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SICAF 206 Animated Film Festival Official Competition Rules and Regulations A. Administration Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival (SICAF) is organized by the SICAF Organizing Committee, the Seoul Metropolitan Government and Jung-gu Office with the support of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism B. Purpose SICAF 206 Animated Film Festival aims to introduce diversity and new trend of animations from the world and to extend its territory. C. Dates and Location SICAF 206 Animated Film Festival will be held from July 6 to 0, 206 in Seoul, Korea. D. Official Languages The official languages of the Festival are Korean and English E.. Qualification for Entry Any frame by frame or computer assisted animation video or film made for the cinema, television and/or the internet may be entered. Only works completed after st January 204 and never previously entered for selection at SICAF can be taken into consideration. Each entrant declares to be the author or rights owner of film(s) in competition and to own all the literary, artistic and musical rights. Failure to obtain such agreement will result in the works being disqualified from competition. Works must be registered under one of the following categories in order to compete. ) Feature Films : Works over 60 minutes in length or films made for cinema 2) Short Films : Works produced by professionals less than 60 minutes in length 3) Student Films : School or Graduation works less than 60 minutes in length 4) SICAF KID : Works made for children less than 60 minutes in length a) Films for 3-6 year olds b) Films for 7-2 year olds 5) SICAF Online: Short films and Promotional Works that available to online screening a) Advertising or promotional films (project pilots, music videos, game videos etc.) b) Educational, scientific or industrial films c) Portfolio works of student and professionals F. Technical Requirements ) For Pre-Selection - Works submitted for selection shall be presented on DVD. 2) For Selected Works One of the following is required for the official competition screenings. - 35mm film format (Optical Sound Track Only) - HD CAM - Digital Betacam (NTSC or PAL) - DCP - High Definition File G. Registration and Receipts ) No registration fee is required. 2) The entrant is under strict obligation to enclose : - Entry Form (including the director's biography and filmography) : Only completed and signed entry forms will be accepted. - A DVD Preview copy for selection (All non-english language entries must have English subtitles) - A CD or DVD including the following materials : 3 images of major scenes (The shortest side of min. 6cm in 300 dpi) with copyright information (If it s not submitted, directors name will be indicated) : or more photos of the director (min. 6cm X 8cm, 300 dpi) : Text of dialogue and/or commentary in original language and English. 3) Entry forms and DVDs/CDs for the selection must reach the festival office by April 29, 206. Works received after this date cannot be accepted for the official selection. SICAF Organizing Committee (Film Festival Team) A-203 Seoul Animation Center, 26 Sopa-ro, Jung-gu Seoul 00-250, Republic of Korea Tel : +82-2-3455-8436 Fax : +82-2-3455-842 E-mail : H. Transportation and Insurance ) For Pre-Selection - All the costs of transportation and insurance must be fully paid by the entrant. Any work sent to collect on deliver will be refused and returned - The SICAF Organizing Committee cannot accept customs fees. Please do not list a value higher than $ 20.00 USD on your entry package. - All the materials submitted for selection (including preview copies) will not be returned. 2) For Selected Works - The prints for the screenings must reach to the festival office no later than June 0, 206. - For the films selected for the Feature Films category, SICAF Organizing Committee will bear the round-way shipping cost, only in the case where the shipment has been made through the official courier service designated by the festival and the return is to the origin of the print. - For the films selected in the other categories, the entrant is responsible for the transport costs, insurance charges and customs fees incurred when shipping material to the Festival. SICAF Organizing Committee is responsible for the costs incurred with the return of material to the entrant - The SICAF Organizing Committee is responsible for film storage and insurance costs during the storage period. In case of loss or damage to prints, SICAF's insurance policy provides compensations to the entrant covering the cost of replacing the damaged material, to the extent of the cost of making a new print or videotape transfer.

