MM440 한글 설명서 \(New\)

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1 Gana Corporation MM440 사용설명서 Gana Corporation Tel Fax MM440_ 사용설명서 1

2 Gana Corporation 1. 개요 1.1 MM440 - MM440은 3상모터의속도를제어하기위한인버터이다. 모델범위는단상 120W ~ 삼상 200kW까지이다. - 마이크로프로세서로제어되며 IGBT를사용, 다양하고신뢰할수있는성능을발휘한다. 선택가능한스위칭주파수와펄스폭변조방법은조용한모터의운전을가능하게한다. - 공장설정값혹은파라메터를이용, 다양한범위의기계응용에사용가능하다. 1.2 MM440 특성 일반 - 운전, 파라메터설정, 설치가용이하다. - 제어신호의빠른응답시간. - 다양한기계응용을위한폭넓은파라메터설정. - 간단한케이블연결및다양한옵션. - 저소음을위한높은스위칭주파수. - PC 통신, BOP, AOP, Profibus Module용외부옵션 성능 - 향상된동적특성과자속전류제어 (Flux Current Control) - SVC(Sensor-less Vector) Control - VC(Vector) Control --Option 첨부시 - 빠른전류제한. - DC 인가제동내장. - 회생에너지소멸용 Braking Chopper 내장. - 제동성능향상을위한컴파운드제동. - S형가, 감속시간설정가능. - PID제어기능을이용한폐회로제어기능 보호 - 인버터, 모터의완벽한보호. - 과전압, 저전압보호. - 인버터과열보호. - 모터과열 (I2t) 보호. - 접지불량폴트기능. - 단선보호. MM440_ 사용설명서 2

3 Gana Corporation 2. 제품사양 구분사양 주운전전압 200~240V ±10% 1AC 200~240V ±10% 3AC 380~480V ±10% 3AC 출력범위 200~240V ±10% 1AC 0.12kW ~ 3.0kW 200~240V ±10% 3AC 0.12kW ~ 45kW 380~480V ±10% 3AC 0.37kW ~ 200kW 제품크기 Flame A B C D E F FX GX WxHxD 73x x x x x x x x1875 (mm) x149 x172 x195 x245 x245 x320 x360 x560 보호등급 IP20 사용온도 CT : -10 ~ +50, VT : -10 ~ +40 보관온도 -40 ~ +70 습도 95% 운전고도 해발 1,000 m 까지 ( 감쇠없음 ) 제어모드 벡터제어, 토르크제어 ( 선형 V/F, 비선형 V/F), 자속전류제어 (Flux Current Control) 과부하수용력출력전류의 150%(60 초 ), 200%(3 초 ) 전자파수용력옵션 EMC Filter ( ClassA or ClassB ) 보호기능 입력주파수 주파수분해능력 저전압, 과전압, 접지불량, 단선, 인버터과열, 모터과열, 스톨방지 47 ~ 63Hz 디지털 0.01Hz, 직렬 0.01Hz, 아날로그 10bit 스위칭주파수 2k ~ 16k Hz ( 2k Hz 씩변화가능 ) 디지털입력 6 단자 ( PNP/NPN 선택가능 ) 다단주파수 16 단 ( binary code 사용 ) 점프주파수 4 개 릴레이출력 3 개 ( 30V dc 5A / 250V ac 2A ) 아날로그입력 아날로그출력 2 개 ( 0/2V ~ 10V or -10V~+10V or 0/2mA~20mA ) : 사용자지정가능 2 개 ( 0/2mA ~ 20mA ) : 사용자지정가능 직렬인터페이스 옵션 ( RS232, RS485 ) 디자인 ISO9001 규격 UL, cul, CE, C-tick CE 마크 EC 저전압규정 73/23/EEC, 전자파규정 89/336/EEC 규격에합격 출력역률 0.7 인버터효율 96% ~ 97% 침입전류 제동기능 정격전류보다적다 제동초퍼내장, DC 인가제동, 컴파운드제동 MM440_ 사용설명서 3

4 General Circuit Diagram Ω Ω Ω 3.Circuit Diagrams

5 Gana Corporation 4. 파라메터설정 4.1 파라메터설정입문 기본설정 Parameter - P0003 : 사용자사용레벨 ( 출하시설정값 : 1 ) 파라메터사용값을나타낸다. 대부분의간단한응용에서는기본사용설정만으로도충분히사용가능하다. 설정가능한값 0 : 사용자정의파라메터목록 P0013의설명참고. 1 : 기본 : 가장자주이용하는파라메터에접근가능. 2 : 확장 : 확장된 I/O 기능활용이가능. 3 : 전문 : 전문사용자만사용가능. 4 : 서비스 : 서비스전문가만사용가능패스워드로보호 - P0004 : 파라메터필터링기능 ( 출하시설정값 : 0 ) 이파라메터에서선택한파라메터만인버터에표시된다. 예를들면, P0004=22에설정하였다면 PI 제어와관련된파라메터만표시된다. 설정가능한값 0 : 모든파라메터 2 : 인버터 3 : 모터 7 : 명령 & 디지털입출력 8 : 아날로그입출력 10 : 설정채널 & 가감속발생기 12 : 드라이브특성 13 : 모터제어 20 : 통신 21 : 알람, 경고 & 모니터링 22 : PI 제어기참고 P0004의설정값에관계없이인버터를운전할수있다. 일부파라메터는 Commissioning only 파라메터이고, 필터파라메터내에서만볼수있다. 그러나, 이파라메터들을 P0010=1 로설정해야지만변경가능하다. 이파라메터들은오른쪽컬럼에기호를보고알수있다.( 열쇠그림 ) - P0005 : Display 표시선택 ( 출하시설정값 : 21 ) 20 : 설정주파수 21 : 실제주파수 22 : 출력rpm 24 : 출력주파수 25 : 출력전압 26 : DC Link 전압 27 : 출력전류 34 : 모터온도 37 : 인버터온도 39 : 소비전력 MM440_ 사용설명서 5

6 Gana Corporation - P0010 : 파라메터필터링기능 ( 출하시설정값 : 0 ) 0 : 운전준비 1 : 빠른운전수행 ( 열쇠그림있는파라메터설정값변경시 ) 30 : 공장설정치로리셋 ( P3900=1 ) 주 ) 인버터가운전하기전반드시 0 으로설정하여야운전된다. - P0304 : 모터정격전압 ( 출하시설정값 :? V ) at P0010=1 - P0305 : 모터정격전류 ( 출하시설정값 :? A ) at P0010=1 - P0307 : 모터정격용량 ( 출하시설정값 :? kw ) at P0010=1 - P0310 : 모터정격주파수 ( 출하시설정값 : 50 Hz ) at P0010=1 - P0311 : 모터정격rpm ( 출하시설정값 :? rpm ) at P0010=1 - P3900 : 최종빠른운전수행 : 3 ( 모든입력 data에의해연산수행,at P0010=1 ) ( 주 ) P3900=3을수행하면자동으로연산을마친후에 P0010=0으로전환된다. - P1080 : 모터최소주파수 ( 출하시설정값 : 0.0 Hz ) 0.0 ~ Hz - P1082 : 모터최대주파수 ( 출하시설정값 : 50.0 Hz ) 0.0 ~ Hz - P1120 : 모터가속시간 ( 출하시설정값 : 10.0 sec ) 0.0 ~ Hz - P1121 : 모터감속시간 ( 출하시설정값 : 10.0 sec ) 0.0 ~ Hz - P1300 : 출력사양선택 ( 출하시설정값 : 1 ) 0 : v/f 직선 1 : FCC ( Flux current control ) 2 : 비선형 v/f 3 : 다중 v/f ( 전문가 only ) 20 : Sensorless-Vector Control 21 : Vector Control with sensor 22 : Sensorless-Vector torque Control - P0700 : 명령경로선택 ( 출하시설정값 : 0 ) 0 : 공장설정치 1 : 키패드 ( BOP / AOP ) 2 : Terminal ( 단자대 ) 4 : BOP 링크의 USS1 ( RS232 ) 5 : 통신링크의 USS2 ( RS485 ) 6 : Profibus/ 통신링크의필드버스 MM440_ 사용설명서 6

