The 12 th International Conference of Electroluminescence and Optoelectronic Devices ICEL 2018 October 14~17, 2018 / Jeju, Korea [ 후원

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Transcription: The 12 th International Conference of Electroluminescence and Optoelectronic Devices ICEL 2018 October 14~17, 2018 / Jeju, Korea [ 후원안내서 ]

초대의글 안녕하십니까? 귀사의일익발전을기원합니다. 2018 년 10 월 14 일부터 17 일까지제주부영호텔 & 리조트에서개최되는 ICEL 2018 국제학술대 회에귀사를초대합니다. ICEL 2018 국제학술대회는최신의 Electroluminescence 및 Optoelectronic 분야연구와기술의성과를발표하고, 토의하면서교류하는세계최고, 최대의장입니다. 2년마다개최되면서, 30 여개국 400명이상이참석하며, 세계적명성의전문가대부분과, 국제기술을선도하는글로벌기업과연구소들도대부분참여하는독보적세계축전입니다. 학술교류뿐아니라, 세계선도기술을접하고, 정보를교환할수있으며, 세계유수기관과인적네트워크와해외시장을개척할수있는기회도얻을수있습니다. 이번 ICEL 2018 에서마련한본국제행사장에기술개발과시장개척에관심이많으신기업체여 러분께최신의국제적기술동향파악은물론귀사의앞선기술제품을국제적으로홍보할수 있는좋은기회를제공하고자후원업체로정중히모시고자합니다. 본대회의성공적인개최와주요관련기업들의홍보를위해공식후원및협찬프로그램을 마련하였습니다. 이번 ICEL 2018 을통해귀사를전세계에알릴수있기를희망하며, 아울러 귀사의무궁한발전을기원합니다. ICEL 2018 의성공적인개최를위한전폭적인관심과후원을부탁드립니다. 감사합니다. ICEL 2018 조직위원회조직위원장 서울대학교김장주

Overview ICEL is a leading international conference focused on organic electroluminescence and organic electronics. The conference provides a forum for physicists, chemists, and engineers to discuss innovative research and development in organic semiconductor materials and devices. Areas of interest include: organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs), organic field effect transistors (FETs), organic lasers, organic photovoltaic devices, organic memory, organic based chemical and biological sensors, latest high-efficiency materials, and associated materials and device processing science and technology. 대회명 The 12th International Conference of Electroluminescence and Optoelectronic Devices (ICEL 2018) 일시 2018 년 10 월 14 일 ( 일 )~17 일 ( 수 ) 장소제주부영호텔 & 리조트 ( 제주서귀포중문단지내위치 ) 홈페이지 주최서울대학교 조직위원회 조직위원장 서울대학교김장주교수 위원회부위원장경희대학교권장혁교수경희대학교박종욱교수성균관대학교이준엽교수 KAIST 유승협교수경상대학교김윤희교수 사무국 플라넥스 (PCO) 세종특별자치시한누리대로 245, SR Parkone 809 호 Tel.: 044-862-7962 / Fax.: 044-862-7963 E-mail:

Program Date / Time Program October 14 (Sun.) 10:00~18:00 Congress Registration 18:00~20:00 Welcome Reception 08:30~08:45 Opening Ceremony 08:45~10:00 Plenary Talk I, II 10:00~10:30 Coffee Break 10:30~12:00 Oral Session October 15 (Mon.) 12:00~13:30 Lunch 13:30~15:00 Oral Session 15:00~15:30 Coffee Break 15:30~17:00 Oral Session 17:00~18:30 Poster Session with Beer Party 08:30~10:30 Plenary Talk III~ IV 10:00~10:30 Coffee Break 10:30~12:00 Oral Session October 16 (Tue.) 12:00~13:30 Lunch 13:30~15:00 Oral Session 15:00~15:30 Coffee Break 15:30~17:00 Oral Session 18:00~20:00 Banquet 08:30~10:30 Oral Session October 17 (Wed.) 10:00~10:30 Coffee Break 10:30~12:00 Oral Session 12:00~13:30 Lunch & Closing Remark * 대회프로그램은수정 / 변경될수있습니다.

Sponsorship Level Benefits Diamond Platinum Gold Silver Bronze 22,000,000 11,000,000 7,700,000 5,500,000 3,300,000 Banquet Co-host Reception Co-host Lunch Co-host Free Registration (Full Pass) Free Exhibition Booths 5 persons 4 persons 3 persons 2 booths 1 booth 1 booth Optional) 2 persons Registrations or 1 booth Optional) 1 persons Registrations or 1 booth Logo on Program Book Logo and Link on Official Website Logo on E-newsletter Logo on Screen at Session Room Logo on banners

ㅣ Sponsorship Application Form ㅣ ICEL 2018 Secretariat: 플라넥스 (PCO) Tel: 82-44-862-7962 / Fax: 82-44-862-7962 / Email: 1. 회사정보 Company Name President/CEO Postal Address Zip code ( ) Contact Person Position Telephone Fax E-mail website 2. 후원신청 Level Amount Apply (Check O ) Diamond 22,000,000 Platinum 11,000,000 Gold 7,700,000 Silver 5,500,000 Bronze 3,300,000 Total 3. Payment ICEL 2018 후원내역에서귀사의참여확정은신청하신후원금의전액이입금확인후가능합니다. 4. 계좌정보 Bank Name: KEB 하나은행 Account Holder: 플라넥스 ICEL 2018 Account Number 915-910003-39004 Name of Applicant: Date: Signature