ColorEdge CG223W/CG243W User's Manual

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2011년 10월 초판 c 2011 Sony Corporation. All rights reserved. 서면 허가 없이 전체 또는 일부를 복제하는 것을 금합니다. 기능 및 규격은 통보 없이 변경될 수 있습니다. Sony와 Sony 로고는 Sony의 상표입니다. G L




중요 제품을안전하고효율적으로사용하기위하여안전예방, 본사용설명서, 셋업가이드를주의깊게살펴보시기바랍니다. 본 모니터를사용하여모니터를 PC 에연결하는것부터모든기본정보에 대하여셋업가이드를참고하십시오. 사용설명서최신버전은 EIZO 홈페이지에서다운받을수있습니다

[ 주의문위치 ] 예 : CG243W ( 높낮이조절가능스탠드 ) 본제품은선적지역에서작동되도록조정되었습니다. 이러한지역외에서사용할경우, 사양에따라기능이제대로작동되지않을수있습니다. 이제품은안전, 인체공학, 환경, 사무용도의사용에관련하여 TCO 표준인증을요구합니다. TCO 에대한자세한정보는 EIZO 홈페이지를참고하십시요. 본사용설명서의어느부분도 EIZO NANAO CORPORATION 의사전승인없이복사하거나, 문서보관시스템에저장하거나전자문서등의어떤형식으로든전송할수없습니다. EIZO NANAO CORPORATION 은제시된내용과정보의기밀유지에대하여그렇게할것을사전에합의하지않은이상어떠한의무도없습니다. 최신정보제공을위하여노력하지만 EIZO 모니터제품사양은사전통보없이변경될수있습니다. Apple, Mac, Macintosh, imac, emac, Mac OS, MacBook, PowerBook, ColorSync, QuickTime, ibook 은 Apple Inc 의등록된트레이드마크입니다. Windows, Windows Vista, Windows Media, SQL Server, Xbox 360 은미국과다른국가에등록된 Microsoft Corporation 의트레이드마크입니다. Ricoh 에서개발한둥근고딕체가제품상에디스플레이된문자에사용되었습니다. VESA 는미국과다른국가에등록된 Video Electronics Standards Association 의트레이드마크입니다. EIZO, EIZO 로고, ColorEdge, DuraVision, FlexScan, FORIS, RadiForce, RadiCS, RadiNET, Raptor, ScreenManager 는일본과다른국가에등록된 EIZO Corporation 의트레이드마크입니다. ColorNavigator, EIZO EasyPIX, EcoView NET, EIZO ScreenSlicer, i Sound, Screen Administrator, UniColor Pro 는 EIZO Corporation 의트레이드마크입니다. 모든다른회사와제품명은각각회사의등록된트레이드마크입니다. 2

이 모니터에대한공지 문서작성, 멀티미디어컨텐츠보기와같은일반적인용도외에, 이제품은정밀한컬러재현이우선요구되는이미지와그래픽작업과디지털포토프로세싱과같은어플리케이션에도 적합합니다. 본제품은선적지역에서작동되도록조정되었습니다. 이러한지역외에서사용할경우, 사양에따라기능이제대로작동되지않을수있습니다. 본제품을사용설명서외의용도로사용할경우제품보증서비스가지원되지않을수있습니다. 본사용설명서에공지된사양은아래와같이사용한경우에만적용됩니다 : 제품과같이제공되는전원코드사용 EIZO 에서지정한시그널케이블사용 이제품에는 EIZO 에서제조하거나지정한옵션제품만사용하십시요. 전기부품의성능이안정화되려면약 7 분정도소요됩니다 (EIZO 자체테스트조건 ). 모니터전원을켜고나서 7 분정도기다린후에설정변경등을수행하십시요. 장기간사용및안정적인디스플레이유지를위하여모니터발광변화를줄이고밝기를 낮게설정하는것이좋습니다. 오랜시간동일한이미지를디스플레이하고나서스크린이미지를변경하면, 잔상이남을수있습니다. 화면보호기또는절전기능을사용하여동일한화면이오랜시간동안디스플레이되지않도록합니다. 모니터를새것처럼보이고제품수명을연장시키기위하여정기적인청소를권장합니다 ( 청소 ( 페이지 4)) 를참조하십시요 ). LCD 패널은고정밀기술을사용하여제조됩니다. 그럼에도 LCD 패널에픽셀이빠지거나반짝이는픽셀이보일수있습니다. 이것은제품하자가아닙니다. 유효도트율 : 99.9994% 또는이상. LCD 패널의백라이트는일정수명을가지고있습니다. 화면이어두워지거나깜박이는현상의발생이 시작되면구입처에문의바랍니다. 패널또는프레임가장자리를강하게누르지마십시요. 간섭패턴과같은디스플레이기능장애의원인이 될수있습니다. 패널에지속적인압력을가하면, 패널성능이저하되거나손상될수있습니다. ( 패널에눌린자국이남아있는경우, 모니터를블랙또는화이트스크린으로두십시요. 증상이사라질수도있습니다 ). 날카로운물체로패널을긁거나누르지마십시요. 패널손상의원인이될수있습니다. 휴지로도패널을털지마십시요. 스크래치가생길수있습니다. 모니터가차가우면실내로이동운반하거나, 실내온도를높이십시요. 모니터표면내부또는외부에결로가발생할수있습니다. 이런경우, 모니터전원을켜면않됩니다. 대신결로가사라질때까지 기다려야합니다. 그렇지않으면, 모니터가손상될수있습니다. 이모니터에대한공지

청소 주의 알콜과살균제와같은화학약품은캐배닛또는패널의광택변화, 변색, 색바램의원인이될수있으며, 또한이미지품질이저하될수도있습니다. 신나, 벤젠, 왁스, 연마제는절대사용하면않됩니다. 캐비닛이나패널을손상시킬수있습니다 노트 캐비닛과패널표면청소를위하여옵션으로제공되는 ScreenCleaner 의사용을권장합니다. 필요한경우, 캐비닛과패널표면의얼룩은부드러운천을사용하여물로제거할수있습니다. 모니터를편안하게사용하려면 지나치게어둡거나밝은화면은눈건강에좋지않습니다. 주변의조명에따라모니터밝기를조정하십시요. 오랜시간모니터작업을하면눈의피로가발생될수있습니다. 매시간 10 분휴식을갖는것이좋습니다. 4 이모니터에대한공지

목차 표지... 1 이모니터에대한공지... 3 목차... 5 제 1 장소개... 6 1-1. 제품특성... 6 1-2. 조정과기능... 7 1-3. 유틸리티디스크... 8 디스크내용과소프트웨어오버뷰... 8 ColorNavigator 사용하기... 8 1-4. 기본작동과기능... 9 조정메뉴의기본작동... 9 버튼가이드보이기...10 기능...11 제 2 장화면조정하기... 12 2-1. 화면해상도설정하기......12 지원되는해상도 / 주파수......12 해상도설정하기......13 Windows 8 / Windows 7...13 Windows Vista...13 Windows XP...13 Mac OS X...13 2-2. 화면올바르게디스플레이하기...14 디지털입력...14 아날로그입력...14 2-3. 컬러조정하기...18 디스플레이모드를선택하려면 ( 컬러모드 )...18 고급조정기능을수행하려면...19 모드별조정가능한설정들...19 밝기 [Brightness] 조정하기... 20 콘트라스트 [Contrast] 조정하기... 20 색온도 [Temperature] 조정하기... 20 감마값 [Gamma] 조정하기...21 색조 [Hue] 조정하기...21 컬러채도 [Saturation] 조정하기...21 이미지의윤곽선 [Outline Enhancer] 향상시키기... 22 게인값 [Gain] 조정하기...... 22 블랙레벨 [Black Level] 조정하기... 22 6 컬러 [6 Colors] 조정하기...... 23 2-4. 저해상도디스플레이하기... 24 화면크기 [Screen Size] 변경하기...24 2-5. 동영상성능구성하기 [Overdrive] (CG243W)... 24 제 3 장모니터설정하기... 25 3-1. 모드선택 [Mode Preset] 사용하기 / 취소하기... 25 3-2. 버튼잠그기 [Key Lock]... 25 3-3. EIZO 로고디스플레이 [Logo] 설정하기.... 26 3-4. 방향 [Orientation] 설정하기... 26 3-5. 언어 Language] 설정하기... 27 3-6. 주파수범위 [Signal Bandwidth] 설정하기... 27 3-7. 조정메뉴디스플레이위치 [Menu Position] 설정하기...... 28 3-8. 기본설정으로복구하기... 28 컬러조정값 [Color Reset] 리셋하기... 28 모든설정을공장기본값으로리셋하기 [All Reset]... 28 제 4 장절전기능... 29 4-1. 절전기능 [Power Save] 설정하기... 29 4-2. 전원표시등 [Power Indicator] 설정하기... 30 4-3. 모니터의자동밝기조정 [Auto EcoView] 설정하기... 30 제 5 장문제해결... 31 제 6 장참고... 34 6-1. 옵션암부착하기... 34 6-2. 두대이상의 PC 를모니터에연결하기... 35 입력신호전환하기... 35 입력신호선택 [Input Selection] 설정하기..... 36 6-3. USB (Universal Serial Bus) 사용하기.....37 시스템요건...37 연결순서 (USB 기능설정 ).....37 6-4. 모니터정보보이기... 38 를눌러모니터정보보이기... 38 시그널정보 [Signal Info] 보이기...... 38 모니터정보 [Monitor Info] 보이기... 38 6-5. 사양...... 39 6-6. 용어정의... 46 6-7. 프리셋타이밍... 48 About TCO 03... 49 FCC Declaration of Conformity... 50 HinweiseHinweise zur Auswahl des richtigen Schwenkarms für Ihren Monitor... 51 목차 5

