hanshin cable

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1 hanshin cable

2 hanshin cable GREETING This company, HANSHIN Electric Wire & Cable Co., LTD. founded in 99 year, have manufactured many kinds of wires and cables. Since then, we have doing our heart with the motor HARMONY, COOPERATION, RESPONSIBILTY AND CREAIVE DEVELOPMENT to supply best quality products as well as to satisfy our customers, At the same time settling quality assurance system and managing quality cost in order to improve reliability of the products. We bear in mind that we should continuously insure substantiality in its own fields so as to connect national nucleus key industries. We have made our efforts sincerely and earnestly around 0 years to renovate products through research and development and to meet voluntarily various domestic and overseas requirements that are rapidly fluctuated. Beginning with bare copper wires, we have acquired about 00 KS marks and certificates of type related to the ELECTRIC Safety APPLIANCE, including insulated wires, cords, power cables. We take part in export as a consequence of acquiring the UL and ISO 900 certifications not to mention domestic demands. Either never cease our endeavor day an night in order to produce the products redeced toxingas by fire. As a result, this company is producing general flame retardant and non toxin free halogen flame retardant cable. In the st century of unlimited competition and globalization. HAN SHIN will continue to perform satisfaction of customers and safety, reliability of product. The members of HAN SHIN do their best with arduous labor. We would like to appreciate cooperation and support for property and growth of HAN SHIN. We are also looking forward to expecting that you will give us valuable advices and concern. HANSHIN will challange for the future as a leading runner in its own fields. THANK YOU HANSHIN Electric Wire & Cable Co., LTD. President

3 안녕하십니까? 99년에설립된저희한신전선은인화단결, 책임완수, 창의개발의사훈을가지고창립이래오늘에이르기까지고객에대한신용과제품의신뢰성향상을위하여전사적인품질관리의정착은물론품질보증 (Q.A) 체계의확립에서부터품질비용 (QCOST) 의관리에이르기까지고객의만족도를충족시키고최고의품질을공급하는것이고객여러분께보답하는길임을염두에두며, 고객만족의경영체제확립및국가산업의동맥을튼튼히연결하는기업으로자리매김하고있습니다. 0년간급증하는국내외의다양한수요에능동적으로대처하기위하여꾸준한연구개발을통한제품개발에노력하였습니다. 나동선류를비롯한주요절연전선, 코오드, 전력케이블에 55종의 KS표시허가및 여종의전기용품안전인증을취득하였고, UL 및 ISO 900 인증을획득하여내수는물론수출에도일익을담당하고있습니다. 또한화재시발생되는유독가스에의한인명피해를줄이기위한일환으로일반난연케이블및저독성난연케이블의생산에박차를가하여고객여러분의품질만족도를최대로끌어올리고자불철주야최선의노력을다하고있습니다. 지구촌이한가족인동시에무한경쟁시대인 세기에는전선업계의초석으로서고객의만족도및안전도, 신뢰도를최적화시키기위하여보다나은제품, 보다철저한품질체제, 보다확실한납기및서비스를통하여고객의마음에감동을남기고자, 한신가족일체가합심하여각고의노력을다할것입니다. 그동안한신전선의발전과성장을지켜보아주신여러분께진심으로감사드리며고객여러분의배전의관심과독려, 지속적인성원을부탁드립니다. 감사합니다. 이천만불수출의탑수상 대표이사 한신전선주식회사

4 hanshin cable COMPANY PROFILE Oct. 99. Founded HAN SHIN Co. LTD. Jul. 99. Acquired the certificate of type related to the electric appliance. by National Technology Qualification institution. (besides sorts, sort) total 30 kinds. Dec. 98. Acquired the certificate of Korea telecounication.(ccp cable) total kinds. Jul Acquired the authorization of expression of the Korea industrial standard.(ks mark) (besides KSC 3, 3 sorts) total 00 kinds. Apr Approved as a company for the modernize practical plans of small and medium enterprise. May Selected to be a bright prospective small and medium enterprise by the office of science and technology. May. 98. Acquired the certificate of UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) May. 98. Acquired the approval of the Korea Electric Power Corporation (KEPCo)(ACSR) total kinds. Oct. 9. Researched and developed CN/CV cable and acquired the approval of KEPCo. May. 99. Award a korea industrial decoration prize by the government. May. 99. Award the prize of achievement of Non Calamity target. Jul. 99. Acquired the certificate of ISO 900. Mar. 99. Selected to be a bright prospective small and medium enterprise by the GYUNGKI province governor. May. 99. Established Laboratory as a subsidiary of HAN SHIN. Nov. 99. Acquired the certificate of type related to the electric appliance(nfr) by National Technology Qualification Institution. Mar Acquired the approval of the KEPCO (.9kV CN/CVW) Sep.. Acquired the approval of the KEPCO (.9kV CNCVW) Apr.. Acquired the certificate of type related to be electric safety appliance (00V TFRCV) May. 3. Acquired the certificate of ISO 900:0 (KETI) Jun. 3. Acquired the certificate of type related to be electric safety appliance (00V TFR8) Oct. 3. Acquired the certificate of type related to be electric safety appliance (00V TFRGV) Jul.. Acquired the approval of the KEPCO (.9kV TR CNCVW) Dec.. Acquired the certificate of type related to be electric safety appliance (0./kV FRCVVS) Sep.. Acquired the approval of the KEPCO (.9kV TR CNCEW) Oct.. Acquired the certificate of Organization (/kv TFRCV, 0./kV TFRCV. TFRGV) Dec. 8. Award the prize of Export Tower of Ten Million $ Jan. 9. Award the Certificate of Appreciation by UNICEF Dec. 9. Selected as a export assistance good supplier company by the KEPCO Jan. 0. Selected as a environmental management selfinspection company by Gyeonggido Mar. 0. Acquired the certificate of ISO 900:8 (KETI) Mar. 0. Acquired the certificate of type related to be electric safety appliance(00v HFCO) Oct. 0. Acquired the approval of the KEPCO (.9kV TR CNCEW/AL) Mar. 0. Acquired the certificate of type related to be electric safety appliance(/v HFIX) Feb. 03. Acquired the authorization of expression of the Korea industrial standard.(ks mark) (0./kV HFCO, HFCCO, /kv HFCO, /V HFIX) Jul. 03. Acquired the approval of the KEPCO (.9kV FR CNCOW/AL) Jul. 03. Acquired the certificate of Korea ECOLABEL (/kv HFCO, etc.) Sep. 03. Selected as a export assistance KEPCO Trusted Partner company by the KEPCO Dec. 03. Award the prize of Export Tower of Twenty Million $ Oct. 0. Acquired the certificate of type related to be electric safty appliance (0./kV TFRCV/AL) Mar. 05. Acquired the approval of the KEPCO (.9kV TR CNCEW, 00 ) 회사창립 전기용품형식승인획득 ( 전 3389 외 종 ) 외총 8 종추가획득 98.. 한국통신규격획득 (CCP 케이블외총 규격 ) KS 표시허가획득 (KSC 3 외 3 종 ) 외 5 종추가획득 중소기업진흥공단근대화실천계획업체승인 유망중소기업체선정 ( 과학기술처 ) UL 승인획득 한국전력승인획득 (ACSR), 외 종추가획득 9.. CN/CV 케이블국산화개발및한국전력승인획득 대한민국산업포장수상, 무재해 배목표달성상수상 99.. ISO 900 인증획득 유망중소기업체선정 ( 경기도지사 ) 한신전선 ( 주 ) 기업부설연구소설립 99.. 전기용품형식승인획득 ( 저독난연폴리올레핀케이블 ) CN/CVW 케이블한전승인획득. 9..9kV CNCVW 한전승인획득 ( 통합사양 ) V 트레이용난연성전력케이블 (TFRCV) 전기용품안전인증획득 ISO 900:0 인증획득 (KETI) V 트레이용소방용전선 (TFR8) 전기용품안전인증획득 V 트레이용접지전선 (TFRGV) 전기용품안전인증획득...9kV 트리억제형전력케이블 (TR CNCVW) 한전승인획득.. 0./kV 트레이용난연성제어케이블 (0./kV FRCVVS) 전기용품안전인증획득. 9..9kV 수트리억제충실전력케이블 (TR CNCEW) 한전승인획득.. /kv 난연성전력케이블 (/kv TFRCV) 외 종단체인증획득 8.. 천만불수출의탑 수상및지식경제부장관표창장수상 9.. 유니세프 (UNICEF) 감사장수상 9.. 한국전력수출지원 Good Supplier 업체선정 0.. 경기도지정환경관리자율점검업체선정 ISO 900:8 인증획득 (KETI), 00V 저독성난연전력케이블 (HFCO) 전기용품안전인증획득 0...9KV 수트리억제충실알루미늄전력케이블 (TR CNCEW/AL) 한전승인획득 /V 저독성난연가교폴리올레핀절연전선 (HFIX) 전기용품안전인증획득 03.. / HFIX, 0./kV HFCO, HFCCO, /kv HFCO, KS 표시허가획득 (KSC 33, KSC IEC0) kV 수트리억제난연알루미늄전력케이블 (FR CNCOW/AL) 한전승인획득 03.. 저독성난연케이블및절연전선환경표지인증획득 ( 한국환경산업기술원 ) 한국전력수출지원 KEPCO Trusted Partner 업체선정 03.. 이천만불수출의탑 수상 V 트레이용난연성알루미늄전력케이블 (TFR CV/AL) 전기용품안전인증획득 kV 수트리억제형충실전력케이블 (TR CNCEW, 00 ) 한전승인획득

