Chapter 18 - William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, 8/e
- 예령 환
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1 Internet Protocol (IP) v4 IP version 4 Defined in RFC 791 Two parts Specification of interface with a higher layer (TCP) Specification of actual protocol format and mechanisms Will (eventually) be replaced by IPv6
2 IPv4 라우팅기능수행 데이터그램 (Datagram) 방식 각데이터그램은독립적으로처리 각데이터그램은서로다른경로로전달될수있음 각데이터그램은순서가바뀌어전달될수있음 상위계층의세그먼트를네트워크가요구하는크기의패킷으로분할하여전송 신뢰성없는비연결형데이터그램프로토콜 Best effort service 오류검사및추적기능을수행하지않음 패킷폐기시 ICMP 메시지 를최초발신호스트에게전송
3 IP Services Primitives Functions to be performed Form of primitive implementation dependent e.g. subroutine call Parameters Used to pass data and control info
4 IP Parameters Source & destination addresses Protocol Recipient e.g. TCP Type of service Specify treatment of data unit during transmission Identification Source, destination address and user protocol Uniquely identifies PDU Needed for re-assembly and error reporting Don t fragment indicator Can IP fragment data If not, may not be possible to deliver Time to live Data length Option data User data
5 Type of Service Precedence 8 levels Reliability Normal or high Delay Normal or low Throughput Normal or high
6 IP Options Security 데이터그램에보안 tag 부착 Source routing 경유할라우터들의주소목록을지정 Strictly or loosely Route recording 경유라우터주소와시간을기록 Stream identification 예약자원들의이름지정 Timestamping 경유라우터의통과시간을기록
7 IPv4 Header
8 Header Fields (1) Header Fields (1) Version Currently 4 IP v6 - see later Internet header length In 32 bit words (including options) DS/ECN (was type of service) Differential Service/Explicit Congestion Notification Total length Of datagram, in octets Identification Sequence number Identify datagram uniquely with addresses/protocol Flags More bit Don t fragment Fragmentation offset
9 Header Fields (2) Time to live Protocol Next higher layer to receive data field at destination Header checksum Reverified and recomputed at each router 16 bit 1 s complement sum of all 16 bit words in header Set to zero during calculation Source address/destination address Options Padding To fill to multiple of 32 bits long Data Carries user data from next layer up Integer multiple of 8 bits long (octet) Max length of datagram (header plus data) is 65,535 octets
10 Example Q: offset = 100, HLEN = 5, total length field = 100 일경우, 첫바이트와마지막바이트의번호는? A: 처음바이트의번호는 = 800 total length = 100 header length = bytes in this datagram 마지막바이트의번호는 879
11 Example Q: IP 패킷이 (16) 일경우, 몇개의홉을지나갈수있는가? 또한상위계층프로토콜은? A: time-to-live field = 01 ( 하나의홉 ) protocol field = 02 (IGMP)
12 IP Address Internet address IP 계층에서사용되는식별자 32 bit 2 진주소 The address space of IPv4 is 2 32 or 4,294,967,296. netid 와 hostid 로구분 인터넷에서호스트와라우터를유일하게구분
13 IPv4 Address Formats
14 Addresses Per Class
15 Dotted Decimal Notation 보다편리하고읽기쉽게하기위해사용
16 Example : Class C Address
17 Internet Example ( 클래스 C) 는토큰링 은교환망 ( 클래스 B) 는이더넷 ( 클래스 C) 는점 - 대 - 점 WAN ( 클래스 A) 는이더넷
18 Special Addresses
19 Direct Broadcast Address Hostid 필드가모두 1 인주소 라우터가특정네트워크의모든호스트에패킷을보낼때사용 목적지주소로만사용
20 Limited Broadcast Address 현재네트워크레벨의브로드캐스트주소 호스트가현재네트워크내의모든호스트에게메시지전달 다른네트워크로가는것을라우터가제한함 클래스 E 주소
21 This Network Netid 필드가모두 0 인주소 같은네트워크에있는다른호스트에게메시지보낼때사용 ( 라우터에서차단 )
22 Loopback Address 첫번째바이트가 127 인 IP 주소 소프트웨어시험용 클라이언트프로세스가동일한시스템상에있는서버프로세스에게메시지전송시사용 목적지주소로만사용
23 Classless Addressing Variable-length length blocks are assigned that belong to no class. In this architecture, the entire address space (2 32 addresses) is divided into blocks of different sizes. Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR) Classful addressing is a special case of classless addressing. n = 8 (class A), 16 (class B), or 24 (class C)
24 Prefix Length Prefix : netid Suffix : hostid
25 Example Q: Find the block if one of the addresses is /29. A: 202 = The first address is /29. The number of addresses is or 8. The last address is /29. The first address needs to be used as the network address and the last address is kept as a special address (limited broadcast address).