제 1 장소개 EIZO 컬러모니터를구입해주셔서감사합니다. 1-1. 제품특성 22 와이드포맷 LCD (CG223W) / 24 와이드포맷 LCD (CG243W) 광색역지원 - 95% Adobe RGB (CG223W) / 98% (CG243W) 해상도지원 - 1680 dots x 1050 lines (CG223W) / 1920 dots x 1200 lines (CG243W) HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection) 프레임동기모드지원 : 47.5-61Hz (CG223W) : 23.75-30.5Hz, 47.5-61Hz (CG243W) DisplayPort 적용 (8 비트와 10 비트까지적용, 오디오신호에는적용되지않음 ) 3 개의입력단자제공 (DVI-I x 2, DisplayPort x 1) 컬러모드기능이 [DCI] 디지털시네마표준뿐만아니라 [EBU/REC.709/SMPTE-C] 방송표준에부합되는색영역과감마를재현합니다. 2-3. 컬러모드선택하기 (Color Mode) ( 페이지 18) Adjustment Certificate 첨부. 여기에개별모니터의그레이스케일과균일도특성의공장측정결과가기술되어있습니다. 포트레이트와랜드스케이프모드지원 (90 시계방향으로회전가능 ) 모니터후드제공. 제공되는 ColorNavigator 캘리브레이션소프트웨어를사용하여모니터특성을캘리브레이션하여컬러프로파일을생성할수있습니다. 1-3. 유틸리티디스크 ( 페이지 8) Color Vision Deficiency Simulation Software "UniColor Pro" 지원. 이소프트웨어는 EIZO 홈페이지에서다운받을수있습니다 ( 절전기능 이제품은절전기능을지원합니다. - 주전원이차단된경우제로와트소비 : 0W 주전원이장착되어있음. 모니터를사용하지않는동안주전원스위치를끄면모니터에제공되는전력이완전히차단됩니다. - Auto EcoView 기능모니터프론트센서에서주변밝기를인식하여화면밝기를자동으로편안하게조정합니다. 밝기가너무높으면눈의피로를가져올뿐만아니라자연환경에도나쁜영향을줄수있습니다. 4-3. 모니터의자동밝기설정하기 ( 페이지 30) 노트 이모니터는포트레이트와랜드스케이프모드를모두지원합니다. 수직방향으로모니터화면을사용하고있는경우설정메뉴에서방향을변경할수있습니다. ( 참고보기 페이지 26 의조정메뉴 [Orientation] 의방향설정하기 ) Portrait 위치에서모니터를사용하려면, 그래픽보드에서포트레이트디스플레이가지원되어야합니다. Portrait 위치로모니터를설정하려면, 그래픽보드설정도변경해야합니다. 자세한사항은그래픽보드사용설명서를참고하십시오. 6 제 1 장소개

POWER INPUT 1-2. 조정과기능 예 : CG243W ( 높낮이조절가능스탠드 ) 16 18 17 19 조정메뉴 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1 센서 (AutoEcoView) 주변밝기측정. Auto EcoView 기능. 2 버튼두대이상의 PC를모니터에연결한경우디스플레이할신호로전환합니다. 3 버튼 Color Mode로전환합니다. 4 버튼 모니터와입력시그널정보를디스플레이합니다. 5 버튼 밝기를조정합니다. 6 버튼 설정 / 조정을취소하거나조정메뉴를끝냅니다. 7 buttons 조정메뉴를사용하여조정항목을선택하거나조정값을높이거나낮추는고급조정을합니다. 8 버튼조정메뉴를디스플레이하고, 메뉴화면에서항목을지정하고조정된값을저장합니다. 9 버튼 전원을켜거나끕니다. 10 전원표시등 모니터의작동상태를표시합니다. 블루 : 작동중 깜박이는블루 : ColorNavigator에타이머가설정된경우, ( 각 2회 ) 오렌지꺼짐 재캘리브레이션이필요함을알려줍니다 (CAL mode). : 절전 : 전원차단 11 주전원스위치주전원을켜거나끕니다. 12 파워커넥터전원코드를연결합니다. 13 입력신호단자 Display Port 커넥터 x 1 14 입력신호단자 DVI-I 커넥터 x 2 15 USB 포트 (Up) USB 연결이필요한소프트웨어를사용하거나 USB 허브기능을 사용할때 USB 케이블을연결합니다. 16 USB 포트 (Down) USB 주변기기를연결합니다. 17 스탠드모니터화면의높낮이와각도를조정합니다. 18 보안락슬롯 Kensington MicroSaver 보안시스템에호환됩니다. 19 케이블홀더모니터케이블을정리합니다. 제 1 장소개 7

1-3. 유틸리티디스크 본제품에는 EIZO LCD Utility Disk (CD-ROM) 가제공됩니다. 디스크내용과소프트웨어프로그램개요는아래의표와같습니다. 디스크내용과소프트웨어개요디스크에는조정을위한어플리케이션소프트웨어프로그램과사용설명서가포함되어있습니다. 소프트웨어설치과정을확인하거나또는파일에접근하려면 Readme.txt 또는 read me 를참고하십시요. 화면조정패턴파일 내용개요 Windows Macintosh Readme.txt 또는 read me 파일 ColorNavigator ColorNavigator 사용하기 모니터특성을캘리브레이션하여윈도우 ICC 프로파일과매킨토시 Apple ColorSync 프로파일을 생성시키는어플리케이션소프트웨어. ( 제공한 USB 케이블을사용하여모니터에 PC 를연결해야합니다.) 아날로그신호입력의이미지를수동조정할때사용됨. - 모니터사용설명서 (PDF 파일 ) 소프트웨어설치와사용을위하여 CD-ROM 디스크의사용설명서를참조하십시요. 이소프트웨어를사용하려면, 제공된 USB 케이블을사용하여모니터에 PC 를연결해야합니다. USB 케이블연결에대한자세한내용은 6-3. USB (Universal Serial Bus) 사용 ( 페이지 37) 을참고하십시요. 8 제 1 장소개

1-4. 기본작동과기능 조정메뉴의기본작동 1 조정메뉴디스플레이하기를누릅니다. 조정메뉴가나타납니다. 메뉴타이틀항목 현재모드 설정 메뉴 2 조정 / 설정하기 1. 으로조정 / 설정을선택하고나서를누릅니다. 2. 으로조정 / 설정을수행할항목을선택하고나서를누릅니다. 3. 으로선택된항목을조정 / 설정을하고나서를누릅니다. 3 끝내기 을몇번누릅니다. 조정메뉴가종료됩니다. 제 1 장소개 9

버튼가이드보이기 을제외한프론트버튼을누르면, 버튼위에버튼가이드가나타납니다. ( 모니터를 "Portrait" 위치로사용하는경우, 버튼가이드는버튼옆에나타납니다.) 노트 버튼가이드는조정메뉴또는모드메뉴가보이는동안계속나타납니다. 버튼가이드는선택된메뉴또는상태에따라다르게보입니다. CAL 모드에서버튼가이드가과위에나타나도밝기는조정할수없습니다. 10 제 1 장소개

기능 각메뉴의조정과설정항목은아래와같습니다. 주메뉴항목조정 / 설정 컬러 밝기 2-3. 컬러조정하기 " ( 페이지 18) 콘트라스트색온도감마 고급설정 색조 컬러리셋 채도윤곽선수정게인블랙레벨 6가지색상 3-8. 기본설정으로복구하기 ( 페이지 28) 화면 화면크기 아날로그조정 자동조정범위클럭조정 Phase Hor.Position Ver.Position 2-4. 저해상도에서디스플레이하기 ( 페이지 24) 2-2. 화면올바르게디스플레이하기 ( 페이지 14) 파워매니저절전 4-1. 절전기능설정하기 ( 페이지 29) Auto EcoView 4-3. 모니터의자동밝기조정설정하기 ( 페이지 30) 지시등 4-2. 지시등설정하기 ( 페이지 30) 메뉴설정언어 3-5. 언어설정하기 ( 페이지 27) 방향 3-4. 방향설정하기 ( 페이지 26) 메뉴위치 3-7. 조정메뉴의디스플레이위치설정하기 ( 페이지 28) 도구입력선택 6-2. 두대이상의 PC를모니터에연결하기 ( 페이지 35) 오버드라이브 (CG243W) 2-5. 동영상이미지구성하기 ( 페이지 24) 모드프리셋 시그널정보 3-1. 모드선택사용가능 / 불가 ( 페이지 25) 6-4. 모니터정보보이기 ( 페이지 38) 모니터정보 모두리셋 3-8. 기본설정으로복구하기 ( 페이지 28) * <Color> 메뉴에서사용가능한조정 / 설정은선택된모드에따라다릅니다. ( 페이지 19). Custom 모드를선택하면, 위표에서하위메뉴를보여줍니다 ( 2-3. 컬러조정 ( 페이지 18) 보기 ). 제 1 장소개 11