SICAF 206 Animated Film Festival Official Competition Rules and Regulations I. Pre-Selection - The Pre-Selection will take place in May, 206. - The Selection Committees are responsible for choosing works presented in the official selection : a) Film included in the competition programs according to the categories specified in article E. b) Films included in the Special Competition_SICAF Choice section - The members of the Selection Committee, all of whom must be animated film professionals, will be appointed by the President of SICAF. - None of the members must be, in any way, involved in the production or distribution of works submitted for selection. - The selection result will be announced no later than May 25, 206 on the SICAF website,, and E-Mail Newsletter of SICAF. - After written notification of the Selection Committees' decision to the producers and directors, no request for the withdrawal of a work presented for the official selection will be accepted after June 0, 206. J. Final Selection - The Final Selection will be conducted during the festival, and the International Jury's responsible to decide the award-winning films. - The SICAF Organizing Committee will decide on the composition of the International Jury and the members of the Jury will be made public prior to the festival. - The Jury will be made up of 60% of foreign personalities, and no jury member must be involved in the production or distribution of works presented in competition. - The decision of the International Jury members will be considered final, and no questions regarding the decisions will be accepted. K. Awards Feature Films Short Films Student Films SICAF KID SICAF Online Special Competition (Korean currency: Won) 8,000,000,000,000 7,000,000 4,000,000,000,000 Audience's Choice,000,000 2,500,000,500,000,000,000 2,000,000,000,000 2,000,000 Netizen Choice,000,000 Best Korean Film,000,000 SICAF Asia,000,000 SICAF Choice,000,000 SICAF Fantastical,000,000 SICAF Audience Prize,000,000 L. Subtitling - For pre-selection and final-selection, all non-english language entries must have English subtitles for screenings. - The SICAF Organizing Committee will subtitle non-korean speaking films presented in competition. It will bear all expenses of this operation only if the festival office receives the complete English or Korean text of the dialogue and commentary, before June 0, 206. The Korean subtitle will remain the property of SICAF. - Non-English speaking films must be subtitled in English by the entrants themselves, at their own expense. M. Invitation - The conditions for covering costs for directors whose film is selected for the final in the competition are the following ) Feature Films, Short Films, Student Films SICAF KID and SICAF Online : Festival accreditation (badge) : Accommodation for a director (whose residence is out of Seoul Metropolitan Area. In case of co-direction, only one of the directors will be entitled to the hospitality) 2) SICAF Choice : Festival accreditation (badge) -The invitation is not transferable under any circumstances. -In no case will the SICAF Organizing Committee cover travel expenses. N. Screening - The selected films will be screened in theaters during the festival. - As for the SICAF Online the selected will be accessible on the SICAF official website and SICAF's official partner websites from the beginning of April 206, and screened in theatres during Festival period. Netizens can vote online during this period. O. Promotional Use - Unless otherwise indicated on the entry form, the entrant grants the SICAF Organizing Committee the right to show on television, theater, internet and mobile media for publicity purposes, up to 0% of the running time of his/her work to a maximum of three minutes. P. Additional Screening - Unless otherwise indicated on the entry form, the entrants are considered to grant the Organizing Committee the right to screen his/her production in the "Best of SICAF 206" and SICAF 206 Awards programs. Q. Donation and Return - The SICAF Organizing Committee gratefully accepts donations of prints of award-winning films and films in competition to the festival. - The SICAF Organizing Committee will start returning works within two weeks after the Festival has ended. Entrants, who wish to have their original works returned, must inform the Organizing Committee the return address. If the return address is different from its origin, the SICAF Organizing Committee will not cover the shipment expenses. - Works submitted for the pre-selection cannot be returned in any circumstance. R. Matters not Mentioned in the Regulations Matters not mentioned in these regulations will be decided by the SICAF Organizing Committee S. Acceptance of the Regulations By submitting the entry form for SICAF 205 Animated Film Festival, the entrant accepts, without reservation, the terms of the present regulations as stated in this document.

