CPX-E-EC_BES_C_ _ k1

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1 CPX-E CPX-E-EC EtherCAT [ ]

2 CPX-E-EC CPX-E-EC-KO EtherCAT, TwinCAT (). :, 2 Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

3 CPX-E-EC (Auto-MDI/MDI-X) Distributed Clocks LED I/O EtherCAT SDO Emergency Message (Modular Device Profile) A B Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

4 CPX-E (CPX-E-SYS) CPX-E (CPX-E-SYS) CPX-E-EC(CPX-E-EC) CPX-E Tab. 1.1 CPX-E CPX-E, EtherCAT : CPX-E-EC Tab. 1.2 CPX-E-EC 1 Festo. Festo Support Portal Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

5 Data Matrix Code Festo Support Portal. ( 11- ) Support Portal. 1 2 / 3 4 Data Matrix Code 5 6 / Fig EN 60529: IEC 61784: EN : IEC 61918: EN : IEEE 802.3: IEC : ISO/IEC : IEC 61158: NE 21: Tab. 1.3 Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

6 EtherCAT CPX-E. IEEE Ethernet. Ethernet (RJ45). EtherCAT (0 4095) DIL Hot Connect ( ) CPX-E. Ethernet over EtherCAT(EoE),. IP. : PC IP (z. B ) PC IP (: ) IP (: ; ). Ethernet over EtherCAT(EoE) IP IP. (: ; ). Windows cmd.exe : route add mask (ESI ). CPX-E (: Beckhoff TwinCAT). Festo Support Portal (Auto-MDI/MDI-X) (Auto-MDI/MDI-X) Distributed Clocks EtherCAT Distributed Clocks.. CPX-E Distributed Clocks : CPX-E-16DI(-P) CPX-E-8DO(-P) CPX-E-1CI 6 Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

7 LED 2 DIL 3 U EL/SEN [XD] 4 5 [OUT] 6 7 [IN] Fig LED : EtherCAT [Run] (, ) EtherCAT [Error](, ) [LA IN]/[LA OUT]() 2 LED : U EL/SEN [PS]() U OUT [PL]() [SF]() Force mode [M]() Fig Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

8 /DIL 3 EtherCAT Explicit Device ID = EtherCAT, Explicit Device ID (1 h fff h ) = 0 EtherCAT ( ). : 0 DIL Tab Tab. 2.1 DIL DIL 1: OFF DIL 2: OFF 1) DIL 1: OFF DIL 2: ON DIL 1: ON DIL 2: OFF I/O DIL 1: ON DIL 2: ON 2) 1) 2) Festo Field Device Tool(FFT). Tab. 2.2 DIL. 8 Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

9 [IN], [OUT] 1) Tab TD+ + 2 TD 3 RD+ + 4 n.c. 5 n.c. 6 RD 7 n.c. 8 n.c. 1) [XD] 1) V DC U EL/SEN V DC U EL/SEN 1) XD.0 XD.1, XD.2 XD.3. Tab Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

10 2 2.2 CPX-E CPX-E. CPX-E. CPX-E ( ). CPX-E 10 I/O +. CPX-E. CPX-E I/O I/O 0, (8 ). I/O I/O CPX-E-EP( ) I/O 2 CPX-E-16DI 3 CPX-E-8DO 4 CPX-E-8DO 5 CPX-E-4AI-U-I 6 CPX-E-4AO-U-I : Fig CPX-E Tab CPX-E-EP( ) E0 E15 1 CPX-E-16DI E16 E31 2 CPX-E-8DO A0 A7 3 CPX-E-8DO A8 A15 4 CPX-E-4AI-U-I E32 E95 5 CPX-E-4AO-U-I A16 A79 Tab Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

11 2 2.4 CPX-E. LED LED. LED... I/O I/O CPX-E. Festo PC. EtherCAT EtherCAT.. Tab. 2.6 CPX-E CPX-E CPX-E-PN CPX-E CPX-E 2.5 Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

12 LED LED. LED CPX-E 1.1. [LA IN], [LA OUT] LED () () 1) off. 1).. Tab. 2.7 EtherCAT [Run] LED (, ) 1) Operational Pre-operational EtherCAT. Safe-operational ( ).. Bootstrap. Bootloader off Init. 1) Single Flash: (1x,, 1x ) Tab Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