제 2 장화면조정하기 2-1. 화면해상도설정하기 지원되는해상도 / 주파수 아래의해상도가지원됩니다. 아날로그입력 해상도 적용가능한신호 주파수 도트클럭 CG223W CG243W 640 480 VGA 60Hz 720 400 VGA TEXT 70Hz 800 600 VESA 60Hz 1024 768 VESA 60Hz 1024 768 VESA ~ 75Hz 1024 768 VESA 85Hz 170MHz 1152 864 VESA 75Hz (Max.) 1280 960 VESA 60Hz 1280 1024 VESA 60Hz 1600 1200 VESA 60Hz 1680 1050* 1 VESA CVT 60Hz 1680 1050* 1 VESA CVT RB 60Hz 1920 1200* 2 VESA CVT RB 60Hz 디지털입력 (DVI/DisplayPort) 해상도 적용가능한신호 주파수 도트클럭 CG223W CG243W 640 480 VGA 60Hz 720 400 VGA TEXT 70Hz 800 600 VESA 60Hz 1024 768 VESA 60Hz 1280 960 VESA 60Hz 164.5MHz 1280 1024 VESA 60Hz (Max.) 1600 1200 VESA 60Hz 1680 1050* 1 VESA CVT 60Hz 1680 1050* 1 VESA CVT RB 60Hz 1920 1200 *2 VESA CVT RB 60Hz VESA 표준의그래픽보드가요구됩니다. * 1 권장해상도 (CG223W) *2 권장해상도 (CG243W) 12 제 2 장화면조정하기

해상도설정하기 모니터를 PC 에연결하고해상도가적절한지확인하거나또는해상도를변경해야할때아래와같이진행합니다. Windows 8 / Windows 7 1. Windows 8의경우, 시작화면에서 Desktop 을클릭하여데스크탑을디스플레이합니다. 2. 바탕화면에서아이콘을제외한곳에서마우스오른쪽버튼을클릭합니다. 3. 디스플레이된메뉴에서 화면해상도 를클릭합니다. 4. 화면해상도 대화상자에서모니터를선택합니다. 5. 해상도 를클릭하여원하는해상도를선택합니다. 6. [OK] 버튼을클릭합니다.. 7. 확인대화상자가나타나면, [Keep changes] 을클릭합니다. Windows Vista 1. Right-click the mouse anywhere on the desktop except for icons. 2. From the displayed menu, click Personalize. 3. On the Personalization window, click Display Settings. 4. On the Display Settings dialog, select the Monitor tab and select desired resolution in the Resolution field. 5. Click the [OK] 버튼. 6. When a confirmation dialog is displayed, click [Yes]. Windows XP 1. Right-click the mouse anywhere on the desktop except for icons. 2. From the displayed menu, click Properties. 3. When the Display Properties dialog is displayed, click the Settings tab and select desired resolution for Screen resolution under Display. 4. Click the [OK] 버튼 to close the dialog. Mac OS X 1. Select System Preferences from the Apple menu. 2. When the System Preferences dialog is displayed, click Displays for Hardware. 3. On the displayed dialog, select the Display tab and select desired resolution in the Resolutions field. 4. Your selection will be reflected immediately. When you are satisfied with the selected resolution, close the window. 제 2 장화면조정하기 13

2-2. Displaying Screen Correctly Digital Input Analog Input When digital signals are input, images are displayed correctly based on the preset data of the monitor. When performing advanced adjustment, see 2-3 Color Adjustment ( 페이지 18) and subsequent pages. Attention Wait 30 minutes or more from monitor power on before starting adjustments. (Allow the monitor to warm up for at least 30 minutes before making adjustments.) The monitor screen adjustment is used to suppress flickering of the screen or adjust screen position and screen size correctly according to the PC to be used. The auto adjustment function works when filling/satisfying all of the following conditions When a signal is input into the monitor for the first time or when the resolution or Vertical/ Horizontal Frequency not displayed before is set When signals with the vertical resolution over 480 are input If the screen is not displayed correctly even after performing the auto adjustment, perform the screen adjustments according to the procedures on the following pages to use the monitor comfortably. [Adjustment ] 1 Perform the auto adjustment. To adjust flickering, screen position, and screen size automatically [Auto Adjustment] 1. Choose <Screen> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Analog Adjustment> from the <Screen> menu, and press. 3. Choose <Auto Adjustment>, and press. The auto adjustment function works (the message In Progress appears) to correctly adjust the flickering, screen position, and screen size correctly. When the auto adjustment is completed, a message appears. Select OK to confirm the new settings or Cancel to restore the previous settings, and press. Attention This function works correctly when an image is fully displayed over the Windows or Macintosh display area. It does not work properly when an image is displayed only on a part of the screen (command prompt window, for example) or when a black background (wallpaper, etc.) is in use. This function does not work correctly with some graphics boards. If the screen is not displayed correctly even after adjusting in step 1 above, perform the adjustments according to the procedures on the following pages. When the screen is displayed correctly, go to step 5 To adjust color gradation automatically [Range]. 14 제 2 장화면조정하기

2 Prepare the display pattern for the analog display adjustment. Load the EIZO LCD Utility Disk to your PC, and then open the Screen adjustment pattern files. NOTE For details and instructions on opening the Screen adjustment pattern files, refer to the Readme.txt file. 3 Perform the auto adjustment again with the analog screen adjustment pattern displayed. To adjust flickering, screen position, and screen size automatically [Auto Adjustment] 1. Display Pattern 1 of the Screen adjustment pattern files in full screen on the monitor. 2. Choose <Screen> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 3. Choose <Analog Adjustment> from the <Screen> menu, and press. To proceed with the subsequent adjustments, select an item in <Analog Adjustment> of the <Screen> menu. 4. Choose <Auto Adjustment>, and press. The auto adjustment function works (the message In Progress appears) to adjust the flickering, screen position, and screen size correctly. When the auto adjustment is completed, a message appears. Select OK to confirm the new settings or Cancel to restore the previous settings, and press. If the screen is not displayed correctly even after adjusting in step 3 above, perform the adjustments according to the procedures on the following pages. When the screen is displayed correctly, go to step 5 To adjust color gradation automatically [Range]. 제 2 장화면조정하기 15

4 Perform advanced adjustments for the following using the <Screen> menu of the <Analog Adjustment>. Adjust the clock, phase and position, in this order. To eliminate vertical bars [Clock] 1. Choose <Clock> from the <Analog Adjustment> menu, and press. 2. Adjust the clock with or. Press slowly so as not to miss the adjustment point. 3. Press to exit the adjustment. When blurring, flickering or bars appear on the screen after adjustment, proceed to [Phase] to remove flickering or blurring. Remove flickering or blurring [Phase] 1. Choose <Phase> from the <Analog Adjustment> menu, and press. 2. Adjust the phase with or. 3. Press to exit the adjustment. Attention Flickering or blurring may not be eliminated depending on your PC or graphics board. To correct screen position [Hor.Position] [Ver.Position] NOTE Since the number of pixels and the pixel positions are fixed on the LCD monitor, only one position is provided to display images correctly. The position adjustment is made to shift an image to the correct position. 1. Choose <Hor.Position> or <Ver.Position> from the <Analog Adjustment> menu, and press. 2. Adjust the position with or. 3. Press to exit the adjustment. 16 제 2 장화면조정하기

5 Adjust the color gradation. To adjust color gradation automatically [Range Adjustment] Every color gradation (0 to 255) can be displayed by adjusting the signal output level. 1. Display Pattern 2 in full screen on the monitor using the Screen adjustment pattern files. 2. Choose <Range> from the <Analog Adjustment> menu, and press. The color gradation is adjusted automatically. When the auto adjustment is completed, a message appears. Select OK to confirm the new settings or Cancel to restore the precious settings, and press. 3. Close the Pattern 2. 제 2 장화면조정하기 17

