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1 Spa L OCCITANE Treatment Menu Shea butter from Burkina Faso, Angelica from Drôme...

2 SIGNATURE TREATMENT Peony Beauty Treatment Set KRW 290,000 Body 60mins + Facial 60mins 120mins Featuring the Peony products made from the best ones of Drome Provence, France, this signature treatment combines Peony Relaxing Treatment with Peony Sublime Beauty facial to reveal velvety skin and its natural beauty. Peony Relaxing Treatment KRW 160,000 / 230,000 60mins / 90mins Swedish, Acupressure, Balinese with L OCCITANE s relaxing Treatment to relieve you from the fatigue of dailylife. Peony Sublime Beauty KRW 170,000 60mins Moisturizing, Correcting & Restoring Instant Radiance skin feels intensively moisturized and complexion seems more luminous. Retrieve a smooth, soft and velvety skin, glowing with a fresh and natural beauty.

3 FACIAL TREATMENT Immortelle Secret of Youth (Anti-aging) KRW 190,000 60mins Firming & Lifting Shea Nourishing Comfort KRW 170,000 60mins Repairing & Comforting Nourshing facial to repair and restore balance. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Cedrat Vivifying Skincare - For Men KRW 160,000 60mins Thirst - Quenching & Energizing

4 BODY TREATMENT Relaxing Aromachologie Treatment KRW 160,000 / 230,000 60mins / 90mins Swedish, Acupressure, Balines Swedish, Chinese and Balinese massage techniques come together with relaxing essential oils to stimulate circulation, ease tensions and ensure complete relaxation. Revitalizing Aromachologie Treatment KRW 160,000 / 230,000 60mins / 90mins Swedish, Lomi Lomi, Balinese Combination of Swedish, Lomi Lomi and Balinese movements with revitalizing essential oils to release energy from the entire body. Deep Tissue Intense Relief KRW 160,000 / 230,000 60mins / 90mins Acupressure, Lomi Lomi, Stretches and forearm treatment sequence to release tensions in the body.

5 BODY TREATMENT Shea Fabulous Face & Body Treatment KRW 230,000 90mins Swedish and Balinese Holistic treatment treating the whole body and face for a complete wellbeing experience. Thai Classic Treatment without Oils KRW 160,000 60mins Stretches, Acupressure Traditional Thai techniques applying deep palm strokes on the back with delicate stretching - the perfect

6 AREA-FOCUSED TREATMENT Immortelle Youthful Eyes KRW 65,000 25mins Rejuvenating & Lifting Aromachologie Relaxing Massage for the Back KRW 90,000 30mins Swedish, Acupressure, Balinese Leg Refresher with Essential Oils KRW 130,000 45mins Revitalizing & Nourishing Revitalizing leg and foot treatment that stimulates drainage and nourishes the skin.

7 AREA-FOCUSED TREATMENT KRW 130,000 45mins Swedish, Acupressure painful muscles from your soles to the tips of your toes. SPA RITUAL Journey to Provence (Facial & Body Treatment) KRW 310, mins Provencal Retreat (Facial & Eye Treatment) KRW 220,000 90mins

8 GIFT CERTIFICATE SERIES & MONEY DEPOSITS for a journey to Provence and moments of blissful indulgence? The L OCCITANE Spas also offer treatment series and money deposits. We use Braille labeling on most of our products. (in English so that it is understood by the greatest number of consumers)

9 Close your eyes, you are in Provence.




프로방스 스파 바이 록시땅 / PROVENCE SPA BY L OCCITANE 프로방스 스파 바이 록시땅에서는 오랜 연구를 통해 효과가 입증된 에센셜 오일과 자연적인 원료들만을 사용해 최상의 서비스를 제공합니다. 스파의 모든 제품은 물론, 작은 움직임 하나까지도 모두

프로방스 스파 바이 록시땅 / PROVENCE SPA BY L OCCITANE 프로방스 스파 바이 록시땅에서는 오랜 연구를 통해 효과가 입증된 에센셜 오일과 자연적인 원료들만을 사용해 최상의 서비스를 제공합니다. 스파의 모든 제품은 물론, 작은 움직임 하나까지도 모두 프로방스 스파 바이 록시땅 / PROVENCE SPA BY L OCCITANE 프로방스 스파 바이 록시땅에서는 오랜 연구를 통해 효과가 입증된 에센셜 오일과 자연적인 원료들만을 사용해 최상의 서비스를 제공합니다. 스파의 모든 제품은 물론, 작은 움직임 하나까지도 모두 자연으로부터 배웠습니다. In its Spas, L OCCITANE is all about

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