IBM Rational 2006 IBM Corporation
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1 IBM Rational 2006 IBM Corporation
2 Agenda Testing IBM Rational Test RealTime Test RealTime/PurifyPlus Runtime Analysis Test Real Time Component Testing Demo 2
3 Agenda Testing IBM Rational Test RealTime Test RealTime/PurifyPlus Runtime Analysis Test Real Time Component Testing Demo 3
4 Testing?,, Testing : DETECTIVE, Debugging : CORRECTIVE, 4
5 Testing Issue platform / platform platform cross platform timing Modeling / 5
6 Test Cycle Test Test Case Test Test 6
7 Testing 6 Unit Testing Test C function C++ class Data testing : function parameter testing : C++ method :, object, 7
8 Testing 6 Unit Testing Integration Testing Test function class Interface : flow diagram interaction 8
9 Testing 6 Unit Testing Integration Testing Test Code ( ) Test : Validation Testing 9
10 Testing 6 Test system component : Code + RTOS Tasking, communication, Virtual Tester Grey-box testing Unit Testing 10
11 Testing 6 Test component Unit Testing : RTOS network communication protocol ( RTOS event network messages) Virtual Tester interface Grey-box testing Integration Testing 11
12 Testing 6 Test Testing Black-box testing Unit Testing Integration Testing Validation Testing 12
13 Rational Software & IBM Rational Portfolio Manager IBM Rational Method Composer Best practices content (IBM Rational Unified Process IBM Tivoli Unified Process, Portfolio Management) & IBM WebSphere Business Modeler IBM Rational RequisitePro IBM Rational Software Architect IBM Rational Software Modeler IBM Rational Rose Data Modeler & IBM Rational Software Architect IBM Rational Software Modeler IBM Rational Data Architect IBM Rational Application Developer IBM Rational Web Developer & IBM Rational Performance Tester IBM Rational Functional Tester IBM Rational Manual Tester IBM Rational PurifyPlus IBM Rational Robot IBM Test RealTime IBM Rational ClearCase IBM Rational ClearQuest IBM Rational Team Unifying Platform IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager IBM Tivoli Configuration Manager IBM Tivoli Intelligent Orchestrator & : Eclipse, Linux, Microsoft Windows, UNIX, IBM z/os 13
14 Rational Software Test Test Rational RequisitePro Rational TestManager Rational ClearQuest Rational ClearQuest Test Rational PurifyPlus Rational Test RealTime Rational Functional Tester Test Automation Test Rational Functional Tester Plus Rational Manual Tester Test Rational Performance Tester Rational Robot Project Test Report 14
15 ,,,,, IT Analyst Architect Developer Tester Operations and Code Test Debug Test Test 15
16 : IBM & Gartner : 1.0 System Down : $89K ~ $4.5M 1 & : I/T 18.5% 2 Test AC Market Analysis: Self-healing market June Source: Tivoli Marketplace Assessment, February
17 CMM Level Code 8.8 Test 9.4 CMM Level Code 6.8 Test 3.75 testing & testing testing 50% 20%, testing 80%, 45% : CMM Level 1 30% testing CMM Level 3 15% 17
19 Enhancement Requests Project Managers Use Cases Developers Requirements Test Cases Testers Baselines Team Project Admin. test case IBM Rational Team-Unifying Platform 19
20 Code code test Memory third party code performance data dead code, test code : Unix, Windows, Linux, Java,.NET, VB6, C/C++, IBM Rational Purify Plus 20
21 Embedded Real-time Software Testing Test, & software White-box black-box testing testing host target Test debug embedded target Host, build target target Size speed code model model test runtime analysis IBM Rational Test RealTime 21