7 Gana Corporation 아날로그설정운전.. 기본조건 - 외부 VR, 외부전압 (0~10V), 외부전류 (0<4>~20mA) 을이용하여속도조절. - 외부조작스위치 ( 또는 PLC) 를이용하여모터구동 ( 정, 역운전 ). - Inverter 내부 Terminal을사용 Inverter 운영.. 적용 Inverter 선정 - 적용모터의정격용량, 정격전류, 정격전압에맞는모델선정. 주 ) 원하는 Application에적당한모델인지충분히검토요망. Ex. Digital input, analogue output, relay output etc.. Inverter Setting 1) 일반적설정 ( 공장설정값 ) - 기본공장설정값은위의기본조건과규합되나, 사용지역의설정이유럽 (50Hz) 으로되어있으므로사용지역또는적용모터가국산 (60Hz용) 인경우 Dip switch2를 On 상태로하여주거나세부설정의모터데이터를명판내용대로정확히기입하면된다. 2) 세부적설정 - 44MM~ Inverter에는 2개의 Analogue Input이있으며, 일반적으로 Input1을사용하나, 선택적으로 Input1 or Input2를사용할수있으며설정범위를조정할수있다. - 적용모터의 Data 및 User's Application에알맞은 Parameter setting이가능하다. MM440_ 사용설명서 7

8 Gana Corporation Parameter Setting.( 속도조절 : 전압 control ) - P0003 : 사용자사용레벨 : 2 ( 확장 ) - P0004 : 파라메터필터링기능 : 0 ( All parameter ) - P0700 : 명령경로선택 : 2 ( Terminal ) - P1000 : 주파수 Main 설정 : 2 ( 아날로그입력 ) - P0304 : 모터정격전압 :? V ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0305 : 모터정격전류 :? A ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0307 : 모터정격용량 :? kw ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0310 : 모터정격주파수 :? Hz ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0311 : 모터정격rpm :? rpm ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P3900 : 최종빠른운전수행 : 3 ( 모든입력 data에의해연산수행,at P0010=1 ) ( 주 ) P3900=3을수행하면자동으로연산을마친후에 P0010=0으로전환된다. - P1080 : 모터최소주파수 :? Hz ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1082 : 모터최대주파수 :? Hz ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1120 : 모터가속시간 :? sec ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1121 : 모터감속시간 :? sec ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P : 아날로그입력종류선택 : 0 ( 0~10V ) ( 주 ) 전면 Dip1( 좌측 ) off 상태유지. - P : 아날로그입력범위 X1(Min.) : 0.0 V - P : 아날로그입력범위 Y1(Min.) : 0.0 % ( ~ ) - P : 아날로그입력범위 X2(Max.) : 10 V - P : 아날로그입력범위 Y2(Max.) : 100 % ( ~ ) ( 주 ) P0758 & P0760 의기준값 (%) : P2000 ( Reference Freq. ) - P : 아날로그출력종류선택 : 0 ( 전류출력 ) - P : 아날로그출력범위 X1(Min.) : 0 % ( ~ ) - P : 아날로그출력범위 Y1(Min.) : 0<4> ma ( 0 ~ 20 ma ) - P : 아날로그입력범위 X2(Max.) : 100 % ( ~ ) - P : 아날로그출력범위 Y2(Max.) : 20 ma ( 0 ~ 20 ma ) - P1300 : 출력사양선택 : 1 ( FCC ) - P0005 : Display 표시선택 : 21 ( 실제주파수 ) MM440_ 사용설명서 8

9 Gana Corporation Parameter Setting.( 속도조절 : 전류 control ) - P0003 : 사용자사용레벨 : 2 ( 확장 ) - P0004 : 파라메터필터링기능 : 0 ( All parameter ) - P0700 : 명령경로선택 : 2 ( Terminal ) - P1000 : 주파수 Main 설정 : 2 ( 아날로그입력 ) - P0304 : 모터정격전압 :? V ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0305 : 모터정격전류 :? A ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0307 : 모터정격용량 :? kw ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0310 : 모터정격주파수 :? Hz ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0311 : 모터정격rpm :? rpm ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P3900 : 최종빠른운전수행 : 3 ( 모든입력 data에의해연산수행,at P0010=1 ) ( 주 ) P3900=3을수행하면자동으로연산을마친후에 P0010=0으로전환된다. - P1080 : 모터최소주파수 :? Hz ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1082 : 모터최대주파수 :? Hz ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1120 : 모터가속시간 :? sec ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1121 : 모터감속시간 :? sec ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P : 아날로그입력종류선택 : 2 ( 0<4>~20 ma ) ( 주 ) 전면 Dip1( 좌측 ) On 상태유지. - P : 아날로그입력범위 X1(Min.) : 0<4> ma - P : 아날로그입력범위 Y1(Min.) : 0.0 % ( ~ ) - P : 아날로그입력범위 X2(Max.) : 20 ma - P : 아날로그입력범위 Y2(Max.) : 100 % ( ~ ) ( 주 ) P0758 & P0760 의기준값 (%) : P2000 ( Reference Freq. ) - P : 아날로그출력종류선택 : 0 ( 전류출력 ) - P : 아날로그출력범위 X1(Min.) : 0 % ( ~ ) - P : 아날로그출력범위 Y1(Min.) : 0<4> ma ( 0 ~ 20 ma ) - P : 아날로그입력범위 X2(Max.) : 100 % ( ~ ) - P : 아날로그출력범위 Y2(Max.) : 20 ma ( 0 ~ 20 ma ) - P1300 : 출력사양선택 : 1 ( FCC ) - P0005 : Display 표시선택 : 21 ( 실제주파수 ) MM440_ 사용설명서 9

10 Gana Corporation 배선및설치. - Analogue 입력및제어명령. < 전압입력시 > < 전류입력시 > MM440_ 사용설명서 10

11 Gana Corporation - Analogue 출력. 주 ) 1. 인버터의아날로그출력범위는 0(4) ~ 20mA로정, 역방향을모두사용하는경우표시용계기의입력범위는 0(4) ~ 20mA or 0 ~ 10V 이어야하며, 표시출력범위는 0(4)mA(V) 시 -100%, 20(10)mA(V) 시 +100% 용으로선정하여야한다.( 출력방향 < 회전방향 > 에따른표시를위함 ) 2. 방향에상관없이아날로그출력 0(4)~20mA ( r0018>2.0 ) - P0003 = 3 ( 전문가모드 ) - P2800 = 1 ( 사용자정의선택사양사용 ) - P2802[8] = 1 ( 연산기능사용 ) - P2877[0] = 21 - P2877[1] = 21 - P2264 = P2270 = 1 ( 연산수행 ) - P0771 =2272 ( 아날로그출력으로결과공급 ) 3. 2개의아날로그입력을사용하여선택형동작을요할시 ( 보편적으로자동 / 수동의조작시사용 ) - P0809[2] = 1 (copy CDS) - P0703[0] = 99 * - P0703[1] = 99 * - P1000[0] = 2 - P1000[1] = 7 - P0810 = * ~ 상기예제는 Din3을절체용으로이용시이며, 다른 Din을사용시에는해당되는 Din용 Parameter와 P0810의값을변경시켜주면된다.(* 표 ) MM440_ 사용설명서 11