5 CONTENTS 나동선 (Bare Copper Wire) 5 전기용연동선 A KSC 3 Annealed copper wire for electric purpose 전기용경동선 H KSC 3 Hard drawn copper wire for electric purpose 등급 ( 단심및다심케이블용단선 ) 전기용연동연선 AS KSC 33 Annealed copper stranded wire for electric purpose 등급 ( 단심및다심케이블용연선 ) 8 전기용경동연선 HS KSC 3 Hard drawn copper stranded wire for electric purpose 알루미늄선 (Aluminum Wire) 전기용경알루미늄선 HAL KSC 3 Hard drawn aluminum wire for electric purpose. 전기용경알루미늄연선 HSAL KSC 3 Hard drawn aluminum stranded wire for electric purpose. 강심알루미늄연선 ACSR KSC 33 Aluminum stranded conductor steel reinforced Cardinal PS 알루미늄피복강심알루미늄연선 ACSR/AW PS 33~30 Aluminum stranded clad (PS33~30) steel wire 알루미늄피복강심가교폴리에틸렌절연전선 ACSR/AW OC ES 9~9 Aluminum conductor steel reinforced aluminum clad steel wire outdoor crosslinked PE insulated wire ( 특 ) 고압강심알루미늄도체가교폴리에틸렌절연전선 ACSROC ES 0 Aluminum conductor steel reinforced outdoor XLPE insulated wire 코드 (Cords) 비닐코드 PVC Cords KSC IEC05 절연전선 (Insulated Wire) 0 /V 일반용단심비닐절연전선 IV KSC IEC03 /V PVC insulated wire 옥외용비닐절연전선 OW KSC 333 Outdoor weatherproof PVC insulated wire /0V 기기배선용단심비닐절연전선 0 KS IEC 0(HIV) KSC IEC03 /0V Heatresistant PVC insulated wire 0./kV 접지용절연전선 HSD38 0./kV PVC insulated wire for grounding 0./kV 트레이용접지절연전선 HSD3 0./kV flame retardant PVC inuslated wire for grounding in Tray 8 /V 저독성난연가교폴리올레핀절연전선 HFIX Halogen free flame retardant polyolefin insulation wire 30 인입용비닐절연전선 00V DV PVC Insulated drop service wire 전력케이블 (Power Cable) 33 0./kV 가교폴리에틸렌절연비닐시스케이블 CV KSC IEC0 0./kV XLPE insulated PVC sheathed cable 33 0./kV 트레이용난연전력케이블 TFRCV, HSD 0./kV XLPE insulated FRPVC sheathed cable in Tray /kv 가교폴리에틸렌전력케이블 CV KSC IEC0 XPLE insulated PVC sheathed cable for /kv 3 /kv 트레이용가교폴리에틸렌난연전력케이블 TFRCV, HSD XLPE insulated FRPVC sheathed cable for /kv in Tray 3 0./kV 비닐절연비닐시스제어케이블 CVV KSC IEC0, FRCVVS(ES 999) 0./kV PVC insulated & sheathed control cable / Flame retardantance PVC sheathed 0./kV 비닐절연비닐시스케이블 VV KSC IEC0 0./kV PVC Insulated & sheathed cables 5.9kV 동심중성선전력케이블 CNCVW, FR CNCOW, 수밀형, 난연성, HSD9.9kV Concentric neutral type XLPE insulated vinyl sheathed power cable(include waterproof type, Flameretardant type) 5.9kV 트리억제형전력케이블 TR CNCVW.9kV Concentric neutral type tree retardant XLPE insulated PVC sheathed water proof power cable 트레이용난연내열케이블 TFR3, HSD3 Tray flame retardant heatresistant cable 트레이용난연내화케이블 TFR8, HSD30 Tray flame retardant fireresistant cable 저독성난연케이블 NFR, HSD33 Low smoke, Halogen free flame retardant polyolefin cable 53 0./kV 저독성난연전력용케이블 HFCO, KSC IEC0 0./kV XLPE Insulated halogen free flame retardant polyolefin sheathed power cables 5 0./kV 저독성난연제어용케이블 HFCCO, KSC IEC0 0./kV XLPE insulated halogen free flame retardant polyolefin sheathed control cables 59 /kv 저독성난연전력용케이블 HFCO, KSC IEC0 /kv XLPE insulated halogen free flame retardant polyolefin sheathed power cables 수출용전력케이블 (Power cable for Export) Construction and D.C Test Voltage of XLPE 3 0./kV CU(AL)/XLPE/PVC 0, AS/NZS /kV CU(AL)/XLPE/PVC/CTS/PVC IEC0, AS/ NZS /kV CU(AL)/XLPE/PVC/SWA(AWA)/PVC IEC0, AS/NZS /(.)kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC IEC0 3.8/.(.)kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC AS/NZS 9. /()kv CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC IEC 0./()kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC AS/NZS 9. 8 /0()kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC IEC0 8./()kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC AS/NZS /30(3)kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC IEC0 9 9/33(3)kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC AS/NZS 9.

6 나동선 Bare Copper Wire 전기용연동선 A KSC 3 Annealed copper wire for electric purpose 전기용경동선 H KSC 3 Hard drawn copper wire for electric purpose 등급 단심및다심케이블용단선전기용연동연선 AS KSC 33 Aeenealed copper stranded wire for electric purpose 등급 단심및다심케이블용연선전기용경동연선 HS KSC 3 Hard drawn copper stranded wire for electric purpose

7 HANSHIN CABLE 전기용연동선 Annealed Copper Solid Wire for Electrical Purpose A 지름 오차범위 Tolerance 계산단면적 Calculated 최대저항 Resistivity 인장하중 Tensile Load 인장강도 Tensile Strength 신장률 Elongation ± ² kg/ Ω/km Ω²/km kgf kg/² % kg/piece kg/reel , ,3.0,55.0,0.0 3, ,830,90,590, (coil) (reel) 3.5 5

8 나동선 Bare Copper Wire 전기용경동선 HardDrawn Copper Solid Wire for Electrical Purpose H 지름 오차범위 Tolerance 계산단면적 Calculated 최대저항 Resistivity 인장하중 Tensile Load 인장강도 Tensile Strength 신장률 Elongation ± ² kg/ Ω/km Ω²/km kg kg/² % kg/piece , ,830,80,3,930,50,330, 등급 단심및다심케이블용단선 KSC IEC08 ² Ω/km ² Ω/km ² Ω/km

9 HANSHIN CABLE 전기용연동연선 Annealed Copper Stranded Wire for Electrical Purpose AS 소선수 / 지름 No. & Dia. of Wire /3. /.9 9/3. 9/.9 /3. /.9 /. /.3 3/. 3/.3 9/.9 9/. 9/.3 9/ 9/ /. /.3 / / / / / /0. /0.5 /0.5 /0. 계산단면적 Calculated Section, ,,5,55 5,,8 3,5,93,98,,390, 표준길이 표준길이대비 ² No./ ² kg/km Ω/km m/reel kg/reel,,,99,5,33, 등급 단심및다심케이블용연선 KSC IEC08 ² 원형도체 Circular Stranded Cu 도체의최소소선수원형압축도체 Circular Compacted Cu 선형도체 Shape Cu Ω/km ² 원형도체 Circular Stranded Cu 도체의최소소선수원형압축도체 Circular Compacted Cu 선형도체 Shape Cu Ω/km (00) ( 3 ) 00 (800) ( 3 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 주 ) ( ) 최소소선수는규정하지않는다. ( 3 ) ( ) 안의치수는권장하지않는다.