13 2 EtherCAT [Error] LED (, ) 1) 2) (Application Controller Failure) : Application Controller ESC Watchdog Timeout (Invalid Configuration). : / EtherCAT (Unsolicited State Change) Operational Safe-operational. Sync Manager Watchdog Timeout Festo 3) (Booting Error) Application Controller Flash () Bootloader off 1) Single Flash: (1x,, 1x ) 2) Double Flash: (2x,, 2x ) 3) Tripple Flash: (3x,, 3x ) Tab. 2.9 Festo CPX-E-EC-KO


15 2 2.5 EtherCAT EtherCAT DIL. CPX-E I/O SDO SDO. 3.1 (Modular Device Profile) x10F3 64. (,, ). ESI. 0x10F3 (hex) 1) 0x10F3 0 Diagnosis History U8 RO 1 Maximum Messages U8 64 RO 2 Newest Message U8 RO 3 Newest Acknowledged Message U8 RW 4 New Message Available BOOL RO P 5 Flags U16 0x0000 RW 6 70 Subindex BYTE [23] RO 1) RO = read only; RW = read/write; RO P = read only(pdo mappable) Tab : E F C5 9D ) (hex) 1 Diag Code E1 CPX-E (2 = ) 2) E1 = CPX-E E8 = DS401 Error Code 2 Flags (2) 2(Error Message) 3 Text-ID ESI (<TextId>#x3702) 4 Time Stamp 1F C5 9D DC ( ) 5 Flags Parameter (UNSIGNED8) CPX 7 Flags Parameter (UNSIGNED8) h ( 128 d ) 1) ETG ) CPX-E Tab Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

16 2 Text-IDs 3700 h 37FF h CPX (0 255). CPX-E 1.1. ESI CPX Text-ID EtherCAT Text-ID. ESI EtherCAT Text-ID Text-ID(hex) () () 3800 Ident check failed for configured module xF030 Ident check skiped PLC has not written to Object 0xF F ( ) Calculate bus cycle time failed(local timer too slow) 0011 Sync Manager Sync Manager invalid address 0012 Sync Manager I/O Sync Manager invalid size 0013 Sync Manager Sync Manager invalid settings Tab (80). 2: Overwrite : 64. Acknowledge : x10F3(Subindex 5, Bit 4). 4 Overwrite 0 Acknowledge 1 Tab New Message Available. New Message Available. Emergency Message / Emergency Message( Emergency Message) 0x10F3( 5, 0). Emergency Message Tab Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

17 Emergency Message CPX-E Emergency Message : Emergency Message Error Code 1) 1) DS301/DS401 2) Tab Error Register CPX-E CPX-E Index 1001 Index 1002(Manufacturer Status Register) 2) Emergency Message Error Code( 1, 0) Load dump() (, 128) Tab Emergency Message Error Register( 2) 0 Generic Error 1 Current SCS( /) SCO( /) 2 Voltage (U OUT ) 3 4 Communication Error Node guard, Heart beat, Manufacturer specific, Tab Emergency Message ( 3) / 6 7 Tab Emergency Message CPX-E ( 4) 0 7 CPX-E Tab ) Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

18 2 Emergency Message CPX-E ( 5) 0 7 CPX-E CPX-E 1) 1) CPX-E Tab Emergency Message ( 7) 0 7 : Heart beat error(?) ID Tab Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

19 3 3 CPX-E Festo. : ( ) CPX-E (Modular Device Profile). 3.1 (Modular Device Profile) (Modular Device Profile) (hex) 1) 0x Device Type U32 0x RO 0x Error Register U8 RO 0x Device Name String CPX-E-EC RO 0x Hardware Version String RO 0x100A 0 Software Version String RO 0x Identify U8 4 RO 1 Vendor ID U32 0x D RO 2 Product Code U32 RO 3 Revision U32 RO 4 Serial Number U32 RO 0x10F1 0 Error Settings U8 2 RO 1 Local Error Reaction U32 RO 2 Sync Error Counter Limit U32 RO 0x10F3 0 Diagnosis History U8 RO 1 Maximum Messages U8 64 RO 2 Newest Message U8 RO 3 Newest Acknowledged Message U8 RW 4 New Message Available BOOL RO P 5 Flags U16 0x0000 RW 6 26 Subindex BYTE[23] RO 0x16xx 0 Module xx RxPDO U8 yy RO yy Output Mapping yy U32 0x70xx:yy,s RW 0x1Axx 0 Module xx TxPDO U8 yy RO yy Input Mapping yy U32 0x60xx:yy,s RW 0x1A40 0 Diag History TxPDO U8 1 RO 1 Input Mapping 01 U32 0x10F3:00,1 RW 0x20xx 0 Module Parameter Module xx U8 xy RO yy Parameter yy? 2) 0x21xx 0 Failsafe Values Module xx U8 xy RO yy Channel yy? RW 1) RO = read only, RO P = read only(pdo mappable), RW = read/write, RW P = read/write(pdo mappable) 2) 3) IO-Link CPX-E-4IOL- Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