2-3. Color Adjustment To select the display mode (Color Mode) Color Mode allows you to select easily the adequate mode suitable for the monitor s application. Color Mode Mode 1-Custom 2-sRGB 3-EBU 4-REC709 5-SMPTE-C 6-DCI 7-CAL1 8-CAL2 9-CAL3 Purpose Available for the color settings according to your preference. Suitable for color matching with srgb compatible peripherals. Suitable for reproducing the color gamut and gamma as set forth by EBU (European Broadcasting Union) standards. Suitable for reproducing the color gamut and gamma as set forth by the ITU-R Rec. 709 standard. Suitable for reproducing the color gamut and gamma as set forth by SMPTE-C standards. Suitable for reproducing the color gamut and gamma as set forth by DCI standards. Displays the screen adjusted by Color Management Software ColorNavigator. Attention CAL mode can be adjusted only by ColorNavigator. With default settings only one CAL mode can be selected for every input signal displayed. A CAL mode will be chosen by the ColorNavigator in accordance with the displayed input signal. Avoid operating any funciton of the monitor while using ColorNavigator. The mode menu appears. 1. Press. Mode menu appears at the lower left of the screen. 2. The mode among the list is highlighted in turn each time is pressed. You can switch the current mode with or while the mode menu is being displayed. Custom srgb EBU REC709 SMPTE-C DCI CAL1 CAL2 CAL3 NOTE The Adjustment menu and the Mode menu cannot be displayed at the same time. You can disable a specific mode to be selected. For more information, refer to 3-1 Enabling/Disabling Mode Selection ( 페이지 25). 18 제 2 장화면조정하기

To perform advanced adjustments The <Color> menu of the Adjustment menu allows you to set and save the independent color adjustment for each mode. Attention Wait 30 minutes or more from monitor power on before starting the color adjustment. (Allow the monitor to warm up for at least 30 minutes before making adjustments.) Perform the range adjustment first when adjusting color for analog input signals. (Refer to To adjust color gradation automatically on 페이지 17). The same image may be seen in different colors on multiple monitors due to their monitor-specific characteristics. Make fine color adjustment visually when matching colors on multiple monitors. NOTE The values shown in % or K are available only as reference. Adjustment items in each mode According to the mode selected, the adjustable function differs. (You can not select any function unavailable for adjustment or setting.) The adjustments or settings made for each mode are applied to all input signals. For the adjustment method of each function, refer to subsequent pages. : Adjustment available : Invalid for adjustment Icon Color Mode Function 7-CAL1 1-Custom 2-sRGB 3-EBU 4-REC709 5-SMPTE-C 6-DCI 8-CAL2 9-CAL3 Brightness Contrast Temperature Gamma Hue Saturation Outline Enhancer Gain Black Level 6 Colors Color Reset 제 2 장화면조정하기 19

To adjust the brightness [Brightness] The screen brightness is adjusted by changing the brightness of the backlight (Light source from the LCD back panel). Adjustable range: 0 to 100% 1. Choose <Color> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Brightness> from the <Color> menu, and press. 3. Adjust the brightness with or. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. NOTE You can also adjust the brightness using and. When your feel the image is bright even if the brightness is set to 0%, adjust the contrast. To adjust the contrast [Contrast] The luminance of the screen is adjusted by varying the video signal level. Adjustable range: 0 to 100% 1. Choose <Color> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Contrast> from the <Color> menu, and press. 3. Adjust the contrast with or. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. NOTE In the contrast of 100%, every color gradation is displayed. When adjusting the monitor, it is recommended to perform the brightness adjustment which may not lose the gradation characteristics, prior to the contrast adjustment. Perform the contrast adjustment in the following cases. - When you feel the image is bright even if the brightness is set to 0%. (Set the contrast to lower than 100%). To adjust the color temperature [Temperature] The color temperature can be adjusted. The color temperature is normally used to express the hue of White and/or Black by a numerical value. The value is expressed in degrees K (Kelvin). In the same way as the flame temperature, the image on the monitor is displayed reddish if the color temperature is low and is bluish if the color temperature is high. The gain preset values are set for each color temperature setting value. Adjustable range: Standard, Native, 4000K-10000K (specified by every 500K unit, including 5400K, 9300K) 1. Choose <Color> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Temperature> from the <Color> menu, and press. 3. Adjust the color temperature with or. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. NOTE [Gain] allows you to perform more advanced adjustment (See To adjust the gain value on 페이지 22). If you set to [Native], the image is displayed in the preset color of the monitor (Gain: 100% for each RGB). When changing the gain value, the color temperature adjusting range is changed to User. The default setting for each srgb/ebu/rec709/smpte-c/dci mode is set to "Standard", which is the temperature in conformity with each standard. 20 제 2 장화면조정하기

To adjust the gamma value [Gamma] The gamma value can be adjusted. The luminance of the monitor varies depending on the input signal, however, the variation rate is not proportional to the input signal. To keep the balance between the input signal and the luminance of the monitor is called as Gamma correction. Adjustable range: 1.8-2.6 1. Choose <Color> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Gamma> from the <Color> menu, and press. 3. Adjust the gamma value with or. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. NOTE The default setting for each srgb/ebu/rec709/smpte-c/dci mode is set to "Standard", which is the gamma in conformity with each standard. To adjust the hue [Hue] This function allows you to adjust the hue. Adjustable range: -100 to 100 1. Choose <Color> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Advanced Settings> from the <Color> menu, and press. 3. Choose <Hue>, and press. 4. Adjust the hue with or. 5. Press to exit the adjustment. Attention This function does not enable to display every color gradation. To adjust the color saturation [Saturation] This function allows you to adjust the saturation of the color on the monitor. Adjustable range: -100 to 100 1. Choose <Color> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Advanced Settings> from the <Color> menu, and press. 3. Choose <Saturation>, and press. 4. Adjust the saturation of the color with or. 5. Press to exit the adjustment. Attention This function does not enable to display every color gradation. NOTE Setting the minimum (-100) turns the image to a monochrome screen. 제 2 장화면조정하기 21

To enhance the outline of the image [Outline Enhancer] OutlineEnhancer functions to emphasize outline of the images by emphasizing the color difference between pixels composing the images. This may improve the texture of the material and its feel of the images. On the contrary, it also functions to reproduce the images smoothly by gradating its outline. 1. Choose <Color> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Advanced Settings> from the <Color> menu, and press. 3. Choose <Outline Enhancer> and press. 4. Select the display status in the range from -3 to 3 (soft to sharp) with or as desired. 5. Press to exit the adjustment. To adjust the gain value [Gain] Each luminance of red/green/blue composing the color is called Gain. The gain adjustment may change the color tone of the White (when the max input signal for each color is obtained) Adjustable range: 0 to 100% 1. Choose <Color> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Advanced Settings> from the <Color> menu, and press. 3. Choose <Gain>, and press. 4. Choose the color for adjustment among <Red>, <Green>, or <Blue> to adjust, and press. 5. Adjust the gain with or. 6. Press to exit the adjustment. NOTE The <Temperature> setting invalidates this setting. The gain value may change depending on the value of the color temperature. When changing the gain value, the color temperature adjusting range is changed to User. To adjust the black level [Black Level] The brightness of black and chromaticity can be adjusted based on the respective black level of red, green and blue. Adjust the black level by showing images with black background. Adjustable range:0 to 100% 1. Choose <Color> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Advanced Settings> from the <Color> menu, and press. 3. Choose <Black Level>, and press. 4. Choose the color for adjustment among <Red>, <Green>, or <Blue> to adjust, and press. 5. Adjust the black level with or. 6. Press to exit the adjustment. NOTE To further darken the black when the value of the black level is 0, lower the brightness value. Lowering the contrast value will not change the brightness of the black level. 22 제 2 장화면조정하기

To adjust six colors [6 Colors] The hue and saturation can be adjusted for each of six colors: Magenta, Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, and Blue. Adjustable range: -100 to 100 1. Choose <Color> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Advanced Settings> from the <Color> menu, and press. 3. Choose <6 Colors>, and press. 4. Choose the color for adjustment among <Magenta>, <Red>, <Yellow>, <Green>, <Cyan>, or <Blue>, and press. 5. Select <Hue> or <Saturation>, and press. 6. Adjust the 6 colors with or. 7. Press to exit the adjustment. 제 2 장화면조정하기 23

2-4. Displaying Lower Resolutions To change screen size [Screen Size] The image with the resolution other than the recommended resolution is displayed in full screen automatically. You can change the screen size by using <Screen Size> from <Screen> menu. Menu Full (default setting) Enlarged Normal Function Displays an image in full screen. Images are distorted in some cases because the vertical rate is not equal to the horizontal rate. Displays an image in full screen. In some cases, a blank horizontal or vertical border appears to equalize the vertical rate and the horizontal rate. Displays images with the specified resolution. Example: Image size 1280 x 1024 in case of CG243W Full Enlarged (Default setting) Normal (1920 x 1200) (1500 x 1200) (1280 x 1024) 1. Choose <Screen> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Screen Size> from the <Screen> menu, and press. 3. Select Full Screen, Enlarged, or Normal with or. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. 2-5. Configuring moving image performance [Overdrive] (CG243W) By using the <Overdrive> setting, the extent to which fast moving images produce visible afterimages can be reduced. This setting is set to On by default, but while turned On noise and afterimages may instead be more noticeable. In such a case, please set the <Overdrive> setting to Off. 1. Choose <Tools> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Overdrive> from the <Tools> menu, and press. 3. Select "On" or "Off" with or. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. 24 제 2 장화면조정하기

