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C# 21., 21 C#., 2 ~ 3 21. 2 ~ 3 21.,. 1~ 2 (, ), C#.,,.,., 21..,.,,, 3. A..,,.,.. Q&A..

24 C#,.NET.,.,.,. Visual C# Visual Studio.NET,..,. CD., www. TeachYour sel f CSharp. com., ( )., C#.. C# 1, 1.


26 Week 1 Day 2, C# C#.NET. Day 3, Day 4,, Day 5, C#.,. Day 6, Day 7,., C#. C#. C#.

DAY 1 C#

28 Week 1 C#? C#,., C#( ) 2000 6. C# ECMA. Anders Hej lsberg, Hej lsberg C+ + Delphi. C#. C#.,. C#,,. C# (OOP : Object- Oriented Programming).. Day 2, C#. C#?. J ava, C+ +, Perl, Microsoft Visual Basic. C# C C+ +,.. J ava. C#,.

Day 1 C# 29 C#. C#.. C#. C#. C#. C#. C#... C#,. C# C# J ava, C+ +,,, (virtual base class). C+ +., C#. C# C C+ +. C C+ + ( J ava), C#. C/ C+ +,,. C+ + : :,., -> 3 C# (. ).. Java Java, C#. Java., C# Java C++.

30 Week 1 C#?,,,. C#., 21 C#. (Pointer) C C++,. C#,.,. C#,,. C#. (Encapsulation), (Inheritance). (Polymorphism)... C#, C#. C#,,,. C# C# (Keyword). [ 1.1] C#.., C#.

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32 Week 1 C# C#. C#,..NET. C#.,. Microsoft Bob,. C# Microsoft Bob. Microsoft Bob, C#, C#., C#. Microsoft.NET C#..NET..NET, C#..NET. C#,,,,. C# Visual Basic, C+ +, J ava. C#, 3.

Day 1 C# 33.NET Java C#? C#? C# C++? Visual Basic.Net C#? C# C+ +, Visual Basic.? C# Visual Basic 6, Visual Basic.NET( 7). Visual Basic.NET, C#. Visual Basic.NET C#. C# C+ +. C+ + C#,. C+ + C#. J ava. C+ + C# J ava C, J ava C#. C, C#, C+ +, J ava C., C.. C#....,.,.

34 Week 1,.,... C#( ). 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. (1 ),..,.,.???.,. 1.,. 2.., r 2., (Program Development Cycle) 3 4..,.,

Day 1 C# 35.. (Source Code).., C#. Syst em. Consol e.wr i t eli ne ("Hel l o, Mom!" ) ; Hel l o, Mom! ( ). (Editor). C#, C#., C#.,. Visual Studio C# Visual C#.. Visual Studio.NET, C#. C#. Visual Studio.NET.,..,. C#..,. ed, ex, edit, emacs, vi.

36 Week 1.., -,, -.,.,..,. CodeWrite : CodeWrite ASP, XML, HTML, C#, Perl, Python.. http://www.premia.com EditPlus : EditPlus, HTML,.,. (Color- Coding).. http://www.editplus.com JEdit : JEdit Java., C#.,. http://jedit.sourceforge.net Poorman IDE by Duncan Chen : Poorman C# Visual Basic.NET,. Poorman IDE.. http://www.geocities.com/duncanchen/poormanide.htm SharpDevelop by Mike Krüger : SharpDevelop C# (free)..net, (Open Source Editor, GPL(General Public License)).. http://www.icsharpcode.net. C#.cs., C#.cs.

Day 1 C# 37 C#, C#. C#. C# (CLR ; Common Language Runtime). (Executable) C#, CLR CLR,.. (Port ability). C C+ +,., C,., C#.,. (machine language),... C C++. C#. (IL : Intermediate Language).,. CLR CLR C#. IL CLR., CLR IL., CLR.., IL.,.

38 Week 1 IL, C++., C++. C# Just In Time Jitting. C# IL C#., csc,., radius.cs. csc r adi us. cs (GDE),.,..., E,. IL.,.exe..exe ( ). CLR.. [ 1.1].

Day 1 C# 39 1.1 C# (IL). IL, C# -, -. 2 (EXE )., C#, ASP.NET.. IL,.,.,.,.. C# 1 :. C#.cs (, a_program.cs, database.cs ). 2 : C#.,.exe.dll., myprog.cs myprog.exe.. 1. 3 : CLR C#.., 1. [ 1.2].,.

