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1 OID 관련국제표준화현황및 OID 해석프로토콜기술 이준섭

2 Contents OID 의개요 OID 의개념 OID Tree OID Repository OID 의인코딩 OID 관련국제표준화현황 OID Resolution System 개요 구조 입출력 동작예제 필요성 미해결이슈

3 OID 의개념 (1/2) OID (Object Identifier, 객체식별자 ) A globally unique value associated with an object to unambiguously identify it (ITU-T Recommendation X.680 ISO/IEC ) Object 의종류 ITU-T SG 번호, 국가, 표준, 암호알고리즘, 네트워크, 프로토콜명령어, 코드등 Anything {0 1 17} = ITU-T Study Group 17 { } = Korea { } = ISO/IEC { } = HAS-160 hash algorithm { } = Korea (Rep. of) HiNET-P (Korea Telecom) { } = ReadSingleObjectCommand { } = ISO 동물식별용코드체계

4 OID 의개념 (2/2) OID 의사용예 MIB (Management Information Base) 질문 : 야.. 너의시스템이름 (sysname) 이모니? { } 답변 : 내시스템이름은 이야! { }

5 OID Tree Unique Secondary identifier Unicode label: ITU-T Integer valued Unicode label: 0 Root itu-t (0) iso (1) joint-iso-itu-t (2) administration (2) member-body (2) org (3) tag-based (27) Korea (450) Korea (410) dod (6) mcode (1)... kisa (200004) internet (1)... Secondary identifier mgmt (2) private (4) NOT unique... Primary integer value enterprises (1) {iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprises(1) ETRI SRC(32251)} OID: { } OID-IRI: ISO/org/dod/internet/private/enterprises/ETRI SRC Long arc : ETRI SRC just example, no space in Unicode label, needs approval,... ETRI SRC (32251) OID: An ordered list of primary integer values from the root

6 OID Repository 95,140 개의 OID 저장 ( 기준 ) 비공식 Registration Authority 제공기능 OID 의개념및관련표준정보 저장된 OID 의검색 새로운 OID 의저장 OID {2 27} 의공식 Registration Authority Recommendation ITU-T X.668 ISO/IEC 에정의 제공기능 {2 27 n} 의할당신청 WHOIS service

7 OID 의인코딩 (1/2) 관련표준 ITU-T X.690 ISO/IEC : 2002, ASN.1 encoding rules: Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER) ISO/IEC 에서도이표준을준용하여 RFID 태그에인코딩을하도록정의 인코딩구조 Identifier octets Length octets Contents octets Identifier octets 의인코딩 Class (2 bits) P/C (1bit) Tag number (5 bits) Object Identifier type: = universal + primitive + 6

8 OID 의인코딩 (2/2) { } 의인코딩예 Object Identifier type: = 06 HEX Length: = 04 HEX OID arcs {0 2}: 0 * = 2 = 02 HEX OID arc {450}: 450 = = = = 83 HEX 42 HEX1 OID arc {1}: 1 = = 01 HEX

9 OID 관련국제표준 (1/3) OID 의최초등장 ISO/IEC 8824(1986), ITU-T X.208(1988) ASN.1 의 data type 의하나로정의됨 OID 를정의하는것은전체적인 Registration Authority 의구조를정의하는것을의미함 최초에는 Registration Authority 관련내용이 X.680 에정의됨 1990 년대초에 X.680 에서 X.660 으로이관 X.680 시리즈는 ASN.1 관련표준임 X.660 시리즈는 Registration Authority 관련표준임

10 OID 관련국제표준 (2/3) 관련국제표준 ASN.1 표현관련표준 X.680(2008), X.681(2008), X.682(2008), X.683(2008) ASN.1 인코딩규칙관련표준 X.690(BER, CER, DER)(2008), X.691(PER)(2008), X.692(ECN)(2008), X.693(XER)(2008), X.694(Mapping W3C XML Schema)(2008), X.695(Registration of PER encoding instruction)(2008) OID 할당관련표준 ITU-T X.660 ISO/IEC (2008), General procedures and top arcs of the ASN.1 Object Identifier tree ITU-T X.662 ISO/IEC (2008), Registration of object identifier arcs beneath the top-level arc jointly administered by ISO and ITU-T { joint-iso-itu-t(2) n}

