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1 IoT DDoS DNS (
3 DDoS(Distributed DoS)? B Asia Broadband B Bots connect to a C&C to create an overlay network (botnet) C&C Provider JP Corp. Bye Bye! Systems Become Infected Internet Backbone Bots attack B BM B B Europe Corp B B Controller Botnet master Connects Issues attack Command US Broadband The Peaceful Village 3
4 DDoS : akamai : akamai 4
5 상품화된 DDoS 공격 서비스 5
6 IoT DDoS 6
7 IoT DDoS : dyn Mirai Botnet zombie IoT DDoS -. default user/password, TCP 23/2323 port -. rebooting malware Mirai Botnet DDoS -. SYN flooding -. UDP flooding -. VSE query flooding -. GRE flooding -. ACK flooding -. Water Torture attack : -. HTTP GET,POST,HEAD attack -. IP (spoofed) DDoS. -. source code 7
9 DNS(Domain Name Server) domain name IP Hierachical 9
10 DNS(Domain Name Server) DNS Query Header Format & Query Type identification flags number of questions number of answer RRs number of authority RRs number of additional RRs 12 bytes query name query type query class type value function type value function A 1 IPv4 address PTR 12 pointer record AAAA 28 IPv6 address MX 15 mail exchange record NS 2 name server TXT 16 readable information CNAME 5 canonical name ANY 255 all records 10
11 DNS(Domain Name Server) Host 변환요청 IP주소 Resolver DNS 변환요청 com 담당서버 변환요청 naver.com 담당서버 변환요청 g.naver.com 담당서버 Root ns.com 변환요청 ns.naver.com 의 IP 주소 ns.g.naver.com Recursion query 11 Iterative query
12 Simple Flooding ICMP, UDP Flooding -. DNS ISP n 4 ISP A Access Router Much BIGGER Attack 6 Mbps DDoS - teeny tiny attack - well, to Transit ISP, not ISP A GE 10G Collateral Transit Target Damage ISP Target Gone 5 1M Attack 6 Fragmented Flooding -. fragmented packet DNS Resource 12
13 Simple Flooding DNS Query Flooding -. FQDN Query DNS Resource Zombie PC Authoritative Server (sherpain.net) Zombie PC Authoritative Server (sherpain.net) 13
14 DNS Reflection/Amplification hacking & put large garbage record Authoritative Server (sherpain.net) net domain root domain Command DDoS to Botnet Recursive DNS Server spoofed TXT or ANY type query x n Query n Bot Botnet 14 Victim ( )
15 DNS Reflection/Amplification Authoritative Server (sherpain.net) Recursive DNS Server (caching) 1) x n Reply 2) TXT Record n Bot Botnet 15 Victim ( )
16 DNS Water Torture Attack Authoritative Server (sherpain.net) Authoritative Server (sherpain_networks.net) Authoritative Server (sherpa-in.net) Command DDoS to Botnet Recursive DNS Server n Bot Botnet Spoofed or Non-Spoofed 16 random subdomain query abc.sherpain.net xysdfsd.sherpain.net ssdfsdf sher.sherpain.net
17 DNS Water Torture Attack Authoritative Server (sherpain.net) Authoritative Server (sherpain_networks.net) Authoritative Server (sherpa-in.net) Recursive DNS Server n Bot Botnet 17
18 Phantom Domain Attack making phantom domain Root Server Phantom Domain Servers Phantom Phantom1 Phantom2 Phantom3 Phantomxxxx Command DDoS to Botnet Response : phantom.com is Query : Query : never answer to the question Recursive DNS Server Query : Query : Query : Query : Query : n Bot Botnet 18
19 DDoS : Out-of-Path vs. Inline Out-of-Path :, DDoS 2 Inline : L7 DDoS / : DNS ACL IX #1 IX #2 Sinkhole DDoS L4 L4 DNS Server Farm 19 DNS Server Farm
20 DDoS DNS DDoS /
21 IoT 21
22 Spoofing 22
23 Zombie PC ( ) (?) NXDOMAIN Querier 23
24 DNS DDoS Out-of-Path + In-line -. OOP DDoS -. In-line IX #1 IX #2 IX Netflow/sflow DDoS Sinkhole DDoS L4 DDoS 24 DNS Server Farm
25 Q n A jaeseog@sherpain.net 25
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