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1 대한민국정보통신, 산업용 SFTWARE( 개발, 패키지공급 ) 전문
2 설계해석 패키지센터 전기기기 전자상거래센터 전기기기 교육센터 설계해석컨설팅센터 기업부설연구소 소프트웨어사업자 충청발명왕상 수상 IR52 장영실상 KT마크(전자장해석나라) KT마크(AVAS) 신소프트웨어대상 대표자 기술유공자 표창 대통령우수연구소표창 병력특례지정 유망전력 벤처기업 ENDLESS SUPPRT. 정보통신, 산업용 S/W 개발. 세계 유명 공학패키지 공급 이노비즈기업( ~) 벤처기업( ~) 연구개발서비스기업( ~) 중소기업청장상 재우홀딩스 설립 대한전기학회 장병찬 기술상 과기부, 정통부, 산자부, 재경부 장관상 수상 저희 재우기술 은 이십수년간 산업용 전기/전자/기계/비파괴 등 공학분야의 설계 및 해석 기술을 축적, 세계 최고의 설계 및 해석기술 및 명품 패키지를 산업계에 제공하고, 대한민국 전기기기, 전자기기 및 기계 설계 기술의 새로운 역사를 창조하고, 고도의 산업용 S/W를 개발하고 있으며 Endless Support 의 이념으로 고객 요구사항을 반드시 해결하도록 노력하고 있습니다. 2
3 I. 산업용 S/W 개발 왜재우기술 ( 주 ) 의산업용 S/W 인가? 1 산업용전문분야기술을개발및공급해드립니다 2 필요시해외최고기술과국내기술로합작개발해드립니다 3 인도, 스페인, 베트남등가성비및가격경쟁력이우수한조직과합작을통한공동개발도수행해드립니다 4 국내부족한경우선진국우수고급기술과합작을통하여개발용역을수행할수있습니다 5 당사는 20 년이상해외고급기술및패키지사업을해온전문화사로경험과노하우를제공해드립니다 2
4 1-1 산업용 S/W 개발 Geometry Kernel 기본 CAD 기능 E.g. Revolve, Fillet, Chamfer FE 분석을위한향상된기능들 기하학적조작 (Geometric Manipulation ) Interfaces 중립적포맷용변환기 : STEP, VRML, STL, IGES, DXF, Parasolid, Granite ACIS, JT pen etc. 3 rd 파티프로그램을위한 Plug-in 개발 : Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, CATIA V5/V6, Autodesk Inventor, SpaceClaim Integration Projects 3rd 파티프로그램내의통합클라이언트소프트웨어 : Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, CATIA V5/V6, AI, SpaceClaim Graphics and Visualization Shaded Exterior and Edges / Wireframe / Body Transparency / Rotation Modes Application Development CAD 소프트웨어의커스터마이징, 새로운툴의개발및기존기능의개선을위해서 SDK 를활용하여고객요구를실현합니다. 고객이사용하고있는 CAD 프로그램을가지고추가적인기능 / 유틸리티 / 부가기능추가등을합니다. ( 예 : GUI 변경, 메뉴추가, 한번의클릭으로여러동작을하는매크로개발등.) 아래와같은 CAD 분야에다양한기술과 SDK 이용한개발에특화되어있습니다. SolidWorks Visual Basic.NET (VB.NET),Visual C++/CLI, Visual C#.NET, Visual C CATIA UG AutoDesk ProE CAA (Component Application Architecture)v5/V6, Macro Development, CATScript, VB Script, C++ C, C++, NX pen API API, Inventor SDK, VBA, C++ ProTool Kit, Pro/web.link, Jlink.NET Development 개발팀은마이크로소프트사의개발환경에서의프로그램개발에다양한경험을확보하였습니다.(C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET, WinForms and others). 당사는고객이원하는추가기능을개발하여제공하는데다양한프로젝트를수행하였습니다. 당사는시작부터완료까지의제품생명주기관리, 테스트드라이브개발, 프로젝트진행중의가능성과위험에대한이해력을갖고있습니다. 프로젝트전반에대한구조파악을통해개발초기부터.Net 개발의진행상황표를제공합니다. CLUD & WEB APPLICATIN DEVELPMENT Windows Azure (Virtual Machine, Services, Web Role, Worker Role, Storages, SQL Azure) C/C++/.NET/JAVA.NET Framework 4.0, C#.NET, ASP.NET, AD.NET AJAX, Microsoft Enterprise Library / Silverlight, WPF, LINQ and Entity Framework / Web Services (WCF, ASP) SQL Server 2012, 2008, MySQL 3
5 1-2. 산업용 S/W 개발 Technologies Languages: C & C++, C#, Visual Basic, Java Graphic Libraries: Qt, Coin3D, pengl, pencascade, VTK Parasolid geometry toolkit, geometric algorithms CATIA CAA V5/V6, Pro/TLKIT, SolidWorks API NC Programming Services: 당사는수많은복잡한기하학적구조와프로파일에대한 CNC 프로그램경험을가지고있습니다. 제조업기술자의조언으로다양한기계의동작을이해하고최적화할수있습니다.(multi-axis milling, drilling, turning, grinding, etc.) CNC 프로그램의검증을위해서 VeriCut 과 NCVerify 와같은기준툴과기술을통해서에러를줄이고, 생산시간손실을없앱니다. 