22 Testing regression test Java, VS.NET WinForm, Web, Siebel terminal test project QA, tester GUI test use case project fact test script 100% Java VB.NET Data- test asset test script Eclipse VS.NET- ScriptAssure debugger test Java, VS.NET, Web terminal-based test Java in Eclipse or VB.NET in VS.NET IBM Rational Functional Tester 22
23 Test 3 test Record Enhance Execute Script Recording Test Script Enhancing Script Script Execution Script Script IBM Rational Functional Tester 23
24 , code, test project, request, issue, IBM Rational Team-Unifying Platform IBM Rational ClearCase, ClearQuest 24
25 Agenda Testing IBM Rational Test RealTime Test RealTime/PurifyPlus Runtime Analysis Test Real Time Component Testing Demo 25
26 ? Quality Time to Market 26
27 Rational : Support Medical Telecom Devices Rational Solution:, Test, Aerospace / Military Automotive 27
28 Rational : Best-in-class and Best Integrated Product Depth Best-in-Class # 1 Analysis, Modeling & Design 1 # 1 Software Configuration Mgmt 1 # 1 Embedded Testing 1 # 1 Requirements Management 2 Leader in Automated Testing 1 Market-leading tools Best integrations Best Integrated Integrated since 1999 Winner, Best Team Programming Tool 3 Product Breadth Revenue Leadership Sources: 1 Various analyst sources; 2 Internal estimates; 3 Rational Suite, 2002 Editor s Choice, PC Magazine 28
29 Test Debug Test : Component Test Test Data Black- white-box testing : Test, Regression Testing Analyze : Test Code Memory Performance Runtime Resolve : Test Test Test Report Test data runtime analysis code hyperlink 29
30 Component Testing Runtime Analysis Component White-box black-box testing C Ada function procedure component testing C++ class Component testing assertion checking Java (J2ME/J2SE) class Component testing Message C thread, task, process system nodedml unit integration testing runtime analysis Memory Performance Code UML runtime 30
31 IBM Rational Test RealTime - Component Testing Code Coverage Memory Profiling Performance Profiling Runtime Tracing Thread Profiling C, C++, Ada, Java C, C++ Ada, Java C, C++ Java C, C++ Java C, C++ Java C, C++ Java Unit, Integration, Validation, Regression and System Testing System Testing standards compliance DO-178B MISRA C ( ) Target Deployment Port Defense Standard
32 Total Environment Adaptability Target Deployment Technology A low-overhead, versatile target deployment technology Compiler high level scripting API Debugger test Target test upload report Full Target Independence! 32
33 Total Environment Adaptability WindRiver GreenHills ARM Enea 4-Bit to 64-Bit Cross Montavista Tasking TI CAD-UL NEC Cosmic Hitachi Hiware C C++ Ada J2ME/J2SE Windows CE LynuxWorks Lauterbach Apex Sun Microtec Hitex Symbian Windows Solaris Linux HP-UX AIX 33
34 Agenda Testing IBM Rational Test RealTime Test RealTime/PurifyPlus Runtime Analysis Test Real Time Component Testing Demo 34
35 Runtime Analysis Memory Performance code and/or Test code Test case code 35
36 Untested Code? Unexecuted Executed 36
37 Runtime Analysis : Code 9, incl. MC/DC test case : code code : test case code code (%) Boolean (C & Ada) 37
38 Runtime Analysis : Memory Memory error Memory Error Call Code Memory Code 38
39 Uninitialized Memory The hard way debugger variable The easy way run-time error : Rational Test RealTime/PurifyPlus 39
40 Runtime Analysis : Performance 3 Performance + 40
41 Performance Bottleneck 41
42 Runtime Analysis : Runtime UML diagram Track data values Trace Code Exception Catch 42
43 Agenda Testing IBM Rational Test RealTime Test RealTime/PurifyPlus Runtime Analysis Test Real Time Component Testing Demo 43
44 Test RealTime: Component Testing Code Data function call Testing Code Template Test data Stub Regression Testing reporting Test Test RealTime Runtime Analysis Memory Performance Code Runtime 44
