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2 WCLF 2013 WCLF 2013 Overview - World Coffee Leaders Forum 2013 (WCLF 2013) ( )~22 ( ), 3,, Coffee Kids,, UTZ Certified, Global Coffee Review ( ) ( ) Barista Magazine, Fresh Cup, Roast Magazine, Coffee Network, Coffee t&i, Coffee Talk, Stir, Coffee Universe, Russian United Coffee & Tea Industry Event, Coffee Trend 30 1,000 ( 300 ),,,,,,,,,,, 12 (12th Seoul Int l Cafe Show 2013) Tip!, 20, 21, 22 info@wclforum.org,, SNS Program at a Glance /. by Biaan Time Date Nov.19 (Tue) Nov.20 (Wed) Nov.21 (Thu) Nov.22 (Fri) Nov.23 (Sat) Nov.24 (Sun) Exhibition at 12th Seoul Int l Cafe Show 2013 (Concurrent Event) 07:00 Registration 09:00 Opening Ceremony 09:20 Pre-Tour Keynote Speech 1 <Global Issue & Trend> 10:20 Coffee Break 10:30 10:40 Plenary Session 1 11:00 <Asian Coffee Market Insight> 11:10 11:50 12:00 Luncheon 12:10 13:00 13:30 13:20 Plenary Session 2 <Global Coffee Market Insight & Specialty Coffee> Plenary Session 4 <Coffee Leaf Rust> Coffee Break Plenary Session 5 <Market - Coffee Price & Marketing Strategy> Luncheon Plenary Session 6 <Relationship> 14:30 Coffee Break 14:40 Plenary Session 3 15:00 <Changes in 15:10 Coffee Market> Coffee Break 16:10 Coffee Break Plenary Session 7 16:20 <Sustainability & Fair Trade> 16:40 Panel Discussion 1 Coffee Break 16:50 Panel Discussion 2 17:00 Break 17:30 Break 18:00 18:30 Seoul Night Tour 19:00 Welcome Reception 21:00 Technical Session 1 Technical Session 2 World Coffee Adventure Session 1 Luncheon World Coffee Adventure Session 2 Break World Coffee Youth Leadership Forum World Coffee Youth Leadership Forum Business Session Business Session Seoul Night Tour COFFEE BUSINESS TOUR Programs are subject to change
3 World Coffee Leaders Forum 2013 Tip! , 2,..,,.. by Biaan [R1] (11 20~22 ) ( ~ ) ( ~ ) ( ~ ) R1-1() 300, , ,000 R1-2() 200, , ,000 R1-3() 150, , ,000 [R2] (11 20~21 ) [R3] 1 (11 20 ) [R4] 1 (11 21 ) [R5] (11 22 ) [R6] (11 22 ) [R7] (11 22 ) [Y1] (11 22 ) R2-1() 200, , ,000 R2-2() 150, , ,000 R2-3() 100, , ,000 R3-1() 150, , ,000 R3-2() 100, , ,000 R3-3() 70, , ,000 R4-1() 150, , ,000 R4-2() 100, , ,000 R4-3() 70, , ,000 R5-1() 80, , ,000 R5-2() 60,000 80, ,000 R5-3() 50,000 70,000 80,000 R6-1() 40,000 50,000 60,000 R6-2() 30,000 40,000 50,000 R6-3() 30,000 40,000 50,000 R7-1() 30,000 40,000 50,000 R7-2() 20,000 30,000 40,000 R7-3() 20,000 30,000 40,000 Y1 10,000 10,000 20,000 [W1] (11 21 ) W1 50,000 60,000 70,000. : 12. : 10,. : WCLF (: WCLF ) : ~ (.) (info@wclforum.org).
4 World Coffee Leaders Forum 2013 WCLF 2013 WCLF 2013 WCLF 2013 program WCLF 2013 program 1. (Opening Ceremony) 1. (Opening Ceremony) 2 WCLF 2013 & WCLF 2 WCLF, 2013 & WCLF WCLF, WCLF.. 3. (Plenary Session) /. 2. (Keynote Speech) 2. (Keynote Speech),,.. by Biaan Global Coffee Market Issues and Trends :11 20 ( ) 09:20~10:20 :Roberio Oliveira Silva (Executive Director, ICO) [ ]] Session 1 <Asian Coffee Market Insight> Session Session 2 <Global Coffee Market Insight <Global Coffee Market Insight Specialty Coffee> & Specialty Coffee> Session 3 Session 3 <Changes in Market> <Changes in Market> Session 4 <Coffee Session Leaf Rust> 4 <Coffee Leaf Rust> Session 5 <Coffee Session Price & Marketing 5 <Coffee Strategy> Price & Marketing Strategy> Session 6 <Relationship> Session 6 <Relationship> Session 7 <Certification Session & Fair 7 Trade> <Certification & Fair Trade> Potential and and Changes Changes in the in the Asian Asian Coffee Coffee Market Market / Asian / Asian Coffee Coffee Market Market Insight Insight Producing Producing Country Country / Asian / Asian Coffee Coffee Market Market Insight Insight Consuming Consuming Country Country / A Deeper Understanding of Specialty Coffee / A Deeper Understanding of Specialty Coffee Specialty Coffee and Context Trends in the European Coffee Market Specialty Coffee and Context Trends in the European Coffee Market Changes in the Coffee Consuming Market and the Emergence of Alternatives Changes in the Coffee Consuming Market and the Emergence of Alternatives / Scientific Relationship Between Coffee and Health / Scientific Relationship Between Coffee and Health Panel Discussion 1 (Panelist: Session 1~3 Speakers) Panel Discussion 1 (Panelist: Session 1~3 Speakers) :,, Coffee Leaf : Rust, :, History, Crisis, and Response Research Coffee Leaf Rust : History, Crisis, and Response Research Coffee Leaf Rust status of Central America and achievements on recovery with new varieties of coffee more Coffee resistant Leaf Rust to coffee status diseases of Central in Colombia America and achievements on recovery with new varieties of coffee more resistant to coffee diseases in Colombia / Coffee Price Discovery, Volatility Management and Forecast / Coffee Price Discovery, Volatility Management and Forecast Developing Profitable Coffee Marketing Strategies for a Volatile Futures Market Developing Profitable : Coffee Marketing Strategies for a Volatile Futures Market Strengthening the Supply : Chain: Building Relationships, Partnerships Strengthening the Supply / Direct Chain: Trade Building Coffee Relationships, and Transparency Partnerships Certification (tool) / Direct Trade Coffee and Transparency? whether Certification certification is a tool (tool) towards real improvements in sustainable agriculture? or just logo marketing whether certification is a tool towards real improvements in sustainable agriculture or just logo marketing Fair Trade Coffee Trading System and the Effect of Partnerships Fair Panel Trade Discussion Coffee Trading 2 (Panelist: System and Session the Effect 4~7 of Speakers) Partnerships Panel Discussion 2 (Panelist: Session 4~7 Speakers)
5 Plenary Session 1 Asian Coffee Market Insight :11 20 ( ) 10:30~12:00 1. < > " /?" Hidetaka Hayashi (President, Hayashi Coffee Institute / Japan) 2. < > ", " Dr. Soetanto Abdoellah (Scientific Board, Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute(ICCRI) / Indonesia) 3. < > " " Bai Fang Lucy (Vice President of China Coffee Association Plenary Session 2 Global Coffee Market Insight & Specialty Coffee :11 20 ( ) 13:00~14:30 1. Ellie Hudson (Director of Professional Development, Specialty Coffee Association of America(SCAA)) 2. David Veal (Executive director, Specialty Coffee Association of Europe(SCAE)) Plenary Session 3 Changes in Coffee Market :11 20 ( ) 14:40~16:10 1. Chris Ryan (Editor, Fresh Cup Magazine / USA) 2. Dr. Dan Steffen (Principal-Scientific Regulatory Affairs, A-D Policy Analysis Inc. / USA)
6 Plenary Session 4 Coffee Leaf Rust :11 21 ( ) 09:00~10:30 by Biaan 1. () Prof. Edson Pozza (Department of Plant Pathology, Federal University of Lavras / Brazil) 2. Santiago Pardo (Director of Asia Region, Colombian Coffee Growers Federation / Colombia) Plenary Session 5 Coffee Price & Marketing Strategy :11 21 ( ) 10:40~12:10 by Biaan 1. Christopher L. Gilbert (Professor, Trento University / Italy) 2. Geoff Watts (Vice President, Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea / USA) Plenary Session 6 Relationship :11 21 ( ) 13:30~15:00 1. : David Piza (Relationship Coffee Manager, Sustainable Harvest Coffee Importers / Colombia) 2. : (TBC)
7 Plenary Session 7 Sustainability & Fair Trade :11 21 ( ) 15:10~16:40 1. (certification) (tool)? Juliette Caulkins (Emerging Sustainable Markets Director, UTZ Certified / Netherland) 2. Sugumar Raman (Regional Director Asia-Pacific, FLO-Cert / India) Panel Discussion 1 by Biaan by Biaan,? Changes in Coffee Market, What s Next? :11 20 ( ) 16:20~17:00 David Veal (Executive Director, Specialty Coffee Association of Europe(SCAE)) - Hidetaka Hayashi (President, Hayashi Coffee Institute / Japan) - Dr. Soetanto Abdoellah (Scientific Board, Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI) / Indonesia) - Bai Fang Lucy (Vice President of China Coffee Association Beijing(CCAB)) - Ellie Hudson (Director of Professional Development, Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA)) - Chris Ryan (Editor, Fresh Cup Magazine / USA) - Dr. Dan Steffen (Principal-Scientific Regulatory Affairs, A-D Policy Analysis Inc. / USA) Panel Discussion 2? What is the Constructive Way to Sustainable Development for Coffee Industry? :11 21 ( ) 16:50~17:30 :( ) - Prof. Edson Pozza (Department of Plant Pathology, Federal University of Lavras / Brazil) - Santiago Pardo (Director of Asia Region, Colombian Coffee Growers Federation / Colombia - Christopher L. Gilbert (Professor, Trento University / Italy) - David Piza (Relationship Coffee Manager, Sustainable Harvest Coffee Importers / Colombia) - Geoff Watts (Vice President, Intelligentsia Coffee & Tea / USA) - Juliette Caulkins (Emerging Sustainable Markets Director, UTZ Certified / Netherland) - Sugumar Raman (Regional Director Asia-Pacific, FLO-Cert / India)
8 Technical Session 1 Cupping :11 22 ( ) 09:00~12:00 : (Cupper) / 4. (Technical Session),,,,,. Technical Session 2 Barista :11 22 ( ) 14:00~17:00 : / WBC (World Coffee Adventure Session), by Biaan 6. (Business Session),, /. 7. B2B (B2B Business Meeting) / / / / / 1:1 B2B. PSA(Prescheduled Appointment) /,. 8. (World Coffee Youth Leadership Forum),, World Coffee Youth Leadership Forum..
04 Contents 1. Background 2. Outline 3. Schedule 4. Opening Ceremony (Sep.27(Tue)) 5. Sisterhood ceremony & Cultural performance (Sep.27(Tue)) 6. Movie- Jun-Ai / Banquet (Sep.27(Tue)) 7. Korea cultural
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