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Unity Localize Script Service, Page 1

Unity Localize Script Service Introduction Application Game. Unity. Google Drive Unity.. Application Game. -? ( ) -? -?.. 준비사항 Google Drive. Google Drive.,.. - Google ( ) - Google Drive ( : - Google Drive (MS Excel ), Page 2

의기능. - Google Drive - Google Drive - - - ugui Text, NGUI Text Inspector Google Drive 1. Google. 2. Google Drive. -> 3.., Page 3

4. type. - type.. - 4. - int : int - string : string - double : double - list : Unity ArrayList, list,. 5.. -. -. -. 6.., Page 4

- type. - id.(object_01, object_02 ) - id. 7. (.). -. * +. -. * Unity * Application.systemLanguage * * English, Chinese, Korean, German, Japanese, Page 5

- 4~6. -. Unity 1. CreateRoot. - Create Root Hierarchy file GameObject., Page 6

2. Hierarchy GameObject. - Root 2 Script. - Localize Lang Script Script.. Korean Google Drive Korean. Google Drive. - Docs Root Script Google Drive. - [v2.1.0] Fixed Language option 3. Inspector Google Drive Account. - Google Email Password. -. 4. oauth Login.(v2.0) - Get Access Code. - Google Web Access Code. - Access Code Copy Paste., Page 7

5. Resources. - Unity Resources. - Google Drive. - Google Drive Google Drive Resources. - IOS / Android Export Export Resources. 6. Fixed Language. (v2.1.0) -. - Application.SystemLanguage. 7..(.) -. - 32byte. -. - Use Crypto GameObject. GameObject GameObject On/Off. - Inspector Unity. - : 12345678901234567890123456789012, Page 8

8.. - GameObject. - Use file from resources folder. - Use google drive document Google Drive. Google Drive. 9. Localize. -. - Google Drive. 10. GameObject GameObject. - Document Name ID. - Find Document Name. - Update from google drive Google Drive. - USE. - Name ID., Page 9

- Name ID GameObject. -.DocsRoot.findData( test_docs ); 11. Language option.(v2.1.0) -.. -. 12.. - GameObject Google Drive. - Use Crypto :. - Auto Local Save : Google Drive. - Don t destroy on load : Scene Object. - id type., Page 10

- Unity. -. 13. Create File. -. Unity GUI Text (v2.2.0) 1. Unity GUI Text. 2. UnityEngine.UI.Text.UI.uGUIText Add., Page 11

3. Document Target Row, Col ID. - Target : UIRoot File Object. - Show docs data view : Docs View - Refresh document from google drive : Refresh. - Row : Row ID - Use localized docs : Docs. - Column : Column ID - Test Language : Editor.. Unity NGUI Label (v2.0.0) 1. NGUI Label Text. 2. /Scripts/UI/NGUIText.cs. 3. UILabel.UI.NGUIText Add, Page 12

Samples 1. Simple TestDocs.DocsData data =.DocsRoot.findData("test_docs"); if(data!= null) { int price = data.get<int>("object_01", "price"); int limit = data.get<int>("object_01", "limit"); string name = data.get<string>("object_01", "name"); string title = data.get<string>("object_01", "title"); string content = data.get<string>("object_01", "content"); Debug.Log(string.Format("Price:{0}, Limit:{1}, Name:{2}, Title:{3}, Content:{4}", price, limit, name, title, content)); } _gd_sampe_01.docsdata data =.DocsRoot.findData("_gd_sample_01"); if(data!= null) { int gender = data.get<int>("object_01", "gender"); int price = data.get<int>("object_01", "price"); int limit = data.get<int>("object_01", "limit"); ArrayList reward = data.get<arraylist>("object_01", "reward"); double length = data.get<int>("object_01", "length"); string rewardstring = ""; foreach(object r in reward) { rewardstring += string.format("{0} ", r); } Debug.Log(string.Format("Gender:{0},Price:{1},Limit:{2},Reward:[{3}],Length:{4}", gender, price, limit, rewardstring, length)); }, Page 13

2. Data Singleton GameObject Singleton TestDocs int price = TestDocs.price("price"); int limit = TestDocs.limit("limit"); string name = TestDocs.names("name"); string title = TestDocs.title("title"); string content = TestDocs.content("content"); Debug.Log(string.Format("Price:{0}, Limit:{1}, Name:{2}, Title:{3}, Content:{4}", price, limit, name, title, content)); _gd_sampe_01 int gender = DataSample01.gender("object_01"); int price = DataSample01.price("object_01"); int limit = DataSample01.limit("object_01"); ArrayList reward = DataSample01.reward("object_01"); double length = DataSample01.length("object_01"); string rewardstring = ""; foreach(object r in reward) { rewardstring += string.format("{0} ", r); } Debug.Log(string.Format("Gender:{0},Price:{1},Limit:{2},Reward:[{3}],Length:{4}", gender, price, limit, rewardstring, length)); 3. 실행중언어를바꾸는기능.(v2.1.0)..DocsRoot.reloadAll(SystemLanguage.Korean);. // By docs name..docsroot.reloaddata(systemlanguage.korean, "test_docs"); // By docs ID..DocsRoot.reloadDataById(SystemLanguage.Korean,"1-T6HKz-GiHfv6lCcGvOnvCshPD0CVkHNRylQUAedJio");, Page 14

Other Window 1. Docs View Window. 2. Docs File View Window Unity., Page 15

3. Docs Data View Window (v2.2.0) uguitext, NGUIText Docs., Page 16

Sample Google Drive 스프레드시트 1. Test Docs, Page 17

2. _gd_sample_01 3. ui_script (v2.2.0), Page 18

, Page 19