12 Gana Corporation 디지탈설정운전.. 기본조건 - BOP/AOP 운전. - 다단속운전1 (1~6속도가능 ). - 다단속운전2 (1~15속도가능 : Binary coded selection). - BOP/AOP or Inverter 내부 Terminal을사용 Inverter 운전.. 적용 Inverter 선정 - 적용모터의정격용량, 정격전류, 정격전압에맞는모델선정. 주 ) 원하는 Application에적당한모델인지충분히검토요망. Ex. Digital input, analogue output, relay output etc.. Inverter Setting 1) 일반적설정. - 사용지역의설정이유럽 (50Hz) 으로되어있으므로사용지역또는적용모터가국산 (60Hz용) 인경우 Dip switch2를 On 상태로하여주거나세부설정의모터데이터를명판내용대로정확히기입하면된다. 2) 세부적설정 - 적용모터의 Data 및 User's Application에알맞은 Parameter setting이가능하다 BOP/AOP 운전시 Parameter Setting. - P0003 : 사용자사용레벨 : 2 ( 확장 ) - P0004 : 파라메터필터링기능 : 0 ( All parameter ) - P0700 : 명령경로선택 : 1 ( BOP/AOP <Keypad> ) - P1000 : 주파수 Main 설정 : 1 ( MOP< 운전속도 > setpoint ) - P0304 : 모터정격전압 :? V ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0305 : 모터정격전류 :? A ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0307 : 모터정격용량 :? kw ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0310 : 모터정격주파수 :? Hz ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0311 : 모터정격rpm :? rpm ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P3900 : 최종빠른운전수행 : 3 ( 모든입력 data에의해연산수행,at P0010=1 ) ( 주 ) P3900=3을수행하면자동으로연산을마친후에 P0010=0으로전환된다. - P1080 : 모터최소주파수 :? Hz ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1082 : 모터최대주파수 :? Hz ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1120 : 모터가속시간 :? sec ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1121 : 모터감속시간 :? sec ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1040 : MOP( 운전속도 ) 설정값 :? Hz ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1300 : 출력사양선택 : 1 ( FCC ) - P0005 : Display 표시선택 : 21 ( 실제주파수 ) 주 ) 최종운행한주파수를기억하려면 P1031=1로설정한다. ( Keypad의최종설정값을 P1040에자동 Up-data 한다. ) MM440_ 사용설명서 12

13 Gana Corporation ~4속도운전시 Parameter Setting. - P0003 : 사용자사용레벨 : 2 ( 확장 ) - P0004 : 파라메터필터링기능 : 0 ( All parameter ) - P0304 : 모터정격전압 :? V ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0305 : 모터정격전류 :? A ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0307 : 모터정격용량 :? kw ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0310 : 모터정격주파수 :? Hz ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0311 : 모터정격rpm :? rpm ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P3900 : 최종빠른운전수행 : 3 ( 모든입력 data에의해연산수행,at P0010=1 ) ( 주 ) P3900=3을수행하면자동으로연산을마친후에 P0010=0으로전환된다. - P1080 : 모터최소주파수 :? Hz ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1082 : 모터최대주파수 :? Hz ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1120 : 모터가속시간 :? sec ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1121 : 모터감속시간 :? sec ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P0700 : 명령경로선택 : 2 ( Terminal ) - P0701 : 디지탈입력 1 : 1 ( 정방향운전 ) - P0702 : 디지탈입력 2 : 12 ( 반전 < 역회전 > 설정 ) - P0703 : 디지탈입력 3 : 15 ( 다단주파수3, P1003로속도설정 ) - P0704 : 디지탈입력 4 : 15 ( 다단주파수4, P1004로속도설정 ) - P0705 : 디지탈입력 5 : 15 ( 다단주파수5, P1005로속도설정 ) - P0706 : 디지탈입력 6 : 15 ( 다단주파수6, P1006로속도설정 ) - P1000 : 주파수 Main 설정 : 3 ( 다단주파수 ) - P1003 : 다단주파수3 (FF3) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1004 : 다단주파수4 (FF4) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1005 : 다단주파수5 (FF5) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1006 : 다단주파수6 (FF6) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1300 : 출력사양선택 : 1 ( FCC ) - P0005 : Display 표시선택 : 21 ( 실제주파수 ) MM440_ 사용설명서 13

14 Gana Corporation 주 ) 1. P0701,P0702,P0703,P0704,P0705,P0706=16 이면별도의 Run(On) 명령이없이운전가능하다.(6속운전) 2. Din3,Din4,Din5,Din6이모두 On이되면, 설정값 (P1003,P1004,P1005,P1006) 이모두합하여져서출력이되며단,P1082의값이상이될수없다. MM440_ 사용설명서 14

15 Gana Corporation ~6속도운전시 Parameter Setting. - P0003 : 사용자사용레벨 : 2 ( 확장 ) - P0004 : 파라메터필터링기능 : 0 ( All parameter ) - P0304 : 모터정격전압 :? V ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0305 : 모터정격전류 :? A ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0307 : 모터정격용량 :? kw ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0310 : 모터정격주파수 :? Hz ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0311 : 모터정격rpm :? rpm ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P3900 : 최종빠른운전수행 : 3 ( 모든입력 data에의해연산수행,at P0010=1 ) ( 주 ) P3900=3을수행하면자동으로연산을마친후에 P0010=0으로전환된다. - P1080 : 모터최소주파수 :? Hz ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1082 : 모터최대주파수 :? Hz ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1120 : 모터가속시간 :? sec ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1121 : 모터감속시간 :? sec ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P0700 : 명령경로선택 : 2 ( Terminal ) - P0701 : 디지탈입력 1 : 16 ( 다단주파수1, P1001로속도설정 ) - P0702 : 디지탈입력 2 : 16 ( 다단주파수3, P1002로속도설정 ) - P0703 : 디지탈입력 3 : 16 ( 다단주파수3, P1003로속도설정 ) - P0704 : 디지탈입력 4 : 16 ( 다단주파수4, P1004로속도설정 ) - P0705 : 디지탈입력 5 : 16 ( 다단주파수5, P1005로속도설정 ) - P0706 : 디지탈입력 6 : 16 ( 다단주파수6, P1006로속도설정 ) - P1000 : 주파수 Main 설정 : 3 ( 다단주파수 ) - P1001 : 다단주파수1 (FF1) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1002 : 다단주파수2 (FF2) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1003 : 다단주파수3 (FF3) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1004 : 다단주파수4 (FF4) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1005 : 다단주파수5 (FF5) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1006 : 다단주파수6 (FF6) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1300 : 출력사양선택 : 1 ( FCC ) - P0005 : Display 표시선택 : 21 ( 실제주파수 ) MM440_ 사용설명서 15

16 Gana Corporation 주 ) 1. P0701,P0702,P0703,P0704,P0705,P0706=16 이면별도의 Run(On) 명령이없이운전가능하다.(6속운전) 2. Din1,Din2,Din3,Din4,Din5,Din6이모두 On이되면, 설정값 (P1001,P1002,P1003,P1004,P1005,P1006) 이모두합하여져서출력이되며 P1082의값이상이될수없다 MM440_ 사용설명서 16

17 Gana Corporation ~15속도운전시 Parameter Setting. - P0003 : 사용자사용레벨 : 2 ( 확장 ) - P0004 : 파라메터필터링기능 : 0 ( All parameter ) - P0304 : 모터정격전압 :? V ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0305 : 모터정격전류 :? A ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0307 : 모터정격용량 :? kw ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0310 : 모터정격주파수 :? Hz ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P0311 : 모터정격rpm :? rpm ( at P0010=1 일때수치변경가능 ) - P3900 : 최종빠른운전수행 : 3 ( 모든입력 data에의해연산수행,at P0010=1 ) ( 주 ) P3900=3을수행하면자동으로연산을마친후에 P0010=0으로전환된다. - P1080 : 모터최소주파수 :? Hz ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1082 : 모터최대주파수 :? Hz ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1120 : 모터가속시간 :? sec ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P1121 : 모터감속시간 :? sec ( 0.0 ~ Hz ) - P0700 : 명령경로선택 : 2 ( Terminal ) - P0701 : 디지탈입력 1 : 17 ( 다단주파수1~15 + On, 2진코드적용 ) - P0702 : 디지탈입력 2 : 17 ( 다단주파수1~15 + On, 2진코드적용 ) - P0703 : 디지탈입력 3 : 17 ( 다단주파수1~15 + On, 2진코드적용 ) - P0704 : 디지탈입력 4 : 17 ( 다단주파수1~15 + On, 2진코드적용 ) - P1000 : 주파수 Main 설정 : 3 ( 다단주파수 ) - P1001 : 다단주파수1 (FF1) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1002 : 다단주파수2 (FF2) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1003 : 다단주파수3 (FF3) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1004 : 다단주파수4 (FF4) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1005 : 다단주파수5 (FF5) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1006 : 다단주파수6 (FF6) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1007 : 다단주파수7 (FF7) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1008 : 다단주파수8 (FF8) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1009 : 다단주파수9 (FF9) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1010 : 다단주파수10 (FF10) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1011 : 다단주파수11 (FF11) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1012 : 다단주파수12 (FF12) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1013 : 다단주파수13 (FF13) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1014 : 다단주파수14 (FF14) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1015 : 다단주파수15 (FF15) :? ( -650 ~ +650 Hz ) - P1300 : 출력사양선택 : 1 ( FCC ) - P0005 : Display 표시선택 : 21 ( 실제주파수 ) MM440_ 사용설명서 17