10 8 나동선 Bare Copper Wire 전기용경동연선 HardDrawn Copper Stranded Wire for Electrical Purpose HS 일반용 (For General Purpose) 가공송전용 (For Overhead Transmission Purpose) /3. /.9 9/3. 9/.9 /3. /.9 /. /.3 3/. 3/.3 9/.9 9/. 9/.3 9/ 9/ /. /.3 / / / / / /0. /0.5 /0. 9/.0 9/3. 9/3.5 9/3. 9/.9 /.3 /3. /3. /.9 /. /.3 /, ,,5,55 5,,8 3,5,93,98,,390, ,8,838,5,35, ,0 33,0 8,0 3,800 9, 5,900,900,,830,0,90,00 3,0,,9,80, ,80,900,30,000,90 3,880,9,,830,80, ,,,,,99,0,33,09 88, ,89,8,3,35, 소선수 / 지름 No. & Dia. of Wire 소선수 / 지름 No. & Dia. of Wire 계산단면적 Calculated Section 계산단면적 Calculated Section 최소인장하중 Min. Tensile Load 최소인장하중 Min. Tensile Load 표준길이 표준길이 표준길이대비 표준길이대비 ² ² No./ No./ ² ² kg/km kg/km Ω/km Ω/km kg kg m/reel m/reel kg/reel kg/reel

11 알루미늄선 Aluminum Wire 전기용경알루미늄선 HAL KSC 3 Hard drawn aluminum wire for electric purpose 전기용경알루미늄연선 HSAL KSC 3 Hard drawn aluminum stranded wire for electric purpose 강심알루미늄연선 ACSR KSC 33 Aluminum stranded conductor steel reinforced Cardinal PS 알루미늄피복강심알루미늄연선 ACSR/AW PS 33~30 Aluminum stranded clad steel wire 알루미늄피복강심가교폴리에틸렌절연전선 ACSR/AWOC ES 9~9 Aluminum conductor steel reinforced aluminum clad steel wire outdoor crosslinked PE insulated wire ( 특 ) 고압강심알루미늄도체가교폴리에틸렌절연전선 ACSROC ES 0 Aluminum conductor steel reinforced outdoor XLPE insulated wire

12 알루미늄 Aluminum Wire 전기용경알루미늄선 HardDrawn Aluminum Wire for Electrical Purpose HAL 전기용경알루미늄연선 HardDrawn Aluminum Stranded Wire HSAL , /. /3. 9/3. 9/3.5 /. /.0 9/. /3. /3.5 3/. /3. 3/.0 3/3. /. 3/3. 3/.9 9/.0 3/. 9/3. 9/3. 9/.9 9/. /. /3. /3. /.9 /. /.3 / ±0.03 ±%,0, ,99,80,,,33,8,0,8,,3,5,8, ,0 5,,0 3,00,,0,890 9,0 8,30,0,, 5,890 5,00,30 3,0 3,90 3,030 3,030,,900,,, X , 800,,0, 800,,,0,000,,00,,0,000,00,900,800,800,000 지름초과 Over 지름이하 Under 소선수소선지름 No. & Dia. of Wire 오차범위 Tolerance 계산단면적 Calculated Section 최소인장강도 Min. Tensile Strength 최대저항 Resisivity 최소인장하중 Min. Tensile Load Harddrawn Copper Equiv. 길이 참고 Reference 밀도 Density 선형팽창계수 Coefficient Linear Expansion 알루미늄함유량 Contained Guantity of Aluminum 전도율 Conductivity ² No./ ² ² MPa nωm kg/km kg/dm³ kg Ω/km % ² % m

13 HANSHIN CABLE 강심알루미늄연선 ACSR 소선수 / 소선지름 No. & Dia. of Wire 최소인장하중 Min. Tensile load (AL) Current Carrying Capacity 전기저항 Electric 표준길이 ² AI St Kgf kg/km Ω/km m *5 80 *9 * *80 50 / /. /3.5 /. /. /.5 /3. /3.5 30/.3 30/. 30/.9 30/3. /.0 /.5 5/3. 5/3.5 5/3.8 / /. /3.5 /. /. /.5 /3. /3.5 /.3 /. /.9 /3. /3. /3.5 /. /3.5 /3.8 98,0,980 5,5, 3,80,00 9,590 5,5,990 8,0,,930 3,890,800 5,00 8, ,,30,3,599,99, ,000, (,000),000,,,00,00,000 *: 한국전력공사의규격입니다. *:Korea electric power Corporation s Specification. 종류 Kinds Marking 표준 Spec. 구조 / 적용 Construction/Application Aluminum stranded steel reinforced Aluminum stranded clad steel wire Aluminum conductor steel reinforced outdoor XLPE insulated wire Aluminum conductor stee reinforced aluminum clad steel wire outdoor crosslinked PE insulated wire 고압 특고압 고압 특고압 ACSR, Cardinal ACSR/AW ACSROC ACSR/AWOC KSC 33, PS ESA 30 PS 3033* ESB 0* ESB 305* PS 9* Zincked steel/aluminum higher power transmission Cable. Aluminum clad steel/aluminum higher power transmission Cable. Zinced steel/aluminum XLPE insulated higher power transmission Cable. Aluminum clad steel/aluminum XLPE insulated higher power transmission Cable. 강심알루미늄연선 ACSR(Cardinal) 알루미늄피복강심알루미늄연선 ACSR/AW(Cardinal) Al St 계산단면적 Calculated Section (²) 최소인장하중 Min Tensile Load Max Cuductor 길이 ² AI St kg kg/km Ω/km AI St m 80 Cardinal ACSR/AW 5/3.38 5/3.38 /3.38 / , 5,,83, ,000 order length

14 알루미늄 Aluminum Wire 소선수 / 소선지름 No. & Dia. of Wire 최소인장하중 Min. Tensile load (AL) Current Carrying Capacity 전기저항 Electric 표준길이 ² AI St Kgf kg/km Ω/km m /. /3.5 /. /.5 /3. /3.5 30/. 30/3. /.0 /.5 5/3. 5/3.5 /. /3.5 /. /.5 /3. /3.5 /. /3. /3. /3.5 /. /3.5,0,980 5,5 3,80,00 9,590,990,,930 3,890,800 5, 알루미늄피복강심가교폴리에틸렌절연전선 ACSR/AWOC 전압 Voltage.kV.9kV ² 소선수지름 (Al) No. & Dia. of Wire Al /SB /SB /SB /SB /SB /SB 8/SB 도체 소선수지름 (St) No. & Dia. of Wire St /. /3.5 /3.5 /. /3.5 /3.5 /3. 바깥지름 Outer Ω/km 시험전압 Test Voltage kv 최소절연저항 Min. MΩkm,0,0,000,0,0,0 도체인장하중 Min. Tensile load kgf,090,900,30,090,900,30 3,080 계산 Calculated kg/km 표준길이 m ( 특 ) 고압강심알루미늄도체가교폴리에틸렌절연전선 ACSROC 전압 Voltage.kV.9kV ² 소선수지름 No. & Dia. of Wire Al /SB /SB /SB /SB /SB /SB 8/SB 도체 소선수지름 No. & Dia. of Wire St /. /3.5 /3.5 /. /3.5 /3.5 /3. 바깥지름 Outer Ω/km 시험전압 Test Voltage kv 최소절연저항 Min. MΩkm,0,0,000,0,0,0 도체인장하중 Min. Tensile load kgf,090,900,30,090,900,30 3,080 계산 Calculated kg/km 표준길이 m

