ARE YOU GOING WITH ME? Pyongtaek Container Terminal Co.,Ltd. 경기도평택시포승면만호리 647 Tel : 통제센터 : ~65 copyrigh

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... 수시연구 물류시설관련계획체제의 문제점및개선방향 Problem and Improvement of Logistics Facilities Plan System... 권혁구ㆍ이정윤...

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소식지도 나름대로 정체성을 가지게 되는 시점이 된 거 같네요. 마흔 여덟번이나 계속된 회사 소식지를 가까이 하면서 소통의 좋은 점을 배우기도 했고 해상직원들의 소탈하고 소박한 목소리에 세속에 찌든 내 몸과 마음을 씻기도 했습니다. 참 고마운 일이지요 사람과 마찬가지로


ARE YOU GOING WITH ME? Pyongtaek Container Terminal Co.,Ltd. 경기도평택시포승면만호리 647 Tel : 031-617-9700 통제센터 : 031-617-9760~65 copyright (2006) Pyongteak Container Terminal Co.,Ltd.

ARE YOU GOING WITH ME? Pyongtaek Container Terminal Co.,Ltd.

History in Brief 2004. 3 2004. 4 2004. 7 2004. 11 2005. 3 2005. 6 2005. 12 2008. 4 평택항컨테이너터미널컨소시엄구성 - 평택항동부두 5, 6번선석운영사선정 - 평택컨테이너터미널 ( 주 ) 설립 ( 자본금 100 억원 ) - 평택항동부두 5, 6번선석준공 - 임시개장및선박취항 - 겐트리크레인설치및개장식 - 6번선석개정 ( 예정 ) - 7, 8번선석준공 ( 예정 ) - Consortium of terminal operators formed Operators of Berth Nos. 5 & 6 selected Pyeongtak Container Terminal Co. Ltd. (PCTC) established with capital of \10billion Ground broken for building Berths Nos. 5 & 6 PCTC opened temporarily: freighters took anchor Gantry cranes set up: PCTC officially opened Berth No. 6 due to open. Berth Nos. 7 & 8 due to open

ARE YOU GOING WITH ME? 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Contents 회사연혁 - History in Brief CEO 메시지 - 비전및위치 - CEO s Message Vision & Location 주요시설 - Major Facilities 주요장비 - Major Equipment 참여주주사 - Terminal Operators 운영선사 - Status of Operating Carriers 운영시스템 - Terminal Operation System 운영원칙 - Operating Principles 핵심역량 - Competitive Strengths of PCTC 세계무역의중심! 떠오르는동북아시아! 그중심에평택컨테이너터미널이있습니다. 잘정비된인프라와우수한인적자원을갖춘한국경제의심장부인경기도동북아새로운거점항만으로힘차게뻗어나가고있는평택항그중심에미래가있는평택컨테이너터미널 High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, Pyongtaek Container Terminal 3

21세기환황해권의중심항만으로서최상의컨테이너터미널을목표로안정적인수심과최적의기후조건, 통합정보시스템의도입으로인한최첨단설비와최고의전문인력으로높은생산성을자랑하는최고의컨테이너터미널로거듭나고있습니다. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, party High Turnout Fails to Boos CEO s Message 대표이사한동희 In addition, an enhanced corporate image, solid operating performance in 2004, a shareholder-oriented management philosophy, and ethical management, all added to the record-high share price of the company. After recording the highs and Nov. strengthening its position as a leading blue chip stock in Korea. 세계속의 PCTC 를만들기위해오늘도열심히변화하고있습니다.

동북아의중추적인컨테이너터미널로성장해나갈것입니다 PICT is at the forefront of Pyongtaek s efforts 존경하는고객여러분, 2004년 7월설립된평택컨테이너터미널주식회사 (PCTC) 는동북아물류중심지로개장한이래, 눈부신성장을거듭해오고있습니다. 국내외항만환경이급변하고있는시점에서고객에게효율적이고신속한서비스를제공하고자끊임없는변화와혁신을추구하며선석의확장과최첨단시설의도입등지속적인개발을진행하고있어중국등아시아는물론미국, 유럽항수출입화물과환적화물의신속하고안전한수송뿐아니라각종물류비용경감에크게기여할것으로기대됩니다. 또한웹사이트를통하여선박의입출항및컨테이너화물의작업현황, 컨테이너정보및터미널의작업현황을실시간으로볼수있도록하고있습니다. 저희 PCTC는항상고객의입장에서최상의서비스, 저렴한물류비용을위해최선을다할것이며또한전직원이하나되어끊임없는경영혁신을통하여경쟁력있는동북아중추적인컨테이너터미널로성장해나갈수있도록최선을다하겠습니다. 감사합니다. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, party High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, party High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, party High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government. Pyongtaek Container Terminal 5