11 OID 관련국제표준 (3/3) ITU-T X.665 ISO/IEC (2004), Registration of application processes and application entities ITU-T X.666 ISO/IEC (2008), Joint ISO and ITU-T registration of international organizations { joint-iso-itu-t(2) international-organizations(23) n} ITU-T X.667 ISO/IEC (2008), Generation and registration of Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) and their use as ASN.1 object identifier components { joint-iso-itu-t(2) uuid(25) n} ITU-T X.668 ISO/IEC (2008), Registration of object identifier arcs for applications and services using tag-based identification 모바일 RFID 서비스를위한코드체계의식별을위해사용됨 {joint-iso-itu-t(2) tag-based(27) n}

12 OID Resolution System 개요 OID Resolution System 의정의 A system which provides information associated with any object identified by an Object Identifier 국제표준추진경과 ITU-T SG17의새로운 ToR에 OID Resolution 추가 ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6에 NP(6N13665) 제안 (2008.7) ITU-T SG17에서 draft Rec. 번호 (X.oid-res) 부여 (2008.9, Geneva) ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6에서 NP 승인 ( ) ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 6에서 Project No.( ) 및표준번호 (ISO/IEC 29168) 할당 ( , Montreux) 1 st Working Draft 제출 ( ) 2 nd Working Draft 제출 (2009.3) 이후의설명은 2 nd Working Draft 의내용을기준으로함

13 OID Resolution System 의구조 표준의범위 전체아키텍처 General OID resolution process 를위한프로토콜 (DNS 기반 ) 모바일 RFID 서비스를위한 application-specific OID resolution process 는 SG16 에서진행중 STEP 3: OID STEP 4: Application-specific associated information

14 OID Resolution System 의입출력 (1/2) OID resolution server 의입력 Canonical form of OID-IRI ( 예, /2/27/1 ) OID-IRI ( 예, /Joint-ISO-ITU-T/Tag-based/mcode) Message 형식

15 OID Resolution System 의입출력 (2/2) OID resolution server 의출력 Access information ( 예, HTTP, Child node information (TBD) Canonical form of an OID-IRI ( 예, /2/27/1) Message 형식 NAPTR RR 의 Service field 정의 Service-field = O2I servicespec servicespec = + orpservice orpservice = DNS X.500 LDAP HTTP HTTPS COI CINFO

16 OID Resolution System 의동작예제 (1/2) 설정예 Root ORS Resource Records IN NS IN NS IN NS Resource Records IN NS ORS ORS Resource Records IN NS ORS ORS ORS Resource Records IN NS IN NS IN NAPTR u O2I+COI!^.*$!/2/27!. Resource Records IN NAPTR u O2I+DNS!^.*$!! IN NAPTR u O2I+DNS!^.*$!!. IN NAPTR u O2I+DNS!^.*$!!. IN NAPTR u O2I+COI!^.*$!/2/27/1!. Resource Records n IN NS x.y.z

17 OID Resolution System 의동작예제 (2/2) 동작예 Root ORS Resource Record IN NS (2) (3) NS ORC (1) (4) (8) NAPTR u O2I+DNS!^.*$!!. Local ORS (5) NS (6) ORS (7) NAPTR u O2I+DNS!^.*$!!. ORS

18 OID 해석의필요성 한국 (1/2) 다중코드해석시스템의구현 OID+O OID+O Functions if OID x then else if OID y then else error Functions if OID x then else if OID y then else ask OID Resolution Server 기존 RFID 시스템의동작 OID 기반다중코드해석시스템의동작

19 OID 해석의필요성 한국 (2/2) General OID resolution process 를활용하여 OID 해석 코드해석정보획득은 application-specific OID resolution process 로처리 IN NAPTR U O2U+VFT:V100B1!^(.{2}).{11}$!\\1! IN NAPTR U O2U+FFT:V100B1!^(.{2})(.{2})(.{3})(.{4}).{2}$!\\4.\\3.\\2.\\!.

20 미해결이슈 (1/2) OID Resolution System 을위한 Name space??? OID Resolution System을위한신규gTLD.oid,,,

21 미해결이슈 (2/2) OID Resolution Server 의기본 zone file 설정 Within one server or separate servers? Root itu-t (0) iso (1) joint-iso-itu-t (2) administration (2) member-body (2) org (3) tag-based (27) Korea (450) Korea (410)... kisa (200004) 보안이슈 DNSsec 의사용여부 dod (6)... mgmt (2)... mcode (1) internet (1) private (4) enterprises (1)

22 Thank you for your attention. Contact Information Jun Seob LEE Standards Research Center Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Tel: , Fax:

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