Entry No. (For festival office use only) Animated Film Festival 206. 07. 06 Wed. ~ 07. 0 Sun. OFFICIAL COMPETITION ENTRY FORM (Deadline: April 29, 206) (00-250) 서울특별시 중구 소파로 26 서울애니메이션센터 A동 203호 SICAF조직위원회 SICAF Organizing Committee, A-203 Seoul Animation Center, 26 Sopa-ro, Jung-gu, Seoul 00-250, Rep. of Korea Tel.: +82 2 3455 8436 Fax.: 82 2 3455 842 E-Mail: Official Website : 신청부문 Category 다음 중 한 가지만 선택해 주시기 바랍니다. Please mark one of the following categories. -. 장편 부문 Feature Films 러닝타임 60분 이상 또는 극장 개봉을 목적으로 한 작품 Works over 60 minutes in length or films made for cinema -2. 단편 부문 Short Films 러닝타임 60분 미만 완결성을 갖는 일반 작가의 작품 Works produced by professionals less than 60 minutes in length -3. 학생 부문 Student Films 러닝타임 60분 미만 완결성을 갖는 학생 및 졸업 작품 School or Graduation works less than 60 minutes in length -4. 시카프 키드 부문 SICAF KID 3-6세 대상 작품 Films for 3-6 year olds 7-2세 대상 작품 Films for 7-2 year olds -5. 시카프 온라인 부문 SICAF Online 뮤직비디오, 광고 및 홍보 영상 Music video, advertising and promotional Films 교육, 과학, 산업용 영상 Educational, Scientific, or Industrial Films 학생 및 일반 작가 포트폴리오 영상 Portfolio works of student and professionals 2. 작품 Film 원제 Original Title 작품명 Title 영문 제목 English Title 제작국가 Country of Production 제작년도 Year of Production 원어 Original Language 대사 Dialogue 자막 Subtitled Language 스태프 Credits 프로듀서 Producer 시나리오 Script 미술 Art 애니메이션 Animation 촬영 Camera No Dialogue 러닝타임 Running Time Minute 필름자수 Footage Feet Meters 관람 등급 Audience G_전체관람가 Kids 5_5세 이상 관람가 Young Adults 합성 Compositing 편집 Editing 음악 Music 음향 Sound 기타 Other Hour Second 2_2세 이상 관람가 Teens 8_청소년관람불가 Adults 시놉시스 Synopsis ( 00 자 내외로 간략히 써 주시기 바랍니다. within 50 words) 타 페스티벌에서의 상영 및 수상여부 Previous Festival Screenings (awards if any) WP(세계 최초 공개 World Premiere) AP(아시아 최초 공개 Asian Premiere) IP(제작 국가를 제외한 최초 공개 International Premiere_Screenings only in own country) KP(국내 최초 공개 Korean Premiere) 3. 제작기법 Techniques 해당사항에 모두 기재해 주시기 바랍니다. More than one answer is acceptable 셀 Drawing on Cels 종이 Drawing on Paper 유리 Drawing on Glass 인형 Puppet 오브제 Animated Objects 클레이 Clay 모래 Sand 픽실레이션 Pixilation 로토스코프 Rotoscope 컷 아웃 Cut-outs 2D 컴퓨터 2D Computer 3D 컴퓨터 3D Computer 기타 Other Techniques ( ) 4. 기술상 특징 Technical Features 본상영을 위한 작품 원본의 사항을 기재해 주시기 바랍니다. Check each applicable item regarding the original format for the festival screening. 상영포맷 Screening Format 35mm Digital Betacam(NTSC/PAL) HD CAM DCP Other ( ) 사운드 Sound Mono Stereo Dolby A Dolby SR Dolby Digital DTS SDDS Other ( ) 영상 비율 Screen Ratio. 2.35 (Scope) 4:3 6:9 Anamorphic 6:9 Letterbox 6:9 Other ( ) 색상 Color 흑백 Black & White 칼라 Color