18 Gana Corporation 다단 (1~15) 속도용 2 진코드표 Din1 Din2 Din3 Din4 속도설정 Parameter Off( 정지 ) P1001 FF1(1속 ) P1002 FF2(2속 ) P1003 FF3(3속 ) P1004 FF4(4속 ) P1005 FF5(5속 ) P1006 FF6(6속 ) P1007 FF7(7속 ) P1008 FF8(8속 ) P1009 FF9(9속 ) P1010 FF10(10속 ) P1011 FF11(11속 ) P1012 FF12(12속 ) P1013 FF13(13속 ) P1014 FF14(14속 ) P1015 FF15(15속 ) MM440_ 사용설명서 18

19 Parameter P0004 = 0 (no filter function) allows direct access to the parameters. For BOP and AOP depending on the selected access level P0004 = 2, P0003 = 1 Parameters level 1 concerning the inverter unit P0004 = 2, P0003 = 3, Parameters level 1, 2 and 3 concerning the inverter unit P0004 = 2 Inverter Unit P0004 = 2, P0003 = 2 Parameters level 1 and 2 concerning the inverter unit P0004 = 2, P0003 = 4 Parameters level 1, 2, 3 and 4 concerning the inverter unit P0004 = 21 Alarms, Warnings & Monitoring P0004 = 22 PI Controller P0004 = 2 Inverter Unit P0004 = 3 Motor Data P0004 = 20 Communication P0003 = 1, Access Level Standard P0004 = 4 Speed sensor xp0003 = 3, Access Level E pert P0003 = 2, Access Level Extended P0004 = 13 Motor Control P0003 = 4, Access Level Service P0004 = 5 Technology Application / units P0004 = 12 Drive Features P0004 = 10 Setpoint Channel & Ramp Generator P0004 = 8 Analogue I/O P0004 = 7 Commands and Digital I/O Parameter Overview

20 Parameter list (short form) Always Explanatory information on following table: Default: Factory setting Level: Access level DS Inverter status (Drive State), indicates the inverter state in which a parameter can be modified (see P0010). C Commissioning U Run T Ready to run QC Quick Commissioning Q Parameter can be modified in the Quick Commissioning state. 1. N Parameter cannot be modified in the Quick Commissioning state. r0000 Drive display P0003 User access level 1 1 CUT N P0004 Parameter filter 0 1 CUT N P0010 Commissioning parameter 0 1 CT N P0014[3] Store mode 0 3 UT N P0199 Equipment system number 0 2 UT N Quick Commissioning Parameter Reset P0100 Europe / North America 0 1 C Q P3900 End of quick commissioning 0 1 C Q Par.-No. Parametername Default Level DS QC P0970 Factory reset 0 1 C N Technological functions Par.-No. Parametername Default Level DS QC P0500[3] Technological application 0 3 CT Q Inverter Unit (P0004 = 2) r0018 Firmware version r0026[1] CO: Act. DC-link voltage r0039 CO: Energy consumpt. meter [kwh] P0040 Reset energy consumption meter 0 2 CT N r0037[5] CO: Inverter temperature [ C] r0070 CO: Act. DC-link voltage r0200 Act. power stack code number

21 P0201 Power stack code number 0 3 C N r0203 Act. inverter type r0204 Power stack features P0205 Inverter application 0 3 C Q r0206 Rated inverter power [kw] / [hp] r0207 Rated inverter current r0208 Rated inverter voltage r0209 Maximum inverter current P0210 Supply voltage CT N r0231[2] Max. cable length P0290 Inverter overload reaction 2 3 CT N P0292 Inverter overload warning 15 3 CUT N P1800 Pulse frequency 4 2 CUT N r1801 CO: Act. pulse frequency P1802 Modulator mode 0 3 CUT N P1820[3] Reverse output phase sequence 0 2 CT N P1911 No. of phase to be identified 3 2 CT N r1925 Identified on-state voltage r1926 Ident. gating unit dead time Motor Data (P0004 = 3) r0035[3] CO: Act. Motor temperature P0300[3] Select motor type 1 2 C Q P0304[3] Rated motor voltage C Q P0305[3] Rated motor current C Q P0307[3] Rated motor power C Q P0308[3] Rated motor cosphi C Q P0309[3] Rated motor efficiency C Q P0310[3] Rated motor frequency C Q P0311[3] Rated motor speed 0 1 C Q r0313[3] Motor pole pairs P0320[3] Motor magnetizing current CT Q r0330[3] Rated motor slip r0331[3] Rated magnetization current r0332[3] Rated power factor r0333[3] Rated motor torque P0335[3] Motor cooling 0 2 CT Q P0340[3] Calculation of motor parameters 0 2 CT N P0341[3] Motor inertia [kg*m^2] CUT N P0342[3] Total/motor inertia ratio CUT N P0344[3] Motor weight CUT N r0345[3] Motor start-up time P0346[3] Magnetization time CUT N P0347[3] Demagnetization time CUT N

22 P0350[3] Stator resistance (line-to-line) CUT N P0352[3] Cable resistance CUT N r0384[3] Rotor time constant r0395 CO: Total stator resistance [%] r0396 CO: Act. Rotor resistance P0601[3] Motor temperature sensor 0 2 CUT N P0604[3] Threshold motor temperature CUT N P0610[3] Motor I2t temperature reaction 2 3 CT N P0625[3] Ambient motor temperature CUT N P0640[3] Motor overload factor [%] CUT Q P1910 Select motor data identification 0 2 CT Q r1912[3] Identified stator resistance r1913[3] Identified rotor time constant r1914[3] Ident. Total leakage inductance r1915[3] Ident. Nom. Stator inductance r1916[3] Identified stator inductance r1917[3] Identified stator inductance r1918[3] Identified stator inductance r1919[3] Identified stator inductance r1920[3] Identified dyn. Leak. Inductance P1960 Speed control optimisation 0 3 CT Q Commands and Digital I/O (P0004 = 7) R0002 Drive state r0019 CO/BO: BOP control word r0050 CO: Active command data set r0052 CO/BO: Act. Status word r0051[2] CO: Active drive data set (DDS) r0053 CO/BO: Act. Status word r0054 CO/BO: Act. Control word r0055 CO/BO: Add. Act. Control word r0403 CO/BO: Encoder status word P0700[3] Selection of command source 2 1 CT Q P0701[3] Function of digital input CT N P0702[3] Function of digital input CT N P0703[3] Function of digital input CT N P0704[3] Function of digital input CT N P0705[3] Function of digital input CT N P0706[3] Function of digital input CT N P0707[3] Function of digital input CT N P0708[3] Function of digital input CT N r0720 Number of digital inputs r0722 CO/BO: Binary input values P0719[3] Selection of cmd. & freq. Setp. 0 3 CT N