또한, 다양한진행환경에대한경험을가지고있습니다. (Fanuc, Siemens and Fagor.) CNC 프로그램밍과검증을위해아래와같이제공합니다 : Tool path generation / Cut sequences documentation / APT programming CNC program optimization / Post-processor development Adaptive programming for repair and salvage of components Virtual machine modeling and simulation NC PRGRAMMING SERVICES 5 Axis Milling / Waterjet Programming / CMM Programming / Process Improvement NC PRGRAMMING VALIDATIN Vericut Simulation / Vericut ptimization /Vericut Machine Model Creation / Q-checker Validation Software NC PRGRAMMING SFTWARE EXPERTISE CATIA V5 / V6 / Siemens NX / Mastercam / Alphacam / PTC CAD/CAM Project references 분야상세내용사용기술 Computational Geometry Integration Curve Equal Length Subdivision Contour Projector Surface Extension Tolerance Analysis Healing Tool including functionalities like Stitching, Geometry Simplification and Tightening Gaps. Query Select Utility: For picking of hidden and overlapping entities Midsurface Extraction Tool Fluid Geometry Extraction Tool Shrink Wrapper Tool Interface for modeling logical operations with Solids with the help of CCT Integrating client software with ProE, NX, SW, CATIA, Spacecliam, AutoDesk Inventor Integrating 3D printing software with Spaceclaim C, C++,.NET 4.0, C# ACIS, C, C++,.NET4.0, C# Parasolid, pengl, Visual C++ C++, pencascade Pro Toolkit, SW API, Spaceclaim API, NX pen Catia CA V5/V6, AutoDesk API and SDK, Spaceclaim API 4
6 1-3. 산업용 S/W 개발 분야상세내용사용기술 Migration Migrating Legacy MBD software to Latest.NET Framework C#,.NET3.5, WPF Translators Writing Step, IGES, STL import/export translators C, C++,Qt, MFC Add-on Tools Development ecapture AutoCAD Tools Boiler Drum Designer DXF Drawing Generation Custom perations on Civil 3D Drawings Development of AutoCAD tools using C# and bjectarx for Graphic QC checks. Development of Vectorizer in MDL and MVBA to draw orthogonal polygon with Arc. Development of application to analyze spatial data present in different layers of AutoCAD to catch graphic errors. Development of application for creating fields & updating field values from geometry and other conditions. Development of application for locating features spatially within a buffer. Creating Customized commands for ffset, Duct Cross section placements, Updating Address and Logo Information, placing Duct Coverage, Generating BM, creating dynamic Legends, separate entities, join entities, move to on/off layer, attach xdata to enproject Details: Creating Translator, Validator and Tools in AutoCAD Creating routines in Visual LISP Saving the data in the Dialogue Box as Data file Reading the data from the file which is already saved Generating part drawings and assemblies Generating surface development of boiler with nozzles. Automation DXF drawing Generation of industrial equipment Automatic, merging, mapping and splitting peration of Civil 3D dwg files MDL, MVBA, Microstation, AutoCAD, bjectarx, C#,.Net VC++ (bjectarx 2008), Visual Lisp, VBA, AutoCAD AutoCAD, Visual Lisp, VBA, bjectarx, DCL VC++ 6.0, bjectarx 2000, AutoCAD 2000 MFC, Civil 3D C# API 5
7 1-4. 산업용 S/W 개발 Interfaces 중립적포맷용변환기 : CAD Formats STEP, VEML, STL, IGES, DXF, Parasolid, Granite, ACIS, JT pen etc 3 rd 파티프로그램을위한 Plug-in 개발 : Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, CATIA V5/V6, AI, SpaceClaim Import/Export 변환기 : ANSYS, MSc Nastran, LS-Dyna, HyperMesh, Abaqus, RADISS Integration Projects 3rd 파티프로그램내의통합클라이언트소프트웨어 : Pro/ENGINEER, SolidWorks, CATIA V5/V6, AI, SpaceClaim Application Development CAE 프로그램 SDK 를이용한응용프로그램개발. Abaqus : Abaqus Scripting (Python Scripting) and Abaqus GUI Tool Kit Ansys : ANSYS Workbench SDK, ADPL Hypermesh : Tcl, TK, C, C++ Pre/Post Development Material models, Contact modeling, Loads and Boundary Conditions, Analysis Setup Integration