: 565 (Special Paper) 7 4, 0 7 (JBE Vol. 7, No. 4, July 0) http://dx.doi.org/0.5909/jbe. a), b), a) Depth Map Denoising Based on the Common Distance Transform Sung-Yeol Kim a), Manbae Kim b), and Yo-Sung Ho a). (joint bilateral filter).... Abstract During depth data acquisition and transmission, the quality of depth maps is usually degraded by physical noise and coding error. In this paper, a new joint bilateral filter based on the common distance transform is presented to enhance the low-quality depth map. The proposed method determines the amount of exploitable color data according to distance transform values of depth and color pixels. Consequently, the proposed filter minimizes noise in the depth map while suppressing visual artifacts of joint bilateral filtering. Experimental results show that our method outperforms other conventional methods in terms of noise reduction and visual artifact suppression. Keyword : depth map, denoising, distance transform, joint bilateral filter.. a) (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, School of Information & Communications) b) (Kangwon National University, IT College, Dept. of Computer & Communications) : (Manbae Kim) E-mail: manbae@kangwon.ac.kr Tel: +8--50-690, Fax: +8--5-690. [KI00058, IP ] (057),(077),(077). []., [].,
(JBE Vol. 7, No. 4, July 0)., [].,,. [4,5,6] [7,8,9]., (bilateral filter, BF) [4,5]. BF., BF,. (joint bilateral filter, JBF) [7,8]. JBF,., BF., JBF,. JBF (visual artifacts) [,]. (common distance transform) JBF. (modal similarity)...,.,,. JBF ().,. JBF () (spatial weighting function) (color weighting function),. (). exp, exp.,..,., BF () (4). (range weighting function), (5). exp.,., (adaptive joint bilateral filter, A-JBF) [9, 4] (6),,.
: 567..,.. JBF. ) (edge map). ). ). 4). 5),,. 6) JBF. [].,, [5].,, 0., - (7). min,.,.. (a) (b) -. (a) 4. 5.. (homogeneous area). 0,. (non-homogeneous area). 4 4 5 6 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 깊이맵의경계화소 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 0 4 0 0 0 0 색상영상의경계화소 0 0 0 (a) (b) (c) 0 0 0 4 0 0 4 4 5 5 4 5 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0. (a) (b) (c) Fig.. Generation of the common distance transform map (a) distance transform of a depth map, (b) distance transform of a color image, and (c) common distance transform values,.,. i f i f,. (c) =, =, (a) (b)., -, 6a, a.
(JBE Vol. 7, No. 4, July 0). JBF. (c) 0,. A-JBF.,,., JBF BF.,.,. JBF () (9). i f (weighting control function). (), (5). (8)., (0). i f log exp i f,..,.. (6) A-JBF.,.,.,.,,. (9)..., Middlebury Stereo [0] Baby, Bowling, Cone, Midd, Monopoly, Teddy. (ground truth depth map). (Gaussian filter, GF) [6], BF [5], JBF [7], A-JBF [9, 4].,, (peak signal to noise ratio, PSNR).,,,,,,.5, 6,,,, 0., 0., -. PSNR., σ=0, GF, BF, JBF, A-JBF, PSNR.77 db, 7.4 db,.9 db, 8.00 db, 8. db. PSNR GF, BF, JBF, A-JBF 6.56 db, 0.9 db, 6.04 db, 0. db. σ=0, PSNR 5. db, 0.6 db, 4.4 db, 0.48 db. PSNR GF, BF, JBF, A-JBF 5.88 db, 0.75 db, 5. db, 0.4 db. Teddy Monopoly. (a) (σ=0). (b), BF., Teddy., (c) (d), JBF A-JBF., Monopoly., JBF A-JBF
: 569., (e),. (i) (ii). PSNR (σ=0, : db) Table. PSNR comparison(σ=0, unit: db) GF BF JBF A-JBF Baby 5.00 8.65 5.5 9.6 9.59 Bowling.77 8.75.6 9.59 9.64 Cone 9.0 6.86 9.45 7.74 7.90 Midd.49 7.55.46 8.6 8.44 Monopoly.85 8. 4.9 9.0 9.49 Teddy 8.0 4.65 8.54 4.5 5.00.77 7.4.9 8.00 8.. PSNR (σ=0, : db) Table. PSNR comparison(σ=0, unit: db) GF BF JBF A-JBF Baby.78 5.9 4.66 5.79 6.0 Bowling.89 5.78.7 6.7 6.40 Cone 8.8 4.0 9.06.78 4.6 Midd.48 4.67.70 4.57 4.97 Monopoly.0 5.76.58 5.69 6.44 Teddy 8.6 7.5 8.87 8.7 8.54.00 5.60.77 5.7 6.0 GB Ram.0 GHz GPU PC.. 6 5.. BF, JBF, A-JBF 0.6, 4., 4.7. BF. JBF A-JBF.. (iii) (iv) (a) (b) (c) (d) (e)., (i), (iii) Teddy, Monopoly, (ii), (iv), (a) (b) BF (c) JBF (d) A-JBF (e). Fig.. Results of depth map denoising, (a) input depth map and ground truth data, (b) results of bilateral filter and difference image, (c) results of joint bilateral filter, (d) results of adaptive joint bilateral filter, and (e) results of the proposed method., MPEG DVC Undo_ Dancer [7]. Undo_Dancer 9, 50. Undo_Dancer. Undo_Dancer DV- ATM 0. [8], 5 IP.. 4.,. Undo_Dancer 0 PSNR. 50 BF JBF.0 db.6 db PSNR. 4 Undo_Dancer 0. 4(a), 4(b). 4(c)
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