific date. 5 이의신청종료일자지정필터 : 지정일이전의이의신청에대해서검색합니다. Student objection end date filter: Searches for student objections that were received before a specific date. 6 강의별검색필터 : 특정강의의이의신청만검색할수있습니다. Course filter: Searches for student objections regarding a specific course. 7 학번 / 학생명검색필터 : 특정학생의학번이나학생명으로검색할수있습니다. Student ID/ Student name filter: Searches for student objections using a name or student ID. 8 이의신청목록 : 신청한이의신청목록을확인하실수있습니다. 구분, 또는사유를클릭하시면새로운팝업으로상세내용을확인하고변경할수있는창이열립니다. Student Objections list: Professors can check the list of student objections that have been received. Detailed information can be viewed and edited through a pop-up screen if the user clicks on the category or reason pertaining to a specific student objection. 27
32 2.10. 장기결석자조회 Students With Long-Term Absences 검색기능을이용하여장기결석자에게공지메시지를보낼수있으며장기결석자명단을엑셀로반출할수있습니다. Professors can use the search function to send messages to students with long-term absences. Professors can also export the list of students with long-term absences as an Excel file 클리커관리 Clickers 클리커는객관식과비슷하며문제를등록하게되면학생들은 APP 으로답을선택해서전송하는방식입니다. Clickers are similar to multiple-choice questions. Once questions have been uploaded, students select their answers using the app and send their answers to the professor. 2828
33 2.12. 팝퀴즈답변조회 Pop Quiz Answers 팝퀴즈는칠판이나구두로문제를학생들에게전달을한후학생은답을 APP 으로전송하는방식입니다. The Pop Quiz Answers section allows professors to deliver quiz questions to students verbally or using the whiteboard, and then have the students submit their answers through the app. 3. 트러블슈팅 Trouble Shooting 3.1. 앱로그인시자신의대학을잘못선택하였을경우 Selection of Wrong University During Login - 로그인화면에서잘못선택한대학삭제 Delete the wrong university from the login screen 로그인화면에서잘못선택한대학을선택후 [ 대학삭제 ] 버튼으로삭제하시거나앱을삭제후재설치한다음다시시도하십시오. Select the wrong university on the login page and then click on the Delete University button. Alternatively, delete and redownload the app, and then try again 로그인이되지않을경우 Login Failure - 아이디와패스워드를다시한번확인해주세요. Please check your ID and password. 아이디또는비밀번호가맞지않습니다. 올바르게입력하였는지확인하시고로그인하려는대학을올바르게선택하였는지확인하시기바랍니다. The ID or password is incorrect. Please check that you have entered the correct ID or password, and that you have selected the right university. 29
34 3.3. 출석체크가되지않는경우 Attendance Check Failure - 기기상태점검 Inspect your device Bluetooth 기능이커져있는지확인하십시오. Android 는앱실행시자동으로켜지지만 ios 는수동으로켜주셔야합니다. Please check that Bluetooth has been turned on. On Android phones, Bluetooth turns on automatically when the app is run. For phones that use the ios, Bluetooth must be turned on manually. Android 6.0 마시멜로이상버전을쓰는경우앱첫실행시물어보는위치권한을허용해주셔야하며위치 (GPS) 기능이켜져있어야합니다. Users who use a version higher than the Android 6.0 Marshmallow must allow the app access to their location when it is first run. The GPS function must also be turned on. 기기메모리부족혹은타앱의충돌등의문제가있을수있습니다. 디바이스를재시작해보십시오. Problems could arise due to a shortage of memory on the device or clashes with other apps. In this case, please restart your device 접속이불안정하다는메시지가나올경우 Connection Error - 인터넷연결상태확인 Check internet connection 3G/LTE 혹은 WIFI 로인터넷을정상적으로사용할수있는지확인하십시오. 네트워크통신이양호한곳에서다시시도하십시오. Please check that the internet is available through 3G/ LTE or Wi-Fi, and try again at a location that has secure network connectivity. 3030
프로젝트 표준
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Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,
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Page 1 of 6 Learn Korean Ep. 13: Whether (or not) and If Let s go over how to say Whether and If. An example in English would be I don t know whether he ll be there, or I don t know if he ll be there.