23 P0724 Debounce time for digital inputs 3 3 CT N P0725 PNP / NPN digital inputs 1 3 CT N r0730 Number of digital outputs P0731[3] BI: Function of digital output 1 52:3 2 CUT N P0732[3] BI: Function of digital output 2 52:7 2 CUT N P0733[3] BI: Function of digital output 3 0:0 2 CUT N r0747 CO/BO: State of digital outputs P0748 Invert digital outputs 0 3 CUT N P0800[3] BI: Download parameter set 0 0 :0 3 CT N P0801[3] BI: Download parameter set 1 0 :0 3 CT N P0810 BI: CDS bit 0 (Local / Remote) 0:0 2 CUT N P0811 BI: CDS bit 1 0:0 2 CUT N P0809[3] Copy command data set (CDS) 0 2 CT N P0820 BI: DDS bit 0 0 :0 3 CT N P0821 BI: DDS bit 1 0 :0 3 CT N P0819[3] Copy drive data set (DDS) 0 2 CT N P0840[3] BI: ON/OFF1 722 :0 3 CT N P0842[3] BI: ON reverse/off1 0 :0 3 CT N P0844[3] BI: 1. OFF2 1 :0 3 CT N P0845[3] BI: 2. OFF2 19 :1 3 CT N P0848[3] BI: 1. OFF3 1 :0 3 CT N P0849[3] BI: 2. OFF3 1 :0 3 CT N P0852[3] BI: Pulse enable 1:0 3 CT N P1020[3] BI: Fixed freq. Selection Bit 0 0 :0 3 CT N P1021[3] BI: Fixed freq. Selection Bit 1 0 :0 3 CT N P1022[3] BI: Fixed freq. Selection Bit 2 0 :0 3 CT N P1023[3] BI: Fixed freq. Selection Bit :3 3 CT N P1026[3] BI: Fixed freq. Selection Bit :4 3 CT N P1028[3] BI: Fixed freq. Selection Bit :5 3 CT N P1035[3] BI: Enable MOP (UP-command) 19 :13 3 CT N P1036[3] BI: Enable MOP (DOWN-command) 19 :14 3 CT N P1055[3] BI: Enable JOG right 0 :0 3 CT N P1056[3] BI: Enable JOG left 0 :0 3 CT N P1074[3] BI: Disable additional setpoint 0:0 3 CUT N P1110[3] BI: Inhibit neg. freq. Setpoint 0 :0 3 CT N P1113[3] BI : Reverse 722 :1 3 CT N P1124[3] BI: Enable JOG ramp times 0 :0 3 CT N P1140[3] BI: RFG enable 1 :0 3 CT N P1141[3] BI: RFG start 1 :0 3 CT N P1142[3] BI: RFG enable setpoint 1 :0 3 CT N P1230[3] BI: Enable DC braking 0:0 3 CUT N P2103[3] BI: 1. Faults acknowledgement 722 :2 3 CT N P2104[3] BI: 2. Faults acknowledgement 0 :0 3 CT N P2106[3] BI : External fault 1 :0 3 CT N P2220[3] BI: Fixed PID setp. Select Bit 0 0 :0 3 CT N

24 P2221[3] BI: Fixed PID setp. Select Bit 1 0 :0 3 CT N P2222[3] BI: Fixed PID setp. Select Bit 2 0 :0 3 CT N P2223[3] BI: Fixed PID setp. Select Bit :3 3 CT N P2226[3] BI: Fixed PID setp. Select Bit :4 3 CT N P2228[3] BI: Fixed PID setp. Select Bit :5 3 CT N P2235[3] BI: Enable PID-MOP (UP-cmd) 19 :13 3 CT N P2236[3] BI: Enable PID-MOP (DOWN-cmd) 19 :14 3 CT N Analogue I/O (P0004 = 8) P0295 Inverter fan off delay time 0 3 CUT N r0750 Number of ADCs r0752[2] Act. input of ADC [V] or [ma] P0753[2] Smooth time ADC 3 3 CUT N r0754[2] Act. ADC value after scaling [%] r0755[2] CO: Act. ADC after scal. [4000h] P0756[2] Type of ADC 0 2 CT N P0757[2] Value x1 of ADC scaling [V / ma] 0 2 CUT N P0758[2] Value y1 of ADC scaling CUT N P0759[2] Value x2 of ADC scaling [V / ma] 10 2 CUT N P0760[2] Value y2 of ADC scaling CUT N P0761[2] Width of ADC deadband [V / ma] 0 2 CUT N P0762[2] Delay for loss of signal action 10 3 CUT N r0770 Number of DACs P0771[2] CI: DAC 21:0 2 CUT N P0773[2] Smooth time DAC 2 2 CUT N r0774[2] Act. DAC value [V] or [ma] P0776[2] Type of DAC 0 2 CT N P0777[2] Value x1 of DAC scaling CUT N P0778[2] Value y1 of DAC scaling 0 2 CUT N P0779[2] Value x2 of DAC scaling CUT N P0780[2] Value y2 of DAC scaling 20 2 CUT N P0781[2] Width of DAC deadband 0 2 CUT N Setpoint Channel and Ramp Generator (P0004 = 10) P1000[3] Selection of frequency setpoint 2 1 CT Q P1001[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1002[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1003[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1004[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1005[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1006[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1007[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1008[3] Fixed frequency CUT N

25 P1009[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1010[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1011[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1012[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1013[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1016 Fixed frequency mode Bit CT N P1014[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1017 Fixed frequency mode Bit CT N P1015[3] Fixed frequency CUT N P1018 Fixed frequency mode Bit CT N P1019 Fixed frequency mode Bit CT N r1024 CO: Act. Fixed frequency P1025 Fixed frequency mode Bit CT N P1027 Fixed frequency mode Bit CT N P1032 Inhibit reverse direction of MOP 1 2 CT N P1031[3] Setpoint memory of the MOP 0 2 CUT N P1040[3] Setpoint of the MOP CUT N r1050 CO: Act. Output freq. Of the MOP P1058[3] JOG frequency right CUT N P1059[3] JOG frequency left CUT N P1060[3] JOG ramp-up time CUT N P1061[3] JOG ramp-down time CUT N P1070[3] CI : Main setpoint 755:0 3 CT N P1071[3] CI : Main setpoint scaling 1:0 3 CT N P1075[3] CI : Additional setpoint 0:0 3 CT N r1078 CO: Total frequency setpoint P1076[3] CI: Additional setpoint scaling 1:0 3 CT N r1079 CO: Selected frequency setpoint P1080[3] Min. frequency CUT Q P1082[3] Max. frequency CT Q P1091[3] Skip frequency CUT N P1092[3] Skip frequency CUT N P1093[3] Skip frequency CUT N P1094[3] Skip frequency CUT N P1101[3] Skip frequency bandwidth CUT N r1114 CO: Freq. Setp. After dir. Ctrl r1119 CO: Freq. Setpoint before RFG P1120[3] Ramp-up time CUT Q P1121[3] Ramp-down time CUT Q P1130[3] Ramp-up initial rounding time CUT N P1131[3] Ramp-up final rounding time CUT N P1132[3] Ramp-down initial rounding time CUT N P1133[3] Ramp-down final rounding time CUT N P1134[3] Rounding type 0 2 CUT N P1135[3] OFF3 ramp-down time CUT Q

26 r1170 CO: Frequency setpoint after RFG P1257[3] Freq limit for kinetic buffering CUT N Drive Features (P0004 = 12) P0006 Display mode 2 3 CUT N P0007 Backlight delay time 0 3 CUT N P0005[3] Display selection 21 2 CUT N P0011 Lock for user defined parameter 0 3 CUT N P0012 Key for user defined parameter 0 3 CUT N P0013[20] User defined parameter 0 3 CUT N P1200 Flying start 0 2 CUT N P1202[3] Motor-current: Flying start CUT N r1205 Status word: Flying start SLVC P1203[3] Search rate: Flying start CUT N P1210 Automatic restart 1 2 CUT N P1211 Number of restart attempts 3 3 CUT N P1215 Holding brake enable 0 2 T N P1216 Holding brake release delay T N P1217 Holding time after ramp down T N P1232[3] DC braking current CUT N P1233[3] Duration of DC braking 0 2 CUT N P1234[3] DC braking start frequency CUT N P1237 Dynamic braking 0 2 CUT N P1236[3] Compound braking current 0 2 CUT N r1242 CO: Switch-on level of Vdc-max P1240[3] Configuration of Vdc controller 1 3 CT N P1243[3] Dynamic factor of Vdc-max CUT N P1245[3] Switch on level kin. Buffering 76 3 CUT N r1246[3] CO:Switch-on level kin buffering P1247[3] Dyn. Factor of kinetic buffering CUT N P1254 Auto detect Vdc switch-on levels 1 3 CT N P1253[3] Vdc-controller output limitation 10 3 CUT N P1256[3] Reaction of kinetic buffering 0 3 CT N Motor Control (P0004 = 13) r0020 CO: Act. frequency setpoint r0021 CO: Act. frequency r0022 Act. rotor speed r0024 CO: Act. output frequency r0025 CO: Act. output voltage r0027 CO: Act. output current r0029 CO: Flux gen. current r0030 CO: Torque gen. current

