Microsoft PowerPoint - 02 IPv6 Operation.ppt [호환 모드]

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1 Module 2 IPv6 Operation

2 Module 2 Outline Lesson 1: IPv6 Addressing Architecture Lesson 2: Enabling IPv6 on Cisco Routers Lesson 3: Neighbor Discovery Lesson 4: Cisco IOS Software IPv6 Configuration Example Lesson 5: ICMPv6 IPv6 v

3 Lesson 1: IPv6 Addressing Architecture

4 Address Representation Format : x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x 각 x 는 16-bit 16 진수로표기된다. 2001:0DB8:010F:0001:0000:0000:0000:0D0C 각 Field 에맨앞에 0 은생략될수있다 : 2001:DB8:10F:1:0:0:0:D0C 0 이연속되는 Field 는 :: 으로표현하며, 한번만가능하다. 2001:DB8:10F:1::D0C 10F 1 D0C 2001::130F::10F:1:D0C 와같은표현은잘못된표기이다. IPv6 v

5 Address Representation (Cont.) Example: 전체주소 : 2001:0DB8:0000:0000:FFFF:0000:0000:0D0C 올바른표기법 2001:db8::FFFF:0:0:D0C 2001:db8:0:0:FFFF::D0C 잘못된표기법 2001:db8::FFFF::D0C Further Examples: FF02:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 => FF02::1 FF15:0:0:0:0:0:1:c001 => FF15::1:c001 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 => ::1 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 => :: IPv6 v

6 Address Representation (Cont.) Format : IPv4-compatible: 0:0:0:0:0:0: = :: = ::C000:0246 v4-mapped 0:0:0:0:0:FFFF: = ::FFFF:C000:0246 IPv6 v

7 Address Representation (Cont.) URL 에 IPv6 로표기시에는 [ ] 괄호안에주소를명시한다. 사용하기불편하다. DNS Name 등록전검사목적으로사용. 등록된 FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) 을사용한다. IPv6 v

8 Address Types Unicast Multicast Anycast IPv6 v

9 Unicast Unicast Address 는단대단통신을위해사용된다. IPv6 unicast addresses are: Global unicast addresses Link-local addresses Site-local addresses 특별한목적으로예약된 unicast Unspecified, loopback, IPv4 compatible, IPv4 mapped IPv6 v

10 Link-Local Addresses 128 bits 0 Interface ID bits FE80::/10 10 bits Link-local addresses: 직접연결된 (Connected) Local Link 에서사용된다. IPv6 Stack이활성화된 Node에서는 Boot시각각의 Interface에자동으로할당된다. FE80::/10 의 Prefix 와 Interface 에 EUI-64 ID 의결합으로생성되며, /64 의 Prefix의길이를갖는다. Link Local Address는 Local Link에서만유효하며, 다른 Subnet으로전달되지않는다. IPv6 v

11 Interface Identifiers 128 bits Interface ID 64 bits Link 에서 Interface 를식별하기위해사용함. Link 에서고유하다. 전세계적으로도고유할수있다. Unicast Address 도 64-bit interface ID 를갖는다. Unicast Address 중이진수 000 으로시작하는주소는제외된다. EUI-48 bit 를갖는 Interface 는 Non-EUI-64-bit Interface ID 로변경된다. 7 번째 bit 는보수화를하고, 24bit(vender id) 와 24bit(node id) 사이에 FFFE 를삽입한다. IPv6 v

12 Site-Local Addresses 128 bits 0 Interface ID FEC0::/10 Subnet ID n bits 10 bits Site-local addresses : Site에서만사용되는 Unicast address이다. Site-Local address는수동으로설정한다. Site-Local address는 Global IPv6 Internet으로알려져서는안된다. FEC0::/10에 Prefix와 54bit의 Subnet ID (2^54), Interface의 EUI-64 ID 로구성된다. IPv6 v

13 Global Unicast Addresses Provider Site Interface 64 bits Global Routing Prefix Subnet ID Interface ID Global unicast addresses are : IPv6 internet 에서사용되는 address 이다. 각사이트는 ISP로부터 /48의 Prefix를부여받는다. 각사이트는 16bit에주소를받는다. (2^16=65,536 subnet을갖는다.) IPv6 v