5. 감독 Director 이 름 Name (English) Given) FAMILY) 전 화 Tel 약력 Biography ( 50자 내외로 간략히 써 주시기 바랍니다. within 00 words) 주요작품 및 수상경력 Filmography (awards if any) 6. 제작사 Production 학생작품 혹은 졸업작품일 경우 학교명을 기재해 주시기 바랍니다 If the film is produced at school, please specify the name of the school 회 사 Company 전 화 Tel(required) 담당자 Contact Name (English) 7. 배급사 Distribution 회 사 Company 전 화 Tel(required) 담당자 Contact Name (English) 8. 상영본 연락 및 반송처 Contact & Return for films and tapes 감독 Director 제작사 Production 배급사 Distribution 기타 Others ( 이메일 E-Mail ) 9. 영화제 홍보목적 활용의 승인 Agreement for the Promotional Use. 본 작품의 0% (*단편 : 분 미만), 3분 이내 분량을 영화제의 홍보를 위해 TV, 극장, 인터넷, 모바일 등 공식 홍보 매체를 통해 공개하는 데 I grant SICAF the right to show on television, theater, internet, mobile media, etc. for publicity purposes, up to 0% (In case of short films : maximum minute) of the running time of my work to a maximum of 3 minutes. 동의합니다 I agree 동의하지 않습니다 I do not agree 2. 본 작품이 영화제 기간동안 개최될 수 있는 Best of SICAF 206 상영회에 포함되기를 I wish to have my film considered for a Best of SICAF 206 program, which will be screened during the festival. 희망합니다 I wish 희망하지 않습니다 I do not wish 3. 본 작품이 본선결과 수상작으로 결정될 경우, 영화제 종료 후 개최 될 SICAF 206 수상작 특별 상영회(제휴 해외영화제 특별상영 및 국내상영)에 포함되기를 If this film wins an award at the final competition, I wish to have my film screened for a SICAF 205 Awards program, which will be held after the festival (including In-cooperation festival abroad). 동의합니다 I agree 동의하지 않습니다 I do not agree 0. 자료의 기증 Donation 본심에 진출할 경우 작품의 원본 또는 사본 부를 영화제 자료로 기증 함에 I agree to have the festival keep a copy of my film for the Archive of SICAF. 출품구비서류 Application C 동의합니다 I agree 동의하지 않습니다 I do not agree. 출품구비서류 Application Checklist 출품신청서 Entry Form 심사용 DVD 사본 부 DVD for Preview copy 작품 주요장면 이미지 3장 (한 변의 길이 6cm 이상, 해상도 300dpi) 3 images of major scenes (The shortest side of min. 6cm in 300 dpi) 감독 사진 컷 이상 (최소 6cm x 8cm, 해상도 300 dpi) or more photos of the director (min. 6cm x 8cm, 300 dpi) 원어 및 영어 대본 Text of dialogue and commentary in original language and English 비영어 대사를 포함한 작품은 반드시 영어자막이 포함된 상영본 제출 All non-english language entries must have English subtitles for preview 이상의 기재 내용이 사실임을 확인하며, SICAF 206 영화제 출품규약에 동의합니다. I do hereby declare that the above statement to be true and correct, and agree to all the regulations of SICAF 205 Animated Film Festival. 날짜 Date 출품자(사)명 Name of the Entrant (Company) 서명 Signature

By post Transportation & Customs All materials must be sent with the following statement: <No commercial value, for cultural purpose only> Please remark the value on the invoice as less than 20 USD. Shipping Label Please put this label on your sending envelope. 제 20 회 서울국제만화애니메이션페스티벌 The 20 th Seoul International Cartoon & Animation Festival [00-250] 서울특별시 중구 소파로 26 서울애니메이션센터 A 동 203 호 SICAF 조직위원회 영화제팀 T: 02.3455.8436 F: 02.3455.842 SICAF Organizing Committee A-203 Seoul Animation Center 26 Sopo-ro, Jung-gu Seoul 00-250, Rep of Korea T: 82.(0)2.3455.8436 F: 82.(0)2.3455.842 By e-mail All materials must be sent to Dropbox WeTransfer Other Online services provided. In order to take part in the pre-selection, preview files or downloadable links must be