1 : MPEG-DASH MMT (MinKyu Park et al.: MMT-based Broadcasting Services Combined with MPEG-DASH) (Regular Paper) 20 2, (JBE Vol. 20, No. 2, Marc

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1 (Regular Paper) 20 2, (JBE Vol. 20, No. 2, March 2015) ISSN (Online) ISSN (Print) MPEG-DASH MMT a), a) MMT-based Broadcasting Services Combined with MPEG-DASH MinKyu Park a) and Yong Han Kim a) MMT(MPEG Media Transport) MPEG-DASH(Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP). MMT IP. MPEG-DASH,., MMT MPEG-DASH. MMT PC. Abstract In this paper, we propose new broadcasting services that combine MMT (MPEG Media Transport) standard with MPEG-DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) standard. MMT is a next-generation multimedia transport standard that is IP-friendly and provides functionalities appropriate for hybrid broadcasting that uses broadcast physical channels and the Internet simultaneously. MPEG-DASH enables media streaming services that can be dynamically adaptive both to the network traffic conditions of wired and/or wireless Internet and the receiving entity environment. We explain the scenarios of the proposed broadcasting services and demonstrate that various hybrid broadcasting services can be easily realized through the combined usage of MMT and MPEG-DASH. By making the test bitstreams containing contents for the new services and developing the receiver back-end software that performs the function of the receiving entity for the new services on personal computers, we verified that the proposed scenarios can be realized. Keyword : MMT, Hybrid Broadcasting, MPEG-DASH, MPU mode, GFD mode. a) (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering) Corresponding Author : (Yong Han Kim) yhkim@uos.ac.kr Tel: ORCID: Manuscript received January 12, 2015; revised February 24, 2015; accepted February 24, I. MPEG-DASH(Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP) [1][2] MMT(MPEG Media Transport) [3]-[8]. MMT IP

2 (JBE Vol. 20, No. 2, March 2015) (hybrid) MPEG-2 TS (Transport Stream) [9] UHDTV(Ultra HDTV). MPEG-DASH RTP [10]. HTML5 MPEG-DASH MPEG-DASH MPEG- DASH. MPEG-DASH MMT MMT MPEG-DASH. MMT MPEG-DASH. (event)., 3...,,. MMT,, MPEG-DASH, MPEG-DASH MPD(Media Presentation Description) URL, MPEG-DASH.,... MMT 2 MPEG-DASH (main). 2 MPEG-DASH, MPEG-DASH MPD URL MMT, 2..,., MPEG-DASH MPD URL,. MPEG-DASH MMT,

3 (back-end) (SW) (PC). MMT.. MMT,,, V MMT, SW, SW,.. MMT MMT MPEG(Moving Picture Experts Group) MPEG-2 TS (ISO/IEC ) [9]. MPEG-2 TS 20 MPEG-2 TS IP. MMT IP,,. MMT ISO/IEC ISO MPEG-H, 2014 ISO/IEC [3], 10 [4], 11 [5], 13 [6]. MPEG MMT MPEG-2 UHDTV ARIB MMT [11], ATSC ATSC3.0 MMT. MMT (Media Processing Unit, MPU) (encapsulation),,.,,. < 1> MMT 1. MMT Fig. 1. Relationship among the MMT functional areas used in this paper

4 (JBE Vol. 20, No. 2, March 2015). MMT MPU. MPU (timed) (non-timed), mpuf (brand) ISO (ISO Base Media File Format, ISOBMFF) [12]..,. MMTP(MMT Protocol). MMTP MMTP, MMTP (payload),. RTP (RTP payload format), MMTP.. MMTP. ISOBMFF, MPU. GFD(Generic File Delivery). MMTP GFD MPEG-DASH, (push). MMT, BIFS, LaSer, HTML5 MPEG CI(Composition Information) [5]. HTML5 MMT 2. MPEG CI HTML5 Fig. 2. Structure of an MPEG CI document and the relationship between the related HTML5 document

5 . HTML5,. HTML5, MMT HTML5 MPEG CI XML. MPEG CI HTML5 (, ). MPEG CI, (user interaction). MPEG CI 2. < 2> MPEG CI HTML5. HTML5 (media component), MPEG CI. MPEG CI (root element) CI, view MediaSync. view, MediaSync., HTML5 div. MPEG CI view HTML5 div area. area refdiv (attribute) div id area div. MediaSync refid video, audio, img, object HTML5 id MediaSync. MMT HTML5. DOM (DOM tree). MPEG CI div HTML5. HTML5 div, MPEG CI view area div. HTML5 div, MPEG CI. MMT (asset) HTML5 src URL. HTML5 MMT, MMT MMT MMT (asset ID) URL. MMT... 1,. < 3> A. A MPEG-DASH

6 (JBE Vol. 20, No. 2, March 2015) 3. 1 Fig. 3. Scenario 1. (seamless)., DMB, MPEG-DASH (simulcast). 1 < 4>. View1 A, View2 Area2 ( ). View Fig. 4. Scene transition in Scenario 1

