Microsoft PowerPoint - 12_name&address.ppt
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1 최양희서울대학교컴퓨터공학부
2 Manual Configuration Stateful Address Configuration (i.e. from servers) BOOTP DHCPv4, DHCPv6 Stateless Autoconfiguration : IPv Yanghee Choi 2
3 RARP Hardware address ---> IP address requires direct access to the network hardware waste in reply frame (only IP address info is present) do not support dynamically assigned hardware address local broadcast is used - unable to extend beyond router BOOTP (Bootstrap Protocol) UDP, limited broadcast IP address, server hostname, boot filename etc. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) dynamic IP address assignment extension to BOOTP 2005 Yanghee Choi 3
4 Discover one s own IP address, server host address, filename to be loaded Carried over IP/UDP - application program Never fragmented RFC Yanghee Choi 4
5 A single packet exchange Client broadcasts bootrequest packet contains client s hardware address, IP address (if known), generic filename (ex. Unix), vendor-specific filename, server name (optional) Server answers with bootreply packet limited broadcast contains client IP address, boot filename (fullpath), vendor specific filename 2005 Yanghee Choi 5
6 client server BOOTrequest?? ARPrequest If BOOTreply is unicast using client IP address, then the server first sends ARPrequest to get client s hardware address. But the client does not have yet its IP address, and cannot respond Yanghee Choi 6
7 Binary Backoff (max. 60 sec.) Random delay - to avoid collisions after power-up UDP checksum Don t Fragment Bit 2005 Yanghee Choi 7
8 Provides configuration parameters to hosts Protocol for host-specific configuration parameters from a DHCP server to a host Mechanism for allocation of network addresses to hosts Based on BOOTP Client - Server over UDP (server : port 67, client : port 68) works beyond router Added automatic allocation of reusable network addresses and additional configuration options (In BOOTP, manual configuration was used) RFC 2131 (March 1997) 2005 Yanghee Choi 8
9 Examples IP IP Address Subnet Mask TTL MTU Default Router Static Router TCP TTL KeepAlive interval 2005 Yanghee Choi 9
10 Manual allocation - same as BOOTP Automatic allocation - a permanent address is assigned automatically by the network to the newly attached hosts Dynamic allocation - lease address for a limited period of time 2005 Yanghee Choi 10
11 Server (not selected) Client Begins initialization Server (selected) Determines configuration DHCPDISCOVER DHCPOFFER DHCPDISCOVER DHCPOFFER Determines configuration Collects replies Selects configuration DHCPREQUEST DHCPREQUEST Commits configuration DHCPACK Initialization complete Graceful shutdown DHCPRELEASE Discards lease 2005 Yanghee Choi 11
12 Server (not selected) Client Begins initialization Server (selected) Locates configuration DHCPREQUEST DHCPREQUEST DHCPACK Initialization complete DHCPACK Locates configuration (subsequent DHCPACKs ignored) 2005 Yanghee Choi 12
13 INIT/REBOOT INIT DHCPACK/ record lease, set T1,T2 /DHCPREQUEST DHCPNAK/Restart REBOOTING DHCPOFFER/ Discard DHCPNAK/Discard offer DHCPACK/DHCPDECLINE REQUESTING DHCPOFFER, DHCPACK DHCPNAK/ discard /DHCPREQUEST DHCPACK/ record lease, set T1,T2 BOUND /DHCPDISCOVER SELECTING DHCPNAK, Lease expired/ halt network DHCPACK/ record lease, set T1,T2 DHCPOFFER/ REBINDIND T2 expires/ broadcast DHCPREQUEST DHCPNAK/ halt network DHCPACK/ record lease, T1 expires/ set T1,T2 DHCPREQUEST to 2005 Yanghee Choi leasing server RENEWING 13
14 T1 T2 At time T1, the client sends DHCPREQUEST to the server (unicast) to extend its lease Default value = 0.5 X duration_of_lease At time T2, the client sends DHCPREQUEST to any server (broadcast) to extend its lease Default value = X duration_of_lease 2005 Yanghee Choi 14
15 Stateless - nodes configure addresses themselves with information from routers (if available); no managed addresses Stateful - nodes use DHCPv6 to obtain addresses and more These are not mutually exclusive Duplicate address detection (DAD) used to avoid duplicated use of the same address Link-local address always available All_DHCP_Relay_Agents_and_Servers (FF02::1:2) All_DHCP_Servers (FF05::1:3) A node always creates a link-local address (stateless) Allows for direct communication between nodes on a link DHCPv6 client therefore has an address it can use 2005 Yanghee Choi 15
16 RFC 3315 Changes from DHCPv4 Configuration of dynamic updates to DNS Address deprecation for dynamic renumbering Authentication Clients can ask for multiple IP addresses Addresses can be reclaimed Integration between stateful and stateless autoconfiguration 2005 Yanghee Choi 16
17 2005 Yanghee Choi 17
18 2005 Yanghee Choi 18
19 Interface ID automatically derived IEEE addresses use MAC-to-EUI-64 conversion Other addresses use other means, such as random number generation Host creates a link-local address Host performs duplicate address check Host sends RS to the all-routers multicast address (ff01::2) Router unicasts RA with prefix information Host adds prefix to Interface ID to form global unicast address 2005 Yanghee Choi 19
20 Stateless : Link Local Address 2005 Yanghee Choi 20
21 RS Router Solicitation RA Router Advertisement NS Neighbor Solicitation NA Neighbor Advertisement 2005 Yanghee Choi 21
22 Must be performed by all nodes Performed with both stateless and stateful autoconfiguration Performed before assigning a unicast address to an interface Performed on interface initialization Not performed for anycast addresses Link must be multicast capable New address is called "tentative" as long as duplicate address detection takes place 2005 Yanghee Choi 22
23 1.Interface joins all-nodes multicast group 2.Interface joins solicited-node multicast group 3.Node sends one NS with Target address = tentative IP address Source address = unspecified (::) Destination address = tentative solicited-node address If address already exists, the particular node sends a NA with Target address = tentative IP address Destination address = tentative solicited-node address If soliciting node receives NA with target address set to the tentative IP address, the address must be duplicate 2005 Yanghee Choi 23
24 How do routers get network prefix? RFC 3633 Using DHCPv Yanghee Choi 24
25 DNS service for dynamic IP address For servers with dynamic IP addresses Third party commercial service Updates DNS entry when new address is assigned 2005 Yanghee Choi 25
26 Translation from high-level names to IP addresses etc. RFC 1034, 1035 Hierarchical Names delegation of authority independent of physical connection 2005 Yanghee Choi 26
27 name space is partitioned authority of each subset is delegated to designated agents Domain Name consists of labels separated by period ( ) com, edu, gov, mil, net, org (USA) country code (us, kr, jp, fr..) biz, info, name, museum, coop, aero, pro, int & more co, ac, go, nm, re (Korea) 2005 Yanghee Choi 27
28 server software - Name Server client software - Name Resolver Root Server server for Korea kr server for com com server for France fr server for academia server for SNU 2005 Yanghee Choi 28
29 resolver server server query (name, type...) recursive resolution resolved answer (address...) contact other server resolved answer (address...) resolved answer (address...) iterative resolution refer other server query (name, type...) resolved answer (address...) 2005 Yanghee Choi 29 resolved answer (address...)