with meshing software Post-Processing & Rendering of Post-processing data and charts Analysis Modules:- 완전한분석모듈 - Structural, Thermal, Fluids, Electro Magnetic, linear/nonlinear/transient, Modal Dynamics, Multi-physics. - 고객요구조건에맞춰개발 & 커스터마이징. - 라이센싱기준에맞춰서가능. Solvers Fast Iterative Direct Solvers are available on licensing basis. - These solvers are being used by premier Vendors like Ansys Inc, MSC Software, UGS-Siemens, Noran Engineering, Solid works/cosmos etc Design ptimization Plug-in development / ptimization Algorithm Development / Postprocessing RSMS, Surface Plots, Pi Charts etc. 1D Multi Domain System Simulation Components and Libraries for Various Engineering Systems Graphics and Visualization GUI to Display Geometric Results / Specifications Results Displays / Q-Slice / Iso surface / Controlling Particle Flow or Charged Particle Trace License Management Tool Technologies Languages: C & C++, C#, Visual Basic, Java,.net, VC++ Graphic Libraries: Qt, Coin3D, pengl, pencascade, VTK Parasolid geometry toolkit and geometric algorithms CATIA CAA V5/V6, Pro/TLKIT, SolidWorks API, Tcl/Tk 6
8 1-5. 산업용 S/W 개발 CATIA CAA, Automation & Customization references Pre/Post 분야상세내용사용기술 Application/T ool Development Solver Support Integration Interface Automation New Analysis Type Complete Pre/Post Development for Structural Analysis in CATIA CAA Mesh Independent welding GUI Unit Conversion Support Pre-highlight Topologies like Parts/Surfaces/Edges/Vertices. Development of nonlinear Material Models. Development of 2D and 3D Thermal Elements. 1. FEA module Development for Base plate Analysis. 2. Development Fusion Welding Tool inside Ansys WorkBench. 3. Development of new element in Abaqus 4. Customization of Abaqus for Automotive Components 5. Development of Rotordynamic tool inside Abaqus. 6. Development of Tool for Nonlinear Static Analysis of Baseplate. 7. Development of Tool of static Analysis of Anchors. 8. Tool for nonlinear analysis of Automotive Seal. 1. Development of import/export Translators of Ansys, Abaqus, LSDyna, Nastran, Radioss 2. Coupling Hypermesh with procast and Magma 3. Coupling Procast with Radioss 4. Special GUI Development For hypermesh Associative plugin Development for SolidWorks, Proe, NX Interface Development for Adams, NX CAE Development of Frequency Domain Emag Analysis on Catia Framework. Development readers/writers of Ansys, Abaqus Deck and Results file. Automation of NC Set-up Process Development of the VB Script and UI for the entire functionality of automating the NC set-up process. Automation Image Capture Tool was developed for automatic view generation, scaling and positioning. Tool was designed to appropriately place the views after. Complete Pre/Post Development for Structural and Electromagnetic analysis inside CATIA V5 Framework. This project involving substantial development efforts in UI, controls and Preand Post-Processing areas. The application was having large number of dialog boxes to enter required loads, BC s Material Models, the pre-processor data was interfaced with client s proprietary solver through XML files. The Post-processed data was read into and loaded into CATIA analysis workbench for displaying in 3D and with colors. A large number of contour, vector and probe plots are displayed in CATIA. CATIA CAA V5, C++, MFC, Phython, pengl, Coin3D C, C++, Ansys WorkBench SDK, QT pencascade, Abaqus Python Scripting, Abaqus GUI Tool Kit. Hypermesh Tcl/tk C, C++, tcl/ck Protoolkit, UG NX pen API, C, C++, Qt, MFC CATIA CAA V5/V6, C++, MFC CATIA VB, C++, CAA CATIA CAA V5/V6, C++, MFC 7
