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Answers for industry. NX NASTRAN,, FEA siemens.com/plm/nxnastran

. Aquila Engineering Ben Terrell Perth /, / Siemens..,. 24% 28% 36% 41% 47% (n=157) : Aberdeen Group 2010 4 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%,,....,..,. CAE. 2

NX Nastran Siemens PLM.. Arun Gupta Flovel Group. Challenge b.v. Paul Voerman FEA 40 Nastran,,,,.,,,, NX Nastran. NX Nastran. NX Nastran. NX Nastran.,. NX Nastran R&D.. Siemens CAE Siemens. SDRC UGS SIEMENS I-deas NX CAE Siemens PLM Software 40 I-deas, NX CAE, NX Nastran CAE. Teamcenter NX Nastran Nastran 3

NX Nastran,. Eucentre Roberto Nascimbene, 1/3. MT-Propeller Martin Albrecht NX Nastran,,,. /.. NX Nastran.,. NX Nastran. NX Nastran.. (post-buckling). (seal)... (critical speed).. 4

NX Nastran.,, NX Nastran.,.. NX Nastran NX Motion, RecurDyn, Adams, SIMPACK, MATLAB.. NX Nastran,.,,,.... NX Nastran.. ABB Analytical Nicolas Étienne 5

. George Laird Predictive Engineering.. NX Nastran. SMP(Shared Memory Parallel Processing). SMP(Shared Memory Parallel Processing). SMP. SMP, SMP. DMP(Distributed Memory Parallel Processing), SMP(Shared Memory Processing) DMP(Distributed Memory Processing). NX Nastran DMP. DMP I/O..,. 16 12 14.4 ( ) 8 4 11.2 9.0 0 1 CPU SMP=2 SMP=2 w/smem Intel Core 2 Duo 8GB RAM 68K SMP. 6

DMP. I/O. NX Nastran DMP,.. NX Nastran. DMP. ( ). DMP.,. 512 CPU. DMP Lanczos 100....,.. 400 399.,..,.. 300 200 100 0 182 150 4 16 32 57 46.5 38.5 64 128 512 DMP : 5000 200Hz 1521 : - Intel Nehalem 2.67GHz, 24GB RAM 7

NX NX Nastran.. Don Hoogendoorn Damen Shipyards Group NX Nastran FEA NX Nastran. NX Nastran. NX CAE Femap Siemens NX Nastran. NX CAE Femap. NX Nastran NX CAE Femap. NX Nastran FE.. NX Nastran. -, - NX Nastran. FE.. NX Motion, RecurDyn, Adams, SIMPACK MBD( ).. Siemens. NX Nastran FEA. 8

NX Nastran NX CAE. NX Nastran.. Siemens. Siemens PLM Software Dr. Louis Komzsik 9

NX Nastran NVH(, ),,.. NX Nastran..,., -. NX Nastran. NX Nastran. -, NX Nastran NX Thermal. NVH NVH. NX Nastran ( ),,,. NVH, NX Nastran NVH. 10

NVH. NX Nastran Nastran. NX Nastran CAE. NVH CAE Daimler AG Dr. Otto Gartmeier NX Nastran NX Thermal - - 11

Siemens NX Nastran. Siemens NX Nastran. DMAP(Direct Matrix Abstraction Program) DMAP(Direct Matrix Abstraction Program) NX Nastran, NX Nastran. DMAP, NX Nastran NX Nastran ( : ),,. NX Nastran. Siemens NX Nastran. 12

Direct Matrix Abstraction Programming NX NASTRAN.,. Drs. Siemens AG Industry Drive Technologies, Motion Control Hans-Georg Köpken, Thomas Flöck, Christian Ballauf NX Nastran NX Nastran.,. NX Nastran.. 13

NX Nastran. NX Nastran. NX Nastran Desktop NX Nastran Desktop. Desktop NX Nastran CAE (NX CAE Femap ) FE CPU. NX Advanced Simulation, NX Design Simulation Femap/NX Nastran NX Nastran Desktop. NX Nastran. 14