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Upnp 사용 D7 은 UPNP 를지원하여 D7 의네크워크에연결된 UPNP 기기에별다른설정없이연결하여, 유무선으로네트워크상의연결된 UPNP 기기의콘텐츠를재생할수있습니다. TV 화면의 브라우저, UPNP 를선택하면연결가능한 UPNP 기기가표시됩니다. 주의 - UPNP 기능사용시연결된 UPNP 기기의성능에따라서재생되지않는콘텐츠가있을수있습니다. NFS 사용 D7
목차 1. Application 가이드 Application 설치및접속... 2 메인화면소개... 3 출석체크... 4 돌발체크... 5 출석현황... 6 시간표... 7 공지사항... 8
유한대학교전자출결관리시스템매뉴얼 ( 학생용 ) 작성일자 버전 2017.03.03 1.0.3 목차 1. Application 가이드... 2 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.5. 1.6. 1.7. 1.8. Application 설치및접속... 2 메인화면소개... 3 출석체크... 4 돌발체크... 5 출석현황... 6 시간표... 7 공지사항... 8
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2014 년도 한국철도학회 춘계학술대회 논문집 KSR2014S042 안전소통을 위한 모바일 앱 서비스 개발 Development of Mobile APP Service for Safety Communication 김범승 *, 이규찬 *, 심재호 *, 김주희 *, 윤상식 **, 정경우 * Beom-Seung Kim *, Kyu-Chan Lee *, Jae-Ho
200176 .,.,.,. 5... 1/2. /. / 2. . 293.33 (54.32%), 65.54(12.13%), / 53.80(9.96%), 25.60(4.74%), 5.22(0.97%). / 3 S (1997)14.59% (1971) 10%, (1977).5%~11.5%, (1986)
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Development of Mobile Applications Applying Digital Storytelling About Ecotourism Resources Seo, Jongcheol* Lee, Seungju**,,,. (mobile AIR)., 3D.,,.,.,,, Abstract : In line with fast settling trend of
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240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 An Application for Calculation and Visualization of Narrative Relevance of Films Using Keyword Tags Choi Jin-Won (KAIST) Film making
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Amazon Stores
Amazon Stores User Guide Version: KR1.0 Effective Date: April 1 st 2017 1 Introduction 이안내서는 Amazon Store 가무엇인지와당신의브랜드의 Amazon Store 를계획, 구축및확장하는방법에대해설명합니다. Amazon Stores 는브랜드가단일또는다중페이지매장을만들어브랜드와제품라인을선보일수있는무료셀프서비스입니다.
초판 ( ) 주 소 서울시강서구가양동 한화비즈메트로 1 차 911 호 대표전화 팩스 본저작물의저작권은 씨딘이소유합니다. 저작권법에의해보호받는저작물로써, 이 책의일부혹은전체내용을동의없이무단으로복사,
1 초판 (2016.02.23) 주 소 서울시강서구가양동 551-17 한화비즈메트로 1 차 911 호 대표전화 02-6925-6005 팩스 02-830-5405 본저작물의저작권은 씨딘이소유합니다. 저작권법에의해보호받는저작물로써, 이 책의일부혹은전체내용을동의없이무단으로복사, 복제, 전재, DTP, 인터넷상에게 재하는것은저작권법에저촉됩니다. Copyright 2014
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PRO1_04E [읽기 전용]
Siemens AG 1999 All rights reserved File: PRO1_04E1 Information and S7-300 2 S7-400 3 EPROM / 4 5 6 HW Config 7 8 9 CPU 10 CPU : 11 CPU : 12 CPU : 13 CPU : / 14 CPU : 15 CPU : / 16 HW 17 HW PG 18 SIMATIC
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