Operating Principles think 같은생각, 같은목표 - 공유할때시너지가생깁니다. PCTC 는고객의다양한니즈를충족시키는데최대의목표를두고있습니다. PCTC는고객의다양한니즈를충족시키는데최대의목표를두고있습니다. 이를위해끊임없이변화와혁신을추구하며, 최첨단시설도입으로생산성과안전성을더욱높여나가고있으며, PCTC는높은경쟁력을유지하기위해물류비용의절감정책을계속유지하겠습니다. 서비스항로의다양화를위해일본, 동남아항로의개설을위해노력하며, 물동량중가에따라하항만인프라구축이필요하며, 이용선사와고객에게과감한인센티브제공을추진하며홍보활동을강화해나가겠습니다.

PICT is at the forefront of Pyongtaek s efforts High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, party High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, Pyongtaek Container Terminal 7

Vision & Location 눈부신변화와발전으로더나은미래를약속합니다. PICT is at the forefront of Pyongtaek s efforts to establish itself as a super-hub of total logistics wervices PCTC는무한한성장가능성을지닌당진평택항의발전에맞추어지속적인투자와최상의물류시스템을갖춘현대적인컨테이너전용터미널로성장해나갈것입니다. 평택당진항은 586 만평의광활한항만배후지역 ( 유통, 생산, 관광산업등 ) 을가지고있어높은성장가능성을지니고있습니다. 이에따라 PCTC는중국및동남아교역의전진기지로서성장해나가기위해경영혁신, 생산성배가등을추진해나가겠습니다. PCTC 2006년말까지 1 선석을더건설하여동북아시아의중추적인컨테이너전용터미널로성장에기틀을마련하겠습니다. to the t 큰승부를펼쳐가겠습니다. 큰미래를만들어 High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Kejin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, party High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.''

p 겠습니다. Pyongtaek Container Terminal 9

Competitive Strengths of PCTC passion 사명감을다하기위한열정을지닌사람들이있습니다. 고객의열정을성취하는기업이되겠습니다. 저렴한물류비용대중국교역기지편리한수송망광활한배후단지 - PCTC 는다양한면에서높은경쟁력을보유하고있습니다. - PCTC 가위치한평택당진항은근전인천항에비해저렴한화물과입항료를자랑합니다. 또한도선거리도짧습니다. - PCTC 는대중국교역기지로서중국의대련, 천진, 청도, 위해그리고상해지역이가까이위치하고있으며, 이지역을최장 30 시간내에운항할수있습니다. - 경부고속도로와서해안고속도로에연결이용이하며, 철도는 2011 년까지한국의동맥인경부선 ( 서울 -부산) 에연결예정입니다. - PCTC 가위치한당진평택항은관할한배후단지 (586 만평 ) 를가지고있어향후항만확장에도유리합니다. - 이배후단지는유통상업, 관광, 국제교류단지로예정되어있습니다.

PICT is at the forefront of Pyongtaek s efforts High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, party High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, party High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting. Pyongtaek Container Terminal 11

Facilities today 세계속의 PCTC 를만들기위해오늘도변화하고있습니다. 세계속의평택을동북아시아종합물류의허브로이끄는 PCTC PCTC is at the forefront of Pyongtaek s efforts 장비현황 TERMINAL EQUIPMENT 장비명 주 : 6 번선석 2006 년말준공예정 겐트리크레인 Gantry cranes 트랜스퍼크레인 Transfer cranes 리치스테커 Reach stackers 야드트렉터 Yard tractors Post-Panamax형 Man-Trolley형 6 (5, 6번선석 ) 20 (5, 6번선석 ) 4 (5, 6번선석 ) 8 (5, 6번선석 )