26 Subnetting Allows arbitrary complexity of internetworked LANs within organization Each LAN assigned subnet number Site looks to rest of internet like single network Local routers route within subnetted network
27 2-Layer Hierarchical Structure Classful addressing : netid + hostid 먼저 netid 를사용하여네트워크에도달한후에 hostid 를사용하여호스트에도달 A, B, C 클래스는 2 단계계층구조
28 3-Layer Layer Hierarchical Structure 3 단계이상의계층구조를위하여서브넷팅활용
29 3-Layer Hierarchical Structure
30 Masking IP 주소중에서네트워크주소를추출하기위해마스크이용 Subnet mask indicates which bits are subnet number and which are host number 마스크 : 1- netid, 0 - hostid
31 Default Masks The network address is the beginning address of each block. It can be found by applying the default mask to any of the addresses in the block (including itself). It retains the netid of the block and sets the hostid to zero.
32 Subnet and Mask
33 Subnet Mask Calculation Binary Representation Dotted Decimal IP address Subnet mask Bitwise AND of address and mask (resultant network/subnet number) Subnet number Host number
34 Routing Using Subnets
35 Example B 클래스주소를가진기관이 12 개의서브넷이필요할때 12 개지만 14 개필요 (subnetid 필드가모두 1 인것과 0 인것 ) 서브넷할당을위한최소비트수 : 4 개 나머지 12 개비트는 hostid (2 12 = 4,096) 지정, 실제는 4,094 개 Mask = (240 = ) 서브넷 X.Y.0000hhhh.hhhhhhhh (X.Y.0.0) ~ X.Y.1111hhhh.hhhhhhhh (X.Y.240.0)
37 Example A company has three offices: Central, East, and West. The Central office is connected to the East and West offices via private, point-to-point WAN lines. The company is granted a block of 64 addresses with the beginning address /26. The management has decided to allocate 32 addresses for the Central office and divides the rest of addresses between the two offices. R West R R Central R R East 64 addresses /26
38 The company will have three subnets, one at Central, one at East, and one at West. a. The Central office uses the network address /27 ( /27). The addresses in this subnet are /27 to /27. (32 addresses) Note that three of these addresses are used for the routers and the company has reserved the last address in the subblock. Note that the interface of the router that connects the Central subnet to the WAN needs no address because it is a point-to-point connection.
39 b. The West office uses the network address /28 ( /28). The addresses in this subnet are /28 to /28. (16 addresses) Note that one of these addresses is used for the router and the company has reserved the last address in the sub-block. c. The East office uses the network address /28. ( /28) The addresses in this subnet are /28 to /28. (16 addresses) Note that one of these addresses is used for the router and the company has reserved the last address in the sub-block.
41 Example An ISP is granted a block of addresses starting with /16 (65,536 addresses). The ISP needs to distribute these addresses to three groups of customers as follows: a. The first group has 64 customers; each needs 256 addresses. b. The second group has 128 customers; each needs 128 addresses c. The third group has 128 customers; each needs 64 addresses. Design the subblocks and find out how many addresses are still available after these allocations.
42 Group 1: 64 개의서브넷, 서브넷당 256 개의주소필요 (8 비트의 suffix 와 24 비트의 prefix) 01 : /24 ~ /24 02 : /24 ~ / : /24 ~ /24 Total = = 16,384 Group 2: 128 개의서브넷, 서브넷당 128 개의주소필요 (7 비트의 suffix 와 25 비트의 prefix) 001 : /25 ~ / : /25 ~ / : /25 ~ /25 Total = = 16,384
43 Group 3: 128 개의서브넷, 서브넷당 64 개의주소필요 (6 비트의 suffix, 26 비트의 prefix) 001 : /26 ~ / : /26 ~ / : /26 ~ /26 Total = = 8,192 Number of granted addresses: 65,536 Number of allocated addresses: 40,960 Number of available addresses: 24,576
45 Checksum 1. 패킷을 N 비트짜리섹션으로분할 2. 모든섹션을 1의보수연산으로더한다 3. 결과의보수를취하여체크섬으로함 보통 n=16
46 Record Route Option 데이터그램을처리한라우터의주소기록 최대 9 개의 IP 주소기록가능 ( 출구 IP 주소기록 ) 포인터 : 첫번째빈공간을가르킴
47 Record Route Option
48 Strict Source Route Option 데이터그램이거쳐야할경로를미리지정하기위해사용 데이터그램은옵션에정의된모든라우터방문
49 Strict Source Route Option
50 Loose Source Route Option Strict source route 옵션과비슷하지만리스트에없는라우터도방문가능
51 Timestamp Option 라우터가데이터그램을처리하는시간기록 (ms 단위 ) Overflow: 필드가없어서시간을기록하지못한라우터의수 Flag: 방문한라우터의의무표시
52 Timestamp Option
53 Timestamp Example Code=68, 길이 =28 바이트, 포인터 =5, Flag=1
54 Router Architecture
55 Input /Output Port
56 IP Structure
57 IP Structure 헤더추가모듈 : encapsulation PDU 처리모듈 큐 : 입출력큐 라우팅테이블 : 패킷의다음홉주소결정하기위해사용 라우팅모듈 MTU 테이블 : 단편화모듈이특정인터페이스의 MTU 를찾기위해사용 단편화모듈 재조립모듈