7 5. 2 Fig. 5. Scenario 2 10 View1 ( ). View2 Area2 View3 ( ). View3 Video2 MPEG-DASH MPD URL MPEG-DASH. Video2 MPEG-DASH View3. B View3 Area3Close View1 ( ) < 5> (Program A) MPU, (Program B) GFD MPEG-DASH MPEG-DASH. MPU, MPEG-DASH MPEG- DASH GFD. GFD, MPEG-DASH (pull). < 6> Fig. 6. A scene in Scenario 2

8 (JBE Vol. 20, No. 2, March 2015) 7. 2 Fig. 7. Scene transition in Scenario 2,. (seamless). 2 < 7>. View1 View2 ( ). View2 1 View2 10 View1 ( ). View2 Area2 View3 ( ). View3 Area3 GFD MPEG-DASH. View3, View1 View3 Area3 ( ). Area3 MPEG-DASH Area3, View4 ( ). Area4 Video3 MPEG-DASH 1. View4 View1 ( ). < 8> 1 2. < 8> 2. MPEG-DASH ISOBMFF MPEG-2 TS. 2, GFD MPEG-DASH., GFD MPEG-2 TS, ISOBMFF

9 Fig. 8. The structure of the broadcast entity for Scenario 1 & 2.. MPEG-DASH MMT MMT.. MMT (Package Access, PA), (Media Presentation Information, MPI), MMT (MMT Package Table, MPT), (Clock Relation Information, CRI), (Device Capability Information, DCI). CRI CRI NTP(Network Time Protocol) MPEG-2 (System Time Clock, STC), MPEG-2 (elementary stream) MMT. CI, PA MMT,. PA PA, MPI, MP (MPT), DCI. PA 0.5. HTML5 MPEG CI MPI PI_content_byte XML XML. MPI PI_content_type HTML5

10 (JBE Vol. 20, No. 2, March 2015) application/html, MPEG CI application/ mmt+ xml. 2 MPEG- DASH GFD MPEG-DASH MPD, MPI PI_content_type application/dash+xml. GFD MPD (representation),. MPD. GFD MPD. GFD MPEG-DASH MPEG CI, MPI MPD (descriptor syntax loop) asset_id. MMT. GFD MPEG-DASH. GFD MPD GFD. MPT. 1 MPEG-DASH MPD MPT. MPT (asset_type) (MMT_general_location_info) MPT. MMT MP4 (MP4 Registration Authority) [13] MPEG 4CC(4 character code). MMT MPU ISOBMFF, MPU, ISOBMFF (track) 4CC MMT,. MPEG-DASH MPD, XML MPU ISOBMFF. 4CC. MPEG-DASH MPD $20$20$20$20 ( $20 (space) ). 4 MPU.. MPEG-DASH MPD HTTP URL. URL MPD MPD, MPT, MPT MPD. MMT,., MPD., ARIB [11] MP4 4CC MPT MPD., mpd$20., 4CC. 2 GFD MPEG-DASH MPT. MPEG-DASH MPD MPT, 1. GFD GFD (packet_id), $20$20$20$20. GFD MPEG-2 TS MPEG-DASH ISOBMFF.. GFD MPEG-

11 DASH MPD MPI, MPI MPT MPEG-DASH MPD MPEG-DASH GFD. GFD MPD URL + 0, GFD URL URL. GFD MPEG-DASH,. 2, (wall-clock)., MPI MPD, presentation_timestamp, MPD. 1 2 MMT MMTP. < 9> MMTP MMT. HTML5, MPEG CI,, MMTP MMTP. (on-air), MMTP SW (emulation). 1 2 MPU GFD MPEG-DASH HDTV. MPEG-2 TS FFMPEG [14]. < 1> 1 2 MPU 9. MMTP Fig. 9. Screen capture of the MMTP packet stream authoring tool