20 3 (Modular Device Profile) (hex) 1) 0x22xx 3) 0 ISDU Access Module xx U8 7 RO 1 Direction(0 = Read, 1 = Write) U8 RW 2 Channel(Start at 0) U8 RW 3 ISDU Index From IO-Link Device U16 RW 4 ISDU Subindex From IO-Link Device U8 RW 5 ISDU Error U16 RW 6 Length Of Data U8 RW 7 Data ARRAY OF RW BYTE 0x Global CPX Settings U8 8 RO 1 Filter Alarm V OUT /V SEN U8 0x00 RW 2 Monitor SCS BOOL TRUE RW 3 Monitor SCO BOOL TRUE RW 4 Monitor V OUT BOOL TRUE RW 5 Monitor V VEN BOOL TRUE RW 6 Monitor SCV BOOL TRUE RW 7 Fail safe U8 0x00 RW 8 System Start U8 0x00 RW 0x Diagnosis History Filter No Error U8 RW 0x Generic Terminal Information U8 3 RO 1 Modules Count U8 xx RO 2 Input Length U8 xx RO 3 Output Length U8 xx RO 0x Build Hash STRING RO 0x Unique ID STRING RO 0x60xx 0 Module Inputs U8 xx RO yy Input yy? RO P 0x70xx 0 Module Outputs U8 xx RO yy Output yy? RW P 0xF000 0 Modular Device Profile U8 2 RO 1 Index Distance U8 1 RO 2 Maximum Number Of Modules U16 48 RO 0xF050 0 Detected Module List U RO 1 Subindex 001 U32 RO U32 RO 48 Subindex 048 U32 RO 1) RO = read only, RO P = read only(pdo mappable), RW = read/write, RW P = read/write(pdo mappable) 2) 3) IO-Link CPX-E-4IOL- Tab Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

21 A A / CPX-E CPX-E 1.1 ( x x ) [mm] x 37.8 x ) [g] 145 / [ C] ( 5 +50) 2) [ C] () [%] 0 95 (/) [] / [] 16 3) / I/O [] 16/16 / (CPX-E ) 222/37 E-EC EN IP20 (IEC PELV(Protected extra-low voltage) ) EN /-4 NE 21 1) 2) 3) 8 ( 8 ) 2. Tab. A.1 / / (U EL/SEN ) [V DC] 24 ± 25% U EL/SEN 24V [ma] V U EL/SEN 0 V U EL/SEN [ms] 20 Tab. A.2 / EtherCAT 1) 2) IEC 61158, IEC 61784, IEC 61918, ISO/IEC [MBit/s] 100 Auto-MDI/MDI-X [m] 100 Ethernet, Cat 5 [mm] 6 8 [mm²] ; 22AWG 3) 1) Ethernet IEEE 802.3,, 2) EtherCAT 3) Tab. A.3 Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

22 B B / CPX-E CPX-E DIL ESI Ethernet I/O I/O I/O Tab. B.1 CPX-E. CPX-E. (Dual-In-Line). EtherCAT (EtherCAT ) CPX-E. CPX-E I/O. /. CPX-E CPX-E.. CPX-E. CPX-E ( ). 22 Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

23 CPX-E-EC D Distributed Clocks, 6 E Emergency Message, 17 ESI, 6 EtherCAT, 13 EtherCAT, 12 EtherCAT, 15 Emergency Message, 17 SDO, 15, 15 I I/O, 14 L LED, 12 EtherCAT, 13 EtherCAT, 12, 12 M Modular Device Profile, 19 S SDO, 15, 19 (Auto-MDI/MDI-X), 6, 21, 14, 22, 12, 22, 6, 6, 4, 5, 4, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11 EtherCAT, 15 I/O, 14 LED, 12, 14, 15, 4 Festo CPX-E-EC-KO

24 Copyright: Festo AG & Co. KG Ruiter Straße Esslingen Phone: Fax: ,,..,,. Internet:


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