58 Routing Module IP 패킷수신 라우팅테이블을참조하여최적경로를찾는다 다음홉주소와함께단편화모듈로보내진다
59 Forwarding in Classful Addressing
60 Forwarding in Classless Addressing
61 Routing Table Mask DA Next Hop I/F m m m m0
62 Example Show the routing tables for router R1.
63 Example Router R1 receives a packet with destination address Show how the packet is forwarded. Solution The destination network is class C. The network address is extracted by masking off the leftmost 24 bits of the destination address; the result is The table for Class C is searched. The next-hop address and the interface m0 are passed to ARP.
64 Example Make a routing table for router R1
65 Example Can we find the configuration of a router, if we know only its routing table? Solution three interfaces: m0, m1, and m2. three networks ( , , ) directly connected to router R1. two networks ( /26, /24) indirectly connected to R1.
67 Header-Adding Module Receive: data, destination address 1. Encapsulate the data in an IP datagram. 2. Calculate the checksum and insert it in the checksum field. 3. Send the data to the corresponding input queue. 4. Return.
68 Processing Module 1. Remove one datagram from one of input queues. 2. If (destination address is 127.X.Y.Z or matches one of the local addresses) 1. Send the datagram to the reassembly module. 2. Return. 3. If (machine is a router) 1. Decrement TTL. 4. If (TTL =< 0) 1. Discard the datagram. 2. Send an ICMP error message. 3. Return. 5. Send the datagram to the routing module. 6. Return.
69 IP Fragmentation
70 IP Fragmentation Uses fields in header Data unit identifier (ID) Identifies end system originated datagram 동일한세그먼트에서분할된단편들은같은식별자값을가짐 Data length Length of user data in octets Offset Position of fragment of user data in original datagram In multiples of 64 bits (8 octets) More flag Indicates that this is not the last fragment
71 Fragmentation Example
72 Fragmentation Example
73 Fragmentation Module Fragmentation Module Receive: an IP packet from routing module 1. Extract the size of the datagram. 2. If (size > MTU of the corresponding network) 1. If ( D (do not fragment) bit is set) 1. Discard the datagram. 2. Send an ICMP error message 3. Return. 2. Else 1. Calculate the maximum size. 2. Divide the datagram into fragments. 3. Add header to each fragment. 4. Add required options to each fragment. 5. Send the datagrams. 6. Return. 3. Else 1. Send the datagram. 4. Return.
74 Reassembly 같은 ID 를가진단편들이도착하면, 버퍼의적절한위치에삽입한다. 재조립은오프셋 0 인단편부터 More 플래그값이 0 인단편까지모두모여야완성된다. Reassembly table 상태 (state) : FREE 또는 IN- USE IP 주소 : 발신지주소 데이터그램 ID : 단편을구분하는번호 타임아웃 : 단편이도착해야하는시간 단편 : 연결리스트의포인터
75 Reassembly Failure Re-assembly may fail if some fragments get lost Re-assembly time out Assigned to first fragment to arrive If timeout expires before all fragments arrive, discard partial data Use packet lifetime (time to live in IP) If time to live runs out, kill partial data
76 Reassembly Module Receive: an IP datagram from the processing module 1. If (offset value is zero and the M bit is 0) 1. Send the datagram to the appropriate queue. 2. Return. 2. Search the reassembly table for the corresponding entry. 3. If (not found) 1. Create a new entry. 4. Insert the fragment at the appropriate place in the link list 1. If(all fragments have arrived) 1. Reassemble the fragments 2. Deliver the datagram to the corresponding upper layer protocol 3. Return 2. Else 1. Check the time-out 2. If(time-out expired) 1. Discard all fragments 2. Send an ICMP error message 5. Return