30 Client should know at least one name server Server should know at least one name server of upper level (parent) 2005 Yanghee Choi 30
31 name caching at each host/server to save cost fast response works in case of other servers failures indicate nonauthorative binding, when information is retrieved from the local cache authorative response include TTL value for the binding hosts can copy local server s database extremely fast response protection against the local server s failure 2005 Yanghee Choi 31
32 TYPE MEANING CONTENTS A Host Address 32-bit IP address CNAME Canonical Name Canonical domain name for an alias HINFO CPU & OS Name of CPU and OS MINFO Mailbox Info Info about a mailbox or mail list MX Mail Exchanger 16-bit preference and name of host that acts as mail exchanger for domain NS Name Server Name of authorative server for domain PTR Pointer Domain Name SOA Start of Authority Multiple fields that specify which parts of the naming hierarchy a server implements TXT Arbitrary text Uninterpreted string of ASCII text 2005 Yanghee Choi 32
33 client IP address (in literal string, type = PTR) server domain name 2005 Yanghee Choi 33
34 Addresses for Ubiquitous World Multihoming Anonymity Attack on the DNS root servers 인터넷대란 Slammer Worm on MS SQL server Infected 8800 servers in 10 minutes 2005 Yanghee Choi 34
IoT DDoS DNS ( ( DDoS DNS DDoS / DDoS(Distributed DoS)? B Asia Broadband B Bots connect to a C&C to create an overlay network (botnet) C&C Provider JP Corp. Bye Bye!
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Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh
Page 1 of 6 Learn Korean Ep. 13: Whether (or not) and If Let s go over how to say Whether and If. An example in English would be I don t know whether he ll be there, or I don t know if he ll be there.
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441 450 458 466 474 477 480 This book examines the research conducted on urban ethnography by the National Folk Museum of Korea. Although most people in Korea
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step 1-1
Written by Dr. In Ku Kim-Marshall STEP BY STEP Korean 1 through 15 Action Verbs Table of Contents Unit 1 The Korean Alphabet, hangeul Unit 2 Korean Sentences with 15 Action Verbs Introduction Review Exercises
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USB Windows 7/ Vista 2 Windows XP English 1 2 3 4 Installation A. Headset B. Transmitter C. USB charging cable D. 3.5mm to USB audio cable - Before using the headset needs to be fully charged. -Connect
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이동전화시장 경쟁활성화를 위한 MVNO 추진을 바라보며 김원식 1) 1. 들어가며 최근 이동전화의 무선재판매 시장 활성화 등을 위해 정보통신부가 준비한 전기통신사업 법 개정안 공청회에서 무선재판매의무제 관련규정을 둘러싸고 전문가들의 우려와 지적이 상당하였다. 우선 무선재판매 제도 도입의 배경을 살펴보자. 직접적 배경으로는 국내 이동전화 요금에 대한 이용자들의
사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서 제품을 사용하지 마십시오. 3.이 제품은
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solution map_....
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본교재는수업용으로제작된게시물입니다. 영리목적으로사용할경우저작권법제 30 조항에의거법적처벌을받을수있습니다. [ 실습 ] 스위치장비초기화 1. NVRAM 에저장되어있는 'startup-config' 파일이있다면, 삭제를실시한다. SWx>enable SWx#erase sta
[ 실습 ] 스위치장비초기화 1. NVRAM 에저장되어있는 'startup-config' 파일이있다면, 삭제를실시한다. SWx>enable SWx#erase startup-config Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files Continue? [confirm] ( 엔터 ) [OK] Erase
(RMI) - JSTORM http://wwwjstormpekr (RMI)- Document title: Document file name: Revision number: Issued by: Document Information (RMI)- rmi finaldoc Issue Date: Status:
IPv6 진화동기 인터넷접속노드증가에따른주소영역의 활장 사용자의다양한서비스욕구충족 실시간서비스, 멀티미디어서비스 보안및 인증서비스 IPng S pecifications IPv6 Specification - Intenet Protocol, Version 6(IPv6) S
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VMware vsphere 4 This document was created using the official VMware icon and diagram library. Copyright 2009 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright