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1 International Conference on Green House Gas Reduction & Energy Management 2011 November 23, 2011 Harmony Ballroom, InterContinental Seoul Coex Hosted by_ Ministry of Knowledge Economy Organized by_ Korea Energy Management Corporation, Korea Management Association Consultants

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3 03 Contents

4 Invitation International Conference on GHG Reduction & Energy Management Now the Green Growth has become an indispensible success factor to determine national competitiveness. Most of the countries around the world are adopting Green Paradigm and the competition among private sectors for taking the Green Market leadership has become even fierce. Korea declared a national vision for Low-Carbon, Green Growth and enacted the Basic Law of Low-Carbon, Green Growth on April 14, Furthermore, Korea government enforced the world s first regulation titled Negotiated Agreement for Green House Gas & Energy Reduction in order to meet the national target for The Ministry of Knowledge Economy thus would like to hold International Conference on Green House Gas & Energy Management in order to support our industry to successfully comply with the regulation as well as to enhance global competitiveness of our industry. We sincerely hope that our conference will provide all participants with highly differentiated solutions and valuable insights to cope with given targets and further climate challenges. Thank you. Ministry of Knowledge Economy Title : International Conference on GHG Reduction & Energy Management 2011 Date & Time : 1:30PM ~ 5:50 PM, Wednesday, November 23, 2011 Venue : Harmony Ballroom (B1), InterContinental Seoul Coex Opening Session Session 1 Session 2 Opening Remarks, Welcoming Remarks Global Trends of Climate Change Action Best Practice & Best Available Technology for GHG Reduction & Energy Management

5 Green Growth, Targets for All! Conference Theme The conference theme has been initiated from the recognition that setting the targets and their compliance is the challenges for all of us. We put special emphasis on supporting our industry in complying with Negotiated Agreement by sharing most up-to-dated policies and solutions in GHG reduction from world s leading mentors. We will do our very best to prepare a beneficial and pleasant event going along with our conference theme, Green Growth, Targets for All. International Conference on Green House Gas Reduction & Energy Management

6 Conference Speakers International Conference on GHG Reduction & Energy Management 2011 Session1_ Global Trends of Climate Change Action Mr. Paul Dickinson (UK) CEO, Carbon Disclosure Project Topic : Current Trends of Climate Challenge Action of World s Leading Companies and Implications thereof Mr. Hans Bergman Head of Unit, DG Climate Action, EU Commission Topic : Policies and Measures for meeting EU s 2020 Climate Targets (Focusing on role and contribution of industry sector) 06 Session2_ Best Practice & Best Available Technology for GHG Reduction & Energy Management Mr. Fujiyoshi Kenji (Japan) Chairman, Mitsui Chemicals Topic : Mitsui's best practice case for Keidanren Voluntary Action Plan on the Environment Dr. Guido Daniel (Germany) Vice President, Uhde GmbH Topic : Introduction of Effective GHG Reduction Technology Ms. Dagmar Beitz (Germany) Director, SIEMENS Ltd. Topic : Introduction of Best Practice in tackling the Climate Challenges Mr. Jan-Uwe Kluessndorf (Germany) Director, BASF East Asia H.Q. Topic : Sharing the Best Practice of Voluntary GHG Reduction of BASF and Corporate Value Enhancement through the Experiences Mr. Kyung Hoon LEE (Korea) Sr. Director, POSCO Topic : Introducing the Best Practice of Climate Action Program Mr. Ki Don WON (Korea) Director, SKC Topic : Sharing Field-based Best Practice of Energy Management

7 07

8 Program International Conference on GHG Reduction & Energy Management 2011 Wednesday, 23 November :30-13:35 Opening Remarks Ministry of Knowledge Economy 13:35-13:50 Pre-Conference Ceremony 13:50-14:00 Break Time Session1_ Global Trends of Climate Change Action 08 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 15:20-15:45 15:45-16:10 16:10-16:35 16:35-17:00 17:00-17:25 17:25-17:50 Current Trends of Climate Challenge Action of World s Leading Companies and Implications thereof Mr. Paul Dickinson, CEO, Carbon Disclosure Project Policies and Measures for meeting EU s 2020 Climate Targets (Focusing on role and contribution of industry sector) Mr. Hans Bergman, Head of Unit, DG Climate Action, EU Commission 15:00-15:20 Break Time Session2_ Best Practice & Best Available Technology for GHG Reduction & Energy Management Mitsui's best practice case for Keidanren Voluntary Action Plan on the Environment Mr. Fujiyoshi Kenji, Chairman, Mitsui Chemicals Introduction of Corporate Strategies in Climate Action and Successful Applications to SIEMENS Business Model Ms. Dagmar Beitz, Director, SIEMENS Ltd. Sharing the Best Practice of Voluntary GHG Reduction of BASF and Corporate Value Enhancement through the Experiences Mr. Jan-Uwe Kluessendorf, Director, BASF Technology by ThyssenKrupp Uhde and KEPCO-Uhde for reduced Green House Gases emissions Dr. Guido Daniel, Vice President, Uhde GmbH Introducing the Best Practice of Climate Action Program Sharing Field-based Best Practice of Energy Management 17:50 Closing Mr. Kyung-Hoon LEE, Sr. Director, POSCO Mr. Ki-Don WON, Director, SKC

9 13:30-13:35 13:35-13:50 13:50-14:00 Session1_ 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 15:20-15:45 15:45-16:10 16:10-16:35 16:35-17:00 17:00-17:25 17:25-17:50 15:00-15:20 Session2_ 17:50 Closing 09

10 Venue Information Harmony Ballroom(B1), InterContinental Seoul Coex 10

11 Pre-Registration 11



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