14 Unspecified and Loopback Addresses Unspecified address : 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 128bit 모두가 0인주소로 :: 으로도표기하며, Interface에 IP가부여되지않은상태의 Unicast address이다. DHCP 또는 DAD (Duplicated Address Detection) Packet 전송시사용됨. Loopback address: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 ::1 IPv4에 과동일하다. 자신을식별할목적으로사용된다. IPv6 v

15 IPv4-Compatible Addresses 96 bits 32 bits 0 IPv4 Address 0:0:0:0:0:0: = :: = ::C000:0264 IPv4-compatible addresses : Automatic IPv4 tunnel, Dynamic NAT-PT 등에서사용되는 Address 로 IPv6 Address 구성에 Node 의 IPv4 address 를포함한다. ::/96 + IPv4 Address 의형태로구성되며 ( 예 :: ), Embedded format ( 예. ::CE7B:1F01) 으로도표현된다. IPv6 v

16 IPv4-Mapped Addresses 80 bits 16 bits 32 bits 0 FFFF IPv4 Address 0:0:0:0:0:FFFF: = ::FFFF: = ::FFFF:C000:0246 IPv4-mapped addresses : IPv4 address 를 IPv6 address 로표기하기위해사용한다. Dual-stack node 에서 IPv6 Application 이 IPv4 destination 에 Packet 을보낼때 IPv4-mapped IPv6 Address에트래픽을전송한다. 대부분의경우 IPv4-mapped address는 Dual-stack node API 내부에서사용된다. IPv6 v

17 Multicast Addresses 112 bits group ID if permanent Flag = F F Flag Scope 1 if temporary 8bits 8bits Scope = 1 = interface-local 2 = link-local 3 = subnet-local 4 = admin-local 5 = site-local 8 = organization E= global Multicast 는하나의 Host 가많은 Host 들에게전송할수있는방법이다. IPv6 v

18 Multicast Assigned Addresses Multicast Address 범위는 FF00::/8 (FF00:: ~ FFFF::) FF01::1 = 노드자체를나타내는멀티캐스트주소 FF02::1 = Link Local 범위의모든노드를나타내는멀티캐스트주소 FF01::2 = 라우터자체를나타내는멀티캐스트주소 FF02::2 = Link Local 범위의모든라우터를나타내는멀티캐스트주소 FF05::2 = Site Local 범위의모든라우터를나타내는멀티캐스트주소 IPv6 v

19 Multicast Assigned Addresses FF0X:: is reserved (X=0..F) Solicited-node it d Multicast t Address 는 Neighbor Discovery 시 Neighbor Solicitation Message( 네이버찾기메시지 ) 에서사용된다. Meaning Scope FF02::1 All nodes Link-local l FF02::2 All routers Link-local FF02::9 All RIP routers Link-local FF02::1:FFXX:XXXX FFXX XXXX Solicited-node Link-local FF05::101 All NTP servers Site-local IPv6 v

20 Anycast Addresses nbits Prefix 128-n nbits Interface ID Anycast : 다수의 Device 가하나의 Address 를공유한다. (Aggregatable Unicast Address) Source Device가 Anycast Address로 packet을보내면 Packet은 Routing (Best Path Selection) 에의해그 Address 에해당하는 Interface 중하나로전달된다. IPv6 v

21 IPv6 Addressing - Anycast Addresses delivered to nearest BGP announce /24 Internet BGP announce / IP Packet S:Sender D: BGP announce /24 Sender IPv4 Anycast Address : Internet 상의다수의 6to4 Relay의 IPv4 Address는 로할당되어있다. 이 Address는 BGP를통해Announce 되며, 이 Address로가는Packet은 BGP Routing을통해Best Path를경유하여가장가까운 Node를찾는다. IPv6 v

22 Required Host Addresses IPv6 Host interface 는적절한동작을위해다음 IPv6 Address 를필요로한다 : Link-local address loopback address - 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1, ::1 All-nodes Multicast address - FF02::1, FF01::1 Solicited-Node Multicast Address - FF02::1:FFXX:XXXX Host 가포함된특정 Multicast Group 의 Multicast Address Site-Local Address IPv6 v

23 Required Router Addresses IPv6 Router 에필요한 IP Address : Host Address All-Router Multicast Address FF02::2, FF01::2, FF05::2 Subnet Router Anycast Address Unicast-Prefix + All 0 기타필요에의해설정된 Anycast Address Routing을위한Specific Multicast Address (RIPv6 - FF02::9) IPv6 v