NX Nastran NX Nastran * ( ) NX Nastran DMAP(Direct Matrix Abstraction Programming) DMP(Distributed Memory Parallel Processing) NX Nastran.. Siemens PLM Software Jim Rusk NX Nastran Optimization NX Nastran Advanced Nonlinear NX Nastran Rotor Dynamics *.. / Siemens. NX Nastran Enterprise NX Nastran Enterprise. Enterprise NX Nastran (NX CAE, Femap, MSC Patran, Altair HyperMesh ) Nastran. NX Nastran CPU ( : ). 15

Siemens.. GTAC Siemens. GTAC(Global Technical Access Center). GTAC. GTAC. NX Nastran. GTAC,,. 16

NX Nastran. Damping Tedhnologies Ic. Kristopher Notestine. NX Nastran. NX Nastran. NX Nastran NX Nastran (pdf). html. NX Nastran,. NX Nastran CD-ROM GTAC. Siemens PLM Software NX Nastran. NX Nastran. 17

NX Nastran Siemens Siemens PLM Software NX Nastran FEA NX Nastran CAE.. NX Advanced Simulation CAD CAE. NX Nastran,. multi-physics. NX Topology Optimization NX Nastran NX Advanced Simulation... NX Advanced Durability NX Durability Wizard. NX Advanced FEM NX Advanced Simulation NX Nastran. NX Response Simulation NX Nastran.,,,. NX Flow NX Advanced Flow Simulation NX Advanced Simulation CFD. NX Nastran. NX Flow NX Thermal NX Advanced Thermal multi-physics. NX Thermal NX Advanced Thermal Simulation NX Advanced Simulation. NX Thermal NX Flow, NX Advanced Flow NX Nastran multi-physics. NX Laminate Composites NX Advanced FEM NX Advanced Simulation. NX Nastran. 18

NX FE Model Correlation NX FE Model Updating NX Advanced FEM NX Advanced Simulation. FE Model Correlation NX Nastran. FE Model Updating. Siemens PLM Software CAE NX Advanced FEM NX Advanced Simulation FEA. NX Advanced FEM FEA ( ). Ansys, Abaqus, LS-Dyna Nastran FE FE NX Advanced FEM. NX Electronic Systems Cooling Simulation. NX Space Systems Thermal Simulation. NX Motion Simulation, NX Motion Flexible Body NX Motion Control. NX Nastran, Matlab/Simulink. NX Design Simulation 3D NX. NX Nastran. Femap, CAD, Windows FEA. NX Nastran Desktop Femap. Femap Parasolid. Teamcenter, CAE,, CAE Teamcenter. Teamcenter NX Nastran, CAE. 19

Siemens Industry Software Granite Park One 5800 Granite Parkway Suite 600 Plano, TX 75024 USA +1 972 987 3000 Fax +1 972 987 3398 Granite Park One 5800 Granite Parkway Suite 600 Plano, TX 75024 USA +1 800 498 5351 Fax +1 972 987 3398 3 Knoll Road Camberley Surrey GU15 3SY United Kingdom +44 (0) 1276 702000 Fax +44 (0) 1276 702130 100 How Ming Street Suite 4301-4302, 43F Two Landmark East Kwun Tong Kowloon Hong Kong +852 2230 3333 Fax +852 2230 3210 30 39, SEI 16 +82 2 3016 2000 :+82 2 562 3787 Siemens PLM Software Siemens Industry Automation Division Siemens PLM Software PLM( ) 700 7 1. Siemens PLM Software. Siemens PLM Software www.siemens.com/plm. 2012 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. All rights reserved. Siemens Siemens Siemens AG. D-Cubed, Femap, Geolus, GO PLM, I-deas, Insight, JT, NX, Parasolid, Solid Edge, Teamcenter, Tecnomatix Velocity Series Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc..,,. 31785-X45-KO 2/13 L