15 HANSHIN CABLE 코드 Cords 비닐코드 KSC IEC05 PVC Cords 3

16 코드 Cords 비닐코드 PVC Insulated Flexible Cord, KSC IEC05 0KS IEC~5 주로옥내에서 AC /V 이하의소형전기기구에사용되는전선으로가요성및절연성이좋으며색깔이선명하고겉모양이아름답다. 구조. 도체 : 집합연동연선. 절연체 :PVC 3. 선심식별 : 시스가있는것단심 : 규정없음 심 : 규정없음 3심 : 녹 / 황, 하늘, 갈색또는하늘, 흑, 갈색 심 : 녹 / 황, 하늘, 흑, 갈색또는하늘, 흑, 갈, 흑혹은갈색 5심 : 녹 / 황, 하늘, 흑, 갈, 흑혹은갈색또는하늘, 흑, 갈, 흑갈, 흑혹은갈색 시스가없는것 : 절연체색, 돌기, 직선또는숫자.. 피복체 :PVC Widely used in electrical home apparatus under A.C./V for its flexibility, insulation easy colouring and beautiful external appearance. Construction. :Bunchstranded copper conductor. :PVC 3. Core Identification:Sheathed C : C : 3C : G/Y, Bl, Br or Bl, Bk, Br C : G/Y, Bl, Bk, Br or Bl, Bk, Br, Bk or Br 5C : G/Y, Bl, Bk, Br, Bk or Br or Bl, Bk, Br, Bk, Br, Bk or Br Nonsheathed : Colour of the insulation or projection or numbering method.. Sheath:PVC 종류및기호 종류평형금사코드평형비닐코드단심기구용코드연질비닐시스코드범용비닐시스코드내열성연질비닐시스코드내열성범용비닐시스코드 기호 0 KS IEC 0 KS IEC 0 KS IEC3 0 KS IEC5 0 KS IEC53 0 KS IEC5 0 KS IEC5 도체 () 돌기 (Projection) 절연체 () 피복체 (Sheath)

17 HANSHIN CABLE 0 KS IEC Min. 표준 절연저항 at 도체저항 MΩkm Ω/km KS IEC Min. 표준 최소절연저항 Min. at ² MΩkm KS IEC3 각층의최소치 ( 최소 ) (Min.) ( 표준 ) () 표준 최소절연저항 Min. at ² MΩkm Min KS IEC5 () ( 표준 ) () 표준 최소절연저항 Min. at Min. ² MΩkm or or or or

18 코드 Cords 0 KS IEC53 VCTF 도체 / & () Min. 표준 최소절연저항 Min. at ² MΩkm or or KS IEC5 도체 / & () 피복두께 Sheath () 표준 최소절연저항 Min. at Min. ² MΩkm or or or or

19 HANSHIN CABLE 0 KS IEC5 도체 / & () 피복두께 Sheath ()... 표준 5. or or 최소절연저항 Min. at Min. ² MΩkm 주 ) 평균은 KSC IEC09 에따라계산되어진다

20 코드 Cords 5 등급단심및다심케이블용가요등도체 도체 / & ² 최대소선직경 도금없음 Ωkm 도금있음 Ωkm 주 ) 0 KS IEC3, 5, 53, 5, 5 규격해당도체 등급단심및다심케이블용가요등도체 도체 / & ² 최대소선직경 도금없음 Ωkm 도금있음 Ωkm 주 ) 0 KS IEC 규격해당도체 8

21 절연전선 Insulated Wire /V 일반용단심비닐절연전선 0 KS IEC0(IV) KSC IEC03 /V PVC insulated wire 옥외용비닐절연전선 OW KSC 333 Outdoor weatherproof PVC insulated wire /0V 기기배선용단심비닐절연전선 ( 구, 내열비닐절연전선 ) 0 KS IEC 0(HIV) KSC IEC03 /0V Heat resistant PVC insulated wire 0./kV 접지용절연전선 GV, HSD38 0./kV PVC Insulated wire for Grounding 0./kV 트레이용접지절연전선 TFRGV, HSD3 0./kV Flame Retardant PVC Insulated Wire for Grounding in Tray /V 저독성난연가교폴리올레핀절연전선 HFIX Halogen free flame retardant polyolefin insulation wire 인입용비닐절연전선 00V DV PVC Insulated Drop Service Wire

22 절연전선 Insulated Wire /V 일반용단심비닐절연전선 0 KS IEC0(IV) KSC IEC03 주로 AC /V 이하의옥내배선용으로사용되며내후성, 내구성이양호한절연전선이다. WIt is chiefly used for indoor distribution line under A.C./V grade and highly weather proofing and safe use over a long period is assured. 구조. 도체 : 전기용연동선 (5.5이하의연선은주석도금연동선사용가능 ) 전기용경알루미늄선또는반경알루미늄선 단선도체 :등급 연선도체 :등급. 절연체 :PVC/C 3. 절연체색 : 흑색 ( 특히, 색을구별할필요가있을때는흑, 백, 적, 녹, 황, 청색으로한다.). 최고허용온도 : Construction. : Annealed copper copper wire (Tinned annealed stranded area and smaller are acceptable.) Harddrawn aluminium or half harddrawn aluminium wire Solid conductor: class Stranded conductor: class. : PVC/C 3. Colour of the insulation : Black (If necessary, black, white, red, green, yellow, blue). Maximum allowable temperature : 도체 () 절연체 () 단선도체 (Solid conductor) 연선도체 (Stranded conductor) 0

23 HANSHIN CABLE 0 KS IEC 0(IV) 도체 / & 도체등급 Class (KSC IEC 08) () 표준 최소절연저항 Min. at Min. ² MΩkm

24 절연전선 Insulated Wire 옥외용비닐절연전선 Outdoor weather proof PVC insulated wires OW, KSC 333 저압가공전선선로에사용되며전기용경동선을도체로하여 PVC 로피복한절연전선으로종전의면절연전선보다내후성및내구성이우수하다. It is used for overhead lowvoltage distribution line and composed of harddrawn copper wire and PVC insulation. It is supperior to conventional cotton insulated wire and highly weather proof and safe use over a long period is assured. 구조. 도체 : 전기용경동선. 절연체 :PVC 3. 절연체색 : 흑색 Construction. : Harddrawn copper wire. : PVC 3. Colour of the insulation : Black 도체 () 절연체 () 단선도체 (Solid conductor) 연선도체 (Stranded conductor)

25 HANSHIN CABLE 단선도체 Solid 도체 지름 단면적 ² PVC 시험전압 Test Voltage,0,0,0,0,0 인장하중 Tensile Load 표준길이 Ω/km V/min kgf kg/km m 연선도체 Stranded ² * 주 ) 한전규격임. 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire / / /.3 /. 9/ 9/ 9/.3 9/. 9/3. 바깥지름 Outer PVC 시험전압 Test Voltage,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 3,000 인장하중 Tensile Load 5 889,0,80,90, 3,0,0 5, ,030,890 표준길이 (D/M) No./ Ω/km V/min kgf kg/km m 3

26 절연전선 Insulated Wire /0V 기기배선용단심비닐절연전선 (90 ) ( 구, 내열비닐절연전선 ) /0V Grade Heatresistant PVC Insulated Wire 0 KS IEC 0(HIV), KSC IEC03 주로 AC/0V 이하의일반전기공작물이나전기기기의배선에사용하는비닐절연전선으로내열성가소제를첨가한수지로절연한전선이다. It is used mainly in wiring of electric apparatus and equipment under AC /0V grade, and insulated with compound mainly composed of PVC resin including heatresistant plasticizer. 구조. 도체 : 전기용연동선. 절연체 : 내열성 PVC(PVC/E) 3. 절연체색 : 흑색 ( 특히, 색을구별할필요가있을때는흑, 백, 적, 녹, 황, 청색으로한다.). 최고허용온도 :90 Construction. : Annealed copper. : Heatresistant PVC 3. Colour of the insulation : Black ( If necessary, annealed copper wire : black, white, red, green, yellow, blue). Maximum allowable temperature : 90 도체 () 내열성절연체 (Heat resistant insulation) 단선도체 (Solid conductor) 연선도체 (Stranded conductor)

