RIF Lumino 노드설치및실행하기 사전준비사항 1. 동기화된 RSK 노드에대한액세스. 이는다음처럼여러가지방법으로획득 가능합니다. a. 테스트넷이나메인넷에서자기노드실행하기. https://github.com/rsksmart/rskj/wiki/install-rskj-and-join-the-rsk-orchid-mai nnet-beta 참조 b. 로컬로 RSK 노드구축하고실행하기. https://github.com/rsksmart/rskj/wiki/compile-and-run-a-rsk-node-locally 참조 2. 0.001 RBTC보다더낮지않은 RBTC 잔액이있는 RSK 계정 3. Linux OS 4. Python 3.6 5. Pip 6. Virtualenv 코드로 RIF Lumino 구축하기 1. [GITHUB.URL] 에서 [RELEASE.NUMBER] 코드획득하기 2. 다운받은경로나 Lumino 코드를복제한경로로가기 ( 이경로를 $RIF_LUMINO_PATH 라고부르기로합시다 ) 3. RIF Lumino 를위한 python virtual env 를생성하고 ( 이건한번만실행하면됩니다 ) 다음명령수행하기. virtualenv -p <PATH_TO_PYTHON3.6> clientenv
참고사항 1: <PATH_TO_PYTHON.36> 을시스템에 Python3.6 이설치된경로로대체합니다. Ubuntu OS 의경우이는주로 /usr/bin/python3.6 입니다. 참고사항 2: 오류메시지가뜨면 추가도움 섹션을참조하시기바랍니다. 4. 다음명령을수행해 python virtual env 를활성화합니다. source clientenv/bin/activate 5. virtual 환경안에서다음을실행해 Python 버전이정확한지확인하기. python --version 이명령은 3.6.x 버전을출력해야함 RIF Lumino 요구사항설치하기. virutal 환경안에서다음명령실행하기 : pip install -c constraints.txt --upgrade -r requirements-dev.txt 6. 다음명령으로 Lumino 셋업을실행합니다. python setup.py develop RIF Lumino 노드시작하기 1. $RIF_LUMINO_PATH로가기 2. 아직하지않았다면 source clientenv/bin/activate를실행합니다. 3. 다음명령실행 : lumino --keystore-path $KEYSTORE_PATH --network-id 31 --eth-rpc-endpoint $RSK_NODE_URL --environment-type development --tokennetwork-registry-contract-address=$tokennetwork_registry_contr ACT_ADDRESS --secret-registry-contract-address=$secret_registry_contract_address
ESS --endpoint-registry-contract-address=$endpoint_registry_contract_addr --no-sync-check --api-address= 다음목록은각필드를설명합니다. $KEYSTORE_PATH $RSK_NODE_URL 필드 $TOKENNETWORK_REGISTRY_CONTRA CT_ADDRESS $SECRET_REGISTRY_CONTRACT_ADD RESS $ENDPOINT_REGISTRY_CONTRACT_AD DRESS 내키스토어로의경로 설명 내 RSK 노드의 URL(http://URL:PORT) 배치된토큰 Registry 컨트랙트주소 ( 컨트랙트표보기 ) 배치된비밀 Registry 컨트랙트주소 ( 컨트랙트표보기 ) 배치된엔드포인트 Registry 컨트랙트주소 ( 컨트랙트표보기 ) 4. Lumino 명령을실행한뒤에는다음확인메시지가뜹니다. Welcome to RIF Lumino, version 0.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an Alpha version of experimental open source software released as a test version under an MIT license and may contain errors and/or bugs. No guarantee or representations whatsoever is made regarding its suitability (or its use) for any purpose or regarding its compliance with any applicable laws and regulations. Use of the software is at your own risk and discretion and by using the software you acknowledge that you have read this disclaimer, understand its contents, assume all risk related thereto and hereby release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Brainbot Labs Establishment or any officers, employees or affiliates from and for any direct or indirect liability resulting from the use of the software as permissible by applicable laws and regulations. Privacy Warning: Please be aware, that by using the Raiden Client, among others, your Ethereum address, channels, channel deposits, settlements and the Ethereum address of your channel counterparty will be stored on the Ethereum chain, i.e. on servers of Ethereum node operators and ergo are to a certain extent publicly available. The same might also be stored on systems of parties running Raiden