27 r0031 CO: Act. torque r0032 CO: Act. power r0038 CO: Act. power factor r0056 CO/BO: Status of motor control r0061 CO: Act. rotor speed r0062 CO: Freq. setpoint r0063 CO: Act. frequency r0064 CO: Dev. frequency controller r0065 CO: Slip frequency r0066 CO: Act. output frequency r0067 CO: Act. output current limit r0068 CO: Output current r0071 CO: Max. output voltage r0072 CO: Act. output voltage r0075 CO: Current setpoint Isd r0076 CO: Act. current Isd r0077 CO: Current setpoint Isq r0078 CO: Act. current Isq r0079 CO: Torque setpoint (total) r0086 CO: Act. active current r0090 CO: Act. rotor angle P0095[10] CI: Display PZD signals 0:0 3 CT N r0096[10] PZD signals r1084 Max. frequency setpoint P1300[3] Control mode 0 2 CT Q P1310[3] Continuous boost CUT N P1311[3] Acceleration boost CUT N P1312[3] Starting boost CUT N P1316[3] Boost end frequency CUT N P1320[3] Programmable V/f freq. coord CT N P1321[3] Programmable V/f volt. coord CUT N P1322[3] Programmable V/f freq. coord CT N P1323[3] Programmable V/f volt. coord CUT N P1324[3] Programmable V/f freq. coord CT N P1325[3] Programmable V/f volt. coord CUT N P1330[3] CI: Voltage setpoint 0:0 3 T N P1333[3] Start frequency for FCC CUT N r1337 CO: V/f slip frequency P1335[3] Slip compensation CUT N P1336[3] Slip limit CUT N P1338[3] Resonance damping gain V/f CUT N P1340[3] Imax controller prop. gain CUT N r1343 CO: Imax controller freq. output P1341[3] Imax controller integral time CUT N r1344 CO: Imax controller volt. output

28 P1345[3] Imax controller prop. gain CUT N P1346[3] Imax controller integral time CUT N P1350[3] Voltage soft start 0 3 CUT N P1400[3] Configuration of speed control 1 3 CUT N r1407 CO/BO: Status 2 of motor control r1438 CO: Freq. setpoint to controller P1452[3] Filter time for act.speed (SLVC) 4 3 CUT N P1460[3] Gain speed controller CUT N P1462[3] Integral time speed controller CUT N P1470[3] Gain speed controller (SLVC) CUT N P1472[3] Integral time n-ctrl. (SLVC) CUT N P1477[3] BI: Set integrator of n-ctrl. 0:0 3 CUT N P1478[3] CI: Set integrator value n-ctrl. 0:0 3 UT N r1482 CO: Integral output of n-ctrl r1490 CO: Droop frequency P1488[3] Droop input source 0 3 CUT N P1489[3] Droop scaling CUT N P1492[3] Enable droop 0 3 CUT N P1496[3] Scaling accel. precontrol CUT N P1499[3] Scaling accel. torque control CUT N P1500[3] Selection of torque setpoint 0 2 CT Q P1501[3] BI: Change to torque control 0:0 3 CT N P1503[3] CI: Torque setpoint 0:0 3 T N r1508 CO: Torque setpoint P1511[3] CI: Additional torque setpoint 0:0 3 T N r1515 CO: Additional torque setpoint r1518 CO: Acceleration torque P1520[3] CO: Upper torque limit CUT N P1521[3] CO: Lower torque limit CUT N P1522[3] CI: Upper torque limit 1520:0 3 T N P1523[3] CI: Lower torque limit 1521:0 3 T N r1526 CO: Upper torque limitation r1527 CO: Lower torque limitation P1525[3] Scaling lower torque limit CUT N P1530[3] Motoring power limitation CUT N P1531[3] Regenerative power limitation CUT N r1538 CO: Upper torque limit (total) r1539 CO: Lower torque limit (total) P1570[3] CO: Fixed value flux setpoint CUT N P1574[3] Dynamic voltage headroom 10 3 CUT N P1580[3] Efficiency optimization 0 2 CUT N P1582[3] Smooth time for flux setpoint 15 3 CUT N r1598 CO: Flux setpoint (total) P1596[3] Int. time field weak. controller 50 3 CUT N P1610[3] Continuous torque boost (SLVC) CUT N

29 P1611[3] Acc. torque boost (SLVC) CUT N P1740 Gain for oscillation damping CUT N r1751 Status word of motor model P1750[3] Control word of motor model 1 3 CUT N P1755[3] Start-freq. motor model (SLVC) CUT N P1756[3] Hyst.-freq. motor model (SLVC) CUT N P1758[3] T(wait) transit to feed-fwd-mode CUT N P1759[3] T(wait) for n-adaption to settle CUT N P1764[3] Kp of n-adaption (SLVC) CUT N r1770 CO: Prop. output of n-adaption r1771 CO: Int. output of n-adaption r1782 Output of Rs-adaptation P1780[3] Control word of Rs/Rr-adaption 3 3 CUT N r1787 Output of Xm-adaption P2480[3] Position mode 1 3 CT N P2481[3] Gearbox ratio input CT N P2482[3] Gearbox ratio output CT N P2484[3] No. of shaft turns = 1 Unit CUT N r2489 Act. number of shaft revolutions P2487[3] Positional error trim value CUT N P2488[3] No. final shaft turns = 1 Unit CUT N Communication (P0004 = 20) P0918 CB address 3 2 CT N P0927 Parameter changeable via 15 2 CUT N r0965 Profibus profile r0967 Control word r0968 Status word r0964[5] Firmware version data P0971 Transfer data from RAM to EEPROM 0 3 CUT N P2000[3] Reference frequency CT N P2001[3] Reference voltage CT N P2002[3] Reference current CT N P2003[3] Reference torque CT N r2004[3] Reference power P2009[2] USS normalization 0 3 CT N P2010[2] USS baudrate 6 2 CUT N P2011[2] USS address 0 2 CUT N P2012[2] USS PZD length 2 3 CUT N P2013[2] USS PKW length CUT N P2014[2] USS telegram off time 0 3 CT N r2015[8] CO: PZD from BOP link (USS) P2016[8] CI: PZD to BOP link (USS) 52:0 3 CT N r2018[8] CO: PZD from COM link (USS)

30 r2024[2] USS error-free telegrams P2019[8] CI: PZD to COM link (USS) 52:0 3 CT N r2025[2] USS rejected telegrams r2026[2] USS character frame error r2027[2] USS overrun error r2028[2] USS parity error r2029[2] USS start not identified r2030[2] USS BCC error r2032 BO: CtrlWrd1 from BOP link (USS) r2031[2] USS length error r2033 BO: CtrlWrd2 from BOP link (USS) r2036 BO: CtrlWrd1 from COM link (USS) r2037 BO: CtrlWrd2 from COM link (USS) P2040 CB telegram off time 20 3 CT N P2041[5] CB parameter 0 3 CT N r2050[8] CO: PZD from CB r2053[5] CB identification P2051[8] CI: PZD to CB 52:0 3 CT N r2054[7] CB diagnosis r2090 BO: Control word 1 from CB r2091 BO: Control word 2 from CB Alarms, Warnings and Monitoring (P0004 = 21) r0947[8] Last fault code r0948[12] Fault time r0949[8] Fault value P0952 Total number of faults 0 3 CT N P2100[3] Alarm number selection 0 3 CT N P2101[3] Stop reaction value 0 3 CT N r2110[4] Warning number P2111 Total number of warnings 0 3 CT N r2114[2] Run time counter P2115[3] AOP real time clock 0 3 CT N P2150[3] Hysteresis frequency f_hys CUT N P2151[3] CI: Monitoring speed setpoint 0:0 3 CUT N P2152[3] CI: Act. monitoring speed 0:0 3 CUT N P2153[3] Time-constant speed filter 5 2 CUT N P2155[3] Threshold frequency f_ CUT N P2156[3] Delay time of threshold freq f_ CUT N P2157[3] Threshold frequency f_ CUT N P2158[3] Delay time of threshold freq f_ CUT N P2159[3] Threshold frequency f_ CUT N P2160[3] Delay time of threshold freq f_ CUT N P2161[3] Min. threshold for freq. setp CUT N