24 Addressing Architecture Binary prefix IPv6 notation Unspecified 00 0 (128 bits) ::/128 Loopback ::1/ (128 bits) Multicast Link-local unicast Site-local unicast Global unicast Everything else FF00::/8 FE80::/10 FEC0::/10 IPv6 v

25 IPv6 over Data Link Layers IPv6 is defined for most data link layers: Ethernet PPP FDDI Token Ring HDLC Non-broadcast multi-access (NBMA) ATM Frame Relay IEEE 1394 IPv6 v

26 IPv6 over Ethernet Destination Ethernet Address Source Ethernet Address 0x86DD IPv6 Header and Payload Ethernet Type 0x86DD 로 IPv6 Header 를지정한다. Ethernet에서 IPv6 Interface 식별을위해 EUI-64 IEEE 표준을사용한다. IPv6 v

27 Multicast Mapping over Ethernet IPv6 multicast address FF Corresponding Ethernet address Multicast prefix for Ethernet multicast IPv6 Multicast Address 용 Ethernet address 매핑 : 33:33:<IPv6 multicast address 마지막 32bit 를사용> IPv6 v

28 Modified EUI-64 Format Ethernet MAC address (48 bits) FC 0F FF FE 17 FC 0F 64 bits version U/L Bit Modified EUI-64 address FF FE 17 FC 0F X0 where X= X=1 1 = universally unique 0 = locally unique FF FE 17 FC 0F EUI-48 MAC Address 를고유한 EUI-64 MAC 으로변경하기위해 FFFE 를 Extension ID 앞에삽입하고 7 번째 U/L bit 를 1 로변경한다. IPv6 v

29 Privacy Interface ID db a083 38d d0c1 Randomly created Interface Identifier 임의로생성된 Interface Identifier 를지원한다. IPv6 v

30 PPP Interface ID Construction PPP Interface 구조는다음 Process 를사용한다 : 가능하면다른 interface에 EUI-64 또는 EUI-48을사용한다. 다른 Node에유일한정보 (Machine serial number) 를사용하여고유한 64-bit 식별자를구성한다. 임의의식별자를생성한다. IPv6CP를교환하는동안생성된address를 ( 두 device간 propose를통한 Negotiation 이생긴다.) 사용한다. IPv6 v

31 Lesson 2: Enabling IPv6 on Cisco Routers

32 Lesson Outline Enabling IPv6 on Cisco Routers IPv6 Address Configuration IPv6 v

33 Enabling IPv6 on Cisco Routers Cisco IOS 에서 IPv6 활성화하기 : IPv6 unicast packet forwarding 을활성화한다. router(config)# ipv6 unicast-routing Enables IPv6 traffic forwarding IPv6 v

34 IPv6 Address Configuration "ipv6 address" 명령어 : Interface 에 IPv6 를활성화한다. Interface에 IPv6 address를설정한다. router(config-if)# ipv6 enable ipv6 address <ipv6prefix>/<prefix-length> eui-64 ipv6 unnumbered <interface> ipv6 address <fe80:ipv6addr> [link-local] IPv6 v

35 IPv6 Address Configuration (Cont.) LAN: 2001:db8:c18:1::/64 Ethernet0 ipv6 unicast-routing interface Ethernet0 ipv6 address 2001:db8:c18:1::/64 eui-64 MAC address: e router# show ipv6 interface Ethernet0 Ethernet0 t0 is up, line protocol is up IPv6 is enabled, link-local address is FE80::260:3EFF:FE47:1530 Global unicast address(es): 2001:DB8:C18:1:260:3EFF:FE47:1530, subnet is 2001:DB8:C18:1::/64 Joined group address(es): FF02::1:FF47:1530 FF02::1 FF02::2 MTU is 1500 bytes IPv6 v