시설현황 Status of Terminal Facilities 구분 DESCRIPTION 5번선석 6번선석 (2006년말 ) 선석길이 240M 240M 선석 접안능력 30,000톤 1척 30,000톤 1척 수심 12M 12M 야드 면적 96,000M 2 96,000M 2 동시장치능력 6,480 TUE 6,480 TUE 냉동 Plug 192기 192기 연간처리능력 250,000 TUE 250,000 TUE PCTC 는초현대식컨테이너전용부두입니다 PICT is at the forefront of Pyongtaek s efforts PCTC는평택당진항중심에위치한총면적 192,000 m2 (96,000m2 x 2), 부두길이 480m (240m x 2), 접안수심 12m 의규모로서연간 500,000 TEU (250,000 TEU x 2) 의물량처리가가능한초현대식컨테이너전용부두입니다. 또한냉동 Plug 192를갖추고있습니다. 6번선석은 2006년말완공예정입니다. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish Pyongtaek Container Terminal 13

Main Operating System together 함께하는기업 PCTC 를만들기위해노력하고있습니다. 눈에보이는그대로를믿을수있는고객과주주에게당당한 PCTC 가되겠습니다. 최첨단운영시스템 (CY-Port Operation System) 을운영함으로써정시작업, 신속한반. 출입처리와적은 re-handling으로서작업효율성을극대화하고있습니다. 실시간장치장작업현황관제로장비현황, 작업대기현황 관리가가능하며, 터미널운영의안전성을증진하여고객서비스향상에큰기여를하고있습니다. 또한전문가진단에의한 DB 관리로신속한통계자료를발행하며, 다양한조건 / 신속한정보처리로의사결정을지원합니다. CY-Port 계획시스템 장치장배정계획, 선석재정계획, 본선작업계획 운영시스템 종합관제, 장치장작업관리, GATE 반. 출입관리, 본선작업관리, 컨정보관리, 코드관리 운영관리시스템 통계관리, 정산관리, 세관업무처리 운영지원시스템 EDI & IP Service, CFS 운영, 무선단말기 & 배차운송관리

PICT is at the forefront of Pyongtaek s efforts High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, party High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting, Pyongtaek Container Terminal 15

Status of Terminal Operators trust 투명한 PCTC 는내일의엄연한실체입니다. PCTC 의약속 - 투명경영을통한기업가치와주주가치의극대화! PICT is at the forefront of Pyongtaek s efforts PCTC의주주사는총 9개로, 선사, 하역회사그리고지자제등으로구성되어있습니다. 선사로는한진해운 (25%), 장금상선 (15%) 그리고시노트란스 (5%) 가참여하고있으며, 하역회사는선광 (17%), ㄜ한진 (12%), 그리고 KCTC (11%) 입니다. 화주로는 Dole이유일하게참여하고있으며, 지자제는경기도 (10%) 와평택군 (4%) 이참여하고있습니다. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, party High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,

참여주주사 Pyongtaek Container Terminal 17

Status of Operating Carriers desire 믿음이되는, 그렇게함께하는, PCTC 의소망입니다. PCTC 의소망 - 창의적해결책을가진미래기업이되겠습니다. 현재팽택컨테이너터니널은이용하는선사는장금상사, 동남아해운, STX PAN OCEAN, DOLE KOREA, 흥아해운등 5개사입니다. PCTC는최상의서비스, 저렴한물류비용을바탕으로더많은선사들을유치하기위해적극적인홍보활동을전개하겠습니다. High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting,'' Rep. Lee Ke-jin, spokesman of the GNP, said. But I think the higher turnout is an expression of their desire to punish this rude and incompetent government.'' With polls predicting a GNP victory in almost all major electorates, party High Turnout Fails to Boost Governing Party in voting.

PICT is at the forefront of Pyongtaek s efforts 이용선사 CARRIER CARRIER Sinokor Merchant Marine Co., Ltd. STX Pan Ocean Co., LTD. Dole Food Company,Inc. Dongnama Shipping Co., LTD. Heung-A Shipping Co., Ltd. Pyongtaek Container Terminal 19