nodes connected to the same token network. Data present in the Ethereum chain is very unlikely to be able to be changed, removed or deleted from the public arena. Also be aware, that data on individual Lumino token transfers will be made available via the Matrix protocol to the recipient, intermediating nodes of a specific transfer as well as to the Matrix server operators. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you read, understood and hereby accept the above disclaimer and privacy warning? [y/n]: Y 를누르고엔터를입력하십시오. 5. 수락하고나면사용하고자하는계정선택을요청받게됩니다. 계속하려면계정을선택하고패스프레이즈를입력하십시오. 각환경을위한컨트랙트주소표 아래표에는각환경에서 RIF Lumino 네트워크에연결하기위해사용해야하는컨트랙트주소를찾아보실수있습니다. 이전섹션에서설명한명령을해당주소를사용해대체하시기바랍니다. 컨트랙트테스트넷메인넷 $TOKENNETWORK_REGI STRY_CONTRACT_ADDR ESS $SECRET_REGISTRY_CO NTRACT_ADDRESS $ENDPOINT_REGISTRY_C ONTRACT_ADDRESS 0xa494FC762181fF78Fe4C BB75D8609CCff1E63c1B 0xFd17D36EF2b3C5E71aB A059b3FC361644206213b 0xb048Af6c0FBFBF1c0c01 Ea9A302987011153dbB8 배치예정 배치예정 배치예정 추가도움 다음섹션은 Ubutu 16.04.6 OS 를실행하는기기에서여러패키지를설치하는방법을보여줍니다.
Python 3.6 설치하기 ( 출처 : http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2017/07/install-python-3-6-1-in-ubuntu-16-04-lts/) 자기 apt 에새로운저장소추가히기 : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:jonathonf/python-3.6 로컬 APT 저장소업데이트하기 : sudo apt-get update Python 3.6 설치하기 : sudo apt-get install python3.6 PIP3 설치하기 로컬 APT 저장소를업데이트하지않은경우 : sudo apt update pip3 설치하기 : sudo apt-get install python3-pip virtualenv 설치하기 로컬 APT 저장소를업데이트하지않은경우 : sudo apt update virtualenv 설치하기 : sudo apt-get install virtualenv python virtualenv 생성시오류발생 virtualenv -p... 명령을실행했을때다음과비슷한오류가발생하는경우 :
---- Original exception was: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/virtualenv.py", line 2363, in <module> main() File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/virtualenv.py", line 719, in main symlink=options.symlink) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/virtualenv.py", line 988, in create_environment download=download, File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/virtualenv.py", line 918, in install_wheel call_subprocess(cmd, show_stdout=false, extra_env=env, stdin=script) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/virtualenv.py", line 812, in call_subprocess % (cmd_desc, proc.returncode)) OSError: Command /root/raiden/clientenv/bin/python3.6 - setuptools pkg_resources pip wheel failed with error code 1 ---- 다음을수행하여해결할수있습니다 : export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8" export LC_CTYPE="en_US.UTF-8" 요구사항설치중오류발생 Lumino 요구사항을설치하는중에오류가발생하면다음절차를시도해보시기바랍니다 : 1. deactivate 명령을사용해 virtual 환경나가기 2. clientenv 폴더 : rm -rf clientenv 제거하기 필요한패키지를설치하고주요과정의 3 단계부터다시시작하십시오. 다음오류가발생하는경우 : Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-3qvhi58l/psycopg2/ python3.6 dev 패키지를설치하고다시시도하십시오. 그패키지를설치하려면다음을실행하십시오 : sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python3.6-dev 다음오류가발생하는경우 : Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-4ceg89vs/psycopg2/ 다음을실행해 psycopg2 를설치하십시오 :
pip3 install psycopg2 결론 기존단계모두를따르고나면 RIF Lumino 노드가설치완료되어실행이가능할것이며, RIF Lumino 네트워크의일부가되셨을것입니다. 이제부터는 RSK 에등록된모든토큰으로결제채널을만들고, 빠르고, 저렴하며신뢰할수있는결제를시작하실수있습니다.