27 HANSHIN CABLE /0V 0 KS IEC 0(HIV) 도체 등급 Class () Min. ² 표준 최소절연저항 Min. at 90 시험전압 Test Voltage Copper 표준길이 Ω/km Ω/km V/5min kg/km m KS , ,0 KS , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,0, ,0, ,0, ,0, ,0 3, ,0 3,80 Note) class( 도체등급 ) : Class( 등급 ) Solid conductor( 단선도체 ), Class( 등급 ) Stranded conductor( 연선도체 ) KS.5, ( 등급 ) 외안전인증적용

28 절연전선 Insulated Wire 0./kV 접지용절연전선 0./kV PVC Insulated wire for Grounding GV, HSD38 0./kV 트레이용접지절연전선 0./kV Flame Retardant PVC Insulated Wire for Grounding in Tray TFRGV, HSD3 주로 AC 0./kV 이하의접지용회로및트레이에쓰이는난연성특성을가진절연전선이다. It is chiefly used in wiring of grounding under AC 0./kV grade, and having flame retardant properties. 구조. 도체 : 전기용연동선. 절연체 :PVC/ 난연 PVC 3. 절연체색 : 녹색. 최고허용온도 : Construction. : Annealed copper wire. : PVC/FRPVC 3. Colour of the insulation : Green. Maximum allowable temperature : 도체 ((Stranded)) 절연체 ()

29 HANSHIN CABLE 0./kV 접지용절연전선 0./kV 트레이용접지절연전선 도체 표준길이소선수 / 지름바깥지름 시험전압 Number & Test Voltage of Outer Copper Wire ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m 포장 Package Type.5 / ,0 0 0 / ,0 0 / ,0 0 0 / ,0 0 / ,0 3, Bunch , , , , ,0, ,0, ,0, ,0 3,0,0,0 0 0 Drum ,0 3, ,0 3, ,0,9 0 Note) : Compact round stranded conductor.

30 절연전선 Insulated Wire /V 저독성난연가교폴리올레핀절연전선 Halogen free flame retardant polyolefin insulation wire HFIX, KSC 33 주로 /V 이하의옥내배선용으로사용되는도체최고허용온도 90 의저독성가교폴리올레핀절연전선이다. It is chiefly used for indoor distribution line under /V grade and less the maximum permissible conductor temperature of 90 insulated Halogen free crosslinked polyolefin. 구조. 도체 :등급( 단선 ) 또는 등급 ( 연선 ) 도체. 절연체 : 저독성난연가교폴리올레핀 3. 절연체색 : 흑, 백, 적, 녹, 황, 청. 최고허용온도 :90 Construction. : Solid(Class ) or Standed Annealed Copper(Class ). : Halogen free flame retardant Croslinked Polyolefin 3. Color of the insulation : Black, White, Red, Green, Yellow, Blue. Maximum allowable temperature:90 도체 () 절연체 () 단선도체 (Solid conductor) 연선도체 (Stranded conductor) 8

31 9 HANSHIN CABLE /V 저독성난연가교폴리올레핀절연전선 HFIX ,0,30,80,30,930 도체 표준 시험전압 Test Voltage Copper 등급 Class () ² Min. Ω/km kv kg/km

32 절연전선 Insulated Wire 인입용비닐절연전선 PVC Insulated Drop Service Wire 00V DV 주로 AC 00V 이하의가공인입선으로사용되며각심이선명하게착색되어있으므로배선시에편리하고피복의내후성이매우우수하다. 따라서화재또는감전의사고없이오랫동안안전하게사용할수있다. It is chiefly used for dropin from overhead distribution line, under A.C. 00V grade, and very convenient for wiring, colour being easily identified. It is weather proof and can be used for a long period without damage due to fire, electrical shock and other accidents. 구조. 도체 : 전기용경동선 ( 단, ²~0² 은전기용연동선 ). 절연체 :PVC 3. 선심식별 : 심선수색 심흑, 녹또는흑, 청 3심흑, 녹, 청 Construction. : Harddrawn copper wier(but, ²~ 0² is annealed copper wire). : PVC 3. Colour of the insulation : No.of cores Colour cores black, green of black, blue 3 cores black, green, blue 종류및기호 Classes and Symbols 종류 기호 Class Symbol 개연 DVR Duplex DVR 3 개연 DV3R Triplex DV3R 도체 () 절연체 () DVR DV3R 종류 개연 Duplex (DVR) 3 개연 Triplex (DV3R) 도체 소선수 / 지름 No. & Dia. of Wire St / /. /3. / /. /3. 바깥지름 Outer ² 시험전압 Test Voltage V/5min,0,0,0,0,0,0 절연저항 Min. MΩkm 인장하중 Tensile load 3 3 도체저항 표준길이 kgf Ω/km kg/km m 30

33 전력케이블 Power Cable / Tray Flame Retardant Cable 0./kV 가교폴리에틸렌절연비닐시스케이블 CV KSC IEC0 0./kV XLPE Insulated PVC sheathed cable 0./kV 트레이용난연전력케이블 TFRCV, HSD 0./kV XLPE Insulated FRPVC sheathed cable in Tray /kv 가교폴리에틸렌전력케이블 CV KSC IEC0 XPLE Insulated PVC sheathed cable for /kv /kv 트레이용가교폴리에틸렌난연전력케이블 TFRCV XPLE Insulated FRPVC sheathed cable for /kv in Tray 0./kV 비닐절연비닐시스제어케이블 CVV KSC IEC0, FRCVVS ES /kV PVC Insulated & sheathed control cables / Flame Retardant PVC Sheathed 0./kV 비닐절연비닐시스케이블 VV KSC IEC0 0./kV PVC Insulated & sheathed cables.9kv 동심중성선전력케이블 CNCVW 수밀형, FR CNCOW 난연성.9kV Concentric neutral type XLPE Insulated Vinyl sheathed power cables(including water proof type, flame retardant type).9kv 트리억제형전력케이블 TR CNCVW.9kV Concentric neutral type tree retardant XLPE Insulated PVC sheathed water proof power cable 트레이용난연내열케이블 TFR3, HSD3 Tray flame retardant heatresistant cable 트레이용난연내화케이블 TFR8, HSD30 Tray flame retardant fireresistant cable 저독성난연케이블 NFR, HSD33 Low smoke, Halogen free flame retardant polyolefin cable 0./kV 저독성난연전력용케이블 HFCO, KSC IEC0 0./kV XLPE Insulated Halogen Free Flame Retardant PolyOlefin Sheathed Power Cables 0./kV 저독성난연제어용케이블 HFCCO, KSC IEC0 0./kV XLPE Insulated Halogen Free Flame Retardant PolyOlefin Sheathed Control Cables /kv 저독성난연전력용케이블 HFCO, KSC IEC0 /kv XLPE Insulated Halogen Free Flame Retardant PolyOlefin Sheathed Power Cables