36 Lab 1 Lab 1 enable IPv6 Windows Cisco router IPv6 v

37 Lesson 3: Neighbor Discovery

38 Lesson Outline ICMPv6 Path MTU Discovery Neighbor Discovery Stateless t Autoconfiguration ti Renumbering IPv6 v

39 ICMPv6 Next header = 58 ICMPv6 packet IPv6 basic header ICMPv6 packet ICMPv6 packet ICMPv6 Type ICMPv6 Code Checksum ICMPv6 Data ICMPv6 Packet은 Next Header Field 58로식별된다. TCP, UDP와같은상위 Layer Protocol로취급되며다른 Extension Header가있는경우Extension Header 다음에온다. ICMPv6는 Error 및 Information Report 외에도 Stateless Autoconfiguration, Prefix Renumbering, Neighbor Discovery, DAD(Duplicate Address Detection), Path MTU Discovery등의기능을수행한다. IPv6 v

40 Path MTU Discovery Source Destination MTU = 1500 MTU = 1500 MTU = 1400 MTU = 1300 Packet with MTU=1500 ICMP error: packet too big Use MTU = 1400 Packet with MTU=1400 ICMP error: packet too big Use MTU = 1300 Packet with MTU=1300 Packet received Path MTU = 1300 IPv6 v

41 Maximum Transmission Unit Link-Layer Frame Frame Header IPv6 Packet Frame Trailer Minimum MTU = 1280 octets IPv4 최소 MTU 68 octets 이다. IPv6 최소 MTU는 1280 octets 이다. 기본 IPv6 헤더는 64K octets를지원한다. IPv6 v

42 Neighbor Discovery Neighbor Discovery: 중복주소검출을위한질의 (DAD) 동일 link에 Neighbor의 Link-layer Address를결정한다. Link 에 Neighbor Router 를찾는다. ICMPv6 는 IPv6 Multicast 를이용한다. IPv6 v

43 Solicited-Node Multicast Address IPv6 Address Prefix Interface ID Solicited-Node Multicast Address 24 bits FF FF Lower bits Solicited-node Address : Link-local 범위의 Multicast address를사용. 모든 Unicast와 anycast address에오른쪽 24bit Prefix를이용하여생성한다. IPv6 v

44 Multicast Mapping over Ethernet IPv6 Address DB F 02C0 10FF FE17 FC0F IPv6 solicited node multicast address FF FF17 FC0F Corresponding Ethernet address FF 17 FC 0F Multicast prefix for Ethernet multicast IPv6 v

45 Duplicate Address Detection A B ICMP type = 135 Src = 0 (::) Dst = solicited-node multicast of A Data = link-layer address of A Query = what is your link address? Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) 를이용하여 Host 는 Address 설정하기전에 Neighbor Solicitation 을이용하여검사한다. 만약응답을받는경우주소를사용할수없다. ( 충돌감지 ) IPv6 v

46 Neighbor Discovery Neighbor Solicitation A B ICMP type = 135 Src = A Dst = solicited-node multicast of B Data = link-layer address of A Query = what is your link address? A and B can now exchange packets on this link ICMP type = 136 Src = B Dst = A Data = link-layer address of B 동일 Link 상의 Neighbor 의 Link Layer Address (MAC Address) 를찾는데사용된다. IPv4의 ARP 기능을대체한다. 중복주소확인, Redirect 등에도사용된다. IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Process는 ICMPv6 Message Type 135 (Neighbor Solicitation) 과 Type 136 (Neighbor Advertisement) 를사용한다. IPv6 v

47 Neighbor Discovery - Autoconfig Auto configuration Stateless Uses Neighbor Discovery Router Advertisements Stateful Uses DHCPv6 service IPv6 v

48 Neighbor Discovery Router Advertisements A B R1 R2 RA RA RA packet definitions: ICMP type = 134 Src = router link-local address Dst = all-nodes multicast address Data= options, prefix, lifetime, autoconfig flag Router 는주기적으로 Router Advertisements (RA) 를 all-nodes Multicast Address 로전송한다. (FF02::1) IPv6 v

49 Neighbor Discovery Parameters R1 A B C Autoconfiguring IPv6 hosts Router advertisements Default router IPv6 network prefix Lifetime of advertisement IPv6 v

50 Neighbor Discovery Parameters (Cont.) R1 A B C Router advertisements Enabled by default on router interface RA default value can be changed Host can solicit router by send NDRS (Neighbor Discovery Router Solicitation) IPv6 v