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[ 네트워크 1] 3 주차 1 차시. IPv4 주소클래스 3 주차 1 차시 IPv4 주소클래스 학습목표 1. IP 헤더필드의구성을파악하고요약하여설명할수있다. 2. Subnet ID 및 Subnet Mask 를설명할수있고, 각클래스의사용가능한호스트수와사설 IP 주소및네트
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Intro to Network .. 2 4 ( ) ( ). ?!? ~! This is ~ ( ) /,,,???? TCP/IP Application Layer Transfer Layer Internet Layer Data Link Layer Physical Layer OSI 7 TCP/IP Application Layer Transfer Layer 3 4 Network
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Redundancy Adding extra bits for detecting or correcting errors at the destination Types of Errors Single-Bit Error Only one bit of a given data unit is changed Burst Error Two or more bits in the data
슬라이드 1
1 Chapter 9 ICMPv4 Objectives ICMP 의필요성 ICMP 메시지종류 오류보고메시지의목적과형식 질의메시지의목적과형식 ICMP 에서의검사합계산 ICMP 를사용하는디버깅도구들 ICMP 패키지의구성요소및모듈 2 목차 개요 메시지 디버깅 ICMP 패키지 3 9.1 개요 IP 프로토콜의문제점 신뢰성이없고비연결형데이터그램전달제공 최선의노력전달서비스
슬라이드 1
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Oct 2006 Technical Support Div. Tel : 031-739-6800 Mail : DHCP Motivations Automatic network configuration for clients No administrator intervention
PWR PWR HDD HDD USB USB Quick Network Setup Guide xdsl/cable Modem PC DVR 1~3 1.. DVR DVR IP xdsl Cable xdsl Cable PC PC DDNS (
PWR PWR HDD HDD USB USB Quick Network Setup Guide xdsl/cable Modem PC DVR 1~3 1.. DVR DVR IP xdsl Cable xdsl Cable PC PC DDNS ( Step 1~5. Step, PC, DVR Step 1. Cable Step
USB USB DV25 DV25 REC SRN-475S REC SRN-475S LAN POWER LAN POWER Quick Network Setup Guide xdsl/cable Modem PC DVR 1~3 1.. DVR DVR IP xdsl Cable xdsl C
USB USB DV25 DV25 REC SRN-475S REC SRN-475S LAN POWER LAN POWER Quick Network Setup Guide xdsl/cable Modem PC DVR 1~3 1.. DVR DVR IP xdsl Cable xdsl Cable PC PC Step 1~5. Step, PC, DVR Step 1. Cable Step
2009 학년도 2 학기통신프로토콜 Quiz 모음 ( 인터넷정보과 1 학년 C/G 반 ) 담당교수 : 권춘우 [Quiz #1] 통신기초와관련한다음물음에답하라. 1. 통신이라함은정보원 ( 송신자 / 수신자 ) 간정보를전송매체를통해전달하는것을의미한다. 그래서정보원 (sou
[Quiz #1] 통신기초와관련한다음물음에답하라. 1. 통신이라함은정보원 ( 송신자 / 수신자 ) 간정보를전송매체를통해전달하는것을의미한다. 그래서정보원 (source/sink), 정보 (information), 전송매체 (transmission media) 를통신의 3요소라고말하고있다. 통신에서많은정보원과많은전송매체들이그물망처럼서로연결되어정보를교환하는경우이러한송수신장치와전송매체의집합을무엇이라하는가?
2. 인터네트워킹 서로떨어져있는각각의수많은네트워크들을연결하여하나의네트워크처럼연결하여사용할수있도록해주는것 3. 인터네트워킹에필요한장비 1 리피터 (Repeater) - 데이터가전송되는동안케이블에서신호의손실인감쇄 (Attenuation) 현상이발생하는데, 리피터는감쇄되는신
1 주차 3 차시 TCP/IP 학습목표 1. TCP/IP 개요및인터네트워킹에필요한장비에대해설명할수있다. 2. TCP/IP 프로토콜계층구조를구분하고계층구조에서의전송을설명할수있다. 학습내용 1 : TCP/ IP 개요및인터네트워킹 1. TCP/IP 개요 - 1960 년대중반에연구기관들의대형컴퓨터들은독립실행형장비였음 - 미국방성의 ARPA(Advanced Research
TTA Verified : HomeGateway :, : (NEtwork Testing Team)
TTA Verified : HomeGateway :, : (NEtwork Testing Team) : TTA-V-N-05-006-CC11 TTA Verified :2006 6 27 : 01 : 2005 7 18 : 2/15 00 01 2005 7 18 2006 6 27 6 7 9 Ethernet (VLAN, QoS, FTP ) (, ) : TTA-V-N-05-006-CC11
BGP AS 65000 AS 64500 BGP AS 65500 BGP AS 65250 0 7 15 23 31 BGP Message 16byte Marker 2byte Length, 1byte Type. Marker : BGP Message, BGP Peer.Message Type Open Marker 1.. Length : BGP Message,
OSI 참조 모델과 TCP/IP
TCP/IP 프로토콜분석및네트워크프로그래밍 Chapter 1: OSI 참조모델과 TCP/IP 2003. 3. 1 프로토콜 (Protocol) 표준화된통신규약 장치간의정보를송수신하기위한협정 무전기의예 Over: 송신완료통지 Roger: 수신완료통지 제 1 장 OSI 참조모델과 TCP/IP 2 OSI 참조모델 목표 이기종컴퓨터간에도통신이가능한개방형시스템 상호접속모델제시
