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사용시 기본적인 주의사항 경고 : 전기 기구를 사용할 때는 다음의 기본적인 주의 사항을 반드시 유의하여야 합니다..제품을 사용하기 전에 반드시 사용법을 정독하십시오. 2.물과 가까운 곳, 욕실이나 부엌 그리고 수영장 같은 곳에서 제품을 사용하지 마십시오. 3.이 제품은


GEAR Original Equipment Manufacturing Gears

Support your various needs with our world class engineering skill and the newest manufacturing facilities. 1


Nissei creates high-quality high-precision gears in an integrated system of production from initial design to finished product. All the processes from receipt of order, design and manufacturing to delivery, are streamlined into a single system. Any type of order, whether it is a prototype or a mass production part, can be flexibly filled. KASHIFUJI Gear Cutting Machine KN-150 3

Production Equipment for High Quality Gear. ( Conventional and CBN Grinding ) 4

Acme of our original technology HRH(High Ratio Hypoid gears) High Reduction Ratio High Ratio Hypoid gears are the type of high reduction ratio gears which Nissei has successfully launched into the market for the first time in Japan. While the highest reduction ratio available on a one-to-one gearset used to be only approximately 10:1, HRH gears have made very high reduction ratio, available up to 360:1 on a one-to-one gearset. The general range of HRH reduction ratios actually used is 11:1 to 120:1. Our originally developed HRH gears are now used in the various fields such as Automobiles and Industrial machines with excellent performance. 5

Change in efficiency of HRH and worm by RPM Change in efficiency of HRH and worm by operating hours Comparison of HRH with worm A single-step mechanism can achieve up to 360:1 reduction, contributing to competitive prices Traditional Multiple-step Mechanism Single-step Mechanism of HRH 6

Evolution of Processing Technique-CBN Grinding CBN grinding is a technique that the tooth surface is ground by CBN electrodeposited grinding stone after heat treatment. The technology cut machining time of tooth surface grinding remarkably. Also, dressing required per price for conventional grinding became unnecessary. realizing a serious cost reduction compared with conventional grinding. Since the tooth surface is ground by CBN grinding stone after heat treatment, about the same gear quality as ground gears can be obtained. Process Nissei's Proposal 1. What is CBN? CBN stands for "cubic boron nitride". 2. How the tools are made? Borazon CBN is electrodeposited onto the tool surface. CBN Particle Hardness (GE data) 7

8 Bevel Gear Cylindrical Gear Quality Processing Method Technical details

Processing of Other Products In addition to gear products, we also produce reducers/gearmotors. We have more than 170,000 standard models. On top of gear processing and heat treatment, die casting, painting, motor processing and assembly can be done in house. More than 90% Self-manufacture rate can realize quick delivery, high quality and flexible custom-made products. 9


Fusion of Processing Technology -Custom-made Reducer/Gearmotor We offer Custom-made reducers/gearmotors with our accumulated technology for gears, die casting and motors. Especially Nissei s unique technology of HRH realized high efficiency and space-saving design. Also, CBN gear grinding technique allowed low cost high quality gears. 11

Case Example 12

GEAR TRAIN REDUCER Product lines of Nissei Carpolation Lightweight, compact and high efficient. More than 170,000 items by quick delivery. Flexible for custom-made. Inverters are available and can be supplied with the requested Gearmotors. MID SERIES MINI SERIES Servomotor Small High Precision Reducer APG/AFC Servomotor High Precision Reducer A Series Brushless DC Gearmotors APQ AC Servo-Gearmotors AEF High-Efficiency IPM Gearmotors Brushless Variable-Speed Gearmotors Battery-Powered Bevel Gear Box 13

Belief in Independence, Creativity and Team Work Here at NISSEI, we enjoy going over various challenges and achieving our goals. Each person plays a unique and important role which allows us to excel and advance forward. 14