51 Neighbor Discovery Router Solicitations A B R1 R2 RS RA RS packet definitions: ICMP type = 133 Src = unspecified Address (::) Dst = all-routers multicast address (FF02::2) 부팅시, Router Advertisements 를즉시받기위해 Router Solicitation 을 Node 에전송한다. Flooding 을막기위해 3 시간에한번전송된다. IPv6 v

52 Stateless Autoconfiguration A R1 R2 1. RS 2. RA 2. RA 1. RS: 2. RA: ICMP type = 133 ICMP type = 134 Src = :: Src = router link-local address Dst = all-routers multicast address Dst = all-nodes multicast address query= please send RA Data= options, prefix, lifetime, autoconfig flag Router Solicitation (RS) 는 Booting시 Interface 구성을위해 RAs를요청하기위해 Node에전송된다. IPv6 v

53 Renumbering RA packet definitions: ICMP type = 134 Src = router link-local address Dst = all-nodes multicast address (FF02::1) Data= 2 prefixes: 짧은 Lifetime을갖는기존prefix 보통의 lifetime을갖는새prefix RA R1! 라우터설정 interface fa0/0 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:1:1::/ ! PC에서확인하기 Netsh interface ipv6>renew Netsh interface ipv6>show address IPv6 v

54 Cisco IOS Neighbor Discovery Command Syntax router(config-if)# if)# ipv6 nd prefix <prefix> default [ [<valid-lifetime> <preferred-lifetime>] [at <valid-date> <preferred-date>] [off-link] [no-autoconfig] ] Interface 에 Advertisement parameter Prefix 조절 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:1:1::/ IPv6 v

55 Cisco IOS Overriding the Neighbor Discovery Defaults IPv6 Internet t RA R1 e0 LAN1: 2001:db8:c18:1::/64 interface Ethernet0 ipv6 address 2001:db8:c18:1::1/64 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:1::/ RA e0 R2 e1 interface Ethernet0 ipv6 address 2001:db8:c18:1::2/64 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:1::/ interface Ethernet1 ipv6 address 2001:db8:c18:2::1/64 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:2::/ LAN2: 2001:db8:c18:2::/64 IPv6 v

56 Cisco IOS Overriding the Neighbor Discovery Defaults (Cont.) IPv6 Internet t RA R1 e0 LAN1: 2001:db8:c18:1::/64 interface Ethernet0t0 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:1::/ RA e0 R2 e1 interface Ethernet0 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:1::/ interface Ethernet1 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:2::/ LAN2: 2001:db8:c18:2::/64 IPv6 v

57 Cisco IOS Neighbor Discovery Lifetimes IPv6 Internet t RA R1 e0 LAN1: 2001:db8:c18:1::/64 interface Ethernet0 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:1::/ e0 interface Ethernet0 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:1::/ ipv6 nd ra lifetime 100 RA interface Ethernet1 R2 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:2::/ e1 LAN2: 2001:db8:c18:2::/64 IPv6 v

58 Cisco IOS Network Prefix Renumbering Scenario Router configuration before renumbering: interface Ethernet0 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:1::/ Network prefix: 2001:db8:c18:1::/64 R1 Router Advertisements Autoconfiguring IPv6 hosts Host configuration: preferred address 2001:db8:c18:1:260:8ff:fede:8fbe IPv6 v

59 Cisco IOS Network Prefix Renumbering Scenario (Cont.) Router configuration after renumbering: interface Ethernet0 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:1::/ ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:2::/ OR: interface Ethernet0 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:1::/64 at Jul :59 Jul :59 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:sb8:c18:2::/ NEW network prefix: 2001:db8:c18:2::/64 Deprecated prefix: 2001:db8:c18:1::/ R1 Host configuration: Router advertisements Autoconfiguring IPv6 hosts deprecated address 2001:db8:c18:1:260:8ff:fede:8fbe preferred address 2001:db8:c18:2:260:8ff:fede:8fbe IPv6 v

60 Lesson 4: Cisco IOS Software IPv6 Configuration Example 60

61 Lesson Outline Cisco IOS Configuration Example show Commands debug Commands IPv6 v

62 Cisco IOS Configuration Example IPv6 Internet LAN1: 2001:db8:c18:1::/64 R2 fe80::260:3eff:fe47:1530 e0 LAN2: 2001:db8:c18:2::/64 R1 e1 Router1 configuration scenario: Manually configure IPv6 address on all interfaces Configure Router Advertisement for LAN1 and LAN2 only Install default route to Router2 IPv6 v