31 P2162[3] Hysteresis freq. for overspeed CUT N P2163[3] Entry freq. for perm. deviation CUT N P2164[3] Hysteresis frequency deviation CUT N P2165[3] Delay time permitted deviation 10 2 CUT N P2166[3] Delay time ramp up completed 10 2 CUT N P2167[3] Switch-off frequency f_off CUT N P2168[3] Delay time T_off 10 3 CUT N r2169 CO: Act. filtered frequency P2170[3] Threshold current I_thresh CUT N P2171[3] Delay time current 10 3 CUT N P2172[3] Threshold DC-link voltage CUT N P2173[3] Delay time DC-link voltage 10 3 CUT N P2174[3] Torque threshold T_thresh CUT N P2176[3] Delay time for torque threshold 10 2 CUT N P2177[3] Delay time for motor is blocked 10 2 CUT N P2178[3] Delay time for motor pulled out 10 2 CUT N P2179 Current limit for no load ident CUT N P2180 Delay time for no load ident CUT N P2181[3] Belt failure detection mode 0 2 CT N P2182[3] Belt threshold frequency CUT N P2183[3] Belt threshold frequency CUT N P2184[3] Belt threshold frequency CUT N P2185[3] Upper torque threshold CUT N P2186[3] Lower torque threshold CUT N P2187[3] Upper torque threshold CUT N P2188[3] Lower torque threshold CUT N P2189[3] Upper torque threshold CUT N P2190[3] Lower torque threshold CUT N P2192[3] Time delay for belt failure 10 2 CUT N r2197 CO/BO: Monitoring word r2198 CO/BO: Monitoring word PI Controller (P0004 = 22) P2200[3] BI: Enable PID controller 0:0 2 CUT N P2201[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2202[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2203[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2204[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2205[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2206[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2207[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2208[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2209[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2210[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N

32 P2211[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2212[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2213[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2214[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2215[3] Fixed PID setpoint CUT N P2216 Fixed PID setpoint mode - Bit CT N P2217 Fixed PID setpoint mode - Bit CT N P2218 Fixed PID setpoint mode - Bit CT N P2219 Fixed PID setpoint mode - Bit CT N r2224 CO: Act. fixed PID setpoint P2225 Fixed PID setpoint mode - Bit CT N P2227 Fixed PID setpoint mode - Bit CT N P2231[3] Setpoint memory of PID-MOP 0 2 CUT N P2232 Inhibit rev. direct. of PID-MOP 1 2 CT N P2240[3] Setpoint of PID-MOP CUT N r2250 CO: Output setpoint of PID-MOP P2251 PID mode 0 3 CT N P2253[3] CI: PID setpoint 0:0 2 CUT N P2254[3] CI: PID trim source 0:0 3 CUT N P2255 PID setpoint gain factor CUT N P2256 PID trim gain factor CUT N P2257 Ramp-up time for PID setpoint CUT N P2258 Ramp-down time for PID setpoint CUT N r2260 CO: PID setpoint after PID-RFG P2261 PID setpoint filter timeconstant CUT N r2262 CO: Filtered PID setp. after RFG P2263 PID controller type 0 3 CT N P2264[3] CI: PID feedback 755:0 2 CUT N P2265 PID feedback filter timeconstant CUT N r2266 CO: PID filtered feedback P2267 Max. value for PID feedback CUT N P2268 Min. value for PID feedback CUT N P2269 Gain applied to PID feedback CUT N P2270 PID feedback function selector 0 3 CUT N P2271 PID transducer type 0 2 CUT N r2272 CO: PID scaled feedback r2273 CO: PID error P2274 PID derivative time CUT N P2280 PID proportional gain CUT N P2285 PID integral time CUT N P2291 PID output upper limit CUT N P2292 PID output lower limit CUT N P2293 Ramp-up /-down time of PID limit CUT N r2294 CO: Act. PID output P2295 Gain applied to PID output CUT N

33 P2350 PID autotune enable 0 2 CUT N P2354 PID tuning timeout length CUT N P2355 PID tuning offset CUT N P2800 Enable FFBs 0 3 CUT N P2801[17] Activate FFBs 0 3 CUT N P2802[14] Activate FFBs 0 3 CUT N P2810[2] BI: AND 1 0:0 3 CUT N r2811 BO: AND P2812[2] BI: AND 2 0:0 3 CUT N r2813 BO: AND P2814[2] BI: AND 3 0:0 3 CUT N r2815 BO: AND P2816[2] BI: OR 1 0:0 3 CUT N r2817 BO: OR P2818[2] BI: OR 2 0:0 3 CUT N r2819 BO: OR P2820[2] BI: OR 3 0:0 3 CUT N r2821 BO: OR P2822[2] BI: XOR 1 0:0 3 CUT N r2823 BO: XOR P2824[2] BI: XOR 2 0:0 3 CUT N r2825 BO: XOR P2826[2] BI: XOR 3 0:0 3 CUT N r2827 BO: XOR P2828 BI: NOT 1 0:0 3 CUT N r2829 BO: NOT P2830 BI: NOT 2 0:0 3 CUT N r2831 BO: NOT P2832 BI: NOT 3 0:0 3 CUT N r2833 BO: NOT P2834[4] BI: D-FF 1 0:0 3 CUT N r2835 BO: Q D-FF r2836 BO: NOT-Q D-FF P2837[4] BI: D-FF 2 0:0 3 CUT N r2838 BO: Q D-FF r2839 BO: NOT-Q D-FF P2840[2] BI: RS-FF 1 0:0 3 CUT N r2841 BO: Q RS-FF r2842 BO: NOT-Q RS-FF P2843[2] BI: RS-FF 2 0:0 3 CUT N r2844 BO: Q RS-FF r2845 BO: NOT-Q RS-FF P2846[2] BI: RS-FF 3 0:0 3 CUT N r2847 BO: Q RS-FF r2848 BO: NOT-Q RS-FF

34 P2849 BI: Timer 1 0:0 3 CUT N P2850 Delay time of timer CUT N P2851 Mode timer CUT N r2852 BO: Timer r2853 BO: Nout timer P2854 BI: Timer 2 0:0 3 CUT N P2855 Delay time of timer CUT N P2856 Mode timer CUT N r2857 BO: Timer r2858 BO: Nout timer P2859 BI: Timer 3 0:0 3 CUT N P2860 Delay time of timer CUT N P2861 Mode timer CUT N r2862 BO: Timer r2863 BO: Nout timer P2864 BI: Timer 4 0:0 3 CUT N P2865 Delay time of timer CUT N P2866 Mode timer CUT N r2867 BO: Timer r2868 BO: Nout timer P2869[2] CI: ADD 1 755:0 3 CUT N r2870 CO: ADD P2871[2] CI: ADD 2 755:0 3 CUT N r2872 CO: ADD P2873[2] CI: SUB 1 755:0 3 CUT N r2874 CO: SUB P2875[2] CI: SUB 2 755:0 3 CUT N r2876 CO: SUB P2877[2] CI: MUL 1 755:0 3 CUT N r2878 CO: MUL P2879[2] CI: MUL 2 755:0 3 CUT N r2880 CO: MUL P2881[2] CI: DIV 1 755:0 3 CUT N r2882 CO: DIV P2883[2] CI: DIV 2 755:0 3 CUT N r2884 CO: DIV P2885[2] CI: CMP 1 755:0 3 CUT N r2886 BO: CMP P2887[2] CI: CMP 2 755:0 3 CUT N r2888 BO: CMP P2889 CO: Fixed setpoint 1 in [%] 0 3 CUT N P2890 CO: Fixed setpoint 2 in [%] 0 3 CUT N

35 Encoder P0400[3] Select encoder type 0 2 CT N P0408[3] Encoder pulses per revolution CT N P0491[3] Reaction on speed signal loss 0 2 CT N P0492[3] Allowed speed difference CT N P0494[3] Delay speed loss reaction 10 2 CUT N