°í¼®ÁÖ Ãâ·Â
Performance Optimization of SCTP in Wireless Internet Environments The existing works on Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) was focused on the fixed network environment. However, the number of
개요 IPv6 개요 IPv6 주소 IPv4와공존 IPv6 전환기술 (Transition Technologies)
Module 8 IPv6 구현 개요 IPv6 개요 IPv6 주소 IPv4와공존 IPv6 전환기술 (Transition Technologies) Lesson 1: IPv6 개요 IPv6 의이점 IPv4 와 IPv6 의차이점 IPv6 주소공간 IPv6 의이점 IPv6 의이점 : 큰주소공간 계층구조적주소와라우팅인프라 Stateless 와 stateful 주소구성
GRE(Generic Routing Encapsulation) GRE는 Cisco에서개발한터널링프로토콜으로써특정네트워크망에서새로운 IP 헤더를인캡슐레이션하여패켓을전송하는 VPN 기능을제공한다. GRE 터널링을이용하여패켓을전송하면, 데이터를암호화하지않기때문에보안적으로는취
제 16 장 GRE 터널 블로그 : - 1 - 저자김정우 GRE(Generic Routing Encapsulation) GRE는 Cisco에서개발한터널링프로토콜으로써특정네트워크망에서새로운 IP 헤더를인캡슐레이션하여패켓을전송하는 VPN 기능을제공한다. GRE 터널링을이용하여패켓을전송하면, 데이터를암호화하지않기때문에보안적으로는취약하지만,
Microsoft PowerPoint _TCP_IP
네트워크 2007 년상반기 1 의개념 (ransmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol) -는네트워크를상호연결시켜정보를전송할수있도록하는기능을가진다수의 프로토콜이모여있는프로토콜집합임. - 의가장대표적인프로토콜은 3 계층의 IP 와 4 계층의 CP 로대부분의응용서비스가 CP 상 에서이루어지나, 최근인터넷의단점을보완하기위해
Microsoft PowerPoint - o8.pptx
메모리보호 (Memory Protection) 메모리보호를위해 page table entry에 protection bit와 valid bit 추가 Protection bits read-write / read-only / executable-only 정의 page 단위의 memory protection 제공 Valid bit (or valid-invalid bit)
3G IETF Mobile IP WG Seamoby WG ROHC WG 3G IETF 3G IETF Mobile IP WG 3GIP Seamoby WG ROHC WG MIP WG / NAI Mobile IP / AAA IPv4 / MIP WG RFC2002bis MIPv6 INRIA
Chapter 9 The Internet 9.1 Introduction 9.2 IP Datagrams 9.3 Fragmentation and reassembly 9.4 IP addresses 9.5 ARP and RARP 9.6 Routing Algorithms 9.7 ICMP 9.8 QoS support 9.9 PPP link layer protocol 9.10
Microsoft PowerPoint - 02 IPv6 Operation.ppt [호환 모드]
Module 2 IPv6 Operation Module 2 Outline Lesson 1: IPv6 Addressing Architecture Lesson 2: Enabling IPv6 on Cisco Routers Lesson 3: Neighbor Discovery Lesson 4: Cisco IOS Software IPv6 Configuration Example
PowerPoint 프레젠테이션
Reasons for Poor Performance Programs 60% Design 20% System 2.5% Database 17.5% Source: ORACLE Performance Tuning 1 SMS TOOL DBA Monitoring TOOL Administration TOOL Performance Insight Backup SQL TUNING
2009년 상반기 사업계획
네트워크계층프로토콜 쉽게배우는데이터통신과컴퓨터네트워크 학습목표 IPv6의필요성과헤더구조를이해한다. 이동 IP 프로토콜의터널링원리를이해한다. ARP/RARP의필요성을이해한다. ICMP의헤더와제어메시지를이해한다. IGMP의헤더와멀티캐스트그룹관리방식을이해한다. 2/27 1 절. IPv6 주소공간확장 IPv4의 32 비트에서 128 비트로확장 최대 2 128 개의호스트를지원
이도경, 최덕재 Dokyeong Lee, Deokjai Choi 1. 서론
이도경, 최덕재 Dokyeong Lee, Deokjai Choi 1. 서론 2. 관련연구 2.1 MQTT 프로토콜 Fig. 1. Topic-based Publish/Subscribe Communication Model. Table 1. Delivery and Guarantee by MQTT QoS Level 2.1 MQTT-SN 프로토콜 Fig. 2. MQTT-SN
IPv6Q 현배경 > 인터넷의급속한성장 -> IP 주소의고갈 개인휴대통신장치의보급 network TV, VOD 단말기등의인터넷연결 가정용품제어장치의인터넷연결 > 새로운 IP 로의이행문제 IPv4 호스트와의호환성문제를고려하여야합 ~ IPv4 의취약점보완 QoS 지원 인증
IPv6 개요 서울대학교전산과학과 정보통신연구실! 득즈 CJ M" L.!... @SNUINCLab 내용 Þ> IPv6 으 출현배경, 발전과정및특징 Þ> IPv6 헤더형식및옵션 Þ> IPv6 으 I Address 구조 Þ> Advanced Routing þ> QoS þ> IPv6 로의전이방법 þ> Auto Configuration þ> Security > 결론
시스코 무선랜 설치운영 매뉴얼(AP1200s_v1.1)
[ Version 1.3 ] Access Point,. Access Point IP, Subnet Mask, DHCP Client. DHCP Server IP IP,, IP 10.0.0.X. (Tip: Auto Sensing Straight, Cross-over.) step 1]. step 2] LAN. step
IoT DDoS DNS ( ( DDoS DNS DDoS / DDoS(Distributed DoS)? B Asia Broadband B Bots connect to a C&C to create an overlay network (botnet) C&C Provider JP Corp. Bye Bye!
