학술원논문집 ( 자연과학편 ) 제 50 집 2 호 (2011) 97-137 콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 李弘䄷 * 李英豪 ** 李錫河 *** * Significance of Soybean as Food and Strategies for Self Sufficiency Improvement Hong Suk Lee*, Yeong-Ho Lee**, and Suk-Ha Lee*** ABSTRACT - 97 -
2 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 초록 - 98 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 3 Contents I. 서론 - 99 -
4 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 Ⅱ. 콩의영양적가치와그이용의다양성 β - 100 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 5 Table 1. Amino acid composition of soybean seed protein (protein nutritive value, % of amino acid per 100g) - 101 -
6 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 Table 2. Amino acid composition of soybean globulin protein (% of amino acid per 100g) β γ - 102 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 7 Table 3. Major chemical composition and characteristics of soybean oil Table 4. Amount of carbohydrate and polysaccharide in major legume plants (unit: %) - 103 -
8 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 Table 5. Starch and other oligosaccharide compositions in various levels of maturity (Unit: %) α β γ δ α γ δ β α β α δ - 104 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 9-105 -
10 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 - 106 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 11-107 -
12 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 - 108 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 13 α β - 109 -
14 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 - 110 -
콩의 식품적 의의 및 생산수급과 식용콩의 자급 향상 15 여덟째, 콩은 공업원료로도 널리 이용되고 있다. 즉, 니스(varnish), 에나멜, 페인트, 코팅, 잉크, 염료, 봉인물질, 약품, 비누, 화장품, 플라스틱, 소화거품, 안 정제, 윤활유, 디젤원료, 합판제조 등 공업원료로 널리 이용된다. 아홉째, 콩은 임상학적 이용과 기능성 식품으로 이용되고 있다. 콩 종실 중에는 불포화지방산이 많고, 식이섬유(dietary fiber), 올리고당(oligosaccharide), 이 소플라본(isoflavone), 피트산(phytic acid), 사포닌(saponin), 피니톨(pinitol) 등 다양한 생리활성물질을 함유하고 있다. Fig. 1. Utilization of soybean (Reference: Lee et al., 1994) - 111 -
16 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 - 112 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 17-113 -
18 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 Fig. 2. Diversity of seed color and size of Korea's domesticated soybean (Source: Department of Functional Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration) Ⅲ. 콩의세계적인생산수급 - 114 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 19 Table 6. Soybean cultivars with different characteristics and uses. Reference: National Institute of Crop Science, 2008. - 115 -
20 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 - 116 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 21 Table 7. Worldwide soybean cultivation and production * Statistics from Russia in 1961~1990. Reference: FAOSTAT, 2011. - 117 -
22 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 - 118 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 23 Table 8. Soybean export statistics (Source: FAOSTAT, 2011) - 119 -
24 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 Fig. 3. Global soybean demand forecast. (Blue line means total demand of soybean in million tons;left side numbers, and red line means demand of soybean for food use in million tons: right side numbers). Source: US and world agricultural outlook, FAPRI 2010. Iowa State University and the University of Missouri-Columbia, 2010. - 120 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 25 Table 9. Soybean import statistics (Source: FAOSTAT, 2011) - 121 -
26 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 Ⅳ. 우리나라의콩수급추세와전망 Table 10. Use of Korea's farmland and its status Reference: Important statistics for food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries 2010. - 122 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 27 Table 11. Status of food crop production. Reference: Important Statistics for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2010. - 123 -
28 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 - 124 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 29 Table 12. Progress of soybean production in Korea Reference: Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Statistical Yearbook 2010, etc. - 125 -
30 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 Table 13. Soybean production, import, and consumption for different purposes of use in Korea Reference: Important Statistics for Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 2010 and Food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries statistical yearbook 2010. * indicates data from Food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries statistical yearbook 2010. - 126 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 31-127 -
32 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 Table 14. Cultivated area on various crops for double cropping system (Unit: 1000ha) Reference: Important statistics for food, agriculture, forestry and fisheries 2010. - 128 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 33 Table 15. Soybean cultivated area in paddy fields and uplands of Japan Reference: Department of Statistics, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Japan, 2011. - 129 -
34 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 - 130 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 35 Table 16. Soybean cultivated area in upland and paddy fields in Korea Reference: National Institute of Crop Science, Rural Development Administration, 2010. - 131 -
36 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 - 132 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 37 V. 결론 - 133 -
38 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 - 134 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 39 참고문헌 - 135 -
40 李弘 李英豪 李錫河 - 136 -
콩의식품적의의및생산수급과식용콩의자급향상 41-137 -