36 Command and Drive Datasets - Overview mmand Datasets (CDS) ParNr ParText 0701[3] Function of digital input [3] Function of digital input [3] Function of digital input [3] Function of digital input [3] Function of digital input [3] Function of digital input [3] Function of digital input [3] Function of digital input [3] Selection of cmd. & freq. setp. 0731[3] BI: Function of digital output [3] BI: Function of digital output [3] BI: Function of digital output [3] BI: Download parameter set [3] BI: Download parameter set [3] BI: ON/OFF1 0842[3] BI: ON reverse/off1 0844[3] BI: 1. OFF2 0845[3] BI: 2. OFF2 0848[3] BI: 1. OFF3 0849[3] BI: 2. OFF3 0852[3] BI: Pulse enable 1000[3] Selection of frequency setpoint 1020[3] BI: Fixed freq. selection Bit [3] BI: Fixed freq. selection Bit [3] BI: Fixed freq. selection Bit [3] BI: Fixed freq. selection Bit [3] BI: Fixed freq. selection Bit [3] BI: Fixed freq. selection Bit [3] BI: Enable MOP (UP-command) 1036[3] BI: Enable MOP (DOWN-command) 1055[3] BI: Enable JOG right 1056[3] BI: Enable JOG left 1070[3] CI: Main setpoint 1071[3] CI: Main setpoint scaling 1074[3] BI: Disable additional setpoint 1075[3] CI: Additional setpoint 1076[3] CI: Additional setpoint scaling 1110[3] BI: Inhibit neg. freq. setpoint 1113[3] BI: Reverse 1124[3] BI: Enable JOG ramp times 1140[3] BI: RFG enable ParNr ParText 1141[3] BI: RFG start 1142[3] BI: RFG enable setpoint 1230[3] BI: Enable DC braking 1330[3] CI: Voltage setpoint 1477[3] BI: Set integrator of n-ctrl. 1478[3] CI: Set integrator value n-ctrl. 1500[3] Selection of torque setpoint 1501[3] BI: Change to torque control 1503[3] CI: Torque setpoint 1511[3] CI: Additional torque setpoint 1522[3] CI: Upper torque limit 1523[3] CI: Lower torque limit 2103[3] BI: 1. Faults acknowledgement 2104[3] BI: 2. Faults acknowledgement 2106[3] BI: External fault 2151[3] CI: Monitoring speed setpoint 2152[3] CI: Act. monitoring speed 2200[3] BI: Enable PID controller 2220[3] BI: Fixed PID setp. select Bit [3] BI: Fixed PID setp. select Bit [3] BI: Fixed PID setp. select Bit [3] BI: Fixed PID setp. select Bit [3] BI: Fixed PID setp. select Bit [3] BI: Fixed PID setp. select Bit [3] BI: Enable PID-MOP (UP-cmd) 2236[3] BI: Enable PID-MOP (DOWN-cmd) 2253[3] CI: PID setpoint 2254[3] CI: PID trim source 2264[3] CI: PID feedback

37 Drive Datasets (DDS ParNr ParText 0035[3] CO: Act. motor temperature 0291[3] Config. of inverter protection 0300[3] Select motor type 0304[3] Rated motor voltage 0305[3] Rated motor current 0307[3] Rated motor power 0308[3] Rated motor cosphi 0309[3] Rated motor efficiency 0310[3] Rated motor frequency 0311[3] Rated motor speed 0313[3] Motor pole pairs 0314[3] Motor pole pair number 0320[3] Motor magnetizing current 0330[3] Rated motor slip 0331[3] Rated magnetization current 0332[3] Rated power factor 0333[3] Rated motor torque 0335[3] Motor cooling 0340[3] Calculation of motor parameters 0341[3] Motor inertia [kg*m^2] 0342[3] Total/motor inertia ratio 0344[3] Motor weight 0345[3] Motor start-up time 0346[3] Magnetization time 0347[3] Demagnetization time 0350[3] Stator resistance (line-to-line) 0352[3] Cable resistance 0354[3] Rotor resistance 0356[3] Stator leakage inductance 0358[3] Rotor leakage inductance 0360[3] Main inductance 0362[3] Magnetizing curve flux [3] Magnetizing curve flux [3] Magnetizing curve flux [3] Magnetizing curve flux [3] Magnetizing curve imag [3] Magnetizing curve imag [3] Magnetizing curve imag [3] Magnetizing curve imag [3] Stator resistance [%] 0372[3] Cable resistance [%] 0373[3] Rated stator resistance [%] 0374[3] Rotor resistance [%] ParNr ParText 0376[3] Rated rotor resistance [%] 0377[3] Total leakage reactance [%] 0382[3] Main reactance [%] 0384[3] Rotor time constant 0386[3] Total leakage time constant 0400[3] Select encoder type 0408[3] Encoder pulses per revolution 0491[3] Reaction on speed signal loss 0492[3] Allowed speed difference 0494[3] Delay speed loss reaction 0500[3] Technological application 0530[3] Unit for positioning signal 0531[3] Unit conversion 0601[3] Motor temperature sensor 0604[3] Threshold motor temperature 0625[3] Ambient motor temperature 0626[3] Overtemperature stator iron 0627[3] Overtemperature stator winding 0628[3] Overtemperature rotor winding 0630[3] CO: Ambient temperature 0631[3] CO: Stator iron temperature 0632[3] CO: Stator winding temperature 0633[3] CO: Rotor winding temperature 0640[3] Motor overload factor [%] 1001[3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Fixed frequency [3] Setpoint memory of the MOP 1040[3] Setpoint of the MOP 1058[3] JOG frequency right 1059[3] JOG frequency left

38 ParNr ParText 1060[3] JOG ramp-up time 1061[3] JOG ramp-down time 1080[3] Min. frequency 1082[3] Max. frequency 1091[3] Skip frequency [3] Skip frequency [3] Skip frequency [3] Skip frequency [3] Skip frequency bandwidth 1120[3] Ramp-up time 1121[3] Ramp-down time 1130[3] Ramp-up initial rounding time 1131[3] Ramp-up final rounding time 1132[3] Ramp-down initial rounding time 1133[3] Ramp-down final rounding time 1134[3] Rounding type 1135[3] OFF3 ramp-down time 1202[3] Motor-current: Flying start 1203[3] Search rate: Flying start 1232[3] DC braking current 1233[3] Duration of DC braking 1234[3] DC braking start frequency 1236[3] Compound braking current 1240[3] Configuration of Vdc controller 1243[3] Dynamic factor of Vdc-max 1245[3] Switch on level kin. buffering 1246[3] CO:Switch-on level kin buffering 1247[3] Dyn. factor of kinetic buffering 1250[3] Gain of Vdc-controller 1251[3] Integration time Vdc-controller 1252[3] Differential time Vdc-controller 1253[3] Vdc-controller output limitation 1256[3] Reaction of kinetic buffering 1257[3] Freq limit for kinetic buffering 1300[3] Control mode 1310[3] Continuous boost 1311[3] Acceleration boost 1312[3] Starting boost 1316[3] Boost end frequency 1320[3] Programmable V/f freq. coord [3] Programmable V/f volt. coord [3] Programmable V/f freq. coord [3] Programmable V/f volt. coord [3] Programmable V/f freq. coord [3] Programmable V/f volt. coord. 3 ParNr ParText 1333[3] Start frequency for FCC 1335[3] Slip compensation 1336[3] Slip limit 1338[3] Resonance damping gain V/f 1340[3] Imax controller prop. gain 1341[3] Imax controller integral time 1345[3] Imax controller prop. gain 1346[3] Imax controller integral time 1350[3] Voltage soft start 1400[3] Configuration of speed control 1442[3] Filter time for act. speed 1452[3] Filter time for act.speed (SLVC) 1460[3] Gain speed controller 1462[3] Integral time speed controller 1470[3] Gain speed controller (SLVC) 1472[3] Integral time n-ctrl. (SLVC) 1488[3] Droop input source 1489[3] Droop scaling 1492[3] Enable droop 1496[3] Scaling accel. precontrol 1499[3] Scaling accel. torque control 1520[3] CO: Upper torque limit 1521[3] CO: Lower torque limit 1525[3] Scaling lower torque limit 1530[3] Motoring power limitation 1531[3] Regenerative power limitation 1570[3] CO: Fixed value flux setpoint 1574[3] Dynamic voltage headroom 1580[3] Efficiency optimization 1582[3] Smooth time for flux setpoint 1596[3] Int. time field weak. controller 1610[3] Continuous torque boost (SLVC) 1611[3] Acc. torque boost (SLVC) 1654[3] Smooth time for Isq setpoint 1715[3] Gain current controller 1717[3] Integral time current controller 1750[3] Control word of motor model 1755[3] Start-freq. motor model (SLVC) 1756[3] Hyst.-freq. motor model (SLVC) 1758[3] T(wait) transit to feed-fwd-mode 1759[3] T(wait) for n-adaption to settle 1764[3] Kp of n-adaption (SLVC) 1767[3] Tn of n-adaption (SLVC) 1780[3] Control word of Rs/Rr-adaption 1781[3] Tn of Rs-adaption

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