제 3 장모니터설정하기 3-1. Enabling/Disabling Mode Selection [Mode Preset] Allows you to select the specified modes only. Use this function when all the display modes are not available or when keeping the display mode unchanged. 1. Choose <Tools> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Mode Preset> from the <Tools> menu, and press. 3. Select the mode to change its settings with or, and press. 4. Select On or Off with or. 5. Press to exit the adjustment. Attention You cannot set all the modes disable. Set at least one mode to On. 3-2. Locking Buttons [Key Lock] This function allows you to lock to prevent changing the adjusted/set status. 1. Press to turn off the monitor. 2. Press holding down for at least 2 seconds to turn on the monitor. The Optional Settings menu appears. 3. Choose <Key Lock> from the <Optional Settings> menu, and press. 4. Select Off, Menu, or All with or, and press. Settings Off (Initial settings) Buttons that can be locked None (All buttons are enabled) Menu 버튼 All All buttons excluding 5. Select Finish with or. 6. Press to exit. The Optional Settings menu is closed. 제 3 장모니터설정하기 25

3-3. Setting the EIZO Logo Display [Logo] The EIZO logo appears on the display when turning on the monitor. This function allows you to display, or not, the EIZO logo. 1. Press to turn off the monitor. 2. Press holding down at least 2 seconds to turn on the monitor. The Optional Settings menu appears. 3. Choose <Logo> from the <Optional Settings> menu, and press. 4. Select On or Off with or, and press. 5. Select Finish with or. 6. Press to exit the Optional Settings. The Optional Settings menu is closed. 3-4. Setting Orientation [Orientation] This function allows you to change the orientation of the Adjustment menu when using the monitor screen in vertical display position. (Default settings : Landscape) 1. Choose <Menu Settings> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Orientation> from the <Menu Settings> menu, and press. 3. Select Landscape or Portrait with or. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. 5. When selecting Portrait, turn the monitor screen 90 in clockwise direction. Attention Be sure that the cables are correctly connected. NOTE For using the monitor with Portrait position, the graphics board supporting portrait display is required. When placing the monitor in a "Portrait" position, settings of your graphics board need to be changed. Refer to the manual of the graphics board for details. 26 제 3 장모니터설정하기

3-5. Setting Language [Language] This function allows you to select a language for the adjustment menu or displaying message. Selectable languages English/German/French/Spanish/Italian/Swedish/Japanese /Simplified Chinese/Traditional Chinese 1. Choose <Menu Settings> menu from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Language> from the <Menu Settings> menu, and press. 3. Choose a language with or. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. 3-6. Setting Range of Frequency [Signal Bandwidth] Depending upon your operating environment, it may be necessary to set the frequency that corresponds to your graphics board. If you install it for the first time or change environment, set the monitor. NOTE Refer to the manual of the graphics board. These environment described below can be set regardless of whether or not the computer is running. Only digital input signals can be set up. 1. Press to turn off the monitor. 2. Press holding down at least 2 seconds to turn on the monitor. The Optional Settings menu appears. 3. Choose <Signal Baldwidth> from the <Optional Settings> menu, and press. Select Normal or Wide with or, and press. Use or to select (or just confirm) the frequency that corresponds to your graphics board. CG223W Setting Horizontal scanning frequency (khz) Vertical scanning frequency (Hz) Normal 31-65 59-61 Wide 31-65 47.5-61 CG243W Setting Horizontal scanning frequency (khz) Vertical scanning frequency (Hz) Normal 26-78 59-61 Wide-1 26-78 23.75-63 Wide-2/-3 * Used when inputting a special signal. *:Wide-2/-3 cannot be selected when using DisplayPort. 4. Select Finish with or. 5. Press to exit the Optional Settings. The Optional Settings menu is closed. 제 3 장모니터설정하기 27

3-7. Setting the Display Position of the Adjustment Menu [Menu Position] Adjust the menu position using the following procedure. 1. Choose <Menu Settings> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Menu Position> from the <Menu Settings> menu, and press. 3. Select a menu position with or. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. 3-8. Restoring the Default Setting There are two types of Reset. One is to reset the color adjustment only to the default settings, and the other is to reset all the settings to the default settings. Attention After resetting, you cannot undo the operation. NOTE For main default settings, refer to Main default settings (factory settings) on 페이지 41. To reset color adjustment values [Color Reset] Only the adjustment values in the current mode will revert to the default settings (factory settings). 1. Choose <Color> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Color Reset> from the <Color> menu and press. 3. Select Execute with or. 4. Press. The color adjustment values revert to the default settings. To reset all adjustments to the factory default settings [All Reset] Reset all adjustments to the factory default settings. 1. Choose <Tools> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <All Reset> from the <Tools> menu, and press. 3. Select Execute with or. 4. Press. All setting values revert to the default settings. 28 제 3 장모니터설정하기

제 4 장절전기능 4-1. Setting the Power Saving [Power Save] This function allows you to set the monitor into the power saving mode according to the PC status. When the monitor enters the power saving mode, no image is displayed on the screen. Attention Turning off the main power switch or unplugging the power cord completely shuts off power supply to the monitor. Devices connected to the USB port (upstream and downstream) work when the monitor is in power saving mode or when the power 버튼 of the monitor is Off. Therefore, power consumption of the monitor varies with connected devices even in the power saving mode. Power Save is compliant with the following standards for the respective signal inputs. signal inputs Standard Analog signal VESA DPM Digital signal DVI DVI DMPM DisplayPort DisplayPort Standard V1.1a 1. Choose <PowerManager> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Power Save> from the <PowerManager> menu, and press. 3. Select On or Off with or. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. Power Saving System The monitor enters the power saving mode in conjunction with the PC settings. PC Monitor Power Indicator Operating Operating Blue Power saving STAND-BY SUSPENDED OFF Power saving Orange 제 4 장절전기능 29

4-2. Setting Power Indicator [Power Indicator] The brightness of the power indicator (blue) when the screen is displayed can be adjusted (default setting is set to light up when power is turned on, and brightness is set to 4). 1. Choose <PowerManager> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Power Indicator> from the <PowerManager> menu, and press. 3. Select the indicator brightness Off or in the range from 1 to 7 with or as desired. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. 4-3. Setting Monitor s Automatic Brightness Adjustment [Auto EcoView] The sensor on the lower side of the monitor detects the environmental brightness to adjust the screen brightness automatically and comfortably by using the Auto EcoView function. Attention The Auto EcoView function is not available in CAL mode. Be careful not to block the sensor on the lower side of the monitor when using the Auto EcoView function. 1. Choose <PowerManager> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Auto EcoView> from the <PowerManager> menu, and press. 3. Select On or Off with or. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. 30 제 4 장절전기능

제 5 장문제해결 If a problem still remains after applying the suggested remedies, contact your local dealer. No-picture problems See No.1 - No.2. Imaging problems (digital input) See No.3 - No.8. Imaging problems (analog input) See No.3 - No.12. Other problems See No.13 - No.16. Problems 1. No picture Power indicator does not light. Possible cause and remedy Check whether the power cord is connected correctly. Turn off the main power, and then turn it on again a few minutes later. Turn the main power switch on. Press. Power indicator lights blue. Set each adjusting value in <Brightness>, <Contrast> and <Gain> to higher level. ( 페이지 20, 22) Power indicator lights orange. Switch the input signal with. Operate the mouse or keyboard. Check whether the PC is turned on. 2. The message below appears. This message appears when the signal is not input correctly even when the monitor functions properly. This message appears when no signal is input. Example: The message shown left may appear, because some PCs do not output the signal soon after power-on. Check whether the PC is turned on. Check whether the signal cable is connected properly. Switch the input signal with. The message shows that the input signal is out of the specified frequency range. (Such signal frequency is displayed in red.) Example: Check whether the signal setting of your PC matches the resolution and the vertical frequency settings for the monitor. (refer to the Setup Manual Setting Screen Resolution ) Reboot the PC. Select an appropriate display mode using the graphics board s utility. Refer to the manual of the graphics board for details. fd : Dot Clock (Displayed only when the digital signal inputs) fh : Horizontal Frequency fv : Vertical Frequency 3. The screen is too bright or too dark. Adjust using <Brightness> or <Contrast>. (The LCD monitor backlight has a fixed life span. When the screen becomes dark or begins to flicker, contact your local dealer.) Turn on the Auto EcoView function. The monitor detects the environmental brightness to adjust the screen brightness automatically. 제 5 장문제해결 31

Problems Possible cause and remedy 4. Characters are blurred Check whether the signal setting of your PC matches the resolution and the vertical frequency settings for the monitor. (refer to the Setup Manual Setting Screen Resolution ) Adjust using <Outline Enhancer>. ( 페이지 22) 5. Afterimages appear Afterimages are particular to LCD monitors. Avoid displaying the same image for a long time. Use the screen saver or power save function to avoid displaying the same image for extended periods of time. 6. Green/red/blue/white dots or defective dots remain on the screen. 7. Interference patterns or pressure marks remain on the screen. This is due to LCD panel characteristics and is not a failure. Leave the monitor with a white or black screen. The symptom may disappear. 8. Noise appears on the screen. When entering the signals of HDCP system, the normal images may not be displayed immediately. 9. Display position is incorrect. Adjust image position using <Hor.Position> or <Ver. Position>. ( 페이지 16) If the problem persists, use the graphics board s utility if available to change the display position. 10. Vertical bars appear on the screen or a part of the image is flickering. Adjust using <Clock>. ( 페이지 16) 11. Whole screen is flickering or blurring. Adjust using <Phase>. ( 페이지 16) 12. Upper part of the screen is distorted as shown below. This is caused when both composite sync (X-OR) signal and separate vertical sync signal are input simultaneously. Select either composite signal or separate signal. 13. The adjustment menu does not appear. Check whether the operation lock function works. ( 페이지 25) 14. Mode menu does not appear. Check whether the operation lock function works. ( 페이지 25) 15. The auto adjust function does not work correctly. This function does not work when digital signal is input. This function is intended for use on the Macintosh and on AT-compatible PC running Windows. It may not work properly in either of the following cases. It does not work properly when an image is displayed only on a part of the screen (command prompt window, for example) or when a black background (wallpaper, etc.) is in use. This function does not work correctly with some graphics boards. 32 제 5 장문제해결

Problems 16. The monitor connected with the USB cable is not detected. / USB devices connected to the monitor does not work. Possible cause and remedy Check whether the USB cable is connected correctly. ( 페이지 37) Change the USB port to another one. If the PC or peripheral devices works correctly by changing the USB port, contact your local dealer. (Refer to the manual of the PC for details.) Reboot the PC. If the peripheral devices work correctly when the PC and peripheral devices are connected directly, please contact your local dealer. Check whether the PC and OS are USB compliant. (For USB compliance of the respective devices, consult their manufacturers.) Check the PC s BIOS setting for USB when using Windows. (Refer to the manual of the PC for details.) 제 5 장문제해결 33

제 6 장참고 6-1. Attaching an Arm The stand can be removed and replaced with an arm (or another stand) to be attached to the monitor. Use an arm or stand of EIZO option. Attention When attaching an arm or stand, follow the instructions of their user s manual. When using another manufacturer s arm or stand, confirm the following in advance and select one conforming to the VESA standard. - Clearance between the screw holes: 100 mm 100 mm - Thickness of plate: 2.6 mm - Strong enough to support weight of the monitor unit (except the stand) and attachments such as cables. Use the screws as described below. - FlexStand: The screws fixing the stand to the monitor - Height adjustable stand: The screws supplied with this monitor (M4 12mm) When using an arm or stand, attach it to meet the following tilt angles of the monitor. - Up 45 degrees, down 45 degrees (horizontal display, and vertical display rotated 90 degrees clockwise) Connect the cables after attaching an arm. Do not adjust the height of the stand removed from the monitor. When adjusted without attached monitor, it causes the personnel injury or the damaged to the stand. Since the monitor and arm are so heavy, dropping them may result in injury or equipment damage. [Attachment ] 1 Lay the LCD monitor on a soft cloth spread over on a stable surface with the panel surface facing down. 2 Remove the stand. Prepare a screwdriver. Unscrew the four screws securing the unit and the stand with the screwdriver. 3 Attach the monitor to the arm or stand. Secure the monitor to the arm or stand using the screws specified in the user s manual of the arm or stand. 34 제 6 장참고

POWER INPUT 6-2. Connecting More than Two PCs to the Monitor More than two PCs can be connected to the monitor through the DVI-I and the DisplayPort connector on the back of the monitor. Connection examples DisplayPort connector DVI-I connector To PC 1 D-Sub mini 15- pin connector Analog Signal cable (supplied FD-C16) To PC 2 DVI connector Digital Signal cable (FD-C39 option) To PC 3 DisplayPort connector Digital Signal cable (supplied PP200) To switch the input signal The input signal switches each time is pressed. When the signal is switched, the active input port name appears at the top right corner of the screen. 제 6 장참고 35

To set input signal selection [Input Selection] The monitor recognizes the connector through which PC signals are input. Auto Priority setting Manual Function When a PC is turned off or enters the powersaving mode, the monitor automatically displays another signal. The monitor detects only the PC s signals currently displaying automatically. Select an active input signal with. 1. Choose <Tools> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Input Selection> from the <Tools> menu, and press. The <Input Selection> menu appears. 3. Select Auto or Manual with or. 4. Press to exit the adjustment. Attention When Auto is selected for <Input Selection>, the monitor s power-saving function works only when the all PCs are in the power-saving mode. 36 제 6 장참고

6-3. Making Use of USB (Universal Serial Bus) This monitor has a hub compatible with USB. Connected to a PC compatible with USB or another USB hub, this monitor functions as a USB hub allowing connection to peripheral USB devices. Required System Environment 1. A PC equipped with a USB port or another USB hub connected to a USB compatible PC 2. Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Windows Vista / Windows XP / Windows 2000 or Mac OS X 10.2 or later and Mac OS 9.2.2 3. EIZO USB cable (MD-C93) Attention This monitor may not work depending on PC, OS or peripheral devices to be used. For USB compatibility of peripheral devices, contact their manufactures. Devices connected to the USB port (upstream and downstream) work when the monitor is in power saving mode or when the power 버튼 of the monitor is Off. Therefore, power consumption of the monitor varies with connected devices even in the power saving mode. When the main power switch is Off, device connected to the USB port will not operate. Connection (Setup of USB Function) 1. Connect the monitor first to a PC using the signal cable, and run the PC. 2. Connect the supplied USB cable between the downstream USB port of a USB compatible PC (or another USB hub) and the monitor s upstream USB port. The USB hub function is set up automatically upon connection of the USB cable. 3. Connect the peripheral USB device to the USB port (downstream) of the monitor. Upstream Downstream 제 6 장참고 37

6-4. Displaying Monitor Information Displaying monitor information by pressing The displays the information about the monitor and the current input signals displayed. (Example) Displaying signal information [Signal Info] This function displays the information about the current input signals displayed. 1. Choose <Tools> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Signal Info> from the <Tools> menu, and press. The Signal Info screen appears. (Example) Displaying monitor information [Monitor Info] This function displays the information about the monitor. 1. Choose <Tools> from the Adjustment menu, and press. 2. Choose <Monitor Info> from the <Tools> menu, and press. The Monitor Info screen appears. (Example) Attention The usage time is not always 0 due to factory inspection when you purchase the monitor. 38 제 6 장참고

6-5. Specifications CG223W LCD Panel Size 22.0-inch (560 mm) TFT color LCD Surface treatment Surface hardness Viewing angle Dot Pitch Response Time Horizontal Scan Analog Frequency Digital Vertical Scan Frequency Analog Digital Frame Synchronous mode Analog Digital Anti-Glare Hard Coating 3H Viewing angle : Horizontal 178, Vertical 178 (CR:10 or more) 0.282 mm Approx. 12ms 24-82 khz 31-65 khz 47.5-86 Hz (1280 1024: ~ 76 Hz, 1680 1050: ~ 61 Hz) 47.5-61 Hz (VGA TEXT: 69-71 Hz) 47.5-61 Hz 47.5-61 Hz Resolution 1680 dots 1050 lines Recommended Brightness 120 cd/m 2 or less (with color temperature of between 5000K to 6500K) Max. Dot Clock Analog 150 MHz Digital 120 MHz Max. Display Color Approx. 1073.74 million colors (DisplayPort 10bit) Display Area (H V) 473.76 mm 296.1 mm Power Supply 100-120/200-240 VAC ±10%, 50/60Hz, 0.85A/0.45A Power Consumption Screen Display On Power saving mode Power button Off Main Power switch Off 85W or less (with USB load) 75W or less (without USB load) 0.9W or less (for DVI-I (Analog) single signal input, without USB load, [Input Selectionl] : Manual ) 0.7W or less (without USB load) Input Signal Connector DVI-I connector (Applicable to HDCP) 2 Analog Input Signal (Sync) Analog Input Signal (Video) 0W DisplayPort (Standard V1.1a, applicable to HDCP) Separate, TTL, positive/ negative Composite, TTL, positive/ negative Analog, Positive (0.7Vp-p/75Ω) Digital Signal (DVI) Transmission System TMDS (Single Link) Max. Video Signal Memory Analog 45 (preset: 12) Plug & Play Analog / Digital (DVI-I) : VESA DDC 2B / EDID structure 1.3 Digital (DisplayPort) : VESA DisplayPort / EDID structure 1.4 Dimensions Main unit 511 mm (20.1 inch) 347.5-521.5 mm (13.7 20.5 inch) 240.5 mm (9.5 inch) Main unit (without stand) Mass Main unit Approx. 9.6 kg (21.2 lbs.) Main unit (without stand) 511 mm (20.1 inch) 333 mm (13.1 inch) 85 mm (3.35 inch) Approx. 6.6 kg (14.6 lbs.) 제 6 장참고 39

Movable range Tilt 30 Up, 0 Down Environmental Conditions Swivel 172 Right, 172 Left Adjustable height 225 mm (8.9 inch) (174 mm (6.9 inch) when Tilt is 0 ) Rotation Temperature Humidity Pressure 90 (clockwise) Operating: 0 C - 35 C (32 F - 95 F) Transportation/Storage: -20 C - 60 C (-4 F - 140 F) Operating: 20% - 80% R.H. (no condensation) Transportation/Storage: 10% - 80% R.H. (no condensation) Operating: 700 to 1,060 hpa Transportation/Storage: 200 to 1,060 hpa USB Standard USB Specification Revision 2.0 Port Upstream port 1, Downstream port 2 Communication Speed Supply current 480 Mbps (high), 12 Mbps (full), 1.5 Mbps (low) Downstream: Max. 500mA/1 port CG243W LCD Panel Size 24.1-inch (610 mm) TFT color LCD Surface treatment Surface hardness Viewing angle Dot Pitch Response Time Horizontal Scan Analog Frequency Digital Vertical Scan Frequency Analog Digital Frame Synchronous mode Analog Digital Hard Coating 3H Viewing angle : Horizontal 178, Vertical 178 (CR:10 or more) 0.270 mm Approx. 13ms 24-76 khz 26-78 khz 47.5-86 Hz(1600 1200, 1920 1200: 47.5-61 Hz) 23.75-63 Hz (VGA TEXT: 69-71 Hz) 47.5-61 Hz 23.75-30.5 Hz, 47.5-61 Hz Resolution 1920 dots 1200 lines Recommended Brightness 120 cd/m 2 or less (with color temperature of between 5000K to 6500K) Max. Dot Clock Analog 170 MHz Digital 164.5 MHz Max. Display Color Approx. 1073.74 million colors (DisplayPort 10bit) Display Area (H V) 518.4 mm 324.0 mm Power Supply 100-120/200-240 VAC ±10%, 50/60Hz, 1.0A/0.5A Power Consumption Screen Display On Power saving mode Power button Off Main Power switch Off 95W or less (with USB load) 85W or less (without USB load) 0.9W or less (for DVI-I (Analog) single signal input, without USB load, [Input Selection] : Manual ) 0.7W or less (without USB load) Input Signal Connector DVI-I connector (Applicable to HDCP) 2 0W DisplayPort (Standard V1.1a, applicable to HDCP) 40 제 6 장참고

Analog Input Signal (Sync) Analog Input Signal (Video) Separate, TTL, positive/ negative Composite, TTL, positive/ negative Analog, Positive (0.7Vp-p/75Ω) Digital Signal (DVI) Transmission System TMDS (Single Link) Max. Video Signal Memory Analog 45 (preset: 9) Plug & Play Analog / Digital (DVI-I) : VESA DDC 2B / EDID structure 1.3 Digital (DisplayPort) : VESA DisplayPort / EDID structure 1.4 Dimensions Mass Main unit (Height adjustable stand) 566 mm (22.3 inch) 456-538 mm (18.0-21.2 inch) 230 mm (9.1 inch) Main unit (FlexStand) 566 mm (22.3 inch) 381.5-538.5 mm (15.0-21.2 inch) 242-256 mm (9.5-10.1 inch) Main unit (without stand) Main unit (Height adjustable stand) Main unit (FlexStand) Main unit (without stand) 566 mm (22.3 inch) 367 mm (14.4 inch) 85 mm (3.4 inch) Approx. 10.7 kg (23.6 lbs.) Approx. 10.1 kg (22.3 lbs.) Approx.7.1 kg (15.7 lbs.) Movable range Height adjustable stand Tilt : 40 Up, 0 Down Swivel : 35 Right, 35 Left Adjustable height : 82 mm (3.23 inch) Rotation : 90 (clockwise) Environmental Conditions FlexStand Tilt : 30 Up, 0 Down Swivel : 172 Right, 172 Left Adjustable height : 225 mm (8.9 inch) (Tilt 0 : 157mm (6.2 inch)) Rotation : 90 (clockwise) Temperature Humidity Pressure Operating: 0 C - 35 C (32 F - 95 F) Transportation/Storage: -20 C - 60 C (-4 F - 140 F) Operating: 20% - 80% R.H. (no condensation) Transportation/Storage: 10% - 80% R.H. (no condensation) Operating: 700 to 1,060 hpa Transportation/Storage: 200 to 1,060 hpa USB Standard USB Specification Revision 2.0 Port Upstream port 1, Downstream port 2 Communication Speed Supply current 480 Mbps (high), 12 Mbps (full), 1.5 Mbps (low) Downstream: Max. 500mA/1 port Main default settings (factory settings) Color Mode Custom PowerManager On Input Selection Manual Screen Size Fulll Auto EcoView Off Outline Enhancer 0 Menu Position Center Language English 제 6 장참고 41

Outside Dimensions CG223W Unit: mm (inch) 42 제 6 장참고

Outside Dimensions CG243W Height adjustable stand Unit: mm (inch) 제 6 장참고 43

FlexStand 532 (20.9) 95 (3.74) Unit: mm (inch) 566 (22.3) 22.8 (0.90) 520.4 (20.5) 22.8 (0.90) (20.5 (0.81)) 638 (25.1) 90 (20.5 (0.81)) 56.3 (2.22) 85 (3.35) swivel 172 172 swivel 233 (9.2)) 100 (3.9) 233 (9.2) pivot 326 (12.8) 538.5 (21.2) 100 (3.9) 133.5 (5.3) tilt 30 355 (13.0) 72 (2.83) 411.1 (16.2) 171.5 (6.8) 14.5 (0.57) 133.5 (5.3) 9.5 (0.37) 220 (8.7) 36 (1.42) 235.5 (9.3) 256 (10.1) 571 (22.5) 371 (14.6) 351 (13.8) 236 (9.3) 229 (9.0) 151 (5.9) 544.1 (21.4) 183.5 (7.2) 372.6 (14.7) 355 (13.0) 45.6 (1.80) 115 (4.5) 44 제 6 장참고

Connector Pin Assignment DVI-I connector 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 C1 C2 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 C3 C4 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 C5 Pin No. Signal Pin No. Signal Pin No. 1 T.M.D.S. Data 2-11 T.M.D.S. Data1/3 Shield 21 NC* Signal 2 T.M.D.S. Data 2+ 12 NC* 22 T.M.D.S. Clock shield 3 T.M.D.S. Data2/4 Shield 13 NC* 23 T.M.D.S. Clock+ 4 NC* 14 +5V Power 24 T.M.D.S. Clock- 5 NC* 15 Ground (return for +5V, Hsync, and Vsync) C1 Analog Red 6 DDC Clock (SCL) 16 Hot Plug Detect C2 Analog Green 7 DDC Data (SDA) 17 T.M.D.S. Data0- C3 Analog Blue 8 Analog Vertical Sync 18 T.M.D.S. Data0+ C4 Analog Horizontal Sync 9 T.M.D.S. Data1-19 T.M.D.S. Data0/5 Shield C5 Analog Ground(analog R,G,&B return) 10 T.M.D.S. Data1+ 20 NC* (NC*: No Connection) DisplayPort connector 19 17 15 13 11 20 18 16 14 12 10 9 7 5 3 1 8 6 4 2 Pin No. Signal Pin No. Signal Pin No. Signal 1 ML Lane3-8 Ground 15 AUX CH+ 2 Ground 9 ML Lane1+ 16 Ground 3 ML Lane3+ 10 ML Lane0-17 AUX CH- 4 ML Lane2-11 Ground 18 Hot Plug Detect 5 Ground 12 ML Lane0+ 19 Return 6 ML Lane2+ 13 CONFIG1 20 DP PWR 7 ML Lane1-14 CONFIG2 USB port Upstream Downstream Series B connector Series A connector Contact No. Signal Remarks 1 VCC Cable power 2 - Data Serial data 3 + Data Serial data 4 Ground Cable ground 제 6 장참고 45

6-6. Glossary Clock The analog input monitor needs to reproduce a clock of the same frequency as the dot clock of the graphics system in use, when the analog input signal is converted to a digital signal for image display. This is called clock adjustment. If the clock pulse is not set correctly, some vertical bars appear on the screen. DisplayPort DisplayPort is a next-generation digital AV interface that allows connection of the PC, audio, imaging devices, etc. to the monitor. One cable can transfer sound with images. DVI (Digital Visual Interface) DVI is a digital interface standard. DVI allows direct transmission of the PC s digital data without loss. This adopts the TMDS transmission system and DVI connectors. There are two types of DVI connectors. One is a DVI-D connector for digital signal input only. The other is a DVI-I connector for both digital and analog signal inputs. DVI DMPM (DVI Digital Monitor Power Management) DVI DMPM is a digital interface power-saving function. The Monitor ON (operating mode) and Active Off (power-saving mode) are indispensable for DVI DMPM as the monitor s power mode. Gain This is used to adjust each color parameter for red, green and blue. An LCD monitor displays the color by the light passing through the panel color filter. Red, green and blue are the three primary colors. All the colors on the screen are displayed by combining these three colors. The color tone can be changed by adjusting the light intensity (volume) passing through each color s filter. Gamma Generally, the monitor brightness varies nonlinearly with the input signal level, which is called Gamma Characteristic. A small gamma value produces a low-contrast image, while a large gamma value produces a highcontrast image. 46 제 6 장참고

HDCP (High-bandwidth Digital Contents Protection) Digital signal coding system developed to copy-protect the digital contents, such as video, music, etc. This helps to transmit the digital contents safely by coding the digital contents sent via DVI terminal on the output side and decoding them on the input side. Any digital contents cannot be reproduced if both of the equipments on the output and input sides are not applicable to HDCP system. Phase Phase means the sampling timing to convert the analog input signal to a digital signal. Phase adjustment is made to adjust the timing. It is recommended that phase adjustment be made after the clock is adjusted correctly. Range Adjustment Range adjustment controls the signal output levels to display every color gradation. It is recommended that range adjustment be made before color adjustment. Resolution The LCD panel consists of numerous pixels of specified size, which are illuminated to form images. This monitor consists of 1680(CG223W) / 1920(CG243W) horizontal pixels and 1050(CG223W) / 1200(CG243W) vertical pixels. At a resolution of 1680 x 1050(CG223W) / 1920 x 1200(CG243W), all pixels are illuminated as a full screen (1:1). srgb (Standard RGB) "International Standard for Red, Green, and Blue color space" A color space was defined with the aim of the color matching between applications and hardware devices, such as monitors, scanners, printers and digital cameras. As a standard default space, srgb allows Internet users to closely match colors. Temperature Color temperature is a method to measure the white color tone, generally indicated in degrees Kelvin. The screen becomes reddish at a low temperature, and bluish at a high temperature, like the flame temperature. 5000K: Slightly reddish white (usually used in print industry) 6500K: White called daylight color (suited for web browsing) 9300K: Slightly bluish white (usually used for television) TMDS (Transition Minimized Differential Signaling) A signal transmission system for digital interface. VESA DPM (Video Electronics Standards Association - Display Power Management ) VESA specifications achieve increased energy efficiency for computer monitors. This involves standardization of signals sent from the computer (graphics board). DPM defines the status of signals transmitted between the computer and monitor. 제 6 장참고 47

6-7. Preset Timing The following table shows factory preset video timing (for analog signal only). Attention Display position may be deviated depending on the PC connected, which may require screen adjustment using Adjustment menu. If a signal other than those listed in the table is input, adjust the screen using the Adjustment menu. However, screen display may still be incorrect even after the adjustment. When interlace signals are used, the screen cannot be displayed correctly even after screen adjustment using the Adjustment menu. Resolution Applicable signal Dot clock : MHz Frequency Horizontal : khz Vertical : Hz Horizontal Polarity Vertical CG223W CG243W 640 480 VGA 25.18 31.47 59.94 Negative Negative 720 400 VGA TEXT 28.32 31.47 70.09 Negative Positive 800 600 VESA 40.00 37.88 60.32 Positive Positive 1024 768 VESA 65.00 48.36 60.00 Negative Negative 1024 768 VESA 75.00 56.48 70.07 Negative Negative 1024 768 VESA 78.75 60.02 75.03 Positive Positive 1024 768 VESA 94.50 68.68 85.00 Positive Positive 1152 864 VESA 108.00 67.50 75.00 Positive Positive 1280 960 VESA 108.00 60.00 60.00 Positive Positive 1280 1024 VESA 108.00 63.98 60.02 Positive Positive 1600 1200 VESA 161.99 75.00 60.00 Positive Positive 1680 1050 VESA CVT 146.25 65.29 59.95 Negative Positive 1680 1050 1920 1200 VESA CVT RB VESA CVT RB 119.00 64.67 59.88 Positive Negative 154.00 74.04 59.95 Positive Negative 48 제 6 장참고

Congratulations! The display you have just purchased carries the TCO 03 Displays label. This means that your display is designed, manufactured and tested according to some of the strictest quality and environmental requirements in the world. This makes for a high performance product, designed with the user in focus that also minimizes the Impact on our natural environment. Some of the features of the TCO 03 Display requirements: Ergonomics Good visual ergonomics and image quality in order to improve the working environment for the user and to reduce sight and strain problems. Important parameters are luminance, contrast, resolution, reflectance, colour rendition and image stability. Energy Energy-saving mode after a certain time - beneficial both for the user and environment Electrical safety Emissions Electromagnetic fields Noise emissions Ecology The products must be prepared for recycling and the manufacturer must have a certified environmental management system such as EMAS or ISO 14000 Restrictions on chlorinated and brominated flame retardants and polymers heavy metals such as cadmium, mercury and lead. The requirements includes in this label have been developed by TCO Development in co-operation with scientists, experts, users as well as manufacturers all over the world. Since the end of the 1980s TCO has been involved in influencing the development of IT equipment in a more user-friendly direction. Our labeling system with displays in 1992 and is now requested by users and IT-manufacturers all over the world. For more information, please visit 49

We, the Responsible Party For U.S.A., Canada, etc. (rated 100-120 Vac) Only FCC Declaration of Conformity EIZO Inc. 5710 Warland Drive, Cypress, CA 90630 Phone: (562) 431-5011 declare that the product Trade name: EIZO Model: ColorEdge CG223W / CG243W is in conformity with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation of this product is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures. * Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. * Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. * Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. * Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/tv technician for help. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user s authority to operate the equipment. Note Use the attached specified cable below or EIZO signal cable with this monitor so as to keep interference within the limits of a Class B digital device. - AC Cord - Shielded Signal Cable (Enclosed) Canadian Notice This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Cet appareil numérique de le classe B est comforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada. 50

Hinweise zur Auswahl des richtigen Schwenkarms für Ihren Monitor Dieser Monitor ist für Bildschirmarbeitsplätze vorgesehen. Wenn nicht der zum Standardzubehör gehörige Schwenkarm verwendet wird, muss statt dessen ein geeigneter anderer Schwenkarm installiert werden. Bei der Auswahl des Schwenkarms sind die nachstehenden Hinweise zu berücksichtigen: Der Standfuß muß den nachfolgenden Anforderungen entsprechen: a) Der Standfuß muß eine ausreichende mechanische Stabilität zur Aufnahme des Gewichtes vom Bildschirmgerät und des spezifizierten Zubehörs besitzen. Das Gewicht des Bildschirmgerätes und des Zubehörs sind in der zugehörenden Bedienungsanleitung angegeben. b) Die Befestigung des Standfusses muß derart erfolgen, daß die oberste Zeile der Bildschirmanzeige nicht höher als die Augenhöhe eines Benutzers in sitzender Position ist. c) Im Fall eines stehenden Benutzers muß die Befestigung des Bildschirmgerätes derart erfolgen, daß die Höhe der Bildschirmmitte über dem Boden zwischen 135 150 cm beträgt. d) Der Standfuß muß die Möglichkeit zur Neigung des Bildschirmgerätes besitzen (max. vorwärts: 5, min. nach hinten 5 ). e) Der Standfuß muß die Möglichkeit zur Drehung des Bildschirmgerätes besitzen (max. ±180 ). Der maximale Kraftaufwand dafür muß weniger als 100 N betragen. f) Der Standfuß muß in der Stellung verharren, in die er manuell bewegt wurde. g) Der Glanzgrad des Standfusses muß weniger als 20 Glanzeinheiten betragen (seidenmatt). h) Der Standfuß mit Bildschirmgerät muß bei einer Neigung von bis zu 10 aus der normalen aufrechten Position kippsicher sein. Hinweis zur Ergonomie : Dieser Monitor erfüllt die Anforderungen an die Ergonomie nach EK1-ITB2000 mit dem Videosignal, 1680 1050 (CG223W) / 1920 1200 (CG243W), Digital Eingang und mindestens 60,0 Hz Bildwiederholfrequenz, non interlaced. Weiterhin wird aus ergonomischen Gründen empfohlen, die Grundfarbe Blau nicht auf dunklem Untergrund zu verwenden (schlechte Erkennbarkeit, Augenbelastung bei zu geringem Zeichenkontrast.) Maschinenlärminformations-Verordnung 3. GPSGV: Der höchste Schalldruckpegel beträgt 70 db(a) oder weniger gemäss EN ISO 7779 51

关于电子信息产品污染控制标识 本标识根据 电子信息产品污染控制管理办法, 适用于在中华人民共和国销售的电子信息产品 标识中央的数字为环保使用期限的年数 只要您遵守该产品相关的安全及使用注意事项, 在自制造日起算的年限内, 不会产生对环境污染或人体及财产的影响 上述标识粘贴在机器背面 有毒有害物质或元素的名称及含量 部件名称 有毒有害物质或元素 铅 汞 镉 六 价 铬多溴联苯多溴二苯醚 (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) (Cr(VI)) (PBB) (PBDE) 印刷电路板 机箱 液晶显示器 其他 : 表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/T 11363-2006 规定的限量要求以下 : 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T 11363-2006 规定的限量要求 ( 企业可在此处, 根据实际情況对上表中打 的技术原因进行进一步说明 ) 52