40 Week 1! - -, (,, ). C# C#., [ 1.1].., C#,,. Hel l o, Wor l d! hello.cs..,. hello.cs [ 1.1]. (:). 1.2 C# 1 2?? 3

Day 1 C# 4 1 1.1 h ello.cs 1 : cl ass Hel l o 2 : { 3: st at i c voi d Mai n () 4: { 5: Syst em. Consol e.wr i t eli ne (" Hel l o, Wor l d!" ) ; 6: } 7: }.,, hello.cs. he llo.cs hello.cs. 1.. 2. [ 1.1]. (:).... C#,.. C C++. C C++, main()., C# Main() M. C# m,. 3.. hello.cs. 4. hello.cs. 5. hello.cs.,. csc hel l o. cs

42 Week 1 (IDE : Integrated Development Environment ),.,. 6...,., Console Consol, : hel l o. cs (5, 7) : er r or CS0117 : ' Syst em' does not cont ai n a def i ni t i on f or ' Consol ' 7., 2. hello.cs, [ 1.1], 3. 8. C#,. hello,. hel l o.cs : hel l o.exe : hello.cs 9. hello.exe hel l o. Hel l o, Wor l d!. hello,..,.,..,. ReadLine. 1 : cl as s Hel l o 2 : { 3 : st at i c voi d Mai n ()

Day 1 C# 43 4 : { 5 : Syst em. Consol e.wr i t eli ne (" Hel l o, Wor l d!" ) ; 6: Syst em. Consol e.readli ne () ; 7 : } 8 : }!,, C#, hello.cs.,., - Hello World -. ( ).,,.,.. hello.cs., hello.cs., 5. (;). hello.cs [ 1.2]. 1.2 h ello.cs 1: cl ass Hel l o 2 : { 3: st at i c voi d Mai n () 4: { 5: Syst em. Consol e.wr i t eli ne (" Hel l o, Wor l d!" ) 6: } 7: },...

44 Week 1,. csc hel l o. cs,.,. hel l o.cs (5, 48) : er r or CS1002 : ; expect ed,. hel l o.cs (5, 48) : 5 48 er r or CS1002 : ; expect ed, hello.cs 5 48,.,. C#,.........,. hello.cs. 1. 5 (; ). 2. hello (" )..,. hel l o.cs (5, 32) : er r or CS1010: Newl i ne i n Const ant

Day 1 C# 45 5. 5 32...,.,........ C#,.,,. = 2 r,.. C#.,.... r 2.,.. C#, C#..

46 Week 1 (Con sole applicat ion ) :.,.,. (Win dow s applicat ion ) : GUI (Graphical User Interface). (Web service s ) :. / ASP.NET (Web F orm/ ASP.NET applicat ion ) : ASP. NET,., C#,,. C#,., C#. C# ( )., - -.. C#.,.,..

Day 1 C# 47 Q&A Q. C#? A.. C# (CLR). CLR. CLR DLL. Q.,? A. C#.. hello. hello.exe. hello.cs, C#. C#. Q., (.cs)? A.,.,. (IDE : Integrated Development Environments) (.cs). (.cs),.,.. Q.? A...,.,.,.. C#. (Color- Coding),.

48 Week 1 Q.? A.,...,,.., ( )... A,. 1. C#. 2. IL CLR? 3.? 4. my_prog.cs? 5. C#? 6. filename.txt C#? 7.,.? 8.? 9.? my_pr og. cs (35, 6) : er r or CS1010 : Newl i ne i n const ant 10.? my_pr og. cs (35, 6) : er r or CS1010 : Newl i ne i n const ant

Day 1 C# 49 1. [ 1.1]. EXE ( )? 2. ( ).? 1 : / / ci r cl e. cs - (l i t er al ) 2 : / /. 3 : / / - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 : 5 : usi ng Syst em; 6: 7 : cl ass var i abl es 8 :{ 9: publ i c st at i c voi d Mai n () 10 : { 11 : / /. 12 : 13 : i nt r adi us = 4; 14 : const doubl e PI = 3. 14159; 15 : doubl e ci r cum, ar ea ; 16: 17 : / /. 18 : 19: area = PI * radi us * radius ; 20 : ci r cum = 2 *PI * r adi us ; 21 : 22 : / /. 23 : 24 : Consol e.wr i t eli ne (" = { 0 }, PI = { 1 }", r adi us, PI ) ; 25 : Consol e.wr i t eli ne (" : { 0 }", ar ea ) ; 26: Consol e.wr i t eli ne (" : { 0 }", ci r cum) ; 27 : } 28 : } 3..? 1 : cl ass ACl as s 2 : { 3 : st at i c voi d Mai n () 4 : { 5 : i nt x, y; 6: f or (x = 0; x < 10; x++, Syst em. Consol e.wr i t e ("\ n" ) ) 7 : f or (y = 0; y < 10; y++)

50 Week 1 8 : Syst em. Consol e.wr i t e (" X" ) ; 9: } 10: } 4. :.,.? 1 : cl as s Hel l o 2 : { 3 : st at i c voi d Mai n () 4 : { 5 : Syst em. Consol e.wr i t eli ne (!) ; 6: Syst em. Consol e.wr i t eli ne (!) ; 7 : } 8 : } 5. 3..? 8 : Syst em. Consol e.wr i t e ("{ 0 }", (char ) 1) ;