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요통환자를위한행동수칙 Do s and Don ts with Low Back Pain Sitting Sit as little as possible and then only for short periods. Place a supportive towel roll at the belt line of the back especially when sitting in a car. When getting up from sitting, keep the normal curves in your back. Move to the front of the seat and stand up by straightening your legs. Avoid bending forward at the waist. Try to keep the normal curves in your back at all times. Do not sit on a low soft couch with a deep seat. It will force you to sit with your hips lower than your knees and will round your back. You will loose the normal curve in your back. Do not place your legs straight out in front of you while sitting (e.g. sitting in the bath tub). 앉기 부 가능한앉지말고앉는경우에도잠깐만앉아있습니다. 특히자동차안에앉는경우, 등받이벨트선부위에수건을말아지탱할받침대로씁니다. 앉았다가일어날때는등의정상적인곡선을그대로유지하도록합니다. 좌석앞쪽으로몸을움직여다리를펴서일어섭니다. 허리를굽혀앞으로몸을숙이는것은피합니다. 항상등의정상적인곡선을유지하기위해노력합니다. 몸을깊숙이밀어넣어야하는낮은높이의푹신한소파에는앉지않습니다. 이런의자는골반이무릎보다낮은위치로앉게하고, 이로인해등이둥글게구부러지게됩니다. 따라서평상시와같은등의곡선을유지할수없습니다. 앉아있을때다리를앞으로쭉펴지마십시오 ( 예 : 욕조에앉은경우 ).

2 Standing If you must stand for a long period of time, keep one leg up on a foot stool. Adapt work heights. Avoid half bent positions. 일어서기 오랫동안서있어야하는경우, 한쪽다리를발받침대위에올려둡니다. 업무를볼때높이를조정합니다. 몸을반만굽힌자세를피합니다. 부 Lifting Avoid lifting if you can. 물건들어올리기 가능한물건을들어올리지마십시오. Use the correct lifting technique. Keep your back straight when lifting. Never stoop or bend forward. Stand close to the load, have a firm footing and wide stance. Kneel on one knee, keeping the back straight. Have a secure grip on the load and lift by straightening your knees. Do a steady lift. Shift your feet to turn and do not twist your back. 부 올바른들어올리기방법을사용합니다. 물건을들어올릴때등을똑바로편상태로유지합니다. 절대웅크리거나몸을앞으로굽히지않습니다. 들어야할짐에가까이서서, 양발을단단히딛고다리를넓게벌려섭니다. 한쪽무릎을굽혀앉되등은똑바로편상태를유지합니다. 짐을손으로단단히잡고무릎을펴면서들어올립니다. 안정적으로짐을들어올립니다. 방향을바꾸려면발을바꾸고허리를틀지않습니다. 부

3 Do not jerk when you lift. Do not bend over the object you are lifting. 물건을들어올릴때갑자기추스르지않습니다. 들어올리는물건위로몸을굽히지않습니다. Lying Sleep on a good firm surface. If your bed sags, use slats or plywood supports between the mattress and base to firm it. You also can place the mattress on the floor, a simple but temporary solution. You may be more comfortable at night when you use a pillow for support. 눕기 베개 pillow pillow 표면이단단한곳에서잠을잡니다. 침대가운데가처지는경우매트리스와베이스사이에널판지나합판을넣어단단하게만듭니다. 매트리스를바닥에두는방법도있습니다. 간단하지만일시적인해결방법입니다. 밤에는베개로지탱하면좀더편안히잘수있습니다. Do not sleep on your stomach unless advised to do so by your doctor or physical therapist. 엎드려자면안됩니다. 다만담당의또는물리치료사가엎드려자라고조언한경우는예외입니다.

4 Bending forward Keep the natural curves of your back when doing these and other activities: making a bed, vacuuming, sweeping or mopping the floor, weeding the garden or raking leaves. 앞으로굽히기 다음과같은일및기타활동시등의곡선을평소처럼유지하도록합니다. 침대정리, 진공청소기돌리기, 바닥비질또는대걸레질, 정원잡초정리또는낙엽쓸기등 부 Coughing and sneezing Bend backwards to increase the curve of your back while you cough or sneeze. 기침및재채기 기침이나재채기를할때는등의곡면각이더늘어나도록몸을뒤로굽힙니다. Driving a car Drive the car as little as possible. It is better to be a passenger than to drive yourself. Move the seat forward to the steering wheel. Your seat must be close enough to the wheel to keep the natural curves of your back. If your hips are lower than your knees in this position, raise yourself by sitting on a pillow. 자동차운전하기 운전은가능한하지않습니다. 직접운전하는것보다승객으로탑승하는것이낫습니다. 좌석을운전대방향으로가깝게움직입니다. 등의곡선을평상시와같은형태로유지할수있을만큼좌석이운전대와가까워야합니다. 이자세로앉았을때골반이무릎보다낮은위치에있는경우, 쿠션을깔아앉은높이를높입니다.