34 전력케이블 Power Cable 0./kV 가교폴리에틸렌절연비닐시스케이블 0./kV XLPE Insulated PVC Sheathed Cable CV, KSC IEC0 0./kV 트레이용난연전력케이블 0./kV XLPE Insulated FRPVC Sheathed Cable in Tray TFRCV, HSD AC 0./kV 이하의전력용또는제어용회로및트레이용에사용하며전기적, 물리적, 화학적, 난연성특성이우수한케이블이다. This cable is designed for the purpose of using in power distribution line or control system under AC 0./kV, having excellent electrical, physical and chemical and flame retardant properties. 구조. 도체 : 전기용연동선 ( 원형, 원형압축 ). 절연체 :XLPE/ 난연XLPE 3. 선심식별 : 착색에의한식별 Construction. : Annealed copper wire (Concentric circular, Compact circular). : XLPE/FRXLPE 3. Core Identification : Coluoring method 심선수 색 No.of cores Colour 심 흑, 백 cores black, white 3 심 흑, 백, 적 3 cores black, white, red 심 흑, 백, 적, 녹 cores black, white, red, green 넘버링에의한식별 Numbering method. 피복체 :PVC/ 난연 PVC. Sheath : PVC/FRPVC 도체 () 절연체 () 개재물 (Filler) 피복체 (Sheath/FRPVC) 테이프 (Tape) 3

35 HANSHIN CABLE 0./kV 가교폴리에틸렌절연비닐시스케이블 CV, KSC IEC0 0./kV 트레이용난연전력케이블 TFRCV, HSD 단심 (Single Core) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 표준길이 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m / 0.53 / 0. / 5 / / ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3, ,0,,55,930, 3,0,090 5,0, Note) :Compact round stranded conductor. 심 (Two Cores) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 표준길이 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m / 0.53 / 0. / 5 / / ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3, ,90,,3,880 3,, 5,90,0 33

36 3 전력케이블 Power Cable / 0.53 / 0. / 5 / /. / 0.53 / 0. / 5 / / ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3, ,90,,0 3,0,0 5,0,,900 9, ,5,0,0 3,, 5,3,330,8,00,0 도체 도체 시험전압 Test Voltage 시험전압 Test Voltage 표준길이 표준길이 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 피복두께 Sheath ² ² No./ No./ Ω/km Ω/km V/5min V/5min kg/km kg/km m m 3 심 (Three cores) 심 (Four cores)

37 HANSHIN CABLE /kv 가교폴리에틸렌전력케이블 XPLE Insulated PVC Sheathed Cable for /kv CV, KSC IEC0 /kv 트레이용가교폴리에틸렌난연전력케이블 XPLE Insulated FRPVC Sheathed Cable for /kv in Tray TFRCV AC /kv의전력회로에사용하며전기적, 물리적, 화학적특성이우수한케이블이다. This cable is designed for the purpose of using in power distribution line, having excellent electrical, physical and chemical properties. 구조. 도체 : 전기용연동선 ( 원형, 원형압축 ). 절연체 :XLPE 3. 선심식별 : 흑색, 백색, 적색. 차폐 : 동테이프 5. 피복체 :PVC, 난연PVC Construction. : Annealed copper wire (Concentric circular, compact). : XLPE 3. Core identification : Black, White, Red. Shield : Copper tape. 5. Sheath : PVC, FRPVC 도체 () 분리테이프 (Separator) 절연체 () 반도전층 (Semiconducting) 차폐증 (Shield) 테이프 (Tape) 개재물 (Filler) 피복체 (Sheath/FRPVC)

38 전력케이블 Power Cable /kv 가교폴리에틸렌전력케이블 KSC IEC0 /kv 트레이용가교폴리에틸렌난연전력케이블 TFRCV, HSD 단심 (Single Core) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer Note) : Compact round stranded conductor 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m ,00,30,0,80,30,80 3,0, 5,330,80 표준길이 3 심 (Three Cores) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m,0,80,0,0 3,80,390 5,,0,30 9,0,0 표준길이 3

39 HANSHIN CABLE 0./kV 비닐절연비닐시스제어케이블 : 난연성 Flame Retardant PVC Insulated PVC Sheathed Control Cable CVV, KSC IEC0 발전소, 변전소등의 0./kV 이하의원격제어용으로적합한케이블로서특히, 종전의연피고무제어용케이블에비해서매우가벼우며가요성, 난연성, 내마모성등이우수하여심선색별이선명한케이블이다. This cable is designed for use in remote control system under 0./kV in power plant and substation. It is lighter and more flexible than conventional rubber insulated lead sheathed control cable, also excellent in fireproof and antifriction quality. 구조. 도체 : 전기용연동선. 절연체 :PVC( 난연 ) 3. 선심식별 : 착색에의한식별심이하의케이블심선수색 심흑, 백 3심흑, 백, 적 심흑, 백, 적, 녹 5심흑, 백, 적, 녹, 황 심흑, 백, 적, 녹, 황, 갈 심흑, 백, 적, 녹, 황, 갈, 청 넘버링에의한식별. 차폐 : 동테이프 (CVVS) 5. 시스 :PVC( 난연 ) Construction. : Annealed copper wire. : PVC(Flame retardance) 3. Core identification : Colouring methodbelow cores No.of cores Colour cores black, white 3 cores black, white, red cores black, white, red, green 5 cores black, white, red, green, yellow cores black, white, red, green, yellow, brown cores black, white, red, green, yellow, brown, blue Numbering method. Shield : Copper tape(cvvs) 5. Sheath : PVC(Flame retardance) 도체 () 절연체 () 개재물 (Filler) 차폐층 (Shield) 피복체 (Sheath) 테이프 (Tape) 3

40 38 전력케이블 Power Cable 0./kV 비닐절연비닐시스제어케이블 CVV, FRCVV, TFRCVV ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / / , 도체 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 표준길이 심선수 No. of Cores ² V/5min No./ kg/km Ω/km m

41 39 HANSHIN CABLE ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /0.53 /0. /5 / /0.53 /0. / , ,00, ,, 530,0,0 80 9,,900 90,3, 도체 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 표준길이 심선수 No. of Cores ² V/5min No./ kg/km Ω/km m CVV, FRCVV, TFRCVV

42 0 전력케이블 Power Cable 0./kV 비닐절연비닐시스동테이프차폐제어케이블 CVVS, FRCVVS, TFRCVVS /. 3/3 9/ 9/. 9/.8 / /. /. /. / /5 /0. /0.53 9/. 9/.8 / /. /. /. / /5 /0. /0.53 9/. 9/.8 / /. /. /. / /5 /0. /0.53 /. / /5 /0. / ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3, ,0,9,90, ,0,5,9, 도체 동테잎두께 Copper tape 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 바깥지름 Outer 표준길이 심선수 No. of Cores ² Ω/km V/5min kg/km m

43 HANSHIN CABLE /. / /5 /0. /0.53 /. / /5 /0. /0.53 /. / /5 /0. /0.53 /. / /5 /0. /0.53 /. / /5 /0. /0.53 / /5 /0. /0.53 / /5 /0. /0.53 /5 /0. / ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3, , ,0, ,0, ,530,0 90 0,990, ,,30,090 도체 동테잎두께 Copper tape 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 바깥지름 Outer 표준길이 심선수 No. of Cores ² Ω/km V/5min kg/km m CVVS, FRCVVS, TFRCVVS

44 전력케이블 Power Cable 0./kV 비닐절연비닐시스케이블 0./kV Grade PVC Insulated PVC sheathed Cable VV, KSC IEC0 장기간사용하여도내마모성및내후성이우수하여 AC 0./kV 이하의저압회로에널리사용한다. This cable has superior weather proof and antifriction property, permitting of use for a long period of time and widely used for a low tension distribution wire under AC 0./kV grade. 구조. 도체 : 전기용연동선. 절연체 :PVC 3. 선심식별 : Construction. : Annealed copper wire.. : PVC 3. Core identification : 심선수 색 No.of cores Colour 심 흑, 백 cores black, white 3 심 흑, 백, 적 3 cores black, white, red 심 흑, 백, 적, 녹 cores black, white, red, green. 피복체 :PVC. Sheath : PVC 종류및기호 Classes and Symbols 종류 기호 Class Symbol 0./kV 비닐절연비닐시스케이블 VV 0./kV VV 도체 () 도체 () 절연체 () 절연체 () 피복체 (Sheath) 도체 () 절연체 () 개재물 (Filler) 피복체 (Sheath) 테이프 (Tape)

45 HANSHIN CABLE 단심 (Single Core) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 표준길이 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m / 0.53 / 0. / 5 / / ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3, ,05,3,0,05, 3,, 5,000, Note) : Compact round stranded conductor. 심 (Two Cores) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 표준길이 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m / 0.53 / 0. / 5 / / ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3, ,30,5,390,90 3,30,0 5,5,0 3