12 (JBE Vol. 20, No. 2, March 2015). 2 GFD MPEG-DASH < 2>, MPEG-2 TS MPEG-2 TS MPEG-DASH MPU Table 1. Encoding method for the assets delivered through MPU mode in Scenario 1 and 2 Encoding standard Video H.264/AVC Audio AAC Encoding tool FFMPEG libx264 FFMPEG libvo_aacenc Parameters Resolution: 1,920x1,080 Profile: Main Profile@Level 4.1 IDR period: 15 frames Sampling period: 48 khz Number of channels: 2 Bitrate 5 Mbps 192 kbps 2. 2 GFD Table 2. Encoding method for the assets delivered through GFD mode in Scenario 2 Encoding standard Video H.264/AVC Audio AAC Encoding tool FFMPEG libx264 FFMPEG libvo_aacenc Parameters Resolution: 352x288 Profile: Baseline Profile@Level 1.3 IDR period: 30 frames Sampling period: 48 khz Number of channels: 2 Bitrate 0.5 Mbps 96 kbps MMT MMTP 450, MMTP 6.5 Mbps., GFD MMTP,. MMTP SW. 1 2 MPEG-DASH < 3>. MPEG-DASH HDTV < 3> GPAC [15] MP4Box ISOBMFF MPEG-DASH Table 3. Encoding method for the MPEG-DASH contents delivered through the Internet in Scenario 1 and 2 Encoding standard Video H.264/AVC Audio MPEG-4 Audio (Low-Complexity AAC) Encoding tool FFMPEG libx264 FFMPEG libvo_aacenc Container tool Parameters Segment duration Profile: High GPAC MP4Box Sampling period: 44.1 khz Number of channels: 2 5 seconds 5 seconds 1 2 MPEG-DASH 3, < 4> MPEG-DASH 3 Table 4. Encoding parameters for the 3 representations in the MPEG- DASH contents delivered through the Internet in Scenario 1 and 2 Representations Parameters Video Audio Representation 1 Representation 2 Representation 3 Encoding options Resolution: 320x180 Level: 1.3 Bitrate 330 kbps 48 kbps Encoding options Resolution: 640x360 Level: 3.0 Bitrate 1 Mbps 96 kbps Encoding options Resolution: 1,280x720 Level: 3.1 Bitrate 2.6 Mbps 128 kbps 1 2 MPEG-DASH, 3 MPEG-DASH MPD.

13 . MPEG-DASH MMT SW MPEG-DASH MMT MMT SW. Windows 7 64, Windows Visual Studio 2010, C++. FFMPEG, OpenGL [16]. < 10> MMT SW. < 10>. 1. MMTP (MMTP Demuxer) MMTP MMT, MPU, GFD. MMTP MPI MPT CI. MPU GFD MPU (Parser) GFD. 2. CI (CI Engine) MMTP, MPI (HTML5, MPEG CI ). HTML5 MPEG CI MPT MMT. HTML5 MMT MPEG-DASH MPD, MPEG-DASH (Download Controller). MPT MMT MPD URL MPEG-DASH. HTML5 MMT GFD MPEG- DASH MPI MPD GFD MPEG-DASH. HTML5 MMT MPU 10. MMT SW Fig. 10. The structure of the MMT receiving SW

14 (JBE Vol. 20, No. 2, March 2015), MMTP MPU. 3. MPEG-DASH (Download Controller). < 11> < 12> III 1 MMT SW MPEG-DASH. CI MPEG- DASH MPD HTTP MPD. MPD, MPEG-DASH. MPEG-DASH (container) ISOBMFF, MPEG-2 TS, WebM, MMT ISOBMFF MPEG-2 TS. ISOBMFF MPEG-2 TS. MPEG-DASH ISOBMFF. 4. (Presentation) CI HTML5. HTML5 (element), MMT HTML5 (style),.. MPEG-DASH MMT SW < 11> < 12>. (front-end), MMTP MMT SW, MPEG-DASH SW Fig. 11. Screen capture for the scenes changing in time in Scenario 1

15 . < 11> MPU,.. < 12> MPU,,, GFD.. < 11> < 12>, MPEG- DASH MMT SW 1 2. MMT MPEG-DASH SW Fig. 12. Screen capture for the scenes changing in time in Scenario 2

16 (JBE Vol. 20, No. 2, March 2015),.. MPEG-DASH. (jitter) MPEG-DASH,. MPEG-DASH 10. MPEG-DASH 10 3,, , 1...., MPEG-DASH., MPD,,,., MPEG- DASH,.. MMT, MPEG-DASH., SW. MMT. HDTV UHDTV. 2,, UHDTV. UHDTV MMT,., MMT MPEG-DASH. (References) [1] ISO/IEC :2014 (Second edition), Information technology Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) Part 1: Media presentation description and segment formats, [2] I. Sodagar, The MPEG-DASH standard, IEEE Multimedia, vol. 18, no. 4, pp , Oct [3] ISO/IEC :2014 (First edition), Information technology High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments Part 1: MPEG media transport (MMT), [4] ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 N14638, ISO/IEC FDIS Information technology High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments Part 10: MPEG Media Transport Forward Error Correction (FEC) codes, [5] ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 N14640, ISO/IEC FDIS Information technology High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments Part 11: MPEG Composition Information, [6] ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29 N14643, ISO/IEC FDTR Information technology High efficiency coding and media delivery in heterogeneous environments Part 13: MMT Implementation guidelines, [7] Y. Lim, K. Park, J. Y. Lee, S. Aoki, and G. Fernando, MMT: An emerging MPEG standard for multimedia delivery over the internet, IEEE Multimedia, vol. 20, no. 1, pp , Jan./Mar [8] Y. Lim, S. Aoki, I. Bouazizi, and J. Song, New MPEG Transport Standard for Next Generation Hybrid Broadcasting System with IP, IEEE Trans. on Broadcasting, vol. 60, no. 2, pp , June 2014.

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