9 1-6. 산업용 S/W 개발 분야상세내용사용기술 Application/T ool Development Enovia v6 and SAP PLM Integration Fastener Modeling Tool: The project includes creation of standard fasteners in CATIA. / Fillet Size Check tool / Conceptual Design Tools for Design of Automotive Systems like Suspension System, Breaking System and Steering System. This application Create automotive system from nothing using points, parts and special connections. 1. Weld Representation tool: The application creates welding representation in 3D and 2D 2. Hole Annotation: Application automatically annotates the hole details in the CAT Drawing workbench. 3. Fixture Design Process automation inside CATIA 4. CATIA Reader Development for ptimization Software SAP configuration for System Readiness for ECM/BM/Classification. Functional Specification to data transfer Unit testing for individual process and Integrated testing of complete solution. C++,VB, CATIA CAA V5/V6, MFC ECM, MM, DIR, BM Graphics and UI UI using Qt, WPF in.net 3D Graphic rendering using Coin3D/pen Inventor, pen Cascade, pengl, VTK Special graphic feature development CAD/CAE Testing 최적의솔루션을사용하여정규 / 비정규적인에지니어링문제에대한 CAE 프로그램을통한정확한테스트 예상되는행위와변화되는사항을반영한지속적인상황인식을위해긍정 / 부정테스트시나리오를생성 Unit, Component and Integration Testing Coverage Analysis for identifying Use Cases /Test Cases Regression Management Regression Tool Expertise on Rational Visual Test, Silk Test, XRunner, WinRunner Scripting Language ; VB Script, JavaScript, Perl and Shell API 개발 Localization Testing Supported Platforms Windows XP/Vista 32 and 64 / Apple Macintosh Linux / HP-UX / Sun Solaris / IBM AIX 8
10 1-7. 산업용 S/W 개발 CAD/CAE 프로그램테스트분야에 500 Man-Years 경험 해당프로그램사용경험만가지고는좋은테스터가될수없습니다. 다년간의경험으로우리의테스터들은세부사항을보는눈을가지고있으며, 이를통해상황을타개하고완성도를높이는법을알고있습니다. 제품을처음사용하는사람처럼꼼꼼히살펴봄으로써개발과정에서찾지못한숨어있는버그들을찾아낼수있습니다. 처음사용자환경을가상화하여, 설치 / 제거, 라이센싱, 레포트생성, 로컬라이징테스트등을시험합니다. 3 rd 파티제품에대한통합및인터페이스에대한테스팅능력을가지고있습니다. 당사의서비스는비용절감만이아니라추가가치창조입니다. 우리의테서터들은다양한분야에대한지식을가지고있어서각분야에대한테스트시에보다풍부한테스트결과를제공합니다. 우리는모든플래폼에대한테스트를제공합니다.(Win32/64, Win7, Linux, Apple Mac, Unix) - no additional Cost for testing on Unix Platforms. 정확한테스트를위한, 실제고객의문제를파악하는테스트사용자시나리오를가지고있습니다. 아래의테스트분야에대한전문지식을가지고있습니다. CAD Geometry Transfer Sketching, Detailing/Drawing Assembly Modeling, 3D Modeling Features Geometry Neutral Formats IGS, SAT, Parasolid, Step Expertise on UG, ProE, CATIA SolidWorks, SolidEdge Mold Design and Casting Sheet metal, Welding Design Multi Domain System Simulation Electromagnetic Structural, Thermal MultiBody Dynamic Acoustics Transmission System Design and Analysis Design ptimization Multiphysics including AC/DC, Chemical Engg. Thermodynamics CAE CFD Crash and Explicit Solvers Durability PLM Injection Molding XFEM Manufacturing Process Simulation Interfaces Geotechnical Energy Simulation 9