2), * 2004 BK21. ** 156,..,. 1) (1909) 57, (1915) 106, ( ) (1931) 213. 1983 2), 1996. 3). 4) 1),. (,,, 1983, 7 12 ). 2),. 3),, 33,, 1999, 185 224. 4), (,, 187 188 ). 157 5) ( ) 59 2 3., 1990. 6) 7),.,.
논문접수일 : 2014.12.20 심사일 : 2015.01.06 게재확정일 : 2015.01.27 청각 장애자들을 위한 보급형 휴대폰 액세서리 디자인 프로토타입 개발 Development Prototype of Low-end Mobile Phone Accessory Design for Hearing-impaired Person 주저자 : 윤수인 서경대학교 예술대학
Something that can be seen, touched or otherwise sensed
Something that can be seen, touched or otherwise sensed Things about an object Weight Height Material Things an object does Pen writes Book stores words Water have Fresh water Rivers Oceans have
슬라이드 1
/ 유닉스시스템개요 / 파일 / 프로세스 01 File Descriptor file file descriptor file type unix 에서의파일은단지바이트들의나열임 operating system 은파일에어떤포맷도부과하지않음 파일의내용은바이트단위로주소를줄수있음 file descriptor 는 0 이나양수임 file 은 open 이나 creat 로 file
ISP Monitoring Tool OSPF SNMP, Metric MIB OSPFECMP 1 11 [6], Metric ISP(Internet Service Provider) Monitoring Tool, [5] , (Network Management System) SNMP ECMP Cost OSPF ECMP IGP(Interior Gateway Protocol)
경상북도 자연태음악의 소박집합, 장단유형, 전단후장 경상북도 자연태음악의 소박집합, 장단유형, 전단후장 - 전통 동요 및 부녀요를 중심으로 - 이 보 형 1) * 한국의 자연태 음악 특성 가운데 보편적인 특성은 대충 밝혀졌지만 소박집합에 의한 장단주기 박자유형, 장단유형, 같은 층위 전후 구성성분의 시가( 時 價 )형태 등 은 밝혀지지 않았으므로
0125_ 워크샵 발표자료_완성.key
WordPress is a free and open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. WordPress is installed on a web server, which either is part of an Internet hosting service or is a network host
The Overall Architecture of Optical Internet ETRI ? ? Payload Header Header Recognition Processing, and Generation A 1 setup 1 1 C B 2 2 2 Delay line Synchronizer New Header D - : 20Km/sec, 1µsec200 A
ETRI ETRI ETRI ETRI WTLS PKI Client, WIM IS-95B VMS VLR HLR/AC WPKI Cyber society BTS BSC MSC IWF TCP/IP Email Server Weather Internet WAP Gateway WTLS PKI Client, WIM BSC VMS VLR HLR/AC Wireless Network
Switching 강의의목표 Switching/Switching Network의필요성을이해한다. 세가지대표적교환기술에열거하고그차이를설명할수있다. 각교환기술의장, 단점을비교하여설명할수있다. Packet Switching 에서 Fairness 문제와 Pipelining 을 패킷크기와연계하여설명할수있다. Soft Switch 개념을이해하고설명할수있다. 교재 Chapter
step 1-1
Written by Dr. In Ku Kim-Marshall STEP BY STEP Korean 1 through 15 Action Verbs Table of Contents Unit 1 The Korean Alphabet, hangeul Unit 2 Korean Sentences with 15 Action Verbs Introduction Review Exercises
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Jaecheol Kim Multimedia & Communications Lab. 2003. 9. 8 Contents IPv4 Overview IPv6 Overview 2 MIP 의필요성 Portable Computer 이동하며사용하지않음 이동시통신연결의유지필요없음 DHCP의경우Mobile IP 필요없음 Wireless
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컴퓨터구성 Lecture Series #4 Chapter 3: Data Representation Spring, 2013 컴퓨터구성 : Spring, 2013: No. 4-1 Data Types Introduction This chapter presents data types used in computers for representing diverse numbers
OPCTalk for Hitachi Ethernet 1 2. Path. DCOMwindow NT/2000 network server. Winsock update win95. . . 3 Excel CSV. Update Background Thread Client Command Queue Size Client Dynamic Scan Block Block
#Ȳ¿ë¼® A B yk u δ = 2u k 1 = yk u = 0. 659 2nu k = 1 k k 1 n yk k Abstract Web Repertoire and Concentration Rate : Analysing Web Traffic Data Yong - Suk Hwang (Research
일반적인 네트워크의 구성은 다음과 같다
W5200 Errata Sheet Document History Ver 1.0.0 (Feb. 23, 2012) First release (erratum 1) Ver 1.0.1 (Mar. 28, 2012) Add a solution for erratum 1, 2 Ver 1.0.2 (Apr. 03, 2012) Add a solution for erratum 3
1217 WebTrafMon II
(1/28) (2/28) (10 Mbps ) Video, Audio. (3/28) 10 ~ 15 ( : telnet, ftp ),, (4/28) UDP/TCP (5/28) centralized environment packet header information analysis network traffic data, capture presentation network