46 전력케이블 Power Cable / 0.53 / 0. / 5 / /. / 0.53 / 0. / 5 / / ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3, ,00,30,8,55 3,3,5 5,085,30 8,05, ,3,55, 3,,30 5,380,0 8,,590 3,0 도체 도체 시험전압 Test Voltage 시험전압 Test Voltage 표준길이 표준길이 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 피복두께 Sheath ² ² No./ No./ Ω/km Ω/km V/5min V/5min kg/km kg/km m m 3 심 (Three Cores) 심 (Four Cores)

47 HANSHIN CABLE.9kV 동심중성선전력케이블 CNCVW 수밀형, FR CNCOW 난연성.9kV 트리억제형전력케이블 TR CNCVW 도체 형태 Form Compact round 바깥지름 Outer 소선수지름 Concentric Type of wire & Number 피복두께 Sheath 최대 시험전압 ( 절연체 ) Test Voltage () 시험전압 ( 피복 ) Test Voltage (Sheath) 최소절연저항 Min. 3,0 3,000 3,000,0,000,000,000,000,0,0 전기용량 Capacitance 표준길이 ² Ω/km kv/5min kv/min MΩkm μf /km m 주 ) CNCVW, FR CNCOW, TR CNCVW 의구조는동일함. 포장 Package Type Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum Drum 도체내부반도전층절연체 (XLPE/TR XLPE절연 ) 외부반도전층차수테이프동심중성선차수테이프피복체 (PVC시스/ 저독성난연폴리올레핀시스 ) 5

48 전력케이블 Power Cable 트레이용난연내열케이블 Tray flame retardant heatresistant cable TFR3, HSD3 트레이용난연내화케이블 Tray flame retardant fireresistant cable TFR8, HSD30 저독성난연케이블 Low smoke, Halogen free flame retardant polyolefin cable NFR, HSD33 0./kV 이하의비상경보설비의신호및통신용으로사용하거나 0./kV 옥내소화전설비의회로및트레이에사용하는케이블이다. 구조. 도체 : 전기용연동선. 내화층 : 내화테이프 (TFR8) 3. 절연체 :XLPE 또는 PE. 선심식별 : 트레이샤에의한식별 TFR3 is used in signaling or telecounication system under AC 0./kV fire fighting equipments, and TFR8 is used mainly in wiring of fireplug equipments under AC 0./kV grade and Tray. Construction. : Annealed copper wire. Fire resistant layer : Mica tape 3. : XLPE or PE. Core identification : Tracer method 심선수 심 3심 심 색흑, 백흑, 백, 적흑, 백, 적, 녹 No.of cores cores 3 cores cores Colour black, white black, white, red black, white, red, green 5. 내열보강층 : 내열테이프. 피복체 :PVC/ 난연PVC. 최고허용온도및내열시간 : TFR3:380, 5분 TFR8:, 3시간종류및기호 5. Heat resistant layer : Glass tape. Sheath : PVC/FRPVC. Maximum allowable temperature and heating resistant time : TFR3 : 380, 5minutes TFR8 :, 3hours Classes and Symbols 종류기호트레이용 ( 화재경보용 ) 내열케이블 TFR3 트레이용 ( 소방용 ) 내화케이블 TFR8 저독성난연 ( 내열, 내화 ) 케이블 NFR3, 8 Class Tray heat resistant cable Tray fire proof cable LSHF cable Symbol TFR3 TFR8 NFR3, 8 도체 () 내화층 (Flame retardant layer) 절연체 () 개재물 (Filler) 내열보강층 (Heat resistant layer) 피복체 (Sheath)

49 HANSHIN CABLE 트레이용난연내열케이블 TFR3 저독성난연내열케이블 NFR3 단선 (Solid) ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 /.38 /.8 /. /.38 /.8 /. /.38 /.8 /. /.38 /.8 /. /.38 /.8 /. /.38 /.8 /. /.38 /.8 /. /.38 /.8 /. /.38 /.8 /. /.38 /.8 /. /.38 /.8 /. /.38 /.8 /. /.38 /.8 / , ,3 5,0, 도체 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 표준길이 심선수 No. of Cores ² V/5min No./ kg/km Ω/km m 주 ) 무게는약간의차이가있을수있습니다. TFR3, NFR3 의구조는동일합니다. 도체 () XLPE 절연체 (XLPE insulation) 개재물 (Filler) 내열보강층 (Heat resistant layer) 고난연내열 PVC 피복체저독성난연폴리올레핀피복체 TFR3 NFR3

50 8 전력케이블 Power Cable 트레이용난연내열케이블 TFR3 저독성난연내열케이블 NFR3 연선 (Stranded) ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. / , 3 9,3 8,, 도체 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 표준길이 심선수 No. of Cores ² V/5min No./ kg/km Ω/km m 주 ) 무게는약간의차이가있을수있습니다. TFR3, NFR3 의구조는동일합니다. TFR3 NFR3 도체 () XLPE 절연체 (XLPE insulation) 개재물 (Filler) 내열보강층 (Heat resistant layer) 고난연내열 PVC 피복체저독성난연폴리올레핀피복체

51 HANSHIN CABLE 트레이용난연내화케이블 TFR8 저독성난연내화케이블 NFR8 단심 (Single Core) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire / 0. / 5 / /. 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m 주 ) 무게는약간의차이가있을수있습니다. TFR8, NFR8 의구조는동일합니다. Note) : Compact round stranded conductor ,053,30,555,90, 3,0,08,3,3 표준길이 도체 () 마이카내화층 XLPE절연체 (XLPE insulation) 고난연내열PVC피복체저독성난연폴리올레핀피복체 TFR8 NFR8 9

52 전력케이블 Power Cable 트레이용난연내화케이블 TFR8 저독성난연내화케이블 NFR8 심 (Two Cores) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire / 0. / 5 / /. 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m 주 ) 무게는약간의차이가있을수있습니다. TFR8, NFR8 의구조는동일합니다 ,09,,803,390,99 3,585,0 5,59,08 표준길이

53 HANSHIN CABLE 트레이용난연내화케이블 TFR8 저독성난연내화케이블 NFR8 3 심 (Three Cores) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire / 0. / 5 / /. 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m 주 ) 무게는약간의차이가있을수있습니다. TFR8, NFR8 의구조는동일합니다 ,05,3,8,8 3,38,,95,,800 9,80 표준길이 TFR8 도체 () 마이카내화층 XLPE절연체 (XLPE insulation) 개재물 (Filler) 바인더고난연내열PVC피복체저독성난연폴리올레핀피복체 NFR8 5

54 전력케이블 Power Cable 트레이용난연내화케이블 TFR8 저독성난연내화케이블 NFR8 심 (Four Cores) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire / 0. / 5 / /. 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m 주 ) 무게는약간의차이가있을수있습니다. TFR8, NFR8 의구조는동일합니다 ,3,55,33 3,3, 5,,89 8,08,8,8 표준길이 5

55 HANSHIN CABLE 0./kV 저독성난연전력용케이블 0./kV XLPE Insulated Halogen Free Flame Retardant Polyolefin Sheathed Power Cables HFCO, KSC IEC0 0./kV의전력회로에사용하며전기적, 물리적, 화학적특성이우수하며, PVC 피복전력케이블에비하여난연특수성이우수하고저독성으로독소가스가발생치않는다. 구조. 도체 : 전기용연동선 ( 원형, 원형압축연선 ). 절연체 :XLPE 3. 선심식별 : 착색또는색테이프심선수색 심흑, 백 3심흑, 백, 적 심흑, 백, 적, 녹. 피복체 : 저독성난연폴리올레핀 This cable is designed for the purpose of using in power destribution line, having excellent low smoking nontoxic and flame retardant. Construction. : Annealed copper wire (Concentric circular, Compact circular). : XLPE 3. Core Identification : Colouring method or Color tape No.of cores Colour cores black, white 3 cores black, white, red cores black, white, red, green. Sheath : Halogen free flame retardant polyolefin 도체 () 절연체 (/XLPE) 개재물 (Filler) 테이프 (Biner tape) 피복체 (Sheath/Halogen free flame retardant polyolefin) 53