5 Exercises for low back pain Safety Guidelines An increase in your low back pain can be expected with these exercises. This is acceptable as long as your leg symptoms are not increasing. If while doing these exercises, your pain worsens or you have new pain or symptoms, stop the exercises and discuss your symptoms with your doctor or physical therapist. Stop exercising and let your doctor or physical therapist know right away if you have any change in your bowel or bladder control or any increase in weakness in your leg or foot. Exercises 요통에좋은운동 안전지침 이러한운동을하면허리통증이심해질수있습니다. 다리에서느껴지는증상이심해지지않는다면허리통증이심해지는것은괜찮습니다. 이러한운동을하다가통증이심해지거나새로운통증또는증상이발생하는경우, 운동을멈추고담당의또는물리치료사와증상에관해논의하십시오. 장운동또는방광조절기능에변동이있거나다리또는발에힘이없어진것같은경우운동을멈추고담당의또는물리치료사에게이러한사실을바로알립니다. 운동 Press-Ups: Keep your back and buttocks relaxed and use your arms to press up. Concentrate on keeping your hips down and push up your upper body as high as possible. 푸시업 : 등과엉덩이의긴장을풀고팔힘을사용하여몸을들어올립니다. 골반은낮게유지하고상체를가능한높이들어올리는데에집중합니다. Double Knee to Chest: Grasp both your knees with your hands and pull toward your shoulders. Hold the stretch for 1 second. Let your knees return, but keep them bent at arms length. 두무릎을가슴으로올리기 : 양쪽무릎을양손으로잡고어깨쪽으로당깁니다. 1 초간스트레칭자세를유지합니다. 무릎을제자리로돌려놓되팔길이정도의거리로구부린상태를유지합니다.

6 Lumbar Spine Stretches: Lie on your back. Bring your knees towards your chest. Rotate your knees towards the pain. 허리뼈스트레칭 : 등을대고눕습니다. 양쪽무릎을가슴까지당깁니다. 아픈쪽으로무릎을돌립니다. Side-lying Position: Lie on your side and face forward. Have both arms straight in front and bend your knees. Turn your head as you move your top arm across your body as far as you can. Keep your arm in place and turn your head back to the starting position. Look back again and turn your head farther if you can. Bring your head and arm back to the starting position. Relax and repeat 10 times on each side. 옆으로누운자세 : 옆구리를대고누워얼굴은앞을향합니다. 양쪽팔을앞으로곧게펴고양무릎을굽힙니다. 위팔을몸통을가로질러가능한멀리쭉펴면서고개를돌립니다. 팔은그대로두고고개를시작할때위치로다시돌립니다. 다시뒤를돌아보고고개를가능한많이돌립니다. 고개와팔을시작할때자세로되돌립니다. 긴장을풀어준다음한방향당 10 회씩반복합니다. Hamstring Stretch: Lie on your back with your legs out straight. Raise your leg up and put your hands around the upper leg for support. Slowly straighten the raised knee until you feel a stretch in the back of the upper leg. Hold, then relax and repeat 10 times on each leg. 뒷다리스트레칭 : 등을대고누워다리를쭉폅니다. 다리를들고양손으로허벅지를감싸지탱합니다. 들어올린무릎을천천히펴서다리위쪽의뒤편으로당겨지는느낌이들도록합니다. 그자세를유지하고있다가긴장을풀고, 한쪽다리에 10 회씩반복합니다.

7 Standing Arch: Stand with your feet apart and hands on the small of your back with fingers pointing backwards. Bend backwards at the waist, supporting the trunk with your hands. Keep your knees straight. Hold for 5 seconds. Repeat 3 to 5 times. 서서허리스트레칭 : 양발을벌리고손을허리에대고섭니다. 손가락은뒤쪽을향해야합니다. 허리를뒤로굽힙니다. 허리아래쪽을양손으로받쳐줍니다. 무릎을편상태로유지합니다. 이자세를 5 초간유지합니다. 이동작을 3~5 회반복합니다. Side Glides: Stand at a right angle to the wall about 2 feet out from the wall. Lean your shoulder into the wall. Move your hips toward the wall, keeping your legs together and your knees straight. Return to the starting position. 옆구리늘리기 : 벽면에서약 2 피트 (60cm) 떨어진거리에직각이되게섭니다. 어깨를벽에기댑니다. 골반을벽쪽으로움직이되, 양다리는서로붙인채로무릎을굽히지않습니다. 처음시작할때자세로돌아갑니다. 2013 - June 20, 2017, Health Information Translations. Unless otherwise stated, user may print or download information from www. for personal, non-commercial use only. The medical information found on this website should not be used in place of a consultation with your doctor or other health care provider. You should always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider before you start or stop any treatment or with any questions you may have about a medical condition. The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Mount Carmel Health System, OhioHealth and Nationwide Children s Hospital are not responsible for injuries or damages you may incur as a result of your stopping medical treatment or your failure to obtain treatment.