11 SeaFEM: 파도, 바람, 파동, 기동작전시해상장비해석 SeaFEM 은바다및연안의구조물에대하여파동, 바람, 파도, 및기동작전연구의영향에관한컴퓨터해석위한툴세트이며 SeaFEM 은선박, FPS, 반잠수식해양설비, TLP(Tension Leg Platform), 해상풍력터빈, 해양에너지생산장비에적용할수있는소프트웨어이다. SeaFEM offers a state of the art solver developed for the most realistic seakeeping simulations of 3D multi-body radiation and diffraction problems, by solving potential flow equations in the time domain, using the finite element method on unstructured meshes. SeaFEM features the latest technology for solving first and second order diffraction-radiation equations with real sea spectra. 특징및해석분야 SeaFEM features unique capabilities for global performance analysis of moored and/or connected systems subject to random sea states. It includes built-in multi-segment quasi-static elastic-catenary and FEM dynamic cable models for the most realistic analyses of mooring systems. 선박, FPS, 반잠수식해영설비, TLP(Tension Leg Platform), 해상풍력터빈, 해양에너지생산장비 The latest SeaFEM version can be download. This version is free, but limited in the number of mesh nodes that can be generated. A one month trial password for activating all the capabilities for demo purposes can be obtained. 응용사례 Simulations ension Leg Platform (TLP) structure in irregular waves: Time domain seakeeping analysis of a multi-body device: Sea behaviour of a boat through irregular waves: (cortesy of Isonaval ) TLP structure for an offshore wind turbine: Seakeeping analysis of a 2.3 MW Spar-type floating wind turbine: 10
12 상담및문의환영 본사 : 서울특별시학동로 101길 26 삼익상가 416호전화 : ( 대 ) 대표이메일 : cae@jaewoo.com 팩스 : 홈페이지 : / 상담및문의 : 제1본부 CAE사업본부 cae@jaewoo.com 제2본부전자상거레사업본부 info@nargo.kr 제3본부정보통신사업본부 jw@jaewoo.com 기술연구소 : 서울특별시학동로 101 길 26 삼익상가 308 호 전화. : ( 대 ) 팩스 :
13 우리회사는 즉시 지원한다! 반드시 지원한다!! 될때까지 지원한다!!! 본사 : 서울시학동로 101 길 26 삼익상가 416 호전화 : ( 대 ) / 팩스 : 이메일 : jw@jaewoo.com 홈페이지 : / 연구소 : 서울시학동로 101 길 26 삼익상가 308 호
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슬라이드 1
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88 / 한국전산유체공학회지 제15권, 제1호, pp.88-94, 2010. 3 관내 유동 해석을 위한 웹기반 자바 프로그램 개발 김 경 성, 1 박 종 천 *2 DEVELOPMENT OF WEB-BASED JAVA PROGRAM FOR NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF PIPE FLOW K.S. Kim 1 and J.C. Park *2 In general,
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Windows Netra Blade X3-2B( Sun Netra X6270 M3 Blade) : E37790 01 2012 9 Copyright 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,.,...,. U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS. Oracle programs,
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Vol.5, No.5, October (2015), pp.471-479 http://dx.doi.org/10.14257/ajmahs.2015.10.50 스마트온실을 위한 가상 외부기상측정시스템 개발 한새론 1), 이재수 2), 홍영기 3), 김국환 4), 김성기 5), 김상철 6) Development of Virtual Ambient Weather Measurement
Something that can be seen, touched or otherwise sensed
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아트앤플레이군 (2년제) Art & Play Faculty 95 교육목표 95 군 공통(네트워크) 교과과정표 96 드로잉과 페인팅 Drawing & Painting Major Track 97 매체예술 Media Art Major Track 98 비디오 & 사운드 Video & Sound Major Track 99 사진예술 PHOTOGRAPHIC ART Major
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- 1 - 성능 감성 감성요구곡선 평균사용자가만족하는수준 성능요구곡선 성능보다감성가치에대한니즈가증대 시간 - 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 - - 12 - 감각및자극 (Sensory & Information Stimuli) 개인 (a person) 감성 (Sensibility)
목 차 Ⅰ. 일반사항 1 Ⅱ. 특기사항 3 Ⅲ. 물품내역 및 세부규격 8 Ⅳ. 주의사항 11-2 -
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Software Requirrment Analysis를 위한 정보 검색 기술의 응용
EPG 정보 검색을 위한 예제 기반 자연어 대화 시스템 김석환 * 이청재 정상근 이근배 포항공과대학교 컴퓨터공학과 지능소프트웨어연구실 {megaup, lcj80, hugman, gblee}@postech.ac.kr An Example-Based Natural Language System for EPG Information Access Seokhwan Kim
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