논문 10-35-03-03 한국통신학회논문지 '10-03 Vol. 35 No. 3 원활한 채널 변경을 지원하는 효율적인 IPTV 채널 관리 알고리즘 준회원 주 현 철*, 정회원 송 황 준* Effective IPTV Channel Control Algorithm Supporting Smooth Channel Zapping HyunChul Joo* Associate
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andromeda@sparcs:/$ ls -al dev/sda* brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 0 2014-06-09 18:43 dev/sda brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 1 2014-06-09 18:43 dev/sda1 brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 2 2014-06-09 18:43 dev/sda2 andromeda@sparcs:/$
Journal of Educational Innovation Research 2019, Vol. 29, No. 1, pp DOI: * Suggestions of Ways
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Internet Protocol Version 6 1. IPv6 Overview Version 4 와 Version 6 의 Network Layer 비교 IPv6-3 IPv6 의향상된기능 더넓어진주소공간 자동설정 (Auto-configuration) 플러그앤플레이 (Plug & Play) Renumbering 단순한헤더 Checksum 계산을하지않는다. Option
Basic Netw rk 1. ก ก ก 2. 3. ก ก 4. ก 2 1. 2. 3. 4. ก 5. ก 6. ก ก 7. ก 3 ก ก ก ก (Mainframe) ก ก ก ก (Terminal) ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก 4 ก (Dumb Terminal) ก ก ก ก Mainframe ก CPU ก ก ก ก 5 ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก ก
Microsoft PowerPoint - IPv6-세미나.ppt
Internet Protocol Version 6 1. IPv6 Overview Version 4 와 Version 6 의 Network Layer 비교 TCP/IP-3 IPv6 의향상된기능 더넓어진주소공간 자동설정 (Auto-configuration) 플러그앤플레이 (Plug & Play) Renumbering 단순한헤더 Checksum 계산을하지않는다.
Microsoft Word - NAT_1_.doc
NAT(Network Address Translation) 1. NAT 개요 1 패킷의 IP 헤더의수신지주소, 발신지주소또는그주소를다른주소로변경하는과정 2 NAT기능을갖는장치를 NAT-BOX라함 ( 시스코라우터, 유닉스시스템, 윈도우의호스트혹은몇개의다른시스템일수있기때문에이렇게지칭하기도함 ) 3 NAT 기능을갖는장치는일반적으로스텁도메인 (Stub-domain)
IP 주소란? 네트워크상에존재하는컴퓨터들을구분하고, 서로를인식하기위해사용하는특수한번호. 32-bit 체계의 IPv4 와, 128-bit 체계의 IPv6 가있다. About IPv4 32-bit 의길이로이루어지는 IPv4 는 1 byte (= 8-bit) 씩 4 개로나누
IP 주소란? 네트워크상에존재하는컴퓨터들을구분하고, 서로를인식하기위해사용하는특수한번호. 32-bit 체계의 IPv4 와, 128-bit 체계의 IPv6 가있다. About IPv4 32-bit 의길이로이루어지는 IPv4 는 1 byte (= 8-bit) 씩 4 개로나누어 10 진수로표현한다. 또한, 나누어진 4 개의 10 진수는마침표 (.) 로구분한다. 네트워크를구분하기위한
Page 2 of 5 아니다 means to not be, and is therefore the opposite of 이다. While English simply turns words like to be or to exist negative by adding not,
Page 1 of 5 Learn Korean Ep. 4: To be and To exist Of course to be and to exist are different verbs, but they re often confused by beginning students when learning Korean. In English we sometimes use the
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2002 년한국멀티미디어학회추계학술발표논문집 VLSM을이용한효율적인서브넷 IP주소할당법 김동학*, 천성권**, 우매리*, 김종근* * 영남대학교컴퓨터공학과 ** 가톨릭상지대학컴퓨터정보계열 e-mail: Effective subnet IP address allocation by using VLSM Dong Hak Kim*,
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100% 2003222 : : : () PGPnet 1 (Sniffer) 1, 2,,, (Sniffer), (Sniffer),, (Expert) 3, (Dashboard), (Host Table), (Matrix), (ART, Application Response Time), (History), (Protocol Distribution), 1 (Select
` Companies need to play various roles as the network of supply chain gradually expands. Companies are required to form a supply chain with outsourcing or partnerships since a company can not
- iii - - i - - ii - - iii - 국문요약 종합병원남자간호사가지각하는조직공정성 사회정체성과 조직시민행동과의관계 - iv - - v - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - - 13 - - 14 - α α α α - 15 - α α α α α α
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Page 2 of 6 Here are the rules for conjugating Whether (or not) and If when using a Descriptive Verb. The only difference here from Action Verbs is wh
Page 1 of 6 Learn Korean Ep. 13: Whether (or not) and If Let s go over how to say Whether and If. An example in English would be I don t know whether he ll be there, or I don t know if he ll be there.