63 Cisco IOS Configuration Example (Cont.) IPv6 Internet LAN1: 2001:db8:c18:1::/64 R2 fe80::260:3eff:fe47:1530 e0 LAN2: 2001:db8:c18:2::/ R1 e1 ipv6 unicast-routing interface Ethernet0 ipv6 address 2001:db8:c18:1::a/64 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:1::/ interface Ethernet1 ipv6 address 2001:db8:c18:2::a/64 ipv6 nd prefix 2001:db8:c18:2::/ ipv6 route ::/0 Ethernet0 fe80::260:3eff:fe47:1530 IPv6 address on Ethernet interfaces Router Advertisement on LAN2 Default route to Router2 IPv6 v

64 Cisco IOS show Commands IPv6 ICMP echo request to the default router: router# ping 2001:DB8:C18:1:260:3EFF:FE47:1530 Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to 2001:DB8:C18:1:260:3EFF:FE47:1530, timeout is 2 seconds:!!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms Display the neighbor discovery cache on the router: router# show ipv6 neighbors IPv6 Address Age Link-layer Addr State Interface FE80:: 260:3EFF:FE47: e REACH Ethernet0 2001:DB8:C18:1:260:3EFF:FE47: e REACH Ethernet0 IPv6 v

65 Cisco IOS debug Commands router# debug ipv6 packet IPv6 packet-level debugging debug ipv6 icmp ICMPv6 debugging debug ipv6 nd Neighbor Discovery debugging debug ipv6 routing IPv6 routing table event debugging IPv6 v

66 Cisco IOS debug Command Example debug ipv6 icmp example IPv6 ICMP echo request and reply to router router# debug ipv6 icmp ICMPv6: Sending echo request to 2001:DB8:C18:1::D0C ICMPv6: Received ICMPv6 packet from 2001:DB8:C18:1::D0C, type 129 ICMPv6: Received ICMPv6 packet from FE80::260:3EFF:FE47:1530, type 134 Router Advertisement message IPv6 v

67 Lab 2 Lab 2 using ND Configure stateless Inspect Complete renumbering IPv6 v

68 Lesson 5: IPv6 ICMP Types 68

69 Objectives Upon completion of this lesson, you will be able to: Describe the major IPv6 ICMP packets and their uses IPv6 v

70 Lesson 5 Outline Neighbor Discovery Redirect ICMP Error Test Info IPv6 v

71 Neighbor Discovery Redirect A B R2 R1 2001:DB8:C18:2::/64 Src = A Dst IP = 2001:DB8:C18:2::1 Dst Ethernet = R2 (default router) Redirect: Src = R2 Dst = A Data = good router = R1 Redirect is used by a router to signal the reroute of a packet to a better ro uter. IPv6 v

72 ICMP - Error Type 1 : Destination Unreachable Code 0 no route to destination Code 1 communication administratively prohibited Code 2 not assigned Code 3 address unreachable Code 4 port unreachable IPv6 v

73 ICMP - Error (Cont.) Type 2 : Packet Too Big Message contains MTU IPv6 v

74 ICMP - Error (Cont.) Type 3 : Time Exceeded Code 0 hop limit exceeded Code 1 fragment reassembly time exceeded IPv6 v

75 ICMP - Error (Cont.) Type 4 : Parameter Problem Code 0 erroneous header field Code 1 unrecognized Next Header type Code 2 unrecognized IPv6 option Pointer identifies the octet offset within the invoking packet w here the error was detected t d IPv6 v

76 ICMP - Test Type 128: Echo Request Type 129: Echo Reply IPv6 v

77 ICMP - Info Type 130: Group Membership Query Type 131: Group Membership Report Type 132: Group Membership Reduction IPv6 v

78 IPv6 v

Microsoft PowerPoint - IPv6-세미나.ppt

Microsoft PowerPoint - IPv6-세미나.ppt Internet Protocol Version 6 1. IPv6 Overview Version 4 와 Version 6 의 Network Layer 비교 IPv6-3 IPv6 의향상된기능 더넓어진주소공간 자동설정 (Auto-configuration) 플러그앤플레이 (Plug & Play) Renumbering 단순한헤더 Checksum 계산을하지않는다. Option

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