45 Test 1. Test driver Test Test Data Return Global Variable 2. Stubs Return 45
46 Component Testing : Test Code Fix Test Enhancement Software Engineer Coding Test Script Design Test Result Analysis Source Code IBM Test RealTime Component Testing for C and Ada Test Script Template Generation Test Harness Generation Test Execution Test Results Reporting Compilers / Linkers / Debuggers Simulators / Emulators / Targets 46
47 IBM Rational Test RealTime: Test Code Browser 47
48 Component Testing : Test Script Test : Test Variable Test Function Test Script Test Function: a + b returns c 3 integer 48
49 Component Testing for C : Test Script TEST 1 : -, ELEMENT -. Test Function #ret_val=myfunction(y,a,z,b,c); : - -, delta, etc. VAR glob, init=0, ev== VAR y, init in {-1,glob,0}, ev in {-1,0,0} VAR a[1..10],init from 1 to 1000 step 1, ev(y) in {0,2,3} VAR z.field1,init=a[2], ev=ret_val VAR b, init==, min=y, max=y*10 Test Data VAR c, init=b, ev=10, delta=10% VAR ret_val, init=my_define, ev=init STUB alloc_block, 0=>(100)&a, OTHERS=>()NIL END ELEMENT STUB: - Parameter, - Return END TEST 2, 3x1000=3000 test case! 49
50 Component Testing : Test report,, : variable stub code : Rational Test RealTime Code Coverage HTML Test 50
51 System Testing for C: Test sequence diagram, test report source code hyperlink HTML Test Test Virtual Tester 51
52 52
53 Rational CGE&Y Accelerated Delivery Centre - Finland TTI Telecom Unisys Ericsson Lockheed Martin Canada Credence Systems Corporation Information Builders (ISV) software, ( 6 project : 55, 5 tester 10 business analysts) time-to-market 50% $2M client : 25-40% % 25-60% 80% ; 100% $409K ; 222% 1200% 90% regression testing 96% 53
54 54
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.,,.,. 7. Sun Microsystems.,,. Sun Bill Joy.. 15... ( ), ( )... 4600. .,,,,,., 5 Java 2 1.4. C++, Perl, Visual Basic, Delphi, Microsoft C#. WebGain Visual Cafe, Borland JBuilder, Sun ONE Studio., Sun Java
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2 3 회사 소개 60%출자 40%출자 주식회사 NTT데이타 아이테크 NTT DATA의 영업협력이나 첨단기술제공, 인재육성등 여러가지 지원을 통해서 SII 그룹을 대상으로 고도의 정보 서비스를 제공 함과 동시에 NTT DATA ITEC 가 보유하고 있는 높은 업무 노하우 와 SCM을 비롯한 ERP분야의 기술력을 살려서 조립가공계 및 제조업 등 새로운 시장에
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국방과학연구소를위한 IBM Rational 로드쇼 IBM Rational 소프트웨어개발플랫폼 (SDP) - 소프트웨어개발아키텍쳐 2006 IBM Corporation
국방과학연구소를위한 IBM Rational 로드쇼 IBM Rational 소프트웨어개발플랫폼 (SDP) - 소프트웨어개발아키텍쳐 2006 IBM Corporation Agenda 개요 Rational 소프트웨어개발플랫폼 소프트웨어개발아키텍쳐 질문 Agenda 개요 Rational 소프트웨어개발플랫폼 소프트웨어개발아키텍쳐 질문 Business 와 IT 개발 /
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Security Overview
May. 14, 2004 Background Security Issue & Management Scope of Security Security Incident Security Organization Security Level Security Investment Security Roadmap Security Process Security Architecture
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, hsh@bhknuackr, trademark21@koreacom 1370, +82-53-950-5440 - 476 - :,, VOC,, CBML - Abstract -,, VOC VOC VOC - 477 - - 478 - Cost- Center [2] VOC VOC, ( ) VOC - 479 - IT [7] Knowledge / Information Management
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The Self-Managing Database : Automatic Health Monitoring and Alerting
The Self-Managing Database : Automatic Health Monitoring and Alerting Agenda Oracle 10g Enterpirse Manager Oracle 10g 3 rd Party PL/SQL API Summary (Self-Managing Database) ? 6% 6% 12% 55% 6% Source: IOUG
VMware vsphere 4 This document was created using the official VMware icon and diagram library. Copyright 2009 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright