Get to know your HP Photosmart English Control panel features: 1. Display: The touch screen display shows menus, photos, and messages. You can flick h

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PHOTOSMART 7520 e-all-in-one SERIES Setup Unpack and power on your printer (see setup flyer). Then follow instructions and animations on the printer display to complete the printer setup. Electronic Help The electronic Help is installed when recommended printer software is installed. Electronic Help includes instructions on product features and troubleshooting, with additional links to online content. It also provides product specifications, legal notices, environmental, regulatory, and support information. Windows: After software installation, click Start > All Programs > HP > HP Photosmart 7520 series > Help. Mac: During software installation, in the screen showing recommended software, select HP Recommended Software, and then finish software installation. Mac OS X v10.6: Choose Mac Help from Help. In the Help Viewer, click and hold the Home button, and then choose the Help for your device. Mac OS X v10.7: Choose Help Center from Help, click Help for all your apps, and then choose the Help for your device. To find the European Union Regulatory Notice statement and compliance information, go to the electronic Help, click Appendix > Technical information > Regulatory notices > European Union Regulatory Notice or click Technical information > Regulatory notices > European Union Regulatory Notice. The Declaration of Conformity for this product is available at the following web address: Readme The Readme file contains HP support contact information, operating system requirements, and the most recent updates to your product information. Windows: Insert software CD. On software CD locate ReadMe.chm. Click ReadMe.chm to open and then select ReadMe in your language. Mac: Insert the software CD, and then double-click the Read Me folder located at the top-level of the software CD. English No CD/DVD drive? For computers without a CD/DVD drive, please go to to download and install the software. Register your printer Get quicker service and support alerts by registering at Ink Usage Ink from the cartridges is used in the printing process in several ways, including in the initialization process, which prepares the printer and cartridges for printing, and in the printhead servicing process, which keeps print nozzles clear and ink flowing smoothly. In addition, some residual ink is left in the cartridge after it is used. For more information, go to: EN KO ZHTW *CZ045-90062* *CZ045-90062* CZ045-90062 Scan to learn about your printer. Standard data rates may apply. Might not be available in all languages. Printed in [English] Printed in [Korean] 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.

Get to know your HP Photosmart English Control panel features: 1. Display: The touch screen display shows menus, photos, and messages. You can flick horizontally through photos and vertically through list menus. 2. Home: Returns you to the Home screen (the default screen when you turn on the product). 3. Web Services: Opens the Web Services menu, which displays the printer s email address, eprint status, and eprint feature. You can change eprint settings or print an information page. 4. Wireless: Opens the Wireless menu where you can see wireless properties and change wireless settings. 5. Ink Levels: Opens the Ink Levels menu showing estimated ink levels. 6. Settings: Opens the Settings menu where you can change product settings and perform maintenance functions. 7. Help: From the Help screen, lists the topics for which help is available. From other screens, provides help applicable to the current screen. 8. Apps: Provides quick and easy way to access and print information from the Apps, such as maps, coupons, coloring pages, and puzzles. 9. Back: Returns to the previous screen on the display. 10. Photo: Opens the Photo menu where you can view, edit, print, and save your photos. 11. Copy: Opens the Copy menu where you can preview your copy, edit for size and darkness, select black or color, and select the number of copies. You can also change settings to make 2-sided copies, or select size, quality, and paper type. 12. Scan: Opens the Choose Scan Destination menu, where you can select a destination for your scan. 13. Fax: Displays a screen where you can send a fax, or choose fax settings. 14. Cancel: Stops the current operation. Wireless status light: Solid blue light indicates that wireless connection has been established and you can print. Slow blinking light indicates that wireless is on, but the printer is not connected to a network. Make sure your printer is within the range of the wireless signal. Fast blinking light indicates wireless error. Refer to the message on the printer display. Anonymous usage information storage The HP cartridges used with this printer contain a memory chip that assists in the operation of the printer and stores a limited set of anonymous information about the usage of the printer. This information might be used to improve future HP printers. For more information and instructions for disabling this usage information collection, go to the electronic Help, click Appendix > Technical information > Cartridge chip information or click Technical information > Cartridge chip information. 2

Setup and troubleshooting If you are unable to print... Check for error messages and resolve them. If you are still unable to print, try the following in order: Windows Mac Make sure that your HP Photosmart is set as the default printer and is not offline. To do this: 1. On the Windows taskbar, click Start. 2. Then click: Devices and Printers (Windows 7 ) Printers (Windows Vista ) Control Panel, and then click Printers and Faxes (Windows XP ) Look for your printer to see if it has a check mark in a circle next to it. If not, right-click the printer icon and select Set as default printer from the menu. To check that your printer is not offline, right-click the printer icon and ensure that Use Printer Offline and Pause Printing are not selected. If the HP printer software installation failed: 1. Remove the CD from your computer s CD drive, and then disconnect the printer from the computer. 2. Restart the computer. 3. Temporarily disable any software firewall and close any anti-virus software. 4. Insert the printer software CD into your computer s CD drive, then follow the onscreen instructions to install the printer software. Do not connect the USB cable until you are told to do so. 5. After the installation finishes, restart the computer and any security software you disabled or closed. Windows XP and Windows Vista are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Windows 7 is either a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Check your print queue: 1. In System Preferences, click: Print & Fax (Mac OS X v10.6) Print & Scan (Mac OS X v10.7) 2. Click the Open Print Queue button. 3. Click a print job to select it. 4. Use the following buttons to manage the print job: Delete: Cancel the selected print job. Resume: Continue a paused print job. If you made any changes, try to print again. Restart and reset: 1. Restart the computer. 2. Reset the printer: a. Turn off the printer and unplug the power cord. b. Wait a minute, then plug the power cord back in and turn on the printer. If you are still unable to print, uninstall and reinstall the HP printer software. To uninstall the software: 1. Disconnect the printer from your computer. 2. Open the Applications: Hewlett-Packard folder. 3. Double-click HP Uninstaller. Follow the onscreen instructions. To install the software: 1. Insert the CD into your computer s CD drive. 2. On the desktop, open the CD, then double-click HP Installer. 3. Follow the onscreen instructions. English Power specifications Power adapter: 0957-2304 Input voltage: 100-240 Vac Note: Use this printer only with the power adapter supplied by HP. Input frequency: 50/60 Hz Maximum input current: 0.9A 3

Networked printer use Change from USB to wireless network connection If you initially set up your printer using a USB connection to your computer, you can switch the connection to a wireless network connection by following these steps. Windows Mac English To change from USB to wireless connection: 1. From your computer, click Start > All Programs > HP > HP Photosmart 7520 series > Printer Setup & Software Selection. 2. Click Convert a USB connected printer to wireless. Keep your USB cable connected until prompted to disconnect it. 3. Follow the instructions on the screen. To change from USB to wireless connection: 1. From the Home screen of your printer display, touch the Wireless icon. 2. Touch Wireless Setup Wizard. 3. Follow the steps in the Wireless Setup Wizard to connect the printer. 4. Use HP Setup Assistant in Applications/Hewlett- Packard/Device Utilities to change the connection to this printer to wireless. Share your printer with multiple computers If you already have your printer connected to your wireless network and want to share it with other computers connected to the same network, you need to install the printer software on other computers. During the software installation, select the Wireless connection when prompted, and then follow the instructions on the screen to finish installing the printer software. Connect wirelessly to the printer without a router HP Wireless Direct allows your Wi-Fi devices (for example: computers or smartphones) to print directly to your printer wirelessly, without a wireless router, from your Wi-Fi enabled devices. To set up and use Wireless Direct: 1. From the Home screen of your printer s display, touch the Wireless icon. 2. Touch Settings. 3. Touch Wireless Direct. 4. Touch Wireless Direct, touch On (No Security) or On (With Security). Note: If you turn on security, only users with the password will be able to print wirelessly to the printer. If you turn off security, anyone with a Wi-Fi device within Wi-Fi range of the printer will be able to connect to the printer. HP recommends that you turn on security for Wireless Direct. 5. Touch Display Name to display the Wireless Direct name. 6. Touch Display Password to display the Wireless Direct password if you have the Wireless Direct security on. 7. From your wireless computer or mobile device, turn on the Wi-Fi radio, search for and connect to the Wireless Direct name (for example: HP-Print-xx-Photosmart-7520). Then print as you normally do from your computer or mobile device. If you have Wireless Direct security on, enter the Wireless Direct password when prompted. Note: If you want to print from a mobile device, you need to have a print application on your mobile device. If you want to print from your computer, you need to install the printer software. During the software installation, on the screen showing connection type, select Wireless, select your printer when it appears in the list, and then finish the software installation. The Wireless Direct connection is available even if the printer is also connected to a wireless home network. You cannot access the Internet through the Wireless Direct connection. The Wireless Direct connection supports up to five clients at a time. 4

Networked printer troubleshooting If you cannot connect the printer to the network Get help from Wireless Printing Center: The HP Wireless Printing Center website ( is an online reference guide to setting up your home network and HP printer for wireless printing. On this website, you will find information that can help you prepare your wireless network, set up or reconfigure your printer, and troubleshoot your setup (including using the Windows Network Diagnostic Utility). Confirm your printer s wireless radio is on. From the Home screen of the printer display, touch the Wireless icon, if it shows Wireless Off, touch Turn On. Confirm that your printer is on your network. To do this: 1. From the Home screen of the printer display, touch the Wireless icon. 2. Touch Settings, touch and drag your finger vertically to scroll through options, and then touch Print Wireless Test Report. 3. The Wireless Test Report is automatically printed. -- Check the top of the report to see if something failed during the test. -- See the Diagnostics Results section for all tests that were performed, and whether or not your printer passed. -- Find out the Network Name (SSID) to which your printer is currently configured for connection from the Current Configuration section. Note: Your computer might be connected to a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Temporarily disable the VPN before proceeding with the installation. Being connected to a VPN is like being on a different network; you will need to disconnect the VPN to access the printer over the home network. If your printer is not connected to your network, you need to reconnect the printer to your network. From the Home screen, touch the Wireless icon, touch Settings, touch Wireless Setup Wizard, and then follow the steps on the screen to connect the printer. Security software might be causing problems. Security software installed on your computer is designed to protect your computer against threats that can come from outside your home network. A security software suite can contain different types of software such as an anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall and child protection applications. Firewalls can block communication between devices connected on the home network and can cause problems when using devices like network printers and scanners. Problems that you might see include: --The printer cannot be found over the network when installing the printer software. -- You suddenly cannot print to the printer even though you could the day before. -- The printer shows that it is OFFLINE in the Printer and Faxes folder. --The software shows the printer status is disconnected even though the printer is connected to the network. -- If you have an All-in-One, some functions work, like print, and others don t, like scan. A quick troubleshooting technique is to disable your firewall and check if the problem goes away. Here are some basic guidelines for using security software: -- If your firewall has a setting called trusted zone, use it when your computer is connected to your home network. --Keep your firewall up to date. Many security software vendors provide updates which correct known issues. -- If your firewall has a setting to not show alert messages, you should disable it. When installing the HP software and using the HP printer, you may see alert messages from your firewall software. You should allow any HP software which causes an alert. The alert message may provide options to allow, permit, or unblock. Also, if the alert has a remember this action or create a rule for this selection, make sure to select it. This is how the firewall learns what can be trusted on your home network. If you still cannot connect the printer to the network, go to, click Firewall Help, you can find more solutions there. English 5

HP printer limited warranty statement English HP product Software Media Printer Print or Ink cartridges Printheads (only applies to products with customer replaceable printheads) Accessories Duration of limited warranty 90 days 1 year Until the HP ink is depleted or the end of warranty date printed on the cartridge has been reached, whichever occurs first. This warranty does not cover HP ink products that have been refilled, remanufactured, refurbished, misused, or tampered with. 1 year 90 days A. Extent of limited warranty 1. Hewlett-Packard (HP) warrants to the end-user customer that the HP products specified above will be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the duration specified above, which duration begins on the date of purchase by the customer. 2. For software products, HP's limited warranty applies only to a failure to execute programming instructions. HP does not warrant that the operation of any product will be interrupted or error free. 3. HP's limited warranty covers only those defects that arise as a result of normal use of the product, and does not cover any other problems, including those that arise as a result of: a. Improper maintenance or modification; b. Software, media, parts, or supplies not provided or supported by HP; c. Operation outside the product's specifications; d. Unauthorized modification or misuse. 4. For HP printer products, the use of a non-hp cartridge or a refilled cartridge does not affect either the warranty to the customer or any HP support contract with the customer. However, if printer failure or damage is attributable to the use of a non-hp or refilled ink cartridge, HP will charge its standard time and materials charges to service the printer for the particular failure or damage. 5. If HP receives, during the applicable warranty period, notice of a defect in any product which is covered by HP's warranty, HP shall either repair or replace the product, at HP's option. 6. If HP is unable to repair or replace, as applicable, a defective product which is covered by HP's warranty, HP shall, within a reasonable time after being notified of the defect, refund the purchase price for the product. 7. HP shall have no obligation to repair, replace, or refund until the customer returns the defective product to HP. 8. Any replacement product may be either new or like-new, provided that it has functionality at least equal to that of the product being replaced. 9. HP products may contain remanufactured parts, components, or materials equivalent to new in performance. 10. HP's Limited Warranty Statement is valid in any country where the covered HP product is distributed by HP. Contracts for additional warranty services, such as on-site service, may be available from any authorized HP service facility in countries where the product is distributed by HP or by an authorized importer. B. Limitations of warranty TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LOCAL LAW, NEITHER HP NOR ITS THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERS MAKES ANY OTHER WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. C. Limitations of liability 1. To the extent allowed by local law, the remedies provided in this Warranty Statement are the customer's sole and exclusive remedies. 2. TO THE EXTENT ALLOWED BY LOCAL LAW, EXCEPT FOR THE OBLIGATIONS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN THIS WARRANTY STATEMENT, IN NO EVENT SHALL HP OR ITS THIRD PARTY SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, WHETHER BASED ON CONTRACT, TORT, OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY AND WHETHER ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. D. Local law 1. This Warranty Statement gives the customer specific legal rights. The customer may also have other rights which vary from state to state in the United States, from province to province in Canada, and from country to country elsewhere in the world. 2. To the extent that this Warranty Statement is inconsistent with local law, this Warranty Statement shall be deemed modified to be consistent with such local law. Under such local law, certain disclaimers and limitations of this Warranty Statement may not apply to the customer. For example, some states in the United States, as well as some governments outside the United States (including provinces in Canada), may: a. Preclude the disclaimers and limitations in this Warranty Statement from limiting the statutory rights of a consumer (e.g., the United Kingdom); b. Otherwise restrict the ability of a manufacturer to enforce such disclaimers or limitations; or c. Grant the customer additional warranty rights, specify the duration of implied warranties which the manufacturer cannot disclaim, or allow limitations on the duration of implied warranties. 3. THE TERMS IN THIS WARRANTY STATEMENT, EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT LAWFULLY PERMITTED, DO NOT EXCLUDE, RESTRICT, OR MODIFY, AND ARE IN ADDITION TO, THE MANDATORY STATUTORY RIGHTS APPLICABLE TO THE SALE OF THE HP PRODUCTS TO SUCH CUSTOMERS. 6

PHOTOSMART 7520 e-all-in-one SERIES 설치 포장을풀고프린터전원을켭니다 ( 설치전단참조 ). 그다음에프린터디스플레이의지침과애니메이션에따라프린터설치를완료합니다. 전자도움말이전자도움말은권장프린터소프트웨어를설치하면설치됩니다. 전자도움말에는제품특징, 문제해결이온라인컨텐츠에추가링크되어들어있습니다. 또한제품사양, 법적고지사항, 환경, 규정및지원정보를제공합니다. Windows: 소프트웨어설치를완료한후시작 > 모든프로그램 > HP > HP Photosmart 7520 series > 도움말을차례로클릭합니다. Mac: 소프트웨어가설치되는동안 ( 화면에서권장소프트웨어를보여줌 ) 권장소프트웨어를선택한후, 소프트웨어설치를마칩니다. Mac OS X v10.6: 도움말에서 Mac 도움말을선택합니다. 도움말보기에서홈버튼을클릭한상태로해당장치의도움말을선택합니다. Mac OS X v10.7: 도움말에서도움말센터를선택하고모든장치에대한도움말를클릭한후, 해당장치의도움말을선택합니다. 유럽연합규정고지사항및준수정보를확인하려면, 전자도움말로이동하여부록 > 기술정보 > 규정고지사항 > 유럽연합규정고지사항을차례로누르거나기술정보 > 규정고지사항 > 유럽연합규정고지사항을차례로클릭합니다. 이제품에대한적합성은다음의웹주소에서확인할수있습니다. Readme( 추가정보 ) 추가정보파일에는 HP 지원연락처, 운영체제요구조건및제품정보의최근업데이트내용이포함되어있습니다. Windows: 소프트웨어 CD 를넣습니다. 소프트웨어 CD 에서 ReadMe.chm 파일을찾습니다. ReadMe.chm 을클릭하여열고사용자의언어에해당하는추가정보를선택합니다. Mac: 소프트웨어 CD 를넣고최상위에있는 Read Me( 추가정보 ) 폴더를더블클릭합니다. 한국어 CD/DVD 드라이브가없습니까? 컴퓨터에 CD/DVD 드라이브가없을경우에는 로이동하여소프트웨어를다운로드받아설치하십시오. 프린터등록 에제품을등록하면더욱신속한서비스와지원알림을받을수있습니다. 잉크사용카트리지의잉크는프린터와카트리지의인쇄를준비하는초기화프로세스와인쇄노즐을깨끗이유지하고잉크흐름을부드럽게하는프린트헤드서비스작업등인쇄프로세스에서여러방식으로이용됩니다. 또한사용후에는카트리지에일부잉크가남아있기도합니다. 자세한내용은다음웹사이트를방문하십시오. 프린터에대해알아보려면스캔하십시오. 표준데이터요금이발생할수있습니다. 모든언어를지원하고있지는않습니다.

HP Photosmart 알아보기 한국어 제어판기능 : 1. 디스플레이 : 터치스크린디스플레이에메뉴, 사진, 메시지가표시됩니다. 사진은가로방향으로넘길수있고목록메뉴는세로방향으로넘길수있습니다. 2. 홈 : 홈화면으로돌아갑니다 ( 제품을켰을때초기화면 ). 3. 웹서비스 : 프린터의이메일주소, eprint 상태및 eprint 기능을표시하는웹서비스메뉴를엽니다. eprint 설정을변경하거나정보페이지를인쇄할수있습니다. 4. 무선 : 무선등록정보를확인하거나무선설정을변경할수있는무선메뉴를엽니다. 5. 잉크량 : 잉크량메뉴를열어예상잉크량을표시합니다. 6. 설정 : 제품설정을변경하고유지보수기능을수행할수있는설정메뉴를엽니다. 7. 도움말 : 도움말화면에서사용할수있는도움말항목을표시합니다. 다른화면에서현재화면에적용되는도움말을제공합니다. 8. Apps: 지도, 쿠폰, 색칠페이지및퍼즐과같은 Apps 의정보에액세스하여인쇄할수있는빠르고쉬운방법을제공합니다. 9. 뒤로 : 디스플레이의이전화면으로돌아갑니다. 10. 사진 : 사진을보기, 편집, 인쇄및저장할수있는사진메뉴를엽니다. 11. 복사 : 복사결과물을미리보고, 크기및인쇄농도를편집하고, 검정또는컬러를선택하고, 복사매수를선택할수있는복사메뉴를엽니다. 양면복사, 크기선택, 품질, 용지종류같은설정을변경할수도있습니다. 12. 스캔 : 스캔대상을선택할수있는스캔대상선택메뉴를엽니다. 13. 팩스 : 팩스전송또는팩스설정선택화면을표시합니다. 14. 취소 : 현재동작을중지합니다. 무선상태표시등 : 파란색표시등은무선연결이설치되어인쇄가가능한상태를나타냅니다. 천천히깜박이는표시등은무선은켜졌지만프린터가네트워크에연결되지않은상태를나타냅니다. 무선신호범위내에프린터가있는지확인합니다. 빠르게깜박이는표시등은무선오류를나타냅니다. 프린터디스플레이의메시지를참고합니다. 익명의사용정보저장 이프린터에사용되는 HP 카트리지에는프린터작동을돕고프린터사용에관한제한된익명정보를저장하는메모리칩이들어있습니다. 이정보는향후 HP 프린터를개선하는데사용될수있습니다. 사용정보수집차단에관한자세한정보및지침을보시려면전자도움말로이동하여부록 > 기술정보 > 카트리지칩정보을클릭하거나기술정보 > 카트리지칩정보를클릭합니다. 8

설치및문제해결 인쇄가안되는경우... 오류메시지를확인하고문제를해결합니다. 여전히인쇄를할수없을경우, 다음을순서대로수행하십시오. Windows HP Photosmart가기본프린터로설정되어있고오프라인상태가아닌지확인합니다. 방법은다음과같습니다 : 1. Windows 작업표시줄에서시작을클릭합니다. 2. 다음을클릭합니다 : 장치및프린터 (Windows 7 ) 프린터 (Windows Vista ) 제어판, 프린터및팩스를차례로선택 (Windows XP ) 사용하는프린터를찾은후, 프린터이름옆의원에확인표시가있는지확인합니다. 확인표시가없으면프린터아이콘을마우스오른쪽버튼으로누른다음메뉴에서기본프린터로설정을선택합니다. 프린터가오프라인상태는아닌지확인하려면프린터아이콘을마우스오른쪽버튼으로클릭하고오프라인으로프린터사용과인쇄일시중지가선택되어있지는않은지확인합니다. HP 프린터소프트웨어가설치되지않는경우 : 1. 컴퓨터의 CD 드라이브에서 CD를꺼낸후, 컴퓨터와프린터의연결을분리합니다. 2. 컴퓨터를재부팅합니다. 3. 잠시소프트웨어방화벽을비활성화하고모든백신프로그램을닫습니다. 4. 컴퓨터의 CD 드라이브에프린터소프트웨어 CD를넣은후, 화면지침에따라프린터소프트웨어를설치합니다. USB 케이블을연결하라는메시지가나타날때까지케이블을연결하지마십시오. 5. 설치가완료되면컴퓨터를다시시작한후, 보안소프트웨어를다시켭니다. Windows XP와 Windows Vista는 Microsoft Corporation의미국등록상표입니다. Windows 7은미국및 / 또는다른국가에서 Microsoft Corporation 의등록상표또는상표중하나입니다. Mac 인쇄대기열확인 : 1. 시스템등록정보에서다음을클릭합니다 : 프린트및팩스 (Mac OS X v10.6) 프린트및스캔 (Mac OS X v10.7) 2. 인쇄대기열열기버튼을클릭합니다. 3. 인쇄작업을클릭하여선택합니다. 4. 다음버튼을사용하여인쇄작업을관리합니다 : 삭제 : 선택한인쇄작업을취소합니다. 다시시작 : 일시중지된인쇄작업을계속이어서진행합니다. 어떠한내용이든변경한후, 다시인쇄해보십시오. 다시시작및리셋 : 1. 컴퓨터를다시시작합니다. 2. 프린터리셋 : a. 프린터를끄고전원코드를뽑습니다. b. 잠시기다린후, 전원코드를다시연결하고프린터의전원을켭니다. 아직도인쇄가안된다면 HP 프린터소프트웨어를제거한후다시설치하십시오. 소프트웨어제거방법 : 1. 컴퓨터에서프린터를분리합니다. 2. 응용프로그램열기 : Hewlett-Packard 폴더를엽니다. 3. HP 설치제거관리자를더블클릭합니다. 화면지침을따릅니다. 소프트웨어설치방법 : 1. 컴퓨터의 CD 드라이브에 CD 를넣습니다. 2. 바탕화면에서 CD 를열고 HP 설치관리자를더블클릭합니다. 3. 화면지침을따릅니다. 한국어 전원사양 전원어댑터 : 0957-2304 입력전압 : 100-240Vac 참고 : HP 에서제공한전원어댑터만프린터에사용하십시오. 입력주파수 : 50/60Hz 최대입력전류 : 0.9A 9

네트워크에연결된프린터사용 USB 연결에서무선네트워크연결로변경 USB 연결을이용하여처음에프린터를컴퓨터에설치한경우, 다음과같은단계에따라무선네트워크연결로다시변경할수있습니다. Windows USB 연결에서무선연결로변경하는방법 : 1. 컴퓨터에서시작 > 모든프로그램 > HP > HP Photosmart 7520 series > 프린터설정및소프트웨어를차례로클릭합니다. 2. USB 연결된프린터를무선으로변경를클릭합니다. 분리하라는메시지가나타나기전까지는 USB 케이블을연결해두어야합니다. 3. 화면의지시에따릅니다. Mac USB 연결에서무선연결로변경하는방법 : 1. 프린터디스플레이의홈화면에서무선아이콘을누릅니다. 2. 무선설치마법사를누릅니다. 3. 무선설정마법사의단계에따라프린터를연결합니다. 4. 응용프로그램 /Hewlett-Packard/ 장치유틸리티에있는 HP 설정길잡이를사용하여이프린터에대한연결을무선으로변경합니다. 한국어 다른컴퓨터와프린터공유 프린터가이미무선네트워크에연결되었고동일한네트워크에연결된다른컴퓨터와공유하려면, 다른컴퓨터에서프린터소프트웨어를설치해야합니다. 소프트웨어설치중에메시지가나타나면무선연결을선택하고화면의지침에따라프린터소프트웨어설치를마칩니다. 라우터없이무선으로프린터에연결 HP Wireless Direct에의해사용자는 Wi-Fi 지원장치에서무선라우터없이 Wi-Fi 장치 ( 예 : 컴퓨터또는스마트폰 ) 를직접사용자의프린터로무선연결하여인쇄할수있습니다. Wireless Direct 설치및사용방법 : 1. 프린터디스플레이의홈화면에서무선아이콘을누릅니다. 2. 설정을누릅니다. 3. Wireless Direct를누릅니다. 4. Wireless Direct를누르고 On( 보안사용안함 ) 또는 On( 보안사용 ) 을누릅니다. 참고 : 보안을켜면암호를아는사용자만프린터에무선연결하여인쇄할수있습니다. 보안을끄면프린터의 Wi-Fi 범위내에서 Wi-Fi 장치가있는누구든지프린터에연결할수있습니다. HP는 Wireless Direct에대해보안을켜서사용할것을권장합니다. 5. 이름표시를눌러 Wireless Direct 이름을표시합니다. 6. Wireless Direct 보안을켰다면암호표시를눌러 Wireless Direct 암호를표시합니다. 7. 무선컴퓨터또는모바일장치에서 Wi-Fi 무선신호를켜고 Wireless Direct 이름을검색하여연결합니다 ( 예 : HP-Print-xx-Photosmart-7520). 그다음엔컴퓨터또는모바일장치에서일반적인경우처럼인쇄합니다. Wireless Direct 보안을켠경우입력창이나타나면 Wireless Direct 암호를입력합니다. 참고 : 모바일장치에서인쇄를하려면모바일장치에인쇄응용프로그램이있어야합니다. 컴퓨터에서인쇄를하려면프린터소프트웨어를설치해야합니다. 소프트웨어가설치되는동안화면에표시되는연결유형에서무선을선택하고, 목록이뜨면사용자의프린터를선택한후, 소프트웨어설치를마칩니다. 프린터가무선홈네트워크에연결되어있는경우에도 Wireless Direct 연결을사용할수있습니다. Wireless Direct 연결을통해인터넷을액세스할수는없습니다. Wireless Direct 연결은한번에최대 5 개의클라이언트를지원합니다. 10

네트워크인쇄문제해결 프린터를네트워크에연결할수없는경우... 무선인쇄센터에서도움말을제공받습니다. HP 무선인쇄센터웹사이트 ( 에는무선인쇄를위한홈네트워크및 HP 프린터설치에대한온라인참조설명서가있습니다. 이웹사이트에서사용자는무선네트워크를준비하고, 프린터설정또는재구성, 그리고설치문제해결 (Windows Network Diagnostic Utility 포함 ) 에도움이되는정보를찾을수있습니다. 프린터무선라디오가켜졌는지확인합니다. 프린터디스플레이의홈화면에서무선아이콘을선택하고무선꺼짐으로되어있다면켜짐을선택합니다. 프린터가네트워크에연결되어있는지확인합니다. 방법은다음과같습니다 : 1. 프린터디스플레이의홈화면에서무선아이콘을누릅니다. 2. 설정을누르고, 손가락을세로방향으로끌어옵션을스크롤한후, 무선테스트보고서인쇄를누릅니다. 3. 무선테스트보고서가자동으로인쇄됩니다. - 보고서의상단을확인하여테스트중실패한것이있는지알아봅니다. - 수행된모든테스트의진단결과섹션을확인하고프린터에문제없이통과했는지확인합니다. - 현재구성섹션에서사용자프린터의연결이구성된네트워크이름 (SSID) 을찾습니다. 참고 : 컴퓨터가 VPN( 가상사설망 ) 에연결되어있을수있습니다. 설치를계속하기전에 VPN을일시적으로해제하십시오. VPN에연결되어있다는것은다른네트워크에연결되어있는것과마찬가지입니다. VPN 연결을해제해야홈네트워크를통해프린터에엑세스할수있습니다. 프린터가사용자의네트워크에연결되어있지않은경우프린터를사용자의네트워크에다시연결해야합니다. 홈화면에서무선아이콘, 설정, 무선설정마법사를차례로누른후, 화면에나타난절차에따라프린터를연결합니다. 보안소프트웨어로인해문제가발생할수있습니다. 컴퓨터에설치된보안소프트웨어는홈네트워크외부에서들어올수있는위험으로부터컴퓨터를보호하도록설계되어있습니다. 보안소프트웨어패키지에는백신, 스파이웨어방지, 방화벽, 어린이보호응용프로그램과같이다양한형태의소프트웨어가포함되어있을수있습니다. 방화벽은홈네트워크에연결된장치간통신을차단할수도있으며, 네트워크프린터및스캐너같은장치를사용할때문제가생길수있습니다. 다음과같은문제가나타날수있습니다 : - 프린터소프트웨어설치시네트워크를통해프린터가발견되지않을수있습니다. - 문제없이제대로실행되던인쇄가갑자기안될수있습니다. - 프린터및팩스폴더에서프린터가오프라인으로표시됩니다. - 프린터가네트워크에연결되어있지만소프트웨어에서프린터상태가 " 연결안됨 " 으로표시됩니다. - All-in-One을사용하고있으면인쇄같은일부기능은작동하지만, 스캔같은다른기능은작동하지않을수도있습니다. 방화벽을비활성화한후문제가해결되는지확인하여신속하게문제를해결할수도있습니다. 보안소프트웨어를사용하는기본지침은다음과같습니다 : - 방화벽에신뢰할수있는영역이라고하는설정이있으면, 컴퓨터가홈네트워크에연결되어있을때이설정을사용합니다. - 방화벽을최신상태로유지합니다. 대부분의보안소프트웨어공급업체에서는알려진문제를해결하는업데이트를제공합니다. - 방화벽이경고메시지표시안함으로설정되어있으면이를비활성화합니다. HP 소프트웨어설치및 HP 프린터사용시방화벽소프트웨어에서경고메시지를표시할수있습니다. 경고메시지를제공하는 HP 소프트웨어를허용해야합니다. 경고메시지에는허용, 허가또는차단해제과같은옵션이제공됩니다. 또한경고메시지에이작업기억또는이에대한규칙생성선택항목이있으면이를선택합니다. 이렇게하면방화벽프로그램이홈네트워크에서신뢰할수있는항목의기준을확립할수있습니다. 여전히네트워크에프린터를연결할수없는경우에서방화벽도움말을눌러더많은해결책을찾을수있습니다. 한국어 11

HP 프린터제한보증서 한국어 12

PHOTOSMART 7520 e-all-in-one SERIES 設定 拆開包裝並接通印表機的電源 ( 請參閱設定頁 ) 然後依照印表機顯示器上的指示與動畫完成印表機設定程序 電子版說明安裝建議的印表機軟體時將隨之安裝電子版說明 電子版說明包含產品功能和疑難排解指示, 以及線上內容的額外連結 另外還提供產品規格 法律注意事項 環保資訊 法規及支援資訊 Windows: 安裝軟體後, 按一下開始 > 所有程式 > HP > HP Photosmart 7520 series > 說明 Mac: 在軟體安裝期間, 於顯示建議的軟體畫面中, 選取 HP 建議的軟體, 然後完成軟體安裝程序 Mac OS X v10.6: 從說明中選擇 Mac 說明 在說明檢視器中, 按住首頁按鈕, 然後選擇對應您裝置的說明 Mac OS X v10.7: 從說明中選擇說明中心, 按一下所有應用程式的說明, 然後選擇對應您裝置的說明 若要瞭解 歐盟法規注意事項 聲明及符合資訊, 請移至電子說明, 然後按一下附錄 > 技術資訊 > 法規注意事項 > 歐盟法規注意事項, 或按一下技術資訊 > 法規注意事項 > 歐盟法規注意事項 本產品的 符合性聲明 可在下列網址找到 讀我檔案 讀我檔案 包含 HP 支援的連絡資訊 作業系統需求, 以及您產品資訊的最新更新 Windows: 插入軟體 CD 在軟體 CD 上找到 ReadMe.chm 按一下 ReadMe.chm 將其開啟, 然後選取您所用語言版本的讀我檔案 Mac: 插入軟體 CD, 然後連按兩下位於軟體 CD 頂層的 Read Me 資料夾 沒有 CD/DVD 光碟機嗎? 對於沒有 CD/DVD 光碟機的電腦, 請前往 下載並安裝軟體 註冊印表機請前往 註冊, 以取得更快速的服務和支援警示 繁體中文 墨水使用墨匣中的墨水用於列印過程的多個方面, 包括初始化過程 ( 準備用於列印之印表機和墨匣 ) 以及列印頭維護過程 ( 可以保持列印噴嘴清潔, 保證墨水流動順暢 ) 此外, 使用過後有些墨水還會殘留在墨匣中 如需詳細資訊, 請前往 掃描以瞭解您的印表機 可能產生標準資料傳輸費用 可能只提供某些語言版本

瞭解 HP Photosmart 繁體中文 控制台功能 : 1. 顯示器 : 觸控畫面顯示器可顯示功能表 相片和訊息 您可以使用筆勢水平瀏覽相片, 垂直瀏覽清單功能表 2. 首頁 : 回到首頁畫面 ( 您開啟產品時的預設畫面 ) 3. Web 服務 : 開啟 Web 服務功能表, 其中將顯示印表機的電子郵件地址 eprint 狀態及 eprint 功能 您可以變更 eprint 設定或列印資訊頁 4. 無線 : 開啟無線功能表, 您可以在其中檢視無線內容, 並變更無線設定 5. 墨水存量 : 開啟墨水存量功能表, 顯示預估墨水存量 6. 設定 : 開啟設定功能表, 您可以在其中變更產品設定, 並執行維護功能 7. 說明 : 說明畫面中會列出有說明的主題 其他畫面中會提供目前畫面適用的說明 8. 應用程式 : 提供一種快速又簡單的方式, 從應用程式存取和列印資訊, 例如地圖 優待券 彩色頁與謎題 9. 返回 : 回到顯示器的前一個畫面 10. 相片 : 開啟相片功能表, 您可以在此檢視 編輯 列印並儲存相片 11. 影印 : 開啟影印功能表, 您可以在其中預覽影印 編輯尺寸和濃淡 選擇黑白或彩色, 以及選擇影印份數 您還可以變更設定以進行雙面影印, 或是選擇尺寸 品質和紙張類型 12. 掃描 : 開啟選擇掃描目的地功能表, 您可以在其中選取掃描目的地 13. 傳真 : 顯示一個畫面, 您可在該畫面中傳送傳真或選擇傳真設定 14. 取消 : 停止目前操作 無線狀態指示燈 : 指示燈穩定呈現藍色表示無線連接已建立, 可以進行列印 指示燈緩慢閃爍表示無線功能已開啟, 但印表機未連接到網路 確保印表機在無線訊號的範圍內 指示燈快速閃爍表示無線錯誤 請參閱印表機顯示器上的訊息 匿名使用資訊儲存 用於本印表機的 HP 墨水匣包含一個記憶體晶片, 可以協助印表機操作和儲存一組有關印表機使用的有限匿名資訊 這些資訊可以用於改善未來的 HP 印表機 若需停用本使用資訊收集的詳細資訊與指示, 請前往電子版說明, 按一下附錄 > 技術資訊 > 墨水匣晶片資訊, 或者按一下技術資訊 > 墨水匣晶片資訊 14

設定和疑難排解 如果您無法列印... 檢查並解決錯誤訊息 如果您仍然無法列印, 請依序嘗試下列動作 : Windows Mac 確定 HP Photosmart 已經設定為預設印表機, 且並非離線狀態 若要執行 : 1. 在 Windows 工作列上, 按一下開始 2. 然後按一下 : 裝置和印表機 (Windows 7 ) 印表機 (Windows Vista ) 控制台, 然後按一下印表機和傳真 (Windows XP ) 查看印表機旁邊的圓圈中是否有一個核取記號 如果沒有, 請用滑鼠右鍵按一下印表機圖示, 然後從功能表中選取設定為預設印表機 若要檢查印表機是否未離線, 請用滑鼠右鍵按一下印表機圖示, 並確保未選取離線使用印表機與暫停列印 如果 HP 印表機軟體安裝失敗 : 1. 從電腦的 CD 光碟機中取出 CD, 接著斷開印表機與電腦間的連接 2. 重新啟動電腦 3. 暫時停用所有軟體防火牆, 並關閉所有防毒軟體 4. 將印表機軟體 CD 插入電腦 CD 光碟機, 然後依照螢幕上的指示安裝印表機軟體 在提示您連接 USB 纜線之前請不要這樣做 5. 安裝完成之後, 請重新啟動電腦, 以及您已停用或關閉的任何安全性軟體 Windows XP 和 Windows Vista 皆為 Microsoft Corporation 在美國的註冊商標 Windows 7 是 Microsoft Corporation 在美國和 / 或其他國家 / 地區的註冊商標或商標 檢查列印佇列 : 1. 在系統偏好設定中, 按一下 : 列印與傳真 (Mac OS X v10.6) 列印與掃描 (Mac OS X v10.7) 2. 按一下開啟列印佇列按鈕 3. 按一下列印工作以選取它 4. 利用下列按鈕來管理列印工作 : 刪除 : 取消選取的列印工作 繼續 : 繼續進行暫停的列印工作 如果您已進行變更, 現在請嘗試再次列印 重新啟動並重設 : 1. 重新啟動電腦 2. 重設印表機 : a. 關閉印表機, 並拔掉電源線 b. 稍候片刻, 再插回電源線, 然後開啟印表機 如果仍無法列印, 請解除安裝 HP 印表機軟體後再重新安裝 解除安裝軟體 : 1. 斷開印表機與電腦間的連接 2. 開啟 Applications:Hewlett-Packard 資料夾 3. 連按兩下 HP 解除安裝程式 依照螢幕上的指示進行操作 安裝軟體 : 1. 將 CD 插入電腦的 CD 光碟機 2. 在桌面上開啟 CD, 然後連按兩下 HP 安裝程式 3. 依照螢幕上的指示進行操作 繁體中文 電力規格 電源轉接器 :0957-2304 輸入電壓 :100 至 240 V 注意 : 僅搭配 HP 提供的電源轉接器使用此印表機 輸入頻率 :50/60 Hz 最大輸入電流 :0.9 A 15

使用網路印表機 將 USB 連線變更為無線網路連線 如果您最初使用 USB 連線將印表機連接至電腦, 則可以透過執行下列步驟將連線切換為無線網路連線 Windows 從 USB 連線變更為無線連線 : 1. 從您的電腦中, 按一下開始 > 所有程式 > HP > HP Photosmart 7520 series > 印表機設定和軟體選擇 2. 按一下將 USB 連線的印表機轉換為無線 保持 USB 纜線連接, 直到出現中斷連接提示 3. 遵照螢幕上的指示執行 Mac 從 USB 連線變更為無線連線 : 1. 在印表機顯示器的 首頁 畫面中, 觸碰無線圖示 2. 觸碰無線設定精靈 3. 依照無線設定精靈中的步驟連接印表機 4. 使用 Applications/Hewlett-Packard/Device Utilities 中的 HP 設定小幫手, 將此印表機的軟體連線變更為無線 與多台電腦共用印表機 如果您已將印表機連接到無線網路並希望與連接到相同網路的其他電腦共用印表機, 您需要在其他電腦上安裝印表機軟體 在軟體安裝期間, 在系統提示時選取無線連線, 然後依照螢幕上的指示完成安裝印表機軟體 繁體中文 不使用路由器, 以無線方式連線至印表機 HP 無線直連可讓您的 Wi-Fi 裝置 ( 例如 : 電腦或 Smartphone) 透過無線方式從啟用 Wi-Fi 的裝置直接列印至印表機, 而不使用無線路由器 設定及使用無線直連 : 1. 在印表機顯示器的 首頁 畫面中, 觸碰無線圖示 2. 觸碰設定 3. 觸碰無線直連 4. 觸碰無線直連, 觸碰開啟 ( 無安全性 ) 或開啟 ( 具有安全性 ) 註 : 如果您開啟安全性, 則僅具有密碼的使用者才能以無線方式列印到印表機 如果您關閉安全性, 則印表機 Wi-Fi 範圍內任何有 Wi-Fi 裝置的人都可以連線到印表機 HP 建議您針對 無線直連 開啟安全性 5. 觸碰顯示名稱以顯示 無線直連 名稱 6. 如果您已開啟 無線直連 安全性, 觸碰顯示密碼以顯示 無線直連 密碼 7. 從無線電腦或行動裝置, 開啟 Wi-Fi 無線通訊, 搜尋 無線直連 名稱 ( 例如 :HP-Print-xx-Photosmart-7520) 並連線至 無線直連 然後按照平時的操作, 從電腦或行動裝置進行列印 如果您已開啟 無線直連 安全性, 請在提示時輸入 無線直連 密碼 註 : 如果要從行動裝置進行列印, 行動裝置需要具有列印應用程式 如果要從電腦列印, 則需要安裝印表機軟體 在軟體安裝期間, 在顯示連線類型的畫面中選擇無線, 當印表機顯示在清單中時將其選中, 然後完成軟體安裝程序 即使印表機也連線至無線家用網路, 無線直連連線仍然可用 您無法透過 無線直連 連線存取網際網路 無線直連 連線最多支援一次連線五部用戶端 16

網路印表機疑難排解 如果無法將印表機連線到網路... 從無線列印中心取得說明 :HP 無線列印中心網站 ( 是將家用網路和 HP 印表機設定用於無線列印的線上參考指南 在此網站上, 您將找到所需資訊, 協助您準備無線網路 設定或重新設定印表機及疑難排解您的設定 ( 包括使用 Windows 網路診斷公用程式 ) 確認您的印表機無線通訊已開啟 在印表機顯示器的 首頁 畫面中, 觸碰無線圖示 ; 如果畫面中顯示無線關閉, 請觸碰開啟 確認您的印表機是否在網路中 若要執行 : 1. 在印表機顯示器的 首頁 畫面中, 觸碰無線圖示 2. 觸碰設定, 觸碰手指並豎直拖拽, 捲動選項, 然後觸碰列印無線測試報告 3. 即會自動列印無線測試報告 - 檢查報告頂端, 以瞭解測試期間是否有任何項目失敗 - 查看所執行的所有測試的 診斷結果 部分, 瞭解印表機是否通過這些測試 - 從 目前設定 部分中找到印表機目前設定用於連線的網路名稱 (SSID) 註 : 您的電腦可能連線到虛擬私有網路 (VPN) 繼續安裝前請先暫時停用 VPN 連線到 VPN 就像是在不同的網路上連線一樣 ; 您需要中斷 VPN 的連線, 以透過家用網路存取印表機 如果您的印表機未連線至網路, 您需要重新將印表機連線至網路 在 首頁 畫面中, 依序觸碰無線圖示 設定 無線設定精靈, 然後依照畫面上的步驟連線印表機 安全性軟體可能導致問題 安裝在您電腦上的安全性軟體是設計用來保護您的電腦, 以防範來自您家用網路外部的威脅 安全性軟體套件可能包含不同類型的軟體, 例如防毒 反間諜軟體 防火牆和兒童保護應用程式 防火牆可能會封鎖連線至家用網路的裝置間的通訊, 且可能會在使用網路印表機和掃描器等裝置時造成問題 可能遇到的問題包括 : - 安裝印表機軟體時無法透過網路找到印表機 - 前一天明明還可以列印, 但印表機突然就無法列印了 - 印表機在 印表機和傳真 資料夾中顯示 離線 - 即使印表機已連線至網絡, 軟體仍顯示印表機狀態為 已中斷連線 - 如果您擁有 All-in-One, 則一些功能 ( 如列印 ) 可正常運作, 而其他功能 ( 如掃描 ) 則異常 其中一個快速疑難排解技巧就是停用防火牆, 然後查看問題是否已消失 使用安全性軟體的一些基本指導方針如下 : - 如果您的防火牆具有稱為受信任區域的設定, 請在您的電腦連線到家用網路時使用該設定 - 使您的防火牆保持最新狀態 許多安全性軟體廠商會提供修正已知問題的更新 - 如果您的防火牆具有不顯示警示訊息的設定, 應該將其停用 安裝 HP 軟體及使用 HP 印表機時, 您可能會看到來自防火牆軟體的警示訊息 您應該允許導致出現警示的任何 HP 軟體 警示訊息可能會提供允許 許可或解除封鎖的選項 此外, 如果警示具有記住此動作或為此建立規則的選項, 請確認並選取它 此方式可讓防火牆瞭解您的家用網路上可信任的內容 如果您仍無法將印表機連線到網路, 請前往, 按一下防火牆說明, 您可從該處找到更多解決方案 繁體中文 17

HP 印表機有限保固聲明 繁體中文 18