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0. 들어가기 전
컴퓨터네트워크 14 장. 웹 (WWW) (3) - HTTP 1 이번시간의학습목표 HTTP 의요청 / 응답메시지의구조와동작원리이해 2 요청과응답 (1) HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) 웹브라우저는 URL 을이용원하는자원표현 HTTP 메소드 (method) 를이용하여데이터를요청 (GET) 하거나, 회신 (POST) 요청과응답 요청
- i - - ii - - iii - - iv - - v - - vi - - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - 1) 통계청고시제 2010-150 호 (2010.7.6 개정, 2011.1.1 시행 ) - 4 - 요양급여의적용기준및방법에관한세부사항에따른골밀도검사기준 (2007 년 11 월 1 일시행 ) - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 -
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chapter 13. 네트워크보안과 ACL 한빛미디어 -1- 학습목표 계층별네트워크보안이슈 시스코라우터의 ACL 시스코라우터의 ACL 설정 한빛미디어 -2- 계층별네트워크보안이슈 데이터링크계층보안 ARP 스푸핑 MAC 플러딩 한빛미디어 -3- 계층별네트워크보안이슈 방화벽 [ 그림 ] 방화벽구조 한빛미디어 -4- 계층별네트워크보안이슈 침입탐지시스템 (IDS)
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1 TCP/IP Network Protocols 제 4 장 인터넷프로토콜 박승철교수한국기술교육대학교 2 제 4 장의강의목표 IP 주소체계에대한이해 IPv4 의동작원리에대한이해 IPv6 의개발배경과기본개념에대한이해 3 제 4 장의구성 인터넷주소 인터넷주소의구조와 DDN 표기법 인터넷주소클래스 서브넷팅과서브넷마스크 CIDR 주소 특수인터넷주소 인터넷주소지정원칙
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Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 Version 11 1 2 1 2 3 31 32 33 34 35 36 4 41 42 43 5 51 52 6 61 62 Appendix A (cross-over) IP 3 Starter's Kit for HelloDevice 1300 1 HelloDevice 1300 Starter's Kit HelloDevice
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VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) 기능추가 Category S/W Release Version Date General 7.01 22 Dec. 2003 Function Description VRRP 는여러대의라우터를그룹으로묶어하나의가상 IP 어드레스를부여해마스터로지정된라우터장애시 VRRP 그룹내의백업라우터가마스터로자동전환되는프로토콜입니다.
2. Mobile IPv6 IPv6 Mobile IPv6 1 IPv6 Sufficient Address Space 128 IPv4 : 32 Fixed IP header + Extension Processing overhead checksum (flow label) Stateless Address Auto-configuration Neighbor Discovery
본교재는수업용으로제작된게시물입니다. 영리목적으로사용할경우저작권법제 30 조항에의거법적처벌을받을수있습니다. [ 실습 ] 스위치장비초기화 1. NVRAM 에저장되어있는 'startup-config' 파일이있다면, 삭제를실시한다. SWx>enable SWx#erase sta
[ 실습 ] 스위치장비초기화 1. NVRAM 에저장되어있는 'startup-config' 파일이있다면, 삭제를실시한다. SWx>enable SWx#erase startup-config Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all configuration files Continue? [confirm] ( 엔터 ) [OK] Erase
Push... 2 Push... 4 Push... 5 Push... 13 Push... 15 1 FORCS Co., LTD A Leader of Enterprise e-business Solution Push (Daemon ), Push Push Observer. Push., Observer. Session. Thread Thread. Observer ID.