56 전력케이블 Power Cable 0./kV 저독성난연전력용케이블 0./kV HFCO, KSC IEC0 단심 (Single Core) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 표준길이 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m / 0.53 / 0. / 5 / / ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3, ,0,530,900,5 3,00 3,90,,90 심 (Two Cores) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 표준길이 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m / 0.53 / 0. / 5 / / ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3, ,5,5,30, 3,0,90 5,,90 5

57 HANSHIN CABLE 3 심 (Three Cores) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 표준길이 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m / 0.53 / 0. / 5 / / ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3, ,5,5,330 3,5 3,890,8,05, 9,5 심 (Four Cores) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 표준길이 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m / 0.53 / 0. / 5 / / ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3, ,0,30,30 3,00,00 5,5,,890,05,580 주 ) : 원형압축 (Compact circular) 55

58 전력케이블 Power Cable 0./kV 저독성난연제어용케이블 0./kV XLPE Insulated Halogen Free Flame Retardant PolyOlefin Sheathed Control Cables HFCCO, KSC IEC0 발전소, 변전소등의정격전압 0./kV 이하의원격제어용회로에적합한케이블로서 PVC 피복제어케이블에비하여난연특수성이우수하고저독성으로독소가스가발생치않는다. This cabel is designed for the purpose of using in remorte control system in power plant and substation, having excellent flame retardant 구조. 도체 : 전기용연동선 ( 단선, 원형연선 ). 절연체 :XLPE 3. 선심식별 : 착색또는색테이프심선수색 심흑, 백 3심흑, 백, 적 심흑, 백, 적, 녹. 피복체 : 저독성난연폴리올레핀 Construction. : Annealed copper wire (Solid, Concentric circular). : XLPE 3. Core identification : Colouring method or Color tape No.of cores Colour cores black, white 3 cores black, white, red cores black, white, red, green. Sheath : Halogen free flame retardant polyolefin 종류및기호 Classes and Symbols 종류 기호 Class Symbol 0./kV 저독성난연제어용케이블 동테이프차폐케이블 0./kV HFCCO 0./kV HFCCOS 0./kV XLPE insulated halogen free flame retardant polyolefin sheathed control cablecopper tape shield 0./kV HFCCO 0./kV HFCCOS 0./kV HFCCO 도체 () 절연체 () 개재물 (Filler) 바인더테이프 (Binder tape) 차폐층 (Shield/Copper Tape, Shield braid) 바인더테이프 (Binder tape) 피복체 (Halogen free frame retardant polyolefin) 0./kV HFCCOS 5

59 5 HANSHIN CABLE 0./kV 저독성난연제어용케이블 0./kV HFCCO, KSC IEC0 0./kV HFCCO ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /0.53 /0. /5 / /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /0.53 / , , 5,0, ,,5 5 5,085, 5 905,385,8 85,0,,305,9,,55,85, 도체 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 표준길이 심선수 No. of Cores ² V/5min No./ kg/km Ω/km m

60 58 전력케이블 Power Cable 0./kV 저독성난연제어용케이블 0./kV HFCCOS, KSC IEC0 0./kV HFCCOS ,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /. /0.53 /0. /5 / /0.53 /0. /5 / /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /5 /0.53 /0. /0.53 / , , , ,5, ,30,5 90,,5,005,5,0 90,0,90,0,0,0,3,855,85, 도체 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 표준길이 심선수 No. of Cores ² V/5min No./ kg/km Ω/km m

61 HANSHIN CABLE /kv 저독성난연전력용케이블 /kv XLPE Insulated Halogen Free Flame Retardant Polyolefin Sheathed Power Cables HFCO, KSC IEC0 /kv의전력회로에사용하며전기적, 물리적, 화학적특성이우수하며, PVC 피복전력케이블에비하여난연특수성이우수하고저독성으로독소가스가발생치않는다. 구조. 도체 : 전기용연동선 ( 원형압축 ). 절연체 :XLPE 3. 선심식별 : 흑색, 백색, 적색. 차폐 : 연동테이프 5. 피복체 : 저독성난연폴리올레핀종류및기호종류기호 /kv 저독성난연 /kv 전력용케이블 HFCO This cable is designed for the purpose of using in power distribution line, having excellent low smoking nontoxic and flame retardant. Construction. : Annealed copper wire(compact circular). : XLPE 3. Core identification : Black, White, Red. Shield:Copper tape 5. Sheath : Halogen free flame retardant polyolefin Classes and Symbols Class Symbol /kv XLPE insulated halogen /kv free flame retardant polyolefin HFCO sheathed power cable 도체 () 내부반도전층 (Semiconductive layer) 절연체 () 외부반도전층 (Semiconductive layer) 연동테이프 (Copper tape) 개재물 (Filler) 바인더테이프 (Binder tape) 피복체 (Halogen free flame retardant polyolefin) 59

62 전력케이블 Power Cable /kv 저독성난연전력용케이블 /kv HFCO, KSC IEC0 단심 (Single Core) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 표준길이 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m ,0,30,00,900,90,8 3,0,30 5,0,980 Note) : Compact round stranded conductor. 3 심 (Three Cores) 도체 소선수 / 지름 Number & of Wire 바깥지름 Outer 피복두께 Sheath 시험전압 Test Voltage 표준길이 ² No./ Ω/km V/5min kg/km m ,0,80,0, 3,00,80 5, 5,30,330 8,0,900 0

63 수출용전력케이블 Power cable for Export Construction and D.C & Test Voltage of XLPE 0./kV CU(AL)/XLPE/PVC IEC0, AS/NZS /kV CU(AL)/XLPE/PVC/CTS/PVC IEC0, AS/NZS /kV CU(AL)/XLPE/PVC/SWA(AWA)/PVC IEC0, AS/NZS /(.)kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC IEC0 3.8/.(.)kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC AS/NZS 9. /()kv CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC IEC 0./()kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC AS/NZS 9. /0()kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC IEC0./()kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC AS/NZS 9. 8/30(3)kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC IEC0 9/33(3)kV CU(AL)/XLPE/CTS(SCR)/PVC AS/NZS 9.

64 수출용전력케이블 Power cable for Export Construction and D.C. Norminal Crosssectional ² Minimum number of wires in the conductor Copper Aluminum No Maximum resistance of conductor diameter Copper Aluminum kg/km and less : Solid or Circular non compacted ~ 30 : Circular compacted Test Voltage of XLPE Isulation Rated Voltage(Uo/U)(kV) IEC 0 3./ / 8./5 /0 8/30 STANDARD AS/NZS /../ N/A./ 9/33 Test Voltage r.m.s (kv)

65 HANSHIN CABLE 0./kV CU(AL)/XLPE/PVC IEC 0, AS/NZS 00. Single Core XLPE Cable Norminal Crosssectional 도체 소선수 / 지름 No. & Dia. of Wire or Shape 지름 of 피복두께 of Sheath ² kg/km /0. /5 / /. Compact round stranded ,0,,55,930, 3,0,090 5,0, * data applied copper conductor Multi Core XLPE Cable 도체 심 Twin Core 3심 Three Core 소선수 / 지름피복두께피복두께 Norminal No. & Dia. 지름 of Crosssectional Shape Sheath Sheath of Wire or of of /0. /5 / /. Compact round stranded ,90,,3,880 3,, 5,90, ² ² ² * data applied copper conductor ,90,,0 3,0,0 5,0,,990 9,980 3,0 3

66 수출용전력케이블 Power cable for Export 0./kV CU(AL)/XLPE/PVC/CTS/PVC IEC0, AS/NZS 00. Cable Design Annealed Copper or Aluminum XLPE 3 Filler Filler Tape Binder Tape 5 Bedding PVC Screen Copper Tape + Binder Tape Sheath PVC C 3C Cross of of of Bedding of Screen of Sheath C 3C C 3C C 3C C 3C ²

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